islamic motivation story /islamic lesson eazy

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Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.


00:00The word Razaq comes from the word Rizq, and it means to be provided with something that benefits you, or in short it means sustenance.
00:11Allah is called Al-Razaq. He is the one that gives sustenance, the one who provides you with needs of life over and over again, while he doesn't need to be provided with anything.
00:24Allah says in the Holy Quran,
00:27And there is no living creature on earth except that their sustenance, their Rizq, is on Allah.
00:34Rizq is something that has been provided for you which benefits you. It could be something material like money and houses and so on.
00:43It could also be something spiritual, like knowledge and faith and this is the best type of Rizq.
00:50Imam Ali says,
00:53There are two types of Rizq. One is the Rizq that comes to you without doing any work for it and it is guaranteed.
01:01Another type of Rizq is where you have to seek it and it all depends on your effort.
01:07Let's give an example.
01:09Allah has given certain birds the ability to fly. They have certain strength, energy and power and this is Rizq that is guaranteed without them doing any work for it.
01:21In order for them to get the second part of Rizq they have to work for it.
01:26So the birds will go out in the morning and seek their sustenance.
01:31They work hard to find food and shelter.
01:34They do not remain in a nest waiting and sleeping all day for their sustenance to arrive.
01:40We too are expected to work for our sustenance.
01:43Another example.
01:45A baby has been given certain power and certain abilities and this is guaranteed without the baby doing any work for it.
01:53In order for the baby to get its Rizq, which is milk or food, it has to try.
01:59The baby tries by crying or making a signal till it reaches the food.
02:03Another example.
02:05There is food in a plate in front of you but you don't take the trouble to bring the food to your mouth.
02:11Even though Allah has provided you with sustenance, you don't get the sustenance because you have not put in the effort that is required.
02:20Allah is Al-Razzaq.
02:22He provides you with needs of life over and over again while He doesn't need to be provided with anything.
02:29In order for you to receive part of this Rizq, you must work for it.
02:33You remember we said Hibah is a special gift that is given away for free with no condition.
02:39But part of Rizq being provided for you is that it has a condition and that is you have to work for it.
02:46That is the main difference between Hibah and Rizq.
02:49There are certain actions you do that will increase your Rizq and we will list some here.
03:11Here are some actions that will decrease your Rizq.
03:161. Being careless in prayer.
03:182. Being disrespectful to your parents.
03:223. Calling your parents by their names.
03:254. Sleeping too much.
03:275. Committing sins.
03:306. Being lazy.
03:32How should we live by the name Al-Razzaq?
03:35We should work hard and not be lazy expecting things to come to us.
03:40The harder you strive, the better results you will see.
03:44We should earn our Rizq in a halal way.
03:47Don't cheat your way and earn it through haram means.
03:51Allah may deny you the spiritual Rizq.
03:54Which means you will be denied true faith and knowledge and being denied this is much worse for you.