• 4 months ago
Dig Deeper
The Build [Weeks 9–12]
With your increased muscular endurance and power created from the prior two collections, now it’s time to build.
These workouts are positioned as your final collection in the 12-week process because your body is primed to lift heavier than you might have thought possible.
Isolating the muscle you’re training each day allows you to realize your gains and find your peak strength for each independent
muscle group.
And then build upon it.
Day 1 -Chest
Day 2 -Back & Abs
Day 3 -Arms
Day 4 -Legs
Day 5 - Shoulders & Abs
Day 6 -Steady State Cardio 3
00:00Oh yeah, it is byes and tries today.
00:13Listen, I have to let you know right now, this is split three, we're building, but this
00:17is one of my favorite muscle groups to work.
00:19Not just because mine looks good, but you get to isolate, contract, focus, and focus
00:25on the details and grow.
00:26So for now, let's get this started, forearm stretch right here, just take it down.
00:34Let's keep that core tight, even though we're working on the biceps and triceps.
00:38Now this is kind of going back a little bit to those antagonistic muscle groups, but we
00:44are not super setting, okay?
00:46You're focusing one exercise at a time, which means you get to really focus and move.
00:52You need a plethora of dumbbells, but try to start with some mediums.
00:57You will never go super heavy because there's no need to.
01:01And if something is too heavy, you just lighten it up a little bit.
01:05Also for safety reasons today, because I don't want you to lift too heavy and rock your body
01:10and really get into that back, we're going to do a little time under tension as well.
01:15So it's going to feel good.
01:17Three, two, and one.
01:19Ah, let's stretch it out.
01:21Let's get that cross body stretch, open it up and just cross it out.
01:25This is just warming up that tricep round in the back.
01:28We're going to move a couple very important things.
01:32Keep those ears away from the shoulders.
01:36I say shoulders away from the ears.
01:38Make sure you keep going with this cross body stretch.
01:41Make sure you stretch those shoulders down and almost every single exercise we do today
01:46because it's going to be really important for you to isolate the muscle and be safe.
01:50Give me four more and three.
01:52Have water in the towel too because you're going to need it.
01:55Give me one more here.
01:56All right, we got some W curls.
01:59Love this exercise right here.
02:01Now the other thing I have to tell you is we're starting with a 12, 10, 8, 6.
02:09That means we are starting with high reps going low so you can change the weight to
02:13really challenge you.
02:14Let me show you what a W curl is.
02:18So you're going to have your dumbbells.
02:20First of all, we're working those biceps.
02:21You're going to come up, down, out, up, but we're working that smaller bicep head.
02:28So watch how I contract.
02:30See how I'm contracting before I even lift my arms?
02:33So contract up, then you take it out, dig those elbows into the side as much as you
02:40Same thing, contract.
02:42It's a total of 12.
02:43I love this W curl because it keeps you a little tension in your biceps.
02:48Here we go.
02:50Three, starting with the dumbbells together.
02:51Two, one, come up center.
02:52Let's go.
02:54Remember, keeping those shoulders away from the ears.
03:01Exhale, doing the work.
03:02Looking good.
03:03Come on.
03:04Feel the work.
03:08Keep that core nice and contracted, right?
03:12Staying in.
03:13Come on.
03:14Breathe through, breathe through.
03:17Remember, we're concentrating.
03:18You can really use my muscle connection here.
03:22Elbows into the side.
03:24Stay in it.
03:25Last two, one, center.
03:27Come down.
03:28Take it to the outside and breathe through.
03:33This is one of the exercises where I want you to shake it out.
03:37Shake it out.
03:38Let's go to my posing mirror.
03:40Here's what I want you to do.
03:41Since we're only working one muscle at a time today, I just want you to give me that flex
03:47Hit the bicep.
03:49Take one hand, touch it, touch the other bicep, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
03:55Make it work.
03:56Now go grab those dumbbells.
03:57We're going for set number two.
03:59We're hitting 10 reps.
04:00So if you have to lessen the weight, that's good.
04:04If not, stay with me.
04:07Three, two, one.
04:08Let's go.
04:09Up, down, out, in, down, in, up.
04:16Good job.
04:17Make sure you exhale as you come up.
04:21Shoulders are staying down.
04:22Yes, looking good.
