24 Hours in Police Custody S00E18 The Night Prowler (10th December 2023)

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24 Hours in Police Custody S00E18 The Night Prowler
Original air date - (10th December 2023)
A rape in a dark alleyway is reported. Is this suspected attack linked to a man who secretly filmed couples having sex?
00:00I am walking the streets I've got a
00:26Flashlight on
00:33Pretty drunk car get out of my way in the parks a car in my way
00:44Lions tigers and bears. Oh my
01:05Door staff we see the worst in everyone
01:09People are out there lying drinking cheating
01:13If there was ever a worse side of anyone we see
01:20You're disgusting
01:26You have one
01:29100% but I'll pay to see that
01:33There are certain men that pray out the drunk girls the predator type name
01:44A lot of them go unreported no one says anything because they don't want to go through that trauma again
02:24It's crucial that we find the truth
02:30Got to question everything believe nobody
02:34It's almost a game of chess trying them to slip up this is your opportunity to talk to me
02:47She's a unit free very distressed email to the unit free to go and check
02:57Have a choice
03:00Please thank you
03:03Bedfordshire police respond to an allegation of rape in a dark alley
03:1144 arrival 24. Thank you. You're with us. I believe so. Yes
03:23Oh, what's happened
03:27You tell me what's happened join tell me I'm private
03:31Come on do you come back to my pizza?
03:33I'll come with you and then just tell her what you told me
03:37And then it's nice and warm out of the rain
03:44What's happened, okay. Oh, yeah, we were out with her really fun night. Yeah, and
03:52I don't remember. Where was you walking from this way? I don't know what's going on
03:57I'm drunk. Okay, listen, all they want to know is what happened to you
04:01can't remember, but it's a
04:04discipline just
04:06Forcing my mouth forcing what?
04:10Penis in my mouth. I know I have been read
04:15She came
04:17To the front door quite to come in. She said I need to talk to an instructor and he's helped me
04:21There's something happened up rally. So come up here. So it's finished. That's fine. Fine. Fine. I need help
04:27I he was he raped me up the alley. He raped me then she said he put his
04:32Sting in my mouth just this alley apparently said
04:37All right, excuse me guys. Sorry just come back
04:41We don't know yet
04:43All right, I'm gonna wander on the back. Okay
04:48Go ahead for tonight. We didn't count on doorstop. We think there's a good rate
05:01Wait, hey
05:06Excuse me. All right
05:09Wait buddy
05:18I've literally been around the bank as I put in the cordon up some tall white male blue parker and a hoodie
05:24Has come out of the shadows. He's avoided me and he's disappeared and come out off by the taxi ranks and he's gone
05:31Blue parker can check our scanner to see if yeah big bike taller than me. I'd say
05:36We have any access to the CCTV in the alleyway where I'll be able to
05:42The A's or units didn't section sent a little description to the offender from CCV
05:48And he's wearing a what looks like a parker jacket with fur hood and grey joggers
05:52CCV are just gonna send a still over to us now and we'll forward it on
05:59Description they're passing or something that I've just seen run away from me
06:02Yeah, that's the guy that I saw they said they've just seen on CCTV
06:09With a possible sighting of the suspect near the scene multiple units begin a search
06:17Up it out of two by five. Yeah, we're just looping around. I'm gonna come back down
06:27Hello UK UK, excuse me
06:30I'm literally just come from the show. You've got anything in any pockets at all
06:46We're with what I believe is the mail from that CCTV footage and if you got a picture
06:56Yeah, yeah, I'm confident yeah 100%
07:01If unfortunately at the moment we're gonna have to bring you in you much description of an image
07:06It's been sent to us that I believe might be yourself. You're under arrest with suspicion of rape
07:10Okay, great suspicion of rape. You do not say anything about me. I'm defensive
07:14Do not make sure we question something as you later on at all anything you do say may be given in evidence
07:3024 year old man is brought into loot and custody under arrest on suspicion of rape
08:00Just need to speak to soccer about whether or not forensics have been authorized
08:05So this item is yet to be uploaded
08:08DC Shona Burt be and DC Chris Murphy from the rape and serious sexual offenses unit
08:15begin their investigation
08:17so this morning we've come into a job where a
08:21Victim has been found by door staff crying
08:26Uncontrollably and saying she's been raped in the alleyway
08:29Just on the basis of what we've got at the moment it appears to be a stranger, right?
