Peppa Pig English Episodes (0)

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00Je suis Peppa Pig, c'est mon petit frère George, c'est Mamie Pig et c'est Daddy Pig.
00:00:11Peppa Pig. Mystères.
00:00:20Peppa et sa famille regardent leur programme de télévision préféré, Detective Potato.
00:00:26Je suis Detective Potato, le détective le plus célèbre du monde.
00:00:31S'il vous plaît, monsieur le détective, je ne peux pas trouver ma fleur n'importe où.
00:00:35Hmm. Votre fleur est sur le dessus de votre tête.
00:00:39Oh, merci, monsieur le détective.
00:00:41C'était facile, je pouvais le faire.
00:00:44Je suis sûr que tu pouvais, Peppa.
00:00:47Papa, quand je vais grandir, je veux devenir un célèbre détective.
00:00:52George veut aussi devenir un détective.
00:00:55Si vous voulez devenir un détective, vous aurez besoin d'un masque.
00:00:59Les détectives portent toujours des masques.
00:01:02Maintenant, vous avez l'air d'un vrai détective.
00:01:05Et nous avons besoin d'un des trucs amusants qui rend tout grandir.
00:01:10Un verre magnifique. Je pense qu'il y en a un dans la salle de cuisine.
00:01:15Voici un véritable verre magnifique.
00:01:19Wow! Comment ça marche?
00:01:22Vous le portez devant les choses et elles deviennent plus grosses.
00:01:25Le verre magnifique rend les petits poissons plus gros.
00:01:29Je peux y aller?
00:01:33Le verre magnifique rend les yeux de George très gros.
00:01:37Maintenant, ce que vous détectives avez besoin, c'est un mystère à résoudre.
00:01:42Papa, qu'est-ce qu'un mystère?
00:01:45Un mystère est quelque chose que les détectives sont bons à résoudre.
00:01:50Comme trouver des choses qui sont perdues.
00:01:53Je sais! Nous pouvons trouver George's Toy Dinosaur.
00:01:56C'est toujours perdu.
00:02:01Monsieur Dinosaure n'est pas perdu.
00:02:03Oh! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de tes verres, papa?
00:02:06Tu les perds toujours.
00:02:09Pas aujourd'hui. Je porte mes verres.
00:02:13Ce n'est pas faire. Il n'y a pas de mystères.
00:02:17Est-ce que vous voudriez que je vous fasse un mystère?
00:02:20Oui, s'il vous plaît.
00:02:23Papa Pig va faire un mystère.
00:02:26Maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur la table?
00:02:28Les petits poissons, Teddy, un verre dans la boîte et Monsieur Dinosaure.
00:02:35C'est vrai. Maintenant, regardez très fort et essayez de les rappeler.
00:02:40Les petits poissons, Teddy, un verre dans la boîte et Monsieur Dinosaure.
00:02:45Vous les avez rappelés?
00:02:48D'accord. Vous devez aller dehors un instant. Je vous appelle quand je serai prêt.
00:02:56Ça a l'air comme si papa allait en haut.
00:03:01Et maintenant, il est rentré.
00:03:04D'accord. Vous pouvez revenir à l'intérieur maintenant.
00:03:08Un truc manque de la table. Vous savez quoi?
00:03:12Monsieur Dinosaure est là. Petits poissons, un verre dans la boîte.
00:03:17Alors, qui manque?
00:03:21C'est vrai. Teddy est parti.
00:03:23Bien fait, Peppa et George.
00:03:26C'était assez facile pour nous. Nous sommes des détectives célèbres.
00:03:30Ah, mais c'est seulement la moitié du mystère. Où est-il parti?
00:03:35Oh, je ne sais pas.
00:03:37Quels sont ces petits trucs sur la table?
00:03:40Ce sont des crèmes de pâtes.
00:03:42Le verre magnifique fait que les crèmes de pâtes sont faciles à voir.
00:03:46Je me demande si Teddy a mangé de la crème.
00:03:49Et les crèmes se dirigent de ce côté.
00:03:53Teddy a mangé beaucoup de crème.
00:03:56Les crèmes se dirigent vers la chambre de Peppa et George.
00:03:59Oh, les crèmes ont arrêté.
00:04:02Comment pouvons-nous trouver Teddy?
00:04:04Demandez-moi des questions, mais je ne répondrai qu'avec un oui ou un non.
00:04:11Est-ce que Teddy est dans cette chambre?
00:04:14Est-ce que Teddy est dans la chambre de George?
00:04:17Est-ce que Teddy est quelque part en haut?
00:04:22Teddy est dans ma chambre!
00:04:25Le mystère a été résolu.
00:04:29Est-ce que tu veux toujours être un détective quand tu vas grandir, Peppa?
00:04:32Être un détective est assez difficile.
00:04:35La prochaine fois, je veux être celui qui fait les mystères.
00:04:39Comme tu l'as fait, Teddy.
00:05:06Je suis Peppa Pig.
00:05:08C'est mon petit frère George.
00:05:11C'est Maman Pig.
00:05:13Et c'est Papa Pig.
00:05:17Peppa Pig.
00:05:21C'est le jour des fruits au supermarché.
00:05:23Regardez, c'est Monsieur Potato.
00:05:26Madame Carotte.
00:05:27Souris sucrée.
00:05:28Et Petite Frise.
00:05:31Appel, orange, banane, poiret et pineapple aussi.
00:05:36Mangez 5 morceaux de fruits par jour parce qu'ils sont bons pour vous.
00:05:42Bienvenue au jour des fruits.
00:05:44Où la magie des fruits n'arrête jamais.
00:05:49Wow! Tellement de fruits!
00:05:53Bonjour, Peppa.
00:05:55Nous sommes des frites.
00:05:57Bonjour, Peppa.
00:05:59Nous choisissons notre frite préférée.
00:06:02Quelle est votre frite préférée?
00:06:05J'aime les pommes.
00:06:06J'aime les oranges.
