The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 671-672 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish

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00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from Episode 670.
00:061 to Episode 672. Don't forget from today, everyone supporting me by buying for me a
00:13three coffees from the link in the description or in the first comment, or below the video will
00:18get access for all chapters of the book by email. Also, please don't forget, share the video,
00:25comment, and like. Episode 671. Creating a Diversion. Marjorie carefully studied the
00:33surrounding surveillance cameras and figured out where the blind spots would be. She also
00:39hid in the research lab and studied drug interactions for a few days. It was vital for
00:45her to find the most effective method of hitting back at Emma. Emma had become restless in recent
00:50days. She felt like someone was watching her every move. Eliza tried to explain her agitation,
00:57thinking it was related to how soon she would be giving birth. She told her it was natural to
01:03become more sensitive to her surroundings when she was this close to such a big event.
01:08I guess that makes sense, Emma thought. Ever since the incident with Caitlin,
01:14your blood pressure has been all over the place, Eliza said. But if you feel something is wrong,
01:20you need to contact your doctor. Have you talked with Eric about how you're feeling? Emma nodded.
01:28I have. She said, I just find it easier to talk to someone who's been through this.
01:34Eric tries so hard to understand, but he doesn't know what it feels like to be pregnant.
01:40She replied, you're right. Eliza thought for a moment and then laughed. When I was having Bridget,
01:47I often got angry for no apparent reason. Her dad didn't know what else to do, so he used to leave
01:54me alone with his punching bag for half an hour. Hearing about Bridget's father reminded Emma that
01:59he'd been missing for a long time, but this was the first time that Eliza had mentioned him.
02:05You must miss him, Emma said. He went missing while he was working as an extra. Bridget was
02:12only six at the time, and we haven't seen him since then. Eliza swallowed a lump in her throat
02:17and looked away. We should talk about something else. Realizing how difficult this topic was for
02:23her, Emma decided not to ask any questions about his disappearance. Are you going to the hospital
02:30for a checkup tomorrow? I'll cook you something when you get back. What would you like? Eliza
02:37asked. Everything you make tastes amazing, Emma responded with a grin. She had no idea that
02:44someone planned to use her hospital visit as the perfect opportunity to strike. The following
02:50afternoon, Eric accompanied Emma to her checkup and brought a bodyguard along after Eliza escorted
02:56them to the front door. She returned to her room. However, smoke drifting in from the terrace
03:03soon triggered the fire alarm. The security guards searched for the cause and quickly
03:08knocked on the door of Emma and Eric's apartment. Eliza was confused when she saw the men staring
03:14back at her. What's wrong? She asked. The terrace garden is on fire. We need you to leave immediately.
03:22One of the guards stated, Eliza froze. She was terrified of fire. After what had happened to her,
03:30but she still felt obligated to protect Eric and Emma's home.
03:35I need to lock everything up first, she said. I'm afraid we can't let you do that. The same guard
03:42responded. We need to assess how bad the fire is, but our first priority is to get everybody inside
03:48to safety. Eliza didn't know how to react, but the other security guard put his arm around her
03:55and took her to a safe location. Meanwhile, someone crept in through the front door and
04:01hid in the utility room as one of the men assessed the extent of the fire.
04:06Around half an hour later, the intruder heard one of the guards talking to Eliza.
04:12The fire is under control. Luckily, it didn't spread into the apartment itself,
04:18so you can't go back in now. What caused it? Eliza asked. The fire department will launch
04:24an investigation, the guard said. As soon as we have an answer, we'll let you know.
04:30Eliza thanked the men and went back inside the apartment. After she calmed down a little,
04:36she set about preparing a meal for Emma. When she returned, when the appointment was over,
04:43Eric drove his wife home and then returned to work. As soon as Emma stepped through the front door,
04:49an unpleasant smell alerted her that something was wrong. Is something burning? She asked as
04:55she walked into the kitchen. There was a fire outside this afternoon. It was dealt with in
05:01a few minutes, so don't worry. Eliza washed her hands and then dried them with a towel.
