The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 675-676 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 675-676 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish
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00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from episodes 675 to episode 676.
00:08Don't forget from today, everyone supporting me, by buying for me a three coffees from the link in
00:15the description, or in the first comment, or below the video will get access for all chapters of the
00:20book by email. Also, please don't forget, share the video, comment, and like. Episode 675, Clueless.
00:32Having been given time to regroup, Marjorie decided to leak her version of events to the press.
00:38She described Eliza's claims as ridiculous, and pretended to be surprised that someone
00:42would try to steal someone else's identity in such a bold manner. The tears began to flow as
00:49soon as Marjorie contacted a reporter. She admitted that she should not have targeted Emma
00:54in the past, but then she turned her attention to undermining Eliza's allegations. I can't believe
01:01she would try to claim something so ridiculous, Marjorie told the journalist. I have no choice but
01:07to expose this woman as a fraud. She also began leaking photos of Eliza to the public. People had
01:14believed that the Roberts family had no more dirty laundry to air, but that clearly wasn't the case.
01:20Posters on forums and gossip sites soon began to speculate about who Eric's real mother was.
01:27The issue escalated, but Marjorie relied on people's prejudices about Eliza's looks and her
01:33social status to keep herself out of trouble. She was desperate to cling on to the life that had once
01:39belonged to her accuser, including her comfortable home and her rich husband, to prove her innocence.
01:45Marjorie even held a press conference in an attempt to set the record straight.
01:51Her lies were so convincing that Brian once again believed that she had been wrongly targeted.
01:57She would never lie in front of the press like that. He thought as Marjorie took the initiative,
02:03Eliza steeled herself. I can't just sit back and do nothing when she's hurting the people I care
02:09about. She thought no matter the consequences, this woman needs to be dealt with. Marjorie had chosen
02:15to hold another press conference. She obviously wasn't the same kind of draw for journalists that
02:21most celebrities were, but any amount of attention made her feel important. When Eliza found out
02:27about it, she went to see Emma. Come in, Emma said after hearing a knock on the door of her hospital room.
02:35Eliza had expected Emma to shoot her down when she told her that she wanted to get back at Marjorie,
02:41but her daughter-in-law simply smiled at her after she explained what she wanted to do.
02:47Eric and I are going to help you get back everything that you're owed,
02:51Emma said. Eliza glanced at Eric and started to sob. I'm so sorry this happened.
02:59Eliza replied, if I'd acted sooner, neither of you would have had to suffer. Eric didn't know
03:05what to say, so he got to his feet and put a comforting arm around her. He had to wonder what
03:12type of bond they might have had if they hadn't been stolen away from each other. I hate looking
03:17like this, Elijah said. I don't want you to be ashamed of me. She went to put her mask on, but
03:24Eric stopped her. Don't, he said. There's really no need, Emma said. We've known about the fire for a while
03:31now. That's why we've been helping Bridgette out. You're both intelligent people. I should have known
03:38that you would figure it out for yourselves. Eliza replied while dabbing at her eyes.
03:44What about my scars? Other people recoil from me. We're not other people, Emma Corn. Don't worry,
03:51okay? Eliza nodded and smiled broadly at her. There's no need for you to worry either, she said.
03:59I'm not letting Marjorie off the hook this time. While all of this had been going on, Bridgette
04:05had been filming in the middle of a forest when she finally saw the news. She leapt out of her chair
04:12in shock. No wonder people have been looking at me weirdly all day, she thought. Bridgette had no
04:19idea what the truth was, but she could never just sit back and do nothing when her mother was being
04:24attacked like this, not knowing what else to do. She asked the director if she could have some time
04:30off. Not a chance, the director responded. I'm not going to hold up production just because you have
04:37some family issues. There's nothing you can do anyway. Bridgette looked to Blake to back her up,
04:43but her co-star shook his head. The crew can't just wait around for you, he said. What about my
04:50mother? Bridgette asked. Give her the time off, a voice said from behind them. She'll only need a
04:58couple of days. Both the director and Blake turned and saw Richard. A lot of money is riding on this
05:04film, the director replied. We can't just have her disappear on us. I'll take full responsibility
05:11if anything happens, Richard said. Bridgette will be back before you know it, and she'll work even
05:17harder. Your pockets better be deep. If something does go wrong, it'll be on you, the director
05:24responded. Richard didn't want to discuss his financial situation in front of Bridgette,
05:29so he decided to use Kaleidoscope's reputation as a warning shot. You should probably think about
05:35cutting Bridgette some slack in case she really is Eric's sister, he said. You were the one who
05:41said you would take responsibility, the director replied, rolling his eyes. Fine, go. After she
05:48thanked him, Richard told Bridgette to get changed, so she hurried to her trailer. When she was out
05:54of earshot, Blake approached Richard and said, you're crossing the line by doing this for her.
06:01What's the harm in taking her to see her mother, Richard asked. He patted Blake on the arm.
06:07Besides, she already has to deal with you bossing her around all day. She could do with a break.
06:14Blake smiled at his friend, well aware that something else was going on here.
06:19Bridgette really isn't my type, he said, there's no need for you to worry.
06:24I trust you, but I'm not sure about her. She never thinks before she acts, Richard replied.
06:32Blake laughed. Bridgette was far from perfect, but he found her easy to like. In fact, he had
06:38started treating her like a little sister while Richard already seemed like family sometimes.