08:38I've dealt with more investigations that have been rapes involving people. They know then I have stranger rapes
08:46It does provoke fear in the public because it's almost as if that could be me. That could be anybody
08:54He was found four-minute walk away from the scene
08:58She hung around for as they say offenders like to
09:02See what's going on?
09:04There is a bit of pressure because you have to look at the risk to not only the victim, but the wider community
09:12Doesn't look he's got any previous
09:14It could be that he's been there and someone else is down the alleyway and some of it, you know, someone else is Victor
09:20Interesting to see what he's got to say
09:22If you are genuinely innocent rape is not an offense. You want to be arrested for is it?
09:34Right, should we watch this body worn them
09:50Absolutely devastating, isn't she? Yeah
10:05Making that sort of moving their head around trying to get away from it
10:14If I know I have to reach it I have to reach it
10:20If you have a swab done straight away, then then you can go home and then have a shower or bath
10:26Whatever and then yeah a lot better
10:29Yeah security guys. I mean
10:31Just fantastic. She's built up a really good rapport with her and stayed with her. She could have just left her
10:37It's brilliant to think about not giving us something to drink as well. But anyway, she said she's been only right. It's just spot-on
10:46All rape is still rape
10:49Just touching the lips of someone's mouth with their penis is is rape
10:54It doesn't have to last a while that person doesn't have to ejaculate
11:00It's still as serious as vagina rape and it can carry up to a life sentence
11:06Hello Louie, would you be able to come to the custody desk? Sorry just so we can talk about intimate samples. Is that all right mate?
11:16Come on my name's Chris and I'll be one of the interview officers
11:21Hello, sir
11:23You are down to have swabs taken from your genitalia
11:29Hello, sir
11:31You are down to have swabs taken from your genitalia area
11:37Do you consent? Yeah, yeah
11:40Is there any way I could do the urine sample very soon because I need bits of the toilet and I don't want to
11:45I haven't done anything wrong. Yeah, if you can start again
11:48Yeah, as soon as you go in the room, if you say can I do the urine sample first?
11:52You've been holding it
11:58The earlier we get our forensic samples the better for our investigation
12:03He hasn't washed. He hasn't had a chance to get changed from the clothing
12:07He was wearing and this gives us the best chance to recover forensics
12:13The only way we can prove that something's happened is
12:16With the forensics absolutely and if his DNA comes back on her clothing or her DNA comes back on his clothing
12:24He's got to give some form of explanation as to why that is
12:36I've been on the rapist your sexual offenses team for a year and a half now
12:43When I moved on to the department and I realized just how many reports we get
12:48It really highlighted the dangers that are out there
12:54Less than 1% of reported rapes lead to a conviction
12:57It's not right. We should be doing more to increase our conviction rates
13:04If I don't
13:06Investigate this crime completely. It just won't get to court and I won't do the victim the justice that she deserves
13:14There is no place of victim blaming when it comes to investigations of this kind
13:26I have to see what he says an interview really, but I really want to see the CCTV
13:32So if we can put him there and we can say that's him in the alleyway, that's the first step the second step is
13:39Can we prove that sexual offense has taken place?
