La Historia de juana - Capitulo 65 Final Completo en Español

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La Historia de juana - Capitulo 65 Final Completo en Español
00:00In them, we can see the real murderer of Francisco de Armas.
00:14My son, my poor son, Mr. Judge.
00:18That Rogelio was the greatest father for the murder of my son, please.
00:23I beg you, please.
00:25Mr. Judge, those photos could have been manipulated.
00:28They were taken by the lover of the accused.
00:30Of course not, of course not.
00:31I gave the memory to the prosecution.
00:34I asked them to upload it to the exhibition,
00:36to edit it so we could see these photos.
00:38I demand that they are not accepted until they are corroborated.
00:42But they have to be seen.
00:43Yes, they have to be seen.
00:44They have to be accepted.
00:46Silence in the courtroom.
00:48Detective, please take your place to make your statement and your oath, please.
00:55Thank you, Mr. Judge.
00:59I, Salvador Castillo López, as a detective of this General Prosecutor's Office,
01:05declare that my words are true.
01:08The images that will follow have not been altered or modified,
01:16as is stated in their own fingerprint.
01:19The only thing that the Forensic Digital Analysis Department did
01:23was to increase the resolution of them
01:26so that the images are clearly seen, Mr. Judge.
01:30Objection, Your Honor.
01:32Detective Castillo cannot be a witness.
01:35He was not on the list.
01:37Anything that leads us to the truth will be valid in my court.
01:42But, Your Honor...
01:43Well, why so much objection to the detective's statement?
01:47Because Mr. Prosecutor Quiroz has been corrupted and bought by Rogelio Fuenmayor, Mr. Judge.
01:52Yes, that's right, Mr. Judge.
01:54Mr. Quiroz ordered the murder of some criminals who were in prison,
01:58who were going to accuse Mr. Rogelio and his daughter for trying to kill my daughter.
02:03I'm sorry, Pepe.
02:04Detective Castillo, the accusation against the prosecutor is too serious.
02:09I know, Mr. Judge, and I'm sorry, but it's also a true accusation.
02:14During the investigations to solve the case of Mr. Armas,
02:18we obtained different orders of telephone interventions.
02:22In these interventions, there are clear and forceful recordings
02:26between Mr. Prosecutor and Mr. Rogelio Fuenmayor
02:30that constitute sufficient evidence of his conspiracy and his complicity
02:34to try to incriminate the engineer Rubio of the death of Mr. Francisco Armas.
02:39That is false, Your Honor.
02:41Given the evidence presented,
02:48I declare the accused Gabriel Rubio
02:51innocent of the murder of the citizen Francisco de Armas.
03:12You are punishing the two people who have supported you the most.
03:15We have been faithful to you.
03:17That's a lie, Camila.
03:20But it's logical that you say it because in your nature it's a lie.
03:24Don't even bother, Camila, don't beg me.
03:27This poor guy is full of hatred.
03:29It's his nature.
03:31Like your nature is to be a loser and useless.
03:33Enough, please.
03:34I swear I'll be with you for the rest of my life, but please let me go.
03:38How do you see it, Camacho, that you want to be with me and so dirty?
03:41Of course not, I don't want to be with you.
03:44And today I don't feel like forgiving anyone.
03:46Because just today, I was going to the brewery one day, Rubio.
03:50And today, just today, everything went to hell.
04:02Quiroz, at least give me some good news
04:04and tell me that Gabriel is going to spend the rest of his life in jail.
04:07Rogelio, they're letting me make some calls for my rank,
04:12but you have to disappear.
04:14As soon as you left, Salvador arrived with some photos
04:17where you appear carrying Francisco at Gabriel's house.
04:21Where did they get those photos from?
04:23They were some photos that were lost,
04:25but Joana, the photographer, got them.
04:27It can't be.
04:28I'm sending them to your cell phone.
04:31Oh, no, and besides, Salvador has records of all our calls,
04:36of all our meetings.
04:39Prepare everything because we're leaving.
