Extensive participation in 2nd Popular Consultation

  • last month
From Caracas, our correspondent Gladys Quesada, updates us on the progress of the 2nd Popular Consultation in Venezuela. teleSUR

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00:00And now we go live once again with our correspondent in Caracas, Gladys Quezada, with more information
00:06of this voting day.
00:08Hello again Gladys, tell us all the update of this voting day.
00:16Hello again Ana, yeah currently I'm still here in the parish El Regreo and we are here
00:22in one of the voting centers and also one of the communal centers in this voting day
00:27for the communes.
00:29So as we have been saying today, the communes are voting from one of the projects that,
00:35or maybe two, that they chose to nominate back on August 22nd and 23rd.
00:42But I want to show you one part of the process that rarely you can see in these actions and
00:48in these processes, and it's the vote counting.
00:51And as you can see, all the witnesses, the leaders, and also the members of the commune
00:57council, and leaders of the street, and maybe from the neighborhoods, they are just counting
01:03votes and they are telling the results of these elections, so they have partial results.
01:10If my cameraman moves, and he will move, you can see the counting, and you can see also
01:16which one of the projects has been the winner.
01:19We have the project number one, which corresponds with the construction of a mobile plant to
01:25supply gas to the locals.
01:28Also the project number two, with 111 votes, is the construction of a grandparent, the
01:34elderly club, for the recreation, the care for them.
01:38Also, project number three, the construction of a contempt wall.
01:45A contempt wall, a wall that can contain maybe water or mud, or maybe, because this is a
01:51community that is next to the mountains, so there has 69 votes.
01:56Also, the project number four, the rehabilitation of residences and rooftops also has 80 votes,
02:05and they are still counting because the project number five, the construction of water sewage
02:13in the main street has 68, and the rehabilitation of a bridge and sidewalks has 60 votes.
02:21They are still pending.
02:23There is the leader of the street.
02:26She is telling the votes, and she is announcing the results.
02:29So the project number seven has 30 votes, 104 votes, which means that the project number
02:38one is the winner with 174 votes.
02:42This is one moment.
02:43I was saying this is the closing moment of this process, and people rarely get to see
02:50what is happening.
02:55So now the leaders are explaining all the sums and all the results.
03:02So in the registry there are the same quantity of voters, the same quantity of people that
03:11came to vote.
03:12There were no incidences.
03:14There were no issues.
03:15There were no false registration.
03:18So this is a process that is going on under democratic values and with all transparency.
03:26Commune or nothing.
03:28Commune or nothing.
03:31Only if Nicolás Maduro mores.
03:33That's what they are shouting.
03:38They are shouting for the wrong commune.
03:40So that's what is going on.
03:42This is the festivity.
03:43This is the closure.
03:44This is the end of one day of voting, one long day for many of the organizers and the
03:49leaders of street.
03:50But as you can see, people here are celebrating that it's over and that the project with most
03:57votes will achieve the financing and the support from the government.
04:03They were telling me that also the second most voted project will also receive support.
04:08So this is good news for everyone here.
04:11So far, Ana, this is the information and this is the closure of a long day and a beautiful
04:16day because we got to see how people are decided for themselves, for themselves also and for
04:22the future of their commune.
04:24So back to you, Ana.
04:26Thank you, Gladys, for all your updates of this day.
04:29Thank you very much.
04:30See you next time.
