Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (172) The Road Ghost

  • 21 hours ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous
00:26trails, fighting the many enemies of nature.
00:29This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:33Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain
00:40Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:54Say have you ever heard of animal ghosts?
00:57Gus McDougal, the owner of a large bus line, has problems with ghosts, and Bill and his
01:03rangers are directly involved.
01:05In fact, the ghosts almost put Gus out of business, and Bill is hard put to solve the
01:11problem of ghosts appearing along forest edges at night.
01:15What would you do if a man told you that you had to stop his men from seeing ghosts?
01:21That's quite a question, isn't it?
01:23Well let's find out what Bill and the fellas do in the story, The Road Ghost.
01:38Big Sandy Thomas is pushing his cross country bus as hard as he can and yet drives safely.
01:44The large vehicle has a full load of 55 sleeping passengers as the bus roars through the night.
01:50The drive from Junction City to Knotty Pine is the last leg of a long trail for Sandy.
01:56One of the passengers sitting directly behind the driver's seat speaks a few words now and
02:01Say, driver.
02:03Why do you flash your brights every time you climb a hill?
02:11I do that to alert a driver coming up the other side that I'm here, not to pass on the
02:16way up.
02:17Say that's smart safety.
02:18That'd be good for anybody driving in hilly country.
02:20Yeah, it'd save a lot of accidents.
02:23Of course, you're not supposed to pass on a hill, but there's always a wise guy on every
02:29Hey, driver, you have the time?
02:38Right on the head.
02:40It's too dark to see my watch.
02:42Quite all right.
02:43I suppose it's too dark for you to see the sign over my head, too.
02:47You mean the one about not talking to the driver while the bus is in motion?
02:51Yeah, that's the one.
02:53Everybody breaks rules and regulations, you know.
02:55They do, huh?
02:57That's what they're made for.
02:59Boy, I'm sure glad you're not driving on the other side of this hill.
03:05Hey, there's a deer in the road!
03:11All right, folks.
03:12All right.
03:13Quiet down.
03:14Take it easy.
03:16How's the damage done to the bus?
03:18What is it?
03:19I don't believe it.
03:20Anybody hurt?
03:21No, we're just shaking up.
03:22That's all, but...
03:23Oh, I'm sorry.
03:24I'll back the bus onto the road, and we'll be in Knotty Pine in 40 minutes.
03:27What happened, driver?
03:28Last six, you like to scare the life out of me.
03:31I saw a deer on the road and tried to avoid hitting it.
03:34I didn't see any deer.
03:35And I'm sitting right behind you.
03:37You didn't?
03:39Well, that's strange, because I sure saw it.
03:42It had a funny color, like a ghost deer.
04:00Now, now, take it easy, folks.
04:03The doctor's on his way over, and he'll check all of you for any possible injury.
04:07What about the driver?
04:10He's the one that should be checked before he kills somebody.
04:13Now, how do you explain away what happened, Mr. McDougal?
04:16I'm not trying to explain away anything.
04:19It's not unusual for animals to jump in front of vehicles driving along forest highways.
04:24The bus' headlights picked up the deer as they bounded across the road and startled the driver.
04:29Then perhaps.
04:30But why did the driver take off to the side of the road like he did?
04:35Well, ladies, there might have been a serious accident if Sandy hadn't pulled onto the shoulder.
04:40Running into a deer or any large animal could put even a heavy bus completely out of control.
04:46Or turn it over.
04:47Well, I'm satisfied that everything's all right.
04:50For a minute, I thought the driver won off his rocker.
04:53So did I.
04:54Land sakes, whoever heard of seeing ghost animals on the road?
05:05Gus had a good, sound answer to this one.
05:10But his fine, logical remarks soon go up in smoke.
05:14A series of accidents follow over a period of three weeks.
05:21Three nights after the first incident, Paul Gibbish drives the same route.
05:25It's late at night.
05:27The bus nears a narrow bridge and a car is crossing from the other end.
05:31Suddenly, the bus swerves into the path of the oncoming car.
