The Twelve Season 2 Episode 7

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00:13Care about you dad. I don't care about the money. Oh, I give up
00:17Softness isn't weakness and money isn't love
00:21No, wasn't the roller rink that got me pregnant mum was the fact that I knew nothing about boys
00:27Talking about this now, okay
00:29There was someone at the house there with him. We didn't find any of the drugs
00:33Do you know anyone who could have given him the drugs? No, I
00:37Want you to leave now?
00:40So is this where Sasha and Patrick parked? No, they'd come by the back road that park where we did
00:46What's there called me the ringmaster of the circus? Are you uh, we work together as a team
00:51Well, then Colby must have told you that Patrick Harrows wanted to change his plea in the wee hours of Sunday
00:57Sharing tactics is off the table. I'm putting Sasha on the witness stand you what I have to do what's best for my client
01:08Something very important just landed in my lap something a new piece of the puzzle
01:36Yeah, this is just what I was looking for thanks, she's not well enough prepared she will be good evening
01:49I can't believe you want me to testify
02:00Think sense. I appreciate this. Okay. I've been thinking
02:07Right, so your advice before was not to testify. Yeah, it was but our situations changed here to take a seat
02:17This was always going to be a volatile situation
02:21Co-accused different representation. I
02:24Was relying on a transparent relationship with Patrick's barrister, but I no longer have faith in that approach
02:32Patrick will never testify and he's not allowed any character witnesses and that really works in our favor
02:45So you want me to throw Patrick under the bus
03:09Need a same dirty tactics, but this at the 11th hour
03:21What did Santa give us
03:24a whole new case theory
03:42Okay, we're gonna go through every single memory you have
03:45starting with a waterfall
03:47Well Meredith you have it all I told the police everything. I remember I know but we okay, so
03:53You were sitting at the waterfall and you're waiting for Patrick, that's right. Do you remember seeing a council truck in one of the
04:02Car parks, um because there was a
04:08Weeding truck there
04:11Until look 3 21 p.m
04:14Okay, if you remember seeing a truck there, it would mean you arrived there earlier
04:20Than you thought and if you arrived there earlier than you thought then you were waiting longer for Patrick than you realized
04:30But if you don't remember seeing a truck obviously we can't you said it's evidence
04:39Wait, I
04:43Think I think I might have seen
04:47The I'm on a sing that truck yeah, okay, and do you remember
04:52Where you saw that truck was it in the main car park or the back park?
04:59And the makeup of the other one with the highway side of the main car. Yeah, okay
05:10We need to contact the lab that did the evidence analysis it's a police lab they won't share any info
05:16they used a private lab and
05:19I'll talk
05:25Fine I'll beg them
05:44How's it going I know you know, okay, here you go
05:50Fine I'm my hon. Have a good day. Bye
05:58I didn't give him to her rules are rules
06:13Remember that one summer I think I was in you four or five or something and there was a heatwave
06:19There was this one Sunday where it was just unbearable. So just that once you let us skip church
06:30It's my favorite memory of you a day broke the rules for me
06:42Come on, you know what can happen
06:47Yeah, we got her that's what I
07:27Bloody dear was that neither of us testify. This was a surprise to us as well. I
07:36Thought you were both on the same team
07:40Patrick I'm asking you to be patient. We have a strategy. What is that fucking strategy?
07:45What's her just setting me up shit great without a paddle is it Nina is getting our ducks in a row and they will not
07:50Be up shit Creek
07:53Let's go
08:11Well, my dad died when I was 15
08:13so, um
08:15Then it was just the two of us really I guess we kind of relied on each other a lot after that. Yeah
08:21Sasha there has been a lot of talk about your mother in this courtroom
08:26But how would you describe your mom
08:30Well, she'd had a hard life so
08:33She could be hard
08:36She was tough
08:38But fair tough, but fair I think I say
08:42What what kind of relationship did you have with your mother?
08:46It's too hot here mom, let's go take your gear off and have a dip
08:51If someone sees me get a show for free when they hey, I'm
09:00Yeah, all right, all right good
09:04Let me tell I'm undressed, right?
09:07Don't love I am. Oh good. No wonder you're hot. You got a singlet. I'm mom. Hey
09:14Oh, it's so nice
09:33She's my mom I loved her a lot
09:46Do you need to take a moment Sasha
09:50That's all right
09:52No, no, I'm okay
09:55Okay, I want to talk now about the day that your mother died if that's all right, yeah, okay
10:02What did you do that morning? Um, I ran a few errands in town
10:10G'day morning, I'm just here picking up a script for Bernie's price. Yeah, no worries. Thanks so much
10:23Thanks so much Nick appreciate it you keep that safe, right? Yeah, we'll do
10:291030 I got back to the farm and I gave the pills and the money to mom
10:33then I
10:35Did the pregnancy test?
