FTS 16:30 28-08: Venezuela advances in the construction of self-governance

  • last month
FTS 16.30
*At least 6 people arrested in Russia, accused of being involved in terrorist attack.
*At least 11 dead after Israeli incursion into West Bank.

These and many more stories now!
00:00In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro announced the beginning of the greatest stage of a popular
00:14social government to advance in the construction of a new state based in direct democracy.
00:19In Russia, at least six people were arrested for their links to an international terrorist
00:25group that intends to commit a series of attacks in the Saudi east of the country.
00:32Israeli forces have carried out an intense incursion into the occupied West Bank, resulting
00:37in the death of at least 11 Palestinians in the region.
00:41Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the Telesur headquarters in Caracas,
00:50Here's the news with us.
01:07Now we begin going live with the mobilizations in Caracas in Plaza Venezuela, where the people
01:11are showing support to the President Nicolás Maduro after one month of the presidential
01:15elections where he was elected president of Venezuela.
01:18Gladys Quezada with the details.
01:20Hi, Gladys, can you tell us about it, and Diggy?
01:24Hi, Ana, thanks for this contact and the time with you, our audience, and Telesur English
01:32as a whole.
01:33Yes, currently I'm at CanTV, one of the many points of this march and the concentration
01:38of the people from sectors that are popular or working class, because they came here to
01:44celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro Moros, the president of the Bolivarian nation
01:49of Venezuela.
01:50I have to say, this is one of the largest marches that has been held here in Caracas,
01:56because usually, traditionally, this is the point from the marches going on.
02:01You know, the march, this is in counterpoint, the gathering point, and in this occasion,
02:05that point, the gathering one, was in Plaza Venezuela.
02:09Here, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, and also the
02:14minister of the Interior Relationships and Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, he was
02:20addressing the crowd, and also he was explaining to the people the need for unity, the need
02:25to combat and face the difficulties and the attacks by the extreme right wing, and also
02:32the radical terrorist groups.
02:33I have to say, and I have to notify, that yesterday the electric grid, the power grid
02:39in the nation, and precisely here in Caracas, was victim or suffered an attack, a terrorist
02:45attack that provoked a blackout in the upper western zone of the city, that's to say, BoleĂ­ta
02:52Norte, one of the many regions in the north of the city, and also in the west part of
02:56the city.
02:57But as we were referring, this march is held, or is being held, despite these kind of attacks,
03:04these terrorist actions, and here today there is a march by the people of different working
03:09sectors here in the city.
03:12Also, the bikers, the motor bikers, as you can see behind me, they are also marching
03:17in support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, and in support of the Bolivarian Revolution,
03:23and many of them are also rejecting the interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.
03:28They are just, you know, they are doing noises, because that's the way they have to support
03:34the president.
03:35They are marching.
03:36This is the way that people march in Venezuela, and I have to say, the motorizados, which
03:42is the bikers here in Caracas and in Venezuela, it was a sector that was, you know, under
03:48discrimination by the radical extreme wing, and back in 2014 and 2017 they were attacked,
03:55physically attacked, in ambushes here in the city.
03:58They were also tried to be slaughtered, but right now the revolution has, you know, gave
04:04them this opportunity to march, to express themselves, and they are included in the project
04:10of the socialist Bolivarian Revolution.
04:12As you can see behind me, people are still marching, the bikers are still going on, but
04:17this march is coming, is coming from Plaza Venezuela, and it's going through the center
04:23of the city, downtown Caracas, towards the seat of the government, Miraflores Palace.
04:28There, there will be a contact, an encounter between the authorities of the nation and
04:35the people that is mobilizing in support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros and rejecting
04:40the attacks, the attempts against justice, against the law, and against the institutions
04:45of Venezuela.
04:46Ana, we are back to you.
04:49Thank you, Gladys, very much for your explanation and your presence there in Plaza Venezuela.
04:53With the people in support of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
04:56Ana, we continue with the news.