13:43Let's go see what he has to say
13:46We can always go in for a further interview this evening. We've got plenty of time on the clock
13:50He was I don't think he got into custody until about a half to three o'clock this morning
13:54So we've got a bit of time
13:56We're in to go for interview solicitors here
14:02Your water anything before we go in yeah, I will take you through and then we'll go grab one. All right, I
14:09Want to know where that suspects been that night
14:12At what point he came into town what he did while he was in town if he approached anybody
14:19Does his account match up with what the victim is saying
14:29Be a loud noise and that be the start
14:36We are an interview room 5 at Luton police station, I am showing a birthday. I'm going to show you a picture of myself
14:42I'm going to show you a picture of myself
14:44We are an interview room 5 at Luton police station, I am showing a birthday
14:49I'm a detective on the rape and serious sexual offenses team
14:51So I'm going to be interviewing today and I'm taking into consideration. You're obviously really
14:57When was the last time you had something to eat
15:00Two days ago, maybe have you had anything to eat or been in custody?
15:04I'm funny. I'm very funny during this. Okay. All right
15:08You've got some water. Yeah. All right, we can get you some water at any point. All right
15:14So you've been arrested for rape and it's my intention to ask you about this offense in order to prove or disprove your involvement
15:22So in your own time tell me about the offenses for which you've been arrested for just the last night
15:28Yeah, I was walking around in the town center. I was smoking. Is that something you yeah, I do that
15:35Yeah, yeah, I don't have friends down there. Okay, but it's just the way of me to be myself, you know, just to
15:42get some
15:44Space to myself, you know, I mean just to breathe. Yeah
15:47okay, and I
15:50had seen her and she was
15:53Looking for a bag. So I approached her. I've asked if she's okay. She said hey
15:57You okay? I said yeah, do you need a light? So I've got a light on my phone and she said no
16:02No, I'm waiting for friends all the friends. I said, okay. I'm sorry. And then I walked off
16:07Have you ever met this woman before? I've never seen her. Okay, and how did she appear to you?
16:14Oh, she was she was drunk, but she wasn't like
16:16You know and she was still conversing with me. Okay
16:21So the rape offense then she has come out and she said he's put his penis into my mouth
16:28Did you rape this young lady? Okay, so you're saying no you didn't rape her
16:34Did you put your penis in her mouth without her consent? Did you put your penis into her mouth with consent?
16:40That's why I was so eager to give all my DNA and I wouldn't do anything like that
16:44Will we find any of her DNA on any of your swaps? No. Okay. How sure you 100%?
16:50You will not find her DNA on my clothes. Okay, she's saying you've already raped her
16:56I haven't so what steps did you take to see if she was consenting? I haven't already already raped her, but that's not my question
17:05Were asking for consent that's the sign that I haven't done so how do I answer that I haven't
17:23So what's this one is this the town center CCTV?
17:26Yeah, police have received CCTV from the town center on the night of the incident I
17:36Think that's her up there. Yeah, that is her
17:46There's our suspect there just popped out
17:51He walks up there
17:54She then goes to sit down
17:59He then walks over to her looking at her gets his phone straight out
18:06Does something with his torch
18:10Walks back over to the alleyway where he's just come out of
18:16So this is where they don't let her in there is looks over at her walks back down the path
18:24Or with him circling round that's quite important. I think it's just yeah
18:32He's had a phone in his hand as well the whole time and she stumbles down this was door starts looking
18:42What he starts running oh
18:45Yeah, oh
18:49My god
18:53I can't believe that
18:55so I 136 I
18:58Just want to know for sure how long she was in that alleyway for no one else goes in the alleyway
19:02No one else comes out of the alleyway
19:05Think it's about six minutes. She's in there
19:08That's the time isn't it? Yeah
19:12Then when she does come out there oh 142 oh no no one 4209
19:19There we go he's watching them isn't he he's like shit
19:23Yeah, and he's running. Yeah
19:28Council footage that shows the other end of the alleyway right and you see him walking off
19:33Quite casually as well like nothing's ever happened
19:42He would have seen that she's on her own she's drunk why then follow a vulnerable intoxicated woman into an alleyway
19:50It feels extremely predatory
19:54It's just what we have got that time
20:19You ready to start okay, so we just need to go back over everything again just for the time being all right
20:26I'm gonna show you SB1. Okay, and this is an image that was taken from CCTV
20:31Just have a look at that image for me. Is that you in that image? Okay? All right? Thank you. So you were walking around
20:38Not going and you know I'm just strolling literally just okay, and you've seen her going to the alleyway
20:43She ran into the alleyway
20:47How have you entered the alleyway? I walk him so you've walked into the alleyway, okay?