04:41Yes, boss.
04:44I love you.
04:59Hey, thank you.
05:02Because thanks to you, I'm free.
05:05No, you're free because you're innocent.
05:07My photos only helped prove it.
05:10I love you.
05:11I love you.
05:12I love you.
05:13I love you.
05:14I love you.
05:15I want you to go see the baby.
05:17Wait for me.
05:18I'll go with you.
05:21You're very nice.
05:25Forgive me, please, for doubting you.
05:28Forgive me.
05:30I have nothing to forgive you for.
05:33Believe me, now that I'm a father, I understand you more than ever.
05:39I miss you a lot.
05:40I also miss my sister a lot.
05:44Oh, Chavita de mi amor.
05:50You were incredible.
05:51We barely made it.
05:54You're everyone's savior, you know?
05:57Who's calling you?
06:00Pacheco, what happened?
06:01I already saw where Rogelio is hiding.
06:03I also saw his daughter Paula enter.
06:05I don't know if Manuel and Camila are also inside.
06:07Send me your location immediately.
06:09Be very careful.
06:10I'm going with the team.
06:12Don't put yourself at risk.
06:13Wait for me.
06:14I'm going with you.
06:16Take care, please.
06:17You too.
06:19Call me.
06:20I love you.
06:26Everything is ready.
06:27There is a person waiting for us at the border.
06:30I also have the cash, boss.
06:32We're going to take those two because I don't have time to deliver and neither do you.
06:43My love, what are you doing here?
06:46Realizing that you are capable of sacrificing your own son in order to save yourself.
06:55Hey, I hadn't told you, but thank you for being like my family.
07:00You have nothing to thank me for, compadre.
07:02I can imagine the desire you have to see your son, right?
07:04I'm dying.
07:05You look good.
07:06You look beautiful.
07:07He looks like you.
07:08To you?
07:10Well, now enjoy your freedom that they should never have taken from you.
07:14It was a very ugly experience, but we have the rest of our lives.
07:19See if this worked so that you can show how much you love each other.
07:23You know, I'm dying.
07:24Of what?
07:25Of becoming yours and being with me.
07:32Salvador already knows where Rogelio is and he's going there.
07:36That's why my mom is like this.
07:38I'm going to talk to her.
07:46She told me that Salvador went to look for Rogelio.
07:50How are you?
07:51I'm distressed, baby.
07:52He's with that monster and his crazy daughter.
07:55They are two murderers.
07:56Oh, mom.
08:01How can you have Manuela like this?
08:03What's wrong with you, dad?
08:05They betrayed me.
08:06If it were for them, I would be in jail or dead.
08:09No, that's not true, dad.
08:10I've never wanted you to die.
08:11I do.
08:13I do.
08:14I don't care to tell the truth.
08:16You abused me.
08:17Enough! Shut up! Enough!
08:18You're not saying anything.
08:19Shut up!
08:20Answer me!
08:21You're a monster!
08:22Don't listen to her!
08:23My love, she's lying.
08:24She's lying.
08:25She doesn't know what she's saying.
08:26No, my mom told me exactly the same thing.
08:27She told me that you were a monster.
08:29That you never made her happy.
08:31That you only used her for your own benefit and nothing else.
08:34Your mom is crazier than everyone else, my love.
08:36She's crazier than everyone else.
08:37No, Paula, don't believe her.
08:39Shut up, Manuel!
08:40Mom always wanted the best for us.
08:41Don't believe her.
08:42Don't listen to her.
08:44You're just like me.
08:46You're as strong as your father.
08:49Let's go.
08:51You deserve all the success that's coming for us.
08:53What success are you talking about?
08:56What success are you talking about?
08:58The DA just called you.
09:00You show up in pictures with Francisco's dead body.
09:05After all this hatred against the Rubio family,
09:12he ended up destroying ours.
09:24What are you doing, Paula?
09:26He doesn't deserve your pity.
09:28He's your son!
09:29He's my shame!
09:30Well, if you think that way, then I'm not your daughter either.