11:07Which was positive and
11:1011 o'clock mom left for town and I did a couple hours of work around the farm
11:15How did Patrick Harrows respond to the the news of the pregnancy
11:32Sorry, I'm just okay. That's all right. Just take your time. Yeah
11:37How did Patrick Harrows respond to the news?
11:40So he didn't um, he didn't answer straight away
11:43Which wasn't like him so I left I called a few more times and then it just ended up leaving a voicemail message
11:48Just telling him I was pregnant. And did you leave anything else on the message?
11:52Yeah, I asked him to meet me at the waterfall so we could talk about it in person
11:56And did you go straight to the waterfall after that? No, I didn't I finished making the burn pile for mom and then I drove
12:04So, so what's the parking arrangements at Point Falls?
12:11There's two car parks as a main one
12:13Mm-hmm, which is on the highway side of the river and then there's the back one that locals use
12:19But you can't see that one when you're at the Falls. Which one did you park in?
12:23Oh, I took the local road. So the back one. What's the local road for those that perhaps don't know?
12:28Oh, it's just the quickest way from Ailey's shortcut. Do you know how to get to Point Falls?
12:33Do you know is there any CCTV cameras along that road? It's a country dirt road. I don't think so
12:39Oh, what so what happened then? Oh, then I walked to the Falls and waited for Patrick. What time did you arrive at the waterfall?
12:463.30. I was waiting for a bit. And how long do you think you were waiting there?
12:5110 minutes or so. And what time did Patrick arrive at the waterfall?
12:55at 3.42
12:573.42 p.m. That feels very precise. How do you know it was exactly at 3.42 p.m?
13:01I checked the time on my phone when he was like walking towards me
13:04I sort of felt like a long time between me leaving the message that I was pregnant and him arriving
13:10I was just feeling a bit anxious. So Sasha from where you sat at the waterfall. Could you see the car park?
13:16Well, just the main one
13:19Were there any vehicles parked there? There was one. Yeah, what kind of car was it?
13:23It was a truck like a council truck council truck
13:27The state evidence shows that two council workers left the car park at 3.21 p.m. In a weeding truck Sasha
13:353.21 p.m. To 3.42 p.m. How long is that?
13:38That's towards 21 21 minutes. So if you saw that council truck, how long were you waiting for Patrick at the waterfall?
13:46Okay, so 20 minutes at least can you remind us how long does it take to drive from your farm along that dirt road
13:54to the waterfall
13:5610 minutes. So if Patrick Harrows was an early Downs at 3.30 p.m
14:01And he drove along that dirt road to the waterfall could he have got there in 10 minutes?
14:07Objection. Your Honor.
14:09Counsel is leading witness. I think not. Mr. Colby. Continue. Ms. Nelson-Moore. Thank you, Your Honor.
14:18Sasha you previously stated to police that you were waiting for Patrick for about 10 minutes
14:24But could you be clear at any point
14:26Precisely how long you were waiting? I just found out I was having a baby. So I was
14:31Yeah, my mind was just everywhere. It was
14:34It's a very very overwhelming
14:37experience, so I
14:40Know I wasn't precise but because I couldn't have been
14:44Thank you, Sasha. Thank you, Your Honor. No further questions
15:32Did you know
15:38I didn't know. You see how this complicates our case theory
15:45Is it motive? If you didn't know and Sasha did then yes, it's motive for her certainly.
16:02You can't say this in court
16:10It's not fair. Patrick.
16:12She blew up your alibi with a lie, but we can use the truth if you let me. It's too late for fear.
16:35So do you think Patrick did it alone then? Whatever happened, she's obviously got it in for him now.
16:41I just
16:56Miss Price
16:59You were paid by your mother to work on the farm, weren't you? That's right. And it was a fair wage, wasn't it?
17:06Fair. Yes, it was. Did you ever disagree with your mother about the wage?
17:13No, never.
17:15Did you pay for board or a mortgage or for food?
17:20You were going to inherit the farm, weren't you?
17:23Yes. Yes, I was. And you were the sole beneficiary of her will, weren't you? I was, yes.
17:31How did your mother feel about Mr. Harrows? Did she like him? Did she trust him?
17:38No, she was very
17:42suspicious of him.
17:45Did she say he was beneath you?
17:48Yes, she did say that. Yeah. Did she believe he was after your money?
17:55Did Patrick tell you that your mother fired him unfairly? He did, yeah.