20:52Did you know that there was CCTV all around there?
20:56You didn't know that okay?
21:03Just watch the bottom here for me
21:06So I believe that this is you walking down the street, okay?
21:10And she is now just going into the alleyway. Okay. Just watch the bottom here for me
21:18So did you see that yeah, so you've crossed over and how did you go into the alleyway pretty quick
21:25Like a jog a jog so you didn't walk okay?
21:29Why have you gone into the alleyway?
21:31I've crossed the road at first, okay, and then I've seen her crouching the alleyway
21:36So you've gone in there with intention of seeing what she's up to
21:41Basically yeah, I wanted to see if she was urinating or not yeah
21:49Intention was to go and see if she was urinating once you're in there, and she's urinating. What's your intention then?
21:54Watch just to watch
21:57Just to watch
22:01It turned you on
22:04Watching it. Yeah, watching what just how you're in a tussle
22:08Which is wrong disgusting, and I'm sorry
22:11But I want to be truthful because I don't want to I don't want to get I miss you to understand
22:16I want the whole world that I want this yeah
22:20Just pulls you to sleep. Yeah, of course can yeah
22:27All right, thank you
22:45And this pool there well, this is more important than his cheese and ham sandwich
22:51Hello, how are you?
22:54So we've got CCTV
22:56He literally runs after her into the alleyway
22:59He could see her urinating
23:01Because it turned him on
23:04Um, do we have enough to prove a rape at the minute? No, but forensics may assist in that
23:12Yeah, no worries
23:17What's going on paul doesn't think we've got enough to remand I need more
23:28Good afternoon russ. I shouldn't speak. I'm gonna help. Hello. Shona. It's kaz from cid. You're right
23:34Yeah, i'm fine. How are you?
23:35Not too bad. Thank you. Um, so basically we managed to get into the suspect's phone
23:40There is a three minute long video
23:44And literally on there you've got a female, uh, who looks like she's urinating
23:50Can I come down and view that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cheers. Thanks a lot. Bye. Bye
23:58So 0139 he's created a three minute video
24:02Yeah, she's already on the floor and he sort of goes up to her
24:06And throughout the whole clip he is filming
24:14Taking a piss really why
24:21You a bit drunk
24:28She doesn't know she's being videoed
24:40Why the fuck are you
24:44You're looking at my vagina, isn't it nice
24:55We got money so he's offering her money
25:07I mean obviously i'm absolutely shocked at that
25:11I don't actually expect that. It's just it's made me feel a bit sick if i'm honest
25:16That's the thing. You never genuinely don't know what to say
25:20That's to get off on it later, isn't it that's that's what that's about
25:24You've got to be a certain type of person having to go out there
25:27And do this he yeah, and he's been waiting for somebody
25:32And he's targeted her
25:36Dangerous he's a dangerous man. Yeah
25:41Be interesting to see what he says
25:44Yeah, yeah
25:55Are you sure you're warm enough cool enough? It's really well just watching him realize how warm it was I was like
26:01I've never found evidence of that nature on someone's phone before
26:06the sexual comments
26:07the position of the phone
26:10It's so degrading
26:11I'm, absolutely desperate to put this evidence to him
26:18We're going to show you something else now, I just want you to watch it
26:23Hopefully the volume's quite loud, it's too loud. Just let me know
27:01Tell me about that video
27:08I don't know why it's okay
27:15Have you ever done that before what recorded people yeah, not not in public like that. No, okay, so
27:22You started recording her as soon as you've seen her you're annoying, okay
27:26You know, she was just peeing and I was recording her and I was trying to
27:30Not let her see that I was recording her while she was peeing
27:34Why didn't you want her knowing you're recording her?