04:58The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced changes in his executive cabinet
05:02in order to adjust the strength of the government to better meet the needs of the people.
05:07During the meeting for the balance of the second national popular consultation, the
05:12President highlighted the potential of this electoral process held on Sunday, August 25th.
05:18In addition, he points out that there is a participatory democratic conscience in
05:23the people of Venezuela.
05:25He also highlighted that the country has reached a new point of maturity to reach a democratic
05:32In the sense that the head of state presented the changes in his government cabinet in order
05:38to consolidate a new phase of the construction of the popular self-government.
05:42I am going to make a renewal of half of the construction of territorial socialism, of
05:58communal democracy, of direct democracy, of the new system of government that breaks with
06:04the concept of superficial aerial protocolary government.
06:09There will already be an executive cabinet.
06:11I am going to announce the necessary changes in different ministries to couple the strength
06:17of the popular revolutionary and socialist government of Venezuela and give the order
06:23that this stage, this stage that is open with the victory of July 28th, is the stage of
06:30officialdom, enough of lies and deception.
06:43Let's take a very short break.
06:57Welcome back to From the South.
06:58In the United States, the special counsel, Jack Smith, released a newly revised indictment
07:05against former President Donald Trump, which brings the court proceeding in line with the
07:10recent Supreme Court ruling that the substitute indictment was filled Tuesday in the case
07:16of electoral interference in the 2020 elections.
07:19The new indictment lowers the allegations against the far-right businessmen and adjudges them
07:24to the ruling issued by the highest court in the United States on July.
07:34In Russia, at least six people were arrested for their link to an international terrorist
07:39group that intended to commit a series of attacks in the southeast of the country.
07:43After the arrest, Russian Federal Security Service officials said that the criminals
07:48were planning sabotage and terrorist attacks against police officers' forces and religious
07:54During the riots, the investigators seized a handmade bomb as well as components for
08:00the elaboration of explosive devices and firearms, among other materials, with which they intended
08:06to create plans to generate un-AIDS in the population.
08:17Now we change topics.
08:18The Israeli regime escalates its genocidal actions in the occupied West Bank, killing
08:2311 Palestinians in less than 12 hours.
08:26Yeni's governor said it was the largest operation to take place in the area since 2002.
08:32The regional leader reported that Israel is threatening to occupy one of its hospitals
08:37where there are 200 workers and more than 150 patients.
08:42The situation is extremely tense as resistance factions respond to the occupation attacks.
08:54The Palestinian Doctors' Union denounced attacks by Israeli occupation against healthcare facilities.
09:00Health authorities report that thousands of Palestinians received treatment while the
09:05Israeli army made aggressions against hospitals and not only endangers their health but also
09:11violates international humanitarian law.
09:13Health personnel urge their colleagues to support and confirm the emergency situation.
09:18On the other hand, authorities demand the immediate intervention of the international
09:23community and the International Federation of Red Cross Societies to protect Palestinian
09:28healthcare facilities.
09:36China's foreign minister published a report revealing that the National Endowment for
09:40Democracy non-profit foundation promotes subversive and destabilizing activities in several countries
09:47around the world.
09:49The report shows that the foundation, established in 1983 by then U.S. President Ronald Reagan,
09:56used so-called human rights movements to demand changes in the government, finance media and
10:04digital platforms of NGOs to train and instigate what they call a Cold War revolution.
10:11In Cuba alone, the NED has founded 54 anti-Cuban organizations since 2017.
10:18In Mexico, they support Mexicans against corruption and the Institute for Competitiveness through
10:25which they have tried to stop important social gains for Mexican people such as the electronic
10:30power reform.
10:36These Wednesday, traders in Pakistan met on a strike shutting down their businesses in
10:41all major cities and urban areas to protest a rise in electricity costs and new taxes
10:47imposed for shop owners.
10:49The government of Prime Minister Shabazz Sharif has steadily raised electricity prices since
10:56Pakistan last month struck a deal with the International Monetary Fund for a new seven
11:01billion loan.
