The Accident S01 E10 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month


00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:30I just need $1,000,000
00:37These apples look like they're from America
00:40What's your plan?
00:43You're going to accept me as a criminal just to get me punished?
00:47Brilliant plan
00:49I've already been released several times from jail
00:51It's easy
00:52Just trap the bigger fish in you and get out
00:56I want a million dollars
00:58There's no deal.
01:02Or get ready to hire a good lawyer.
01:05I need a few days.
01:09Your empty account will be filled soon.
01:12And you...
01:13don't even get a glimpse of it.
01:29Look, I got the ball.
01:31Come on, come on.
01:47Will this pain ever go away?
01:49It will.
01:57Even if you learn to live with it, don't take it for granted.
02:05Did you read your sister's article?
02:08She told me before.
02:11But your sister forgot to write that her husband had told me not to surrender.
02:18She gave me the support of our family.
02:20Javier, Brenda, Carla, everyone.
02:23Their unborn child too.
02:26And you two too.
02:27That you two will find your way.
02:31And I listened to her.
02:35What else can you expect from that man?
02:41I know it's my fault.
02:44But at least I know who's alone and who's not.
02:54I missed you a lot, Daniella.
03:03A lot.
03:04A lot.
03:21No, it's not like that.
03:34You have every right.
03:37I don't want to be an obstacle in your path.
03:40Do you know our interview has gone viral?
03:43Take a look.
04:11Here's the rest of the money.
04:18Are you happy now?
04:30You tell me.
04:32Are you happy?
04:40I will never be his partner.
04:43Whether the Americans believe it or not.
04:45Charo only wants to avenge his son's death.
04:48Nothing else.
04:50Emiliano, the thing is...
04:52What's the matter, David?
04:53The thing is, that man is a criminal.
04:56I don't understand how you agreed to work with a goon like him.
04:59And now you're talking about making him work with us.
05:01Calm down.
05:03His men have already started digging the site.
05:13Then you have to decide.
05:17Him or me.
05:18The thing is, he's already decided.
05:20He's just here to tell you.
05:23Get out of here.
05:26Look, man, we're tied up.
05:28I don't know if you've read Carla's article yet or not.
05:31The Americans say that if you don't leave this partnership,
05:34they'll file a case against us.
05:40That's what I expected from you, David.
05:42But you, Javier.
05:44What are you doing, Lobo?
05:47How long are you going to think your friends are fools?
05:50Now listen to me carefully.
05:52In front of so much money, the friendship of good people breaks.
06:00My daughter's revenge won't be complete with your goon's death.
06:05Whatever revenge you want to take, take it quickly.
06:08Because once you get to jail,
06:11I'll take my revenge.
06:25Lucia, what happened? Why aren't you answering my phone?
06:32I need to talk to you, dear.
06:41you say that Alex is innocent.
06:44But I arrested him in a raid.
06:46Why should I believe you?
06:48You tell me.
06:51That day, I ran away from that house, Mom.
06:55Not Alex.
06:58Alex came to pick me up when I called him.
07:01He saved me.
07:03Alex came to pick me up when I called him.
07:07He saved me.
07:10Is what you're saying true, Lucia?
07:14And what were you doing there?
07:17You already know.
07:22Oh, my God.
07:25I made such a big mistake.
07:27Why did I leave you alone?
07:28No, Mom.
07:29No, let me speak.
07:32I never thought that poison would come to my house one day.
07:36Now you're going to tell me everything you know.
07:39Tell me, who sells these pills?
07:47Nico? Your ex, Nico?
07:52How did I end up like this?
07:55Don't go anywhere. It's not over yet.
08:07You told me not to go to Lucia.
08:09But I want to see her.
08:11For Lucia.
08:13Thank you for everything you did.
08:16I'm sorry I misunderstood you.
08:20Can I come in?
08:22Yes, come in.
08:31How are you?
09:00You're not mad at Mom anymore, are you?
09:03Look, son.
09:04When adults fight, it doesn't end so soon.
09:09Forget it, son.
09:10Don't pay attention to them.
09:20Look, Mom.
09:23Come in.
09:26Paula, go take a shower.
09:29You want to talk to me, don't you?
09:31I want to hear it too.
09:33Son, listen to Dad.
09:35I'll tell you everything later.
09:42Look, whatever you two want to say, say it quickly.
09:44I have a patient coming in half an hour.
09:46The church has kept a close eye on your daughter's case.
