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  • 3 months ago


00:22Huh? What?
00:27My crown! She's got my crown!
00:30Stop! Leave!
00:32She's stealing my crown!
00:50What did you do with my crown?
00:52Sorry it had to be this way...
00:57Who was that?
01:02Sunset Shimmer, a former student of mine.
01:04She began her studies with me not long before Twilight.
01:07But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest.
01:12I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path.
01:17One that has sadly led her to stealing your crown.
01:19She replaced Twilight's with this one.
01:22I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours.
01:26And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony.
01:30But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?
01:34You'll soon know more about this place than even I do.
01:39This is no ordinary mirror.
01:41It is a gateway to another world.
01:43A gateway that opens once every 30 moons.
01:48It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle.
01:51But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over.
01:55I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return.
01:58To come back to Equestria seeking my guidance.
02:01Obviously, this is not what has happened.
02:03Twilight, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown.
02:09Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense.
02:16Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home.
02:21And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm.
02:27They will not have the power to defend themselves.
02:31You understand the importance of your task?
02:33Of course.
02:35Good. Then you must go at once.
02:40Whoa, whoa, whoa!
02:42She's going, we're going with her.
02:44Right, girls?
02:46I'm so nervous!
02:48You do realize it's not a real word, right?
02:51I'm afraid I can't let you go.
02:53What? Why not?
02:55Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world.
02:58Creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer.
03:02This is something Princess Twilight must do alone.
03:05Time is of the essence.
03:07On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close.
03:11And once it does, there will be another 30 moons before you will be able to use it to return.
03:15It's all right, Twilight, you'll be back before you know it.
03:28My hair!
03:37Uh, Twilight?
03:39Huh? Spike?
03:41You're not supposed to...
03:44Are you a dog?
03:47I think so.
03:49But I have no idea what you are.
04:09Twilight, you have to get it together!
04:15What does the rest of me look like?
04:17Um, like you, only not you.
04:20Your muzzle's really small.
04:21My muzzle?
04:24Are you gonna scream again?
04:29Where are we?
04:32I don't know, but that muzzle serves as the gateway back to Equestria.
04:37We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there.
04:41I suggest we start searching the castle first.
04:44Works for me.
04:52Yeah, I don't think that's how the new you is supposed to...
05:06Come on, Spike!
05:07I do not want to be like this for longer than I have to!
05:10Well, look on the bright side!
05:11You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore!
05:23My magic! It isn't working!
05:26Makes sense. You don't exactly have your horn.
05:29We really need to find you a mirror.
05:41What do you think, Spike?
05:42Are there artifacts you've stolen from Equestria?
05:46What am I?
06:04You okay?
06:13I don't think this is a castle.
06:18I've never seen a place that's quiet like this.
06:21Everything is turned around, this crazy world is upside down.
06:25Getting on my feet, it's the hand that I was dealt.
06:28But I don't have much time with them.
06:30Got to learn all that I can.
06:37They don't use any magic, or fly with any wings.
06:41I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs, or tiny nose.
06:44Everything's confusing when it seems so new.
06:47But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too.
06:56What a strange new world.
07:00I'm trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world.
07:07Sorting through the small details of this strange new world.
07:12What a strange new world.
07:22Oh, I'm really sorry.
07:24I just found it and I thought I should give it to her.
07:27I didn't know you had dropped it.
07:29Well, I did and I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything.
07:33You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.
07:35It doesn't really belong to you either.
07:37Excuse me?
07:40That's what I thought.
07:42It's as good as mine and you know it.
07:44You are pathetic.
07:45It's no wonder your best friends are all straight animals.
07:48How dare you speak to her that way!
07:51What did you say?
07:52I said, how dare you speak to her that way!
07:59You must be new here.
08:01I can speak to anyone any way I want.
08:07I can't believe you did that.
08:09I couldn't just stand there.
08:11I bet nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer.
08:14Sunset Shimmer?
08:17You've heard of her?
