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Les sirops de sucre comme le sirop d'agave, le sirop d'érable, mais aussi le miel ou le sirop de gingembre... Ces sirops sembleraient avoir des vertus santé et seraient de très bonnes alternatives au sucre. Mais quelle est la composition de ces sirop de sucre ? Le sirop d'agave est intéressant pour son index glycémique, le miel pour ses vertus apaisantes... Tous ces produits sont des produits sucrés qu'on essaie de nous vendre en remplacement du sucre en poudre ou en morceau classique. Quels sont leur pouvoir sucrant ? Les diabétiques peuvent-ils les consommer ? Vous allez tout savoir sur les sirops de sucre. Il reste encore plein de choses à traiter sur le sujet des sirops de sucre, cela sera l'occasion d'une 2e vidéo !


00:00All these products are very fashionable, we talk about it more and more.
00:03It started in the past with agave syrup, with books that described its interest in health.
00:08I'm going to explain to you what all these sugar syrups are.
00:11Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel, the channel that only talks about nutrition
00:14and where we don't take you for potatoes.
00:18Masterclass, personalized menu, individualized dietary follow-up.
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00:27You keep asking me questions about the lives I do on Instagram, YouTube, etc.
00:33About two syrups, agave syrup and sugar.
00:37The first thing is to tell you that we went to the supermarkets to look for these syrups, agave and sugar.
00:44We didn't find them, which proves that they are products reserved for certain types of stores
00:50or products that justify advertising on the Internet and that's how their reputation grows.
00:56But I'll tell you about it in the middle or at the end of this video, you'll see, I'll tell you what it is exactly.
01:01The particularity of all these syrups will be two things.
01:04The first thing is their dilution in terms of water, which is what will give them their caloric value.
01:09The more water there is, the fewer calories there will be inside.
01:12And their sugar composition, knowing that there will be several types of sugar,
01:16whether it's saccharose, fructose, and more original, you'll see when I talk about agave syrup.
01:23And that's what defines their sweetening power.
01:25The first of the sugar syrups, I'm going to call it like that, that everyone knows, is what we call honey.
01:30Here I took an acacia honey.
01:32You can find it from the extraction of lots of products, lots of flowers, lots of shrubs.
01:37Well, I took the acacia because it's a common honey.
01:40Honey, in this case, is mainly composed of fructose for 38%, glucose 31%, the rest probably in the form of saccharose.
01:49It has a sugary power that is quite strong.
01:52It has a caloric value of 310 calories, which means, roughly speaking, that it will sweeten you things
01:58a third less in equal quantities than a square of sugar.
02:01And that's why, in general, when you put some in, you put a couple of teaspoons in to get that sweetening power.
02:07It's a good product. It has lots of qualities.
02:10I mean, in particular, it's really one of the best treatments for throat pain,
02:14unlike what they say with other syrups, etc.
02:17It's a great treatment for throat pain.
02:19So it's a pretty good product and quite healthy.
02:21The maple syrup contains 33% water, which will justify a caloric value a little lower than that of honey, 268 calories.
02:28And then you're going to get the sweetening power of this product based on two things.
02:33One, its dilution in water.
02:35That is, if there is a lot of water, it will sweeten a little less.
02:38But also the value of the sugar.
02:40For example, if in this syrup we had found fructose, it would have a much stronger sweetening power
02:46because fructose has a stronger sweetening power than sucrose, which is the normal sugar square.
02:51In this case, it is at 66% sucrose.
02:54That is, it will sweeten you like a sugar square.
02:57But you will put a little more in to get the sweetening power.
03:00The only characteristic of these syrups and agave syrup, which I will also talk about,
03:04is that they are supposed to have therapeutic properties.
03:10I don't think so, but they are supposed to.
03:12Because as you have taken water from a bush or a tree, you say that it carries some nutrients.
03:17The third is agave syrup.
03:19It was very fashionable.
03:20It's something I don't quite understand.
03:22It sweetens a lot more, for example, than the other two,
03:24simply because it contains a lot more fructose.
03:27And since fructose has a sweetening power higher than that of sucrose,
03:31we put less in to get the same effect.
03:33However, it contains 25% water.
03:36So that means you will probably put a little less in if you want to sweeten than a sugar square.
03:41But the sweetening power will be higher.
03:43So it will give you the same effect.
03:45Is it interesting?
03:47These supposed therapeutic properties, as we said,
03:50because it has a glycemic index that is not bad because of fructose,
03:54are counterbalanced by the fact that fructose is much more responsible than other sugars
03:59for the phenomenon of fatty liver.
