24.Hours.in.Police.Custody.S00E16.The Honeytrap Murder Part.2 (21st March 2023)

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24 Hours in Police Custody S00E16 The Honeytrap Murder Part.2
Original air date - (21st March 2023)
Two women are charged with murder after a man is found robbed, naked and stabbed to death. Can police track down the men behind this violent honey trap plot?
00:05Have you slept with an Asian, Italian, coolie girl before?
00:15Op Box Guy is about the murder of Saul Murray.
00:21He lured him there.
00:22The girls have waited for Saul to go to sleep because he's naked.
00:26Almost like honey traps.
00:28We believe two males and two females were at Saul's flat
00:33and he was stabbed in the thigh.
00:36In his femoral archery, he's essentially, like, bled out.
00:42So we've got a confirmed deceased male in the front room.
00:47It's going to be seen.
00:49Ah, blood on the right.
00:50The CCTV is decent quality.
00:52Those girls are definitely going to get picked out.
00:56At the exact time of the CCTV, he was in a phone call
00:59with a number identified as belonging to Sir Preet Dhillon.
01:04So today's objective is all about the arrest of Sir Preet Dhillon.
01:08Open the gate! Open the gate!
01:10Sir Preet? Is this Sir Preet Dhillon?
01:12You're under arrest for murder.
01:16And Timidayu Awai.
01:21The sexual swabs that were taken have come back
01:23with an early indication of Sir Preet Dhillon.
01:26Did you have sex with Sir? No comment.
01:30Is that you? No comment.
01:32Cos it looks like you. No comment.
01:34You can see two males entering the property.
01:38Who are these two men? No comment.
01:40When one of these men leaves,
01:42he's clearly got a large knife with him.
01:57Police! Get on the floor!
02:01This is your opportunity to talk to me.
02:03They have lifted prints. Are they going to be yours?
02:06Every minute that's taken away is evidence you're losing.
02:24Police are investigating the death of Saul Murray.
02:34The Crown Prosecution Service have agreed to charge Timidayu Awai...
02:42..and Sir Preet Dhillon with murder.
02:46Have you got any questions for us before you go?
02:48No, I was told that I can get my training and my body back.
02:52Working in major crime, it's very rare for us to have women perpetrators.
02:58Women tend to be involved in, you know,
03:01the acquisitive crimes or the sex crimes.
03:04Rarely murder.
03:08Two men were also seen fleeing the scene, holding a knife.
03:14The female suspects have refused to name them.
03:33There you go. That will be it.
03:35There's a card in there.
03:37It's a card.
03:39It's a card.
03:41It's a card.
03:43It's a card.
03:45There you go. That will be it.
03:47There's a car. Oh, there it is.
03:49Is that the car? Did you see that? No.
03:51Here we go. See that? Yeah.
03:53That's an A-class, 100%. OK.
03:55Coming from Latimer. Latimer Road, 2 Holly.
03:58That is definitely that car, bae. 100%. OK, so...
04:01That's that car.
04:07CCTV reveals a vehicle stopping near Saul Murray's flat
04:11at the time of the offence.
04:21I started to look at the national ANPR database
04:25to identify any vehicles that had done a similar journey to the phones,
04:29and that identified a Mercedes,
04:32which had pretty much moved with the phones.
04:35It was identified as a hire vehicle,
04:37hired out to a Cleon Brown.
04:40Cleon Brown, January 2015, Section 20 GBH,
04:44where the victim was stabbed twice.
04:49Cleon Brown is located in London.
04:52Metropolitan police officers are authorised to detain him.
04:59Do you trust anyone in an arrest for murder?
05:01Oh, yeah. Yeah? Totally, yeah.
05:03Well, you're under arrest for murder, all right?
05:06You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence.
05:09Do not mention or question something which you may later rely on call.
05:12I'm not going to question you later.
05:14Right, I'll be back, mate. Bye.
05:16See you later.
05:18See you later.
05:20See you later.
05:22See you later.
05:24See you later.
