islamic motivation story /islamic lesson eazy

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Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.


00:00Alim comes from the root word ilm and it means knowledge.
00:06Allah calls himself Al-Alim.
00:09It means he knows everything.
00:12He knows the past, the present, the future, the hidden and the open, the unseen, the unheard
00:18and the unknown.
00:20He knows what you hide in your mind and what you hide in your heart.
00:24Even on a dark night, 3000 metres in the depth of the ocean, a dark creature moving
00:30on a dark plant cannot be hidden from Al-Alim.
00:33He has full knowledge of it.
00:36There is a difference between Allah Al-Alim's knowledge and other knowledge in creation.
00:41We begin life with little knowledge.
00:44Then as we get older we learn and acquire some knowledge but we are still ignorant in
00:49many other things.
00:51For example, do you know when that leaf that fell off the tree in the jungle all the way
00:56across the other side of the world?
00:59What time did it fall?
01:00How fast did it fall?
01:02What colour was it?
01:03Of course we don't know these things because we don't know everything.
01:08We also forget things.
01:10How many times have we studied something only to forget it the next day?
01:15When we get older we may even lose our memory and forget.
01:19On the other hand, Allah's knowledge has no beginning or end, no error or fault.
01:25Allah does not acquire knowledge and learn like we do.
01:29Allah is all-knowing.
01:31Allah does not forget anything.
01:33He even knows of that leaf that fell in the jungle all the way across the other side of
01:38the world.
01:39Allah says in the Holy Quran,
01:42And the keys to the unseen belong to Him.
01:45No one knows them other than Him, and He knows whatever is in the land and sea, and
01:50no leaf falls except He knows of it.
01:53How should we live by this name?
01:57Seek knowledge
01:58The Prophet peace be upon him said,
02:00Seeking knowledge is necessary upon every Muslim.
02:05Increase your knowledge, especially Islamic knowledge.
02:08Knowledge is a blessing.
02:09How do you expect to know what Allah wants from you without knowledge?
02:14How would you know how to pray without knowledge?
02:17How would you know the purpose of all of creation without knowledge?
02:21Seeking knowledge is an act of worship.
02:24The Prophet peace be upon him said,
02:26Knowledge is the root of all good, whereas ignorance is the root of all evil.
02:31The Prophet also said,
02:33To sleep having knowledge is better than to pray in ignorance.
02:39Ask Allah to increase your knowledge through the famous Du'a in the Holy Quran,
02:44رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمَا My Lord, increase me in knowledge.