• last year
The Rifleman S04E04


00:00You better come out of here.
00:24What is it, son?
00:30Prison wagon.
00:36What are you guys stopping for?
00:38Shut up, Drone.
00:40What are you guys stopping for?
00:43I said shut up.
00:47You'll get yours, Potter.
00:49So help me.
00:51You'll get yours.
00:55Sure, how are you?
00:57Is there something you want?
00:59Well, yeah.
01:00Yeah, you see, we got that there prison wagon.
01:03And we've got a long way to go.
01:05We've got to go all the way to Yuma.
01:07You see, we've got a fella in there that's coming up.
01:17You understand?
01:19Look at this fella.
01:20Who is he?
01:22Rudy Croft.
01:23He's killer up Santa Fe area.
01:25He's a real mean boy.
01:27Look, you see, we ain't supposed to go near no towns with him.
01:31You see, and we kind of need some supplies.
01:35Well, if it's food you want, I can
01:36sell you some of our supplies.
01:39Yeah, well, that ain't it exactly.
01:41You see, this here heat and traveling like that.
01:45Mister, the town of North Fork's about three
01:48miles down the road.
01:50There's a marshal there named Micah Torrance.
01:51You've probably heard of him.
01:53Now, what do you think he'd say if I rode in there
01:55and told him that the prison wagon came
01:57through with a killer in it, and both the guards
01:59were drunk and asked me for whiskey?
02:01Now, friend, you got us all wrong.
02:04You see, it's just this heat.
02:06Maybe the heat will dry you out.
02:08I'll get back in that thing and get off my property.
02:11And if I were you, I'd stay sober the rest of my trip.
02:15True thing.
02:16We'll do that.
02:18You're right, Rudy.
02:22Come on, son.
02:23Let's get back to work.
02:25The Rifleman.
02:34Starring Chuck Connors.
02:54He's batting up without you complaining all the time.
03:10Ain't nothing wrong with me.
03:11A bottle couldn't fix the way you drunk up that last one.
03:15Yeah, well, if you'd have handled
03:16that sodbuster back there proper instead
03:17of shooting off your mouth, he'd have probably give you one.
03:20Instead of running us off like he did.
03:23Telling that Marshal.
03:27What are you guys, scared?
03:28Going to get yourself a little drink when you need one?
03:34You let me go.
03:35I'll get it for you.
03:38Shut up, Crawford.
03:40You shut up.
03:41We'll hang us a few horse blankets over them windows.
03:43Then we'll see who needs a drink.
03:49You ever been to North Fork, Taylor?
03:53Well, I've been there.
03:55But there ain't nobody there to know you.
03:57We got a long ways to go.
03:59Sure would make it easier.
04:01Yeah, we, you know, we got to learn both of us
04:04stay with him all time.
04:06Well, what can't he do?
04:07All locked up.
04:09Look, we camping them trees over there.
04:12Come nightfall, will you take one of these horses,
04:14go on into town, get us a couple of bottles, and come on back?
04:18Crawford here try anything.
04:20Nothing I'd like better than putting a bullet through him.
04:22Sassiness like he's been.
04:24Well, let's get to them trees.
04:25Ha ha ha.
04:46Come on.
04:47Give me something.
04:48I'm half stoned.
04:50There ain't none for you.
04:51What's left, I got to save for Taylor.
04:55You ain't feeding me enough to keep me alive.
04:59My middle's aching all over.
05:03You got aches.
05:04So what?
05:05They'll be gone in a few days.
05:07It don't waste no time down to you, man, relaxing you.
05:12Potter, come on, huh?
05:17Just give me something.
05:19I'm telling you, I'm hurting.
05:23I'm half starved.
05:37You know something, Crow, there ain't nobody out here
05:40except you and me.
05:42And you're sure getting on my nerves.
05:45Just asking, that's all.
05:47You wasn't asking.
05:49You was begging.
05:51Rudy Crow, begging for beans.
05:53I ain't that old, I am.
06:02How'd it go?
06:04No trouble, nobody seen me, nobody asked no questions.
06:08That North Fork, even the marshal gone to bed,
06:10just me and the bartender.
06:13Oh, hey, that's evening.
06:25Hey, Bart?
06:32Hey, Potter, come on, we still got us another bottle.
06:37You gonna sleep on me?
06:39No, I ain't.
06:40You gonna sleep on me?
06:42Potter, wake up!
06:56What's the matter with you, Crow?
07:03Help me, I can't stand it!
07:11Why can't you?
07:17Don't you say a word!
07:18Where's the key?
07:19Give me the key!
07:21Don't you say a word!
07:22Where's the key?
07:23Give me the key!
07:24Give me the key!
07:53Come on!
07:54Get your copper!
07:55Come on!
07:56Come on!
08:05Seems like Round had swallowed him up.
08:09Hurt like he was.
08:10What do you suppose happened to him?
08:12He's probably holed up in them rocks someplace.
08:15We'd never find him.
08:16You say you shot him good?
08:19And then the buzzers again.
08:20Sooner or later.
08:22What are we going to do?
08:23Hold him.
