xian wang de richang shenghuo 2 dub episode 6

  • last month
00:00Hey guys, do you feel like we're being watched?
00:56A tongue of the heavenly hound, medicine?
00:59So you like it, Fairy Fox?
01:02How's your master been feeling today? Any better?
01:05Thank you for asking, my friend.
01:07On behalf of my master, I want you to know I appreciate you, but...
01:11He's still unconscious in the ICU, so I wish I had better news.
01:15However, thanks to your kind and thoughtful donation of medicine,
01:18I think my master will feel better real soon!
01:21I'll do everything I can to help you in your time of need!
01:24I don't know what I'd do without you, you've been so generous!
01:27How could I possibly repay you for your kindness?
01:30If it's okay with you, I was thinking, maybe we could have a private chat?
01:34Just the two of us?
01:54The tears open the sweet mouth of misunderstanding
01:57The harmony of the city, the beauty of the past
02:01The more fatal the corner is, the more precious it is
02:05The beauty of medical love
02:08The world has been torn apart and turned into ashes
02:12But a lot of things remain the same as me
02:16In this parallel, the light of the heart
02:19This city is only for
02:22Calling the puppet
02:25Perfectly adorned by blood red
02:28Although I have no love, although I have no regret
02:32Waiting for the dawn to break
02:52Thank you for watching!
03:23Ancestral leaders of the past, thank you for coming out of retirement to be here, all of you.
03:28Well, why are we here?
03:30Must be of great importance to summon us old retirees.
03:34The world's total energy has dropped to 4.7.
03:37We've got a crisis on our hands.
03:39The same thing has happened to us.
03:41We've lost a lot of people.
03:43We've lost a lot of people.
03:46We've lost a lot of people.
03:49We've lost a lot of people.
03:52We've lost a lot of people.
03:55We've lost a lot of people.
03:58We've lost a lot of people.
04:01We've lost a lot of people.
04:04We've lost a lot of people.
04:07We've lost a lot of people.
04:10We've lost a lot of people.
04:13We've lost a lot of people.
04:16We've lost a lot of people.
04:19We've lost a lot of people.
04:22We've lost a lot of people.
04:25We've lost a lot of people.
04:28We've lost a lot of people.
04:31We've lost a lot of people.
04:34We've lost a lot of people.
04:37We've lost a lot of people.
04:40We've lost a lot of people.
04:43We've lost a lot of people.
04:46We've lost a lot of people.
04:49We've lost a lot of people.
04:52We've lost a lot of people.
04:55We've lost a lot of people.
04:58We've lost a lot of people.
05:01We've lost a lot of people.
05:04We've lost a lot of people.
05:07We've lost a lot of people.
05:14What's wrong?
05:15It's Chen Chao.
05:17His dad's here, and he's really pissed off.
05:25Excuse us.
05:28Stupid boy.
05:30What's the matter with you?
05:32Why have you dropped down a phase?
05:34Well, father...
05:36One of the lessons you taught me as a child
05:38is to be kind and help others.
05:40And as fate would have it, I found someone that needs help.
05:43Her master was hurt so bad that he's unconscious in the ICU.
05:47And now she spends her time live-streaming to raise money for him.
05:50You gave your energy to this temptress,
05:52all in an effort to save her master?
05:55Yes, father.
05:59You know what they say.
06:01Good deeds will always trump good intentions.
06:04Reckless or not, you did this for someone in need.
06:08I'm happy those family lessons were taken to heart.
06:12You may keep your phone.
06:14Thanks, father.
06:17While I'm here,
06:19do you happen to know where our family's Tongue of the Heavenly Hound is?
06:24Since Li Chao's sweetly gifted this Tongue of the Heavenly Hound today,
06:29I'll return the favor with a special live chat.
06:32It's not what you think!
06:34Sir, please let me explain!
06:36You didn't care about her master's well-being at all!
06:39You did this to impress her!
06:41Stupid boy, you're going to pay for this!
