Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (168) The Jealous Step-Father

  • 21 hours ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland. Struggling against extreme odds,
00:21traveling dangerous trails, fighting the many enemies of nature. This is the job
00:26of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill. Pouring rain, freezing cold,
00:32blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain lions. Yes, all this
00:38in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:49You know boys and girls, jealousy is a terrible disease and it's no respecter
00:55of persons. Yes, even Christians can get this horrible affliction if they don't
01:00let the Lord completely rule their lives. In our story today, Bill and the fellas
01:05run into plenty of trouble with a jealous man. Jealousy can be so powerful
01:11that it can even turn you against those you love most. You'll see what we mean in
01:16the story, The Jealous Stepfather.
01:27What's that sound? It's the ranger's snowmobile gliding along the highway
01:32into knotty pine. Bill and the fellas are returning from a tough day of
01:37snowshoeing through the forests, marking trees for lumberjacks to cut. When the
01:42forests get overcrowded with trees, the dense growth will keep out too much
01:46sunlight and injure some of the smaller trees. So the fellas have marked certain
01:51ones to be cut and snaked out to keep the rest of the stand healthy. Let's join
01:56the Rangers inside their snowmobile.
02:00You sure put in a good day's work today, sonny. I'll be marking trees in my sleep.
02:13You won't be alone, old-timer. Henry, turn the heat off, will ya? It's making me too
02:19willing to saw wood. Okay, it's a good thing we aren't going up and down hills
02:25now, or you fellas would fall to sleep like being rocked in a cradle. Let's
02:29change the subject, shall we? Why, go sound to sleep, just a suggestion. I hope you
02:35fellas don't mind that I'm gonna open my window. Go ahead, chubby. We're almost to edge of town now,
02:41but not long until we stretch legs. Yeah, about ten minutes is all. Hey, Henry, pull
02:47over and stop. Huh? Okay, right away. What's wrong? What's going on, sonny? You see
02:53something? Yeah, I saw a boy walking along the road. Maybe he lives just a short way
02:58into town. This fellow is walking away from town. I wonder why that is. It can get plenty cold out now, sun go down.
03:05That ain't the only thing, sonny. There ain't a house along the road he's traveling. That's right.
03:10This highway runs right into the forest. Let's turn around and go after him. There's
03:14something wrong here. Right. If we let him keep going, he'll freeze to death by morning.
03:29Hey there, young feller. You better not walk out there tonight. At least you got an electric overcoat on. It's gonna be mighty cold. I'll be all right, mister. Don't worry about me. You must be joking, son. There isn't a house for the next 50 miles along this road. You better come in here with us. We'll take you home. I'll be okay. I don't want to go home. You better listen to Bill. You'll freeze to death if you keep going. I said I'll be okay, didn't I? Now leave me alone. In my
03:58own business. What's wrong with him, Bill? He's talking through his hat. I don't know what's wrong. Hey, son, you get into this snowmobile right away or I'll come out there and bring you in. You better do like Bill say. You not fool around. Oh, all right. But you aren't taking me home. We'll talk about that later. Come on, hop in. I think you'll find it a couple of degrees warmer in here, sonny.
04:29Now what in the name of common sense made you take this road out of town for a walk? Who are you mad at, anyhow? How'd you know I was mad at somebody? Well, your face can be read like an open book. Well, the wrinkles on your face would make a fella think you're as old as I am. Pretty good. And smart, too. How can you tell that I'm mad? What's your name, son? Gary Dick.
04:55Might as well tell us. You know, we'll find out sooner or later. How? Your folks will call the sheriff and he'll tell us that you're missing. That's how. You tell us the whole story and we try to help you with the problem. That's part of our job to help people in trouble. That's right, young fella. The sooner you tell us the whole thing, the quicker we'll be able to help you.
05:17Okay. I'm Gary Danforth. I live at 69 Pleasant Drive. But I'm leaving home because my stepfather doesn't want me there. All he does is kick me around and yell at me. How old are you, Gary? Fifteen. Perhaps if you went home, everything would be all right now. We all have misunderstandings at one time or another. No, I can't go home. You hear me? I can't.
05:45Um, what about your mother? Probably worried sick by now. I know. You could call her and tell her I'm okay. But please don't make me go home. I'll just get another beating if you do.
