• l’année dernière


00:30mais au passé de l'anniversaire, même si je ne peux pas vous donner le date exacte.
00:36Santa s'est réveillé ce matin, en retard, a pris une chaussette, et puis son enfant,
00:42a rafraichi les coulisses sur son cou, et s'est assis à côté de son lit.
00:46Un grand North Star, mais je suis fatigué.
00:49Il a dit.
00:50Peindre des wagons rouges et brillants,
00:52écarpiller des portes à l'eau la nuit,
00:55plier des cadeaux et des lignes et des gants,
00:58m'a dit que j'étais fatigué.
01:00A dit Santa Claus.
01:02J'ai mal au dos,
01:04j'ai froid à la tête,
01:06j'ai mal aux doigts et à tous les dix pieds,
01:10et j'ai une sorte de douleur à l'intérieur,
01:12quand je pense à ce voyage de Noël.
01:17Maintenant, Santa, tu te lèves un peu plus longtemps.
01:20J'ai déjà envoyé le médecin.
01:22On t'amènera de nouveau à tes pieds dans peu de temps.
01:29Pas du tout que tu aies des douleurs.
01:32Tu n'as probablement pas compris le cas de la pneumonie
01:35que tu as reçue l'année dernière,
01:36qui t'a tourné autour du monde dans ton ouvrage ouvert.
01:39Et pour quoi ?
01:40Juste pour fournir des cadeaux
01:42à des gens qui ne se moquent pas du tout.
01:48Maintenant, docteur, ce ne sont pas seulement des cadeaux,
01:51tu le sais.
01:52Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe avec tout cet esprit de Noël et de la bonne volonté ?
01:55Si ça avait un sens,
01:56tu te lèverais comme si c'était un mauvais travail
01:58et resterais à la maison au lit cette année.
02:00Oh, viens, maintenant.
02:01Si Santa restait à la maison,
02:02pourquoi n'y aurait-il pas de Noël ?
02:04Qui s'en fout ?
02:05Personne ne s'en fout plus de Noël.
02:08Ils ne s'en foutent pas ?
02:11Bien sûr que non !
02:12Ça ne me surprendrait pas du tout
02:14si personne ne te croit plus.
02:16Maintenant, Santa, ne lui payes pas la peine.
02:19Personne ne paye la peine,
02:21tu es Noël !
02:23Oh, par ailleurs,
02:24Joyeux Noël à toi !
02:27Maintenant, Santa,
02:28j'espère que tu n'en prendras pas la peine.
02:30Non, maman, le homme a raison.
02:32J'ai eu ce même sentiment moi-même,
02:35mais je ne l'admettrais pas.
02:37Personne ne paye la peine plus.
02:41Et en plus, le docteur me dit
02:43que je n'ai vraiment pas envie de faire du snuff.
02:46En plus, je suis en retard pour une fête.
02:50Il vaut mieux appeler les garçons
02:53et leur dire de canceler Noël.
02:59Appelez les gens !
03:01Dites aux papiers
03:02que je suis trop fatigué pour les papiers de Noël.
03:06Mais, mais, mais, mais...
03:07Mais, Santa, tu es en train de te moquer.
03:09Mais c'était vrai.
03:11Santa prenait une fête
03:13et le monde saurait bientôt savoir
03:15que c'était l'année sans Santa Claus.
03:19As-tu entendu parler
03:22de ce mauvais an
03:24bien avant ta naissance ?
03:28Quand Santa Claus
03:31a pris sa fête
03:33la nuit avant le mois de Noël.
03:39C'était un an
03:41sans Santa Claus
03:44un Noël tellement triste.
03:48C'était un an
03:49sans Santa Claus
03:52le pire qu'on ait jamais eu.
03:56Santa s'est réveillé un jour
03:58en se rendant compte qu'il était bleu et gris.
04:01Et c'est ce qu'il a dit.
04:04J'aurais bien pu prendre du repos.
04:06Je ne me sens pas bien.
04:08Et il chantait
04:10et s'est rendu au lit.
04:12Il y aura un an
04:14sans Santa Claus.
04:17Je suis sûr qu'ils ne me manqueront pas.
04:20Il y aura un an
04:22sans Santa Claus
04:25à côté de ton arbre de Noël.