05:08I hope you're hungry. Dinner's almost ready. It's fine. I'm happy to wait,
05:13Emma said as she awkwardly climbed onto one of the stools at the counter.
05:17Now that she was almost eight months pregnant, every move was becoming a little trickier.
05:23Eliza sensed her exhaustion and smiled at her. The first pregnancy is always like this, she said.
05:29The second one is usually a lot easier. I haven't thought that far ahead. Emma replied with a laugh
05:36during her checkup. Tests had shown that Marjorie's claims about the child being unhealthy had been
05:42nonsense. She and Eric had also stuck to their pact not to find out the gender of the baby until
05:49it was born. They really didn't care as long as the baby was healthy. You've got plenty of time
05:55to think about having another one, Eliza said as she placed a bowl of soup in front of Emma.
06:01The simple gesture moved Emma. Eliza was incredibly caring, and it was a relief to
06:07know that she was Eric's birth mother as Marjorie didn't have a maternal bone in her body.
06:12Emma had a couple of spoons of the soup and then frowned. Something's not right, she thought,
06:19putting her spoon back in the bowl. What's wrong? Eliza asked. The soup tastes a bit weird,
06:26Emma responded. Eliza grabbed the bowl and sniffed the contents, wondering if the chicken
06:31she had used had gone bad. Immediately, her expression changed. I can smell some kind of
06:38chemical in here. Do you feel unwell, she asked. Emma shook her head. Even so, I'm a bit concerned.
06:46I think you should go to the hospital to get checked out, Eliza stated. Her expertise had
06:52been in biotechnology, so she knew the damage that toxins could do to someone if they were left
06:58untreated. Eliza helped Emma up and gave a sample of the chicken soup to the bodyguard so he could
07:05take it with them to the hospital to be tested. Initially, Emma wasn't as anxious as Eliza.
07:12Even after she was examined at the hospital, she still wasn't showing any symptoms.
07:18However, her mood changed after they received the test results.
07:23Why was there quinine in the soup? Emma asked when she heard the name of the drug.
07:28The color drained from Eliza's face. Quinine was used to treat abnormal heart rhythms,
07:34but if it was ingested by a pregnant woman, it could lead to miscarriage or damage the baby's
07:39heart. How did that end up in the soup I made? Eliza thought. For God's sake, please don't let
07:47anything happen to Emma or my grandchild. Straight away, Eliza called Eric. I'm so sorry,
07:55but you're going to have to come to the hospital, she said before she had a chance to explain what
08:00had gone on. Eric hung up and drove straight there. When he arrived, Emma was being examined
08:07in the hospital room, so Eliza approached him in the corridor. Emma accidentally took a restricted
08:13drug. She said, wringing her hands. I'm terrified that something's going to happen to her.
08:20Just as Eric opened his mouth to respond, the doctor stepped out of Emma's room and smiled
08:26at them. They're both going to be fine. Episode 672. He Means It.
08:34There's no real cause for concern. Emma only consumed a very small amount of quinine,
08:40so it's had a minimal effect on her heart rate. Baby is absolutely fine, too. The doctor removed
08:46his gloves and then looked from Eric to Eliza. What puzzles me is that quinine has to be prescribed
08:53by a doctor. How did it end up in Emma's food? Eric looked to Eliza for answers, but she shook
09:00her head. I honestly don't know how it got into the soup I made, she said, and then she turned
09:06to Eric. Please believe me. I would never hurt Emma in the baby. Eric was angry that this had
09:13happened, but he trusted that Eliza would never set out to harm his wife and child. He gave her
09:19a curt nod. You're welcome to go in and see her, the doctor said. Eric thanked him and was about
09:25to enter the room when a nurse rushed out and grabbed the doctor. Something's wrong, she said,
09:31pushing him back into the room. Eric tried to see what was going on, but the nurse stood in his way
09:38and told him to wait outside. I'm going in, he yelled when he saw his wife's ashen face.