05:27Cleon Brown, we know that he's previously been to prison.
05:38That he's been involved in a GBH,
05:40which also involved a knife and a stabbing.
05:51It's not his first time in custody. He knows how the system works.
06:01Where's this gentleman come from?
06:03Brixton. Brixton.
06:07You know, in the back of my mind,
06:09I know that anyone could have been driving that car.
06:12Yes, we know that he's hired it, which is circumstantial evidence,
06:15but it's not direct evidence of what's actually happened.
06:20Right. So, you know why you're here.
06:24No, not really. Everyone's just kind of just...
06:26So, it's alleged that you have been responsible
06:29or involved in the murder of a man named Saul Murray.
06:33Something has linked you to this
06:35and you just need to be asked some questions about it.
06:37Can I speak to my solicitor? Absolutely.
06:39Also let my partner know. Yep. Thank you.
06:47The hire car driven by Cleon Brown when he was arrested is seized.
06:52If they're forensicated, something might come back and overtake you.
06:56Forensicated? Is that a word?
07:03The car's telematics device reveals its movements
07:06and where it stopped throughout the night of the murder.
07:10So, what it's showing us is the vehicle stopped
07:13in the Grove Road area of London at 4.15pm.
07:18On a Sunday morning, so only just over an hour and a half
07:23after they leave from committing the offence.
07:26He says that the CCTV shows the driver play at the window
07:30and it shows him using the vacuum at the petrol station.
07:33Interesting. And actually a member of staff at the garage
07:37spoke to the driver as well.
07:39Yeah. That's him.
07:41Yeah. Who is that? Is that Cleon?
07:45He's obviously just taken his big jacket off, isn't he?
07:47Different jacket, yeah. He's wearing that underneath.
07:53We can see that on that CCTV that Cleon Brown's removed his shoes,
07:58which we know would have been heavily bloodstained,
08:02looking at all the blood that was inside the property.
08:05We need those little wins.
08:07You know, we're on the right track, we've got the right people.
08:10Let's build our case.
08:58The major crime unit are investigating the murder of Saul Murray,
09:02who was found after bleeding to death in the hallway of his flat in Luton.
09:16After both female suspects offer no comment,
09:19and with the fourth suspect still not identified,
09:22the officers plan their interview with Cleon Brown.
09:32We've taken into account all the other stuff we've got as well.
09:35Flakes of blood on his tracksuit bottoms,
09:37we've got the coat in the CCTV and things.
09:39Whatever he says in that interview, the evidence is still the evidence.
09:42I think we've got enough evidence to say he was there.
09:45He is one of those four people on the CCTV,
09:47so the only thing he's got to say that can help his defence is,
09:51I was present, but I didn't know what was going to happen,
09:54and I'm not the person who stabbed him.
09:57If he gives an account, he might tell us who this fourth suspect is,
10:01and that might help our investigation.
10:03Bear in mind his history.
10:05I can't believe he's willing to spill his guts on him regardless.
10:16Did you kill Saul Murray on Sunday 27th February 2022?
10:20No comment.
10:23Tell me who was responsible if you were not.
10:25No comment.
10:27I'm going to show you a still image of an unknown person.
10:33Who is this?
10:39No comment.
10:43Sir Prince has been arrested.
10:46And Tamadeo has also been arrested.
10:49Do those names mean anything to you?
10:51No comment.
10:52Do those names mean anything to you?
10:54No comment.
11:02So I wanted to have a quick briefing just to update everyone
11:05with what's been going on over here at Luton,
11:08and also to make sure that we are obviously continuing the momentum
11:14in looking for this outstanding fourth suspect that we've got.
11:23The pressure is on to find that fourth suspect
11:25because I could see that he's the one holding the knife.
11:28I don't want them going out and hurting anybody else.
11:33Now you guys have been working hard on trying to find out who that might be.
11:37So, basically, this starts from a Leica unregistered prepay phone
11:43that Cleon Brown had contact with post-incident.
11:46I've got the data on that Leica,
11:49and it's actually only been used between the 26th and 27th of February.
