xian wang de richang shenghuo 3 dub episode 5

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00:21Shame, do you want to know the real reason that you lost today?
00:25Why's that?
00:27Because, you don't watch the show.
00:41Sir, how much is this one?
00:44Yo, antique furnaces, down here, nice and cheap.
00:49You want ancient spirit figures?
00:51We got all.
00:55You've got a keen eye, friend.
00:57You're here for two seconds and you've already honed in on my most prized possession.
01:01Take a closer look.
01:03Smooth finish on the flat edge, and that shine really brings the dragon carvings back to life.
01:08This is the genuine article.
01:10A dragon slaughtering sword from the Qianlong era.
01:13Uh, okay.
01:15Except, it looks new.
01:22To tell you the truth, they just excavated this sword from a newly discovered cultivator's cave.
01:28Huh? For real?
01:30A friend of mine asked me to sell it for him.
01:32This thing's too precious.
01:34It's gotta go.
01:36You're destined to come upon this sword.
01:38For a reasonable price, it's yours, sir.
01:41You win.
01:42How much?
01:51Let's go.
01:53Greedy con.
01:54What I really meant to say is 8k.
01:56No, 80.
01:57Wait, come back!
01:58Keep it.
01:59I'm sure you've got some dragons to slaughter.
03:44Last night, under the light of the full moon,
03:47Huashu's four greatest swordsmen gathered atop Songhai's highest peak.
03:53In a sword contest the likes of which the world has never seen,
03:57they fought to determine who was the number one swordsman on the planet.
04:01It's been over a hundred years since the last contest.
04:04These four elite combatants have all reached the prime phases of their lives.
04:08Master Ye from the south, a remarkable...
04:10Cut to the chase, man.
04:12What happened?
04:16Before their swords were even unsheathed, the tension was thick.
04:19You could feel it.
04:21It was strong. It filled the air.
04:23At this very moment, a mysterious intruder dressed in white fell from the sky.
04:28She wore a bamboo hat and was draped in a flowing white robe
04:32with a firm grasp on a pearlescent sword.
04:35A terrifying silhouette carved by the moonlight.
04:39The strongest in Huashu were all here.
04:45And who are you? You're interrupting our contest.
04:48Come and find out.
04:50Boiling with rage, the four combatants drew their swords in a synchronized display.
04:55But before any of them could blink,
04:57a streak of lightning flashed before their eyes
04:59and each of their swords were mangled and rendered useless.
05:02In an instant, they were summarily defeated.
05:07Clearly I was wrong.
05:09My search must go on.
05:11Then, with a masterful tapping of her toes,
05:14the mysterious swordsman flew into the darkness of night
05:17and disappeared just as fast as she had arrived.
05:20You made that up.
05:21No one can defeat the four swordsmen.
05:23Oh, yeah? For your information, I watched it all happen live.
05:27Chen Chao, Huang Ling.
05:30It's time for your test.
05:32Yes, sir.
05:41Come on.
05:42That the only sword you got?
05:44Don't come crying to me if I snap it in half,
05:47because I am not paying for it.
06:15Li Chao!
06:22What's going on?
06:25Li Chao!
06:26Jing Ke, you there?
06:29That's not gonna come out easy.
06:31I suppose it'll have to be reforged.
06:40That's weird.
06:41I can't control them.
06:45Huang Ling, look out!
06:51What the heck was that?
07:02You're almost there, don't stop!
07:09Is there a reason your sword has such a strong magnetic field?
07:12It might be the awakening stage, but I can't be sure.
07:16Care to explain?
07:19When a sword has enough experience with its master, it has an awakening.
07:23And then it becomes rather cranky and rebellious.
07:27Okay, but why did my oceans fly to Jing Ke?
07:30Oh, that's simple.
07:31Swords in this stage produce magnetism.
07:34Opposite sexes attract.
07:35If they're the same, they repel.
07:38I guess that makes sense.
07:40My sword was repelled.
07:42What do we do now?
07:43Our swords are all messed up.
07:45How can we take the test?
07:47I know!
07:48You can come with me to the Sword Tomb!
07:50The Sword Tomb?
07:57I gotta ask, why would you live here?
08:00To my sword sister and I.
08:02This is home, so we chose to move back.
08:05Why are there so many broken swords sticking out of the ground?
08:09It's a graveyard of spiritual swords.
08:12If swords aren't properly forged or are too deformed to fix, they come here.
08:17This is where you grew up, huh?
08:21This is how I had so many materials to learn sword forging.
08:24Don't worry.
08:25My sister will get you up and running in no time.
08:30Hey sis!
08:31I'm coming in!
08:39You're home early today.
08:42And you brought some friends.
08:44I did.
08:45We had practice today and their swords got banged up.