04:24You should be feeling it now.
04:26You should be feeling it now.
04:30Come on, come on, come on.
04:32Two more right here.
04:36And one more out.
04:37Breathe up.
04:39Right away.
04:40If you have a mirror, good.
04:41If not, come on.
04:42We're going back to that flex.
04:43Let's go.
04:44Let's go.
04:46Let's go.
04:47Make that bicep.
04:48Squeeze it, squeeze it, squeeze it, squeeze it.
04:49Tighten up the core too.
04:50Come on, come on, come on, come on.
04:52This is really getting you in the zone.
04:56Mind-muscle connection.
04:57Shake it out.
04:58We've got two more sets, y'all.
05:00We're going to push.
05:02Eight seconds.
05:03Grab those dumbbells.
05:04We've got a set of eight.
05:06So if you want to go heavier, you can.
05:08I'm sticking with my 25s because I'm feeling the burn on my last four.
05:11Here we go.
05:13Take three, two, one.
05:16Up center.
05:18Take it out.
05:21Every time you come up, down.
05:25Come on.
05:26Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
05:29Come on.
05:30Keep breathing.
05:31Shoulders down.
05:32Come on.
05:33Come on.
05:34Last two.
05:37Take it down.
05:39Feel the burn.
05:40Elbows into the side.
05:42Make sure you flex this time because I know if you flex before you feel it.
05:47The reason why I make you flex in the middle is because I still want you to isolate.
05:52Think about that.
05:53The days of being like, oh, I'm lifting.
05:57Let me stand around.
05:58Those days are done.
06:00We want to feel burn.
06:01We want to get that mind-muscle connection flow.
06:04Here we go.
06:05Pick up the weights.
06:06Here we go.
06:07Four, three, two.
06:09Take it out.
06:14Come on.
06:15So good.
06:16Come on.
06:17Come on.
06:18It's just you and me.
06:19We got this.
06:20Last two.
06:21We are going to flex after this.
06:22So get ready.
06:23Come on.
06:24I'm just flexing with you.
06:25Come on.
06:26I'm just flexing with you.
06:27Come on.
06:28Squeeze it.
06:29Squeeze it.
06:30Now squeeze your core.
06:31Squeeze your core.
06:32Squeeze your core.
06:33Squeeze your biceps.
06:34Three, two, one.
06:35And shoot.
06:36Three, two, one.
06:37And shake it out.
06:38Here is a little tip.
06:39Grab some water, first of all.
06:40Make sure you have a towel.
06:47Whenever you do biceps, I don't want you to rock at all.
06:52You're going to start to fatigue in those biceps because we're going reverse grip.
06:57So your reverse grip, that means your palms are to your quads.
07:01Chest up.
07:02Prowl chest.
07:03Shoulders back.
07:04And you're going to lift.
07:05Again, your dumbbell's gonna be on a slight angle
07:09because it'll be hard to do that.
07:10See how if I put my palms down too much,
07:13my elbows go out to a slight angle
07:15so you can keep those elbows into the side.
07:17Grab a weight that you can focus on and you can get it.
07:21I don't want you to go overly heavy
07:23where you don't get the result that you need.
07:27I'm gonna start with 17.5s, we're hitting 12 reps.
07:31Here we go.
07:32I'm gonna give you one rep with my dumbbells.
07:36See how I come in here?
07:38Push, here we go.
07:39Three, two, elbows into the side, let's go.
07:43And down, squeeze, come on.
07:48Come on, come on, get that core tight.
07:51Come on, exhale, keep pushing.
07:55Yes, you got it, you got it, you got it.
07:57Elbows into the side, come on.
08:00You're so good, you're so good.
08:04Come on, last two.
08:08Give me one more, here we go.
08:11I'm gonna challenge myself here.
08:12I'm gonna go up to 20 pounds
08:15because I only felt it on the last two.
08:17And if I wanna challenge myself,
08:19I need to feel it on the last four.
08:22But you feel it on the last four without doing this.
08:26Okay, you feel it on the last four by doing that,
08:29pulling up, palms down.
08:31We're gonna work, are you ready?
08:33Grab that weight, set of 10.
08:36Here's four, three, just you and me, let's go.
08:39Elbows in.
08:43Work through it, just work through it, come on.
08:46Come on, you can even fire up those quads with it.
