islamic motivation story

  • 2 days ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00Halim comes from the root word Helm and its main meaning is forbearing, taking the time
00:08to do something, to hold back and have self-control.
00:12For example, imagine someone hurt you more than once and you did not make any harsh decisions
00:18yet, nor did you get angry, you controlled yourself and remained calm and you gave them
00:23time to think about their wrongdoings, you did not punish them even though you have the
00:28power to do so, this would mean you have forbearance.
00:32But imagine in this situation that the same person hurt you more than once and you also
00:38did not make harsh decisions and you controlled yourself, but in your heart you are burning
00:43with anger, you want to hurt them back so badly, this is not forbearance, forbearance
00:49is when one's heart is filled with peace and forgiveness and has no anger or hatred towards
00:55Allah is called Al-Halim, he is the most forbearing.
01:00We may disobey Allah and commit sins all the time but Allah delays the punishment, why?
01:06Because he gives you time to think about your mistakes and change your ways and that you
01:11may seek forgiveness.
01:13Allah does not embarrass you, he gives you time to repent because he is the most forbearing.
01:18Allah says in the Quran, had Allah destroyed the people on account of their evil deeds,
01:24he would not have left on earth a single creature, but he reprives them until an appointed
01:31Look at the world today, look at how many injustices there are, consider how many sins
01:37people are committing day by day worldwide, how many are stealing something right now,
01:43how much backstabbing, mockery, alcohol consumption, idol worship and disobedience are taking place
01:50right now.
01:52The sun rises yet another day, the stars display their beauty yet again and the air is still
01:58available for you to use.
02:00Allah sees and hears everything, he overlooks sins, covers up faults and forgives those
02:06that want forgiveness because he is Al-Halim.
02:09How should we live by this name?
02:13Be forbearing to others.
02:14One of the highest stations and morals of a believer is to have forbearance.
02:19Many relationships get destroyed because of moments of rage and anger.
02:24One day, Imam Hassan, the son of Imam Ali was confronted by a man who started to call
02:30him names and abuse him, but the Imam remained silent until his anger went away.
02:36When he stopped, the Imam greeted him, smiled and then said,
02:40Brother, you seem to be a stranger here and you may have made a mistake.
02:45If you want me to disregard your behaviour and forgive you, I will do so.
02:50If you seek something from me, I will grant it to you.
02:54If you want me to guide you, I will do so.
02:57If you are hungry, I will feed you.
03:00If you are in need of clothes, I will provide them to you.
03:04If you are needy, I will give you all that you need.
03:07If you have been expelled, I will grant you shelter.
03:11Hearing these words of the Imam, the man burst into tears and said,
03:15I bear witness that you are Allah's Caliph upon the earth.
03:19Before this, I regarded you and your father as my worst enemies, but now you are the most
03:25beloved to me.
03:27The man became one of the sincere followers of the Ahlul Bayt.
03:32So this story teaches us that never rush into wrong decisions or rush into rage and anger
03:38at any sign of distress or difficulty, but treat them with respect and forgiveness until
03:44a certain time, because if we want Allah to overlook our mistakes, we need to be able
03:51to overlook the mistakes of others.
03:54Don't lose hope.
03:56Allah is Al-Halim.
03:58He is the most forbearing.
04:00Once a man used to commit many sins and then he would repent and go back to sinning straight
04:06Having done this so many times, Satan came to him and said, for how long will you keep
04:12sinning and repenting?
04:14Satan wished that the man would lose hope in Allah's mercy and forgiveness.
04:19Later that day, the man performed wudu and prayed, and then he cried out to Allah with
04:24a du'a and asked Allah to keep his heart firm following the right path.
04:29Allah then said to his angels, O angels of mine, have you all heard this du'a?
04:36I bear witness that I have forgiven all his past sins and safeguarded him against sinning
04:41for the rest of his life.
04:43Repent and seek forgiveness at the earliest possible time, because we don't know how
04:48much time we actually have.