00:06:08J'aime les bananes.
00:06:10J'aime les carottes.
00:06:12Les carottes ne sont pas des frites.
00:06:14Oh! Les carottes sont des légumes.
00:06:19Edmund est un peu un peu d'un cloqueur.
00:06:21Quelle est votre frite préférée, George?
00:06:25Est-ce les bananes?
00:06:26Ou les oranges?
00:06:28George aime les fraises le mieux.
00:06:31Les fraises!
00:06:33George aime les fraises.
00:06:36Prenez vos smoothies de fruits ici!
00:06:40Bonjour, Miss Rabbit!
00:06:42Quelle est une smoothie de fruits?
00:06:44C'est un boisson fait de fruits.
00:06:46Est-ce que vous en voulez un?
00:06:48Oui, s'il vous plaît.
00:06:50Est-ce que je peux avoir une smoothie avec des pommes?
00:06:54D'accord, mais les smoothies peuvent avoir plein de fruits différents.
00:06:59Les pommes,
00:07:00les carottes,
00:07:01les bananes,
00:07:02et plus d'pommes!
00:07:06Une smoothie avec des pommes, des carottes, des bananes et plus d'pommes!
00:07:15Est-ce que je peux avoir une smoothie, s'il vous plaît?
00:07:17Moi aussi!
00:07:18Et moi!
00:07:19Et moi!
00:07:20Bien sûr!
00:07:21Quelle fruit aimeriez-vous dans vos smoothies?
00:07:23Euh, je ne sais pas.
00:07:25Ça peut être tout, Pedro.
00:07:27D'accord, du fromage, s'il vous plaît!
00:07:30Pedro, le fromage n'est pas un fruit.
00:07:33Il doit être des fruits ou des légumes.
00:07:37D'accord, des raspberries, des blueberries, des blackberries et des gooseberries!
00:07:42C'est plus comme ça!
00:07:44Des smoothies de raspberries, des blueberries, des blackberries et des gooseberries pour tout le monde!
00:07:52Mmmh, délicieux!
00:07:56Que voulez-vous dans votre smoothie, George?
00:07:59Des blueberries!
00:08:00George, une smoothie doit avoir plein de fruits!
00:08:05Qu'est-ce qu'il y a entre des blueberries et des pommes, George?
00:08:10Peut-être que George aimerait du jus d'un dinosaure!
00:08:13Du jus d'un dinosaure?
00:08:15Oui, tous les dinosaures aiment du jus d'un dinosaure!
00:08:19Du jus d'un dinosaure?
00:08:20Oui, tous les dinosaures aiment du jus d'un dinosaure!
00:08:21Du jus d'un dinosaure?
00:08:22Oui, tous les dinosaures aiment du jus d'un dinosaure!
00:08:23Un dinosaure!
00:08:24Un d'eux, quelques-uns d'eux, ou quelques-uns de ceux-là!
00:08:29Un jus d'un dinosaure, juste pour les dinosaures et leurs petits amis!
00:08:37Est-ce que je peux avoir du jus d'un dinosaure, s'il vous plaît, Mme Rabbit?
00:08:41Moi aussi!
00:08:42Et moi!
00:08:43Et moi!
00:08:44D'accord, du jus d'un dinosaure pour tout le monde!
00:08:47Oh, arrêtez!
00:08:48Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Mme Rabbit?
00:08:50J'ai oublié ce que j'ai mis dans le jus d'un dinosaure!
00:08:54Oh, je peux vous dire ce qu'il y avait dedans!
00:08:59En le sentant!
00:09:01Freddy Fox a un très bon sens du goût du goût!
00:09:05Il y a une banane,
00:09:07Une banane,
00:09:09Trois, non, quatre fraises,
00:09:13Cinq pommes,
00:09:15Fraises, pommes,
00:09:17Une pomme,
00:09:19Une demi-pomme,
00:09:21Une morceau de melon,
00:09:23Et quelque chose d'autre...
00:09:25Qu'est-ce que c'est?
00:09:26Une carotte?
00:09:27Oui, une carotte!
00:09:33Du jus d'un dinosaure pour tout le monde!
00:09:39Vous avez tous du plaisir aux Journées des Fruits?
00:09:43Oui, nous aimons les fruits!
00:09:45Et les carottes!
00:09:48Tout le monde aime les fruits et les carottes!
00:10:09Je suis Peppa Pig.
00:10:11C'est mon petit frère George.
00:10:13C'est Maman Pig.
00:10:15Et c'est Maman Pig.
00:10:19Peppa Pig.
00:10:23Le corbeau.
00:10:45You cheated! I did not! You looked at the card! I did not! I don't want to play with you anymore! I don't want to play with you anymore!
00:10:59Oh dear! Peppa and Suzy have had a quarrel. Mummy Sheep is here to take Suzy home.
00:11:07Peppa, say bye bye to Suzy. I am not talking to her. And I'm not talking to her.
00:11:14Oh! I'm sure they'll make it up. They are best friends really. It is not funny. We are not best friends anymore.
00:11:44Peppa and Suzy have had a little quarrel. But I do miss Suzy a bit. Let's give Suzy a call.
00:11:55Hello Mrs Pig. May Peppa talk with Suzy please.
00:12:02Hello Suzy. Hello Peppa. We can be friends again. If you say sorry.
00:12:08I'm sorry I said you cheated. Even though you did cheat.
00:12:14Well, I'm sorry you were ever my best friend.
00:12:18Oh! It doesn't matter. I can easily find a new best friend.
00:12:48Can I have a go? Yes!
00:13:18If you want, you can be my best friend. But my best friend is Rebecca Rabbit.
00:13:28Hello Suzy. Hello Peppa.
00:13:32Ah good! I see you two are friends again.
00:13:35We are not friends. We will never be friends again.
00:13:39I think it's about time you two made it up. Peppa, say sorry to Suzy.
00:13:45Only if she says sorry first.