08:50Exhale and go.
08:52Come on, push.
08:54Come on, two more.
08:58Give me one more, feel that burn, yes.
09:01I'm gonna go up to 25 since we're only hitting six.
09:04This is where you have to, this is where you have to work.
09:08Actually, we're going eight reps.
09:10I'm getting too excited here.
09:12We're going eight reps.
09:13No, no, no, no, no, I don't want you to go too heavy.
09:15Enough to get eight reps.
09:2010 seconds, grab that weight, grab that weight.
09:22Let the weight pull your elbows down.
09:25That's what you wanna feel, even when you're lifting.
09:28All right, here's what I want you to do.
09:29Get these quads, flex those quads.
09:33Tuck the hips under, chest is high, shoulders back.
09:36Let's go, let a set of eight.
09:38Come on, seven, six.
09:43Come on, five, four, three, two more.
09:49And one more here, way to push.
09:56Oh my goodness, guys, way to go.
09:59Let's shake it out.
10:02All right, how are we feeling?
10:04Feeling good, grab water, work through it.
10:08We're gonna hit six reps.
10:10I think I'm gonna push 30.
10:13I think I'm gonna push 30s, oh my goodness.
10:17Yes, I'm challenging myself.
10:19I'm digging deeper.
10:21I mean, if I don't challenge myself,
10:23why would you challenge yourself, right?
10:24Here we go, in three, two, set of six, let's go.
10:31Come on, exhale.
10:36Come on, come on, come on, elbows in.
10:39Last two, breathe.
10:41Give me one more, slow on the way down, slow.
10:44Oh, whoo.
10:49All right, we're gonna do something really fun.
10:52So whatever you did 10 reps with, grab that weight.
10:56So I'm just, I'm actually gonna grab 25s for me.
11:01We're doing something called 21s.
11:03Actually, you only need one dumbbell for this.
11:06We're doing something called 21s.
11:07Let me show you.
11:09First of all, we're working that long bicep head.
11:12That means your palm is into the side,
11:15elbows in to the rib.
11:18You're doing a lower half to 90 for seven.
11:22Then you do upper half to 90 for seven.
11:26We come down, full seven reps to complete 21.
11:31Here we go.
11:32You isolate there first, squeeze up.
11:36Okay, we're gonna work on that bottom half.
11:38This is gonna suck.
11:41And guess what?
11:43You only have two arms.
11:45So you're gonna push two times.
11:47Sing on, three, two, one, ready?
11:48Here we go.
11:49Let's push.
11:51Seven, six, five.
11:55You can look at that bicep.
11:56Elbow into the side, four, chest high, three.
12:01Come on, you got it.
12:03Hold it up halfway.
12:04Let's go halfway down, all the way up.
12:09Elbow into the side.
12:12Come on, two more.
12:18Come down, full reps.
12:21Let's go for seven.
12:22Seven, elbow in, six, five, chest is up.
12:27Come on, four, three, two more.
12:31I can't look at you cause it burns.
12:33Last one, drop the weight.
12:36Gotta do my shake, gotta do my shake,
12:38gotta do my shake, gotta do my shake.
12:41That hurt.
12:42All right, here we go.
12:43Other side of the body.
12:44Are you ready to go?
12:45I told you this was gonna be fun.
12:47Grab that weight.
12:48If you don't feel how I'm acting,
12:50you need to go up and wait and not rock.
12:52Here we go.
12:53Lower half, upper half, four, three, two, one.
12:58Let's go, lower half.
12:59Here we go.
13:00Come on.
13:02Core is nice and tight.
13:04Get that elbow in.
13:06Keep pushing through.
13:10Two more here.
13:11Elbow in.
13:12Give me one more.
13:13Hold it halfway.
13:14All the way up, halfway down.
13:15Let's go.
13:16Come on.
13:17You got a full 21.
13:21Come on, push through.
13:24Two more from here.
13:25We're not taking that break.
13:27One more, go all the way down.
13:29Let's start that full rep.
13:30Come on, seven, six.
13:33No rocking, chest up.
13:35Five, four, three.
13:39Come on, two.
13:42One more.
13:44Breathe it through.
13:45Way to go.
13:47All right, we're doing something that I love.
13:52You see that tricep right there?