08:18Sort of.
08:19I don't think I've seen you around before.
08:21Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?
08:24Um, yes.
08:26Another school.
08:28My name's Twilight.
08:30I'm Fluttershy.
08:32Sorry, what was that?
08:35It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy, but how can that...
08:39Oh my goodness!
08:40Who's this sweet little guy?
08:42That's Spike, my, uh, dog.
08:45Oh, he's so cute.
08:48Go on, eat up, little pup.
08:54Wouldn't you just give anything to know what they're really thinking?
08:57He usually just tells me.
08:59What do you mean?
09:02Oh, uh, nothing.
09:04Never mind.
09:05Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up.
09:07Something that belonged to her.
09:08It wasn't a crown, was it?
09:10How did you know?
09:11Uh, lucky guess?
09:13Do you still have it?
09:15But you know what happened to it?
09:18This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.
09:22Canterlot's animal shelter needs more volunteers.
09:25Won't you help an animal that can't help itself?
09:35I have no idea how it got there.
09:37But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.
09:41Principal Celestia?
09:43She's the ruler here?
09:44You could say that.
09:46Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.
09:50Where is she now?
09:51Probably in her office.
09:54Third door on your left.
09:56Thank you!
09:57Oh, wait!
09:58You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds.
10:01Might want to tuck them into your backpack.
10:03That's what I do.
10:07They just get so lonely when I'm at school all day.
10:10Oh, okay!
10:11Thank you!
10:12Oh, no!
10:13I'm late for class!
10:18Come in.
10:22How may I help you?
10:25Um, uh...
10:31My name's Twilight Sparkle.
10:33I'm new here and, well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.
10:38Yes, I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping.
10:41No idea how it ended up on the front lawn.
10:43Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall formal this year?
10:47Uh, no, not exactly.
10:49The truth is...
10:50Well, the truth is I...
10:51You see, the crown is actually...
10:53Princess of the Fall formal?
10:55It's Canterlot High's big fall dance.
10:57Like the Grand Galloping Gala?
10:58Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?
11:00Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school.
11:04And was there a princess?
11:06Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student.
11:08Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them.
11:12She receives her crown at the fall formal.
11:15You asked me if I was interested in running for princess.
11:18Can anyone run?
11:19Yes, you just need to let the head of the fall formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot.
11:23Was there anything else?
11:24Um, nope.
11:25That was it.
11:26Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open.
11:31Twilight, why didn't you just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?
11:34Oh, I was going to.
11:36But imagine if one of them showed up in Equestria saying they came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, two-legged creatures with these.
11:41We'd think they were crazy.
11:44Hmm, you make a good point.
11:46Looks like if I want my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High fall formal.
11:50So that's what I'm gonna do.
11:53And how exactly do you plan on doing that?
11:55I have no idea.
12:10I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something.
12:13Of course.
12:16I've decided to run for princess of the fall formal and...
12:20Oh, gosh!
12:21Sorry, it's just...
12:23Running for fall formal princess is a really bad idea.
12:27Sunset Shimmer wants to be fall formal princess.
12:29And when she wants something, she gets it.
12:32She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way.
12:35Just ask the girl who ran against her for princess of the spring fling.
12:39I have to try!
12:40Oh, I don't think you understand.
12:42You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her.
12:45The athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco kids, the techies, the rockers...
12:53Why is everypony...
12:55Uh, everybody, separated this way.
12:59Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind.
13:03One thing they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule this school until we graduate.
13:09Not if I can help it.
13:16So, uh...
13:18Where would I find the head of the party planning committee?
13:23Fluttershy said she'd probably be in here.
13:36Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and...
13:38Pinkie Pie?
13:42Are you psychic?
13:43Uh, no. I don't think so.
13:45Unless, of course, that's something you can do here.
13:47Uh, not usually.
13:50Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the fall formal planning committee.
13:53Fluttershy, huh?
13:55Don't let the whole Shy thing fool you.
13:57She can be a real meanie.
13:59You two aren't friends?