27:38Sorry, i'm just in so much shock right now, it's all right take your time
27:43There was no intention I was just it was probably just turned on because she was peeing and I was you know
27:48I was recording it was wrong. I know it was disgusting and it was wrong
27:51Okay, that doesn't mean i'm trying to get sexually gratification from it. I'm just
27:56What's your understanding of sexual gratification?
27:59Trying to get something else out
28:02Sexually, okay. So if you didn't get any sexual gratification, why did you tell her you had a big cock?
28:08I don't know
28:09Was that not sort of having like a sexual conversation with someone?
28:12No, so do you go and say to anybody normally that you've got a big cock?
28:19So why do it on this occasion, I don't know
28:21A lone female in the dark. No, I don't know
28:24It's just that that it was the heat of the moment type thing
28:26Obviously now I can tell you that it was disgusting. It was wrong
28:29You know, it was just a mistake something that i'm never going to do again. I am very sorry
28:34Okay, I shouldn't have recorded and what were you going to do with the recording afterwards? Just watch her
28:40Okay, you were going to keep it. No delete it after would you have masturbated to it?
28:43No, I really turned you on no, I would have realized this was disgusting and wrong I would have deleted it but you didn't
28:49Um, what made you stop recording?
28:53Because she finished urinating. Okay, so when she stopped urinating
28:58And you stopped recording. Yeah, what happened so she stopped she said that she lost her phone. Okay. I lost her phone
29:04Yeah, so she asked me to put a light
29:06Where's your light? So he looked for her phone and her phone wasn't there
29:12I think you did rape her and I believe
29:19That you intentionally went down to rape her
29:22I cry when I stand on an ant or fly that i'm a very sensitive person couldn't hurt someone like that
29:28Very confident though, isn't it?
29:30that video
29:32That's someone who's confident
29:36You're asking her
29:38For something in exchange for money and drugs, what were you asking for from her? I don't know you don't know
29:48All right, okay, so the time is 21 03 i'm now concluding the interview
30:15As soon as it got to him
30:18Admitting to the videos. Yeah, I did it. I was disgusting by myself. I filmed her
30:24Because he almost wanted to come out with that so we'd forget about yeah, we'd go. Yeah
30:29Shouldn't have done it and i'm really sorry, which is a theme. He kept saying throughout to try and get himself off it
30:39I don't I think he's very dangerous and I don't think that's the first time he's done that
30:47The crown prosecution service will decide whether there is enough evidence to charge for the rape
30:54I feel like i've got a massive clock above my head going
31:04I'm gonna ring cps now anyway, because i'm not waiting
31:08I'm gonna ring cps
31:10It's just because we've only got an hour and 15 minutes to charge him or release him
31:22Oh, okay, no worries. All right. Cheers. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye
31:28Right, so we've got charges rape and voyeurism as well because of the video
31:43Let's go do this
32:03All right, louis you're going to be charged with the following offenses
32:07On the 20th of november 2022 you intentionally penetrated the mouth of a woman with your penis
32:13When she did not consent and you did not reasonably believe she was consenting
32:18Recorded another person doing a private act knowing that the other person did not consent to your recording for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification
32:30Not yet this is we've gone to cps
32:32Oh you have and they've done the charging decision yesterday. Do you have any any reply to those charges?
