Best of BeastHacks- - Matchstick Edition

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00:00now it's a no way how long did this take you want to do a life hack real quick
00:05sure let's do it oh so what's our internet hack review this is Paul
00:10Bunyan life hacks let's get hacking watch so that's liquid soap oh oh you're
00:18making flammable bubbles dude science is crazy
00:21whoa whoa hold up we're like fire nation attack and I can confirm the fire nation
00:28beat the bubble nation can we do that what if you lose your hand I mean it'd
00:32be worth it look at that that's a thumbnail that should have been the
00:35thumbnail no way that's safe is it safe yes that's all you need to know boom
00:40all right no wait there's a hole in the anyway why do you do that oh no he
00:46spilled his matches and they're all because he's just throwing them in there
00:50that's why he got him he's not a smart guy he's like one second one second let
00:54me get these two coke cola bottles let me show you how to do it right here one
00:57two so you just go one two snap and you got on your finger like little puppets
01:01okay okay and then you get some glue glue together and then do that oh okay I
01:08didn't see what he did there but I assume he just did that so what we're
01:11gonna do is get the matches and just you know yeah put the little striker on the
01:16cap and then we'll put them inside and then what you're gonna do is you're
01:19gonna close it right up you know just close it right up put it back in that coke boy and then just
01:24yom yom yom yom skrrr move fresh matches wham wham watch this watch this watch this there you go
01:31that's how you do it just drop it right in there that's what they do and there
01:36you have it that is a match hack that's what we do that's a decent amount of
01:40matches I was about to say that's a lot of matches but one time we bought a thousand
01:44no a million matches and lit them at one time and lit them at one time inside of
01:49a building and our building was just dumping black smoke out of the sides
01:54and we were like that might have been a bad idea yeah that might have been
01:58against some type of code man it was a violation of something probably since we
02:01we rent too they were probably like yeah this was at your house no this was at
02:05the warehouse oh it wasn't for a video we just did this at the house we were just in the house we were like let's just burn the place
02:11let's play some matches man that's what they do cola cans are strong yeah they are shout out to them man I'm
02:15surprised it didn't like start spraying up I thought oh well caught it too yep
02:19right when I said it oh dude I love watching things go like in reverse and
02:24then happening you know what I mean like an it like when a coke can like goes
02:28and it goes I like the shirt already oh wait look at this so if you don't know I
02:44don't like Pringles they keep using Pringles to mess with me it's okay I
02:50mean honestly what are you talking about I love Pringles why because they're easy
02:55to eat no they're stale they taste stale there you Wow okay speaking of stale look
02:59what he's doing what is he doing right now he's cutting he's cutting matches
03:03he's cutting matches constantly cutting matches over and over again this is
03:07first time he'll get used to it he's gluing yeah I don't usually watch this
03:10kind of stuff well I do you can't you can't figure out what he's trying to do
03:16you remember that old game see the BBs yeah that old game where you used to try
03:20and get it through the maze why don't you just buy the old game because they
03:24don't sell it anymore so we just make it ourselves yeah this it's called DIY man
03:29do it yourself that is true that is that's a good that's a good lettering
03:33hey you're a cameraman what do you think about the lighting on that overhead shot
03:37who cares about lighting I love the angle who cares about the light I was
03:42gonna say it's a little dark but you know who cares who cares about like I
03:46love the shirt though the thumbs up for the shirt I don't know about the whole
03:49thing but the shirt was pretty good hopefully a lot of ball bearings this
03:55episode if you notice that yeah this is a ball bearing centric centric I don't I
04:01think that that's one of the many um Windows is time to install now is not
04:08the time busy I forgot what I was gonna say something about centric I'm pretty sure
04:15that that's a law of energy I'm gonna somebody Google it oh wow this is are
04:21they gonna do that for all of them oh it's like a wagon that's how the wheel
04:25was invented as so matches have been around before the wheel but yeah oh this
04:33is gonna go real fast there's no way that lights Wow look you can tell we're
04:38amazed by the Wow emoji I'm amazed do you see I knew it whoa hey wow it's not
04:44even lighting chill chill bro we get a slow-mo thank you thank you for that
04:48slow-mo that thumbnail was worth the click I don't know about it I would have
04:52clicked it I clicked it and then I click the bell but there's a lot of
04:56buttons you it's hard being a viewer nowadays you know in taxes yeah a candle
05:01you're a candle MythBusters come on no we're not gonna react it my camera died
05:06and we talked about stuff and he wants me to react the same way but I'm
05:10switching it up microwave gonna melt it gonna melt it down a little bit mm-hmm
05:14oh that looks like egg white gosh I hate egg white I had to drink it when I was
05:21on a diet every single day and I literally I would never drink another
05:25thing egg whites ever again he made him waterproof because they got wax on him
05:29and then so what did he just dip him in he dipped him in water to show that it
05:33wasn't like it wouldn't mess up the match because when you strike the match
05:37it rubs off the wax and then nice and the wax is flammable that was really
05:42cool that was definitely worse for me getting another battery getting up and