09:33I'm saying no.
09:35You're going to like them.
09:37You deserve the same treatment as them.
09:43And in an unexpected twist, with forceful evidence,
09:46it was proven that the ex-father-in-law of engineer Gabriel Rubio
09:49is the real murderer of Francisco de Armas.
09:52Now Rogelio Fuenmayor is wanted by justice.
09:55And speaking of corruption,
09:56Attorney General Javier Quiroz was also involved
09:59in the network of lies and corruption,
10:01trying to incriminate Gabriel Rubio.
10:08Come in, come in.
10:09Did Manuel show up?
10:10No, nothing.
10:11In fact, I came to see if you had any information.
10:14I don't know, I'm very worried about him.
10:17Oh my God, please.
10:19Protect my children and not just Manuel, but Paula too.
10:23It's obvious that Camila and Manuel's lives are at risk.
10:26Unfortunately, yes.
10:28And they've always been on your side, Gabriel.
10:31I know, but now that I see them, I have to thank them.
10:34Hey, I didn't see Paula very well.
10:37After the interrogation they did to Rogelio, I didn't see her well.
10:54Fuenmayor, Camacho, how many more?
10:57I'm sure a few more, but I don't know how many.
11:06Commander, we believe there are six, maximum seven shooters.
11:09Okay, insert two lines.
11:22We're surrounded.
11:24There are a lot of cops out there.
11:27Dad, turn yourself in.
11:28Assume the consequences of your actions.
11:30No, I'm going to turn myself in.
11:31There's no time, boss, they're going to come in.
11:40We're going to use them as a shield.
11:41Come on, bring them here with everything and chairs.
11:44No, I can't believe you're going to use us as a shield.
11:47Shut up, Paula, shut up now.
11:49Sit down.
12:08It's guns.
12:09Weapons safe.
12:23Ojeda, Fuenmayor.
12:24You're under arrest, turn yourself in.
12:26We're the police.
12:27Are you crazy, Castillo?
12:28I'm not going to turn myself in.
12:30Can't you see I have hostages?
12:32Calm down, Fuenmayor, calm down.
12:34I'm not going to turn myself in.
12:35Are you willing to start a shootout, Castillo?
12:38Are you willing to burden your conscience with the death of the three of them?
12:41Give me those hostages calmly.
12:44Come on, one by one.
12:45You better let me go, Castillo.
12:47I'm willing to kill them and I don't care if two of them are my children.
12:50Calm down, Fuenmayor, calm down.
12:52Save your life.
12:54It's clear that you are a coward who is hiding behind us.
12:57You're a shame, Rogelio, you're a shame.
12:59You're a shame, you're going to be the first to die.
13:02No one shoots, no one shoots.
13:06Freeze, freeze.
13:08Don't shoot or this pig dies.
13:10Calm down, calm down, don't say anything.
13:13Camacho, Camacho, put the gun down.
13:15Put the gun down, Camacho.
13:17Should I shoot you?
13:19So we are yours together to hell.
13:28The nightmare is over.
13:33Oh, thank you, brunette, for doing justice.
13:36No, thanks to your granddaughter, who for her proved that I am innocent because of her photos.
13:40You know that you two are those couples who come to this world to meet again, to support each other.
13:45Oh, yeah.
13:46Yes, I've always said that too.
13:49Of course we met, something strange happened, that's for sure.
13:51Oh, well, the day they examined me by mistake, I made you a beer on top.
13:55And you made me run over.
14:05I already gave the bottle to your grandmother, he is well fed and he stayed well asleep.
14:10Yes, let's see.
14:11Come in, come in.
14:13You don't know how he grew up.
14:16And now?
14:18What do you have, my daughter?
14:22Don't worry, I'm going to...
14:23Camila, I wasn't going to shoot you.
14:25Paula, Manuel, go away.
14:27No, Camila.
14:28Go away.
14:36Camila, no.
14:37No, Camila.
14:48Go, go, go, go.
14:49Cover me, cover me.
