00:00Mais son meilleur ami est un poisson appelé Winnie-le-Pouh, ou Pouh pour court.
00:06Maintenant, Pouh a eu des aventures très inusuelles.
00:09Et tout cela s'est passé ici, dans le 100ème Acre de bois.
00:13Dans le 100ème Acre de bois, où se joue Christopher Robin.
00:21Vous trouverez le quartier enchanté des jours de l'enfance de Christopher.
00:31Un poisson appelé Mior est son ami, et Kanga, et Little Rue.
00:39Il y a des ratatouilles, des oiseaux, et des oiseaux.
00:43Mais le plus important, c'est Winnie-le-Pouh.
00:47Winnie-le-Pouh, Winnie-le-Pouh.
00:50Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
00:53C'est Winnie-le-Pouh, Winnie-le-Pouh.
00:56Winnie-le-Pouh, Winnie-le-Pouh.
00:59Winnie-le-Pouh, Winnie-le-Pouh.
01:02Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:04C'est Winnie-le-Pouh, Winnie-le-Pouh.
01:07Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:37Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:40Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:43Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:46Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:49Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:52Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:55Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
01:58Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:01Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:04Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:07Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:10Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:13Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:16Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:19Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:22Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:25Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:28Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:31Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:34Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:37Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:40Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:43Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:46Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:49Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:52Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:55Petit, petit, petit, tout plongé dans de l'eau.
02:58Oh, mon Dieu ! Encore vide !
03:01Seulement les parties étiquettes restent.
03:09Ce bruit de bruit de bruit signifie quelque chose.
03:13Et la seule raison pour laquelle je fais un bruit de bruit de bruit que je connais,
03:17c'est parce que tu es un bébé.
03:22Et la seule raison pour laquelle je suis un bébé, c'est pour faire de l'honneur.
03:26Et la seule raison pour laquelle je fais de l'honneur, c'est pour que je puisse l'en manger.
03:32Et ainsi, Winnie le Pooh a monté le bâtiment de l'honneur.
03:35Il a monté, et il a monté, et il a monté.
03:38Et en montant, il a chanté un petit chant.
03:41Et je l'appelle ma chanson de rumbli et de tumbli.
03:44Oui, et c'est comme ça.
03:46Hum-dum-di-dum, hum-dum-di-dum,
03:48Je suis si rumbli dans mon tumbli.
03:52C'est l'heure de manger, le petit déjeuner,
03:57Oh, je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
04:00Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
04:02Mais je ne serais pas un bébé alors.
04:05Alors je suppose que je ne m'en soucierais pas.
04:08Les bébés aiment l'honneur, et je suis un pooh-bébé,
04:12Alors je ne me soucierais pas.
04:14Je suis si rumbli dans mon tumbli.
04:17C'est l'heure de manger, le petit déjeuner,
04:20Hum-di-dum-dum, hum-di-dum-dum,
04:23Je suis si rumbli dans mon tumbli.
04:26C'est l'heure de manger, le petit déjeuner,
04:31Oh, je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
04:34Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
04:37Mais je ne me soucierais pas.
04:40Alors je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
04:43Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
04:46Mais je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
04:49Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
04:52Mais je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
04:55Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
04:58Mais je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
05:01Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
05:04Mais je ne monterais pas ce bâtiment
05:07Si un pooh flinguait comme un bébé.
05:13Je vais me retirer ton toit,
05:16Ça n'a aucun sens.
05:18Je vais le perdre à nouveau, je pense.
05:21Je pense que ton toit doit être
05:24mis de l'avant à droite.
05:26Et si tu me demandes,
05:28je pense que c'est juste une petite...
05:31Sous !
05:32Non, non, de l'océan.
05:35Ne sois pas si gloumé, essaie de l'enlever
05:42Ça a fonctionné, ça a fonctionné
05:43Oh bien, hurray
05:45Merci, ce n'est pas grand chose
05:47Mais je suis un peu attaché à ça
05:51Bonsoir Christopher Robin
05:52Oh, bonsoir Winnie le Pooh
05:54Bonsoir Pooh Bear
05:55Bonsoir Pooh Bear
05:56Si c'est un bonsoir, que je doute
06:01Qu'est-ce que tu cherches Pooh Bear ?
06:03J'ai juste pensé à moi-même
06:05et je me demande si tu avais quelque chose comme un
06:08quelque chose, Christopher, comme un ballon
06:14Qu'est-ce que tu veux un ballon pour ?
06:19Du lait
06:20Mais tu ne reçois pas du lait avec un ballon
06:22Je le fais
06:23Comment ?
06:24Je vais voler comme un oiseau
06:26jusqu'à l'arbre du lait, tu vois ?
06:28Mais juste un instant
06:30Tu ne peux pas voler les oiseaux de cette façon
06:32Tu verras
06:33Maintenant, serais-tu si gentil de m'emmener
06:35à un endroit moche, de lequel je connais ?
06:38Alors Christopher Robin a emmené Winnie le Pooh
06:40à un endroit très moche
06:44Et Pooh a volé et volé
06:46jusqu'à ce qu'il soit tout noir
06:51Là, maintenant
06:54N'est-ce pas un visage intelligente ?
06:57Qu'est-ce que tu devrais être ?
07:00Je suis un petit oiseau noir, bien sûr
07:03Silence, vieux poisson
07:05Maintenant, aimerais-tu moi à l'oiseau, s'il te plaît ?