09:50She was able to survive alone for so many days.
09:54This is a miracle from God.
09:57Father needs all the information related to this case
10:00so that he can send it to the Vatican
10:02and confirm that Mother Mary did a miracle for Paula.
10:05Wow, that's great.
10:06I think you must have even thought of a dress
10:08to take a picture with the Pope.
10:12Don't call it a miracle.
10:14If it was someone else, he would have done what Paula did.
10:17Look, I think he must have eaten something there,
10:19drank water from the river,
10:20and then he was lucky enough to survive.
10:22That's not enough to survive.
10:24Then what do you want?
10:27This is Saint Roxana's rebirth.
10:29She comes back after six years,
10:31and after 15 minutes, she takes my daughter to the TV.
10:33Mr. Vallejo, I don't want to get into your family matters,
10:36but the church takes such incidents a little too seriously.
10:40You want to take away the great joy of this country
10:43with your thoughts.
10:45Don't forget that we are people who believe in God.
10:47So for God's sake, have mercy on me
10:49and take these fools away from my house.
10:51I beg of you.
10:53Think about it carefully.
10:55Father, can you give us a little time?
10:58As you say.
11:00I'm leaving.
11:05If you're an atheist,
11:06it's not necessary that you have to go to the Vatican.
11:09It's not necessary that your daughter is an atheist either.
11:12So now you're going to tell me about my daughter's upbringing?
11:15I will.
11:16I'm her mother.
11:18And I'm going to file a case for her custody.
11:20What is custody?
11:32Son, your father and I have different views on many things.
11:36So I'm going to go to court and tell the judge
11:39to decide who you're going to live with.
11:44We're going to have a lot of fun together.
11:56Bye, son.
12:03Hey, Daniella.
12:05We've found Monshu Gomez's killer.
12:07But we've found his body.
12:09Are you sure it's him?
12:11Yes, I'm sure it's him.
12:13We've found something else too.
12:15Ma'am, I'll be right back.
12:17Give us a day's worth of food.
12:22And just as we've forgiven our criminals,
12:28you too forgive our criminals.
12:36And don't put us to the test.
12:39But save us from evil.
12:42For the kingdom's power and glory is always yours.
12:53And don't put us to the test.
12:59But save us from evil.
13:07O Mother of God,
13:09pray for us sinners,
13:12now and at the time of our death.
13:18I'm sure it's him who killed your husband.
13:22The one who killed Monshu is the one who killed my husband.
13:26The one who killed Monshu is the one who gave him the money.
13:31He's still free.
13:37Excuse me.
13:49I thought you called me because of your sister's article.
13:54You must have felt really bad.
14:00Everything you said was true.
14:04I don't think it's your fault.
14:08The man who gave the money to the killer,
14:12I'm not going to let him go.
14:15I promise.
14:25I hope one day you'll understand that I didn't have anything.
14:50Are you okay?
14:53Are you okay?
14:55Don't leave me again.
14:58Mom, I'm not coming back.
15:01I don't even want to see that man's face.
15:05Gabo's death has turned him into a demon.
15:09You have to come back.
15:12After all, we're a family, son.
15:16We have to fight this world together.
15:21It was easy to get Emiliano out of the Americans' deal.
15:25But I want to send him to jail.
15:28If you do this, I'll kill you.
15:32Just be patient.
15:34I'm going to find out every little detail about him.
15:39Do you have kids? Police?
15:41No. Not yet.
15:44Do you have kids? Police?
15:46No. Not yet.
15:50That's why I'm telling you to be patient.
15:55You don't know what it's like to lose a child.
15:59It's a good thing you don't know.
16:06It hurts a lot.
16:11It's hollow from the inside.
16:14This pain doesn't go away, nor does it go away.
16:20I don't have kids, but I understand what you're saying.
16:24I won't let Emiliano go to jail.
16:27Between those criminals,
16:29where any night can be his last night.
16:34Have faith.
16:41I begged you not to publish anything,
16:44but you killed Emiliano.
16:46If the Americans file a case, it's your responsibility.
16:49I'm responsible?
16:50Yes, you are. We're a family.
16:52You said we were a family.
16:54Yes, but you brought Lupita home.
16:57Whatever happened to her, I don't care.
17:01Finally, you admit your mistake.
17:04Wow! And you didn't do it on purpose.
17:07You admitted it by mistake.
17:10I don't want to hear anything else.
17:12You have to.
17:14You're holding me responsible,
17:16but you should be thankful I didn't put your name in that article.