13:54This is where we're working.
13:55We're working on that horseshoe, pushing it through.
13:59But first, what you have to do is lift that bench up.
14:02Here we go.
14:05Lift that bench all the way up here.
14:08So here's something that's very, very important.
14:10This is very important.
14:12Now, I don't want you to grab one dumbbell.
14:16I want you to grab two dumbbells
14:18because I want you to be able to get up and push.
14:20I'm gonna show you without dumbbells right here.
14:22Remember, we're working on that tricep.
14:24We're gonna try.
14:25You actually have to sit up at the end of your bench.
14:28Put those dumbbells in your hand, put them together.
14:31Lift them up, take them back.
14:32Try to squeeze those elbows together as you press up.
14:36Notice how I still keep my core nice and tight, okay?
14:41So don't be slouched out like this.
14:42That's not what we want.
14:43We want to pull, push.
14:45The minute you engage that core,
14:46squeeze those elbows together.
14:48That's where you push and isolate the triceps.
14:51All right, here we go.
14:53I'm gonna start with 30 in each arm.
14:58I'm doing this.
14:59Here we go.
15:00We're gonna push.
15:02So this brings me into a total of 60 pounds, right?
15:05So do what you can do.
15:06Remember, I want you to feel it on the last four.
15:09Here we go.
15:10Put the dumbbell together.
15:12Set of 12.
15:13Three, two, one, elbows in, let's go.
15:16Come on.
15:18Let's go.
15:20Come on, my head is looking forward toward the ground
15:23because I want to stay in control of my form.
15:26Come on.
15:28Come on, breathe.
15:31When it feels this good,
15:32you gotta stay here for a minute, y'all.
15:36Hold on.
15:38Two more.
15:39One more.
15:44Just hold on.
15:46It's gonna feel good.
15:47We're not gonna take too long of a break,
15:50so shake that out.
15:51Now, what I want you to really isolate and focus on now
15:54is squeezing those elbows together.
15:57Act like you have a stack of $1 million bills, right?
16:02And every time you open up,
16:05you lose a million dollars, all right?
16:07Or maybe you lose a whole stack.
16:09So let's go.
16:10Come on, 10 reps.
16:12Bring it together.
16:13Up, firm grip on the dumbbell.
16:15Elbows together.
16:16Three, two, one, let's go.
16:19Come on.
16:21Let's go, let's go.
16:22Push through.
16:24Full extension.
16:25Full extension, core tight.
16:29Come on, come on.
16:29Squeeze that tricep, squeeze it.
16:31Come on.
16:33Last two.
16:35One more.
16:37Pull it in.
16:38Elbows into the side, pull it down.
16:41Shake it out.
16:42Here's the thing.
16:43We are in the build phase.
16:46That means you have to put everything together.
16:47Your muscular endurance is gonna come into effect
16:50even though you're doing less reps.
16:52You have to do time under tension
16:54and not necessarily that we're going slow,
16:56but you have to be in control.
16:58My muscle connection for you to isolate
17:00before you even extend and contract.
17:03Okay, here we go.
17:04Grab it.
17:05We got eight reps.
17:06I need you to feel the last four.
17:09Here's three, two, one, squeeze.
17:11Let's go.
17:12Come on.
17:13Every time you bend that arm,
17:15you're doing an eccentric contraction.
17:17You're stretching your triceps.
17:20Every time you stretch your tricep,
17:21it's just as important as the contraction
17:23because you use that extension
17:25to start the engagement.
17:28Last two.
17:30One more right here.
17:31Elbows in.
17:34When it feels this good, come on.
17:38Think about this.
17:39The fact that you've gotten this far in this program
17:42should feel really good
17:43and you should get used to digging deeper
17:45and feeling good about the fact
17:47that you are pushing yourself to that next level.
17:49You're only here for a little bit, people.
17:51Let's make the best of it and feel really good.
17:55Here we go.
17:55Grab it.
17:56Six reps.
17:57Let's go.
17:58The reason why I keep my 30s and don't go too heavy
18:01is because I want to be able to control it
18:05and be safe in my shoulders.
18:06Three, two, one.
18:08Let's go.
18:09Come on.
18:10Push, squeeze, squeeze.
18:12Come on, come on, come on, come on.
18:14You got it.
18:15You got it.