05:43How are you feeling, Paul?
05:45Oh, not bad.
05:47I'll be as good as new after my arm bends.
05:50How's the driver of the car, boss?
05:52He wasn't hurt too badly.
05:54Saw you swerve and braced himself for the crash.
05:57What happened?
06:00A deer jumped in front of the bus.
06:03Boy, it sure had a ghostly look.
06:07Two more accidents occurred in a lesser degree than the one Paul had.
06:11It wasn't long before the whole country around Knotty Pine, Junction City, Canyon City and Centerville was in a hubbub.
06:17What do you think about all them there bus accidents, Knute?
06:21Well, I think there's something wrong for sure.
06:23I ain't riding them there buses until they find out what it is.
06:26I was on the bus that had that first accident, Phil.
06:29And I'm telling you for your own good, don't ride on those buses.
06:33I don't intend to, Jane.
06:35I want to keep my body in one piece.
06:37Maybe those drivers need a psychiatrist.
06:42I don't allow zeds, however hurt, or ghost animals, do you?
06:46Nope. Don't reckon to do, Josh.
06:48I wouldn't ride in one of them there buses if you paid me.
06:53In my old burrow, she's much safer.
06:59Gus, do you have time for an interview?
07:01Yeah, sure, Frank.
07:03What makes you think I have got a story for the Gazette?
07:06Man, you're the hottest news of the day.
07:08Everybody's talking about the road ghosts.
07:10And I mean they're talking nasty about your bus line.
07:13I was afraid of that.
07:16The talk is bad.
07:18I wouldn't be here for a story if it wasn't.
07:21What are you going to do about these ghost animals your drivers see?
07:24Oh, I got a couple of ideas.
07:27But first of all, I don't believe that the drivers are seeing ghost animals.
07:31I think they're real.
07:33How are you going to prove that?
07:35I don't have to prove it. I know.
07:37Whoever heard of ghost animals?
07:39That's more ridiculous than believing in human ghosts.
07:43You've been out along the road looking for hoof prints?
07:45No, I'm going to let the rangers do that.
07:48You think the rangers fit into this?
07:50It's their forest and it's up to them to keep the animals off the road.
07:53Can I print that as a statement?
07:57I've just about made up my mind to make a visit to ranger headquarters
08:00and get Bill Jefferson hot on this problem.
08:03Hey, have you read the latest edition of the Gazette?
08:21What's the hot news, honey?
08:24I'm thinking about rangers from look on Henry's face.
08:27You guessed it, Gray Wolf.
08:29Gus is going to ask us to stop the road ghosts.
08:32Yeah, we can't do it.
08:35Why not?
08:36Article 7, paragraph 3, line 9 of the regulations say rangers will not chase ghosts, especially
08:44ghost animals.
08:46Stumpy have answer for everything, including road ghosts.
08:51You're not joking.
08:52Hey, Bill, you haven't said a word.
08:54How come?
08:55When have I had a chance until now?
08:59I knew I should have kept my tater trap shut.
09:02I'm only ribbing you.
09:04What do you want me to say about this?
09:06Say something.
09:08You happy or not happy?
09:10Yeah, make some kind of noise, honey.
09:13Okay, I'll make some kind of noise.
09:15Let's hear it.
09:16What would you like to say if I told you I expected Gus to do this?
09:21Well, what is there to say?
09:24You're always able to second-guess the other guy.
09:27When do you think he'll come?
09:29Oh, in about five minutes.
09:32You must be getting to be one of them there prophetic fellows to be able to tell the exact
09:37time Gus is coming into this office.
09:40Oh, I don't think I have to be a prophet to tell that, especially if I keep looking out
09:46of the window and watch him walking up the street.
09:49Oh, Bill, you're smart.
09:58Hello, fellas.
10:00Howdy, Gus.
10:01Good to see you.
10:02Sit down, rest yourself, and we can talk out your problem.
10:06No, thanks.
10:07I'll stand.
10:08Come on, Gus.