17:19You made a deal with Moncho in jail.
17:23Yula told me everything.
17:26I can't believe it, David.
17:28You're so disgusting.
17:31Where's the David I was crazy about,
17:35who was so capable that he wanted to change the world?
17:40Where is he?
17:44People like you don't belong to anyone.
17:49You don't belong to anyone either,
17:52because you put your sister and her family at risk for your article.
17:59We're the same, honey.
18:01That's why we love each other so much.
18:04We love each other.
18:27He's right in front of you.
18:43You've run enough.
18:45Now don't move.
18:48Don't do anything stupid, okay?
18:51No weapons.
18:56He's a good guy.
18:58What's this?
19:00He's a good guy, huh?
19:03Bad boy.
19:05Handcuff him.
19:08Lucia told you, didn't she?
19:11Maybe you don't know,
19:13but your daughter is a drug addict.
19:17Now worry about yourself, kid.
19:31Come on.
19:40You made the right decision.
19:44You had to pay your father for bringing you home.
19:47Don't lie to me, Dad.
19:49You didn't send me to get my father.
19:51You sent Lucia to kill him.
19:53Listen to me, Alex.
19:55You may not believe this,
19:57but if there's someone important in my life, it's you.
20:03It's not your fault.
20:05Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person.
20:07That's life.
20:10You're teaching me love.
20:12I'm right, aren't I?
20:18Your dad and I were talking about
20:20if you need help quitting drugs.
20:28maybe I do.
20:31I don't want to go through that again.
20:33There can be no better news than this.
20:43Eat, son.
20:48I'm sorry I came without telling you,
20:50but I have orders to revoke your husband's bail.
20:56You have to come with us.
20:58But why? What happened?
21:00Ask him.
21:04He has no other way to send me back to jail.
21:11What's the excuse this time?
21:13You went to Miguel's house, abused him, and attacked him.
21:16Do we have footage of that?
21:18Emiliano had to go to Charo's house
21:20because he came to our house first.
21:22He even threatened our daughter.
21:24I'm sorry, Dani, but I didn't make the law.
21:26I'm just doing my job.
21:28Shall we go now?
21:31You're enjoying this, aren't you?
21:35Rivera, put on your handcuffs.
21:37No, sir. You're not going anywhere.
21:45Take care of Mom.
21:47You won't be scared, will you?
21:52Come on.
22:10Dad will be back soon.
22:12Come on.
22:19As you can see, Emiliano Lobo is here.
22:23Come on.
22:25Take a close frame.
22:27Emiliano, would you like to say something?
22:29What do you think is going to happen today?
22:31Please leave.
22:33Would you like to say something about Moncho Gomez's death?
22:35We have to go inside.
22:37Because he was innocent.
22:39After Emiliano Lobo's arrest,
22:41there is hope for justice in these families.
22:44We should kill him in jail.
22:48Maybe one of our prisoners can do that.
22:52Emiliano Lobo did the same thing
22:54to Moncho Gomez, who was sent to jail for money.
22:57Emiliano killed him.
23:00What do you think?
23:02The Notions say, I'm Carla Robles.
23:06Yes, tell me.
23:08Right now?
23:11Okay, I'm coming.
23:14See you.
23:28Is someone dead?
23:35Why are you looking at me like that?
23:40Your men have found ancient artifacts
23:42while excavating the amusement park.
23:46So what?
23:48Why are you sad?
23:50It's a good thing. We'll sell whatever we find.
23:52No, no, no.
23:54I've stopped it.
23:56The federal law is very strict about this.
23:58It's all over.
24:00Nothing is over. Stop talking nonsense.
24:02In this country, money is the law.
24:04We'll shut anyone's mouth with money.
24:06The Americans know everything.
24:08They don't want to mess with the National Anthropology and History Institute
24:11or any other department.
24:13They're ready to cancel the contract.
24:15There won't be a case against us.
24:17No, no, no.
24:18Who told the Americans? We can handle this.
24:20I did.
24:22I told them.
24:25I thought, if the beginning is so bad,
24:27how will it end?
24:28This project has been going on since the beginning.
24:30Enough of your nonsense.
24:31To do such a big thing, you have to take a big risk.
24:34What's the difference between you and your partner?
24:36We had such a big deal, and you let it go.
24:39And you, you're with him.
24:41You're all idiots.
24:43You just sit and warm the chair.
24:45You don't have the money.
24:47You'll starve to death.