32:38Definitely deny the rape charges. Okay
32:41Now the next question that comes up is whether
32:44Um, you're going to get be charged and bailed for court or whether we're going to manage you for court in the morning
32:48I've made the decision to manage it for court in the morning and keep you here
32:52Um, the reason for that is the seriousness of the offenses
33:03How are you feeling
33:29Hi, it's shona from the police
33:32I've been dealing with this chap in custody since eight o'clock this morning. Don't thank me
33:38Um, I just want to let you know that cps have agreed some charges they have charged him with rape on you
33:46Okay, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry
33:50All right. I don't want you sitting there blaming yourself and saying it's my fault. It's not your fault
33:57I'm so sorry this happened to you
34:07There's so much in the media that makes victims feel like they're the ones that are going to be on trial
34:14Our primary role is to support that victim and to make sure that she feels believed and not judged
34:22You should be allowed to walk home and feel safe. This is not your fault and it will never be your fault
34:38Hello shona speaking i'm not too bad. Thank you
34:42Okay, are we able to look at the boxer shorts at all?
34:47The preliminary results from forensic swabs taken from both victim and suspect are received. Take care. Bye. Bye. Bye
34:56Um, they haven't found any semen on any of our swabs at the moment
35:00You know, one of the reasons I won't find semen is because he probably didn't ejaculate
35:03So that it's not lost. It just is well
35:07This is a reason why
35:09We don't have the semen
35:10It's going to come down to are we going to have dna and then if we don't have any dna it's whether or not cps
35:17Have enough to take that to court
35:20It's the cps that decide whether something goes to court or not. It's not our decision
35:25Sometimes we just don't have the forensics there, but that doesn't mean an offense hasn't occurred
35:31If you don't have the forensics, you have to rely more on other evidence as opposed to forensic evidence to prove our case
35:43So many pictures of women
35:46Really bizarre
35:49The full download of her suspect's phone is available to dc burgby
35:55I want you to bend over and let me fuck you as you make daddy hard. What?
36:02He likes younger looking girls
36:07How old is she
36:15Watch this video here what's going on?
36:19Oh my god, no, oh my god, don't don't
36:26He's videoing someone in the house from their window
36:37He's videoing someone having sex they've got no idea he's there
36:49He's prowling
36:53This is a month before he commits our offense
37:03Oh my god, i'll pay to see that it's like a giant
37:13He's the only way with another girl
37:16Knew he'd done it before I knew he'd done it before
37:31She's urinating and he's videoing her urinating
37:34I'm not looking
37:41A person's level of offending has to start somewhere
37:44The conversations he was having with women in decent images and then he was committing voyeurism offenses
37:51The fact that he's hiding the camera. He says he walks around late at night. No wonder why
37:56He walks around late at night trying to find drunk girls in alleyways, isn't it? Yeah
38:00Voyeurism is recording a private act without the victim's consent
38:06Voyeurism is an important crime to prosecute
38:10Because it is a sexual offense
38:13It's incredibly violating and it could be the first step on the ladder to something more serious
38:20If he's met with hostility, he comes back. He just comes and then justifies his actions about them being disgusting. Yeah
38:27He's clearly a predator
38:29And he's moved very quickly to a hands-on offense. So his behaviors escalated
38:35over a short amount of time
38:42I reviewed his phone yesterday
38:45There are more videos on there of voyeurism
38:49Not of our victim. No, no, no of different people at different times at different dates
38:54And there's also
38:56There is an image of a young teenage girl doesn't look like she looks like she started puberty her breasts haven't fully
39:06Um, i've asked that to be put through our griffite package first, but I now need to go and grade that
39:14It's scary, isn't it really scary
39:19If the victim hadn't come forward that night
39:23We would never have known he was committing these offenses
39:30Makes me really worried now that i've got to close my curtains when i'm walking around the house. I just don't know who's around
39:37Dc burkeby travels to bedford prison to interview louis cadman about the new evidence revealed on his phone
39:46This is a voluntary interview
39:48As you're aware your client is on demand for the offense. It's a rape of a female
39:52As the oic, I've reviewed your client's phone. I've found a number of videos, uh, which are voyeuristic nature
40:02Sp 17 filmed at night and the person filming appears to be stood near some bushes
40:09Camera's pointed at the window with the lights on inside and you can see a person walking around the window and her breasts are well shown
40:17Is sp 28 is the person operating the camera stood by a wooden fence
40:22The camera is then lifted over the top of the fence pointing into the garden
40:26sp 15
40:28It's pointing towards a person in bushes
40:31The person's hands are down by their groin and the hands are moving backwards and forwards
40:36And that person operating the camera whistles and shouts the word traps
40:40Sp 10 it shows a shadow of a person walking in the dark a male voice is heard to say whoa
40:47And then stop
40:48sp 12
40:50It's a vague couple having sex in the doorway
40:54Sp 21
40:57You can hear female voices the female appears in the bottom right hand corner of the image
41:02A female voice is heard to say we are going for a week. Can you not show me the torch?
