xian wang de richang shenghuo 3 dub episode 8

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00:22Do you want to know the real reason that you lost today?
00:25Why's that?
00:29You don't watch the show.
00:37Hello, water department.
00:45We have our own well, thank you.
01:06Courier services, your delivery's here.
01:09Wrong address, we don't shop online.
01:15Open up, right now.
01:17We didn't request the seven star squad, wrong address.
01:30Hands up, it's over.
01:46Captain, don't you think we're a little short-staffed here?
01:50Hmm, I guess you're right.
01:52You hold him off, I'll call for backup.
02:32We're coming, I brought the squad.
02:43Master Zhuo, did you beat them all by yourself?
02:50They're dead.
04:41Oh my gosh, nothing too rough.
04:43I am so sorry.
04:47A little scrape like this doesn't really hurt.
04:55You're almost up.
04:57And now, the man you all love,
04:59whose great deeds touch Tuozhu,
05:01the hero of Songhai,
05:03Master Zhuo Yi.
05:43Years ago, in the first invasion,
05:46I was just a seven-star squad intern.
05:49And like everybody else,
05:51I was frightened, for war was upon us.
05:54Then, just as the battle began,
05:56we lost one of our greatest captains.
06:00Faced with a level five demon king,
06:02I felt hopeless, like giving up.
06:05That's when I saw a child.
06:07He was in the demon's path.
06:09If I didn't do something right then,
06:11he would have been crushed by the giant frog.
06:23At that moment, I overcame my fear.
06:26Spiritual force surged through me,
06:28and I punched the frog into the air.
06:32After the war,
06:34I vowed to be Songhai's defender.
06:38And I've been true to my word.
06:41Two years ago, we decimated the shadow faction.
06:44Two months ago, we stopped the demons yet again.
06:47After the battle,
06:49a spatial crack remained open above Songhai,
06:52which gave the demons a gateway to continue their assault.
06:55They still hide in the shadows,
06:57a real and persistent threat.
06:59But now, you have nothing to worry about.
07:02For yesterday,
07:04I infiltrated a secret demon hideout,
07:07and arrested more than a hundred of them.
07:10Your faith and support over the years
07:12has meant the world to us.
07:14We'll always be here to protect you.
07:16I swear!
07:1820! 20! 20!
07:2120! 20! 20!
07:2420! 20! 20!
07:2720! 20! 20!
07:29Thank you so much.
07:34Who turned off the lights?
07:35What's wrong?
07:36What happened?
07:43Who is that?
07:45What's going on?
07:47What's happening here?
07:49This is fake.
07:50It's real.
07:51Security cams don't lie.
07:53I don't buy it.
07:54Has he been lying to us?
07:56I'm not sure.
07:58Wait, somebody was recording me?
08:22This is not what I remember.
08:32Joe, you cheated us!
08:34The hero of Songhai is a fraud.
08:36His achievements are fabricated.
08:37You jerk! You lied to us!
08:38My childhood is ruined!
08:39I always knew it.
08:41At his pill phase,
08:42a level 5 demon king would smoke him.
08:44Just calm down.
08:46That video might be fake.
08:47How could you fake a video like that?
08:50It doesn't matter, okay?
08:52I fought by his side.
08:53The man is legit.
08:55Yes, I can confirm that he graduated from Faction 60.
09:00But that was 10 years ago.
09:02This whole thing, it's unrelated.
09:04You betrayed us!
09:06You f***ing thief!
09:08Give us our f***ing money back!
09:10You liar!
09:12Listen, Joe.
09:14This isn't good.
09:15The public is outraged.
09:16They want answers.
09:18Chief, this is all just libel and slander!
09:20I pled for the squad.
09:22You watched me.
09:23You know who I am.
09:25How could I have faked all this stuff?
09:26Take it easy, son.
09:28We need to come out against this.
09:30Then find out who's behind these lies.
09:32This could harm the department's credibility.
09:42Sit down.
09:43We need to talk.
09:53You're a hard worker, and you don't complain.
09:56You've more than proven yourself.
09:59For 10 years, you've given it your all.