11:53On the evening of the 26th, it travels from Hackney
11:57to the area around Dylan's home address with Brown.
12:01It then detaches from the network at 21.52,
12:05which is when they're around Dylan's address,
12:08and doesn't reconnect until 4.55am.
12:15It could be the case that he's a bit more savvy
12:18and has decided he's not going to have his phone switched on
12:20because Brown's doing all the communicating with the girls.
12:27So, from that, I've got identified another number
12:31that has been used with that handset.
12:34That comes back on a subscriber to a female.
12:36Now, she is the partner of someone called Akeem Afia,
12:39who is an associate of Brown and Dylan as well.
12:44Vehicle telematics shows that pre- and post-incident,
12:49it looks as though it's stopped in the vicinity
12:52of this Akeem Afia's home address,
12:56but most of Brown's associates live in that little area.
13:00OK, I had a read through that profile,
13:02and he sounds like a right nasty piece of work, doesn't he?
13:05A violent offender.
13:13The fact that he's covered up his face,
13:16when he's come into the property,
13:18you can see that they're using the shoulder to open the door.
13:22They're obviously quite forensically aware.
13:25That suggests to me that perhaps he had a bit more premeditation
13:30of what's going to happen.
13:33This is the potential fourth suspect.
13:37He's quite distinctive.
13:39If we could link him to something else,
13:41just to tip him over that line, to get him into suspect status.
13:45Whether we can, like, forensically link him to that car,
13:48if we can get any CCTV of him in that car, that would be ideal.
13:54He seems like he's more savvy in what's going on,
13:57because he's got a lot of experience,
13:59and it seems like he's more savvy in what's going on,
14:02because he's obviously bought a burner phone
14:04that can't be linked back to him,
14:06whereas the others haven't been quite so clever.
14:09Do you see one of his aliases?
14:11Next to his picture, alias.
14:14Cleon Brown.
14:18So he's given Cleon Brown all his details before.
14:30Right, so I'm going to show you the telematics.
14:33I don't know if you're aware, but that Mercedes,
14:36it's got GPRS telematics,
14:40which show us exactly where the car's been.
14:43This is the first map.
14:47So this shows the movements of the vehicle.
14:51This is 2320 to 2340 on the 26th of the 2nd,
14:54so you're driving in Luton at this time.
14:57Why are you driving in Luton?
14:59On the next page, 0100 to 0205,
15:03the vehicle appears to be stationary on Holly Street.
15:07So as you can see, it's literally a street away.
15:10This is the night he died as well,
15:12so this isn't two nights before or one night before,
15:15this is the night he died, the night he was murdered.
15:18And you're sitting right round the corner from his house.
15:21Is there any reason why?
15:23Your vehicle's in Luton.
15:25Your vehicle's in Luton and your telephone's connected to Mars in Luton.
15:29That puts you in Luton.
15:33What explanation do you have in relation to that?
15:36What are you doing there?
15:38No comment.
15:44We made inquiries looking at your telematic data
15:48and it led us to a Texaco petrol station.
15:54Can you remember?
15:56I'll show you a picture.
15:59This is taken at 0500 from the Texaco CCTV.
16:06Who's that?
16:14That's you, isn't it?
16:16No comment.
16:18That's a really good image.
16:21That's your vehicle.
16:23We made inquiries
16:26and found that that person, which is yourself,
16:30has asked to use a vacuum cleaner
16:33at that petrol station.
16:36Why would you want to use a vacuum cleaner?
16:40No comment.
16:46At five o'clock in the morning.
16:50Is there anything you wish to say?
16:56In that case, I'm going to conclude the interview.
17:19Hypothesis is this is related to drugs.
17:22Looks like he's well up in drug dealing in the area,
17:26linked to drug lines, access to machetes,
17:30firearms, lockknife,
17:32possession of cocaine with intense supply.
17:36So, yeah, he's got quite an extensive history.
17:39It's one of the hardest things in my job,
17:42is actually making that decision,
17:45It's one of the hardest things in my job,
17:47is actually making that decision to arrest him.
