Met Office Evening Weather Forecast - 18/08/2024 - Dry tonight but heavy rain tomorrow

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Dry and clear for most tonight, but some cloud in Northern England and Wales with showers in Scotland. On Monday the sky will becoming increasingly cloudy ahead of the arrival of heavy rain from the west at around midday. A yellow rain warning is in force for South-west Scotland. - This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the evening of 18/08/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Amy Bokota.


00:00Hello and a very good evening to you. Plenty of fine weather around tonight with some hazy
00:05evening sunshine but as we head into next week it will be all changed. We do have two
00:10low pressure systems waiting out in the west and they'll be slowly arriving as we head
00:14in towards Monday morning and then spreading further east as we head through the rest of
00:19the day. Do notice there is a particular squeeze on those isobars particularly through the
00:24Irish Sea and it will be pretty gusty and breezy here with some gales on Monday. But
00:29back to this evening. There will be some cloud around but plenty of hazy evening sunshine
00:33as well and we do start to see that cloud thickening from the west, rain becoming more
00:37persistent across north west of Scotland and it will be quite a cloudy end to the night
00:42for Northern Ireland with some drizzly showers moving into the south west of England and
00:46parts of Wales. But largely dry and clear across the far east of the country. Temperatures
00:52here are likely to be still quite cool and fresh perhaps into the single figures in a
00:56few rural spots further east. So a cool and fresh start to the day if you are in the east
01:02of the country. Very much a different picture the further west. We do still have cloud thickening
01:07from the west, that rain turning particularly heavy through the late morning across Northern
01:11Ireland and into the afternoon as well. We have a yellow rain warning out for parts of
01:16south west Scotland and with that strong southerly wind coming up through the Irish Sea with
01:21gales there is a good chance we're going to see some difficult driving conditions, lots
01:25of spray on the road as well so do take care as you're driving or travelling through the
01:29late afternoon and early evening. Temperatures underneath that cloud and with that rain are
01:35going to be at the best into the mid or high teens underneath that cloud and rain. Feeling
01:40quite cool here but the further east that we go we do still have quite a warm and humid
01:45feed of air coming into the south east of England and 25 or maybe 26 is not out of the
01:50question here. So still a fairly warm day for the far south east but that cloud and
01:54rain slowly and surely is sweeping its way eastwards as we head through Monday night
01:59so a pretty damp night overall for much of the country. Clear spells and blustery showers
02:04do start to move their way in and we do see temperatures again much milder across the
02:10south east and back into the mid teens with that strong wind so not quite as cool and
02:14as chilly as we have seen recently. And then through the rest of Tuesday some of that more
02:19persistent rain across the south east and also the north east of Scotland taking a bit
02:22of time to clear through the morning. Elsewhere it will be bright spells and heavy blustery
02:26showers particularly for parts of England as we head into the afternoon. Northern Ireland
02:32and the north west of Scotland seeing particularly frequent heavy showers as well. Very strong
02:37winds across the far north west of Scotland and with temperatures at best in the mid teens
02:41it's going to be still feeling pretty chilly here as well. Further south there's still
02:46a fairly brisk westerly wind and in the far south east those temperatures still could
02:49get up to 23, 24 so out of the wind and in some sunshine maybe still feeling quite pleasant
02:55here too. Those showers will continue as we head through this evening and it will be turning
03:01fairly unsettled to finish the week as well. If you want to check out any more about what
03:05next week's weather's got in store please do check out our YouTube channel.