10:02Never took a single day off.
10:05Well, Joe, you've done your time.
10:16Before you take off,
10:18leave your sword and badge with me.
10:29Sorry, Master.
10:31We were all just...
10:44My friends, not to worry.
10:46I know how you feel.
10:48Hills rise, rivers flow.
10:51And for now, I must go.
10:54Songhai's peace is in your hands.
11:10Left my keys.
11:13Fine. I'll fly on my sword.
11:25Whoa! The workaholic is gone!
11:27Who's ready for a few days of vacay?
11:29Hello, Beauty Russ.
11:30Goodbye, 12-hour days.
11:32Let's get lazy!
11:34Lazy! Lazy! Lazy!
12:04Hello. Umbrella, please.
12:06Songhai Department of Cultivation has put together a special team
12:10to investigate the alleged lives of the former captain of the Seven Star Squad, Zhuo Yi.
12:15His suspension is indefinite.
12:18He betrayed his oath of protection and disrupted established cultivation norms.
13:33Master Zhuo, as devoted as always.
13:36Your sense of duty has not been curbed by your suspension.
13:42So you must be the one who set me up.
13:44No, no, no, no.
13:46I can't take credit for that.
13:51My job is to make sure you don't live to see another day.
14:16The background music changed.
14:18Scared me for a sec.
14:20Turns out it's just some human kid.
14:25You're in the wrong place at the wrong time.
14:42Trick of forgetting.
14:48It's you.
14:49You're the one doing this, aren't you?
14:55Now I get it.
14:57I've been living life as a fraud.
15:00The people were right.
15:02I am a liar.
15:06Master, why me?
15:10Why make the world believe it was me?
15:13You've earned it.
15:15You may not have conquered the Demon King,
15:18but you didn't hesitate to save my life.
15:20You may not have beaten the Shadow Faction,
15:23but you put in the work every single day to make sure Songhai stayed safe.
15:28You did.
15:29You deserve this.
15:34But it's too late.
15:36To every citizen of Hua Zhu,
15:38I'm nothing but a false hero.
15:45The blue pill brings it all back.
15:48The entire world's memories will be reset.
15:51No one will remember the last two days.
15:56And the red pill?
15:58Tastes like strawberry,
15:59and you'll ascend to the highest phase.
16:10Take them back.
16:12Sorry, Master.
16:16I do want to be a hero,
16:18but I haven't earned it this way.
16:20I'll do everything I can to be a real hero.
16:24And now, I pledge myself to you.
16:27I'll find your ways, so I can rise on my own.
16:57Goodbye, Master Shuo.
17:01The last threat to my ascendance
17:03is about to board a plane and fly away.
17:34I'm sorry.
17:35I'm sorry.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:37I'm sorry.
17:38I'm sorry.
17:39I'm sorry.
17:40I'm sorry.
17:41I'm sorry.
17:42I'm sorry.
17:43I'm sorry.
17:44I'm sorry.
17:45I'm sorry.
17:46I'm sorry.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:48I'm sorry.
17:49I'm sorry.
17:50I'm sorry.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:52I'm sorry.
17:53I'm sorry.
17:54I'm sorry.
17:55I'm sorry.
17:56I'm sorry.
17:57I'm sorry.
17:58I'm sorry.
17:59I'm sorry.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:01I'm sorry.
18:02I'm sorry.
18:03I'm sorry.
18:04I'm sorry.
18:05I'm sorry.
18:06I'm sorry.
18:07I'm sorry.
18:08I'm sorry.
18:09I'm sorry.
18:10I'm sorry.
18:11I'm sorry.
18:12I'm sorry.
18:13I'm sorry.
18:14I'm sorry.
18:15I'm sorry.
18:16I'm sorry.
18:17I'm sorry.
18:18I'm sorry.
18:19I'm sorry.
18:20I'm sorry.
18:21I'm sorry.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:23I'm sorry.
18:24I'm sorry.
18:25I'm sorry.
18:26I'm sorry.
18:27I'm sorry.
18:28I'm sorry.
18:29I'm sorry.
18:30I'm sorry.