04:29Et il a dormi tout le jour
04:31quand l'heure s'est arrêtée
04:33et l'heure était proche.
04:37Et les enfants pleuraient
04:39ils pensaient que Santa était mort.
04:41Chaque oeil jetait des fleurs de Noël bleues.
04:45C'était un an
04:47sans Santa Claus
04:50un Noël tellement triste.
04:54C'était un an
04:55sans Santa Claus
04:58le pire qu'on ait jamais eu.
05:07Un an plus tard...
05:38Il a appelé ses elfes
05:40et lui a dit à chaque elfe
05:42couvrez les couches
05:46restons chez nous.
05:48Quoi ?
05:49Couvrez les couches ?
05:51ont crié les elfes et les elfes.
05:53Couvrez les chiens.
05:54Et les trains électriques.
05:56Et les chevaux qui marchent avec des mains étouffées.
05:59Et les chaussures en plastique pour se déplacer dans les parcs.
06:02Et les vêtements des cow-boys.
06:04Et les arcs de Noël.
06:07Et les arcs de Noël.
06:09Et les animaux aussi.
06:14Bonjour, Jingle Bells
06:16c'est l'elfe numéro un qui parle.
06:18Et Jangle Bells.
06:20Arrêtez ça.
06:22Pouvez-vous me demander qui appelle ?
06:25Oh, bonjour, Mme Claus.
06:27Oui, Mme Claus.
06:29D'accord, Mme Claus.
06:31D'accord, Mme Claus.
06:32Tout de suite, Mme Claus.
06:35Qui était-ce ?
06:37Allez !
06:41Hmm, ça va.
06:43Ça va très bien.
06:47J'imagine que je pourrais être Mme Claus.
06:50Qui sait la différence
06:52si Mme Claus était moi ?
06:55Oui, qui sait la différence ?
06:58Juste Mme Claus et moi.
07:05Tout le monde peut être Mme Claus.
07:08Pourquoi pas une dame comme moi ?
07:12Je m'admets que je suis sous-alimentée
07:14mais avec un pilote du lit
07:16je pourrais être Mme Claus.
07:20Tout le monde peut jouer à Mme Claus.
07:24J'ai fantaisé beaucoup.
07:28Avec son casque sur ma tête
07:30et son vêtement de Noël rouge.
07:32Je pourrais être Mme Claus.
07:35Et avec ce ho-ho-ho
07:37je vais
07:39dans les chimnées
07:41avec ce casque.
07:43Et même si mes cheveux
07:45me montrent
07:47je m'assure qu'ils me voient
07:49seulement de l'arrière.
07:52Tout le monde peut être Mme Claus.
07:55Une remarque tantalisée.
08:00Même si ses chaussures ne sont pas de mon taille
08:02avec un clin d'oeil dans mes yeux
08:04je pourrais être Mme Claus.
08:16Avec son reinier et son casque
08:18je vais
08:21Je pourrais être Mme Claus.
08:23Je pourrais être Mme Claus.
08:25Je pourrais être Mme Claus.
10:25C'est la vie.
10:27Si vous le dites, mon cher.
10:29Est-ce que vous pensez que je fais la mauvaise chose
10:32en restant chez moi?
10:35Bien sûr pas, mon cher, mais
10:37si vous deviez changer de maman...
10:39OK, que faites-vous, maman?
10:43En quelque sorte?
10:45Oh, ridicule.
10:47Est-ce que je me ressemble en quelque sorte?
10:49Non, vous ne vous ressemblez pas en quelque sorte,
10:52mais quand vous ne vous ressemblez pas en quelque chose,
10:55vous vous ressemblez en quelque chose.
10:58Que faites-vous, maman?
11:00Ce n'est rien qui vous concerne.
11:03Pauvre Jingle.
11:05Pauvre Jangle.
11:09Concernez-le, maman.
11:11Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
11:13Ils essaient seulement d'aider.
11:15Où sont-ils?
11:17Ils pensaient qu'ils voyageraient autour du monde
11:20pour voir si les gens ne vous intéressaient pas
11:22à cause du Noël.
11:24Vous voulez dire qu'ils sont allés là-bas,
11:26dans ce monde cruel,
11:28tout seuls?
11:30Bien sûr pas, ridicule.
11:32Vixen est allé avec eux.
11:36C'est juste un bébé.
11:39Oh, cette pauvre petite fille.