07:10Attention, Pooh, tiens-toi
07:19Je suis juste un petit oiseau noir
07:21qui plonge sous l'arbre du lait
07:24Je suis seulement un petit oiseau noir
07:28Ne fais pas attention à mon petit oiseau
07:31Tout le monde le sait, un oiseau noir
07:34n'est jamais un oiseau noir
07:36Non, non
07:37Je suis seulement un petit oiseau noir
07:39qui plonge sous l'arbre du lait
07:41Je me demande où je vais tomber
07:47Christopher Robin
07:49Je pense que les oiseaux sont S-U-S-P-E-C-T ou quelque chose comme ça
07:54Peut-être qu'ils pensent que tu es après leur lait
07:56Peut-être que c'est ça, on ne sait jamais avec les oiseaux
07:59Je suis seulement un petit oiseau noir
08:03qui plonge sous l'arbre du lait
08:27Christopher Robin
08:30Je pense qu'il serait utile avec cette déception
08:33si tu ouvrais ton ombrelle et disais
08:36Ta-ta, ça a l'air d'avoir pleuvé
08:38Ta-ta, ça a l'air d'avoir pleuvé
08:40Ta-ta, ça a l'air d'avoir pleuvé
09:01Christopher Robin, j'ai pris une décision très importante
09:04Ce sont les mauvaises espèces d'oiseaux
09:21Excusez-moi, s'il vous plaît, les oiseaux
09:26Christopher Robin
09:29Oh, pardon
09:31Je pense que je dois descendre
09:33Je t'attraperai, Pouf
09:40Vite, viens, un oiseau
09:43Aide-moi, Christopher
09:51Christopher Robin, tu ne peux jamais me dire
09:54Tu ne peux jamais me dire
10:00Pouf n'était pas un oiseau qui s'arrêtait facilement
10:02Lorsqu'il a mis son esprit à l'honneur, il s'est attrapé
10:06L'honneur rime avec l'oiseau et l'oiseau rime avec...
10:10Un oiseau ?
10:12Oui, et j'aime l'oiseau
10:14Parce qu'il utilise des mots simples comme
10:16Comment va-t-on manger ?
10:18Et aidez-vous, Pouf
10:19Qui ?
10:20Manger ?
10:21Oh non, pas encore
10:22Oh mon Dieu
10:24Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un à la maison ?
10:27Ce que j'ai dit était...
10:28Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un à la maison ?
10:32Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici ?
10:35Il doit y avoir quelqu'un
10:37Parce que quelqu'un doit avoir dit...
10:40C'est toi, n'est-ce pas ?
10:43Mais n'est-ce pas la voix d'un oiseau ?
10:45Je ne pense pas
10:46Ce n'est pas censé être
10:48Bonjour, oiseau
10:49Oh, bonjour, Pouf
10:54Quelle surprise agréable
10:57Comment va-t-on manger ?
10:58Oh, merci, oiseau
11:00Et aidez-vous, Pouf
11:05Vous aimeriez du lait condensé ?
11:07Ou du lait au riz ?
11:09Les deux
11:10Mais n'importe quoi au riz, s'il vous plaît
11:12Juste un petit aide, s'il vous plaît
11:17Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
11:19Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose de mal ?
11:21Eh bien, je voulais dire un petit aide
11:23Peut-être que ça aurait sauvé du temps
11:25Si vous aviez pris toute la boite
11:27Merci, oiseau
11:30Alors Pouf mangeait et mangeait et mangeait
11:33Et mangeait et mangeait et mangeait
11:35Et mangeait et mangeait et mangeait
11:37Jusqu'à la fin, il a dit à l'oiseau
11:39Dans une voix plutôt douce
11:41Je dois y aller maintenant
11:43Au revoir, oiseau
11:46Au revoir, si vous êtes sûr que vous n'en avez plus
11:49Est-ce qu'il y en a plus ?
11:51Non, il n'y en a pas
11:52Je pensais pas
11:59Oh, aide et embouteillage
12:01Je suis coincé
12:02Oh mon dieu, oh merci
12:04Eh bien, tout vient de manger trop
12:08Tout vient de ne pas avoir les portes avant assez grosses
12:13Oh mon dieu, c'est inutile
12:15Il n'y a qu'une chose à faire
12:16Je vais chercher Christopher Robin
12:18Oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu
12:20Oh mon dieu, c'est dégueulasse
12:29Eh bien, si ce n'est pas Poubert
12:31Oh, bonjour, oiseau
12:33C'est un merveilleux jour pour me parler de mon affaire
12:40Je vois, vous êtes coincé
12:43Non, non, j'étais juste en repos et en pensant
12:47Et je m'étonnais
12:50Vous, monsieur, êtes coincé
12:52Un poisson coincé dans une grande ténacité
12:54Dans les mots, irremouvable
12:56Maintenant, évidemment, cette situation appelle un expert
13:01Quelqu'un appelle un expert d'excavation ?
13:04Je ne suis pas dans le livre, mais je suis au service
13:06Le copain
13:07Le nom est McCord, quel est votre problème ?
13:09Oui, oui, oui
13:11Il semble que l'entrée dans le domicile des poissons n'est pas passable
13:14Pour être exact, elle est connectée
13:17Et vous voulez que je l'explique ?
13:21Je vois, c'est là-bas, mon bon ami
13:27La première chose à faire, c'est qu'on arrête ce poisson
13:29Il est en train de déchirer tout le projet
13:31Oh mon dieu, il est le projet
13:35Il pourrait tomber sur des rochers
13:36Danger à l'intérieur
13:40Il faut des plantes
13:41Un grand travail, ça prend deux, trois jours
13:43Trois jours ?
13:44Et le déjeuner ?
13:45Pas de problème, j'ai toujours de l'argent pour le déjeuner
13:47Oh, ça va faire de l'argent
13:49Je... je dis
13:51Combien ?
13:52Faites le travail pour le prix d'une heure, plus le matériel, plus l'ouverture, plus 10%
13:57Et votre estime ?
13:58Je ne peux pas donner d'estime, trop risqué
14:03C'est une bonne idée, la dynamite, ça sauvera du temps
14:06Quel est le prix ?
14:07Le prix, environ 7 ou 6 dynamites
14:09Non, non, non, le prix, le prix de l'argent
14:11Pas de prix, je travaille strictement avec de l'argent
14:14Bien sûr, mais je devrais penser...
