The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 683-684 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 683-684 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish
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00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from Episode 683 to Episode 684,
00:08don't forget from today, everyone supporting me by buying from me a three coffees from the link
00:13in the description or in the first comment or below the video will get access for all chapters
00:19of the book by email. Also, please don't forget, share the video, comment, and like. Episode 683,
00:29Sharing the Load. Bridget didn't fully understand what was going on, nor did she want to. Instead
00:36of packing her things away, she got herself ready and returned to the set. I'm not leaving now,
00:44she thought. She saw the crew busily setting up and hurried over to help.
00:50I thought the director replaced you, the lighting designer said. You might as well go home. Bridget
00:55refused to admit defeat, so she went to pester someone else. But everyone she met dismissed her
01:02in the same way. The director took things a step further when he finally appeared on set
01:07by acting like she wasn't even there. Bridget had never felt so humiliated, but she knew she only
01:14had herself to blame. All she could do was take a deep breath and blink back her tears as she
01:20approached the director. Please rehire me. I promise I won't let you down this time,
01:27she said. Are you serious? The director responded with a laugh. I gave you a chance,
01:34but you didn't appreciate it. You fooled around all day and never bothered to think about anybody
01:40else. And you were still dreaming about going back to being a stunt double when hundreds of
01:45other actors would kill for this role. You got what you wanted. So why don't you just leave us
01:52to it? Bridget took a moment to think before finally saying, I can help out on set. The
01:58director eyed Bridget with interest for the first time. I suppose you can't screw things up too much
02:04if you're moving props around, he said. Just keep out of my sight. Bridget felt a spark of a hope
02:12and immediately threw herself into helping the crew out. Meanwhile, Blake watched her as she
02:18got to work and smiled. If she's got any sense, she'll make the most of this opportunity, he said
02:24to his assistant. Blake tended to incorporate his real-life experiences into his work. He had a
02:31reputation for thoroughly researching his roles and finding ways to experience what his characters
02:37would be going through. Even Emma had studied his acting style and gained lots of insights into the
02:43profession. It was no fluke that he had won three awards for best actor and was ranked on par with
02:50John Burns. Hard work was the key to his success, and he admired other people when they were prepared
02:57to get their hands dirty. It's time to start, Blake said as he approached Bridget and gestured for her
03:03to follow him. What he didn't realize was that this was exactly what she had wanted to happen
03:09as a crew member. She would have a ringside view of Blake performing as Bridget watched the way
03:15that he delivered his lines with ease. She finally understood why acting was an art form. Blake would
03:22sometimes ask the director if he could help the other actors with their characterizations,
03:27which would allow everyone to see how differently each scene could be performed. Only his assistant
03:34knew that this master class was for Bridget's benefit. After a long day at work, Richard
03:41realized that Bridget hadn't come home, so he decided to give her a call. Why haven't you come
03:47back? he asked. When he rang, Bridget was standing beside the lake where she had filmed the night
03:54before. She was desperate to overcome her fear, but the water still terrified her. I'm helping
04:01out on set, Bridget replied. I need the money to pay you back. I suppose it's better than you doing
04:09nothing at home, Richard said. The detachment in his voice bothered Bridget. She started to say
04:17something, but the words didn't quite come out of her mouth. What's wrong? Richard asked.
04:25It's nothing, Bridget replied, and she hung up. She wanted to know if her manager found her annoying,
04:31but she could not bring herself to hear the answer. She had almost always gotten her way in life.
04:37Her pattern was to please herself and not work as part of a team.
04:41Other people's thoughts and feelings had never really mattered to her, but then Richard had come
04:46into her life. I still like being independent, but something's changed, she thought. Bridget put her
04:53phone down and jumped straight into the water as she waited in further. She tried to adhere to the
04:58advice that she had read online about staying calm. As time passed, her heart stopped thundering in her
05:05chest, and the fear melted away. By the end of the night, she had shriveled up like a prune because
05:12of all the time she spent in the lake. The following morning, Bridget was determined to make
05:18the most of this breakthrough. I'm not afraid of water anymore, she told the director. We can get
05:25on with filming now. That was the least of our problems. What about your acting? It was average
05:31at best, he replied. Bridget didn't know how to respond, but she took the criticism rather than
05:37lashing out like she would have in the past. The director had already made a number of allowances
05:43for her, including letting her remain on set while Blake was filming. Realizing how lucky she was to
05:49get to see such an accomplished actor at work, Bridget began to take notes during his scenes.
05:55She's persistent, I'll give her that, Pat, one of the senior crew members said to the director.
06:02Most actors would have run for the hills if you yelled at them the way you yelled at her.
06:07Luckily for Richard, she's stronger-willed than I thought. The director looked at her with a degree
06:13of uncertainty. Persistence won't necessarily improve her acting, though. We'll have to wait
06:19and see. Determined to prove herself, Bridget was constantly busy on set. She needed to improve her
06:26relationship with the crew by doing all kinds of manual labor, while also learning her craft from
06:32Blake in the few hours she had to herself at night. She was also practicing. Her schedule was
06:38grueling but effective. In spite of all this, the director still refused to let her act.
06:44Eventually, a new female lead appeared on set, which left Bridget feeling like a failure.
06:51I put in all of that effort for no reason, she thought, saying that she had been replaced.
06:57The rest of the crew tried to get Bridget to go home to spare her feelings,
07:02but she refused and threw herself into her work even more. She was devastated that the director
07:08would not let her reprise her role, but she knew she only had herself to blame.