18:00Did you know that your mother was intending to pay Patrick to leave town on the day of her death?
18:06Where's the cash for the weld digger? It's on the bench there.
18:10And the paper bag has got your pills in it. You need to start taking them again, right?
18:18I'll be down at the big shed if you need me.
18:30I'll find you.
19:17Oh, you're going to Bevins now? Yeah.
19:22Hey, um, mum, there's something I want to talk to you about. Yeah, we'll talk about it later.
19:42told me she was going to pay Liam Bevan for the work he did on the well,
19:45but I had absolutely no idea that she was going to give half of that money to Patrick, no. On the morning that she died,
19:52did your mother tell you that she was contemplating changing her will? No, she didn't.
19:57Did you believe she would disinherit you?
20:00No, I did not. But you suspected that your mother would take steps to make sure her property didn't end up in Patrick Harrows's hands,
20:07didn't you? No, she didn't say anything about it to me. You were terrified of losing your inheritance, weren't you?
20:12No. You were fed up with your mother's domineering behavior, controlling your relationship and your life, weren't you?
20:18That's why you murdered her. You concocted a plan with your lover to kill her. No.
20:22You and Patrick hit your mother over the head and you drove her body up to the well,
20:27didn't you? No. And after dumping her in the well,
20:30you went to your salon appointment and made a future appointment for your mother in order to create an alibi, didn't you?
20:37I didn't kill her. I didn't.
20:45I loved her. I loved her very, very much. I didn't kill her.
20:58We're satisfied, Your Honor.
21:03The State has no further questions for the accused?
21:06None, Your Honor. Well, then.
21:09Mr. Colby, are you ready to begin your cross-examination?
21:17Your Honor,
21:19in light of my learned colleague's surprisingly succinct cross-examination,
21:24my, uh,
21:26instructing solicitor is not yet present. So may I kindly ask Your Honor for an adjournment?
21:32Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it appears that today you are to receive an early mark.
21:38Court will recommence tomorrow morning.
21:40Yeah. Court is adjourned.
21:55I'm starving. Could you get me one of those fried chicken sandwiches? Yeah. Oh, thank you. Do you want any mayo? Mayo would be great.
22:02Yeah, meet you back at the cells.
22:06You've made a mistake.
22:09And what happens next needn't have happened if you'd stuck by our agreement, and I'm sorry for it in advance.
22:16It's okay.
22:17Well, big girl,
22:20you don't scare me, Colby.
22:23Just thought you should know.
22:39Have a little faith, Alex. Things are looking up. If you say so. Hey!
22:43What was that?
22:44Cora, just trust me.
22:46Asked my ass for 18 months on this case for you, and you go on and flush it down the toilet on a weak cross.
22:51Nothing to be gained by suffocating the jury with her denials. You had her on the witness stand. That was the gift.
22:57I know what I'm doing.
23:21Is that your sister?
23:44She's not coming. Why not?
23:48Because she doesn't want to get ambushed. Again.
23:54Well, you can pass this on to her afterwards.
23:57I sold the business for a good price, and I'm going to split into equal parts.
24:01Not after I die, now.
24:04And whatever you want to do with the money, it's your business.
24:09If you want to see me, you come see me.
24:17If you want to stay away, so be it.
25:09Was Dad part Aboriginal?
25:13No, no, I'm not shushing.
25:15Because it's in my DNA.
25:17Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander region.
25:20Mum, I know that you can understand me. Can you please just answer me?
25:25Mum, Jackson was too, wasn't he? That's why the records said quarter-caste.
25:32So, did Dad know?
25:34Because all the family that I met of his, they were white. So what happened? Was he adopted?
25:42You can just talk to me, Mum! Why did you lie to me?
25:48Whatever you thought you were doing by not telling me was not your decision to make!
25:52Okay, Mum.
26:13If you don't want to talk to me about it, then you can just sit there.
26:19Just sit there in the mess that you have made.
26:23Oh, God.
26:34The lab confirmed.
26:37I was half hoping they wouldn't.
26:40You're really going to use this? Because this isn't just tactical.
26:44It could backfire on us. It could alienate the jury from both of them.
26:51But after that ludicrous cross in the prosecution, it's clear they are targeting Patrick and we really don't have a choice.
27:01Do you believe him? That he didn't know?
27:06It's better for us if he didn't.
27:09Ms Price, did you share in the profits of Early Jars?
27:15No, I was paid a wage.
27:17You were paid a wage? And what was your annual income?
27:21Around 50k a year.
27:2350,000 a year. So even though your mother was earning profits of 1.2 million dollars from Early Downs, and you managed the property, she was paying you less than 5% of its profits.