00:13:51I know. I'll count to three and you can both say sorry at the same time.
00:13:58One, two, three.
00:14:02Now you can be best friends again.
00:14:06Suzy, let's play mini golf. Good idea.
00:14:10Peppa and Suzy are best friends again.
00:14:13Me first.
00:14:15My go.
00:14:18My ball went in the hole, so I win.
00:14:21But my ball knocked it in, so I win.
00:14:25You're just making the rules up.
00:14:27You were making the rules up.
00:14:29I win.
00:14:30No, I win.
00:14:32You two are just the same.
00:14:37That's why Suzy's my best friend in the whole world.
00:14:42And Peppa is my best friend in the whole world ever.
00:15:13I'm Peppa Pig.
00:15:15This is my little brother George.
00:15:18This is Mummy Pig.
00:15:20And this is Daddy Pig.
00:15:24Peppa Pig.
00:15:29Fancy dress party.
00:15:33Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party.
00:15:36All their friends are invited.
00:15:38Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess.
00:15:42And George is dressed as a dinosaur.
00:15:49Here are Peppa's friends.
00:15:51Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.
00:15:56Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume.
00:16:00Hello, Suzy.
00:16:02Hello, Mr. Pig.
00:16:04I'm glad the nurse has arrived.
00:16:06Have you just come from the hospital?
00:16:08I'm not a real nurse.
00:16:11It's just pretend.
00:16:14Very good.
00:16:15My, my.
00:16:17Who have we here?
00:16:19I'm a pirate.
00:16:20Shovel me timbers.
00:16:24I'm a witch.
00:16:25I can turn you into a frog.
00:16:28I'm a clown.
00:16:32That's funny.
00:16:33What are you, Rebecca Rabbit?
00:16:35I'm a carrot.
00:16:39Come in.
00:16:40I'm a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you.
00:16:45Hello, everyone.
00:16:46Hello, Rebecca.
00:16:49Hello, Suzy.
00:16:50I'm Princess Peppa.
00:16:52You must bow when you speak to me.
00:16:54Hello, Your Majesty.
00:16:57I'm Nurse Suzy.
00:16:58Open wide and say ah.
00:17:06I'm a clown.
00:17:07Do something funny.
00:17:11Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?
00:17:14I like carrots.
00:17:20A scary dinosaur.
00:17:24Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.
00:17:26Mirror, mirror on the wall.
00:17:28Who's the fairest of them all?
00:17:31You are, Peppa.
00:17:35Hello, Peppa.
00:17:36Hello, I'm a little fairy princess.
00:17:40I'm a witch.
00:17:42And I've got a magic wand.
00:17:44I've got a magic wand, too.
00:17:46I can turn you into a frog.
00:17:48And I'll turn you into a frog.
00:17:58Oh, dear.
00:17:59George is scared of his own reflection.
00:18:01Oh, silly George.
00:18:03Look, it's you in the mirror.
00:18:09Children, it's time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume.
00:18:14We need a judge.
00:18:15Me, me.
00:18:17As it's Peppa's party, maybe she should be the judge.
00:18:21I'm the judge, I'm the judge.
00:18:24Daddy, what is a judge?
00:18:26The judge decides who has the best costume.
00:18:29Oh, goody.
00:18:30Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume.
00:18:33Suzy, can I see your costume, please?
00:18:37I'm Nurse Suzy.
00:18:38I make people better.
00:18:40Very good, Nurse Suzy.
00:18:42Now, Danny.
00:18:44I'm a pirate.
00:18:45Shove me timbers.
00:18:48Now, Candy.
00:18:50I'm a witch.
00:18:51I can turn you into a frog.
00:18:53Well, I'm a fairy princess and I can turn you into a frog.
00:18:59Children, children.
00:19:01Sorry, mummy.
00:19:02Who's next?
00:19:04I'm a clown.
00:19:09That's funny.
00:19:10And Rebecca?
00:19:12I'm a carrot.
00:19:17And my little brother, George, is a scary dinosaur.
00:19:23Everyone's costume is very good.
00:19:27Now, you say who the winner is.
00:19:29Oh, yes.
00:19:32And the winner is...
00:19:36Peppa, you can't pick yourself.
00:19:38You're the judge.
00:19:39Oh, can't I?
00:19:41You have to pick another winner.
00:19:44The carrot wins.
00:19:47Thank you.
00:19:49Peppa loves fancy dress parties.
00:19:51Everyone loves fancy dress parties.
00:19:58Peppa Pig.
00:20:03Peppa Pig.
00:20:05Peppa Pig.
00:20:36Peppa and George are playing with their friends, Rebecca and Richard Rabbit.
00:20:41Home time, my little bunnies.
00:20:43Oh, but we want to play some more, mummy.
00:20:46Maybe tomorrow.
00:20:47Can Peppa and George come to our house tomorrow?
00:20:56Why is Richard crying?
00:20:58He's a bit scared of going downstairs.
00:21:02We don't have stairs in our home.
00:21:05No stairs?
00:21:06That's right.
00:21:07You'll see tomorrow.
00:21:17It is morning.
00:21:18Peppa and George are going to Rebecca Rabbit's house today.
00:21:22Mummy Pig can drive and I'll do the map reading.
00:21:25Are you sure, Daddy Pig?
00:21:27We always get lost when you do the map reading.
00:21:30We won't get lost.
00:21:34Is everybody ready?
00:21:35Yes, Mummy Pig.
00:21:36Then let's go.
00:21:40Peppa and George are very excited.
00:21:42They have never been to Rebecca Rabbit's house before.
00:21:45Daddy, are we nearly there?
00:21:47The map says Rebecca's house is on the next hill.
00:21:53I don't understand.
00:21:55This should be where Rebecca Rabbit lives.
00:21:58We must be lost.
00:21:59There's just this garden of carrots.
00:22:02Where can Rebecca Rabbit's house be?
00:22:05Hello, everyone.
00:22:10Do you want to play in my bedroom?