07:13I should have given it my all when I had the chance. Bridget thought she wanted to call Emma
07:18and ask for advice, but she decided not to. I'm going to have to deal with this on my own,
07:25she thought, and first I'm going to check out the competition.
07:30Episode 684. Eric's Secret
07:34Recently, Kaleidoscope's most successful client had been Layla. Her songs were topping the charts,
07:42her adapted scripts were a hit, and she'd been wildly successful on various chat shows.
07:48Soon, all of New York was talking about her, and the music industry had labeled her a rare talent.
07:55Kaleidoscope was already in the process of preparing her first single,
07:59as her popularity was expected to skyrocket. However, for all her strengths, she had none
08:06of Emma's depth. If she wanted to surpass her, Layla still had a long way to go.
08:12After what had happened with Marjorie, Emma decided to remain at home even more. In her free time,
08:19she continued to investigate who had encouraged Marjorie to act, but she had hit a wall.
08:26How can I uncover the culprit when even Marjorie can't identify who is behind it all?
08:31She wondered. Meanwhile, Eric had been leaving the house early and returning late.
08:37As a result, the couple barely saw or spoke to one another. Emma longed to have a conversation
08:44with him, but the dark circles under his eyes made it clear that he needed rest.
08:49Eliza also noted what was going on.
08:52Do you think you should tell Eric that he's working too hard? She asked Emma.
08:57You're not spending any time together at the moment. Emma shook her head. I can't complain.
09:04She replied. I know he's trying to get a lot of work done before the baby is born.
09:09What if he's up to something behind your back? Eliza asked. He's been going next door quite a
09:15lot lately. I spotted him there again this morning after he told you he was leaving for work.
09:21Why would he do that? Emma said. Why don't we go and have a look? Eliza replied. We might run
09:29into him. Emma believed that there had to be a simple explanation, but she still wanted to know
09:35what her husband had been doing, so she headed next door with Eliza. As they walked down the
09:41corridor, a bunch of workers were milling in and out of the other apartment. As soon as they spotted
09:47Emma, one of the men warned her that it wasn't safe for her to be around the construction site.
09:53I thought someone was living here, Emma said. They were, but the place had been sold.
09:59The worker said, You know what? It's like all the CEOs in New York keep on buying apartments for
10:06their mistresses. The man laughed at his own joke, but neither of the women joined in. Sensing that
10:12he had an unappreciative audience, the worker turned away and got back to what he'd been doing.
10:18Why don't you call Eric and ask him about it? Eliza said. There's no need for me to do that.
10:25Emma replied as they walked back to her apartment. He'll tell me when he's ready.
10:30After they left, the workers next door began gossiping about Emma. I didn't think our husband
10:36would be getting ready to play around so soon after they got married, but why else would he
10:40buy the place next door? One of the men commented, He's definitely got another woman. You gotta feel
10:46sorry for Emma, though. She's about to have a baby, and the guy's sorting out a love nest for his
10:52mistress. The friend replied, Shut up and focus on your work. Their supervisor yelled, Eliza
11:01hadn't known Emma and Eric for that long, so she had her doubts about her son's motives. All that
11:07she really knew about them as a couple was that they had married on a whim and that they rarely
11:12argued. She had no idea just how solid their relationship was. I just hope Eric has a good
11:18reason for doing this, Eliza said. Emma smiled at her. I know he does, she thought. That afternoon,
11:27Kara arrived to take over the role from Bridget. As it was a last-minute change, the director hadn't
11:34been able to find any big-name actresses to take the role, but he was certain that Blake's talent
11:39was enough to carry the movie, as long as she's nothing like Bridget. We can do this, he thought
11:47as soon as the woman arrived on location, she treated the entire crew to a meal. Her generous
11:53gesture easily overshadowed the small favors that Bridget had done for everyone over the past few
11:58days. After seeing her rehearse, the director quickly decided to shoot with her and redo all
12:05the scenes that Bridget had already filmed. In spite of the humiliating nature of the situation
12:11and all the sad looks the rest of the crew gave her, Bridget continued to help out on set.
12:17I'm not giving up, she thought. Even though Bridget was determined to stay, it wasn't going
12:23to be an easy ride for her, as the director barked orders at everyone. She followed the rest of the
12:28crew onto the set. As soon as the new actress recognized her, she felt the need to comment.
12:35Weren't you the one who had this role before me? Kara asked, soliciting a nod from Bridget.
12:42I'm sorry then, but you know how this business is. Her words were kind, but it was obvious that
12:48she could not have cared less about how Bridget felt. I get it. Kara continued, it's hard having
12:56the camera on you all the time when you're only used to doing stunt work. Can you fetch my things
13:01from over there? Bridget looked over her shoulder at the pile of clothes, sighed and went to do as
13:07she had been asked before. She would have told the other woman to get them herself, but it was her
13:13job to run around after the actors. Now, my assistant isn't feeling great after all that travel,
13:20so why don't you step in tonight? The actress asked. Bridget longed to say no, but she realized
13:26that this wasn't the time to pick and choose. Good, Kara said. I'm about to film my next scene,
13:32so go find the makeup artist for me. Bridget bit her tongue and ran off to look for her,
13:39but she was nowhere to be seen. After searching everywhere, Bridget went back to tell the actress,
13:46but Kira just lashed out at her. Where were you? I told you filming was about to start.
13:53Kara yelled, I don't care if you're Eric Robert's sister. You're a nobody when you're on this set.
13:59Bridget glared at her, but kept a rein on her temper. I suppose you're going to complain about
14:04me, the actress said. No, replied Bridget. I'm going to see how well you manage the next scene
14:11without a stunt double. Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget, subscribe to my channel,
14:17comment and like.