27:36Well, the profits mostly went back into the business, but no, I got money, so...
27:41Pocket money?
27:42No, it was more than enough, I thought, and I did live in the house rent free, so...
27:46Yes, the house that you stood to inherit once your mother died.
27:49Tell me, how old was your grandmother when she died?
27:56My maternal grandmother?
27:59She was 101.
28:01And her mother, your great-grandmother?
28:07So had your mother not died at the age of 69, you could reasonably expect to be receiving pocket money for the next 30 years, something of a grim prospect for a mother to be.
28:18Your Honour, relevance?
28:19Mr. Colby.
28:21Your Honour, it speaks to motive and the accused's inheritance.
28:25Yes, well, you've gotten that point across, Mr. Colby. The women of the family evidently enjoyed great longevity. Kindly move on.
28:33With pleasure, Your Honour.
28:36Now, you've testified that you had a close relationship with your mother. Would you remind us of the nickname she liked to give you?
28:45She used to call me Heifer.
28:49Was that a cruel reference to your weight?
28:51No, it wasn't. It's because I won a prize at a show once.
28:56Yes. Would you bring up Exhibit 43, please?
29:04Did she not like to give you that name because you liked to show off your strengths by lifting a heifer?
29:10Maybe it had something to do with that.
29:13How much would a heifer weigh?
29:16Something like that, 70 kilos or so.
29:1970 or 80, something like that. How much did your mother weigh when she died?
29:23I don't know.
29:24Well, fortunately, I can tell you. At the time of her death, she weighed 82 kilos.
29:31So, in fact, you'd be capable of picking up your mother on your own, wouldn't you?
29:36Answer my question, please. You would be well capable of carrying your mother's body on your own, would you not?
29:43Sorry, I don't know because I've never tried.
29:48You're doing great.
29:51You said this was going to work.
29:53It's working. It is working.
29:55Look, this is his strength. He's an expert in humiliating people.
29:58Yeah. Well, it's not going well for me.
30:01Listen to me. You have put a massive hole in Patrick's alibi.
30:04I know Brett Colby. He is attacking you personally because he knows he's going to lose.
30:31You told police that you arrived at the waterfall at about 3.30pm. You've changed that story. Did you lie to police?
30:58Well, I never said I didn't arrive at 3.30pm. I just didn't realise how long I'd been waiting for.
31:02Would you agree there's a great deal of difference between waiting for someone for 2 minutes or for 5 minutes or even 20 minutes?
31:08Under normal circumstances, I would agree, but I was pretty, as I said, I was pretty tuned out.
31:17You were so tuned out that you cannot recall how much time you spent waiting for Mr Harris and yet you can conveniently recall seeing a council truck at the car park.
31:27That's right, yes.
31:28The council workers saw no one at the waterfall that day and yet you're claiming that you saw them. How do you explain that?
31:34Well, it doesn't surprise me. I was sitting on a rock in the river and they were quite far away and my car was parked at the back car park.
31:44Bring up exhibit 9, please.
31:49Yes, now this is CCTV footage from 7.39pm on the night of your mother's death. What was this fight about with Mr Harris?
32:04He didn't want me to keep the baby.
32:10Why not? Why was that?
32:12Because he already had two kids of his own. I don't know.
32:15Was that the only reason or were there other issues in your relationship?
32:19You fucking get rid of that. Right, you get rid of it. You don't fucking touch me.
32:23No, we just fought about the baby.
32:34Your mother strongly disapproved of your relationship with Mr Harris, didn't she?
32:41Now, to the best of your knowledge, did your mother engage in any romantic or sexual relationships outside of her marriage to your father?
32:56I don't know. She didn't talk about this stuff with me.
33:01But she had had sex before marriage, hadn't she?
33:05I don't know.
33:11I put it to you that on the day she died, your mother revealed a secret to you.
33:18A secret you never wanted Patrick Harris to know. A secret that made you want to kill your mother.
33:27No, she didn't. A secret? No.
33:37What is your relationship with my client?
33:42Is he the father of your child?
33:44Yes, he is. Yeah.
33:45And who was the father of your mother's first child?
33:49I'm an only child.
33:51Wasn't your mother sent to Bellshill Home for Unwed Mothers in Gully where she gave up a male child to whom she'd given birth on April 1st, 1973?
34:21Miss Price, what is Patrick Harris' birthday?
34:51I'm going to ask that question again. What is Patrick Harris' birthday?
35:10What is the birth date of Patrick Harris?
35:18April 1st, 1973.
35:36On July the 19th, your mother discovered that you were pregnant with Patrick Harris' baby, didn't you?