08:48I was hoping you could help them.
08:52Please save Li Chao.
08:53I'm scared he's not gonna make it.
08:57We don't have to talk in the courtyard.
08:59Please, come inside.
09:09Not too bad.
09:10A little love and he'll be just fine.
09:14Hey miss.
09:15If it's not too much trouble, could you look at my swords?
09:18Why are they all bundled up like that?
09:22It's a little awkward to say.
09:24Just take a look and you'll see.
09:33Wang Ling!
09:34Your sword's out of control!
09:37Get a grip girls!
09:38Why are you so sad?
09:39You're starting to freak me out!
09:44Now I get it.
09:46Attraction to the opposite sex.
09:48It's normal during an awakening.
09:50But this is stronger than usual.
09:52And I can't say why.
09:54Freaking weird.
09:56How can it have magnetic force at all?
09:58It's made of wood!
10:00A sword at this stage often feels anxious and confused.
10:03Which can make it rebellious.
10:05And this magnetic field is how it expresses itself.
10:08Support and guidance are very important at this time.
10:11So what?
10:12Did they need to sign up for therapy or something?
10:15Anyone home?
10:21Uh, hey kids.
10:22What brings you here?
10:24Oh, hello.
10:26These are Xiao Yu's friends.
10:27They need help.
10:30I see.
10:32Can I ask why there's a sword stuck to your belly?
10:38It's nothing really.
10:39So, you're here to fix your sword?
10:43What happened to it?
10:46I'm sure you've heard about the mysterious swordsman in white.
10:49She's currently terrorizing Songhai by challenging anyone with a sword to a duel.
10:53Which has now become a public safety hazard.
10:55The Seven Star Squad was deployed to arrest her.
11:00Then what happened?
11:04You see that?
11:05Their swords are bent the same way as mine.
11:08Do you have any intel on the sword she's using?
11:11It's one foot long, peach wood.
11:13It's very aggressive and extremely magnetic.
11:16During the fight, it yanked in all our swords and bent them.
11:27Right now?
11:28We'll head straight that way.
11:30Captain, all our swords are bent.
11:32We can't fight her.
11:34Just send us.
11:35We can help.
11:36Until your swords are fixed.
11:38But I can't.
11:39You're all seniors in high school.
11:42Oh, come on.
11:43We fought the demons off, remember?
11:45We can handle it.
11:56Does anyone have a sword that can withstand my strikes?
11:59Take her out!
12:06My lady.
12:07We've never seen anyone like her before.
12:10Our men fought, but she destroyed all of their swords.
12:13If this goes on, we'll deplete our weapon reserves.
12:16My lady!
12:19The Seven Star Squad is almost here.
12:23Let's go.
12:31Of course.
12:33It seems I'll never find what I'm looking for.
13:00Let's go!
13:04Finally found a sword that doesn't bend.
13:12While your school friends have great potential,
13:15they're not strong enough yet.
13:17Will they last long?
13:19So, you jumping in?
13:22Hey, that's enough.
13:24Let's go.
13:32Swords are so rebellious at this stage.
13:34Push too hard and it could backfire.
13:37Hey, my friend.
13:38Why are you so obsessed with me?
13:40I'm, like, really into you.
13:43Is that so?
13:44You want to know what kind of sword I'm into?
13:47Yes, ma'am. I would really like that.
13:50I like a strong sword.
13:51One that protects all their friends.
13:54I'm strong. I can show you.
14:06Be careful. She's tough.
14:12What? That all you got?
14:20I will not allow you to hurt my girlfriend!
14:25Hang on.
14:27I think it's her.
14:29All right, son. Slow down.
14:31I know how excited you are. You win.
14:34It's just a little wooden sword. We can get it.
14:37Hey, welcome back.
14:40I kept the sword just for you.
14:42Put that thing away. I'm not here for that.
14:46How much for this one?
14:48Nine hundred.
14:49You're out of your mind.
14:51It's worth five, maybe.
14:53What? You're kidding, right?
14:56This thing is made from some real primo wood.
15:00Where's the sheath?
15:05It's a sword without a sheath.
15:07They should be sold as a pair.
15:09You can't scam us.
15:13Ling Ling, let's go.
15:15We shouldn't hang around a swindler.
15:23Finally, I found you.
15:26Is it really?
15:34You belong to me.
16:23优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
16:53优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
17:24Now that you've found your sheath, your sword's magnetic field should be gone.
17:31Sharp or not, a sword needs its sheath.
17:36Speaking of, I haven't seen her around.
17:39She's learning a lesson.
17:47Look, I was wrong, but I'm begging you to just let me go!
17:53You broke them, you fixed them.
17:55All of them.
17:59I just want to play video games!