14:00Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh?
14:02Dance is day after tomorrow.
14:04I'm brand new here.
14:07I thought you didn't look familiar.
14:09So, now that I'm really looking at you...
14:12Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city?
14:13Has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?
14:17Uh, maybe?
14:18Thought so.
14:19Anyhoo, you just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the covenanted princess of the fall formal crown.
14:38You have really bad handwriting.
14:40It's like you never held a pen before.
14:44Is it?
14:45Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?
14:52Can you bring in the rest?
14:57Hey, I know you.
14:59You do?
15:01You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today.
15:04Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for princess of the fall formal.
15:10I think twice about that.
15:12I'm sure she'll probably approach you all friendly like.
15:17I sure am looking forward to some friendly competition.
15:20That's so good to hear.
15:22But then, here comes the backstabbing.
15:25About the only girl at this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash.
15:29Rainbow Dash?
15:30She's the captain of like every team at Canterlot High.
15:33She's also the captain that's saying she's gonna do something for you.
15:36And then turning around and not even bothering to show up.
15:38Thanks for the advice, Applejack.
15:40But this is something I really need to do.
15:42Suit yourself.
15:43Hey, how'd you know my name was Applejack?
15:46Um, I, uh...
15:48Didn't you say?
15:51Well, uh, it was sure nice meeting you both.
15:53I'm sure I'll be seeing you around.
15:56That one's trying to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her.
16:00She's psychic.
16:02Uh-huh, if you say so.
16:05This looks terrible.
16:08There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.
16:12Yeah, streamers!
16:14And fewer balloons!
16:17Fizzy Apple Cider?
16:19Ugh, this is my coronation, not a hoedown.
16:22Well now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around.
16:27Oh, is that so?
16:29You country folk really aren't that bright.
16:31Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.
16:36Obviously it's gonna be my coronation.
16:39I'm running unopposed.
16:41Not this time!
16:42The new girl just signed up!
16:45I know, her handwriting is really bad.
16:48Where is this Twilight Sparkle?
16:53I'm looking forward to meeting the competition.
17:06Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier.
17:10Should've known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown.
17:14And her little dog, too.
17:16It's my crown!
17:17Whatever, this is just a minor setback for me.
17:20You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it.
17:24If that's so, why do you even need my crown?
17:26You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here.
17:29Pop quiz.
17:30What happens when you bring an element of harmony into an alternate world?
17:34You don't know?
17:37And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student?
17:42Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria?
17:48Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do.
17:52Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt.
17:54Hate for him to be taken away from you.
17:57Is that a threat?
17:59Oh, of course not!
18:02But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you.
18:04Don't want everyone to know you two don't belong here.
18:07Now would you?
18:08You want to be a princess here?
18:12You don't know the first thing about getting in.
18:25I want you to follow her.
18:27Bring me something I can use just like you did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me.
18:31You got it, Sunset Shimmer.
18:34When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world.
18:39Not that she would have been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria.
18:43Yeah, in Equestria.
18:45What are you still doing here? Go!
18:58Come on.
19:08Excuse me.
19:10The great and powerful Trixie!
19:14Need some peanut butter crackers.
19:21Sunset Shimmer is right.
19:23I don't know the first thing about this place.
19:25If I'm going to really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research.
19:30This place has a school. I have to believe it's got a...
19:37Got your phone?
19:39Got yours?
19:50So, I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?
19:59That's great!
20:02Maybe this place does have magic.
20:11When you're a young girl...
20:14Girls, what are you doing?
20:16We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.
20:22No, just...
20:24No! The school computers are for research purposes only.
20:28It's just as well, y'all. Some of the comments about our song were really awful.
20:32Epic fail.
20:33Funniest thing I've ever seen?
20:35Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?
20:37I don't know that that's what you should take from...
21:23The library will be closing in five minutes.
21:28I hadn't even thought about where we're going to sleep tonight.
21:32Way ahead of you.
21:37It's a little dusty, but it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here.