08:24And what are we going to do?
08:26What are you going to do when we get to him?
08:28What are you going to tell him?
08:30Letting him get away like he done.
08:32Look, he was drunk too.
08:33They'd like to hear that.
08:38We've got to find him.
08:39Five are dead.
08:41You know what happens to us if we get there without him?
08:45Five here, solid here.
08:47We've got to get him.
08:50Somebody take his place.
08:53What do you mean, somebody take his place?
08:55You loco?
08:57You aim to drive into Yuma with an empty wagon?
09:00We'll find somebody, mess him up some.
09:02Who's to know the difference?
09:04Croft, he ain't never been to Yuma.
09:06Ain't nobody there knows him.
09:08So who's to say who we're bringing in?
09:10Especially if that somebody, he looks a little bit like Croft.
09:17Like who?
09:19That big mouth sodbuster yesterday, he got yellow hair,
09:22about the same size as Croft.
09:24Like you say, we mess him up some,
09:26who's going to know the difference?
09:27We get back the sodbuster same time,
09:29threatening us like he done.
09:31You know something, Taylor?
09:33Sometimes you got real brains.
10:13Where'd you help her?
10:15Your boy?
10:16In school?
10:18I thought you were on your way to Yuma.
10:20Oh, we was.
10:21Fact is, we still are.
10:23You see, we got to thinking about what happened yesterday,
10:26us coming by and all.
10:28And we figured we better stop by and sort of apologize.
10:32Now, we know we done the wrong thing,
10:34and we just didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
10:36That's right.
10:37Fact is, we do need some supplies.
10:39Now, not whiskey, nothing like that.
10:40But if you could help us out, we'd be mighty appreciative.
10:43You're supposed to carry enough supplies when you start out.
10:47Well, you see, uh, Croft in there, he's a, he's a big eater.
10:50A lot more than we figured for a man being took to get hung.
10:53Uh, what do you say, mister?
10:56Just a little flour, maybe a little cornmeal?
10:58Then we'd be gone.
10:59We won't bother you no more.
11:01All right.
11:03Let's go get what you came for.
11:43Let's fix the air in him.
11:44We'll fix him.
11:45By the time we get to Yuma,
11:46they ain't gonna know who we got in there.
11:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
11:58Oh, yeah.
12:12Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
12:24How far you reckon we come?
12:26We've come about five miles, I reckon.
12:38Well, Max, I was wondering, he's going to come around.
12:41Hard you hit him.
12:44Well, I hit him again, he'd give us any trouble.
12:46Hey, side buster, you hear me?
12:53We're taking you for a little ride,
12:54so you just make yourself comfortable.
12:57Here, you want a drink?
13:02Wait a minute.
13:09Oh, well, now, looky there.
13:12That old water just won't stay put.
13:14I reckon you just have to go thirsty.
13:18What do you think you're doing?
13:19We ain't doing nothing.
13:21You are.
13:22You're doing us a favor.
13:24You sure are.
13:26Yeah, you see, uh, last night, that, uh, that Croft,
13:30he done got away from us.
13:31Yeah, he sure did.
13:33But we figure he didn't get too far,
13:34because he's, uh, he's carrying a bullet in him.
13:37You know them coyotes.
13:39Well, we, uh, we figure they probably got him by now.
13:42Well, that don't help us none.
13:44Tailor me.
13:46What's that got to do with me?
13:47Well, we thought about you.
13:48You know how you treated us yesterday?
13:50And you know what?
13:51We got to thinking how you kind of looked like that Croft.
13:53You know, yellow hair, big and all.
13:54So you're doing us a favor.
13:56Yeah, you see, uh, well, tailor me.
13:58Well, well, it wouldn't look too good
14:00for us coming into Yuma empty.
14:01So you're taking Croft's place.
14:05Yeah, well, we figure they can hang you as easy as Croft,
14:08and, uh, nobody will know the difference.
14:11You're out of your mind.
14:13You'll never get away with it.
14:14Don't you be telling us what we can do.
14:17By the time we get to Yuma, you're
14:18going to be Croft, as far as anybody's concerned.
14:22And we'd rather have you believe in it, too.
14:25Let's go.
15:18Pa, where are you?
15:26Who are you?
15:27You'll never mind who I am, kid.
15:30What are you doing here?
15:32Where's my pa?
15:34Your pa ain't around.
15:35He's gone.
15:36He's doing something, something for me, kid.
15:38He's helping me out.
15:40Now, why don't you be like your pa?
15:42Just help me out.
15:49I don't know what you're talking about.
15:52My pa doesn't know you.
15:53If he did, I'd know you, too.
15:56Look, sonny, I ain't got time to argue.
16:00Now, you going to help me out?
16:06Who are you?
16:07How'd you get shot?
16:09You want to know everything, don't you?
16:14All right.
16:15All right, kid.
16:18I'll leave you be.
16:19I'll bother you no more.
16:22Just get me a gun.
16:24There must be a gun around here somewhere.
16:26Now, get me a horse out of the barn here.
16:29I'll be long gone.
16:30No, boy.
16:34I'm hurt.