06:00I'm so glad you called, Mr. Jefferson. I've been so worried about Gary. He's safe and sound, Mrs. Danforth. However, he violently objects to going home. I'm afraid the boy has good grounds for that. Would you keep him there at least for tonight, please?
06:28Well, I don't know, Mrs. Danforth. This is really a problem for the sheriff and the juvenile authorities. This doesn't come under a ranger's jurisdiction.
06:38Mr. Jefferson, please don't call the sheriff and the others. It would simply infuriate him beyond description. You've helped so many people. Won't you help me?
06:49Perhaps I'd better come to your home and talk with you, Mrs. Danforth.
06:54Please do. I'll expect you shortly.
06:57I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye.
07:07Come in, gentlemen.
07:09Mrs. Danforth, this is Ranger Graywolf. He's one of my staff assistants. Graywolf also merits the same confidence you can put in me.
07:18I understand. Gentlemen, I married Jake Danforth after being a widow for several years. Jake works for the railroad. He's a section foreman.
07:28I've met him.
07:30Jake was all right for about a year after we were first married. He and Gary got along so well. Then Jake began to change. The change was hardly noticeable at first, but then it began to get worse.
07:49Gary, look at your room. It's a mess.
07:53Yes, sir. I know. I've been working on a model airplane. I'll clean it up as soon as I'm through.
07:58You'll clean it up right now, do you hear?
08:00But I'm still working on my model.
08:02Are you talking back?
08:04No, sir. Just explaining.
08:06When your mother tells you to do something, you don't talk back. So don't try it on me, understand? Clean up your room right now. And no lift.
08:18How come you got all of Gary's clothes on the table, Arlene?
08:22I'm looking them over to see what new clothes he needs.
08:24New clothes? What's the matter with them?
08:26Some of them are getting shabby, Jake.
08:28Well, have them repaired. That's what I have to do with mine. Everything that's done around here is for Gary.
08:40What kind of a contraption is this you've slapped together?
08:44It's a birdhouse.
08:47You'd never know it. Your mother expects me to do a perfect job of making things. And I expect the same from you.
08:59I hear that you refer to me as Jake and not as your father. Is that right?
09:05That's right. I'll call you Dad when you treat me like a son.
09:09I've only touched on the high spots, gentlemen. Lately, Jake's been beating the boy for absolutely no reason at all. I'm afraid Gary's had enough of it.
09:25I'd say that Jake's got a bad case of jealousy, Mrs. Danforth.
09:29There's no doubt about it.
09:31Oh, Jake.
09:33Is that brat of yours home yet?
09:35Huh. What are the Rangers doing here?
09:38They found Gary walking on the highway. He's safe and sound.
09:42He won't be when I get my hands on him. I'll teach him to run away from home.
09:46You won't get that opportunity, Jake.
09:48Who says I won't? Bring him out here, Arlene, and I'll whip him within an inch of his life right here in front of the law.
09:55No, you won't. Gary's at Mr. Jefferson's home where he'll be safe.
09:59Is that so? Well, you get him over here right now or I'll have you arrested for kidnapping.
10:04Please, dear. Don't talk like a fool.
10:07Bill, please keep Gary until we get this straightened out.
10:10Gary won't be brought home until I'm sure that he'll be treated like a boy should.
10:15Let's go, Gray Wolf.
10:17You ain't going to keep that kid.
10:19I'm going over there and take him away from you, badge or no badge.
10:22Don't let the badge scare you. I'll take it off.
10:25You're not getting the boy back until you can learn to treat him properly.
10:34Come on, Gary. Cheer up. Have some more flapjacks.
10:37Thanks. I hope everything is going to work out okay.
10:42I'm worried about Mom.
10:44Your mother's all right, Gary.
10:46Come on, now. Eat a good breakfast.
10:50It's Jake. He's after me.
10:52Henry, keep Gary here in the kitchen.
10:54I'll be back in a minute.
10:56Come on, now. Eat a good breakfast.
11:00It's Jake. He's after me.
11:02Henry, keep Gary here in the kitchen.
11:04I'll see what Jake wants.
11:07Okay, Jake. I hear ya.
11:13Oh, so you want to play rough, huh?
11:16Bill, your mouth's bleeding. Are you hurt bad?
11:19I'm all right, boys. Get back in the kitchen.
11:22Okay, Bill.
11:24Get up, Jake.
11:31Ranger, you got some power in your punch.
11:34I feel like I've been kicked by a mill.