25:01I just want to say, Your Honor,
25:03that when a person doesn't understand certain things,
25:06they're left with a unique name.
25:09Fate, luck, coincidence,
25:12destiny, magic, accident.
25:15Life is a beautiful accident.
25:18Many of us get love, which is a beautiful accident.
25:23But there are also accidents that give pain.
25:27Pain that tears the heart, the soul.
25:30Such accidents ruin the beautiful picture of your life
25:34and change its direction.
25:36Emiliano Lobo never wanted his son to die,
25:40because he loved him the most in the world.
25:43I know.
25:44Your Honor, the outcome of this accident
25:46was heart-wrenching.
25:48This accident destroyed everyone's happiness.
25:51It will continue to destroy these families.
25:54It will change everyone's life forever.
25:57There was only one man behind this terrible accident.
26:01His attention was on a phone that could make him a millionaire.
26:04And this greed made him careless.
26:13This story doesn't tell us
26:15if he was trying to kill those innocent people.
26:20How can a man be held responsible
26:23for such a fatal accident?
26:25That, too, when the weather forecast
26:28was clear a day ago.
26:30That, too, when even the elders here
26:33don't remember if they've ever had
26:36a similar accident before.
26:38We all know that there are countless reasons
26:41for such an accident, Your Honor.
26:43I once heard that no matter what the accident is,
26:46small or big, it happens because of seven mistakes.
26:49But, Your Honor, that doesn't apply here.
26:52Because there was only one mistake,
26:54and that, too, of one man,
26:56Emiliano Lobo.
27:00There were no evil intentions behind this,
27:03nor was there any conspiracy.
27:05That carelessness was not done
27:07because there was a possibility of an accident.
27:10We all know that God,
27:12God plays dice with us.
27:16How much longer are we going to bear this?
27:19There's already been a lot of bloodshed
27:21because of this accident.
27:23For example, this boy who's sitting here,
27:25what happened to her husband?
27:27He was killed in prison.
27:29Because of that poor man's death,
27:31people were born out of anger,
27:33hatred, and the desire to take revenge.
27:39And what do you want?
27:41This case is like water.
27:43Justice demands it.
27:46Yes, yes, yes.
27:47Not a single scratch.
27:48Not a single scratch.
27:49If there were four scratches,
27:51maybe he would have been a little stronger.
27:53But even if there were eight scratches,
27:55he wouldn't have been able to stop the wind.
27:57And the wind would have blown the Bouncy House away
27:59and killed our children.
28:01Tell me this.
28:02Then who would you blame?
28:05Your Honor, today,
28:06we need to make a sensible decision here.
28:08Do you agree with me?
28:11We need to make a sensible decision here.
28:14Do you think we want to add to the pain
28:16of these unfortunate families?
28:18Is this not enough for them
28:20to spend the rest of their lives crying?
28:23I'm sure that the pain we all got
28:25from living without our children
28:27is enough.
28:29Let's not make it worse.
28:32That's all, Your Honor.
28:40Oh, no!
28:42Oh, no!
28:44Oh, no!
28:46Oh, no!
28:48Oh, no!
28:50Oh, no!
28:52Oh, no!
28:54This court is now ready to give its ruling
28:57after listening to the arguments of the public ministry and defense.
29:02This court sentences defendant, Emiliano, to two years.
29:08He killed three children, Rodrigo Lobo Robles,
29:12Gabriel Mejias Barranco, and Mateo Campo Malpica.
29:17They are not to be released.
29:39Let's go!
29:41Let's go!
30:08Hello, Yora.
30:12Can I come in?
30:18Emiliano sent me.
30:20These are your passports and visas.
30:22You can go to America now.
30:28I thought that...
30:30That after what you said in the interview,
30:32you would have been able to do it.
30:34But that didn't happen.
30:36He did all this for your children.
30:40I hope this pain in America is lessened.
30:44I wish that were the case.
30:46You and your children didn't deserve this pain, Yora.
30:50I'm very sorry about Moncho's death.
30:52He shouldn't have died.
30:56That's all I can do.
30:58I'm sorry.
31:00He shouldn't have died.
31:04That's all I can pray for.
31:06That you all live a happy life there.
31:08Hello, Aunty.
31:10Kike, how are you?
31:12I'm fine.
31:14You know,
31:16Rodrigo came into my dreams once.
31:20I miss him a lot.
31:22He was my best friend.
31:24I brought a gift for you.
