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Who am I? You may be a doctor/someone's brother/someone's husband/someone's son, etc. All this is worldly knowledge. And it is about your sister/wife/parents. In relative terms, all these identities are fine. But who are you in absolute terms? You are a Pure Soul. The bigger purpose of life is to experience your Pure Soul. So, how do you experience the Pure Soul? You need a Gnani Purush (the One who is in the state of the Pure Soul). He will make you aware of your absolute state, while you can continue your life normally as it was before.
00:00What do you think? Who are we?
00:40On the basis of wife, we are husband
00:44On the basis of patient, we are doctor
00:46On the basis of son, we are father
00:48On the basis of train, we are passenger
00:52On the basis of parents, we are child
00:54On the basis of drama, we are actor
01:02On the basis of wife, we are husband
01:08On the basis of patient, we are doctor
01:12On the basis of child, we are father
01:16On the basis of train, we are passenger
01:20On the basis of parents, we are son
01:24On the basis of parents, we are father
01:52Who are we in the form of eternity?
02:01In reality, we are an eternal soul
02:06which can never be destroyed.
02:12We have been unaware of ourselves since infinite lifetimes.
02:17God asks us to know who we are.
02:24Once we know who we are, we are done.
02:30But who can make us know who we are?
02:35You must have gold jewelry in your home.
02:39You must have gold coins in your home.
02:44What can you do if you want to separate pure gold from it?
02:48Can you do it yourself at home?
02:53You have to take some information about it to the goldsmith.
02:57How to separate pure gold?
03:00The goldsmith knows how to do it.
03:03That is why he can separate pure gold from jewelry.
03:10Just as gold is called gold,
03:14the knowledge of the soul is called self-knowledge.
03:19Knowledgeable people know the qualities of the soul.
03:23They know the qualities of the soul.
03:26They have the experience of knowledge.
03:30And on the basis of that knowledge,
03:33they differentiate between the soul and the soul.
03:36That is how the soul is identified.
03:40With the grace of such a knowledgeable person,
03:43the soul can be identified.
03:46If there is darkness in your home,
03:49what should you do to brighten it?
03:53No matter how many songs you sing,
03:56it will still be bright.
03:59Can another lamp be lit from the image of a lamp?
04:04For that, you need a natural lamp, right?
04:08That's it.
04:10You need to light your lamp with a natural lamp.
04:14If we light a lit lamp,
04:17then can there be darkness?
04:20Just as to light a lamp,
04:23you need a natural lamp,
04:26in the same way,
04:28to light a natural lamp,
04:31you need self-knowledge.
04:39In this era,
04:41with the grace of all of us,
04:43the knowledgeable person,
04:45the supreme revered Dada Bhagwan,
04:47and the self-knowledgeable Pooja Niruma,
04:49have lit the lamps of many people
04:52and have brought them to the path of salvation.
04:55And even today,
04:57with the help of the self-knowledgeable Pooja Deepak Bhai,
05:00your self-light can be lit.
05:02So, why delay?
05:10Let us also light our self-light
05:13and attain the happiness of salvation.