11:38Now you listen to me.
11:40I'm going to get you out of here.
11:44Kicked by a mill?
11:46Now you listen to me, Jake.
11:48And listen hard.
11:50You found out it's a different story
11:52when you try to beat someone your own size.
11:54I talked with the sheriff.
11:56He's letting me try to help you at my request.
11:59There's a law against beating children
12:01beyond the limits of normal punishment.
12:03Your wife or I could have you locked up right now.
12:06Yeah? We'll see about that.
12:09I got some rights, too, even though I'm only his stepfather.
12:13I'm sorry you're so jealous of Gary.
12:16Ranger, you make me laugh.
12:18I'm not jealous of anyone, especially that kid.
12:22Have it your own way.
12:24However, you can get rid of that jealousy if you try.
12:27You mind your own business, and I'll take care of mine.
12:30That kid's my business, and don't forget it.
12:43Let's get on with it, you lazy louts.
12:46No man has time to breathe when he works for me.
12:49Maybe it's a good idea
12:51if you stop the breathing, you slave driver.
12:53I'll clean all the teeth out of your mouth
12:55if you wise off like that once more.
12:57Get to work.
12:59This switch has to be replaced by a new one.
13:07I'm sorry, sir.
13:09Hey, Coney.
13:11He didn't hit me, but he might have hit you, man.
13:14I wouldn't dare.
13:16Me and the rest of the boys are gonna see the super tonight at the work.
13:19Yeah? What about?
13:21About Jake. Either he goes or us.
13:39You, um, wanna see me, boss?
13:42Yes, Jake.
13:44I warned you several times about your slave-driving tactics
13:47and your abuse of your men.
13:49Oh, I ain't abusing them, Clem.
13:51Just getting an honest day's work out of the lazy bums.
13:54Is that right? I can't allow this to go on any longer.
13:57You're fired.
13:59What? Why of all the low-down tricks?
14:02I'll punch you right in the nose.
14:05Don't try it, Jake.
14:07I thought you'd take it this way,
14:09so I had a couple of the boys stand by.
14:12That's all. Your actions have more than justified my decision.
14:15Now get out.
14:30What are you gonna do about Jake?
14:32Perhaps a positive approach would work on Jake
14:35instead of a negative one.
14:37Jake's used to force and brutality to get what he wants.
14:40He knows how to defend himself
14:42against counterforce and physical punishment.
14:45Oh, I get it.
14:47Instead of trying to force Jake to behave,
14:50we use the kindness approach,
14:52a Christlike way of showing him where he's wrong.
14:55Yeah. I think we can get through to him this way.
14:58He won't know how to protect himself against kindness
15:01and a Christlike concern.
15:03Perhaps with the Lord's help, we can change him,
15:06especially if he'd turn to the Lord as his savior.
15:09It's sounded good to me, Bill.
15:11You have a strong point.
15:13So far, we try to help Jake all by ourselves.
15:16We do better if we ask God to help us.
15:19I've got it.
15:21Ranger headquarters. Henry Scott speaking.
15:24Is Mr. Jefferson there? This is Arlene Danforth.
15:27It's for you, Bill. This is Danforth.
15:29Oh, thanks, Henry.
15:32Hello, Mrs. Danforth.
15:34Mr. Jefferson, Jake's in a terrible mess. He's in jail.
15:39Yes. Can you come quickly?
15:41I think you're the only one who can handle him.
15:54Let me out of this hole, or I'll tear the place apart!
15:57Jake's bellering like a wounded moose. He's really mad.
16:00You're not joking there, Stumpy. He belongs in an asylum.
16:03The way he laid his boss in the freight yard
16:06as he walked home and beat him badly.
16:09Four of my best men also took a beating before they got the cuffs on him.
16:12What's the charge, Cal?
16:14Assault and battery.
16:16Property damage and...
16:18I'm not sure, but the assault and battery charge
16:21should have with intent to kill after it.
16:24Please, Sheriff, don't charge him with intent to kill.
16:27Jake's a good man.
16:29But his terrible temper almost drives him out of his mind.
16:32He's also been going through trying times with Gary.
16:35He's almost insanely jealous of my son.
16:38Yes, I know.
16:40A lot of natural fathers go through the same thing he's going through as a stepfather.
16:45But he beat his former boss pretty badly.
16:48His former boss?