14:16Je ne peux pas rester ici tout le temps, j'ai un schédule
14:21Si tu penses, laisse-moi savoir, tu as mon carton, je l'ai dans le livre
14:24Oh, putain, il est parti
14:27Après tout, il n'est pas dans le livre
14:31Non, non, ne t'inquiète pas
14:33S'il vous plaît, Poubelle, nous venons
14:35Nous vous tirerons
14:36Bien, peut-être
14:38Silence, Poubelle, ici, donnez-moi votre pied
14:45Oh, il n'y a pas d'utile, je suis coincé
14:47Bien, si nous ne pouvons pas vous empêcher, Poubelle, peut-être que nous pouvons vous empêcher
14:51Oh non, pas ça, oh mon Dieu, oh mon Dieu
14:56En n'ayant pas arrivé aussi loin, il me semble un pitié de l'abandonner
15:00Poubelle, il n'y a qu'une chose que nous pouvons faire
15:02Attendre pour que vous vous éloignez de nouveau
15:04Oh, ne t'inquiète pas, combien de temps cela prendra ?
15:06Jours, semaines, mois, qui sait ?
15:10Oh mon Dieu, si je dois faire face à ce truc pendant des mois
15:16Eh bien, je ferais de mon mieux
15:20Oh non, c'est encore là
15:22Eh bien, je vais juste le tourner vers le mur
15:25Oh mon Dieu
15:28Oui, un cadre, oui
15:33Non, non, non, non
15:38Très bien
15:41Et un coup de couleur
15:44Oh, ça n'a pas ce look informel
15:49Là, un trophée de chasse
15:52Oui, je sais juste le truc
15:55Quelque chose me fait mal
15:59Oh Poubelle, tu m'as trompé
16:03Poubelle, Roux a une petite surprise pour toi
16:06Des fleurs
16:07Du sucre
16:10Non Poubelle, tu ne les manges pas, tu les sentes
16:16C'est pas mal, c'est pas mal du tout, c'est plutôt bien je pense
16:21Oh non, oh non
16:24Non, non, aide
16:27Pourquoi ai-je invité cet oiseau pour le déjeuner ?
16:30Pourquoi, pourquoi, pourquoi ?
16:33Pendant que Poubelle était coincée au dessus de la page 28
16:36Son dessus était coincé au dessous de la page 30
16:39Donc les deux extrémités attendaient de s'effondrer de nouveau
16:42Jour après jour, nuit après nuit
16:48Je me demande ce que c'est pour le déjeuner
16:54Le déjeuner
16:59Le déjeuner
17:02Une boîte à déjeuner
17:04C'est certain
17:06Je travaille sur le changement d'avance, tu sais
17:08Le temps pour mon déjeuner
17:10Hey, tu n'es pas ce bâtard ?
17:13Je pense que je peux t'en sortir
17:16Quel genre de déjeuner est dans cette boîte à déjeuner ?
17:20Eh bien, regarde ici
17:24Du fromage d'été
17:27De la salade de poisson
17:29Du sucre
17:30Du custard
17:32Et du lait
17:34Du lait ?
17:35Du lait ? Oh non !
17:38Est-ce que tu pourrais m'offrir un petit déjeuner ?
17:41Dis, tu dois faire quelque chose avec ton impotence de parole, mon amour
17:45Oh merci, mon amour
17:46Oh non, pas ça
17:47Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non
17:49Pas un morceau
17:50Mais Rabel, je n'allais pas le manger
17:52Je voulais juste le goûter
17:54Je vais le goûter pour toi
17:56Cette super-folle a confisqué mon déjeuner
18:00Ne nourris pas l'animal
18:05Je vais faire du ski-daddle, je ne suis pas dans le livre
18:09Et je pensais que j'allais l'avoir
18:12Et puis, un matin, quand Rabel commençait à penser qu'il n'allait jamais pouvoir utiliser sa porte à l'avant de nouveau
18:17Ça s'est passé
18:18Il a bu
18:19Hurray, Christopher Robin
18:21Oh, Christopher Robin, il a bu, il a bu, il a bu
18:24C'était une belle journée
18:26Hurray pour toi, hurray pour moi
18:29Hurray, hurray, le poubelle sera bientôt libre
18:33Parum, parum, parum, parum, parum
18:36Maintenant, le moment est venu pour le poubelle
18:38Pour la nourriture, c'est pour la nourriture
18:40Et depuis qu'on a voté pour qu'il n'y ait pas de poubelle
18:42C'est ce qu'on va faire
18:44Il sera pauvre et il sera trompé
18:46Et éventuellement, il sera en fleurs
18:48Il n'y aura pas de guerre
18:50Pour ouvrir la porte du poubelle
18:52Pensez-y, pensez-y
18:56Et le poubelle sera libéré
19:00Parce que mon objectif
19:04A fait que le poubelle ne soit pas un facteur
19:10Hi, ho, hi, ho
19:14Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi
19:18There he goes
19:20Suffering, that's a fright
19:22He's sailing clean out of the book
19:24Quick, turn the page
19:31Dark again
19:33Don't worry, poo, we'll get you out
19:35No hurry, take your time
19:38Yum, yum
19:40There's a bunny and I'm a poobelle
19:43Yum, yum, yum, yum
19:45Yum, yum, yum, yum
19:47Time for something sweet
19:49And so we come to the next chapter in which
19:52But I haven't finished yet
19:54But poo, you're in the next chapter
19:56Oh, what happens to me?