21:42It's perfect, Spike.
21:48So, how did your research go?
21:49I found this book. It's called a yearbook.
21:52It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school.
21:56Look, that's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy,
22:00and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity.
22:03There's a Rarity here?
22:04I mean, uh, interesting photo.
22:07It's interesting because they look like they're friends.
22:09They do look like our friends, but I thought we'd figured that out already.
22:13No, I mean, they look like they're friends with each other,
22:16but it doesn't seem like they're friends now.
22:19Not so much.
22:20I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it.
22:24I wouldn't put it past her.
22:26But she wanted your crown because she's planning on doing something even worse.
22:30If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here.
22:33I can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore.
22:35Even if they do remind you of your Ponyville friends.
22:39You're right, Spike.
22:41Ah, eye on the prize.
22:47Good morning, students, and happy Thursday.
22:49Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall formal today.
22:52They are due by the time the dance starts tomorrow night,
22:54so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard.
22:56Fluttershy said I'd need to win over all those different groups
22:58if I want to become Princess of the Fall formal,
23:00so I've compiled a list of talking points.
23:03You made a list? That's so unlike you.
23:09Please, continue.
23:11I'll start introducing myself.
23:12Sprinkle in some things I've learned about their world into the conversation.
23:15Show them how I fit in here.
23:20Okay, Spike, time to make a good first impression on my fellow students.
23:26The whole world sort of depends on it.
23:28Hey, look.
23:36Why is everybody looking at me funny?
23:39What are you? What are you?
23:50Oh, yes, this is good.
23:52No one will recognize you.
23:54Why wouldn't I want to be?
23:55And you'll need a disguise for your dog, which is too bad.
23:58He really is so adorable.
24:00You know, with a little work, I think I could make him look like a rabbit instead.
24:03Huh? A rabbit?
24:05There you are, Twilight.
24:07So much for the disguise.
24:08I've been looking all over for you.
24:10Me, too.
24:11Me, three.
24:13I like your new look.
24:14I do have an eye for these sorts of things.
24:16Not that you seem to care.
24:18Why do you think she doesn't care?
24:21No, never mind.
24:22Why are we all looking for me?
24:24What's going on?
24:25Oh, she hasn't seen it yet.
24:27Seen what?
24:30Oh, it's really not that bad.
24:32Twilight Sparkle wants to be your fall formal princess.
24:38But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this?
24:44Such an important honor.
24:48I take that back.
24:51It's pretty bad.
24:52But this all happened yesterday at the library.
24:55Has everyone in the school seen this?
24:57Is that why they were all looking at me that way?
25:00What am I going to do?
25:02No one is going to vote for me after seeing this.
25:04Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you.
25:07You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday.
25:12If you still want to run, maybe there's something I can do to help.
25:15Word of advice, don't accept her help.
25:17She doesn't take anything seriously.
25:19Why do you have to be so awful to me?
25:22Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie.
25:24You are no better than she is.
25:26And what is that supposed to mean?
25:29I am happy to offer up my assistance as well.
25:31To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer?
25:40Listen to y'all carrying on.
25:41Get over it and move on.
25:43You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?
25:46She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bake sale.
25:49I'll tell everybody they're coming, and then not one of them shows up.
25:52She made a liar out of me.
25:54That's different.
25:55It's not.
25:56It's true.
25:58It's true.
26:04All of you!
26:05I want to show you something.
26:08You were friends once.
26:11The freshman fair.
26:12Y'all remember?
26:15But something happened.
26:16I think that something was Sunset Shimmer.
26:18Well, it's a nice theory, darling.
26:20But Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it.
26:22She's right.
26:23Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter
26:26by bringing fireworks and noisemakers.
26:28It was supposed to be a serious event, and Pinkie Pie ruined it.
26:32What are you talking about?
26:33I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction.
26:36You wanted a big party.
26:38I never sent you a text.
26:40You didn't?
26:41You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those emails, do you?
26:43Every time I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function,
26:46I get an email from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers.