10:09We don't charge for setting the spell.
10:12I don't think this is a laughing matter or any time for jokes.
10:16Well, perhaps it ain't, young fellow.
10:19There's always room for improvement.
10:23Well, perhaps it ain't, young fellow.
10:26There's always room for a little humor, no matter how serious the problem.
10:31Good, clean humor helps a man keep the right perspective on life.
10:36Those that ain't got the Lord as their Savior need something to help them keep the right
10:42Of course, humor ain't a substitute for the Lord, sonny.
10:46Now, you come storming in here like a rhino with a hot foot.
10:50Expect everybody to drop dead because you're upset.
10:53Well, this old duffer ain't about to do that for anyone.
10:57If I can't have a good, clean laugh, even in the face of trouble, then life ain't worth living.
11:03If you don't like that, you can get.
11:06Well, I guess I had that coming.
11:09What you've said makes a lot of sense, old-timer.
11:14Now you're talking, sonny.
11:17Now, what's this stuff about your driver?
11:20See, an animal ghost down the road.
11:22I don't know myself.
11:24That's why I'm here.
11:25I need help.
11:26Seems as though you knew all about it from this article in the paper.
11:32Yeah, I thought I did.
11:34I guess I was steamed up.
11:36I've been losing business, and all the adverse publicity from the accidents is going to cost me more fares.
11:42I was getting filled up inside, and, well, I took it out on you fellas.
11:47Well, there's nothing to be sorry about, Gus.
11:50What you've said in the paper is perfectly logical.
11:53You mean you're not angry with me for saying what I did?
11:56If real deer and other animals are jumping out on the road and cause accidents, then they're up to us to stop them.
12:03Maybe you have to build a fence.
12:05That's right, young fella.
12:06We ain't said that this ain't possible until we've had a look.
12:10And that's what we're going to do, first thing in the morning.
12:13Don't look so surprised, Mr. McDougal.
12:16Well, that is, I came in here ready to fight, and you fellas took all the fight out of me by being friendly and cooperative.
12:27That's all right.
12:29We understand.
12:30Don't take it too hard.
12:31You know, when you've got a serious problem, the best thing to do is to let the Lord help you with it.
12:38The Lord may decide to have other folks lend a hand, or if it's humanly impossible, then he'll take care of it himself.
12:46What Bill say is great truth.
12:48You let us look into Roadgoer's problem, see if we can help.
12:52We'll do our best.
12:53And in the meantime, try to relax, Gus.
12:56You'll crack under the strain, my friend.
12:59Yeah, I know.
13:01Graywolf, Stumpy, help me move the cabinet in the back room.
13:06Hey, hey, hey.
13:09Gus, you know how to pray?
13:13Oh, no.
13:15I haven't been in a church but two or three times in my life.
13:18Well, you don't have to be in a church to pray, you know.
13:22If you'll believe in the Lord and are on speaking terms with him, the Lord will answer your prayers.
13:28You'll find that you'll receive tremendous help.
13:31What seems an impossible load to bear will become quite tolerable.
13:35Try it, see if it doesn't work.
13:38And they'll be glad to pray with you.
13:41Yeah, well, I appreciate your interest and offer to help, but I think I'll try and make it on my own.
13:50I would be obliged, though, if you'd take a look along the road in the morning.
13:54Okay, we'll be out bright and early.
13:57I'll let you know what we find.
14:02The End
14:14What do you think we'll find out here, Bill?
14:16I'd say right offhand that we won't find anything, pal.
14:20Huh? How do you know?
14:22I don't. It's just a guess.
14:24You didn't sneak out here last night while we were sleeping and take a look.
14:29No, I didn't, Stark.
14:30There's a bridge ahead where one accident took place.
14:34We'll park on the shoulder just the other side of the bridge.
14:37How are we going to work this?
14:39Two of us will walk along the road and the other two will walk along parallel to the road about a hundred yards in.
14:46We'll all look for trail signs of deer and any other animals that might have crossed the road.