15:23Look, I brought you your chicken breast, your salad.
15:37I put it separately in case you want to heat it up.
15:39A sandwich.
15:41Tortillas, everything with a lot of love.
15:44Whatever you say, girl.
15:45Don't forget that today we have a party at eight.
15:48You're going to get excited.
15:51Hey, hey, hey, hey.
15:52Chuffing and applauding.
15:53What are you looking at, son?
15:54What kids?
15:55Don't be envious.
15:56Well, I'm leaving.
15:57You take everything, the toppers, the bag.
16:00Don't forget.
16:06Oh, my Chimis, Chimis, huh?
16:10You're attracted to that girl, right?
16:17Are you still up for going to...
16:18To Jijica?
16:19To Jalisco?
16:20Yes, bro.
16:22We're going to have a little house there in front of Lake Chapala.
16:25I'm going to open my workshop, man.
16:27It's going to be called El Chalan Chilango.
16:30Right, godfather?
16:33Oh, Chimis.
16:34Oh, well, I'm going to miss you, huh?
16:36I'm going to miss you here.
16:37Me too, man.
16:39But all in order to improve and...
16:41To go to a more beautiful place than here.
16:44Hey, but don't leave your colleague here, huh?
16:45Recommend someone for me to shake hands with.
16:48I already interviewed several candidates and I have the perfect replacement for you, godfather.
16:52Oh, well, it's ready.
16:53Without heat.
16:547 in the morning, then.
16:57Well, but first, follow her here.
16:58Because if not, she won't reach you for Jijic.
17:07Finally, the brewery is where it has to be.
17:10We still need the sales to reach the point...
17:13...that we had when Abril was in front.
17:16Well, time to time.
17:18And it's also time for me to give up.
17:22Don't look at me like that.
17:23Let's see, we agreed that when Gabriel solved everything...
17:26...well, I was going to give up.
17:28Well, yes, but...
17:29...we're going to miss you a lot around here.
17:31No one is indispensable.
17:33Besides, Daniel is more than capable to stay with my position.
17:37Give him a chance.
17:39Why don't you understand that you're with a couple of cops...
17:42...and the work you do?
17:43Are you serious?
17:45Who understands you, huh?
17:46Well, that man is a demon.
17:48From what I've heard.
17:49Well, then, let's do something that is really productive.
17:52Let's go.
17:53Let's go to the church to pray.
17:55Surely there we will be much better...
17:58...and we will help more than staying here with anguish...
18:01...and eating.
18:02Let's go.
18:03Let's go.
18:04Let's go.
18:05Let's go.
18:06...and we will help more than staying here with anguish...
18:08...and eating.
18:09Let's go.
18:10Come on, honey, stop.
18:11Yes, love.
18:12Come on.
18:16Oh, what a joy!
18:17How are you?
18:18How are you, Ariel?
18:22Oh, my love.
18:23And with this precious baby.
18:25I present to you...
18:26...Eduardo Rubio Jr.
18:28His name is the same as his grandfather.
18:30Juana wanted him to be called that.
18:32Well, Gabriel talked so much about continuing with the family legacy...
18:35...that it's better to put him as his father.
18:37I always knew you were a very special girl, Juana...
18:40...from the first moment I saw you.
18:42Yes, yes, that's right.
18:43Well, I'm going to get what the car needs.
18:45Yes, yes, come in, please.
18:46Everything is ready.
18:47We have everything arranged.
18:48And whatever you need, let us know, please.
18:51Come in, come in.
18:53I'm hungry.
18:54Oh, my love.
19:05Come on, let's go, come on, let's go, come on, let's go.
19:09Attorney General, you are accused of bribing the authorities, of industrial espionage,
19:38evasion of taxes, and the murder of the citizen Francisco de Armas and Mrs. Camila Montes.
19:44Given the huge list of crimes, he has no right to bail,
19:47and tomorrow he will be transferred to the prison, awaiting the date of his trial.
19:56There they are! There they are!
19:58Oh! Manuel Paula!