26:49And then I find out she's done everything herself.
26:52I never sent you any emails.
26:54Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale.
26:57Didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?
27:00I guess I kind of stopped talking to her at all after that.
27:03Maybe now would be a good time to start.
27:14They're actually talking.
27:15That's a good sign.
27:21Huts! Huts are always good.
27:23Somebody, and I think we can all guess who,
27:26told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day.
27:29Dash showed up with all the softball team and thought I'd canceled on her.
27:32So you're looking to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh?
27:38Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen.
27:40I'll totally help you out.
27:42All you gotta do is beat me in a game of one-on-one.
27:46First to five goals wins.
27:49One's it!
27:53Two's it!
27:54Three's it!
27:55Four's it!
27:56Five's it!
27:57Six's it!
27:58Seven's it!
27:59Eight's it!
28:00Nine's it!
28:0110's it!
28:0211's it!
28:0312's it!
28:0413's it!
28:0514's it!
28:0615's it!
28:0716's it!
28:0817's it!
28:0918's it!
28:1019's it!
28:1120's it!
28:1221's it!
28:1322's it!
28:1423's it!
28:1524's it!
28:1625's it!
28:1726's it!
28:1827's it!
28:1928's it!
28:2029's it!
28:2130's it!
28:2231's it!
28:2732's it!
28:36That game...
28:39I really thought you were gonna pull it off there in the end.
28:44So what's the plan?
28:45How can I help you be princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?
28:51Of course you lost! I'm awesome!
28:53But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer.
28:56The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination.
29:00You proved that you got them both.
29:14And can I get mine with extra oats?
29:18Uh, scratch that. However you normally make it is fine.
29:29We've got to stop bumping into each other like this.
29:34You know me! Always trying to make a big splash around here.
29:38Cause my drink kinda splashed on the ground.
29:45I'm gonna go over there now.
29:49Don't even think about it!
29:52You're already trying to get a crown.
29:54Who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too.
29:57I'm not trying to. I don't even know. We just accidentally...
30:02Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago.
30:04I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet.
30:11Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful.
30:15Alright girls. Dance is tomorrow night and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the vote she needs to be named princess.
30:20Right now folks only know that Twilight from the video Sunset Shimmer posted online.
30:24We need to help them see her differently.
30:28I've got it!
30:33I mean, perhaps I have a solution.
30:35Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but...
30:38What if we all wore these as a sign of unity?
30:42Freshmen year, they were very, very popular.
30:44A way for everybody to show their school spirit.
30:46You know, wow, Catalog Wonder Colts!
30:49I haven't sold any in ages.
30:51I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down we're all Catalog Wonder Colts!
30:56Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us.
30:58Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us.
31:00And we're gonna let everyone know it!
31:03What do you think?
31:12Oh, wow!
31:42Hey, hey, everybody!
31:57We've got something to say!
31:59We may seem as different as the night is from day,
32:03but you look a little deeper,
32:05and you will see that I'm just like you,
32:09and you're just like me, yeah!
32:15Hey, hey, everybody!
32:17We're here to shout that the magic of friendship is what it's all about, yeah!
32:22We've got something more different than the night is from the day,
32:25until Twilight Sparkle helps us see another way!
32:29So get up, get down!
32:31If you're gonna come around,
32:33we can work together,
32:35helping Twilight be with Brown!
32:36So get up, get down!
32:38Cause it's gonna make us bounce,
32:40if we work together,
32:42helping Twilight Sparkle be with Brown!
32:44Hey, hey, hands up now!
32:46We're sending a message to the crowd!
32:48Hands up, then come down!
32:50We party together all around!
32:52Generous honesty,
32:53laughter, kindness, loyalty,
32:55Twilight up there, peace to see,
32:57all that we can be!
32:58So get up, get down!
33:00If you're gonna come around,
33:02we can work together,
33:04helping Twilight be with Brown!
33:05So get up, get down!