05:47hey this is apparently good way to cook eggs uh that looks like a bunch of red
05:52broccoli we did way better than what is going on we just went he's just found a
05:57what oh yeah you got to get it nice and wet before you what does he do it he's
06:03just like all right we have a bunch of matches and now we're in the rain
06:06forest oh that look at this shot it's fisheye holy crap dude if you have a
06:11fisheye lens you have to film six skate tricks it's the rule of fisheye lenses
06:15are they boiling them? No. Oh we're getting a oh wow he's what is going on
06:21this camera angle is giving me ADD right now hey that's dinosaur eggs that's what
06:26they are dinosaur eggs? Yeah. Have you seen the movie Dinosaurs by Disney? No. Absolute banger of a
06:32movie have you seen uh Dory oh that's a good not no that's not good don't do
06:38that don't eat that you could not eat that you could not you would probably
06:42just get diarrhea oh I know what he's about to do he's gonna fill it with
06:46matches guarantee he's gonna fill it with matches good if he fills it with
06:49matches yep there it is I'm so smart it's almost like I'm immune to anything
06:54now because I've seen these a million times oh that's a nice fuse I don't
06:59think it's gonna do anything too big oh it took off just eating the microphone
07:04there I'm paying attention write this down this is gonna be on the test later
07:08whoa okay I'm passing this test all right how many flips did that do four
07:14all right let's see it's like I can't confirm that was a flip great job
07:21oh okay all right this is fast oh wow that's art whoa now it's a no way how
07:30long did this take it's a cannonball okay dude we need a cannon you know what
07:35this is how we make our kid this is how we make a cannon wait but this is a
07:39bad thing this is probably the coolest thing ever oh that was anti-climatic oh
07:48wait no was it awesome do we have to make this okay this has to be part of
07:54the cannon we have to make this this was incredible I love the way the fire came
08:00out like this way right here boom look at that a hundred percent need to make
08:04this on the main channel so satisfying to watch satisfying satisfying can we
08:09fire ring okay this guy's a genius get it I'm sitting with a genius look at
08:14this angle I'm appreciating these angles right now from a camera person the
08:18camera perspective are we just lighting look at the slow motion oh my god who is
08:23this right now oh my god can we talk about this shot is amazing it is look
08:27and look at this is how it looks like in real life and then this is Instagram
08:30back to the slow motion yep I mean I'm just I'm very impressed by this entire
08:34what's this called match cannon match cannon you get a hundred percent for me
08:37this was fantastic it's also a thumbnail this thumbnail was worth clicking on oh
08:41this is from max hack he does some pretty crazy stuff are we supposed to
08:45say that hmm it's on the screen it helps us not get copyright claim gotcha
08:50he's about to make a boom boom thing we can't say the word or YouTube gets real
08:56mad all right so you take the syringe you fill it with lighters matches you
09:01fill it with match heads you say lighters this is my first time back come
09:07on man yeah I haven't been here in a while I just make YouTube videos you're
09:10doing pretty good over there yeah we are we're doing very well absolute bangers
09:15mm-hmm I've just been locked in this room filming life hack videos good that's
09:19what we need we need this money so we can afford to do the other channel
09:22literally this is the secret you guys didn't know that pays for the main
09:25channel yeah wait really no way this works oh because he's a striker in the
09:30thing and when it makes boom Wow that's a fun project with your kids and then
09:36you throw it at the kids and they disappear yeah my mom always is like
09:40when you're gonna come over and I'm like we used to live together and your mom
09:45only came once in like a year and a half yep my mom was there all the time my mom
09:49likes me to come to her she doesn't like to go anywhere she's like me she doesn't
09:52like to leave my mom I can't get rid of her she's over there right now I love
10:00when they do that oh it's like a whoa she growing he is really out here
10:10whoa whoa he's making a rocket no way oh my good golly no way this is so cool
10:19dude I'm actually wallet holy crap how much time does this guy have wait Wow
10:25every day in the please take off please worry dude that was so blurry camera no
10:34who gets limo here here we go Oh three two one
10:40loft off Houston this is flame rocket we are on fire over we have a problem
10:48Houston we have a problem we are actually made out of matches and on fire
10:52over dude this is a beautiful scenery where is it yeah just palm trees in like
10:57Florida or something this has got to be in like the Philippines I think I feel
11:01like this is a Philippines dude that's pretty cool though how you made that it
11:05was amazing I get a 100 out of 100 hey it's mr. engineer again so he's gonna
11:10put a bunch of oh now he's gonna be make a giant ball out of matches oh this
11:16takes a lot of time and I don't think you I would be able to do this I would
11:20not I would be like I'm over this I don't have the patience nope oh no he's
11:23gonna light a soccer ball on fires and they're gonna hurt the environment or
11:27something probably ozone layer is gonna be gone somebody let us know in the
11:30comments cuz they'll be like hey the sea turtles don't like it when you light up
11:33soccer balls and we're like well the sea turtles have to do with this like I
11:36don't know it's just what's popular that was really quick that was really quick
11:40that's a massive fireball get it yeah soccer ball yeah I got it fire I'll be
11:49here for another 30 minutes that was very interesting though good job mr.