14:52How far along the road will you search, Bill?
14:56I'd say five miles one way and then we'll come back along the other side.
15:01That ought to be good. Drivers see road ghosts along this part of road, don't they?
15:05That's right, Grey Wolf. Strange as it seems.
15:08I wonder why just along this five-mile stretch.
15:11That's a good question, Henry. I don't know, but the answer is so easy to come by.
15:17I'll buy that, old friend.
15:20Let's give it a good look and see what we can find.
15:23Henry and I will take the inside, at least on the way up.
15:27You fellas can do the hard work coming back.
15:43I don't think there's been any animals cross the highway for quite some time.
15:47It looks that way, pal.
15:49All we've found so far is some old trails.
15:52At least four, probably five weeks old.
15:55Right. And we've only got three and a half miles to go until we start back.
16:00I hate to think of poor Gus's reaction if we don't find any animal tracks.
16:05Yeah. He's so sure that his drivers saw real animals instead of ghosts.
16:15That curve where one accident happened. And here, a place where Sandy ran off-road and hit trees.
16:21Yeah, but this is it, all right.
16:23Well, we should find some recent animal tracks in the next hundred feet or thereabouts.
16:28I think Bill's right when he says we not find animal tracks.
16:31Yeah, it sure looks that way, all right, Gray Wolf.
16:34Unless maybe we're getting blind.
16:44We're almost at the five-mile mark. Still no footprints.
16:48I wonder if Stumpy and Gray Wolf saw anything.
16:50I doubt it. They would have called to us.
16:53We'll walk another 300 yards and call it quits.
17:02We look careful, Bill. Not find any sign of deer or other animals cross-road.
17:07No, neither do we.
17:09I don't imagine we'll find any on the other side of the road, either.
17:13It's highly improbable that an animal would walk out into the middle of the road,
17:17change its mind, and turn back the way it came.
17:37Bill, did you find the tracks?
17:42No, Gus, not a one.
17:44You didn't? How far did you look?
17:46Five miles, neither side of the road.
17:49A hundred yards in, as well as along the edge of the road.
17:52Yeah, but we took special care to examine the places where the accidents happened.
17:57And we didn't even find bird tracks, to say nothing of deer tracks.
18:01We make plenty careful search.
18:04I was afraid of this.
18:06I was hoping that this would turn out to be something concrete,
18:10so as not to affect business.
18:12But it didn't.
18:15Now we're fighting the intangible, the unknown.
18:19You don't really believe in ghosts, do you?
18:21No, of course not.
18:23But I'd sure give my right arm to know what the answer is.
18:27Who knows?
18:29Maybe I'll have to believe in ghosts before this is over.
18:32Have there been any more accidents, Gus?
18:35No, fortunately.
18:37You haven't taken the night buses off the schedule, have you?
18:41You know, I think your man might be just plain tired.
18:45Oh, no. Then I'd be licked for sure.
18:48That would be admitting defeat.
18:50You know, this road ghost business might be over with.
18:54Might have been atmospheric conditions or something like that.
18:58Say, do you think that's possible?
19:00Well, I've seen it happen.
19:02Scientist fellows call it some kind of light reflection or something like that there.
19:08Bill, you tell him.
19:10Stumpy is referring to strange deflection and reflection of light, like through a prism.
19:17Cloud conditions cause this.
19:19Scientists say this is the cause of the flying saucer effects.
19:24You know, maybe this is the answer.
19:26Perhaps the road ghost business is over and things will get back to normal.
19:30We hope that right, Gus.
19:32You hope it's right, Graywolf.
19:33Boy, how do you think I feel?
19:36Let's let things stand the way they are and see what happens, I guess.
19:42Thanks a million, fellas.
19:43I appreciate your help more than you know.
19:45That's okay, Sonny.
19:47Maybe we scared off them there road ghost characters for good.
19:53When they found out you and Graywolf were tracking them,
19:55they knew their little game was about to be nipped in the bud.
19:59Well, let's head for home, fellas.