33:07Cause it's gonna make us bounce,
33:09if we work together,
33:11helping Twilight Sparkle be with Brown!
33:13I'm gonna be myself,
33:15no matter what I do!
33:17And if we're different, yeah,
33:19I want you to be true to you!
33:21If you follow me,
33:22we'll put our differences aside!
33:24We'll stick together and start working on that school pride!
33:29Jump up, make a sound!
33:31Stomp your hooves, turn around!
33:33Start now, make a change!
33:35Gonna come around!
33:36Jump up, make a sound!
33:39Stomp your hooves, turn around!
33:40Can't you laugh?
33:42Help her win the crown!
33:43Jump up, make a sound!
33:46Stomp your hooves, turn around!
33:47Start now, make a change!
33:49Gonna come around!
33:51Jump up, make a sound!
33:54Stomp your hooves, turn around!
33:55Can't you laugh?
33:57Help her win the crown!
33:58Jump up, make a sound!
34:01Stomp your hooves, turn around!
34:02Start now, make a change!
34:04Gonna come around!
34:09Take those off!
34:11I have something I need you to do.
34:24Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?
34:26It was a great idea, Rarity!
34:29Don't know what she's smiling about.
34:31Twilight's the one that's gonna be princess of the fall formal.
34:39Vice Principal Luna, something terrible has happened!
34:46Isn't this just awful?
34:47And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect,
34:51why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?
34:54Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?
34:57Because I have proof.
35:02But... but I don't understand.
35:04This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?
35:10Yes, but...
35:11I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone
35:14who would do something like this compete for the fall formal crown.
35:21Vice Principal Luna, I found these in a trash can in the library.
35:24I thought you should see them.
35:26Someone obviously combined them.
35:29Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like
35:31Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.
35:33I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, Flash.
35:36In light of this new evidence,
35:38you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the princess of the fall formal.
35:42Oh, thank you!
35:43You have no idea how important this is to me!
35:47What was I going to do?
35:48Not prove your innocence?
35:49Wouldn't be much of a canterlot wonder cult, would I?
35:51I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym
35:54that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night.
35:57If you will excuse me,
35:58I need to let my sister know about this latest development.
36:02So, uh, I was wondering...
36:04If you aren't already going with somebody,
36:06want to go to the fall formal with me tomorrow night?
36:10That would be...
36:11Tomorrow night?
36:12No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
36:14No, no, no, no, no, no!
36:15I can't! The portal!
36:16I'll be too late!
36:18One no would have been fine!
36:28Everything okay in there?
36:31Only it's not okay.
36:32It's not okay at all!
36:34If I don't get my crown tonight,
36:35I won't be able to go back to Equestria for another 30 moons!
36:38Oh, what are we going to do?
36:42We tell them the truth.
36:43Let them know what's really at stake if you don't get the crown tonight.
36:46They'll help us figure something out.
36:48But what if they won't?
36:49What if when they find out just how different I really am...
36:53Twilight, these girls rallied around you
36:55because they saw what was in your heart.
36:56They aren't going to feel any differently about you
36:58when they find out you're a pony princess in Equestria.
37:02I'm glad you followed me here, Spike.
37:04Me too.
37:05Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another 30 moons.
37:10You okay?
37:11The fall formal isn't happening tonight.
37:14It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer
37:16had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations.
37:20But the fall formal has to happen tonight.
37:26You see...
37:28You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there
37:30and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it
37:32that helps power up other magical elements
37:33and without it they don't work anymore
37:34and you need them to help protect your magical world.
37:36And if you don't get the crown tonight,
37:37you'll be stuck in this world
37:38and you won't be able to get back for like a really, really long time.
37:44Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason.
37:47Nope, she's pretty much spot on.
37:48He can talk?
37:49Oh, yeah.
37:50And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog.
37:53I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!
37:57This is so amazing!
37:58Tell me, what are you thinking right now?
38:03Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears.
38:07Maybe later.
38:08How did you know all that?
38:09Just a hunch.
38:10Wait a minute.