09:45He quickly ran over to her bedside and grabbed onto her hand. I'm right here, Eric said to her
09:51as the medical staff milled around him. I will not let anything happen to you.
09:56Nothing is going to happen to me, Emma grimaced and clasped tightly onto Eric's hand.
10:02There's no need to worry. She's having contractions, the nurse said. Looks like we're
10:08going to have to deliver that baby today, the doctor replied. Let's get her into the delivery
10:14room now. Eliza was terrified as she waited in the corridor and her fear only grew when Eric
10:21was pushed out of the room. What's going on, she asked. You might not have drugged her, but it was
10:27your responsibility to look after her, he said. Eliza lowered her head, devastated. You're right,
10:35she said. I should have taken better care of her. Seeing how upset Eliza was, Eric sighed.
10:42There's no point in making her feel worse than she already does, he thought. I'm sorry, he said.
10:50This is not your fault. If anything, it's my fault for not having anticipated that something could
10:55happen. I need you to tell me every little detail about today. That way, we can figure out how this
11:02happened. Eric said Eliza had only just begun recounting the day when the doctor appeared.
11:10Your wife's condition has stabilized and her contractions have stopped.
11:14I want her to stay in the hospital for a couple of days so we can monitor her.
11:19If there's any change in her condition, we'll be able to treat her straight away.
11:24Eric looked at Emma and felt his own heart racing. She looked exhausted and he hated seeing her
11:31suffer in any way. Meanwhile, as soon as Eliza heard it was a false alarm, she began to sob with
11:38relief. When Emma was back in her hospital room, Eric sat down on the edge of the bed and held her
11:44hand. That woman looks just like Emma Miller, one nurse said as she peered into the room.
11:51Keep your voice down, her co-worker responded. You know better than to gossip about patients.
11:57After the two nurses scurried away, Eric decided to call Luke. I want the names of every single
12:04person who came into my apartment building today, he said. What's wrong? Luke asked,
12:10unaware of what had happened, rather than telling him over the phone.
12:16Eric realized it would be better to explain things in person.
12:20You should come down to the hospital, he said. As soon as Luke learned where his boss was,
12:26he realized it must have something to do with Emma. She was the only one who could make him
12:31drop everything in a heartbeat. Luke soon arrived at the hospital and located Emma's room. He was
12:39shocked when Eliza told him what had happened. Who would be brazen enough to walk into someone's
12:44apartment and poison them? Luke wondered. Meanwhile, Eric already had a good idea who
12:51could be responsible. Will you bring me some clothes? He asked his assistant. I'm going to
12:58stay overnight with Emma. I also want you to bring someone here. Who? Luke asked. There was only one
13:06real suspect in Eric's eyes, and that was Marjorie. Who else has a personal grudge against Emma and
13:13would know the side effects of this drug? He thought Emma usually insisted on dealing with
13:19matters on her own, but there was no way he was going to take a back seat this time. In any case,
13:26Marjorie was nothing to him anymore. A few hours later, Luke knocked on Marjorie and Brian's door
13:32and waited patiently. What are you doing here? Marjorie asked when she saw who it was.
13:39Eric wants to see you, he replied. I don't care what Eric wants, Brian said, coming to stand
13:45behind his wife. It's late. Come back another time. Brian went to slam the door shut, but Luke stuck
13:53his foot in the way and stared at Marjorie. You can either come quietly or I will drag you there,
13:59Luke said. He then glanced at Brian. It's best if you stay here. Luke took a hold of Marjorie's arm
14:07and led her away to his car. As Brian called after them, realizing that Luke wasn't going
14:13to listen to him, Brian got into his own car and followed them. Ten minutes later, Brian was
14:20walking down the corridor of a disused wing of the hospital while following the sound of Marjorie
14:25and Luke's footsteps. Eric hadn't wanted to involve Emma in any of this, so he and Luke had
14:31come up with a plan to talk to Marjorie in private. Now he sat on a chair and stared at Marjorie as she
14:38trembled with fear. How did you drug my wife? Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget,
14:45subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
