islamic motivation story

  • 2 days ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00The word Avim comes from the root Ein-Va-Mim and its main meaning is something regarded
00:09as very very great, huge, enormous, powerful and superior.
00:14An interesting thing is that the word Avim also means bone.
00:20That's because bones are the strongest part in the body.
00:23In fact, a bone is stronger than steel.
00:26It is said that a cubic inch of your bone can hold a load of over 8,500 kilograms, equal
00:33to about five pickup trucks.
00:35That is four times stronger than concrete.
00:38Obviously, your bone strength varies, depending on your age, lifestyle, bone mass and overall
00:45In the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has used the word Avim for many things.
00:50Al-Arsh Al-Azheem, the Arsh, the throne of power is Azheem, meaning something very very
00:57great, enormous and superior.
00:59The Holy Quran is Azheem, extremely great, powerful and superior.
01:06Wal-Quran Al-Azheem, sometimes a calamity, an affliction or distress is labelled as Azheem
01:13because it is a huge burden.
01:16Those who keep away from evil deeds, Allah will have mercy on them.
01:21This great achievement is called Azheem because it is a huge achievement.
01:25An-Naba'il Azheem, the great event is mentioned as extremely great and many more examples.
01:33Allah is called Al-Azheem.
01:35His greatness is so great, superior and powerful that it is beyond human understanding and
01:41beyond our imagination.
01:43His greatness is absolute and complete.
01:45In other words, Allah is the owner of greatness and all other things are considered small
01:51in his presence.
01:52We cannot compare any type of greatness that we describe towards Al-Azheem because he is
01:59How should we live by this name?
02:02Every time we bow down and do ruku' we say, Subhana Rabbi Al-Azheemi wa bihamdi.
02:09Out of all names of Allah, Al-Azheem is mentioned at least 17 times a day in our daily prayers.
02:16When we bow down we should focus and contemplate on this name.
02:20While we are bowing we are admitting that we are the weak and Allah is Al-Azheem.
02:25We are submitting to his greatness.
02:28When you are facing great difficulties and you need strength to carry on in life, call
02:34out and remember Allah Al-Azheem to help you.
02:37He is the owner of all power and strength.
02:40There is no difficulty he cannot solve.
02:43Fasabbih bismi Rabbika Al-Azheem.
02:46Therefore glorify the name of your Nurturer Al-Azheem.