16:50Yes. He was fired tonight for abusing his men.
16:53I know he deserves punishment, but I keep hoping
16:56that something can be done to help him.
16:58You're a wonderful wife, Mrs. Danforth.
17:01Jake doesn't deserve the fine family he's got.
17:04Let me talk to him, Cal.
17:06I don't know, Bill. You're like a caged tiger.
17:09No, I'm not afraid of Jake. He knows it.
17:11Let me see what I can do.
17:13Okay. I hope I don't have to haul you out of his cell in pieces.
17:17Let's go.
17:19Let me out of here!
17:21Tomorrow, I'll tear you guys in pieces!
17:24You can't hold me!
17:26Let me out of here, Sheriff, or you'll be sorry!
17:29You hear?
17:31You've got a visitor. Stand back from the cell door.
17:34Open the door, Cal. He won't come out.
17:39I'll yell when I'm ready to come out, Cal.
17:42Okay, Bill. If he gives you trouble, let me know.
17:46I can find him.
17:48They're trying to get you.
17:50You hear?
17:56I said, I can find him.
17:59I said, I can find him!
18:01I said...
18:02I can find him!
18:04I said, I can find him!
18:06trouble, let me know. What are you doing here, Bill? What you up to? I want to help
18:15you if you'll let me, Jake. You're in serious trouble. An assault on battery could get
18:21you a stiff sentence, especially with your reputation as a war maker. What made
18:26you beat up your former boss? I got mad. The fine break a stepfather gets with
18:36his kid acting up, then the boss has to act up too. Jake, have you ever tried
18:43winning anybody over with love and kindness? Yeah. How about Cary? What have
18:49you done for him to make him love and respect you? A stepfather has three
18:56strikes against him right from the start. That's not true. All stepfathers were
19:01like you, I'd agree, but there are a lot of them who have won their hearts with
19:06love and kindness and companionship. In fact, there are some who treat their
19:12stepchildren better than their natural fathers did. Maybe so, but I'll never be
19:19able to do it. You can if you try. Jake, I'll go to bat for you on these
19:24charges if you'll promise me that you will make a real effort being a good
19:28father and a peaceful man. Damn, what's the use? I get mad too easy. I've been
19:36this way for years. I can't change now. You can't change, no, but Christ can come
19:43into your life, change it for you. I don't get it. When a man will admit that
19:50essentially his rebellion and jealousy against his fellows is really against
19:55God, and will lay down his arms and ask for forgiveness, Christ himself will
20:01enter into his life and forgive him and remain there to give him power. A man can
20:09ask God for help to conquer his temper. Yeah, but what about the trouble I'm in?
20:17Jake, I'm willing to help you if you'll give God a chance to work in your life.
20:23Well, I don't know about this business of getting Christ in my heart, but I'll
20:31pray. Good, although the only real answer to your problem is Christ in your heart
20:37and life. If you'll pray, I'm willing to help you. Okay, it's a deal. I promise to
20:46do my best. Fine, now I'll get busy and live up to my part of the promise.
20:53Sure, I'll go home now. I'm not as scared anymore since you've explained things.
21:09I'm glad you came and talked to me, Bill, and Jake's a good man. All he needs is
21:14self-control. I'll withdraw the charges.
21:21Sure, I'll let Jake out. Far be it from me to stop a man from changing the color
21:27of his spots from bad to good.
21:34Sure, Bill, me and the boys understand. I'll tell you what we do. We ask the boss
21:41to hire Jake back. If Jake will be a changed man like you say, then he'll be a
21:46good boss, okay?
21:52Bill, you lived up to your promise. Now I'll live up to mine. You wait and see.
21:58From now on, I'm a changed man. I'm gonna really pray.
22:10Mr. Jefferson, I just had to stop by and thank you for the wonderful job you've
22:21done with Jake. He's such a different man. He's the good man I knew he could be if
22:26he tried. I'm pleased to hear the good report, Mrs. Danforth. The fellas and I have
22:32prayed for Jake. If he'll let the Lord control his life, everything will be
22:36all right from now on. Yes, I appreciate your prayers, gentlemen. I've prayed so long
22:41for this and the Lord's answered so wonderfully. Well, I must run along to
22:45the market. Goodbye and thank you again.
22:51Well, that's another job done, sonny. And a good one, too. You have plenty of right idea, Bill.
22:59You help him and a good one. Well, I'll say, it sure did take a long time.