06:44Perhaps it's fate, he thought. It's a shame they're both clueless about what's going on
06:49between them. Episode 676. Finding New Family. Bridgette's mind was full of questions as she
06:58and Richard made their way back to New York. She wondered why people were accusing her mother
07:03of pretending to be Eric's mother. If she is Eric's mother, and who is Marjorie, she wondered.
07:11How did my mother get involved with two big shots like Marjorie and Eric? She asked Richard.
07:18He glanced at her curiously before returning his attention to the road.
07:22I imagine most people in your position would be excited to find out there.
07:27Eric's Eric's sister, he said. Deep down, you must be glad, right? He asked. She frowned at his tone.
07:36One thing I've gathered over the years is that I'm not like most people, she replied. You're not
07:42very modest either. He added, maybe not. She responded. I just want to know why this is
07:50happening and how my mother got involved with the Roberts family. She said she didn't see any obvious
07:56benefits to being Eric's sister and was annoyed that it meant her mother getting dragged into
08:01their family drama. She obviously had Eric many years before she had you, he said. But how could
08:10the people who knew her allow Marjorie to take over her identity? She asked. Did you ever see
08:17your mother before she was burned? He asked if you had. Your question might have already been answered.
08:24She groaned in frustration. This feels like something out of a bad soap opera.
08:29How could this happen to her? She had heard life, imitated art, but this all seems surreal.
08:36I guess identity theft was easier 20 years ago. She thought, no matter what, I won't let my mom
08:43get pushed around, she said, crossing her arms. I think she'll have more than enough support this
08:50time, he replied. Eliza has Emma and Eric's protection now. He thought she won't just have
08:57to rely on Bridget. That night, Eliza pulled up a chair next to Emma's hospital bed while Eric
09:04stood beside them. I never knew that I had a twin sister, Eliza explained as she teared up.
09:10I looked into it, but no one in the Burns family seems to know. My mother has already passed away
09:18and the hospital I was born in has shut down. The only person who could possibly know the truth is
09:23Marjorie. I don't know when she began scheming against me, but she must have been spying on me
09:29for a while. Being identical isn't enough. She must have known enough about my life that she
09:35was able to fool Brian for so long. Emma's heart ached for Eliza. Her identity had been stolen and
09:42she hadn't had anyone to help her. Emma was impressed that Eliza hadn't let the feelings
09:48of anger and injustice overwhelm her and instead had managed to build a new life with a loving
09:54husband and daughter. Eric walked out of the room clutching his phone. He called John.
10:00Where's your mother? John asked as soon as he picked up. We saw the news. She hopped on the
10:07first flight to New York. John replied, Your family just can't stay out of the headlines,
10:13can they? Eric ignored him and asked, Where's grandfather? He's shocked. He's going to wait
10:21and let you sort everything out, John answered. Meanwhile, Emma and Eliza continued their
10:28conversation. I don't know how to prove my identity. Marjorie has had almost 20 years to
10:34destroy evidence. Also, we don't have any proof that Marjorie used me to poison you, Eliza said.
10:42Marjorie had been able to easily explain away the personality differences between her and Eliza
10:47by claiming she had memory loss. It had almost been too easy for her. Emma tried to comfort
10:53Eliza by holding her hand. Even identical twins have differences, she said. Eliza shook her head.
11:02But I would take too much work to uncover. What are the chances of finding out the truth?
11:08She asked. Emma gave her a smile. I like a challenge. She said. Eliza felt conflicted.
11:16Most of her hatred had faded away after she'd given birth to Bridget. She had become content
11:23with the comfortable life she had built until she came into contact with Emma and Eric. Although
11:28Emma's confidence was now giving her some hope. Eliza wasn't a vengeful person by nature,
11:35and struggled to see a world where Marjorie wouldn't win. The most damning evidence of
11:40their relationship had been burned away years ago. At the opposite end of the spectrum,
11:45Emma wondered how far Eric would go to punish the people who were responsible for burning his mother
11:51and stealing her identity. The scandal went viral. Reporters were frothing at the mouth
11:57for the press conference to start. All eyes would be glued to the entertainment news sources.
12:03Marjorie was confident she knew that Eliza's strongest piece of evidence.
12:08Her face was covered in scars. If I hadn't done such a good job over the years,
12:13Eliza would have already come back for revenge, she thought. I'm not going to let my hard work
12:20go to waste now. You don't have to be worried about anything. Science is on our side.
12:26Brian reassured her. She touched his cheek gently. I don't know what I would do without you,
12:34she said. She also knew that his backing helped support her claim to be Eric's biological mother.
12:41I will always be on your side, he said with a smile. Everything Eliza had told him had gone
12:47in one ear and out the other. He was completely sure that Marjorie was his wife. Bridget entered
12:54the hospital with only her mother's welfare on her mind. She would figure out the long-term
13:00consequences of being Eric's sister. Later, Eliza frowned at her daughter. I'm fine.
13:08You didn't need to rush over here, she scolded. Bridget crossed her arms indignantly. What are
13:15you talking about? Those bodyguards can't protect you as well as I can, she said. Her mother gave
13:22her an amused look while Richard fretted over whether Bridget was about to ruin her newly
13:27cleaned-up reputation. Bridget noticed his expression and shot him an annoyed look.
13:33Worry about yourself. You were in the spotlight not that long ago, too, Bridget said. Despite Eliza
13:40and Richard's concerns, everyone who needed to be present was now there and ready to make Marjorie
13:46pay for everything she had done. Thank you so much for watching.
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