11:43Je ne sais pas ce qui pourrait se passer.
11:46Maintenant, je dois les chercher.
11:48Vous pensez que vous devriez
11:50s'occuper de votre froid et tout?
11:52Je dois y aller.
11:54Pourquoi ces trois ne vont même pas
11:56passer par les Miser Brothers sans...
11:58Les Miser Brothers?
11:59Oh, mon dieu.
12:00Oh, j'ai oublié tout à propos de ces deux.
12:02De toutes les choses folles pour les faire,
12:05si Snow Miser ne les refroidit pas,
12:08juste pour le fun,
12:09le diable d'un frère
12:10va les mettre à feu, bien sûr.
12:16Un double!
12:19Où es-tu, Dasher?
12:21Où es-tu?
12:26Les Miser Brothers.
12:27Quelle paire.
12:29Snow Miser, qui contrôle
12:31le nord de la planète,
12:32essayant de transformer tout en icicles,
12:35et son frère dégueulasse
12:36essayant de garder le sud
12:37si chaud avec Nary,
12:38un snowflake par an.
12:40Grâce à moi,
12:41Vixen, Jingle et Jangle
12:43sont allés entre les deux.
12:45Où sommes-nous?
12:46Où allons-nous?
12:47Que pensez-vous?
12:51Ne vous en faites pas, vous fous!
12:53Ils font partie de la gang de Santa Claus
12:55de Goody Goody.
12:57Ils devraient être en route
12:58pour que tout le monde
12:59rêve d'un nouveau Noël blanc.
13:02Ne les laissez pas passer!
13:04Vérifiez-les pour eux!
13:13Bien sûr, je n'ai jamais rêvé
13:15que Vixen
13:16ferait la erreur
13:17de voler tout de suite
13:18dans le territoire des Miser.
13:32Ils sont partis!
13:33Ils sont partis!
13:41Un bébé, peut-être,
13:42mais le petit Vixen
13:43a forcé les garçons
13:44de sortir d'un endroit
13:45très assez froid.
13:46Je me demande où nous sommes.
13:48Si vous me demandez,
13:49vous êtes toujours
13:50en trous!
13:52Regardez par là!
13:53La ville de Sud, en Amérique du Sud.
13:55Cela a l'air
13:56assez bien
13:57de trouver
13:58un esprit de Noël.
14:00Vixen, vieille fille!
14:04Où est tout le monde?
14:06Where is everybody?
14:08Boy, that's what I'd like to know.
14:10How can we find any goodwill if we can't even find any people?
14:17All right, buddy, pull over.
14:19What's the problem, officer?
14:20What's the problem? I'll tell you what the problem is.
14:23Driving a... riding a... what do you call that thing anyway?
14:28That's vixen.
14:30Riding a vixen the wrong way on a one-way street.
14:33Crossing the white line and wearing funny-looking suits on a Sunday.
14:39Tell it to the judge.
14:41Maybe they don't like reindeer in these parts.
14:44I know what. We'll make her a disguise.
14:46Take your socks off.
14:47Take my socks off.
14:49Just do as you're told.
14:53And there we have Instant Rover.
14:55Now then, let's take our dog for a walk and see if we can find some Christmas spirit and goodwill.
15:04Youho, madam.
15:06What do you want?
15:07I wonder if we might speak with you for a moment.
15:10Do you believe in Santa Claus?
15:12At my age?
15:14Who are you?
15:16My name is...
15:17And what on earth is that?
15:19That's our little puppy dog, Rover.
15:22A dog?
15:23Yep. Bark for the lady, Rover.
15:30Jesus Christ, nice little ladies with your munchkin dogs.
15:34Take that, bitch.
15:37Get over here.
15:40Yeah, I've seen them.
15:42Two little fellas wearing goofy clothes.
15:44They didn't get into any trouble, did they, officer?
15:47I'll say they got in trouble.
15:49Wait till the judge gets finished with them lawbreakers.
15:52He'll give them what for!
15:54Hmm. Not much Christmas spirit there, just as I feared. They're in trouble already. We better find them quick, poor little guys. Must be scared to death.
16:09I'm scared to death.
16:11Serve you right. Bark for the lady rover, indeed.
16:16Why don't we just skip the whole business and go home?