00:22:12Your bedroom? But where is your house?
00:22:15Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere.
00:22:18This hill is our house.
00:22:20It's called a burrow.
00:22:22I'll show you.
00:22:24See you later.
00:22:25See you later.
00:22:27Come in.
00:22:30We don't have stairs.
00:22:33We have tunnels.
00:22:36Rebecca's house is a bit different to Peppa's.
00:22:39This is our bedroom.
00:22:43You have a bed and a window and a toy box, just like us.
00:22:48Of course.
00:22:50I like your house.
00:22:52I wish I was a rabbit.
00:22:54I know.
00:22:55Shall I teach you both how to be rabbits?
00:22:58Yes, please.
00:23:00First, you have to twitch your nose and squeak, like this.
00:23:11Very good, Peppa Rabbit and George Rabbit.
00:23:15Peppa likes being a rabbit.
00:23:17George likes being a rabbit.
00:23:19Rabbits like carrots.
00:23:25Nom, nom, nom!
00:23:29George does not like carrots.
00:23:31He won't even try them.
00:23:33Oh well, more for us then.
00:23:37Rebecca, what else do rabbits like?
00:23:40Rabbits like hopping.
00:23:42Come outside, I'll show you.
00:23:49Let's hop!
00:23:53Rabbits like hopping.
00:23:55Squeak, squeak, squeak!
00:23:57You're very good, rabbits.
00:23:59Lunchtime, children!
00:24:06Mummy and Daddy Rabbit have prepared lunch.
00:24:09Rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits.
00:24:13Squeak, squeak!
00:24:15You'll enjoy lunch then.
00:24:17It's our favourite, carrots.
00:24:24George will not eat carrots.
00:24:27Oh dear George, I thought you were a rabbit.
00:24:30Rabbits love carrots.
00:24:32Squeak, squeak!
00:24:37Wow, George is eating a carrot.
00:24:41And this is our favourite cake, carrot cake.
00:24:48Carrot cake.
00:24:50George is a proper rabbit now.
00:24:53Squeak, squeak!
00:25:19I'm Peppa Pig.
00:25:21This is my little brother George.
00:25:24This is Mummy Pig.
00:25:26And this is Daddy Pig.
00:25:30Peppa Pig!
00:25:34The Time Capsule
00:25:37Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup.
00:25:39Today we are going to make a time capsule.
00:25:43What's a time capsule?
00:25:45A time capsule is something that will show people in the future how we lived.
00:25:52We'll put special things in this box and then we'll bury it in the school garden.
00:25:58Will it grow?
00:26:00No, Susie.
00:26:02It will remain in the ground for many years.
00:26:08Now, what things should we put inside?
00:26:12Now, what things should we put inside?
00:26:15A comic.
00:26:17Very good, Peppa.
00:26:21Very good, Susie.
00:26:23A toy.
00:26:25A coin.
00:26:29A carrot.
00:26:31You do like carrots, don't you, Rebecca?
00:26:37All those are excellent things to show our daily lives.
00:26:42Madame Gazelle, what will the future be like?
00:26:46What do you think it will be like?
00:26:48I think in the future I will live on the moon.
00:26:54And all my friends will come to visit.
00:27:01And I will fly a space rocket.
00:27:08Now, we'll record a message for the people of the future.
00:27:12Say hello to the future.
00:27:15Hello to the future.
00:27:17You're probably all living on the moon now and going on holiday to Mars.
00:27:23And flying around in space rockets.
00:27:32It is nearly home time and all the parents have arrived.
00:27:36Mummy, Daddy, we've made a time capsule.
00:27:39Ah, Daddy Pig, you're just in time to help us dig a hole.
00:27:44Yes, of course.
00:27:50Daddy Pig is digging a hole in the school garden for the time capsule.
00:27:58Can we dig it up now?
00:28:00It will remain in the ground for many years.
00:28:05But I can't wait that long.
00:28:08Peppa, you are just like your daddy when he was little.
00:28:12Am I?
00:28:13Yes, I remember when I was his teacher.
00:28:17Did you teach my daddy?
00:28:19Yes, I did.
00:28:22When your mummies and daddies were little, they made a time capsule too.
00:28:26Yes, we did. We buried it next to a little tree.
00:28:29Can we dig it up?
00:28:31Yes, I think we buried it over here.
00:28:35Oh, I thought it was a much smaller tree.
00:28:38Oh, it was a long time ago.
00:28:41The tree has grown a bit since then.
00:28:44But it's still very small.
00:28:47Oh, it was a long time ago.
00:28:49The tree has grown a bit since then.
00:28:56I found something.
00:28:58It's our old time capsule.
00:29:02I can't wait to open it.
00:29:05Stand back, children.
00:29:07Yes, Madame Gazelle.
00:29:10What do we have here?
00:29:12Oh, an old comic.
00:29:14That was my favourite comic.
00:29:16A tin toy.
00:29:18My favourite toy.
00:29:21My favourite record.
00:29:23And a very old carrot.
00:29:25That's mine.
00:29:27What a good choice, Mummy.
00:29:30And a videotape of your mummies and daddies when they were little.
00:29:39Who's the little piggy in the glasses?
00:29:42Oh, that's Daddy Pig.
00:29:44Oh, and that's me.
00:29:46Hello to the future.
00:29:49What a squeaky voice you have.
00:29:53You're probably living on the moon now.
00:29:56Silly little Daddy Pig.
00:30:00Making time capsules is such fun.
00:30:03And finding them is even better.
00:30:08Peppa Pig.
00:30:11Peppa Pig.
00:30:15Peppa Pig.
00:30:40Peppa Pig.
00:30:44Jumble sale.
00:30:47It is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it.
00:30:53Children, we are going to have a jumble sale.
00:30:57The money we raise will pay for a new school roof.
00:31:02Everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale.
00:31:06What should we bring?
00:31:08You can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore.
00:31:14The parents have arrived to pick up the children.
00:31:17Home time.