18:17Last two.
18:18Squeeze and go.
18:19One more.
18:25Excellent job.
18:27We're gonna flatten your bench.
18:28We have a tricep close grip press.
18:30I'll show you exactly what that is.
18:33Flatten the bench.
18:38Let me move this weight out the way.
18:43So, we're gonna push through.
18:49Close grip press.
18:51That means we're here.
18:52Two dumbbells.
18:54You're gonna push up.
18:55Head is flat on the bench.
18:57Push up, squeeze the tricep.
19:01Come here.
19:02Get really close to my tricep here.
19:04Watch how I come down.
19:06Not only am I coming down,
19:07but I'm pushing that elbow forward,
19:09extending my tricep.
19:11So, when I push up,
19:12watch the engagement in my tricep right away.
19:16I can still get engagement
19:18without even having the weight in my hand, okay?
19:23So, imagine if you have weight in your hand
19:25and you isolate like that.
19:30I'ma go.
19:32I'ma go.
19:33Each arm having control.
19:37Come on, here we go.
19:40Remember, your triceps too are a small muscle group,
19:44so you don't have to go crazy heavy
19:46when it comes to dumbbells
19:48to get the result.
19:49You just have to use that connection.
19:50Three, two.
19:52Firm grip on the dumbbells.
19:53Press up.
19:55Come on.
19:56Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
19:58Core tight.
19:59Come on, you got it.
20:01How you doing?
20:03Come on, come on, come on.
20:05You got it.
20:05I'm with you.
20:07Exhale, doing the work.
20:09Remember, pushing that elbow out as you come down.
20:12Squeezing before you even start.
20:14Last two.
20:16Give me one more.
20:19Now, I have to tell you,
20:22that was really great.
20:24So, here's another thing I gotta tell you.
20:27Even myself, I like surprising myself.
20:29I'm like, Sean T., you're strong as shit.
20:31So now you go grab some heavier weight.
20:35So you gotta just be prepared
20:36because one day you might show up to your workout
20:38and you might be like, yo, I'm stronger than I thought.
20:41So let's go.
20:43So, let's get some 55s.
20:46You know what I'm saying?
20:47For 10.
20:48Oh yeah.
20:49Here we go.
20:51Set up.
20:5210 reps.
20:54Here we go.
20:59Firm grip, let's go.
21:01Exhale, doing the work.
21:03Knees together.
21:05Come on.
21:07Let's push, let's push.
21:10Come on.
21:13Last two.
21:15One more.
21:19Bend down.
21:21All right, we'll stay there.
21:22We'll stay there.
21:23We'll stay there.
21:25I definitely wanna grab 60s,
21:27but I felt it in that last four.
21:29Now, on these last two sets, we're gonna push.
21:32I'm gonna give you a little time under tension
21:34just in case you don't have heavier weight.
21:37But make sure you push those dumbbells together.
21:40Use all the cues.
21:41Stretch the elbow forward.
21:43Contraction, eccentric contraction.
21:45Working together.
21:46Bend the knees, come up.
21:49Sit it back.
21:50Head is on the bench.
21:52Dumbbells together.
21:53Three, two, one, let's go.
21:56For eight.
21:59Come on.
22:00Let's go.
22:02Last four.
22:02I want you to go slow on the eccentric.
22:09Last one.
22:13And bring it in.
22:15All right.
22:16This next one,
22:18we're gonna reintroduce that time under tension
22:21so you can push and use every muscle fiber
22:25so you can create the horseshoe, okay?
22:29Here we go.
22:34You've never felt like this, right?
22:36Never felt like this.
22:37Never felt this strong.
22:39Come on.
22:42Sit back.
22:43Six reps.
22:45Time under tension.
22:46One up, three down.
22:47Let's go.
22:48One, three, two.
22:51One, two, three, two.
22:54One, three, three, two.
22:58One, four, three, two.
23:02Core tight.
23:03Five, three, last one.
23:08And three, two, one.
23:13I know you love me.
23:14I love you too.
23:19All right, we got something really fun.
23:21This is a burnout.
23:22This is 21s on the triceps.
23:26Let me show you what to do.
23:27So we're hitting kickbacks.
23:31So first you have your palm up.
23:33That means your palm faces back, right?
23:36We have seven.
23:38We're switching around.