16:18I'd like to, but I'd hate to let Mrs. Seed down. We've just got to find a trace of Christmas spirit and goodwill somewhere.
16:26I know. Santa's favorites have always been the little ones, the children. Why don't we talk to one of them?
16:33Good idea. There are a whole bunch of children over there.
16:38Well, let's talk to them and get out of here, because I think Vixen's coming down with something. She's got a slight fever.
16:45Poor thing. She's just not used to this weather. You just lay down here and shade, girl. We'll be right back.
16:53I beg your pardon, young man. May we have a word with you?
16:57Sure. Hey, you're dressed up like a couple of Christmas elves. Haven't you heard the news? Santa's taking a holiday.
17:06Yeah, it was in all the papers.
17:08Well, you don't seem to be very upset about it.
17:11Upset? Why should I be upset?
17:13Yeah, what's the big deal?
17:14You mean you don't care if Santa Claus comes or not? None of you?
17:20Of course not. It's none of our business. Besides, believing in Santa Claus is for little kids.
17:27Is she serious?
17:29Boy, it's worse than I thought.
17:31If I were you guys, I wouldn't waste my time worrying about Santa Claus. You got a bigger problem.
17:37Huh? What do you mean?
17:39The dog catcher's got your pooch.
17:42Stop! Thief!
17:43Reindeer napper!
17:44You come back here!
17:45We'll save you, Vixen! Hang on!
17:47Hang on! Hang on!
17:51A very nice boy, Ignatius Thistlewhite. Nice name, too.
17:55He didn't know it at the time, but he was going to be a much bigger help to the two little elves and to all of us than he could ever imagine.
18:03Because a little later, when he got home...
18:06Oh, hi there, little fella. Can you spare a moment?
18:11Sure. My name's Ignatius Thistlewhite. Everybody calls me Iggy. What's yours?
18:16Uh, mine...
18:20Claus. Claus.
18:24What can I do for you, Mr. Claus?
18:26Well, I'm looking for two friends of mine. Tiny little fellas. Red suits.
18:32Oh, you must mean the two guys I met at school.
18:35They were asking us about Christmas and stuff.
18:41Ignatius, was that you I heard sneeze?
18:44Not me, Mom. It was my friend, Mr. Claus.
18:47Well, why don't you bring him inside and talk, and I'll give him something for that cold.
18:53Mom! Dad! Meet Mr. Claus!
18:56How do you do?
18:59Oh, you poor man. Drink this. It'll make you feel much better.
19:02Thank you. Thank you.
19:05You say my friends were asking you about Christmas?
19:09Yeah. They wanted to know if we kids cared about Santa Claus and all.
19:13And, uh, what'd you tell them?
19:28Heck! I don't believe in Santa Claus any more.
19:31That's kid stuff, isn't it?
19:36Just as I thought.
19:39You don't believe in Santa Claus, do you, Dad?
19:42Why, uh, yes. Matter of fact, I do.
19:45How about you?
19:49Why, of course I do.
19:53Je crois en Santa Claus, comme je crois en l'amour.
20:05Je crois en Santa Claus et tout ce qu'il fait.
20:13Il n'y a aucune question dans mon esprit qu'il existe.
20:22Juste comme l'amour, je sais qu'il est là,
20:27Attendant d'être manqué.
20:33Je crois en Santa Claus,
20:38Mais il y a eu un moment,
20:42Je pensais que j'étais trop vieux.
20:47Pour un rêve si jeune, il est devenu un rêve pour moi.
20:55Jusqu'à une nuit de Noël,
21:00Quelqu'un se trouvait à côté de mon lit,
21:05Avec un cheveu blanc.
21:10Tu es donc trop vieux pour Santa Claus,
21:16Il a dit avec un sourire,
21:19Tu es donc trop vieux pour toutes les choses
21:24Qui font la vie valable,
21:28Pour ce qui est du bonheur,
21:31Mais les rêves, qu'en sont-ils ?
21:37Regarde-moi et dis-moi, mon fils,
21:42Que se passe-t-il avec toi ?
21:47Juste croyez en Santa Claus,
21:52Et vous croyez en l'amour,
21:56Juste croyez en Santa Claus,
22:01Et tout ce qu'il fait,
22:05Élimine cette question de ton esprit,
22:10Oui, il existe,
22:14Juste comme l'amour,
22:16Tu sais qu'il est là,
22:19Attendant d'être manqué.