17:50I've got to weigh it up.
17:52What am I going to get from that?
17:54What am I potentially going to lose from that?
17:56The car's been cleared up.
17:58What else is being disposed of?
18:00What else is being cleared up during that time when he's outstanding?
18:04It's enough for me to arrest him, at the very least.
18:33Open the door!
18:35Police, open the door!
18:37Show it, show it, show it!
18:39It's right behind me!
18:41Police have arrested AK Mafia for the honey trap murder of Saul Murray.
19:11Look, you can see I'm clearly calm, innit? You don't need to ask me to calm, I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm.
19:14These are two tightly, man. I'm not buying anyone, I'm clearly in my, my home, chillin' here.
19:20It's making it worse, man. I'm clearly in my house, chillin'.
19:24You don't need to act like that.
19:27I don't know where we're going, yeah, cos I don't know where they want to take me.
19:30He's probably just going to Bedfordshire, cos it's just a place like this.
19:33No, no, no, I'm not saying you go to Bedfordshire, I'm not saying you go to Bedfordshire.
19:37What the fuck does anything in Bedfordshire got to fucking do with me?
19:40I don't know, but I'm going to investigate it.
20:05Hello Cleo, are you all right?
20:06Come to me.
20:07Yeah, come to me, mate, yeah, please.
20:08OK, so as you're probably aware, the officers have been with CPS,
20:11presenting the evidence, and CPS have come back with a charging decision
20:15and have decided to authorise a charge of murder.
20:18So if you just listen up, you're charged with the following offence.
20:22You do not have to say anything that may harm your defence,
20:23you do not mention now, something which you later rely on in court,
20:26anything you do say may be given in evidence.
20:28So on 27th 2nd 2022, in Luton, murdered Sal Murray, contrary to common law.
20:36Any comment to that initially?
20:38I need to phone my solicitor.
20:39You need to phone your solicitor, we'll get out a sort for you, of course you will.
20:41Um, OK, if I can just get you to sign there,
20:48just to say obviously that I've read that charge to you.
20:50I don't want to sign it.
20:51OK, you don't have to sign it, mate, you don't have to sign it.
20:55Right, I'll put refuse to sign, it's not a problem, it's all on CCTV.
21:08He said he promised me he didn't kill anyone.
21:30He didn't take it well, I think, unless he's a good actor, I think.
21:33Yeah, I don't think he'd expect to be charged, do you?
21:36I genuinely don't think he did.
21:56I've got an idea.
21:58Let's write their names on the bottom here.
22:04Officers review the strength of their evidence against the suspects in custody.
22:09Right, so let's do a timeline then.
22:11So, what was the date of the first meeting?
22:15January 2015.
22:17Cleon and Ikem commit a sexually 20 GBH together,
22:24where the victim was stabbed twice.
22:26Well, that's good for our bad character then, isn't it?
22:29So, in relation to that crime as well,
22:31Ikem Afia, in February 2015, is arrested at Supreet Dhillon's home address for that offence.
22:38And that's sort of the earliest association we can put Dhillon with Afia.
22:43So then we're going to October 2017, and this is where Awe comes into the picture.
22:50There's a warrant at Island Love Takeaway, which is Dhillon's takeaway,
22:57and Awe was present.
23:01And at that point, Awe's only, like, 16?
23:04Yeah, she was 16.
23:04She's really young.
23:08And then we get to 9th of February 2022.
23:13And this is the first date we've got contact between Supreet Dhillon and our victim, Saul Murray.
23:20We don't have that drug feud reason, domestic reason,
23:25that would have led them to go up there to specifically want to stab him and cause him harm.
23:30There was other reasons, like doing a robbery, for example, that then led to the stabbing.
23:36No-one's talking.
23:38Like, you know if you have these offences, someone talks to the police,
23:43there's intel that someone's talking to the police,
23:46There's usually a connection somewhere.
23:48Like threats, or him threatening others, or something like that, but...