23:39Palm down.
23:41And then for seven, then we hit palm in for seven.
23:45Notice, core tight, head in neutral, spine.
23:50All right.
23:51I'm going with 17.5s
23:56because the dig deeper moment in this workout
24:01is a nightmare.
24:03So let's build here.
24:05Here we go.
24:06Palm up.
24:09Elbow in, two.
24:11One, let's go for seven.
24:16Five, come on.
24:21Extend, squeeze.
24:24One more.
24:26Palm down.
24:27That means face your palms to the front.
24:28Let's go.
24:38Come on.
24:40One more.
24:41Give me that palm in.
24:43Go for seven.
24:47Come on.
24:53Pull the shoulder away from the ear.
24:55One more.
24:57Now, some of you might be like,
25:00why isn't this muscular endurance when I'm doing 21?
25:03Well, you have the horseshoe, tricep is three.
25:08So we work one head this way,
25:10one head this way, one head this way.
25:12However, it's very important
25:14that you don't choose a heavy weight
25:16because I don't want that to go into your shoulder
25:18because if your weight is too heavy,
25:21let's see what happens.
25:22I start to push.
25:23Have a weight that you can use a tricep.
25:25We're using the tricep.
25:27That's all you have to worry about, okay?
25:30Here we go.
25:31Palm up, three, two, one.
25:35Let's go for 21.
25:36Seven, seven, seven.
25:38Palm up.
25:41Feel it.
25:43Come on.
25:45Two more here.
25:47We're not taking a break.
25:49Palm down.
25:50Let's go right away.
25:51Come on.
25:56Doing the work.
25:58Come on.
26:00Two more.
26:02Are you ready?
26:03Palm into your body.
26:05Squeeze it.
26:06Get that elbow up there.
26:07Come on, squeeze it.
26:08Create that horseshoe.
26:09Come on, sculpt it.
26:12Come on.
26:13Let's go.
26:14Last two.
26:17One more right here.
26:22We gotta dig deeper moment that I promise you,
26:25you will never forget.
26:30We're hitting reciprocating neutral curls, okay?
26:33I'm gonna show you what that is.
26:34I'm gonna show you with lighter weight
26:35because I need to keep my energy for the work.
26:40So first you got reciprocating.
26:41What does that mean?
26:43You start with one hand up.
26:44They reciprocate, meet in the middle, elbows on the inside.
26:50You have 24 of those total, okay?
26:54Are you ready to push?
26:56Get ready.
26:57Let me grab a heavier weight.
26:58I'm gonna grab 25s because I'm crazy.
27:03This is gonna be a rough one.
27:06This is just the first part of the Dig Deeper Nation.
27:08Dig Deeper Nation.
27:09That is the crew.
27:11This is the first part of Dig Deeper Moment.
27:13Here we go.
27:13Three, two, one.
27:15Let's go.
27:18Total 24.
27:19Every time one punch is up.
27:22Come on.
27:25Come on, push.
27:29Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, stay.
27:30Elbows in.
27:31Come on.
27:32You might hit your lats.
27:33Your biceps might hit your lats.
27:34You just try to squeeze those elbows in as close as you can.
27:37Come on.
27:38Push through.
27:40Last two.
27:42Good job.
27:44We have tricep dips, okay?
27:49Here we go.
27:50Set of 12.
27:51Remember, pushing your elbows back first.
27:54I don't have to tell you,
27:55but I'm going to push those elbows back first,
27:58then drop down.
27:59Three, two.
28:00Straighten out the legs a little more.
28:02Let's go.
28:04Come on.
28:06You push.
28:07Squeeze that tricep.
28:09Keep that butt close to the bench.
28:11Come on, drop it right down.
28:13Squeeze up top.
28:16You got it.
28:17Come on.
28:18Stay with me.
28:19Come on, come on, come on.
28:20Last two.
28:24Now you have reciprocating neutral curl.
28:25That means palm is up.
28:27I'm going to grab 20s for this one
28:30because the 25 pounds would be too heavy, okay?
28:33Make sure you got your dumbbells
28:35in a place where you won't trip.
28:37You will only need this two.
28:39Same interreciprocating.
28:41You meet halfway.
28:43Three, two.
28:45Right arm up.
28:46Let's go.