04:01I know you are waiting for agave syrup and agave sugar.
04:04Date syrup is more modern.
04:07How do you make date syrup?
04:08You take dates, heat them, cook them, press them, extract the juice,
04:13concentrate it and you get a sugar syrup.
04:16It has about the same characteristics as the others.
04:19The particularity is that it has more nutrients inside.
04:22Assuming that the dates contain interesting nutrients,
04:25that it has 310 calories,
04:27I can say that it is sensitively comparable to honey.
04:30Maybe it has different properties.
04:32Maybe it will have a slightly different taste.
04:34But you see, we could very well use these 4 syrups in the same way.
04:38The great particularity is, don't believe that these syrups are not sugars.
04:43That's what we're trying to make you believe.
04:45It's false.
04:46They are sugars.
04:47So that means don't try, whether you are diabetic or not,
04:50to think that they are not sugars.
04:52They are sugars.
04:53Diabetic people should not take them.
04:55This is an originality that I found there.
04:57It's ginger syrup.
04:59I liked it because I liked the bottle,
05:01because I found it funny,
05:02because ginger has a lot of qualities.
05:04We find it in a lot of food supplements.
05:06And what we say about ginger is not completely false.
05:09The thing is that they took cane sugar.
05:12Well, it's from cane sugar that glucose syrups are made.
05:15So nothing extraordinary.
05:17And they put 30% ginger in it.
05:19It's a sugar that I would say is flavored.
05:21It's not that bad.
05:23You told me a lot about coconut sugar.
05:25In fact, what is coconut sugar?
05:27We take the coconut flower, we extract the sap from it,
05:30and we take the sugar part.
05:32So that's pure sugar.
05:34There is no difference between this sugar
05:37and powdered sugar that you are going to buy.
05:40It's exactly the same caloric values.
05:42It's exactly the same properties.
05:44Maybe the sugar compounds will be different.
05:46It's exactly the same thing.
05:48Don't get smoked.
05:50It's real sugar.
05:51We address the two sugars that interest you.
05:53What is diacon syrup?
05:54It is a syrup that is obtained from a tuber called earth pear.
05:59It has a lower caloric value than the others.
06:01I think it's around 200 calories for 100 milliliters or 100 grams.
06:06The particularity is that this syrup is much closer.
06:11Not a paste, but not a cream.
06:13It is in the form of syrup.
06:15But its particularity is to contain what are called oligofructosaccharides,
06:21which are products that are poorly digested by our intestines.
06:25This explains the low caloric value of the product.
06:28It has a high sugar content because it contains other sugars.
06:34It's not an uninteresting product.
06:36At first, I thought it was a fantasy.
06:38But this composition of oligofructosaccharides, which are prebiotics,
06:42which will give, a bit like sugar alcohols,
06:45associated with real sugar,
06:47allows it to have a lower caloric value,
06:50to have a real sugar content.
06:52The only problem with this product, which is noticed by all those who consume it,
06:55is its very characteristic taste,
06:57which makes it difficult to consume.
07:00But it's a rather good product, I recognize it.
07:03Then I was told a lot about work sugar.
07:05Well, what is it?
07:07Work sugar is extracted from the tree, from the work.
07:10And in fact, a substance called xylitol is extracted inside,
07:14which is an alcoholic sugar,
07:16whose caloric value is 2.4 calories, but which is poorly digested.
07:19It's a sweetener.
07:21So yes, there is zero sugar.
07:24You can use it, it's true, to cook.
07:28Yes, but it's a sweetener.
07:30It's called work sugar,
07:32and the term sugar is quite misleading.
07:34It's not a work sugar.
07:36It's work saffron, which has probably been concentrated like the rest.
07:39But it's not a sugar.
07:41It's a sweetener, and it's an alcoholic sugar.
07:44So they should say, work sugar.
07:46And I don't think it's a good idea to let that pass.
07:48To make fun of me, I bought this,
07:50because I thought that in the form of bottles,
07:52we were talking about sugar syrups,
07:54I bought work sugar.
07:56Well, work sugar is an edulcorant, but it's not an alcoholic sugar.
07:58It's the edulcorant that you find in a product
08:00that many people know in the real world.
08:02It's cooked, so it can be put in cakes.
08:04It's not bad, but you can very well buy powder work sugar.
08:07It's exactly the same thing.
08:09There, it's liquid.
08:11Its caloric value is zero calories.
08:13So it's not uninteresting.
08:15So, conclusion.
08:17If you liked this video,
08:19like it, share it,
08:21leave comments, critics, suggestions.
08:23And I'll see you soon, friends.