19:58Well, let's turn the page and find out
20:02Now, one fine day, the east wind traded places with the west wind
20:06And that stirred things up a bit all through the hundred-acre wood
20:14Now, on this blustery day, poo decided to visit his thoughtful spot
20:18Yes, and on the way, I made up a little hum
20:21And it hummed something like this
20:27Oh, the wind is lashing lustily
20:29And the trees are thrashing thrustily
20:31And the leaves are rustling gustily
20:33So it's rather safe to say
20:35That it seems that it may turn out to be
20:39It feels that it will undoubtedly
20:43It looks like a rather blustery day today
20:47It seems that it may turn out to be
20:49Feels that it will undoubtedly
20:51Looks like a rather blustery day today
20:56Fortunately, poo's thoughtful spot was in a sheltered place
21:00Now, he sat down and tried hard to think of something
21:03Think, think, think, think, think
21:08Think, think, think
21:10Say, what's wrong, sonny? Got yourself a headache?
21:14No, I was just thinking
21:16Is that so? What about?
21:18I... Oh, bother, you made me forget
21:21If I was you, I'd think about skedaddling out of here
21:26Because it's Wednesday
21:30Oh, then I think I should wish everyone a happy Wednesday
21:34And I shall begin with my very dear friend, Piglet
21:39Now, Piglet lived in the middle of the forest
21:41In a very grand house in the middle of a beech tree
21:44And Piglet loved it very much
21:51You see, it's been in the family a long time
21:53It belonged to my grandfather
21:55Oh, that's his name up there
21:57Trespassers' Will
21:59That's short for Trespassers' William
22:01Trespassers' William?
22:04And Grandma, oh
22:06She called him P.W.
22:08That's even shorter
22:11Yes, yes, yes
22:12And on this blustery day
22:14The wind was giving you a bit of a bump
22:16Now, you've been here before
22:19I don't mind the leaves that are leaving
22:20It's the leaves that are coming
22:24Happy Wednesday, Piglet
22:26It isn't very happy for me
22:29Where are you going, Piglet?
22:30That's what I'm asking myself
22:35And what do you think you will answer yourself?
22:38Oh, I'm unraveling
22:44That was a close one
22:46Hang on tight, Piglet
22:48Oh, dear
22:49Oh, dear, dear, dear
22:54Look, Mama, look
22:55A kite
22:57Oh, my goodness
22:58It's Piglet
22:59Happy Wednesday, Kanga
23:00Happy Wednesday, Roo
23:02Can I fly Piglet next, Poo?
23:04Oh, dear
23:05Oh, dear, dear, dear
23:08That should stand against anything
23:10Help, help
23:11Somebody, save me
23:14Happy Wednesday, Eeyore
23:16Thanks for noticing me
23:21Oh, what a refreshing day for harvesting
23:24Happy Wednesday, Rabbit
23:26Pooh Bear, stop
23:27Oh, go back
23:28Oh, no
23:29Oh, no
23:30Oh, no
23:31Oh, yes
23:33Next time, I hope he blows right through my rutabaga patch
23:43Oh, oh, oh
23:44Oh, oh, oh
23:45Oh, oh, oh
23:46Oh, oh, oh
23:47Oh, oh, oh
23:48Who is it?
23:49It's me
23:50Please, may I come in?
23:52Well, I say now
23:54Someone has pasted Piglet on my window
23:57Oh, well, well
23:58Who to?
23:59This is a surprise
24:02Do come in and make yourselves
24:09Am I correct in assuming
24:11it's a rather blustery day outside?
24:13Yes, sir, Owl
24:14It's a very, very blustery day
24:17Oh, yes
24:18That reminds me
24:19Happy Wednesday, Owl
24:21Oh, my good fellow
24:22I wouldn't go so far as to call it a Wednesday
24:25Just a gentle spring zephyr
24:27Excuse me, Owl
24:30Is there honey in that pot?
24:32Oh, yes, yes, of course
24:33Help yourself
24:34Now, as I was saying
24:35This is just a mild spring zephyr
24:37compared to the big wind of 67
24:39Or was it 76?
24:41Oh, well, no matter
24:42Oh, I remember the big blow well
24:44I remember this one, too
24:46It was the year my Aunt Clara
24:48went to visit her cousin
24:50Now, her cousin was not only gifted on the glockenspiel
24:53but, being a screech owl
24:54also sang soprano in the London Opera
24:59Thank you, Piglet
25:00You see, her constant practicing
25:01so unnerved my aunt
25:03that she laid a seagull egg by mistake
25:09Oh, dear
25:10Oh, dear, dear, dear
25:14Well, I say now
25:16Someone has
25:19Did you do that?
25:22I don't think so
25:25As soon as Christopher Robin heard of the disaster
25:27he hurried to the scene of Owl's misfortune
25:31What a pity
25:32Owl, I don't think we will ever see him again
25:36What a pity
25:37Owl, I don't think we will ever be able to fix it
25:40If you ask me
25:41when a house looks like that
25:43it's time to find another one
25:45That's a very good idea, Eeyore
25:47Might take a day or two
25:48but I'll find a new one
25:51That will just give me time
25:52to tell you about my Uncle Clyde
25:54a very independent bar owl
25:55who didn't give a hoot for tradition
25:57He became enamored of a pussycat
25:59he went to see in a beautiful pea-green boat
26:02Owl talked from page 41 to page 62
26:06and on page 62
26:08the blustery day turned into a blustery night
26:11To Pooh, it was a very anxious sort of night
26:14filled with anxious sorts of noises
26:17and one of the noises
26:19was a sound that had never been heard before
26:25Is that you, Piglet?
26:31Tell me about it tomorrow, Eeyore
26:36Come in, Christopher Robin
26:41Now Pooh, being a bear of very little brain
26:44decided to invite the new sound in
26:52Hello out there
26:54I hope nobody answers
26:58Hello, I'm Tigger
27:01You scared me
27:03Sure I did
27:04Everyone's scared of Tiggers
27:06Who are you?
27:07I'm Pooh
27:08Oh, Pooh
27:10What's a Pooh?
27:12You're sitting on one
27:13I am?
