Great participation in 2nd Popular Consultation

  • last month
From Caracas, our correspondent Gladys Quesada, updates us on the progress of the 2nd Popular Consultation in Venezuela. teleSUR

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00:00And now we go live with our correspondent and colleague in Caracas Gladys Quezada from the information of the voting days
00:07Hello Gladys. Welcome again to from the south. Tell us the update of the voting day
00:16Hello Anna, yeah currently I'm still here in Alta Florida, which is one of the many
00:22communal centers in this circuit that
00:25Comprehends many of the communities and many of the localities here and
00:29as I was saying La Florida, Mariperas and other localities of
00:34downtown Caracas
00:36Right now currently local time is
00:3938 minutes past the 6 p.m
00:42So past the hour of closing the due date the due time that the authorities have given for this voting day
00:50Today, so I have to say that this voting center is still open because people are still arriving
00:57To cast their vote for one of the seven projects that they are deciding and they are voting here today on August 25th
01:04But today I have a surprise I have
01:08Something different in this report in this live report because I have someone with me that can tell us in English a little bit
01:16maybe about her experience today here in this voting center because she
01:21Is something someone who speaks in English, but lives Venezuela with a full heart. Her name is Brenda Brenda
01:30Paulson, please come in. Welcome Brenda. Hi. How are you? I'm really really fine
01:36I'm glad to have you here with me. So Brenda, please. Can you tell me how in your perception?
01:43The voting day has been going on
01:47the people has been coming fluently all the day and
01:54We're positing their votes and well, very good. Very good
02:01Today and well really and truly we are here at this election
02:10We have we are trying to
02:12See how we can better our community community and well
02:25But then we can
02:32We need to better our
02:35condition here our home our street our
02:40Well, that's the reason why we are here today trying to complete and
02:47achieve something
02:49for our betterment
02:52Thank you, Brenda. Do you have any other message you want to give?
02:56No, well, Viva Maduro!
03:00We have we have a large audience in the Caribbean in Eastern Caribbean and
03:05Precisely in Trinidad and Tobago
03:07We want to send our greetings to our audience there and also in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
03:13We know that people are watching from there because we know we have live reports from people that are following the signal
03:20So Ana, this is the ambience. This is the atmosphere
03:23This is the the will of the people expressed in the ballot boxes
03:27Expressed in you know
03:28The selection first of all the selection of each one of the projects because those projects don't come from government they do not come from
03:37Institutions people themselves chose what they want to do where to allocate the resources the finances and
03:44now after choosing one of the projects there will be continuity with the first consultation of
03:51April 21st and it will be also continuity
03:55It will be also continuity with the further
03:59Upcoming consultations because this is a process that is going to be held every three months. So this is
04:05the way that
04:08And you know, this is an electoral festivity, this is joyful, this is community
04:12This is gathering people are bringing food for their neighbors bringing food
04:17coffee, they're bringing lemonade for the heat, you know to endure the heat of Caracas and
04:24This is what is going on here
04:28This is one just one of the many examples and we will be reporting for you and for our audience in upcoming emissions
04:34Ana, so back to you
04:36Thank you Gladys very much for your report. We had a little struggles on our live with Gladys Casada
04:43also, we had a citizen from Trinidad and Tobago Brenda Paul and
04:48There were the reports of this voting day here in Venezuela
