Cappuccetto Rosso ad Hollywood

  • le mois dernier


00:00Une fois, il y avait un oiseau.
00:10Ensuite, il y avait la maison de ma grand-mère.
00:20Et ma grand-mère.
00:22Salut, cousin! Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici?
00:24Je suis venu te chercher.
00:26Je suis venu te chercher.
00:28Salut, cousin! Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici?
00:34Maintenant, Little Red Riding Hood travaillait dans un club de soirée de Hollywood.
00:42Et un loup était chaud sur la route.
00:49Cigarettes, cigarettes.
00:53King sides, king sides.
00:59Et un loup était chaud sur la route.
01:07Maintenant, nous vous donnons notre nouveau petit amoureux de la tournée,
01:11cette petite balle de feu rouge,
01:13Red Hot Riding Hood!
01:20Hey, Daddy!
01:24I want a diamond ring, I want some bracelets and everything.
01:28Hey, Daddy!
01:30You better get the best for me.
01:33Hey, Daddy!
01:35Wouldn't I look swell in sables?
01:37Clothes with Paris labels.
01:41You better get the best for me.
01:44Hey, Peter!
01:46I want the impartial, crystal, golden taste.
01:50You better get the best for me.
01:53Hey, Pa!
01:55I want the B-19.
01:56Now, Daddy, don't be mean.
01:58Hey, Woofie!
01:59You better get the best for me.
02:02It's an amazing revelation with a bit of stimulation.
02:07I'd be a great sensation.
02:09I'd even be your little consolation.
02:11I see their father.
02:13I kind of think that I'm a golden cutie mink.
02:16Daddy, you've got to get the very best for me.
02:23Oh, Daddy!
02:28Hey, baby!
02:30What do you say after the show, you and me go steppin'?
02:34You wolves are all alike.
02:37Blimey, you are.
02:39No, I'm terribly sorry.
02:41But you see, I'm going over to my grandmother's.
02:44She's burning a little light in the window for me.
02:47Blimey, she is.
02:50Oh, forget the old dragon.
02:54And fly away with me to the Riviera.
02:58Love will be such a beautiful thing.
03:01I will give you diamonds, pearls, emmen.
03:05I will even give you a new set of white sidewall tires.
03:13What's your answer to that, babe?
03:15What's your answer to that, babe?
03:17Well, my answer is...
03:26To Grandma's house. Hurry!
03:30Hey, follow that cab.
03:32Yes, sir.
03:46At last! A wolf! Yahoo!
03:49Hurry, Harry!
04:24Grandma! Call yourself!
05:09Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