41:07Sp 22 the female voice is heard to say i've got a skirt on the female voice sounds like she's slurring her words
41:15You then say well, i'll pay to see that
41:18She said no
41:21I'm aware of this and I don't think so. I'm only doing my life my son's life
41:27The family I know i've done but I don't want to go through this interview again
41:31I don't want to talk about these things because I know it's wrong and it's disgusting and
41:36I hate it. I'm, sorry. I hate myself and i'm, sorry
41:49You okay to talk
41:53Uh, so he has pleaded guilty to the voyeurism offense against you
41:58And he's pleaded guilty to the further two offenses of voyeurism not relating to you
42:03Yeah admitting responsibility for the videos and possessing indecent images in advance
42:09Could mean these crimes wouldn't be put in front of a jury as supporting evidence
42:15Uh, he's pleaded not guilty to the rape which wasn't unexpected because we are still waiting on further forensics
42:22Sometimes a defendant will plead guilty to a lesser offense
42:27Whilst voyeurism is a serious offense, it's not classed as serious as rape and doesn't carry the same sentencing
42:37It looks like they're saying there's a possible indication of male trace dna but they don't have enough to do a dna profile
42:50Just don't want to let my victim down
42:52But I don't want to let other people down because
42:54I'm going to feel really bad if he goes out there and starts reoffending again
42:58It's really important that we get cases to court because it gives the victim a voice
43:02The voice of the victim is so important and sometimes we have to re-emphasize that to the cps
43:09Without the forensic evidence to prove rape the crown prosecution service could decide to abandon the main charge
43:16I'd like to take this to court and and i'd like a jury to decide because of the body-worn footage
43:23How sure she was?
43:25That something was in her mouth
43:27There are a number of reasons why we don't have forensics
43:31And we shouldn't let that prevent us from taking something to court
43:37There are times when we have to really push
43:40For the right result and this is where it starts isn't it?
43:43It can start from those lower level and then it increases
43:48That's why voyeurism is so serious. Yeah, it's not taken seriously enough. No, because it is it it's a stepping stone, isn't it?
43:57I appreciate there's no dna
43:59I i'm not saying it's not going to be a challenge
44:03But I think we've got enough
44:09They're going to run with the oral rate and the oral test and they're going to run with the oral test
44:13And they're going to run with the oral rape
44:15The barrister says we've got a good enough case for the oral rape. Yeah
44:19Yeah, so it's good. Won't be an easy one, but it'll be good
44:23Be good
44:34Hi, i'm good i'm just ringing for my personal number, sorry, um, so are you sat down?
44:43Sit down
44:50He's got guilty guilty no 11 11 to 1
44:56Yep, oh bless you
45:01I'm over the moon
45:03That he was found guilty
45:05my job is to
45:07Put sex offenders in prison and to protect the public
45:11That is why I come to work we've stopped him from going out and committing further offenses and having further victims
45:22The voice of the victim is so powerful without their bravery we wouldn't get cases to court
45:29She was so courageous and I can't thank her enough for for just being that brave
46:09Support information for the issues raised can be found online at channel 4.com
46:13Slash support for more access to major investigations. There's new 24 hours in police custody next sunday at 9
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