28:4824, 23, 22, 21.
28:52Come on.
28:5320, 19.
28:54Elbows into the side.
28:55Squeeze, squeeze.
28:56Forget about the squeeze.
28:57Don't forget about the squeezing of the bicep.
29:00Come on.
29:01Keep that core tight.
29:02Come on.
29:03Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
29:06Feel the burn.
29:08Come on, come on, come on.
29:10Come on, feel it, feel it, feel it.
29:12Last two.
29:16Tricep pushup on the bench.
29:1912 reps.
29:21Make sure your hands are on top of the bench.
29:23Your elbows push back first.
29:26Down and up.
29:27Okay, here we go.
29:28Set up.
29:29Three, two.
29:30You know this.
29:30Let's go.
29:31For 12, 11.
29:34Come on, squeeze the tricep up top.
29:35Squeeze it.
29:36Come on.
29:38Don't forget to squeeze.
29:38Core is tight.
29:41Stay with me.
29:43Stay with me.
29:44Core is tight.
29:45Don't let your stomach push out.
29:48Last two from here.
29:51One more right here.
29:52You can take a break.
29:54All right.
29:55Now it's time for you to assess.
29:58Let's go to the posing mirror.
30:02All right.
30:04Biceps are super pumped right now.
30:06Triceps are super pumped right now, okay?
30:10Everything is working.
30:12Okay, everything is working.
30:14But we gotta do this again.
30:16This time I'm gonna drop my weight
30:18because I'm feeling very fatigued.
30:20So my reciprocating hammer curls are gonna start
30:23with those 20s that I used for my neutral curls.
30:26Here we go.
30:27Three, two, one.
30:31Let's go.
30:32Come on.
30:34Come on.
30:35Come on.
30:37Let's go.
30:38Meet halfway.
30:40Come on.
30:41I got you.
30:42Come on.
30:44Just keep me close to you.
30:45Just like you're keeping your elbows close to you.
30:48And I promise you got it.
30:51Don't run away from the work.
30:52Don't run away from me.
30:54Come on, come on.
30:55This is only gonna make you strong.
30:56Last one here.
30:57Here we go.
30:58Right to the dips.
30:59Come on.
31:01You should be praising your body
31:03like you praise when you go to church, right?
31:06Come on.
31:09Three, two, one.
31:10Let's go.
31:10Push the elbows back.
31:12You got it.
31:13Come on.
31:17Squeeze it.
31:17Come on, come on, push.
31:19So good, so good, so good.
31:22Come on.
31:24Two more.
31:26One more.
31:27Reciprocating neutral curls.
31:29I'm gonna stay with my 20s.
31:31You can use me as a guide.
31:32You might even at 12 pounds now.
31:34It's totally okay.
31:36Core tight.
31:37Three, two.
31:39Why am I meet halfway?
31:40Let's go.
31:42Come on.
31:44Don't rush it.
31:45Don't rush it.
31:47Stay in it.
31:49Oh man.
31:51Come on, you should be feeling the burn route.
31:53Your last half, your last 12 should be a nightmare.
31:59Come on, come on.
32:04Come on.
32:06Last two.
32:11Tricep pushups on the bench.
32:13Here we go.
32:14Three, get there, get there.
32:15Two, elbows in.
32:16Let's go.
32:17Come on.
32:18You're there.
32:20Come on.
32:21There's no games.
32:22All work, all pushing through here.
32:27Notice I'm in control like you should be.
32:30Don't run away.
32:32Push through it.
32:33Last two.
32:35One more right here.
32:38You get a little break.
32:40Okay, here's what's gonna change.
32:43In your dips and your pushups, tricep pushups,
32:47we're gonna hit time and attention.
32:49This is going to literally suck.
32:51We're doing five counts down,
32:53one count up, press for a total of 12.
32:55It is going to destroy your entire existence,
32:59but you're gonna feel better once you recover.
33:02So, I'm not,
33:05actually, I will do reciprocating hammer curls at 20s,
33:07but I will be changing to 17 and a half for my nuture.
33:11Here we go.
33:12Start at three, two, one.
33:15You know how like, you're like recovered,
33:19but you already know how you're gonna feel
33:22and you still push through.
33:24Come on, come on.
33:27Come on, let's go.
33:29Let's go, come on.