23:07Ranger headquarters. Bill, you'd better get down here right away. This is Clem. What's wrong? Jake's in a fight. He's got some men trapped in a train shed.
23:15Well, can't you take some men to go after him? Certainly I could, but somebody's gonna get hurt. Jake's got a six-foot crowbar and he's using it in a club.
23:22Okay, Clem, we'll be right down. Goodbye. Jake again? Yeah, he's running amok down in the
23:28freight yard. Henry, get Gary and meet us there.
23:41Is that the train shed ahead, Clem? Yeah, it's suicide to try and go in there, Bill.
23:46A couple of the boys almost got their heads bashed in trying. Gray Wolf, wait
23:50here for Henry and Gary. Bring them to the shed when they get here, but keep
23:54them back safely until I call for you. Oh, I do. Stumpy, get your rifle ready to
23:59use, but only if necessary. You ain't going in there, Bill. What else? Jake can't kill you. He's like a madman.
24:07The boys are right, Bill. If you're gonna use a rifle, you'd better make it count.
24:10I assume no responsibility otherwise. You won't have to, Clem. Are you ready, old-timer?
24:15Yep, I sure am. Let's get it done. All right, keep me covered. I'm no match for that crowbar if he gets a chance to use it.
24:23Let's go, but stay in back of me. Never mind about the back of you. You just watch out for that crowbar. Let's go.
24:38Jake, I'm coming in. Keep back, Ranger. I'll use this crowbar on you just as quick as I'm gonna use it on these guys.
24:46Now look out, Ranger. He's right there in the side of the door. I'm coming in, Jake.
24:50You come through that door and you'll get it. You ain't no friend. You're like the rest of them.
24:55I'll show you what happens to guys like you if you come through that door. If you want to fight,
25:00come out and fight in the open like a man. Yeah, and get shot. If you want me, come and get me.
25:06I'm coming right now. I'm waiting. Raywolf. I'm right here with Gary. What's the matter, Ranger?
25:14You yellow like the rest of them. Gary, talk to him. Call him Dan. I don't know if I want to.
25:22I'm waiting, Ranger. I'll be after you in one minute if you don't come out peaceful.
25:27If you want me, come and get me. Gary, he still needs your help. If you don't talk to him, I'm going after him.
25:34He might get shot. Make up your mind fast, son. I can't leave those men in there with Jake much longer.
25:41Where are you, Ranger? Dad, put down the crowbar and come on out.
25:49Please come out, Dan. It's me, Gary. Is that you, Gary? Sure, Dan. It's really me.
25:59Show yourself so I know it's no trick. Watch him, Stumpy. Gary, we're going together. Walk alongside
26:08and a little back so I can stop him if he comes for you. Raywolf, get the boy out of the fireworks start.
26:16Where are you, Gary? Let's go. Talk to him, Gary. I'm right here, Dad. Drop the crowbar and come on out.
26:24Please, Dad.
26:32All right, son. I'm coming out peaceful.
26:39You haven't called me Dad in a long time.
26:44Do you really mean it? Sure, I do. I wasn't sure a minute ago, but I am now.
26:50Thanks, son. From now on, I'm going to act like your dad should.
26:59Bill, I'm tired of fighting the world with my bare fists.
27:04Jake, you've still got your job. I found out the men were ridiculing you because you're trying to
27:09change yourself for the better. I know you were goaded into that fight. They won't do it again,
27:14or they'll be looking for work elsewhere. Oh, Clem, I don't deserve this, but
27:22I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
27:26Jake, do you know what really went wrong? Yeah, I found out that you were right.
27:43Just praying to God for help didn't work. I forgot to pray.
27:50That business I have in Christ in my heart, well, that's what I need. Right, Jake. Prayer is good,
27:58but Christ himself controlling our lives is the only answer to any problem.
28:04See you next week for more adventure with Ranger Bill!
28:34Hi, fellas and gals, Ranger Bill again, stepping in here for less than a minute
28:56to invite all of you out there to another half hour of adventure next week at this special spot
29:03on your radio dial. So next time, call up your friends or get together with them and join all of
29:10us Rangers for a session of fighting forest fires, grappling with grizzly bears, or just plain trying
29:17to help somebody out. I'm sure you'll enjoy the story and you might just learn something that'll
29:24be a real help to you in later life. So next week, be sure to listen.