27:14Oh, well, glad to meet you
27:15Name's Tigger
27:18That spells Tigger
27:19But what is a Tigger?
27:22Well, he asked for it
27:25The wonderful thing about Tiggers
27:26is Tiggers are wonderful things
27:27Their tops are made out of rubber
27:28Their bottoms are made out of springs
27:29They're bouncy, flouncy, flouncy, flouncy
27:31Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
27:32But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
27:33is I'm the only one
27:34I'm the only one
27:37Then what's that over there?
27:39Oh, hey, hey, look, look, look
27:41What a strange-looking creature
27:45Look at those beady little eyes
27:47And that preposterous chin
27:49And those rickety, tickety striped pajamas
27:52Looks like another Tigger to me
27:54Oh, no, it's not
27:55I'm the only Tigger
27:58Watch me scare the stripes off of this imposter
28:05Is he gone?
28:07All except the tail
28:09He's gone
28:11You can come out now, Tigger
28:15Hello, I'm Tigger
28:17You said that
28:19Oh, well, did I say I was hungry?
28:21I don't think so
28:22Well, then I'll say it
28:23I'm hungry
28:24Oh, not for honey, I hope
28:26Honey, oh, boy, honey
28:28That's what Tiggers like best
28:30I was afraid of that
28:37Tiggers don't like honey
28:40But you said that you liked...
28:42That icky, sticky stuff is only fit for
28:44heffa-lumps and weasels
28:45You mean elephants and weasels
28:47That's what I said, heffa-lumps and weasels
28:49Well, what do heffa-lumps...
28:52What do they do?
28:53Oh, nothing much, just steal honey
28:55They sure do
28:56Well, I'd better be bouncing along now, chum
29:00The wonderful thing about Tiggers
29:01Is Tiggers are wonderful things
29:02Their tops are made out of rubber
29:03Their bottoms are made out of springs
29:04They're bouncy, flouncy, flouncy, flouncy
29:06Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
29:07But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
29:08Is I'm the only one
29:09I'm the only one
29:14Well, if what Tigger said was true
29:17And there really were heffa-lumps and weasels about
29:20There was only one thing to do
29:23Take drastic precautions to protect his precious honey
29:32Oh, hello
29:34Am I glad to see you
29:36It's more friendly with two
29:39Now, you go that way
29:41And I'll go this way
29:47You didn't see anything, did you?
29:49Neither did I
29:53Now the very blustery night
29:55Turned into a very rainy night
29:57And Pooh kept his lonely vigil
29:59Hour after hour after hour
30:02Until at last
30:04Pooh fell fast asleep
30:06And began to dream
30:12Heffa-lumps and weasels
30:14Heffa-lumps and weasels
30:17Steal honey
30:18Beware, beware
30:22They're black, they're brown
30:23They're out, they're gone
30:24They're in, they're out
30:25They're all about
30:26They're far, they're near
30:27They're gone, they're here
30:28They're quick and sweat
30:29They're insincere
30:30Beware, beware
30:31Be a very wary bear
30:32A heffa-lump or weasel
30:34Is very confusal
30:36A heffa-lump or weasel's very sly
30:38Sly, sly, sly
30:39They come in ones and twosels
30:41But if they're so choosels
30:42Before your eyes you'll see them multiply
30:45Fly, fly, fly
30:46They're extraordinary
30:47So never be wary
30:50Sly, sly, sly
30:58They're green, they're blue
30:59They're pink, they're white
31:00They're round, they're square
31:01They're a terrible sight
31:02They tie themselves in horrible knots
31:03They come in stripes
31:04They're polka dots
31:05Beware, beware
31:06Be a very wary bear
31:49Sous-titrage MFP.
32:19Sous-titrage MFP.
32:50Beware, beware, beware
32:52Beware, beware
33:19Sous-titrage MFP.
33:49Sous-titrage MFP.
34:19Sous-titrage MFP.
34:49Sous-titrage MFP.
35:19Sous-titrage MFP.
35:49Sous-titrage MFP.
36:19Sous-titrage MFP.
36:49Sous-titrage MFP.
37:19This is it.
37:20Owl's new house.
37:21Oh, dear.
37:22Mercy me.
37:23Oh, dear.
37:24Mercy me, too.
37:25Names on it and everything.
37:29That spells Owl.
37:31Bless my soul.
37:32So it does.
37:34Well, what do you think of it?
37:36It is a nice house, Eeyore, but...
37:39It is a lovely house, Eeyore,
37:42but it's the best house in the whole world.
37:48Tell them it's your house, Piglet.
37:50No, Pooh.
37:51This house belongs to our very good friend, Owl.
37:58But, Piglet, where will you live?
38:00Well, I guess I shall live...
38:03I suppose I shall live...
38:05With me.
38:06You shall live with me, won't you, Piglet?
38:09With you?
38:11Oh, thank you, Pooh Bear.
38:14Of course I will.
38:15Piglet, that was a very grand thing to do.
38:18A heroic thing to do.
38:20Christopher Robin, can you make a one-hero party into a two-hero party?
38:26Of course we can, silly old bear.
38:30And so, Pooh was a hero for saving Piglet,
38:33and Piglet was a hero for giving Owl his grand home in the beech tree.
38:37We never will forget our hero of the wet,
38:40our quick-thinking, mind-sinking Pooh Bear.
38:43And Piglet, too, indeed,
38:45a friend indeed,
38:47truly they're the heroes of the day.
38:49So we say hip-hip-hooray for the Piglet and the Pooh,
38:53Piglet and Pooh.
38:55What's all that stopping and singing and silly shenanigans?
38:58And generosity.
39:00Hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray,
39:03hip-hip-hooray for Winnie the Pooh.
39:07And Piglet, too.
39:09I sure like bouncing.
39:11Wasn't that fun, Piglet?
39:13Yes, Pooh, but the best part is when it stops.