33:30Stay with it.
33:32Stay with it.
33:33Come on, feel it, feel it.
33:35You should not be rocking.
33:37You should not be rocking.
33:40Last two.
33:42Five counts down, one count up with the dip.
33:46Butt is close to the bench.
33:48Feet are out.
33:49Three, this is gonna be the worst.
33:51Here we go, push it all about.
33:53Five, four, three, two, one.
33:58One, five, four, three, two, one, two.
34:04I'm counting five, four, so you know.
34:07Three, two, one, three.
34:10Squeeze it up top.
34:13Three, two, one, four.
34:16Come on, five, four, three, two, one.
34:21Five, five, come on, four, three, two, one.
34:27Six, five, four, three, two, one.
34:33Seven, you got five more, come on.
34:36Three, two, one, four more.
34:39This is where you just have to dig.
34:42Three, two, one, three more.
34:46Five, four, three, two, one.
34:50Last two, you're gonna be toast.
34:52Elbows back.
34:53Three, two, one, more, four, three, two, one.
35:02Oh, you know how in insanity I say
35:07this ain't tap dancing, people?
35:09I'm gonna do my Shirley Temple now.
35:12Because you know what?
35:13It is tap dancing time.
35:15Just shake it out.
35:16Here we go, 17.5, neutral curls.
35:20Here we go.
35:21Start with it up.
35:23Three, two, one, let's go.
35:26Come on, 24, we're almost there.
35:30Come on, listen, work, feel it.
35:36Come on, meet halfway.
35:39Come on, meet halfway.
35:41Come on, you should be burning.
35:43You should be to a point where you have to push,
35:48you have to dig here.
35:49Come on, come on.
35:53Last two, come on.
35:57Tricep pushup, a five in one.
36:01A five in one.
36:03If for some reason you can't hit that and you can't hold it,
36:07all you gotta do is bend one of those knees
36:10to help take on some of that weight.
36:16Hands on the bench.
36:17Three, two, one, elbows closed, let's go.
36:20For five, four, three, two, one.
36:25One, elbows back first.
36:28Three, two, one, two.
36:32Elbows, four, three, push them into the side.
36:36One, up, come on.
36:38Five, four, three, two, one.
36:43Come on, come on, guys.
36:45Four, three, two, one.
36:49Squeeze, five, four, three, two, one.
36:55I'm a guess what number we're on.
36:56Five, I think this is six.
36:58Three, two, one, that means this is seven.
37:02Oh my God, four, three, two, one.
37:06Last four, five, four, come on, three, two, one.
37:12Three more, oh my goodness.
37:15Three, two, one, last two.
37:18Come on, core stays tight.
37:20Elbows back, shoulders away from the ears.
37:24Last one, five, four, three, two, one.
37:29Push, breathe.
37:39Here's the thing that's like joyful.
37:42The longer you do this, even when you push yourself,
37:45your recovery happens quick,
37:46which means your muscles are working,
37:48which means your results are working,
37:49which means your nutrition is on point too, okay?
37:53Don't be afraid to eat a little bit of carbs
37:55to get through these workouts.
37:57Some of y'all be throwing away the carbs.
38:01If you ever go out to dinner with me
38:02and you don't get the French fries,
38:03I'm kicking you out the restaurant,
38:05especially if you're on split three.
38:06We can have a few French fries, shoot.
38:11Don't be afraid to eat people.
38:13Here we go.
38:15Let's do that forearm stretch.
38:16Let's hold it a little longer.
38:20I don't know if you can see that.
38:21See those veins coming in there.
38:26Yes, stay in there.
38:31Good job, you did so good.
38:33Each time you do this, you'll get better.
38:35You'll get better at your weight selection.
38:36You'll get better at your isolation.
38:39Let's do the cross body stretch.
38:46You can even work through your core as you do this.
38:52One more on the other side.
38:55Make sure you go do steady state,
38:57especially on days where you do small muscle groups
38:59like your shoulders, thighs, and tris.
39:02Sometimes leg days, you can get away with it,
39:04but steady state is really important
39:06depending on what your goals are.
39:08Some of you might be bulking, so do like 20 minutes.
39:10Some people who are really into losing do 30.
39:14And guess what?
39:15You did it, you're digging deeper,
39:17and I'm so proud of you.