00:31:19Don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow.
00:31:25Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale.
00:31:28Peppa, have you decided?
00:31:31You only have to choose one toy.
00:31:33Yes, and it will help pay for a new school roof.
00:31:38I'm going to give Mr. Dinosaur.
00:31:44Mr. Dinosaur is George's favorite toy.
00:31:47Peppa, you can't give away Mr. Dinosaur.
00:31:50Can't I?
00:31:52Oh, bother.
00:31:53Sorry, George.
00:31:57Why don't you give your old Jack-in-the-Box?
00:32:04Now it's your turn, Daddy.
00:32:08We must all give something to the jumble sale.
00:32:11I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball.
00:32:16So what shall Daddy give?
00:32:18I know, the television.
00:32:20Not the telly.
00:32:22No, it's too useful.
00:32:25I know, Daddy's smelly slippers.
00:32:31No, too smelly.
00:32:34I know, Daddy's old chair.
00:32:38But that's an antique.
00:32:40What does antique mean?
00:32:42Antique means it's very old and valuable.
00:32:45But you found it on a rubbish tip, Daddy Pig.
00:32:48It's worthless.
00:32:49It'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it.
00:32:51You've been saying that for ages, Daddy Pig.
00:32:56I know.
00:32:57I'll give these lovely socks that Granny Pig made me.
00:33:04I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale.
00:33:08Here they are.
00:33:09Thank you.
00:33:12And would you like this old chair?
00:33:15Oh, most generous.
00:33:21Mommy, who gave away Daddy's chair?
00:33:25Shh, don't tell him. He'll never notice.
00:33:30It is the day of the jumble sale.
00:33:34Hello, Miss Rabbit.
00:33:35Peppa, how about this chair?
00:33:37It's a bit rubbish, but you can chop it up and use it for firewood.
00:33:41But it's an antique.
00:33:43Is it?
00:33:44Daddy said it's worth lots of money.
00:33:46Well, I never. I'd better put the price up.
00:33:52Hello, everyone.
00:33:53Hello, Peppa.
00:33:54What did you give Susie?
00:33:56I gave my nurse's outfit.
00:33:58I gave my parrot balloon.
00:34:01I gave my toy monkey.
00:34:07I'll miss my jack-in-the-box.
00:34:11Can I buy this jack-in-the-box, please?
00:34:14And I'd like this nurse's outfit.
00:34:17The parrot balloon, please.
00:34:21Mommy, Mommy, look what we've bought.
00:34:24All your old toys.
00:34:26We missed them.
00:34:29Look what I've bought.
00:34:31It's an antique chair.
00:34:33Oh, Daddy Pig, that's not an antique chair.
00:34:36It is.
00:34:37Miss Rabbit just said so.
00:34:39And it matches my old one.
00:34:41Yes, Daddy.
00:34:42That's because...
00:34:44Shh, Peppa.
00:34:45It is your old chair.
00:34:49But Miss Rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it.
00:34:52Fantastic news, everybody.
00:34:56We have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof.
00:35:02Thank you, Daddy Pig.
00:35:04Ho, ho. You're most welcome.
00:35:13Peppa Pig.
00:35:18Peppa Pig.
00:35:22Peppa Pig.
00:35:25Peppa Pig.
00:35:55Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume.
00:35:58Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume.
00:36:01Peppa is wearing her swimming costume.
00:36:03Hurry up, George. Everyone's waiting.
00:36:07George is wearing his swimming costume.
00:36:10Peppa, George, let Daddy put on your armbands.
00:36:20There, George. Your armbands make you look very grown-up.
00:36:25Now me.
00:36:30Good. Now we can go in the water.
00:36:42It is George's first time at the swimming pool.
00:36:45Why don't you put just one foot into the water?
00:36:50Maybe you should try the other foot.
00:36:54Maybe George should try both feet at the same time.
00:36:58Good idea.
00:37:04Well done, George. But you don't need to splash quite so much.
00:37:12Here is Rebecca Rabbit with her little brother, Richard Rabbit.
00:37:16Hello, Rebecca.
00:37:19Hello, everyone.
00:37:22Richard, hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs.
00:37:28George, would you like to try kicking your legs?
00:37:36Very good, but try not to splash.
00:37:39Big children don't splash.
00:37:42We're very good at swimming.
00:37:44When George and Richard are older, they'll be able to swim like us.
00:37:49Won't they, Rebecca?
00:37:55Richard has a toy watering can.
00:37:57Stop it, Richard!
00:38:02Oh dear! Richard has dropped his watering can into the pool.
00:38:13Sorry, Richard. I can't reach. It's too far down.
00:38:18I can't swim underwater.
00:38:20Even I can't swim underwater.
00:38:24Please hold my glasses, Mummy Pig.
00:38:39There you go.
00:38:42Well done, Daddy Pig.
00:38:45I am rather good at swimming underwater.
00:38:53The watering can is for babies.
00:38:56Can we jump off the diving boards now?
00:38:59Sorry, Peppa. Diving boards are only for grown-ups.
00:39:04Cheer up, you two. You can watch me dive.
00:39:07Silly, Daddy. Your tummy is too big.
00:39:11Nonsense! I won trophies for my diving when I was younger.
00:39:16That was quite a long time ago, Daddy Pig.
00:39:19It's lucky I've kept myself so fit and strong.
00:39:22Please hold my glasses, Mummy Pig.
00:39:25You'll get a better view if you watch me from the side.
00:39:28Please don't splash us with water, Daddy.
00:39:31Of course I won't splash you, Peppa.
00:39:35I think I need a higher board.
00:39:37Please be careful, Daddy Pig.
00:39:39Yes! Don't splash us, Daddy.
00:39:43Don't worry, Peppa.
00:39:49Don't splash us with water, Daddy.
00:39:54I told you I wouldn't splash.
00:39:57Clever Daddy.
00:39:59Well done, Daddy Pig.
00:40:01No need for my towel.