20:00Oh, Mom!
20:04Oh, God, thank you!
20:06Oh, God, thank you!
20:09Oh, God, thank you!
20:14Oh, Manuel!
20:19You're safe, you're safe!
20:22You don't know, Mom.
20:26I'm going to laugh again.
20:29My mom put us like human shields.
20:33Mom, she killed Camila.
20:38She killed her.
20:41Camila saved our lives.
20:54Hi, honey, we're all here, look.
20:57We still don't know anything.
20:59She's in the operating room, but as soon as she knows something, I'll let you know.
21:01Oh, Mom.
21:02Well, Gabriel and I are super busy.
21:05Okay? If you need anything, we're here.
21:07Yes, I promise.
21:09I love you.
21:11No, the thing is that Gabriel and Juana wanted to come, but I told them not to come.
21:14But you did well, Jenni, that they don't come.
21:16That way they are much better with one another.
21:18Let's spend more time with their son, right?
21:20No, besides, there's nothing to do.
21:22Just like us, just worry.
21:24Leave her like that.
21:26But, let's see, what happened? Tell us.
21:29Oh, Jenni, everything was very fast.
21:31As soon as I realized that I had transferred the bullet to the bulletproof vest,
21:34I just wanted to have it immediately.
21:38Well, but look, they know what they're doing, and you did everything in time, okay?
21:41It just remains that we are all patient.
21:44No, no, it's true.
21:45Salvador, Salvador, Salvador, all the time, worry about everyone else.
21:49Let's see, girl, that's what a good cop does.
21:55Hello, beautiful.
21:57I left Duardito with Alma.
21:59He's probably going to pamper him in an irreparable way.
22:01I know.
22:04Cheers, how delicious.
22:05I was remembering, do you remember that it was the first time I brought you here?
22:09No, no.
22:10At the hacienda we are here, with my parents' sarapes.
22:15It was also the first time you kissed me.
22:18Memory of wanting to kiss you.
22:22I hope it's always like that.
22:34Relatives of Salvador.
22:35Me, me, me, I'm his wife.
22:37Look, doctor, don't tell me that my girl is going to kick because I really kill him, huh?
22:41Don't worry, everything is fine.
22:43Really, you swear to me?
22:44Everything is fine.
22:47Mom, it's okay.
22:50Your own, your own, doctor.
22:56Honey, I swear that if you hang up the phone, I'm going to die.
22:58What do you mean?
22:59What do you mean, what do you mean, what do you mean?
23:00I was already super distressed.
23:01You leave me widowed and I'll catch you and I'll punch you, huh?
23:05The only thing I remember is that we were already grabbing each other's arms as we were getting older.
23:10We were going to grab him and boom.
23:12They shot you, honey.
23:14Yes, it was the signal.
23:16No, thanks Pacheco for acting fast and treating any emergencies.
23:20Oh, it was Pacheco.
23:22First time you act fast, how good.
23:24How good.
23:25Oh, honey, you hurt me.
23:26I can't.
23:27No, I'm serious.
23:28Don't you ever think of leaving me.
23:29No, I swear I'll die.
23:30How do you think?
23:31I'm a bad grass.
23:32Not so much.
23:38The boiler is fine, it is not decomposed, I want to take a hot bath.
23:42No, he fixed it, mom.
23:43It's like new.
23:44Oh, it's good that everyone is already taking their place.
23:47Things are already moving.
23:49It's more than your place, no?
23:52What do you mean why?
23:53What about what?
23:54I saw you there with Don Memo kissing you.
23:56Don't talk to me like that, I'm your mom.
23:58No, it's not a bad thing, mom.
24:00I'm very happy that you are finally giving yourself an opportunity.
24:04Especially with a person like Don Memo, who has always been there behind you.
24:08The one who is hitting his gum, because I'm not, is Margarita.
24:11And you should do the same.
24:13Well, mom, I'm going to work.
24:15I'm going to work.
24:16I'm going to work.
24:17I'm going to work.