31:28This is Rodrigo's tablet.
31:30It's yours now.
31:32Thank you, Aunty.
31:44So, you filed a case for custody?
31:46You can talk to my lawyer.
31:48Don't think that I'm going to sit and watch.
31:50It's a gift for you.
31:52Open it.
31:54Open it.
31:56You have it too.
32:00Now wear it and don't take it off
32:02until you come to me.
32:04Okay? I'll do the same.
32:14I want to live with Papa.
32:16I like being with him.
32:20He makes good breakfast.
32:22He combs my hair.
32:24He puts on a weird hairband.
32:28I like going to school,
32:30even though he's not there.
32:32I don't want to go anywhere.
32:36And yes,
32:38you like interviews,
32:40but I don't.
32:42People look at me
32:44as if I'm weird.
32:46I'm sorry, baby.
32:48I didn't mean it.
32:50Just think
32:52how long I was away from you.
32:54You can meet me, Mummy.
33:00We'll go on vacations together.
33:02You can come anytime.
33:04You'll come, won't you?
33:10Yes, baby.
33:12I won't go away from you now.
33:14I'll come to see you soon.
33:26She'll always be yours.
33:36No, please. Please leave.
33:38Please. I don't want to say anything.
33:40Please, let me go.
33:54You put on a weird hairband.
33:58I'll put it on next time.
34:00No, no. I'll do it myself.
34:02You're so naughty.
34:04We're here.
34:10Sit down.
34:12This is our seat.
34:14Our seat.
34:22please pick up the phone.
34:24There's no point in fighting
34:26like this, sister.
34:28Love you.
34:30What now?
34:32Is this what you do every day?
34:34Please don't say anything.
34:36I'm not in the mood to fight right now.
34:38Poor David.
34:40He's in the dust.
34:42He's shedding tears.
34:44At least grow up.
34:46Shut up!
34:48I'll teach you a lesson.
34:50Stop it. I have to go.
34:52Go and put on make-up.
34:54You look like shit.
34:56You look like shit.
34:58You're ruined.
35:00You have no money, no friends,
35:02no respect.
35:04Go away.
35:06You'll be ashamed to tell your son
35:08what kind of a man his father is.
35:10Go away.
35:12Yes, Charo.
35:14I have good news.
35:16The Americans want to discuss
35:18the project again.
35:20They'll be here in half an hour.
35:22They're coming right now.
35:24You should go.
35:26Don't be late.
35:36How are you, Mother Maroose?
35:38What's up, Charo?
35:40What's up, Charo?
35:42Where's Javi?
35:46He's gone to get some files.
35:50Come on. I want to show you something.
35:54Why are you so tense?
35:56We're family now.
35:58Just think about it.
36:00Your brother-in-law killed my son.
36:04Your sister-in-law hit my right hand.
36:06Your sister-in-law hit my right hand.
36:10And you hit my wife.
36:12All of this has brought us together
36:14like a family.
36:16I don't know what's going to happen next.
36:18I still think
36:20we can fix things.
36:22I admit my mistake.
36:24I want to make sure that...
36:26I agree.
36:28I wake up every morning and think
36:30what happened was for the best.
36:32I want to forget it all.
36:34All I can think about
36:36is how you're
36:38putting your stuff in there.
36:40Stop it.
36:42Ma'am, I'm sorry.
36:46Your brother-in-law got what he deserved.
36:48But you didn't.
36:50Look, we made a deal...
36:52Do you remember
36:54I said something to you
36:56when you were staring at my wife?
36:58What did I say?
37:00You said if I looked at her
37:02you'd shoot me.
37:04You have a good memory.
37:06But you don't have a good intention.
37:08I made a mistake.
37:10I admit my mistake.
37:12I'm sorry.
37:14Please forgive me.
37:16I have a business.
37:18And if I give you that,
37:20you'll benefit a lot.
37:26I forgive you.
37:32Let's go.
37:36I'll take care of the rest.
38:02Hello, this is David.
38:04Leave a voice message.
38:08Hello, this is David.
38:10Javier, I'm sorry to disturb you
38:12so early in the morning.
38:14But David didn't come home last night.
38:16Do you know where he is?
38:18We had a little fight yesterday.
38:20But we've had fights before.
38:22He always comes back.
38:24I don't know where he went.
38:26His phone is going straight to the voicemail.
38:28I don't know where he is.
38:30His phone is going straight to the voicemail.
38:32If you find out anything,
38:34please let me know.