20:01Our job is done.
20:07You know, I get a good feeling inside when a tough problem or job is done.
20:13Yeah, I know what you mean, pal.
20:15It's real satisfaction to see the smile come back into Gus' face.
20:20Hey, look at this fishing tackle in the window.
20:24Boy, that's sure some set of bass flies.
20:26Sure is.
20:28Had to get our stuff out of storage and give it a going over.
20:31Before we know it, the fishing season will be open.
20:33Yeah, I know.
20:35Say, are we going to fish the Big Falls River this year?
20:39You like to live dangerously, don't you?
20:41Well, not exactly.
20:43But, man, the trout that's in that river.
20:46Boy, the giants those fellas are.
20:49If I could just hook one of those great granddaddies, I'd be satisfied.
20:52Well, we'll have to see what we can do to make up for it.
20:56Hey, you aren't joking, are you?
20:58No, I'm not.
21:00Well, we better head back home, hit the hay.
21:02Yeah, I've got exams in the morning,
21:04and then I have to meet you fellas out on the trail in the afternoon.
21:08Yeah, let's go home.
21:27Hey, Bill.
21:29There's a note Mom left for you.
21:31There was a call for you while you were out.
21:33Oh, who was it?
21:35Gus McDougal.
21:37Huh? Gus?
21:39What does he want?
21:41There's been another accident.
21:43He wants you to go right over to his office.
21:46I'm telling you, Mr. McDougal,
21:48I wouldn't ride in one of your buses again
21:51for all the gold in the United States mint.
21:53I'm going to write to the Commerce Commission.
21:55Have your license revoked.
21:57Neither you nor your driver is fit to run a bus line.
22:00Wait until my dad hears about the accident.
22:02That's how you're going to get paid,
22:04by making a mess of business.
22:06I can't wait to hear from him.
22:09I have to go home.
22:11I'm sorry, Gus.
22:13My dad hears about the accident. He'll call his lawyer and have him sue you.
22:17You just better hope I didn't get hurt.
22:19Whoever heard of anything so absolutely ridiculous as seeing ghosts of animals on the road?
22:24You fellas ought to be locked up and not let out unless there's a guard with you.
22:29Please, now, folks, if you'll sign these forms, everything will be taken care of.
22:37I'm really sorry this happened, and I'll make sure that it won't happen again.
22:41Maybe you can fool some of the people some of the time, but it'll catch up with you.
22:45What's the use of sounding off, fellas?
22:47Write to the proper authorities and have their license taken away.
22:51Let's get out of here and be thankful that we're still alive.
22:55I'll see my lawyer about this.
22:58Hey, young fella, those folks are hopping mad, like a grasshopper on a hot rock.
23:04Yes, and they've got a good right to be mad.
23:07What happened, Gus?
23:09Sandy saw another road ghost.
23:12He almost had a head-on collision.
23:14Wow, that's not so good.
23:16You're telling me.
23:18I'm ruined now, that's for sure.
23:20Anybody hurt this time?
23:22No, and I'm thankful for that.
23:26Bill, what's the answer?
23:27What is this, this road ghost stuff?
23:29Are the ghosts real?
23:30Yes, they are.
23:32What do you mean, Bill?
23:33Hey, are you telling us that you believe in ghosts?
23:36I didn't say that, pal.
23:39The ghosts are real to the drivers, however.
23:42Now, wait a minute!
23:43That remark's looted!
23:45Explain yourself, Sonny.
23:47Now, what do you hold back?
23:48Yes, for the sake of my own sanity, what's the score, Bill?
23:52It's a scientific fact that fatigued drivers see animals jumping across the road in front of them.
23:59You can call them road ghosts if you want to.
24:02That's strange.
24:04Well, I guess my drivers aren't resting enough away from the job, eh, Bill?
24:08I don't think that's the answer, Gus.
24:10Well, then, what is the answer?
24:12What's causing this fatigue?
24:14You are.
24:17Why, of all the no-good remarks I've ever heard, this one takes the cake.
