xian wang de richang shenghuo 2 dub episode 2

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00:00Hey guys, do you feel like we're being watched?
01:52to be a vacuum. Perhaps their gross spiritual force product has shrunk lower than ours.
02:01What could that good-for-nothing layabout frog possibly be doing over there?
02:06Not to worry, I will pay my useless apprentice a visit and find out for myself.
02:52I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going
03:22to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going
04:10As a result, Immortal Herb Harvest sub-worsened.
04:12With delays in the herb supply chain, the pill refiners are running out of materials, raising prices for consumers.
04:19We're joined now.
04:23Nobody's here.
04:27Hey, Froggy Two. Come on in.
04:32The crops are dying. Somebody please help us.
04:36Why are you here?
04:37Why can't a dog not miss his best friend?
04:40I don't know.
04:44What's the reason for the sudden interest in Wang Ling's home life?
04:47Last semester, he had the lowest scores in the class.
04:50Honestly, I'd assume he'd be moved down to Class Ordinary.
04:54So, what? Do you think he could have cheated on a test or something?
04:58No. But after he took the test, energy costs shot up, and our faction is nearly bankrupt.
05:05I hope your home visit goes smoothly. I'm off.
05:09Hang on. Aren't you coming with me?
05:12Sorry. I have some personal matters to deal with.
05:39The spiritual force in the human world is delightful.
05:49You gonna answer that or what?
05:51No. It's a wrong number.
05:53You frotty little rascal. Do you really think you can avoid a visit from your master?
05:57You'd better pick up that phone.
05:59Thanks for using Baida Maps. Powered by DCOM.
06:03Starting navigation.
06:05Continue south for 200 meters.
06:09Smile. Here I come, my boy.
06:14Who's your master?
06:16He is the accumulation of all wisdom in the demon world, an ancient being that's lived for eons.
06:22He's immortal, as old as the universe itself.
06:25Huh. He sounds pretty cool.
06:28For centuries, he was my instructor. I've never been so miserable in my life.
06:33Even now, he's the architect of my nightmares.
06:37So, is that why you're here?
06:42Dinner's ready.
07:00Ling Ling, after we're done, we'll test out your new amulet.
07:04I'm hoping this will iron out some of those speech impediments.
07:08Oh, and I'll need your help.
07:10For all of our sakes, I hope that it actually works this time.
07:14The price of pills has gone up, and we can barely afford the cheap ones.
07:18I meant to ask, how'd you make the new amulet?
07:22You've been stuck on it for a while.
07:24I finally had a breakthrough.
07:25Wong Ling's cousin joined the military and was able to send me some parts.
07:29Oh, maybe our Ling Ling can find a nice job like that when he graduates.
07:34Oh, right. Hurry up and finish.
07:36One of his professors is coming by for a home visit.
07:49Hmm? How strange.
07:51Why would I detect glimmers of Froggy's spiritual energy here?
07:58I used bits of Pu Lao's horn.
08:00That should help reduce the severity of his speech suppression.
08:07Come here. Stay still, clear your mind.
08:10Froggy, it's time.
08:13If I weren't playing hooky, I wouldn't even be here.
08:16All right, listen very carefully.
08:19You take this, I'll go, then you.
08:22Putting it on is easy, taking it off is not.
08:25Just one wrong move, and it all falls apart.
08:28Which would be a disaster.
08:30Press on his bai hui acupoint and hold for five seconds.
08:36And then, press on dan zhong and hold for ten.
08:41Now, release bai hui and stay on dan zhong for five.
08:47Time's up.
08:57I think it worked.
09:10It's upside down? Did you not see the big red text?
09:13Of course not. I'm colorblind.
09:15Oh, no! He's stealing energy that's going to destroy the entire world!
09:26Goodbye, my love. We did the best we could.
09:41Oh, yeah. I forgot you could do that.
09:45Give me a minute. That was rough.
09:57This is rather bizarre.
09:59Froggy's spiritual energy signatures are so strong that they're leading me nowhere.
10:09Professor Pon, we've been expecting you.
10:12Thank you for joining us.
10:13Please come in. Make yourself at home.
10:16Froggy's here.
10:18Hey, how are you?
10:19Is the new amulet even doing anything?
10:22I don't see any changes in him.
10:26How do you do? Madam, please sit down.
10:34Mr. and Mrs. Wong, I'll cut to the chase.
10:36I'm here to discuss your son's lackluster performance at school.