06:56If I see you watching another live-stream,
06:59you'll lose more than your phone!
07:06What's wrong with him?
07:07And how did watching a live-stream knock him down a phase?
07:10We live in the 729G era now.
07:13The bandwidth is so insane it even supports donations of spiritual energy!
07:18You can donate, but not that much.
07:20It's witchcraft.
07:23Long ago, demons would disguise themselves as pretty women
07:27and then drain their victims' energy,
07:30leaving their bodies frail and disabled.
07:32I'm guessing Chen Chao was seduced by the dark arts.
07:35How do you know all this?
07:37Oh, I don't know.
07:38I guess I've always been fascinated by the more obscure magic.
07:43Guys, he's fine!
07:44When his dad embarrassed him in front of the school,
07:46he learned his lesson.
07:56Welcome back to the live-stream, my little Li Chao!
07:59Why'd you go offline and leave me all alone?
08:02Dealing with family stuff.
08:04Nothing bad.
08:07That boy's a lost cause.
08:09You think a demon's involved somehow?
08:11That would make sense.
08:13Is there any way to break the spell?
08:15The quickest way is to use a metaspirit.
08:18Once inside the internet,
08:20they find the demon's location and disrupt their dark arts.
08:24This method requires someone at a golden pill phase or higher.
08:27And if they're powerful enough,
08:29they could even transfer their physical body.
08:31You guys can sit back and relax.
08:33Infecting the demon's channel should do the trick.
08:37I love it!
08:38What is it?
08:39You mean Trojan?
08:41She's my digital spirit beast.
08:43I've raised her for years.
08:45Now it's time to shine.
08:46All I need to do is type in the stream's web address.
08:52Feed free!
08:53Go get him, girl!
08:58There you are.
08:59You can't hide from me.
09:36Just had a little technical issue pop up,
09:38but I hope you're still with me.
09:39Are you ready for our voice chat?
09:42No, I'm ready!
09:44Look at him.
09:45He's drained so much he looks like a corpse.
09:48If his father sees this,
09:49he's gonna be in big trouble.
09:56What about little wise guy?
10:00We could use a mind trick on him.
10:02What's that?
10:03It's an art of seduction we learned last year.
10:06I've used it on Chen Chao before,
10:08and it worked a little too well.
10:10Oh yeah!
10:11I'll seduce her!
10:12Fighting fire with fire!
10:16Oh my gosh, you sound so young!
10:18Did you graduate yet?
10:20Not yet.
10:21I'm 18.
10:23Hey, Chen Chao.
10:25You want something to drink?
10:26Yeah, thanks.
10:29Wow, you didn't say you had a girlfriend!
10:31Oh no!
10:32She's just another classmate.
10:35Wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea.
10:37Oh, just another classmate, huh?
10:42That's it!
10:43He took the offering!
10:45It's time.
10:46I'm not giving.
10:47A part of me.
10:49To benefit the world.
10:54You have lost your connection with Target 250!
10:56Popularity falling!
11:00I'm right here.
11:01Please come back to us.
11:02We're really worried about you.
11:06You're right, guys.
11:07I'm sorry.
11:09Fairy Fox, I'm going offline.
11:14Aw, Chao Chao!
11:15Do you really have to leave me so soon?
11:18This is the first time I've chatted with a fan,
11:21and it feels great!
11:23I can't thank you enough for helping with my master.
11:26Because of your kindness,
11:28I just had the best day of my life!
11:30What is she trying to do?
11:33My only wish
11:34is that this moment could have lasted forever.
11:38But I understand.
11:39You've got to get out there and go live your life.
11:44I know what's happening.
11:46You're leaving because I'm not popular enough for you.
11:49I can return your gifts,
11:51but it breaks my heart.
11:53My biggest regret
11:55is not meeting you sooner.
11:58Oh no, he's gonna break!
12:00Listen to me, don't give in!
12:02You've got to step out of it!
12:04Please, don't leave me!
12:15We're done.