23:52It looks like two completely different circles have just come together for a few hours on that night,
24:00and Saul's died as a result.
24:34Can you stand on the LMI?
24:36LMI, is it?
24:38How do you pronounce your first name, buddy?
24:40Eakam. OK, Eakam.
24:42It's gonna be, like, Groundhog Day.
24:43I'm gonna ask you a lot of the same questions
24:45that they asked you down in the Met.
24:46All right, okay.
24:47I just need to get you booked in.
24:48I've got some of the details here.
24:55With Cleon Brown, Supreet Dhillon,
24:57and Temideo Awe charged and remanded to prison,
25:04the police team meet to review the evidence
25:07against Ikim Afia.
25:09So we'll start with updates from yesterday then.
25:13Great work.
25:14We've got Mr. Ikim Afia in custody.
25:19They're concerned they don't yet have sufficient grounds
25:22to charge him with murder.
25:24In relation to fingerprints in the car,
25:26they haven't managed to get any fingerprints.
25:29What Helen is saying is that it's fairly obvious
25:32that that car has been cleaned
25:34because you can see like the cloth marks and stuff
25:36where things have been wiped down.
25:38Moving on then to CCTV.
25:41Effectively, all that's been viewed
25:42and it hasn't taken us any further.
25:44So we need a little breakthrough really, don't we?
25:46We need to get him in Luton.
25:47He is unlicensed from 2024.
25:50I tried phoning yesterday to say he's been arrested.
25:53Can you start instigating emergency recalls
25:55when I saw that he could possibly be going to bail?
25:59Being the subject of a murder inquiry
26:01while out on license for a previous crime
26:04should trigger his return to prison.
26:07I think that's going to be our best shot, I think,
26:11at keeping him inside.
26:13Yeah, that would be our deal.
26:18Whilst people are in custody,
26:19we'll do absolutely everything we can
26:21to get that person locked up.
26:23So if I can't do it for this offence,
26:26I would look at alternates.
26:28It does feel a little bit like a failure.
26:32I'm investigating a murder
26:34and we've arrested somebody by the name of Akim Afia,
26:39who I understand potentially this would trigger a recall.
26:45OK, how long does that normally take?
27:04Are you cold?
27:06Yeah, I'm OK.
27:15This interview is being visually and audio recorded
27:17and may be given evidence if your case is brought to a trial.
27:21Now, before this interview started to be recorded,
27:23I said, you've got something on your head
27:25and I've asked that you make sure
27:27that you understand what I'm saying.
27:29You can hear me, you can see me.
27:31If at any stage that isn't going on,
27:33I'm going to ask you to remove that.
27:35I can't make you, I'm just saying it's really important
27:37you understand what is being said
27:39and that we can communicate clearly, OK?
27:41So in relation to Saturday the 26th
27:44to Sunday the 27th of February,
27:46did you kill Saul Murray?
27:48No comment.
27:49Did you stab him?
27:51No comment.
27:54Tell me about any involvement he had
27:57which resulted in Saul being killed.
27:59No comment.
28:03No comment.
28:10Hi, Clive.
28:12Sorry for the delay.
28:13Detectives seek advice from CCTV expert Clive Evans
28:17to analyse whether ICAM AFIA could be connected
28:19to the other suspects and the murder.
28:22So CCTV enquiries,
28:24we overlaid the telematics with the cell data
28:28to try and see whether we could get any CCTV
28:31of ICAM with Cleon to prove an association
28:36and you got some CCTV from KFC?
28:40Yeah, so the telematics put the car in a location
28:43a couple of days before the incident.
28:47So we followed them on that camera
28:48and saw them go into KFC.
29:00The imagery is OK.
29:03We're obviously seeing the design details there,
29:04we've got the logo on the left-hand side of the jacket.
29:08So this coat that he's wearing, ICAM AFIA,
29:13we've done some enquiries from that
29:16and we think we've identified it as?
29:19It's a Montclair Hands.
29:22Montclair have confirmed that that coat
29:24that he's wearing in there is that Hands coat.