22:26Juste comme l'amour,
22:28Je sais qu'il est là,
22:32Attendant d'être manqué.
23:02They were chasing the dog catcher's truck.
23:05They were what ?
23:06He was taking their dog away in his truck,
23:08And they were trying to catch him.
23:10Their dog !
23:12Good grief !
23:14Vixen !
23:16Poor little vixen, so frightened and sick in the dog pound.
23:20It was one of those days,
23:22When things just kept going from bad to worse.
23:33Santa Claus
23:37Santa wanted to get Vixen out of that dog pound, and quick.
23:41Ordinarily, Santa doesn't like to show off his flying reindeer in front of people,
23:46But he was in a rush.
23:48Gosh ! Did you see that ?
23:50I certainly did.
23:52I thought there was something different about that man.
23:55Mr. Claus ! He must be...
23:59Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
24:01At the moment, nothing would.
24:03Then his friends must be real elves.
24:05And their dog !
24:07I'll bet that dog was a baby reindeer.
24:10That's bad.
24:11They won't know how to take care of a reindeer at the dog pound.
24:14Gee ! I wish there was something I could do.
24:17When you've got a big problem, son, it often pays to go right to the top man.
24:21Why don't you stop by the mayor's office ?
24:24Tell him the whole story.
24:25He should be able to help.
24:27Hey ! Good idea, Dad !
24:29Well, it just so happened that Jingle and Jangle had the same good idea.
24:34When the man at the dog pound refused to let Vixen go,
24:37He suggested that they take their case to the mayor.
24:44Now, let me see if I got this straight.
24:50You two are elves,
24:53And that dog down at the pound is a reindeer ?
24:59And you want to take him back to Santa Claus ?
25:02At the North Pole.
25:07You see, your honor, we're here on a special mission.
25:11A secret mission.
25:13A secret mission, I should have guessed.
25:16Because Santa isn't coming this year.
25:19Yep. He wants to take a holiday.
25:23No more, please. I can't take any more.
25:26Reindeer, Santa Claus, elves.
25:30But we are elves. We're serious.
25:33How can we convince you ?
25:35Oh, come on, son. What kind of fool do you think I am ?
25:39You ain't got the chance of a snowball in South Town
25:43Of convincing me one-tenth of your story's on the level.
25:47A snowball in South Town ?
25:49A snowball in South Town ? What kind of chance is that ?
25:53Not very good. It never snows here.
25:56Well, not in the last hundred years.
26:00Hey, I've got an idea.
26:02You elves can work magic and all that.
26:05You conjure up a good old-fashioned white Christmas for us
26:10Right here in South Town, and I'll buy every word you say.
26:14You will ?
26:15I'll spring your reindeer from the hoose cow.
26:19I'll call all the mayors in the U.S. of A.
26:23We'll give Santa an official national holiday this year.
26:31It's a deal.
26:34Goodbye, Your Honor. We've got lots to do.
26:37Yeah. See you all around the ski slopes, Mr. Mayor.
26:46It's gonna snow, ho, ho, right here in Dixie
26:51All will be white overnight, it will be cold
26:55On Christmas Day, hey, hey, right here in Dixie
26:59We'll do-si-do in the snow, so I've been told
27:04We'll build a snowman, our very first
27:08He's gonna snowman and run, fa-la-fa, winter's worst
27:15It's gonna snow, ho, ho, right here in Dixie
27:19All will be white overnight, it will be cold
27:23On Christmas Day, hey, hey, right here in Dixie
27:28We'll do-si-do in the snow, so we've been told
27:37Now, take it easy, girl.
27:41I've paid your fine. We'll be going home now.
27:45A real reindeer. How do you like that?
27:48Aren't they supposed to be up north?
27:50That's why she's so sick.
27:52She can't take this warm weather.
27:55I've gotta get her home.
27:57I hope I'm not too late.
28:01There we go, girl.
28:05Now, if anybody should come by asking about her...
28:09Oh, two funny little characters. They were here about an hour ago.
28:12But they couldn't pay the fine. I told them to go see the mayor.
28:16What am I gonna do about those two?
28:20Now, don't you worry, Vixen.
28:23I'm gonna take care of you first.
28:32Santa was worried about Jingle and Jangle.