24:22I treat my drivers better than most bosses do.
24:25They've got all kinds of fringe benefits.
24:28They get a Christmas bonus as well as good pay.
24:31I pay better than 95% of all the other transportation outfits.
24:35You hear me, Bill Jefferson?
24:37How can I help but hear you?
24:39You still say it's me?
24:40I do.
24:41Well, I don't believe it.
24:42What am I doing to my men that makes them so tired they see ghost animals when they're driving at night?
24:48The haul from Centerville to Notty Pine is too long, Gus.
24:52What do you mean, too long?
24:54It's 450 miles.
24:55That's only 50 miles over the normal distance allowed for each driver.
25:00What's another 50 miles to a good man behind the wheel?
25:03You should have your drivers change at Junction City.
25:07This wouldn't happen.
25:08What do you know about bus driving?
25:11Listen, I've been in this game for years.
25:13I don't believe a word you're saying.
25:14That's all right with me, Gus.
25:17I tried to say something sooner, but I got a reaction just like this.
25:22I'm only trying to help.
25:25Listening to you is more demoralizing than all the accidents put together.
25:30If you won't listen now, I think you will after you're broke and out of business.
25:36I suggest that you drive a bus yourself from Centerville to Notty Pine.
25:53Boy, riding in this empty bus sure feels funny.
25:56Yeah, does it that, pal.
25:59Are Stumpy and Gray Wolf still behind us?
26:02Sure, uh-huh.
26:03Now, we ought to know the facts in half an hour.
26:06Are we that close to Notty Pine?
26:09But what if Gus sees a road ghost and we crack up?
26:12Well, I'll be up there with him, ready to grab the wheel if he sees one.
26:16Do you think Gus will be convinced you're right?
26:18I don't know.
26:20He's pretty stubborn.
26:21Not we'll know in a short while.
26:26Is it time yet?
26:28Yeah, we're entering the five-mile stretch where all the accidents have happened.
26:32Let's go up front.
26:34Hold on! He's seen a ghost!
26:45You fellas all right?
26:47Yeah, we're okay, Stumpy.
26:49You stopped funny short, Gus.
26:51And good thing bus only hit tree.
26:53Well, you'd have tipped over.
26:55What happened, Sonny? See a road ghost?
26:59No, not exactly.
27:02What do you mean, Gus?
27:04My eyes started playing tricks on me.
27:08I saw extra beams of light.
27:10It was like I was hypnotized.
27:15Boy, am I tired.
27:18If you'd have kept going, you probably would have seen a ghost animal.
27:23Yeah, you're right, Bill.
27:26Well, thanks to you, I can save my business.
27:29I'll have the drivers change at Junction City instead of Knotty Pine.
27:33That's the idea, Sonny.
27:35Now the boys won't be tired from driving.
27:39This is the end of the road ghosts.
27:50Well, how about that?
27:52The drivers were actually seeing ghosts.
27:54Not real ones, but imaginary animals because of fatigue.
27:59Boy, Bill sure can stick to his guns if he knows he's right.
28:03I wonder if Bill's remarks about the Lord in prayer will sink into Gus's mind.
28:08Who knows what happens when the gospel seeds are sown.
28:12The Lord will see to it that they're not sown in vain.
28:15We'll see you next week for more adventure with...
28:19Ranger Bill!
28:50Hi, fellas and gals, Ranger Bill again,
28:53stepping in here for less than a minute
28:56to invite all of you out there to another half hour of adventure
29:00next week at this special spot on your radio dial.
29:05We've gathered a pile of stories for you
29:08with mystery and adventure and all kinds of excitement,
29:12and we don't want you to miss a single one.
29:15So next time, ball up your friends or get together with them
29:19and join all of us rangers for a session of fighting forest fires,
29:24grappling with grizzly bears, or just plain trying to help somebody out.
29:29I'm sure you'll enjoy the story,
29:32and you might just learn something that'll be of real help to you in later life.
29:37So next week, be sure to listen.