11:58engineer that took a lot of time and I'm sure a lot of effort you did very good
12:03we're proud of you what a great job he's doing remember when we did that yeah we
12:08had to bundle matches for like days hours upon hours at least seconds if not
12:15milliseconds our brains are in sync what's the one below millisecond
12:20nanosecond yep what is that firecracker why do they have to put skulls and
12:25crossbones on firecrackers at it looks like this is in Minnesota I guarantee
12:31you this is Minnesota just like Chernobyl oh it is now oh they're
12:38lighting the grass on fire what the heck what was the plan here let's make
12:43a big that's so like that there's wood no let's let's make a giant flammable
12:48thing around a bunch of dead grass I'm sure that'll work doesn't even show him
12:52putting it out he's just gonna let the grass burn watermelon versus matches
12:56rainy day thumbnail oh it's a watermelon so it's raining outside and you have a
13:03watermelon but what do you want to do you have some matches you know rainy day
13:06just means we would use it at a later date right oh does it yep I like to
13:11think that when it's raining outside and you have nothing to do but you happen
13:15to have watermelons and matches and sparklers and sparklers that this is how
13:19you can you know set your house on fire on the rain you know we've been asked by
13:23our landlord to stop multiple times for starting fires indoors have we yeah this
13:31is back in the old days though when it was me Jimmy and a couple other buddies
13:35and we were just lighting things on fire oh I've been here for a couple of
13:39months now and there's been fires oh yeah we still do have a lot of fires
13:43yes I guess the fire wasn't enough the car comes in at the end hey I know it's
13:48unfair but I'm a car do they make a lot of crossbows and bows and arrows Chris
13:53what tape is that that is Scotch Rola it looks like that a fruit shrug gum in the
14:01last like one second have you have you had the zebra gum where you yeah that's
14:07what I said that's exactly I wish you would have said that earlier before I
14:11said I said the name of it no no no zebras zebra clicked it for everyone in
14:15the room no fruit right gum is the name of it it's zebra why don't you go take a
14:20zebra and fix your neck boy once you get a neck why don't you give me that you
14:26can't say that anyway this cross what was lit dude this is like the new
14:31minecraft 1.14 has crossbows now no way yeah and I made one on stream it over
14:37it slash Chris O'Toole yeah I was there to push that TV so I see
14:43hello to one too I don't mind you plugging yourself but you definitely
14:47weren't there because it was a solo stream this is from brain food bomb bug
14:52brain food this is what the Grinch was trying to do this was the this is the
14:56pg-13 version of Jim Carrey's the Grinch haha they're like we can't have you as
15:01an actual baby and he's like come on probably because his costume was so
15:05flammable have you ever had gone to a bonfire where you use old Christmas
15:10trees no but then they light up looks like dude we would go to you could
15:21literally see it a mile down the road it was the biggest fire in the world when
15:24people think there's a war on Christmas this is what they think is happening I
15:27think people are just like going door-to-door taking Christmas trees and
15:30say you hold it on to that after my long explanation while you were talking I
15:34didn't know if you were just like waiting for you like uh-huh but my
15:37thanks Kevin I was like Chris is going and then I'm
15:39gonna go and then Chris is gonna go and that's how a life hack check that video