28:35But he had an even more serious problem on his hands.
28:38If he didn't get Vixen back to the North Pole fast...
28:41Well, who knows what might happen to the littlest reindeer of the team.
28:47Things looked pretty grim from where Jingle and Jangle and young Iggy sat.
28:52As far as they knew, Vixen was still in the pound.
28:56And they were faced with the problem of making it snow in South Town.
29:00Well, all seemed lost.
29:03But Jingle got a brilliant idea.
29:07Mrs. Claus, if anybody can figure a way out of this mess, she can.
29:12How about calling Mrs. Santa Claus?
29:15Good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
29:22She should be along any minute now.
29:25I hope she doesn't wake my folks up.
29:28Here she comes now.
29:34Hop on, boys. Hello, Iggy.
29:37Say hello, Blitzen.
29:41Hi, Mrs. C. Where are we going?
29:43To see Snowmizer.
30:01Here he comes now, the big ham.
30:31I'm too much.
31:02I'd rather have a 30, 20, 10, 5, and then I'm free!
31:13He's Mr. White Christmas, he's Mr. Snow
31:17That's right!
31:18He's Mr. Icicle, he's Mr. Gimbalo
31:23Friends call me Snowmizer, whatever I touch
31:28There's snow in my clutch
31:31Too much
31:34Too much
31:38Well, Mrs. Claus, how's your hubby?
31:41Well, I'm afraid he's got a pretty bad cold, Snowy.
31:44Oh, that's a shame, the poor fellow.
31:47He should have come to see me.
31:49I'd have given him a good one.
31:53A little chilly humor there.
31:55Don't you dare make fun of Santa Claus like that.
31:58He's the nicest person in the whole world.
32:00Of course he is, Sonny. I love him a lot.
32:03You do?
32:04Of course I do, silly.
32:06He's the best advertisement Snowbiz ever had.
32:11Now, what can I do for you, madam?
32:14We need a snowstorm.
32:16Sooner said than done, my little icicle.
32:19Where do you want it?
32:20In a town called South Town, USA.
32:24What? Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
32:29No can do, Mrs. C.
32:31The South is under the control of my stepbrother, Heatmizer.
32:34And every time I try to send a little refreshing snow down there, what does he do?
32:39He turns it into rain or fog.
32:41And who needs that?
32:43Well, if I get his OK, will you make it snow?
32:46Sure thing. But don't get your hopes up.
32:49You'll never get anywhere with that one.
32:51We'll have to try.
32:53Thanks, Snowy.
32:54Don't mention it.
32:56And don't be such a stranger.
32:58Stop by with your hubby sometime and we'll have a blizzard.
33:06Where to now?
33:08You heard the man. We've got to see Heatmizer.
33:11I was afraid you'd say that.
33:13On, Blitzen!
33:24I'm Mr. Green Christmas.
33:28I'm Mr. Sun.
33:31I'm Mr. Heatblister.
33:35I'm Mr. 101.
33:38They call me Heatmizer.
33:41Whatever I touch,
33:44Starts to melt in my clutch.
33:47I'm too much.
33:53He's Mr. Green Christmas.
33:57He's Mr. Sun.
34:00He's Mr. Heatblister.
34:04He's Mr. 101.
34:07They call me Heatmizer.
34:10Whatever I touch,
34:13Starts to melt in my clutch.
34:16He's too much.
34:19Thank you.
34:21I never wanna know a day that's under 60 degrees.
34:27I'd rather have it 80, 90, 100 degrees.
34:34Oh, some like it hot, but I like it really hot.
34:40He's Mr. Green Christmas.
34:44He's Mr. Sun.
34:46Sing it!
34:47He's Mr. Heatblister.
34:51He's Mr. 101.
34:54They call me Heatmizer.
34:57Whatever I touch,
35:00Starts to melt in my clutch.
35:03I'm too much.
35:07Too much!
35:12Well, well, well, if it isn't Mrs. Claus.
35:15Where's your husband?
35:16Out doing another commercial for my brother?
35:19Oh, come now, you know Santa isn't on your brother's payroll.
35:23Well, then he's grossly unfair, that's what.
35:26Traipsing around in that stupid sleigh of his,
35:28Stirring up cold winter breezes,
35:31And causing everybody to think fondly of snowball fights,
35:34And sleigh rides, and ice hockey.