10:40Sad to say, Wong Ling's grades last semester were less than satisfactory.
10:44It's all right, as long as he's enjoying himself and making some new friends.
10:50Well, he also failed to complete all of his assignments over the summer.
10:55Here are my assignments. They're all done.
10:58Do you want them now, or shall I bring them to school?
11:04Oh, and I should mention in our pill-refining class, he had some difficulties.
11:09Here they go! I made these last year. They're respiratory pills.
11:13Please, try one. They're good.
11:16Very nice, but that's not the reason I'm here.
11:18I came because I'm concerned about Wong Ling's disinterest in his studies.
11:25Is this what you want to see? My art of enlightenment skill?
11:33I think it's a bit much.
11:35Just one pencil and eraser would have been enough to meet school standards.
11:48Honey, what was that?
11:50I don't know, but I think it was a cat.
11:52A cat?
11:54Yes, a cat.
11:56Honey, what was that?
11:58What's wrong with the amulet? Is that even our son?
12:00Wait, I think I may have tweaked his emotions too much.
12:03If you distract her, I'll fix this.
12:05...level of enthusiasm for all subjects.
12:09By the way, Professor, sorry to interrupt, but you haven't gotten a proper tour.
12:15A tour, you say?
12:16Distance to destination unknown. Recalculating.
12:22Oh, Froggy, you're trying to avoid me, aren't you?
12:34I know the kitchen feels a little cramped, but doesn't the tile really bring the room together?
12:38Oh, so, uh, what are they doing over there?
12:42Huh? Oh, those three, they love massages.
12:46They're practically obsessed.
12:48I... I didn't know dogs could do that.
12:51Oh, you didn't?
12:53Let's go. We still haven't given you the upstairs tour, right?
13:05A few adjustments should work fine now.
13:08Ling-Ling, you good?
13:10Well, I wouldn't say good. I think I might be hallucinating.
13:15What do you see?
13:25Don't be shy. What did you think about the new decor in the bedroom?
13:28It looks nice. I must admit, I've never seen the bedrooms in a home before.
13:32Oh, I see.
13:34What did you think about the new decor in the bedroom?
13:36It looks nice. I must admit, I've never seen the bedrooms in a home before.
13:41That's the whole house. It better be done by now.
13:53Okay, then.
13:56What's wrong? Are you all right?
13:59Not here. Can we talk in private?
14:05Ling-Ling, why would you enlighten the furniture? Make it stop!
14:10Dad, it's from your adjustments earlier.
14:14Well, I'm sorry, but I can't fix it now.
14:16You're gonna have to use your powers, okay?
14:42It worked!
14:43Froggy, it's go time.
14:49My husband and I, we're trying, but we were never the best cultivators.
14:55So, Wong-Ling's spiritual energy is fairly weak, and he was never good at meeting people.
15:02I was shocked when he got into Class Elite, but we're especially surprised that he's made so many friends.
15:09The boy never told me. I had no idea he was struggling.
15:13I don't expect him to be the perfect student, or the best kid.
15:17I just hope he's able to find happiness in who he is. Then I'll be satisfied.
15:33You did it. Everything's normal.
15:39Son, stay right where you are. Don't move.
15:45Well, you used too much energy. Froggy, can you help us? Froggy? Hey!
15:55He's... he's... coming!
15:58Finder maps. Recalculating.
16:02You devious little hellion. I detected you now. There's nowhere left to run.
16:08Oh no! I used my spirit energy! I'm a dead dog, Froggy!
16:13Froggy, too! Come and save the world!
16:16Are you ready, my boy? Here comes Master.
16:21You know, you could have hidden yourself in a nicer neighborhood.
16:33Stop! Stay still! It's about to blow!
16:40Guess who's here. Did you miss me, boy?
16:45Ah, screw it!
16:47Ah, screw it!
17:18What was that noise? What happened?
17:23Uh, it's me.
17:28Thank you for taking the time to visit, Professor Pond. We see how much you care, and we appreciate it.
17:34Of course. After speaking with you today, I'm reminded that children are much more than their test scores.
17:40Moving forward, I'll focus more on emotional well-being and growth.
17:45It's getting late. I had better go.
17:48Bye, Professor Pond. Thanks again.
17:51Yes, thank you.
17:53Please take care.
17:56Ling Ling, I'm glad you've got a teacher like her.
18:03I must have passed out. Hey guys, were you able to change it?
18:10My work here is done. Time to go home.