11:08Inflation is so high, it has become so difficult for us to run businesses.
11:12People are being forced to leave this country.
11:14There is no point in doing business.
11:17Electricity bills are so high.
11:19One can either pay the electricity bill or meet one's other household expenditures.
11:24So many taxes have been imposed.
11:31The government should give us relief.
11:33The whole market is closed in protest.
11:36Everyone is supporting the strike because no one is breaking even.
11:39How will people pay?
11:41They cannot pay from their own pockets.
11:43It is so difficult to do business in Pakistan.
11:46That's why people are leaving the country.
11:48Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel at
11:52Telecity English, where you'll be able to watch an interview, sub stories, special broadcasts
11:56and more.
11:57Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
12:00world's most recent events.
12:01We'll find a short break, don't go away.
12:10Welcome back.
12:11In Burkina Faso, government authorities have confirmed at least 200 fatalities in the terrorist
12:16attack perpetrated in the north-central part of the country.
12:20The brutal attack in the city of Baselug is attributed to the terrorist organization Yamada
12:25Nusra ul-Islam, similar to Al-Qaeda operating in West Africa.
12:31Yamada Nusra ul-Islam grew stronger while Western powers, such as France, claim to be
12:39cleansing the Sahel of extremism.
12:41The spokesman of the Kenyan hospital, Rene Sabadogo, confirmed that in addition to the
12:47deaths, there are 104 wounded.
12:55A World Health Organization emergency commission of African scientists hold the international
13:01community responsible for the aggressive outbreak of impacts affecting the continent.
13:07UN leader Dr. Dimiad Ogoyena said the decades of neglect and inability of the international
13:17community have led to the spread of new, more transmissible versions of the virus that countries
13:23with few resources cannot stop.
13:26Ogoyena states that for years, impacts spread only in highly affected homosexuals or bisexual
13:33As well with the inability of other countries to contain the virus in populations with low
13:38immunity, children and women suffer from it and even become potential fatalities.
13:49A newly released from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
13:54OSHA, said years of underfunding of humanitarian aid and increasing needs have put millions
14:01of Haitians at risk of chronic vulnerability.
14:04The UN humanitarian office said reserving the situation will require the international
14:10community and donors to increase funding for both UN and non-governmental organizations
14:15relief operations.
14:16Months of unbalanced have led to a deterioration of Haiti's humanitarian crisis that has led
14:22more than nearly 600,000 people displaced.
14:31Now we change topics.
14:32We go to sports.
14:33The 70th edition of the Paralympic Games kick off on Wednesday with an opening ceremony
14:38at the Palace de la Concorde and the Champs-Élysées.
14:41This awaited with an expect audience of 15,000 spectators.
14:46The ceremony marks the beginning of the 12th day sporting meet in Paris, a city still enthusiastic
14:53after the successful recent Olympics.
14:56The Games hosts over 1,400 Paralympic athletes from around the world who compete in 500 and
15:0449 medals events across 22 sports.
15:17I will go to culture now.
15:18In Italy, the 81st 70th film festival officially began on Wednesday, marking the start of the
15:24prestigious film celebration that will run through September the 7th.
15:28The present edition of the festival promises star-studded references and screening of anticipated
15:35films like Tudor Phillips, Joker de Foliadou, Pablo Larrin's film Maria, starring Angelina
15:44Jolie and Pedro Almodovar's first English language production.
15:49The event will also feature a selection of films by Latin American directors with three
15:54South American filmmakers, Larrine from Chile, Walter Salles from Brazil and Luis Ortega
16:00from Argentina competing for the Golden Lion Award.
16:03In this context, at the inaugural press conference, French actress, jury president Isabel Hoppert
16:10touched on the current state of cinema.
16:18With that, we have come to the end of this brief, but you can find this and many other
16:21stories on our website at TELESURINGLISH.NET.
16:24You can also join us on our socials, we are on Facebook, On X and on Instagram as well.
16:29For TELESURINGLISH, I'm from the south of Maramarrero, thank you for watching.