35:38I assure you, it's not intentional.
35:40Well, why doesn't he wear a bathing suit and drive a sand buggy?
35:43But we live at the North Pole.
35:45And he could sing the praises of heat and rain.
35:48I'll see what I can do.
35:50In the meantime, will you do us a favor?
35:52I don't see why I should.
35:54Nobody ever does anything for me.
35:56But what is it?
35:58Could you let it snow just for one day in the South?
36:02What? Snow in the South?
36:05Just for one day.
36:15Unless there were something in it for me.
36:19Like what?
36:21Oh, like, for instance,
36:23If a little bit of Northern territory were turned over to me,
36:27Shall we say...
36:29The North Pole?
36:31Well, heavens, I don't know.
36:33That would be up to your brother, not me.
36:36Why don't you give the tooty-fruity snow cone a buzz on the hotline?
36:40See what he says.
36:44Hello? Snowy, this is Mrs. Claus.
36:48Hi there, sugarplum. How'd you make out with the hothead?
36:51I heard that, you snowball!
36:53Oh, my goodness. Speak of the devil.
36:55Madam, kindly state your business with that drippy snowman and get him out of here!
37:00Mind your blood pressure, hotcakes.
37:02Mother warned you about that low boiling point of yours.
37:06You think you're hot stuff just because Mother likes you best.
37:08Boys, boys, now please, don't fight.
37:11Well, if I can't have a little fun, I might as well leave.
37:13Your brother agreed to let it snow in the South.
37:16He did?
37:17Of course, there has to be a small concession on your part.
37:21Oh, really?
37:22What does a flaming fool want this time, the North Pole?
37:26Uh... uh...
37:27Uh, yes, as a matter of fact.
37:31Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
37:32I told you he wouldn't cooperate.
37:34Cooperate? Surrender the North Pole, you call cooperate?
37:37I've got a good mind to chill your embers for you.
37:40Oh, yeah?
37:43All right, enough of this.
37:45I hate to do this to you boys, but you leave me no choice.
37:49I'm going over your heads.
37:51You're kidding. You wouldn't dare.
37:53I would, and I will.
37:55Mrs. Claus!
37:58See what you did, you old blizzard?
38:00She's going to tell Mother!
38:01When I did, you hot dog, it's all your fault.
38:04Come along.
38:05We're not really going to do it, are we, Mrs. Claus?
38:09I mean, we're not actually going to disturb her.
38:13Oh, she's not serious.
38:15We're not really...
38:17Are we actually going to see her?
38:23Who? Where are we going?
38:26Who are we going to see?
38:28Hey, we're going right to the top, Iggy, my boy.
38:32Mrs. C is through fooling around.
38:35We're going to see none other than...
38:37Mother Nature!
38:41I must admit, I was more than a little nervous myself.
38:45I'd never met Mother Nature, but I knew she didn't like to be disturbed.
38:59As I said, I was pretty nervous myself.
39:02I had no idea what to expect of Mother Nature.
39:05But frightened as we were,
39:07we were that determined that Santa should have his holiday.
39:13Oh, so they gave you a hard time, did they, Mrs. Claus?
39:17Oh, I'm sure they didn't mean to.
39:19Oh, yes, they did.
39:21They're nasty little boys, both of them.
39:25Oh, I'll straighten them out for you.
39:28Oh, you children!
39:40What is it, Mother dear?
39:43Now, Mrs. Claus made a very simple request.
39:48Now, you let a little snow fall in Southland,
39:52and you allow just one nice spring day at the North Pole.
39:58All you have to do is compromise.
40:01At this time of the year especially,
40:03Santa needs some examples of the Christmas spirit,
40:08and we must set a good example for the people down there to follow.
40:12So, boys, let's go!
40:16I won't do it!
40:18Me neither!
40:19Stop it! Stop it!
40:22Yes, Mother dear.
40:25They're really nice boys, Mrs. Claus.
40:28Oh, sometimes they bicker,
40:30but you'll have no further trouble with them.
40:33I do hope Santa enjoys his holiday.
40:37How can I ever thank you?
40:39Oh, yes.
40:42Well, little girl, I guess you're going to be all right after all.
40:50Hello, what's this?
40:52Dear Santa, I don't know how to thank you,
40:56but I'm sure you're going to be all right.