24:19Well, mom, I'm going to work.
24:21What? But with the mess you got yourself into, you're going to go to work right now?
24:25Yes, mom, it's just that Chimis is going to take a possible replacement,
24:28so I have to make sure he knows the move well.
24:30I'll see you in a little while.
24:31Go ahead, then.
24:45What happened, daddy?
24:46It's like new.
24:49No wonder you're leaving, Chimis.
24:51Hey, what time is the client coming for him or what?
24:53Well, he said in a little while, like I say, about 20 minutes.
24:58My replacement has arrived, but he's there in a year.
25:00Oh, Chimis.
25:02You know, when I went to turn around, I was thinking that...
25:06Well, maybe you should go, it's a sign that I'm staying here alone.
25:12You alone? With all the stuff?
25:13No, daddy.
25:15Well, if I can...
25:16No, you're going to make progress.
25:18Besides, this replacement is going to like you a lot more than I do.
25:20Oh, Chimis, with you I already had confidence, we already know each other, we already know how we work.
25:25Well, yes, but...
25:45And this is a joke or what?
25:47No, I graduated as a technical assistant, mechanical, automotive.
25:50Well, my dear replacement, I leave you in good hands.
25:55See you, daddy.
25:58And well, if you're going to hire me, it's better that you get me to work, because that's what I came for.
26:11I'm sorry.
26:12I love you.
26:16My sister wasn't bad.
26:21Only fate took her down.
26:26You don't know how sorry I am for not being able to do anything for her.
26:29It wasn't your fault.
26:32But I don't want you to know that I'm going to take care of your mom.
26:36And that she has everything.
26:38I'm not leaving this world until I finish with Rogelio.
26:43I promise you.
26:46I think the best thing is for you to leave the country.
26:51It's what suits you best, Paula.
26:54We'll go together.
26:55And if you allow me, I'll take care of you.
27:06Good morning.
27:07We bring a presentation order against Miss Paula Fonmayor for the attempted murder of Juana Bravo,
27:13former prosecutor Javier Quiroz has declared against you.
27:17No, no.
27:19No, no, no.
27:22It's not true.
27:24I will assume the consequences.
27:26No, please, no.
27:27Mom, mom.
27:28No, but no.
27:31Mom, calm down, calm down.
27:32No, no, no.
27:33No, Monica.
27:35I'm not going to be like my father, okay?
27:38I'm going to assume the blame.
27:40It's the right thing to do.
27:42I won't leave you alone.
27:57He's here.
28:18Are you kidding me?
28:23I died.
28:26Rogelio Fonmayor.
28:30Look at me.
28:33Until I saw your face.
28:37Welcome to my house.
28:44I don't know you.
28:47But I have money.
28:51I can pay you to protect me.
28:54So we're in your house, right?
28:56We're in your house.
28:59Clean my shoes.
29:01Clean them.
29:02Look at me.
29:03Clean them.
29:04Yes, sir.
29:05Yes, sir.
29:07I'm going to kill you because I want you to save your daughter.
29:16I'm sorry.
29:18I'm sorry.
29:19Don't worry.
29:21Forgive me.
29:22I offer you an apology.
29:23I introduced myself.
29:25I'm Bruno Montes.
29:28Camila's brother.
29:29And you're dead.
29:41We did it.
29:42We have Rogelio and Quiroz.
29:44Thank you, Pacheco.
29:45What do you mean, thank you?
29:47They almost killed him.
29:48I have to talk to that new commander.
29:50Can I give you a safer place?
29:54I already know where they're going to put you.
29:57Let's see.
29:59Since they killed Quiroz several years ago,
30:01there's a rumor that we're going to have a new DA.
30:06Don't laugh.
30:07You're going to get hurt.
30:08Don't worry.
30:09How do you think, Pacheco?
30:11How do you think?
30:15You changed it right away.
30:18Very good.
30:20Well, you always thought you couldn't enter my world,
30:25but the truth is that I always wanted to enter yours.