16:36I got to get out of here.
16:38Now, don't give me any trouble.
16:40Get me a gun.
17:14Hey, how about a drink of water?
17:22What'd you say?
17:25I asked for a drink of water.
17:36You know how much water there is between here and Yuma?
17:39There ain't none.
17:40None to speak of, have you?
17:42And what water we got over there, why, it's going to last.
17:46Now, if you're real thirsty, why, you can take
17:48a swallow of this here whiskey.
17:52Well, when we get to Yuma and they put
17:56that rope around your neck, ain't nobody
17:59going to say it wasn't Rudy Crosby, huh?
18:01And you ain't going to be in no condition
18:03to tell them they was wrong.
18:05You'll have to kill me first.
18:07If you don't, you'll never get away with this.
18:10Oh, well, we'll see.
18:14You sure you won't have one?
18:34Where'd you leave him?
18:36Right here.
18:37You can see where I dropped my hat.
18:39He just fell off.
18:41I didn't know what to do.
18:43You did the right thing.
18:51He didn't get very far.
19:15If he's done something to Pa, how are we going to find out?
19:18I don't know.
19:20There's no identification on him.
19:30Here, Mark, my eyes aren't too good.
19:32Can you read that?
19:34It says, uh, Rudy Croft.
19:43This is the man that they had in that prison wagon yesterday.
19:47What do you mean?
19:50He said that Pa was doing a favor for him.
19:53I don't know, but come tomorrow, we better find that wagon.
19:56Come on, boy.
19:57We got some work to do.
20:08What's the matter?
20:09I ain't thirsty.
20:13Well, suit yourself.
20:15You going to eat them beans?
20:18You ain't thirsty?
20:19I ain't hungry.
20:22Wait a minute.
20:23What are you doing?
20:25Well, if he ain't going to eat them, I'll give them to him.
20:27Look, you don't get fed till I say, and then just
20:31enough to keep him breathing.
20:33You got a week's more traveling to do,
20:34and that ought to just about do it.
20:40I don't think we're doing the right thing.
20:43What do you mean by that?
20:44Well, I don't know.
20:45Just don't seem right.
20:49What you need is a drink.
20:51No, I don't need no drink.
20:53I suppose what he says is true.
20:55Suppose we get him to Hume, and they find out what we done.
20:57What happens?
20:59You forgetting what they'll do to us?
21:01We ride into Hume with an empty wagon.
21:02Well, one thing's as bad as the other, maybe worse.
21:05You got a better idea?
21:09I say we make a deal with him.
21:11Provided he keeps his mouth shut, we let him go.
21:14And we dig what's coming to us.
21:18You know, Taylor, you just give me an idea.
21:21What's that?
21:23Well, he ain't the only one who's
21:25liable to have a loose lip about what's happened out here.
21:28What do you mean?
21:33Well, you've been spouting chicken feathers
21:34the past few hours, and I'm getting worried about you.
21:39Bart, I know how to keep my mouth shut.
21:43I'm not going to say anything.
21:47Yeah, you keep your mouth shut, all right.
21:49All right.
21:50All right.
21:50All right.
21:51All right.
21:52All right.
21:53All right.
21:55Bart, you're out of your head.
22:02You know, he just give me an idea.
22:05Did you hear what he said?
22:07I heard.
22:08Yeah, well, come to think of it,
22:10it probably would be a mistake hauling you into Yuma.
22:14At least alive it would.
22:16Now, let's see.
22:17I'd tell him you escaped, which you did, you being crawled.
22:22And while you was doing it, why, you shot poor old Taylor there.
22:25Naturally, I just had to shoot you.
22:28Yeah, that's it.
22:30That way, I was just doing my duty
22:33and protecting my own life.
22:35Yeah, that's it.
22:37That's the way it'll be.
22:40Now, you get back in there while I open these doors.
22:45Why right here?
22:46Why go to all the trouble?
22:48Well, you's escape him, remember?
22:52All right, now move back.
23:02All right, now come on out and don't try nothing.
23:04Turn around.
23:06I said turn around.
23:07Supposed to be escaping, remember?
23:09Man running away, he'd have to be shot in the back, wouldn't he?
23:11Turn around.
23:13You shoot me in the front, you'd have a hard time explaining it.
23:17Wouldn't you, Potter?
23:18You ain't tricking me.
23:20I'll shoot you straight on if I have to.
23:33Get up and start walking.
23:36Over there.
23:41Yeah, inside.
23:42Like you said, I'm a good man.
23:44What are you going to do?
23:47You hear me?
23:48What are you going to do?
23:50Hey, mister, what are you going to do?
23:52You're going to have a long time figuring it out yourself,
23:56Hey, look, look, Southbuster.
23:58We didn't mean anything.
24:00We's going to let you go.
24:02Hey, what are you going to do?
24:25Pa, where have you been?
24:26What are you doing with that wagon?
24:27I'll tell you all about it when we get back to the ranch, son.
24:30You had your coffee yet, Micah?
24:32You don't think I'd miss my coffee just because you got
24:34yourself into a little trouble.
24:37Of course not.