29:27He bought that coat in August last year
29:32for 1,335 pounds.
29:36And Montclair have said that they've only sold
29:3869 of those coats in the UK.
29:4069 in the UK, yeah.
29:42You're gonna need to go back to footage
29:44from the offence location to show that that same coat.
29:50Officers hope to prove that the coat Ike Mafia
29:53is seen wearing in CCTV from KFC
29:57five days before the death of Saul Murray
30:00is the coat caught on CCTV at the murder scene.
30:04I mean, this is being recorded in near infrared.
30:08And again, that does create a little bit of an issue
30:11in terms of comparing.
30:13It would be useful to then do reconstruction
30:16to take that clothing back to that camera
30:19just to test how one of those coats will behave
30:22under those same recording conditions.
30:26I'm hoping that that might be enough
30:28to push us over the line in relation to him.
30:37Is that your coat with the lighter panel
30:40towards the shoulders?
30:44Have you got a coat like that in your property?
30:48In the past, is it correct that you've told police officers
30:51that your name is Cleon Brown?
30:55Why would you have said that?
30:59Tell us any reason you have for going to Luton.
31:04Tell us any friends or family you may have in Luton.
31:08We can put Cleon Brown, Supree, Dylan, and Tamadeo
31:15all in that area with their mobile phones.
31:17But your phone's switched off, isn't it?
31:21You switched your phone off because you understand
31:22that we track phones sometimes, so we can track them.
31:27Was this a personal argument between Saul and yourself?
31:31If there's something that you know about
31:33that's going to disprove your involvement,
31:35now's the time to say it.
31:39At this time, we're going to stop this interview.
31:45It is very frustrating, but actually, it's quite common.
31:49I think that probably most of the legal advice is not true.
31:53I think it's very frustrating,
31:55but actually, it's quite common.
31:57I think that probably most of the legal advice
32:00is no comment, let's wait and see what the police have got.
32:03Let's hope their case fails before it gets to court.
32:09We haven't struck lucky with CCTV.
32:11At the moment, we've only got him in London,
32:13so we need something to put him in Luton.
32:15You never want to bail a murderer,
32:17but at the same time, if you haven't got the evidence,
32:21you haven't got the evidence.
32:22He just seems to be so savvy.
32:23I think he is, out of all four of them.
32:28It's almost a waste of time, then, seeing what we've got.
32:37This is a white pain in the arse.
32:38Like, we messaged them yesterday.
32:40So why is it taking them all day to recall someone
32:43and then not even do it?
32:58He's no ideal.
32:59Yeah, like, he'll go and get on his toes, won't he? Potentially.
33:05Hiya. I'm calling about Afia.
33:08We were supposed to be getting probation, recalling him,
33:11but the Ministry of Justice hasn't come through with the paperwork,
33:14so I'm going to have to bail him for my murder.
33:16Who is the custody sergeant for me to send the bail form through to, please?
33:20Oh, I feel deflated now. I'm like a little...
33:23Like a balloon, deflated.
33:37I cannot tell you how frustrating it is not to be charging someone
33:41who you think has murdered somebody else.
33:44Because bail comes with a risk.
33:46They can abscond.
33:47They could go out and commit further offences.
33:50They could dispose of evidence.
33:52You are going to be bailed,
33:54which basically means you're going to be coming back to the police station
33:57on a day at a time, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
34:00between nine o'clock and four o'clock at Ilford Police Station.
34:04You know, he's involved in a drug line.
34:07He's clearly got this affluent lifestyle as a result of that.
34:10You know, lots of designer clothes.
34:13He's going to do a lot to try and keep that.
34:16All right. If you want to walk round, then I'll show you around.
34:23A day after being released on bail for murder,
34:26the authorities decide that Ike Mafia should be recalled
34:30and he is returned to prison.
34:39Come and have a look.
34:43I can't see them, actually.
34:45I can't see them.
34:46I can't see them.
34:47I can't see them.
34:48I can't see them.
34:49I can't see them.