35:41Objection. Badgering the witness.
35:47Answer the question, please, Miss Price.
35:49I can't do this. I can't. Meredith.
35:53So she revealed to you the truth that he was your half-brother and you killed her to hide that secret, did you not?
36:00No, I didn't.
36:01You hit her on the head with the auger.
36:03Why would you do this?
36:05You picked her up like that price heifer. You drove her to the well where you dumped her and left her to die.
36:12That's what you did, wasn't it?
36:21I want to stop. Can we please stop?
36:23And then you arrived at the waterfall at 3.40 p.m. just before my client, didn't you?
36:28That's not true.
36:29You wanted him for an alibi, didn't you?
36:32And then you went to the hair salon where you had your hair done without any remorse for your mother's death at all.
36:40And then when you got back to Early Downs, you threw the auger in the burn pit, you set a light to it so there would be no evidence of your crime whatsoever.
36:57Your Honor, my client can't continue her testimony in this state.
37:04Ms. Price, are you able to continue with this cross-examination?
37:32Ladies and gentlemen, in light of the witness's emotional state, court is adjourned for the day.
38:03When first I breached the lesson day
38:16Down the yellow road
38:20I remember something
38:24That leaving wasn't easy
38:27And all that heaping in my vines
38:30And I'm certain it is evening and it's now, it's not the time
38:42Toiling with your blood
38:47I remember something
38:51In beer rushing, kissing on a night second to last
38:56Finding both your hands as second sun came past the glass
39:01And though I know it felt right
39:04And I had you in my grasp
39:12Oh, then how we gonna cry
39:17Cause it once might not mean something
39:24Look! Look what Mama gave me!
39:28Wow, that's so cool!
39:31Honey, understand that I have been left here in the reeds
39:36But all I'm trying to do is get my feet out from the creeds
39:49And I see you
39:56Where is she?
39:59In there, watching Tilly.
40:07You know what state the carer found her in?
40:11I'm sorry.
40:16Ever since you've been on this bloody jury, Val, I...
40:21What the bloody hell is going on with you?
40:23It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.
40:38Oh, my God.
40:39Tilly, Tilly, Tilly, Tilly, Tilly.
40:43Don't worry.
40:44Oh, my God.
40:45It's OK.
40:46It's OK.
40:47It's OK.
41:18Dad, Joey, mate.
41:29What are you doing here?
41:31I thought you'd be a court.
41:33Thought I was going to leave this here for you.
41:35Your mum and I had a big chat last night, mate.
41:39And, well, we're going to give you this.
41:42A cheque.
41:45Not getting a big engagement ring had something to do with you and Alice breaking up.
41:49Oh, no, Dad, you didn't have to do that, mate.
41:52It's not going to make a difference.
41:54Whatever it is, mate, I'm sure you two can work it out.
41:57Yeah, I don't know about that.
42:04She's lost her marbles.
42:06If she thinks she can do better than you, eh?
42:17You've lost one of your best mates and this thing with Alice.
42:21I'm here for you, if you want to talk.
42:28Would you tell Mum thanks for me?
42:57I'm here for you.
43:24How do we even start talking about it?
43:27It's fucking messed up.
43:36I need a whiskey.
44:05What are you doing here, mate?
44:10Pete McKinney's dead.
44:15Yeah, I'd like to make a statement.
44:27We have to tell her the truth, Mum.
44:30I know, but it's not enough.
44:32Secrets, especially family ones like this, they're toxic.
44:36There's that word again.
44:37These things come out.
44:39They always do.
44:41Okay, and finding out the wrong way is so much worse than if you'd just been honest in the first place.
44:47Rosa is much better off this way.
44:49With all of us lying to her.
44:50Okay, who is lying?
44:52She is my daughter.
44:53She's not your daughter.
44:54She's mine.
44:59Rosa, wait.
45:10How the fuck did Colby piece that together?
45:13Maybe Patrick knew.
45:15Even if he did, do you think he'd tell his legal team?
45:19More like prisoner's dilemma.
45:21We've built around two entities who can both benefit if they continue to cooperate.
45:26But chances are, if you keep them apart, one of them will get cold feet and betray the other for fear of losing.
45:39You know what that strategy doesn't account for?
45:43That love is fundamentally irrational.
45:47Our instinct for self-preservation is more than irrational.
45:51It's primal.
46:17You just told me I could have dealt with it.
46:46It's not over yet, Sasha.
47:04I'm not listening to you anymore.
47:33I'm not listening to you anymore.
48:02I'm not listening to you anymore.
48:31I'm not listening to you anymore.
49:00I'm not listening to you anymore.