38:11Let me get this straight.
38:13You're a pony?
38:14You're a princess?
38:16You're from another world?
38:17Another world?
38:20That is...
38:26See? Told ya!
38:30I simply cannot believe they did all this!
38:32If only I had some kind of party cannon
38:34that could decorate everything super fast!
38:37I know it seems impossible,
38:38but maybe if we all work together?
38:41Now that's the kind of can-do spirit I'm looking for
38:43in a powerful princess!
38:45Let's do it, y'all!
38:46Absolute rock on!
38:47Let's do it!
38:51It's time for us to come together
38:54It's the only way that things will get better
38:57It's time for us to take a stand
39:00So come on and lend a helping hand
39:05Mix it up
39:06Yeah, it's alright
39:07We'll get it ready by tonight
39:11Mix it up
39:12Yeah, help a friend
39:13We'll come together in the end
39:20It's time to show that we've got a school spirit
39:23Raise your voice and let everyone hear it
39:26It's time to show that we're strong
39:29So come on, everybody sing along
39:34Look how we've all come together
39:39Things are only just starting to get better
39:45Look how we've all come together
39:51Things are only gonna get better, better, better, better
39:57We'll get it ready by tonight
40:03We'll get it ready by tonight
40:09We'll get it ready by tonight
40:15We'll get it ready by tonight
40:28This looks so good!
40:33Alright everyone, fall formal is back on for this evening
40:39So you better get out of here and start getting ready
40:41Oh, and don't forget to cast your ballots for fall formal princess on your way out
40:44You got my vote, Twilight
40:46Mine too, mine too, mine too
40:52You're lucky she was able to pull this off
40:54Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try to show a little restraint
40:58I need this formal to go on tonight just as much as she does
41:03I still can't believe we pulled that off
41:05I can! We're awesome!
41:08Enough chatter girls, we need to get ready
41:10And we need to look fabulous
41:12This is our big night
41:15We're getting ready and we're doing it outright
41:18This is our big night
41:21Friendship survived, now we're starting outright
41:26But time's right, gonna make it last
41:28Cause it's the first night that we're ever gonna start to just have fun together
41:32We're so glad, so happy, we could never be mad
41:35Get it right now, this is our big night now
41:38Six friends on the way out now
41:44Six friends here to show you how
41:49This is our big night
41:52We're getting ready and we're doing it outright
41:56This is our big night
41:59We made it happen, now let's party all night
42:02This is our big night
42:05This is our big night
42:08This is our big night
42:11This is our big night
42:29Look, I know you said no about going to the fall formal with me
42:32But would you reconsider and at least have one dance?
42:35I didn't say no
42:37I mean, I did, but I didn't mean no to you
42:41I was, well what I mean is
42:43Yes, I'd love to dance with you
43:08Anybody seen Sunset Shimmer?
43:10Maybe she was too embarrassed to show
43:12She's gotta know if you won by a landslide
43:21First off, I want to say how wonderful everything looks tonight
43:24You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier
43:28And now, without further ado
43:30I'd like to announce the winner of this year's fall formal crown
43:36The princess of this year's fall formal is
43:42Twilight Sparkle!
43:50Congratulations Twilight
43:55Twilight, no!
44:01Take off Spike!
44:23That's close enough
44:31Don't hurt him
44:32No, I wouldn't dream of it
44:33I'm not a monster Twilight
44:35Let him go
44:40You don't belong here
44:41Give me the crown and you can go back to Equestria tonight
44:44Or keep it and never go home
44:48Tick tock Twilight, we haven't got all night
44:50The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour
44:53So, what's your answer?
45:01Equestria, your friends, lost to you forever
45:04Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?
45:06Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic
45:10Equestria will find a way to survive without my elements of harmony
45:13This place might not if I allow it to fall into your hands
45:16So go ahead, destroy the portal
45:19You are not getting this crown
45:22Fine, you win
45:27You are too awesome!