34:50I can't see them.
34:51I can't see them, actually.
34:52Oh, it's a coat.
35:00It's a Mont Blanc one. Two-tone.
35:07This is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
35:10So we've got to get ourselves down there...
35:13..to do the reconstruction.
35:15I can't believe how much that coat is.
35:17I mean, would you pay £1,300 for that?
35:22Sorry, go back to the beginning again when he walks in.
35:25Just trying to get an idea of what angle you get off the coat.
35:30He's a really jittery person, isn't he?
35:32No, he doesn't stand still.
35:34He's waiting for his dinner.
35:36He's hangry.
35:41I don't have to do that, do I?
35:45I'm not too happy about putting my hands down my trousers in KFC.
35:52Oh, my God.
35:54That's really small, isn't it?
35:56It's tiny.
35:57It looks so much bigger.
35:58All the lights are on, though.
36:02It looks so much bigger on their footage.
36:08Lean against the wall.
36:16Yeah, I don't think we need cameras.
36:19Yeah, I don't think we need capture any more, really.
36:27There we go.
36:46I think the fact that you haven't got something across here
36:49makes it look so different.
36:52Like, cos he's got a mask, he's got something across there.
36:55That's it. Better.
36:57I've got my head down. Yeah.
37:17It's weird being back here.
37:22Bless him.
37:26He literally falls this way.
37:29Falls this way.
37:30Straight back.
37:32He's clashed into the door.
37:33Clashed, is that, yeah.
37:56The police reconstruction
37:58is reviewed by CCTV expert Clive Evans.
38:05I recommended that it would be a good idea
38:08to conduct a reconstruction.
38:10There are no erectile differences.
38:13There are multiple class characteristic similarities
38:18between the two cases,
38:20and, in my opinion, the ISIS lends strong support
38:23to the contention that Codex and the Moncler coat
38:26are of the same type and design.
38:35With the Moncler coat potentially demonstrating
38:38that the man seen leaving the flat with a knife was Iqem Afia,
38:41the Crown Prosecution Service agreed to charge him with murder.
38:45I don't... Oh, yeah, I think you have got enough to charge him.
38:48I can't think what else we'd possibly get.
38:50Brilliant. That's great news. Thanks ever so much.
38:52I'll get that done this afternoon. All right, lovely.
38:55OK. Cheers. No problem. Bye. Bye.
39:09Four people have gone on trial accused of murdering a Luton man
39:12after he was drugged with the sedative GHB.
39:15CCTV showed the women leaving the flat, followed by two men.
39:19One of them was carrying a large knife.
39:22When you've got four defendants,
39:25quite often they're going to blame each other.
39:28The two girls are on CCTV,
39:30so they can't really get out of being there.
39:33They either have to tell us who the other people involved are
39:37and what their involvement was,
39:40or they effectively go down with them, don't they?
39:44Afia, he says it's not him in the offence footage.
39:47He says that he was at home all night, basically, with his partner.
39:51Since then, Dylan, she says the defendant knows Cleon Brown
39:55because she would buy cannabis from him.
39:57When Brown arrived at her address,
39:59she was surprised to see Afia was also with him.
40:03Afia's saying he wasn't there, but Dylan is going to put him there.
40:09She says it was them that gave them a lift up to Luton.
40:13Dylan and Awei both describe how,
40:16as soon as Afia and Brown went inside the Saul's flat,
40:20they started searching straightaway.
40:22The girls then go into how they didn't want any part in searching Saul's flat,
40:26so they left and went towards a parked car.
40:28The guys then eventually joined them.
40:30Afia told Dylan to shut up,
40:33and Awei says, Brown, you've got to shut up.
40:37Awei says Brown was saying things like,
40:40it's not that deep, calm down.
40:54So, just a bit of an update,
40:56we have received an email from the council for Afia
41:00saying that he accepts being the fourth man,
41:03he accepts being the stabber,
41:06he's going to plead to conspiracy to steal and manslaughter.
41:12No way!