39:18Well, in the next chapter, there's a great deal of bouncing.
39:21There is?
39:24I think that I just remembered something that I forgot to do yesterday
39:28and can't be able to do tomorrow,
39:30so I suppose I really ought to go back and do it now.
39:33Goodbye, Pooh.
39:35Goodbye, Piglet.
39:36Now, is the next chapter all about me?
39:39No, no, it's mostly about Tigger.
39:41Oh, bother.
39:43But you're in it.
39:44Oh, good.
39:45What will I be doing?
39:47Well, Pooh, you'll be sitting in your thoughtful spot,
39:51thinking as usual.
39:53Think, think, think, think, think.
39:56And while he was thinking, all of a sudden...
39:58Oh, hello, Pooh.
40:00I'm Tigger.
40:02That spells Tigger.
40:04Yeah, I know.
40:06You've bounced me before.
40:08I did?
40:10Oh, yeah.
40:11I recognize you.
40:12You're the one that's stuffed with fluff.
40:14Yeah, and you're sitting on it.
40:16Yeah, and it's comfy, too.
40:18Well, I've got to go now.
40:19I've got a lot of bouncing to do.
40:22Ta-ta for now.
40:24Well, there goes Tigger,
40:26always bouncing in on his friends when they least expect it.
40:30Oh, hello, Piglet.
40:31I'm Tigger.
40:32Oh, Tigger.
40:33You scared me.
40:35Oh, shucks.
40:36That was just one of my little bounces.
40:38It was?
40:39Oh, thank you, Tigger.
40:41Oh, yeah.
40:42I'm saving my best bounce for old long ears.
40:52There, that should do it.
40:54Oh, no.
40:57Hello, Rabbit.
40:58I'm Tigger.
41:00Oh, please, please.
41:01Don't spell it.
41:02Oh, dear.
41:03Oh, dear.
41:04Just look at my beautiful garden.
41:07Yuck, messy, isn't it?
41:11It's wrong.
41:12It's wrong, Tigger.
41:13Oh, why don't you ever stop bouncing?
41:17That's what Tiggers do best.
41:19The wonderful thing about Tiggers
41:20is Tiggers are wonderful things.
41:21Their tops are made out of rubber.
41:22Their bottoms are made out of springs.
41:23They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,
41:24fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.
41:26But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
41:27is I'm the only one.
41:28I'm the only one.
41:35Order, please.
41:36Now, I say,
41:37Tigger's getting so bouncy nowadays
41:39that it's time we taught him a lesson.
41:41No matter how much we like him,
41:43you can't deny he just bounces too much.
41:46Uh, excuse me, Rabbit,
41:48but perhaps if we could think of a way
41:50of unbouncing Tigger,
41:52it would be a very good idea, huh?
41:55Just what I feel.
41:56What do you feel, Pooh?
42:04Haven't you been listening
42:05to what Rabbit's been saying?
42:07I listened,
42:08but then I had a small piece of fluff in my ear.
42:12Could you say it again, please, Rabbit?
42:14Well, where should I start from?
42:16Well, from the moment the fluff got in my ear.
42:19When was that?
42:21I don't know.
42:22I couldn't hear properly.
42:24Pooh, we were just trying to think of a way
42:26to get the bounce out of Tigger.
42:28Oh, I've got a splendid idea.
42:30Now, listen.
42:31We'll take Tigger for a long explore, see?
42:33Someplace where he's never been.
42:35And we lose him there.
42:37Lose him?
42:38Oh, we'll find him again next morning,
42:40and mark my words,
42:41he'll be a humble Tigger,
42:42a small and sad Tigger.
42:44And, oh, Rabbit,
42:45am I glad to see you, Tigger.
42:47And it'll take the bounces out of him.
42:49That's why.
42:50Now, all in favor say aye.
42:55Oh, here.
42:58Just good.
42:59Motion carried.
43:02So it was agreed that they would start the next morning,
43:05which incidentally turned out cold and misty.
43:12Pooh, as usual,
43:13had a little something along to sustain himself.
43:19Now as Tigger kept bouncing
43:21farther and farther into the mist,
43:23Rabbit thought it was a good time to lose Tigger.
43:26Now's our chance.
43:28In here.
43:35Tigger's lost now, isn't he, Rabbit?
43:37Oh, he's lost, all right, Tigger.
43:40Oh, goody.
43:41This is lots of fun, Pooh.
43:50My splendid idea worked.
43:52Now, now, home we go.
43:56Yum, yum.
43:57It's time for lunch.
43:59Oh, my goodness.
44:06That's funny.
44:07He must be lost.
44:13Hey, you blokes.
44:14Where are you?
44:18I am shushed.
44:20Hey, where in the heck are you guys?
44:40Where are you?
44:46Hurray, we've done it.
44:48Now, come on, hurry.
44:49Let's head for home.
44:50Well, Rabbit was certain that everything was going according to plan.
44:53And so it seemed to be.
44:56But sometime later,
44:58on the bottom of page 123...
45:07It's a funny thing how everything looks the same in the mist.
45:11He's right, Piglet.
45:12It's the very same sandpit.
45:14I think so too, Pooh.
45:16Well, it's lucky I know the forest so well,
45:18or we might get lost.
45:20But come on, follow me.
45:22Now, Pooh was getting tired of seeing the same sandpit,
45:25and he suspected it of following them about.
45:28Because whichever direction they started in,
45:31they always seemed to end up at it.
45:40Uh, Rabbit?
45:42Say, Rabbit, how would it be if as soon as we're out of sight of this old pit,
45:46we just try to find it again?
45:48What's the good of that?
45:50Well, you see, we keep looking for home,
45:52but we keep finding this pit.
45:54So I just thought that if we look for this pit,
45:56we might find home.
45:58I don't see much sense in that.