45:29Can't believe you were gonna do that for us
45:31It's no wonder you're a real-life princess
45:35Yes, she's so very special
45:46Grab him, you fool!
45:56Fight! Fight!
46:00Fire shot!
46:12I'll take that
46:14At last
46:16More power than I could ever imagine
46:29Fire shot!
46:35Fire shot!
46:45Fire shot!
47:00Fire shot!
47:06This is gonna be so cool!
47:19I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown
47:24And it really should have been mine all along
47:29Let's let bygones be bygones
47:31I am your princess now
47:34And you will be loyal to me
47:53Round them up and bring them to the portal
47:59Spoiler alert
48:00I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal
48:03I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school
48:06I want Equestria
48:08And with my own little teenage army behind me
48:11I'm going to get it
48:15No, you're not
48:17Oh please, what exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me?
48:21I have magic and you have nothing
48:26She has us
48:32Gee, the gang really is all back together again
48:38Now step aside
48:40Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already
48:44She needs to be dealt with
49:00The magic contained in my element was able to unite with those that helped create it
49:21And kindness
49:48Together with the crown they create a power beyond anything you can imagine
49:51But it is a power you don't have the ability to control
49:54The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer
49:56But you cannot wield it
49:58Because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all
50:00The magic of friendship
50:10What is happening?
50:15Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all
50:57You will never rule in Equestria
50:59Any power you may have had in this world is gone
51:01Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are
51:04You've shown them what is in your heart
51:07I'm sorry
51:09I'm so sorry
51:11I didn't know there was another way
51:13The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria
51:16It's everywhere
51:18You can seek it out
51:20Or you can forever be alone
51:22The choice is yours
51:24But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart
51:27I don't know the first thing about friendship
51:31I bet they can teach you
51:33Those are my girls! Woohoo!
51:35Did that dog just talk? Whoa, weird
51:38Seriously? A talking dog is a weird thing about all this?
51:42I for one think you're adorable
51:44Oh yeah
51:46I believe this belongs to you
51:48A true princess in any world leads
51:51Not by forcing others to bow before her
51:53But by inspiring others to stand with her
51:56We have all seen that you are capable of just that
51:59I hope you see it too
52:01Princess Twilight
52:04I do
52:08Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?
52:19This is our big night
52:22We made it happen, now let's party all night
52:27We're here now and we worked so hard to make it come around
52:30So tonight, so let's try to make it last forever
52:33It's a cool life, so let's ride
52:35Beat is pumping through the night
52:36Party's starting, DJ's got the music just right
52:39Six friends on the way out now
52:45Six friends here to show you how
52:50This is our big night
53:03You'll look out for her, won't you?
53:05Of course we will
53:07Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle
53:10I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies
53:15We better get going
53:17I know we've only been friends for a short time
53:19But I'm going to miss all of you so much
53:26That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight
53:29You know what, Spike?
53:30I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it
53:33And the wings?
53:34I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these
53:38I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria
53:50Oh, bummer!
54:07You're back! You've got your crown!
54:10I knew you could do it!
54:12We were so worried!
54:13Sunset Shimmer, is she all right?
54:15I think she's going to be fine
54:17I left her in good hands
54:20What are hands?
54:26Where did you stay?
54:27What did they wear?
54:28Did you have fun?
54:29What did you eat?
54:30Would you say she's just as awesome as me?
54:32I want to tell you everything, I do
54:34But I'm just so exhausted from all the dancing
54:39We've got to stop bumping into each other like this
54:44Who was that?
54:46He's a new member of the Castle Guard
54:48Flash Sentry, I think
54:49Why? Do you know him?
54:51Not exactly
54:54Somepony's got a crush on the new guy
54:56No, no I don't
54:58She does!
54:59She absolutely does!
55:00Don't be ridiculous, I don't even know him
55:02He just totally reminds you of the guy you met in the other world
55:05Who played guitar, was in a band, and helped prove he didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance
55:08So you could still run for princess with a big dance
55:10And then ask you to dance at that dance?