12:16Behave yourself.
12:21You lose!
12:27The plan's working.
12:29Just a bit more and we're good to go.
12:31Master, we'll have you up and moving in no time.
12:36Four spirit-powered mini-TVs?
12:38You shouldn't have!
12:40What's the run to?
12:42What are we gonna do?
12:45Son, whatever you've done,
12:48it's a sin.
12:51When I was his age,
12:53my hormones took me on wild adventures as well.
12:56And I was just as stubborn, too.
13:00The ancient tongue of the heavenly hound.
13:02My wife gave it to me as a token of affection.
13:05That was long ago, when we were dating.
13:07It all makes sense now.
13:09The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
13:12Karma is inevitable.
13:14Good or bad, it all comes back.
13:16What grievous sins have my family committed
13:19to be trapped in this endless cycle of depravity?
13:23It's okay.
13:25That was special.
13:27A father connecting with his son.
13:29We got a family heirloom from Chao Chao!
13:37Thou karma be gone!
13:39I've seen enough.
13:41This ends today.
13:43Fairy Fox.
13:45Chao Chao.
13:50No, no, please, what have you done?
13:54My son, we're going home.
13:58What's this? You defy me?
14:04I do!
14:06You can't make me leave!
14:14What did he just do?
14:16He had a spirit.
14:19It has to be Golden Kill Phase.
14:21Stupid boy, what have you done?
14:28He's unresponsive.
14:30Yeah, because his metaspirit's on the internet.
14:32His body's offline.
14:34What's left is an empty shell.
14:38Fairy Fox, I'm coming!
14:42Now that we've collected enough...
14:44Get rid of this awful disguise and finally breathe!
14:52Where are you?
15:00I'm here.
15:02Am I actually in her room right now?
15:05Hang on.
15:07This doesn't look like her room at all.
15:09Where am I?
15:11Oh, this is Fairy Fox's dream room, I assure you.
15:15Can't you see it?
15:17Who the heck are you?
15:19I turned off my beauty filter.
15:21Now I can't see anything.
15:23I can't see anything.
15:25I can't see anything.
15:27I can't see anything.
15:29I can't see anything.
15:31I can't see anything.
15:34Now you don't even recognize me!
15:41Come on, son! Wake up!
15:44It's no use. He's offline.
15:46It doesn't work that way.
15:50Well, how about now?
15:53No! You'll make it worse!
15:56Hey, you've got the web address, don't you?
15:59Why do you need it?
16:00Now's not the best time to watch a stream.
16:04You may want to save your energy.
16:06A Meta Spirit can't attack a physical body.
16:09Now be a good boy and climb into this canister so we can use you.
16:13Aha! You said I was a Meta Spirit.
16:16Which means you can't attack me.
16:19You should.
16:23Stay back! Don't come any closer!
16:28I thought you wanted to help my master.
16:31I thought you wanted to help my master.
16:37Is there? Chen Chao! Chen Chao!
16:40Can you hear me? Are you there?
16:42Why didn't you tell me your friend was a descendant of Si?
16:44You can hear me.
16:45She can join us too.
16:47Please! Don't give up!
16:49We're here! We want to help!
16:51Please! Are you there? Chen Chao!
17:01Chen Chao!
17:12My boy!
17:18Master Zhuo Yi of the Cultivation Cruise Department
17:21has cracked down on a massive internet fraud scheme.
17:24Armored cruisers raided the suspect's residence
17:26and discovered a trove of energy stockpiled in these containers.
17:30We managed to recover the stolen energy.
17:32But beware, the perps at large.
17:35Hopefully, what we did today will help prevent others from falling for the same scam.
17:39And now, breaking news.
17:41According to the Huashu Agency,
17:43the long-standing Flower Fruit Water Curtain Group has gotten into some financial trouble.
17:47The report states that the conglomerate was unable to pay its lenders
17:51and that its remaining assets won't cover their debts.
17:54According to legal statute, the group is now bankrupt.