30:30And well, the brewery also had me, I don't know, tired of so much power,
30:34so many pressures.
30:36I feel like I'm going to be happier here by your side.
30:39I mean, if you allow me.
30:42You look prettier here, actually.
30:46But I have to do another little test for you.
30:49Let's see.
30:50Do you know what model of truck this is?
30:54It's a Prospector 92.
30:57And the truth is that I see it in very good condition.
31:00The only thing I would do
31:02would be to change the clothes for some vinyl.
31:05I don't know, I feel like they're old, right?
31:08The radio, obviously.
31:12The truth is that listening to you talk about my things like this
31:16makes me feel a little bad.
31:20A little bad.
31:21Not bad, good.
31:22Yeah, excellent.
31:57I already paid my debt.
31:59I finally feel at peace with myself and
32:04I'm ready to start a new life.
32:08I'm ready to start a new life.
32:12Very good, Pacheco, good numbers.
32:14In three years, we don't have a single case pending.
32:17Good job.
32:18Are you serious?
32:19Are you still here?
32:20What happened, honey? Sorry.
32:21It's just that Jackie and Pacheco were presenting their report to me, but well.
32:24Honey, we have to set an example and arrive early.
32:27Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes.
32:28Have you voted?
32:29Very good, but they're in a hurry. Let's go.
32:31Let's go.
32:32Come on.
32:38How are you, girl?
32:40We did a complete service to this car.
32:41Alignment, balance and brake change.
32:44What beautiful eyes you have here and knowing all that.
32:49Oh, sorry to interrupt you.
32:50What are you doing here?
32:51I don't know if you've seen Lara.
32:52They sent me for you because if you don't change and bathe, you won't make it.
32:56No, no, no, no, no.
32:57I didn't let go of my hair.
32:58Yes, but now.
32:59There it is.
33:00Your half a kilo of hot.
33:02Thank you very much.
33:03What, Mrs. Carmen?
33:04Come on, I'm going to give you a gift.
33:06Come on.
33:07An orange, please.
33:08Oh, how delicious, look.
33:10There it is.
33:12And you know what?
33:13I'll write it down in the notebook.
33:15When your son sends you from the United States, you come to me, dad.
33:18Do you think?
33:19Yes, thank you very much.
33:20Come on.
33:21Excuse me, see you later.
33:22Say hello to your grandchild.
33:24That's why I love you.
33:26I love you because you are humble and generous.
33:28Oh, my love.
33:30Jose, Jose, Josefina.
33:33We have news for you.
33:34Pay close attention.
33:35Tell me.
33:36We managed to get the chain of restaurants of the countess and Polanco to buy our sweets.
33:44Oh, how nice.
33:45We have to admit that Pepito was the one who tied the rope.
33:47Yes, man, we're going to have to expand the business.
33:49I already saw myself.
33:50No, no, no, it's a joke, it's a joke.
33:52But at least they are productive.
33:54No, comadre, another cart, a place.
33:57Yes, yes, but don't eat the merchandise, comadre.
33:59Don't be shy, man, grab one.
34:01And a plaza.
34:02Yes, right?
34:03And a plaza.
34:04Well, there we leave the changarro because we have to go, you know, to graduation.
34:08Let's go, my love.
34:10Let's go, it's getting late.
34:13Diana, tell Sofia that I want to see her in my office, please.
34:15Yes, sir.
34:25Come in.
34:26Excuse me.
34:28The reports you asked me, Daniela.
34:29Oh, thank you very much.
34:30Not at all.
34:31Sales have exceeded our expectations.
34:33That's good.
34:34And we're going to keep going up.
34:35Count on that.
34:36Thank you, Manuel.
34:37Excuse me.
34:40Let's say hello.
34:41Who came?
34:42It's Manuel.
34:44How are you?
34:45Hit him.
34:46Hit him.
34:47What are you?
34:49He didn't want to hit me.
34:50Look who wants to say hello.
34:52The godmother.
34:54How is the most handsome son-in-law, huh?
34:56And the mother, who now barely greets.