41:14This is great for our case,
41:16because you're not going to plead to manslaughter
41:19unless you know that you've got a very good case against you, are you?
41:25It's not manslaughter, it's not manslaughter, it's murder.
41:28It's too premeditated, far too premeditated.
41:31He's turned his phone off.
41:33Some of what happens now is out of my hands.
41:36It's down to how the case is presented in court.
41:39It's not quite finished for me till we've got that verdict, really.
41:47The prosecution allege Mr Murray had been set up
41:50after he'd posed online with two Rolex watches.
41:53They say the women gave him a date-rape drug
41:56before the two men went into his flat and attacked him.
41:59The case continues.
42:01He's now changed his story.
42:03So he's now saying that he went there to try,
42:06cos they were having trouble getting a watch off of Saul's wrist.
42:09Saul woke up.
42:11And he describes Saul lunging at him and punching him.
42:15He didn't know at the time whether he was punching him or stabbing him.
42:19And he says at some point he stabbed Saul in the leg.
42:23There does seem to be some kind of potential struggle in the hallway.
42:28There's cast-off blood.
42:31As if it's come off of an object or a person.
42:34Cos it goes quite high up on the wall.
42:43A woman who admitted drugging a man in Luton
42:46has told a jury that she only knew he'd died when police came to arrest her.
42:50Sir Preet Dhillon said she had no idea that Saul Murray had been fatally stabbed.
43:00I genuinely think that they've all had a part to play,
43:03cos had it not been for the girls targeting him on social media,
43:07giving him the GHB, calling in the guys,
43:11Saul wouldn't be dead now.
43:16Hi, boss. Hello.
43:18How do you think today went at court?
43:20I think it went quite well for us, to be fair.
43:23All of that bad character stuff.
43:25I particularly loved where she said
43:28you've never used any, like, harm to anyone,
43:31but you've rendered people unconscious with the GHB.
43:35She's like, well, that's not harm.
43:37Surely, like, rendering someone unconscious is harm?
43:40I had a little, like, squiz at the jury's face,
43:43and I think that that was quite impactive.
43:46Yeah, and I think the fact that it was made really clear to them
43:49that she hasn't got a clue what stage she leaves these men in.
43:52She leaves them unconscious.
43:54She doesn't know what harm has come to them.
44:02Supreet Dhillon has admitted to the honey trap element of the case,
44:08and she's saying that she's done this six times before.
44:13In court, she's trying to make out that she needs to feed her children,
44:18when actually the reality is
44:20she's got a wardrobe full of designer clothes.
44:23She could afford £60 on cannabis
44:26and taxes around London to go and rob people,
44:29so that money's not being spent on her children, is it?
44:32It's to fund a certain lifestyle.
44:36So it's interesting as well what she said around why Saul was targeted.
44:41He's come up as a link to her on Instagram,
44:45and then she's seen these two watches
44:48and thought, oh, he can be my next target.
44:52Yeah, I felt, at that moment, I felt really quite sorry for the family.
44:56That was the difference between my son being alive and dead.
45:00The way she says it so casually, I just find incredible.
45:05All these lives, like, wasted for the sake of a couple of fake watches.
45:09Someone's lost their life, you know.
45:12The families of all these individuals,
45:15they're going to grow up with their parents in prison.
45:21We will never know exactly what happened,
45:23but we'll just have to settle for that as police officers, don't we?
45:29My thoughts will be with the family.
45:36Of Saul's dad.
45:40I think that, you know, he was the last person in the family to see him.
45:45They appear to have had quite a nice relationship.
45:51I think it's a massive loss.
46:08A man's been found guilty of murdering a man in Luton.
46:13Oh, my God!
46:1535-year-old Sir Preet Dhillon from London
46:18and 21-year-old Temidayo Awe from Gillingham
46:21were convicted of manslaughter,
46:23along with 29-year-old Cleon Brown from Hackney.
46:2631-year-old Afiyah was found guilty of murder.
47:18It's raining again and the grafters are hungry,
47:21but just how hungry?
47:23Rise and fall next.