41:00I'm sure you're going to be all right.
41:04I'm sure you're going to be all right.
41:08What's this?
41:10Dear Santa, I had to go meet Jingle and Jangle.
41:14We'll be back soon.
41:17That's a relief.
41:19I'll look after those two.
41:21Yes, you will.
41:23Now I can stay home and look after my cold.
41:36Hey, kids, look at the snow.
41:38It's really snowing.
41:42Yes, dear, I'll be home early.
41:45Well, I should be leaving here in a few minutes.
41:49What's that?
41:51Don't forget to wear my what?
41:55Galoshes? What on earth for?
41:59Oh, it's snowing, is it?
42:01In that case, I'll...
42:04Snow in South Town?
42:07I guess those fellas weren't pulling my leg about Santa Claus after all.
42:14Santa, wake up.
42:16Look at these headlines.
42:18Yes, listen to this.
42:20Mayors declare legal holiday for Santa.
42:23Snow falls for first time in South Town.
42:26And get this.
42:28Day off for Santa.
42:30Yes, and these all say the same.
42:33Well, Mama, I guess you've proved your point.
42:37There is some goodwill in the hearts of all men at this time of year.
42:41This, especially this, proves it.
42:45The world gave me a vacation.
43:01Fast as a hurricane, children hurled the happy message around the world.
43:08Over each continent, isle and isthmus.
43:11Let's give Santa a merry Christmas.
43:14With snow, the earth was already whitening.
43:17They rolled up their sleeves and worked like lightning.
43:20They opened their piggy banks and racked their brains.
43:24They charted buses and special trains to reach the pole by the 24th was all their goal.
43:31East, west, north and south came gifts and gifts and gifts to spare from clever children
43:40Tots, who hadn't a penny to spend, wrote him letters, signed a friend.
43:46And they had more fun that strange December, they said, than any they could remember.
45:47Santa, look, presents from the children, Christmas presents for Santa Claus, can you
45:53imagine that?
45:54Santa was silent for a minute.
45:57His eyes looked bright, but a tear stood in it.
46:00And then he blew his nose like a trumpet blast.
46:08God bless my soul, he said at last.
46:12By the big Borealis, by my maps and charts, I didn't know children had such kind hearts.
46:20How could a man feel gladder, prouder?
46:24Then he turned away and blew his nose louder.
46:33Isn't it wonderful, dear?
46:35When we told all the children you needed a holiday, they all agreed.
46:39So this year, they brought Christmas to you.
46:42A holiday?
46:44Well, why is everybody standing around?
46:50There's work to be done.
46:52Load up the sleigh, harness the team, fetch my coat.
46:57But what about your gout?
46:59And the crick in your spine?
47:01And your aches?
47:02Oh, my back feels fine, never felt younger, never felt stronger, haven't got a symptom
47:11any longer.
47:12Now, pile all those toys inside, there's no time to waste, tonight, we ride!
47:24I don't believe it!
47:28Merry Christmas!
47:29Merry Christmas!
47:30Merry Christmas!
47:31Merry Christmas!
47:32Merry Christmas!
47:33Merry Christmas!
47:34Merry Christmas!
47:35Merry Christmas!
47:36Merry Christmas!
47:37Merry Christmas!
47:38Merry Christmas!
47:39Merry Christmas!
47:40Merry Christmas!
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47:42Merry Christmas!
47:43Merry Christmas!
47:44Merry Christmas!
47:45Merry Christmas!
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48:00Merry Christmas!
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48:54Merry Christmas!
48:55Merry Christmas!
48:56Merry Christmas!
48:57Merry Christmas!
48:58Merry Christmas!
48:59Merry Christmas!
49:00Merry Christmas!
49:01Merry Christmas!
49:02Merry Christmas!
49:03Merry Christmas!
49:04Merry Christmas!
49:05Merry Christmas!
49:06Merry Christmas!
49:07Newly, faithfully, truly, somehow Santa Claus always comes.
49:17Santa woke for the night
49:19Feeling things weren't right
49:21And he was heard to say
49:25Get the reindeer hitched up
49:27Mama, I'm getting up
49:29Get those gifts loaded up on the sleigh
49:33There'll be no year without a Santa Claus
49:38I dreamed unhappy things
49:41About a year without a Santa Claus
49:47And all the joy that Santa brings
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