46:00If I walked away from this pit,
46:02and then walked back to it,
46:03of course I should find it.
46:05I'll prove it to you.
46:06Wait here.
46:10So Pooh and Piglet waited in the mist for Rabbit.
46:13And they waited,
46:14and waited,
46:16and waited.
46:17And all the while, Pooh's thoughts kept returning
46:20to his honeypots at home.
46:25What was that, Pooh?
46:28My tummy rumbled.
46:30Now then, come on, let's go home.
46:32But Pooh, do you know the way?
46:34No, Piglet, but there are twelve pots of honey in my cupboard,
46:38and they have been calling to my tummy.
46:40They have?
46:41Yes, Piglet.
46:42I couldn't hear them before because Rabbit would talk.
46:45I think I know where they're calling from,
46:47so come on, we'll just follow my tummy.
46:50Well, they walked off together,
46:52and for a long time, Piglet said nothing,
46:54so as not to interrupt Pooh's honeypots.
46:57And sure enough, as the mist got thinner,
47:00and just when Piglet began to know where he was...
47:03Hey, hello there, you two blokes!
47:05Where have you been?
47:07We've been trying to find our way back home.
47:09Pooh, I don't think Rabbit's splendid idea worked.
47:13Say, where is old Long-Ears anyway?
47:16He must still be missing in the mist.
47:20Well, leave it to me! I'll bounce him out of there!
47:23TTFN, ta-ta for now!
47:28Meanwhile, Rabbit was still wandering around in the mist.
47:31By now, he was lost and bewildered.
47:34And to make matters worse,
47:36his mind was beginning to play tricks on him.
47:41What's that?
48:27Hello, Rabbit!
48:28Tigger! But you're supposed to be lost!
48:31Tiggers never get lost, bunny boy!
48:34Never get lost?
48:36Of course not!
48:37Oh, no!
48:38Come on, Rabbit! Let's go home! Hang on!
48:42So they started back.
48:44And Rabbit was now a humiliated rabbit.
48:47A lost and found rabbit.
48:49And oh, why, oh, why do these things happen to me, Rabbit?
48:54And now we come to the next chapter,
48:56in which the first snowfall had covered the Hundred Acre Wood,
48:59and in which Tigger learns that even bouncing can be overdone.
49:03On this day, Roo was waiting for Tigger to take him out to play.
49:07Mama, when is Tigger going to get here?
49:10Be patient, dear. He'll be...
49:13Well, here I am! Did I surprise you, Roo?
49:16You sure did! I like surprises!
49:18Hello, Mrs. Kanga, ma'am!
49:20Why, hello, Tigger, dear!
49:22What else you call me, dear?
49:24Roo, are you ready for some bouncing?
49:27Yeah! You and me are good bouncers!
49:30Just a moment, dear. Hold still!
49:32Goodness, you're bouncy today!
49:34That's what Roo's do their bestest!
49:37Now keep your scarf on.
49:39Not so tight, Mama!
49:40Is your sweater warm enough?
49:42Yes, Mother.
49:43Well, come on, Roo, let's go!
49:45Tigger, have Roo home in time for his nap.
49:48And be careful!
49:50Don't worry, Mrs. Kanga! I'll take care of the little nipper!
50:03Ah, what a perfect day!
50:06Peace and quiet.
50:08Thank goodness! No, Tigger!
50:10Say, look, look, look!
50:12If it isn't old Long Ears!
50:14Can Tigger's ice skate as fancy as Mr. Rabbit?
50:17Can Tigger's ice skate?
50:19Why, that's what Tigger's do their best!
50:25Say, this is a cinch!
50:29Oh, wait!
50:30Oh, no! Not here!
50:31Look out!
50:32Watch out!
50:33Out of the way!
50:34Go away!
50:35Look out!
50:37Oh, Tigger!
50:44Why does it always have to be me?
50:47Why, oh, why, oh, why?
50:50Tigger, Tigger, are you all right?
50:55Tigger's don't like ice skating!
50:59So Tigger and Roo went farther into the Hundred Acre Wood
51:02looking for something that Tigger's do best.
51:04I bet you can climb trees, Pong Tigger!
51:07Climb trees?
51:08That's what Tigger's do best!
51:10Only Tigger's don't climb trees, they bounce them!
51:12Come on, let's go!
51:20I almost bounced clear out of the book!
51:22Some bouncing, huh?
51:27Say, how did this tree get so high?
51:31Hey! Hey!
51:33Hey! What's happening now?
51:36Don't swing on a string, it's much too frail.
51:39The best kind of swing is a ticker's tail.
51:43Stop that, kid, please!
51:45S-T-O-P! Stop!
51:47You're rocking the forest!
51:51What's the matter, Tigger?
51:53Oh, thank goodness!
51:55I was just getting seasick from seeing too much.
51:59Well, we'll just have to leave Tigger up in the treetop for a little while.
52:03Because, at the bottom of the next page,
52:05Pooh is having a problem of his own.
52:07What are you doing, Pooh?
52:10Tracking something.
52:12Tracking what?
52:13Oh, that's what I asked myself, Piglet.
52:18And what do you think you'll answer yourself?
52:20Oh, I shall have to wait until I catch up with it.
52:23Pooh, for a bear of very little brain, you sure are a smart one.
52:26Thank you, Piglet.
52:29Now what?
52:31A very mysterious thing, Piglet.
52:34A whole new set of tracks, see?
52:37And so it seemed to be.
52:39There were the tracks joining each other here,
52:41getting mixed up with each other there.
52:43But to Pooh, quite plainly, four sets of paw marks.
52:48Piglet, whatever it was that made these tracks
52:51has now been joined by a whatever-it-is.
52:54Yes, and all of them are proceeding in company.
52:58Piglet, I wasn't exactly expecting company.
53:01Neither was I, Pooh.