00:40:03I've got a special way of drying myself.
00:40:07Daddy Pig has splashed everyone with water.
00:40:10Daddy Pig!
00:40:12Sorry, everyone.
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00:42:07Don't worry, Daddy. I will help you.
00:42:10Oh, all right.
00:42:12Peppa, you're in charge of getting me fit.
00:42:14What should I do first?
00:42:16First, you must do some press-ups.
00:42:25Very good, Daddy.
00:42:26Now I want you to do one hundred.
00:42:29One hundred?
00:42:33Come on, children. Help me make lunch.
00:42:35I'll help as well.
00:42:36No, Daddy. You've got one hundred press-ups to do.
00:42:46Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are in the kitchen making lunch.
00:42:50Daddy Pig is still doing his press-ups.
00:42:53Daddy is doing very well.
00:42:56Yes, I do hope he's not overdoing it.
00:42:59I'll go and see.
00:43:07Daddy Pig, you're cheating.
00:43:10You should be doing press-ups.
00:43:12Oh, there was something interesting on the TV.
00:43:15Naughty Daddy.
00:43:17Maybe Daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.
00:43:21Ah, this looks like fun.
00:43:23I'll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time.
00:43:30It's impossible.
00:43:32This bike is too noisy.
00:43:33I can't hear the TV.
00:43:35You've got to get fit somehow.
00:43:37I know.
00:43:38You can use my bicycle.
00:43:40Yes, and then you'll get some fresh air as well.
00:43:45Daddy Pig is going to ride on Peppa's little bicycle.
00:43:48Daddy, these are the pedals.
00:43:50These are the brakes.
00:43:52And this is the bell.
00:43:54Yes, yes. Thank you, Peppa. I know.
00:43:59Easy as pie.
00:44:03Getting fit is quite hard work.
00:44:09Now I can get fit without having to pedal.
00:44:13Daddy Pig is going very fast.
00:44:15Oh, maybe I'd better slow down.
00:44:19The brakes aren't strong enough.
00:44:34Daddy Pig has been gone for a long time.
00:44:37Mummy, where can Daddy be?
00:44:39Don't worry, Peppa.
00:44:41Daddy must be really enjoying himself to be away for so long.
00:44:51Daddy, where have you been?
00:44:54I whizzed all the way down the hill.
00:44:56Then I had to push the bike all the way back up again.
00:44:59Oh, poor Daddy Pig.
00:45:01Well, at least I've done my exercise.
00:45:03Yes, for today.
00:45:05What do you mean?
00:45:06You'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow.
00:45:09Daddy, to get fit, you have to exercise every day.
00:45:14Oh, no.
00:45:16But don't worry, Daddy.
00:45:18I'll make sure you do it.
00:45:20Yes, I know you will.
00:45:22Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:45:30Peppa Pig
00:45:35Peppa Pig
00:45:39Peppa Pig
00:45:52This is my little brother George.
00:45:55This is Mummy Pig.
00:45:57And this is Daddy Pig.
00:46:01Peppa Pig
00:46:04Kylie Kangaroo
00:46:06It is a lovely sunny day.
00:46:08Mr. and Mrs. Kangaroo have come to visit.
00:46:14Good day, Mr. Pig.
00:46:15We met at the airport, remember?
00:46:18It was a while back.
00:46:19You said we could visit any time.
00:46:21Did I?
00:46:23Since we last saw you, we've had Kylie and Joey.
00:46:26Say hello, kids.
00:46:28Hello, I'm Kylie Kangaroo.
00:46:31I'm Peppa Pig.
00:46:33And this is my little brother George.
00:46:37This is my little brother Joey.
00:46:40Joey lives in Mummy Kangaroo's pocket.
00:46:44It's thirsty work, this traveling around.
00:46:47Would you like a drink?
00:46:48Yes, please.
00:46:53My favorite.
00:46:55That's lovely.
00:46:57Here, sit down.
00:46:58Are you hungry?
00:46:59I'm always hungry.
00:47:01No worries.
00:47:02We'll make lunch.
00:47:04Mr. Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue.
00:47:08Corn on the cob, anyone?
00:47:11We should do this at our house.
00:47:14Hang on.
00:47:15This is our house.
00:47:17Come on, Kylie.
00:47:19We can play in the garden.
00:47:22We can play my favorite game,
00:47:25jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
00:47:28I like jumping too.
00:47:30First we have to find a puddle.
00:47:33Oh, there aren't any muddy puddles.
00:47:37The ground is too dry for muddy puddles.
00:47:40I wish it would rain.
00:47:42I hope it doesn't rain.
00:47:44Oh, we love rain.
00:47:46We don't see much of it back home.
00:47:48If it doesn't rain in this country,
00:47:50have a barbecue.
00:47:53We can still do jumping.
00:47:57George is quite good at jumping,
00:48:00but I am the best.
00:48:03Watch this.
00:48:05That's how you do it.
00:48:08Now you try, Kylie.
00:48:12Kangaroos can jump very high.
00:48:16Here is Rebecca Rabbit.
00:48:18Hello, Rebecca.
00:48:20This is my friend, Kylie.
00:48:22Hello, Kylie.
00:48:24Are you playing a game?
00:48:26We are jumping.
00:48:28Rabbits are the best at jumping.
00:48:30Watch this.
00:48:32Well done, Rebecca.
00:48:35But that's not as good as my friend Kylie.
00:48:38Go on, do your jump.
00:48:41I don't want to show off.
00:48:43Do it.
00:48:47That is high.
00:48:49Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping.
00:48:52Here is Pedro Pony.
00:48:54Hello, everyone.
00:48:56Hello, Pedro.
00:48:57This is my friend, Kylie Kangaroo.
00:49:01She's my friend.
00:49:03She can jump higher than anyone.
00:49:06No one can jump higher than me
00:49:09or my super space hopper.
00:49:13Show him, Kylie.
00:49:15But Pedro did really well.
00:49:17Do it.