34:59Hey, friend, how do you feel?
35:01I'm super excited.
35:02Oh, I'm excited too.
35:03It's going to be nice, right?
35:04Well, I'll see you there.
35:05Come on.
35:06He's going to leave it with his daddy.
35:07He can't wait to see it.
35:08Let's go see your daddy.
35:10Let's go.
35:13Come on.
35:14Look who's there.
35:18I love you.
35:19I love you.
35:20Well, don't be late.
35:22You're going to be the first to arrive.
35:23Yes, of course.
35:25Of course, we're going to be the first.
35:26I love you.
35:27I love you.
35:28I love you.
35:29I love you.
35:30I love you.
35:31I love you.
35:32I love you.
35:33I love you.
35:34I love you!
35:35Laura Rodriguez.
35:43Juana Bravo.
36:07Now we have it, my love.
36:09The first of the Bravos to win a university.
36:12And with honor to all of you!
36:14Bravo, my love!
36:16Bravo, my life!
36:22Bravo, my life!
36:28Bravo, my life!
37:00Ay, mi amor, estoy tan orgullosa de ti,
37:01que tanto amor no me cabe en este cuerpo.
37:03¿Cómo te va a caber? Si todo ese espacio es para mi hermanito.
37:05¡Ay! Va a ser el tío de mi nieto.
37:07¡Ya sé!
37:08No, no, no, don't put titles in this family.
37:10I'm sorry, I won't say it again.
37:12No, no, no, no.
37:14And what plans do you have with Engineer Bravo?
37:17Well, what I would like to do is work in the brewery.
37:20Take care of the company, both of us.
37:22I want that.
37:23It's a good alliance.
37:24In the house and at work.
37:28My women, Luchonas, I love you so much.
37:31You are my life example.
37:36I'll bring you a soda.
37:37Oh, that's great.
37:40Did you see how much she knows me?
37:42No, I saw.
37:43My love.
37:44Hey, how are you?
37:45What's up?
37:46All good, all good.
37:47See you.
37:48What was it, Chay?
37:49Thank you, thank you.
37:50I'll see you later.
37:51Bye, boss.
37:52Juan, I'm having fun with the Bravos.
37:54Come here.
37:55Come here.
37:56Come here.
37:59Oh, my love.
38:00Without the three of you, I wouldn't have achieved all my dreams.
38:03You are my floor.
38:05Your love and support are my wings.
38:07I love you so much, Chaparra.
38:08We love you.
38:12I didn't want to interrupt you, but...
38:16Mrs. Alma says that if we sit down...
38:19Of course.
38:20I'm the hostess.
38:21Of course.
38:22I forgot.
38:24Hey, I invite you to sit down.
38:26The food is almost ready.
38:30Hey, attention, attention.
38:33I want to thank each of you for being in our lives.
38:40And Juana, I want you to know that I am immensely proud of you.
38:45I love you very much.
38:48I love you.
38:51Well, on my side, I just have to feel grateful
38:57and confirm what my grandfather told me when I was little.
39:01That any effort to surpass us is worthy of us.
39:05And well, if I have learned anything in all this,
39:07it is that the most difficult tests that life puts us
39:11also open a space that allows us to love more.
39:16You, my love, our son, were always my destiny.
39:23I love you.
39:24I love you.
39:26I love you.
39:48I am very proud of you.
39:49I love you.
39:50I love you too.
39:51Very much.
40:00I love you.
40:01I love you.
40:02I love you.
40:03I love you.
40:04I love you.
40:05I love you.
40:06I love you.
40:07I love you.
40:08I love you.
40:09I love you.
40:10I love you.
40:11I love you.
40:12I love you.
40:13I love you.
40:14I love you.
40:15I love you.
40:16I love you.
40:17I love you.
40:18I love you.
40:19I love you.
40:20I love you.
40:21I love you.
40:22I love you.
40:23I love you.
40:24I love you.
40:25I love you.
40:26I love you.
40:27I love you.
40:28I love you.
