Managing Morning Sickness with Diet

  • last month
Managing Morning Sickness with Diet
00:00Morning sickness got you down? Let's tackle it with the right diet.
00:04Managing morning sickness with diet is all about smart food choices.
00:08Cracker and dry toast. These help absorb stomach acid. Try some before getting out of bed.
00:13Banana. Easy on the stomach and rich in potassium to replenish lost nutrients.
00:18Ginger. Perfect for soothing nausea. Sip on ginger tea or add fresh ginger to your meal.
00:23Lean protein. Keep energy stable with chicken, turkey or tofu.
00:27Hydrating food. Water-rich food like cucumber and melon maintain hydration.
00:31Avoid these foods to keep morning sickness at bay.
00:34Spicy food. They irritate your stomach and can trigger acid reflux.
00:38Fatty and greasy food. Slow digestion and cause bloating. Go for lightened meal.
00:43Caffeinated beverages. They may dehydrate and upset your stomach.
00:46Skip the coffee. Sugary food. They cause blood sugar spike vs nausea.
00:51By choosing these right foods, you can manage morning sickness with diet and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy.
00:57For more tips, visit us online.