00:49:22Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping.
00:49:25I could jump higher, but I'm a little bit tired.
00:49:29Oh, what was that?
00:49:32It is raining.
00:49:34Like I said, if you want it to rain, start a barbecue.
00:49:38I'm afraid we'll all have to go indoors.
00:49:41What? And miss the rain?
00:49:45Mr. Kangaroo has got a big umbrella
00:49:48to shelter everyone from the rain.
00:49:50Food's ready.
00:49:51Who's hungry?
00:49:56Peppa likes corn on the cob.
00:50:00Everyone likes corn on the cob.
00:50:02It stopped raining.
00:50:04The rain makes everything so fresh and green and wet.
00:50:09And muddy.
00:50:14This is how you jump in muddy puddles.
00:50:18Wow, that looks fun.
00:50:22I'm the best at jumping,
00:50:24but Peppa's the best at jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
00:50:35Peppa Pig.
00:50:40Peppa Pig.
00:50:44Peppa Pig.
00:51:14Madame Gazelle, I don't feel very well.
00:51:17The bus is very bumpy.
00:51:19Oh dear, Pedro Pony is feeling a bit travel-sick.
00:51:23Poor Pedro. Come and sit in the front with me.
00:51:28There. Is that better?
00:51:30A little bit.
00:51:32Madame Gazelle.
00:51:33Oh, do you feel sick too, Zoe?
00:51:36I might feel sick later.
00:51:38Can I sit at the front just in case?
00:51:41Can I sit at the front?
00:51:43And me!
00:51:45I'm sorry, children. You can't all sit at the front.
00:51:51Never mind. We're at the campsite now.
00:51:58Happy camping, everyone!
00:52:03This is our campsite.
00:52:06Breathe in the wonderful fresh air, children.
00:52:14Excellent breathing!
00:52:16Now, let's put up our tents.
00:52:20Peppa and her friends are putting up their tents.
00:52:27Children, you must each find a partner to share your tent.
00:52:32Suzy, shall we share a tent?
00:52:35I said I'd share with Zoe.
00:52:38Oh, sorry, Suzy.
00:52:40I said I'd share with Rebecca.
00:52:42Rebecca, you said you'd share with me.
00:52:45Oh, yes.
00:52:47Emily, who are you going to share a tent with?
00:52:54Good. Now you can share with me.
00:53:01Now I need sticks to make a campfire.
00:53:05We'll get sticks.
00:53:07But me and Pedro want to get sticks.
00:53:09Ha-ha! You can all collect sticks.
00:53:14Peppa and her friends collect sticks for the campfire.
00:53:23It is night-time.
00:53:25Peppa and her friends are sitting around the campfire.
00:53:28Children, let's all sing a song.
00:53:32The bing-bong song, please.
00:53:34Oh, I'm not sure.
00:53:36Please, Madame Gazelle, sing the bing-bong song.
00:53:40All right.
00:53:44We're playing a tune and we're singing a song
00:53:47With a bing and a bong and a bing
00:53:51Bong bing boong
00:53:53Bing bong bing
00:53:55Bing bong bingly bongly boo
00:53:58Bong bing boong
00:54:00Bing bong bing
00:54:02Bing bong bingly bongly boo
00:54:07Now, children, time for bed.
00:54:13Good night, children.
00:54:15Good night, Madame Gazelle.
00:54:18Peppa and Susie are in their sleeping bags.
00:54:22I've got a torch.
00:54:24Me too.
00:54:30Attention, children.
00:54:32No more giggling, please.
00:54:37What was that funny noise?
00:54:39I don't know.
00:54:42There it is again.
00:54:46Susie, where are you going?
00:54:49Madame Gazelle!
00:54:51I'm a bit scared.
00:54:53Would you like to come in?
00:54:55Yes, please.
00:54:58Madame Gazelle!
00:55:00I think I'm a bit scared.
00:55:03Madame Gazelle!
00:55:05I think I'm a bit scared too.
00:55:08Can I come in, please?
00:55:10Of course.
00:55:13I think I might be scared later.
00:55:16I might be scared later too.
00:55:18And me!
00:55:19Come in, everyone.
00:55:25Can we have the bing bong song, please?
00:55:28All right.
00:55:29We're playing a tune and we're singing a song
00:55:32and a bong and a bing.
00:55:57I'm Peppa Pig.
00:55:59This is my little brother, George.
00:56:02This is Mummy Pig.
00:56:04And this is Daddy Pig.
00:56:08Peppa Pig.
00:56:11Mr Bull in a china shop.
00:56:14Peppa and her family are going for a drive.
00:56:18I love our car.
00:56:20Ho, ho.
00:56:21And our car loves us too.
00:56:23Don't you?
00:56:27It is Mr Bull and his friends.
00:56:31Digger! Digger!
00:56:33George likes diggers.
00:56:35Hello, Mr Bull. What's up?
00:56:38We're digging up the road.
00:56:40Will it take long?
00:56:42It will take as long as it takes.
00:56:49Lads, let's smash up this old pipe.
00:56:55Mr Bull is good at smashing things.
00:57:00Tea break!
00:57:03Oh, dear. Now we'll have to wait even longer.
00:57:07Why don't you join us, Mummy Pig?
00:57:10Plenty of tea to go around.
00:57:12That sounds lovely.
00:57:14Thank you, Mr Bull.
00:57:19That's a nice teapot, Mr Bull.
00:57:22Yes, Peppa.
00:57:24It's made of delicate china.
00:57:27Mr Bull likes delicate china.
00:57:30You have to be very, very careful with china.
00:57:36Because china can break very easily.
00:57:41That's why I always...
00:57:46Oh, dear. Mr Bull has smashed the teapot to pieces.
00:57:50Oh, no!
00:57:52It's too hard. I don't know my own strength.
00:57:56Maybe we can fix it, boss. I've got cement.
00:57:59I've got a rivet gun.
00:58:01It's not gonna work, lads.