53:04So they went on, feeling a little anxious now,
53:07in case the animals in front of them were of hostile intent.
53:15Look, look, Piglet.
53:17There's something in that tree over there.
53:20Is it one of the...
53:24Yes, it's a jaguar.
53:27What do jaguars do, Pooh?
53:30Well, jaguars always call,
53:35And when you look up, they drop on you.
53:38I'm looking down, Pooh.
53:42Hey, Tigger, it's Pooh and Piglet.
53:47Why, it's only Tigger and Roo.
53:50Come on.
53:54Hello, Roo!
53:56What are you and Tigger doing up there?
53:58I'm all right.
54:00But Tigger's stuck.
54:02Help somebody, please!
54:04Get Christopher Robin!
54:06Well, it wasn't too long
54:08before word got back to Christopher Robin and the others
54:10that Tigger was in trouble.
54:12Hello, Pooh. Hello, Piglet.
54:14What's up?
54:15Tigger and Roo are up.
54:17Oh, my goodness!
54:19Roo, how did you get way up there?
54:21Easy, Mama. We bounced up.
54:23Oh, gracious. Do be careful, dear.
54:25I'm all right, Mama.
54:27But Tigger's stuck.
54:29Oh, what a shame. That's too bad.
54:31No, that's good.
54:33You see, he can't bounce anybody up there.
54:35Oh, dear. We'll just have to get him down somehow.
54:38Down? Down? Do we have to?
54:40Come on, everyone.
54:42Let's hold a corner of my coat.
54:44You're first, Roo. Jump!
54:46Try not to fall too fast, dear.
54:49Oh, my goodness.
54:51Gee, that was fun.
54:53Come on, Tigger. It doesn't hurt. Jump!
54:56You're next, Tigger. Jump!
55:00Tiggers don't jump. They bounce.
55:03Then bounce down.
55:05Don't be ridiculous. Tiggers only bounce up.
55:08You can climb down, Tigger.
55:10But Tiggers can't climb down
55:12because their tail's getting away.
55:14Hooray! That settles it.
55:17If he won't jump and he can't climb down,
55:19then we'll just have to leave him up there forever.
55:23Oh, if I ever get out of this,
55:25I promise never to bounce again. Never!
55:27I heard that, Tigger.
55:29He promised. Did you hear him promise?
55:31I heard him. I heard him. You heard him.
55:33Didn't you? Didn't you?
55:35Well, Tigger, your bouncing really got you into trouble this time.
55:38Say, who are you?
55:40I'm the narrator.
55:42Oh, well, please, for goodness' sakes,
55:45Very well. Hold on tight.
55:50You can let go now, Tigger.
55:55But, Tigger, look for yourself.
55:57You're perfectly safe.
56:03What did I tell you, Tigger?
56:05Come on. Back we go.
56:11Oh, good old terra firma.
56:14Say, I'm so happy. I feel like bouncing.
56:17You promised. You promised.
56:19Oh, I did, didn't I?
56:21You mean I can't ever bounce again?
56:31Not even just one teensy-weensy bounce?
56:35Not even a smidgen of a bounce.
56:45Oh, the poor dear.
56:47Oh, that's too bad.
56:52Christopher Robbins, I like the old bouncy Tigger best.
56:58So do I, Rue.
57:00I do, too.
57:01Me, too.
57:03Of course, we all do.
57:05Don't you agree, Rabbit?
57:07I, uh...
57:08Well, Rabbit?
57:10I, uh... That is, uh...
57:13What I mean, well...
57:15Uh, I, uh...
57:17Oh, all right.
57:19I guess I like the old Tigger better, too.
57:24You mean I can have my bounce back?
57:27Come on, Rabbit. Let's you and me bounce.
57:29Oh, good heavens.
57:30No, no, no.
57:31No, no, no.
57:32No, no, no.
57:33No, no, no.
57:34No, no, no.
57:35No, no, no.
57:36Oh, good heavens.
57:37Me bounce?
57:38Why, certainly.
57:39Look, you got the feet for it.
57:40I have?
57:42Come on, try it.
57:43It makes you feel just great.
57:46Well, say, it does, doesn't it?
57:48Well, come on, everybody.
57:51Come on, Bounce.
57:53The wonderful thing about Tiggers
57:55Is Tiggers are wonderful things
57:56Their tops are made out of rubber
57:57Their bottoms are made out of springs
57:58They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy
57:59Pouncy fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
58:00But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
58:02Is I'm the only one
58:03I'm the only one
58:07And so we come to the last chapter
58:12In which Christopher Robin and Poo
58:14Come to the Enchanted Place
58:15And we say goodbye
58:17Oh, no, please, can't we go back to page one
58:19And do it all over again?
58:21Sorry, Poo, but all stories have an ending, you know
58:24Oh, bother
58:26Yes, the time had come at last
58:28Christopher Robin was going away to school
58:30Nobody else in the forest knew exactly why
58:33Or where he was going
58:34All they knew was it had something to do with twice times, and how to make things called A, B, Cs, and where a place called Brazil is.
58:44Pooh, what do you like doing best in the world?
58:50What I like best is me going to visit you and you saying, how about a smackerel of honey?
58:57I like that too, but what I like best is just doing nothing.
59:02How do you do just nothing?
59:04Well, it's when grown-ups ask, what are you going to do? And you say nothing. And then you go out and do it.
59:11I like that. Let's do it all the time.
59:13You know something, Pooh? I'm not going to do just nothing anymore.
59:18You mean never again?
59:20Well, not so much. Pooh, when I'm away just doing nothing, will you come up here sometimes?
59:28You mean alone? Just me?
59:31Yes. And Pooh, promise you won't forget me? Ever?
59:36Oh, I won't, Christopher. I promise.
59:38Not even when I'm a hundred?
59:40How old shall I be then?
59:42Ninety-nine. Silly old bear.
59:46Wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place...