38:38Please call me back.
38:46Why are you standing there?
38:48You should be happy
38:50that the man who killed your brother
38:52has been punished.
38:54Come on, let's eat.
38:56I'm not hungry.
38:58I didn't know you were coming.
39:00Would you like some tequila?
39:02We're here to arrest you
39:04for the murder of Moncho.
39:06Ramon Gomez.
39:10What are you talking about?
39:12I didn't kill any of the Monchos.
39:14I see.
39:16But the evidence you got from Pinto's car
39:18says something else.
39:20Do you remember anything by name?
39:24He's the same guy
39:26who sent us all the money
39:28in his account in five years.
39:32How are we going to get out of this?
39:34I'd like to talk to my lawyer
39:36before I tell you anything.
39:38Talk to God.
39:44Come on.
39:56Come on.
40:02I told you
40:04we'd defeat the world.
40:26I told you
40:28we'd defeat the world.
40:30I told you
40:32we'd defeat the world.
40:34I told you
40:36we'd defeat the world.
40:38I told you
40:40we'd defeat the world.
40:42I told you
40:44we'd defeat the world.
40:46I told you
40:48we'd defeat the world.
40:50I told you
40:52we'd defeat the world.
40:54I'm heartbroken.
40:58I don't want a child at this price.
41:04This is my love for the Monchos.
41:06I'd like to tell you
41:08that I still have complete faith
41:10in this family, Brenda.
41:12I've already taken an appointment
41:14with a specialist
41:16to open up my veins.
41:18I'll do whatever it takes.
41:20I'll try until
41:22we get good news.
41:52I'll try until we get good news.
42:14I promise I'll never talk
42:16about Mother May.
42:18I promise I'll never talk about Mother May.
42:20Why, Brenda?
42:22Because what happened
42:24happened to me.
42:28No friend will understand it.
42:32Whatever happened to me
42:34Whatever happened to me
42:36has to stay here.
42:40My child.
42:42My child.
42:48Yes, the news is confirmed.
42:52The construction of the amusement park
42:54has been cancelled.
43:00We've suffered so much for those $40 million
43:02and by doing so,
43:04the Americans' dream of building the amusement park
43:06has been left unfulfilled?
43:08Look at how life plays games.
43:10We've lost so much.
43:12We've lost so much.
43:14We've lost so much.
43:20How's Lucia?
43:22She's better than before.
43:24She's better than before.
43:26She didn't miss a single meeting
43:28with the anti-narcotics team.
43:30She quit drugs.
43:32I think she's found a way
43:34to be happy.
43:36And you know, she was right.
43:38She was right.
43:40Alex is really good.
43:42And they take good care of each other.
43:44And they take good care of each other.
43:48What more could I ask for?
43:54Any news of David?
43:58How are you? Will you help me?
44:00Will you send me some posters?
44:02Carla has run a huge campaign
44:04to find him on social media.
44:06All the walls of Santa Cruz
44:08are filled with David's posters.
44:10Sometimes she thinks
44:12he's left her and gone somewhere.
44:16He's just disappeared.
44:18No trace of him.
44:20Like so many people
44:22disappear in this country.
44:26I don't want to see you
44:28in this condition.
44:32You're not made for this place.
44:36I've talked to Fabian
44:38many times
44:40about not being able to forgive you.
44:44And one day I realized
44:46anyone can make a mistake.
44:52Like I made a mistake
44:54raising Lucia.
44:58But for me,
45:00it's impossible
45:02to live
45:04without you.
45:10I won't be able to live
45:12without you.
45:18They say pain teaches us to live.
45:22But I don't want to learn
45:24anything else.
45:26I don't want any more pain.
45:30Don't punish yourself.
45:36Maybe we're made to
45:38dance to the tunes
45:40of life.
45:42Like puppets.
45:48And in this journey,
45:50I need you.
45:56Will you make me wait?
46:02Will you make me wait?
46:32I spent so much money
46:34and I still
46:36ended up in the prison
46:38where you are.
46:44We're not in the same prison, Charo.
46:52You're in the prison of hate.
46:58You're in the prison of hate.
47:02I regret what I did to you.
47:15Everyone has to pay for what they did.
47:32I regret what I did to you.
48:02I regret what I did to you.
48:21I bring wind, cold, I'm going to rest.
48:32I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
49:02I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
49:32I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:02I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:12I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:22I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:32I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:42I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
50:52I bring inside, I bring my mountains.