00:58:03I know. Miss Rabbit has a china shop.
00:58:07She could mend it.
00:58:09Good idea, Mummy Pig.
00:58:11We'll go right now.
00:58:13Can I come too?
00:58:15We'll all go.
00:58:18Mr Bull is going to the china shop.
00:58:22This is Miss Rabbit's china shop.
00:58:25Here we are.
00:58:30Hello. Can I help you?
00:58:33A bull in a china shop!
00:58:36Hello, Miss Rabbit.
00:58:38I have broken my china teapot.
00:58:41Oh, dear.
00:58:42Can you fix it?
00:58:44Let's have a look.
00:58:46That's very broken.
00:58:48I've smashed it to bits.
00:58:50Yes, but I think I can fix it.
00:58:53Oh, goody. Can we help?
00:58:56Of course, Peppa.
00:59:00These two pieces fit together.
00:59:03Fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle.
00:59:07Well done, Peppa. I'll glue those bits together.
00:59:10George has also found two pieces that fit.
00:59:13Well done, George.
00:59:16Nearly finished.
00:59:18That's the lid.
00:59:20There's just this funny shaped bit left.
00:59:23Where does that go?
00:59:25That's the teapot's handle, Miss Rabbit.
00:59:29Oh, so it is.
00:59:31I don't know much about china teapots.
00:59:33It's as good as new.
00:59:35Be careful not to smash it.
00:59:37I am very good at smashing things.
00:59:44Well done, Peppa.
00:59:46Thank you for mending my teapot, Miss Rabbit.
00:59:49No trouble, Mr Bull.
00:59:54Look, Puss, a pothole.
00:59:57There is a small hole in the road.
00:59:59And it's right outside Miss Rabbit's shop.
01:00:02What's inside?
01:00:04It's right outside Miss Rabbit's shop.
01:00:07What do you think, lads?
01:00:09Can we have a hole outside Miss Rabbit's shop?
01:00:13You fix my teapot, I'll fix your road.
01:00:18It's not my road.
01:00:20Mr Bull, how are you going to mend the hole?
01:00:25We'll dig up the road.
01:00:30Mr Bull is digging up the road.
01:00:33Mr Bull likes digging up the road.
01:00:36Everybody likes digging up the road.
01:00:42Peppa Pig.
01:00:47Peppa Pig.
01:00:51Peppa Pig.
01:00:57I'm Peppa Pig.
01:00:59This is my little brother George.
01:01:02This is Mommy Pig.
01:01:04And this is Daddy Pig.
01:01:08Peppa Pig.
01:01:15It is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it.
01:01:21Children, we are going to have a jumble sale.
01:01:25The money we raise will pay for a new school roof.
01:01:30Everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale.
01:01:34What should we bring?
01:01:36You can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore.
01:01:42The parents have arrived to pick up the children.
01:01:45Home time.
01:01:46Don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow.
01:01:53Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale.
01:01:56Peppa, have you decided?
01:01:59You only have to choose one toy.
01:02:02And it will help pay for a new school roof.
01:02:06I'm going to give Mr Dinosaur.
01:02:12Mr Dinosaur is George's favorite toy.
01:02:15Peppa, you can't give away Mr Dinosaur.
01:02:17Can't I?
01:02:19Oh, bother.
01:02:21Sorry, George.
01:02:25Why don't you give your old jack-in-the-box?
01:02:31Now it's your turn, Daddy.
01:02:36We must all give something to the jumble sale.
01:02:39I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball.
01:02:43So what shall Daddy give?
01:02:46I know.
01:02:47The television.
01:02:48Not the telly.
01:02:50It's too useful.
01:02:53I know.
01:02:54Daddy's smelly slippers.
01:02:59Too smelly.
01:03:02I know.
01:03:03Daddy's old chair.
01:03:06But that's an antique.
01:03:08What does antique mean?
01:03:10Antique means it's very old and valuable.
01:03:13But you found it on a rubbish tip, Daddy Pig.
01:03:16It's worthless.
01:03:17It'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it.
01:03:19You've been saying that for ages, Daddy Pig.
01:03:24I know.
01:03:25I'll give these lovely socks that Granny Pig made me.
01:03:33I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale.
01:03:36Here they are.
01:03:37Thank you.
01:03:40And would you like this old chair?
01:03:43Oh, most generous.
01:03:49Mommy, who gave away Daddy's chair?
01:03:53Shh! Don't tell him. He'll never notice.
01:04:03Hello, Miss Rabbit.
01:04:04Peppa, how about this chair?
01:04:06It's a bit rubbish, but you can chop it up and use it for firewood.
01:04:10But it's an antique.
01:04:12Is it?
01:04:13Daddy said it's worth lots of money.
01:04:15Well, I never. I'd better put the price up.
01:04:21Hello, everyone.
01:04:22Hello, Peppa.
01:04:23What did you give Susie?
01:04:25I gave my nurse's outfit.
01:04:27I gave my parrot balloon.
01:04:30I gave my toy monkey.
01:04:36I'll miss my jack-in-the-box.
01:04:40Can I buy this jack-in-the-box, please?
01:04:43And I'd like this nurse's outfit.
01:04:46The parrot balloon, please.
01:04:49Mommy, Mommy, look what we've bought.
01:04:52All your old toys.
01:04:54We missed them.
01:04:58Look what I've bought. It's an antique chair.
01:05:01Oh, Daddy Pig, that's not an antique chair.
01:05:04It is. Miss Rabbit just said so.
01:05:07And it matches my old one.
01:05:09Yes, Daddy, that's because...
01:05:12Shh, Peppa!
01:05:13It is your old chair.
01:05:17What? But Miss Rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it.
01:05:21Fantastic news, everybody.
01:05:24We have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof.
01:05:30Thank you, Daddy Pig.
01:05:32Ho, ho, you're most welcome.
01:05:41Peppa Pig.
01:05:47Peppa Pig.
01:05:51Peppa Pig.
