ジャンクSPORTS 2024年8月31日 冒険王 野球回

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ジャンクSPORTS 2024年8月31日 冒険王 野球回
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:01Odaiba Adventure King 2024
00:04A sports class for kids full of top-class athletes!
00:14Everyone, can you show us your backs?
00:17We've come here wearing Hamada T-shirts.
00:22Mr. Hamada himself said,
00:24I'm fine with T-shirts.
00:28O-B, a professional baseball player known for his badminton,
00:31is going to teach the kids how to play baseball.
00:35What does Mr. Hamada have in store for them?
00:39I don't have anything.
00:42I can't do any preaching.
00:47It's like watching a movie.
00:52I don't know about Hideyoshi.
00:54If I were to teach them,
00:56I'd have to train as a coach.
00:59I don't know if I can do it.
01:01He's a funny baseball player in the junk class,
01:04but when it comes to teaching the kids,
01:06everyone's impressed.
01:08Let's start with the defense.
01:11Here's what he's going to teach us first.
01:15How to throw a ball well,
01:17as taught by a Koshien star.
01:19Yes, that's right.
01:22Speaking of Koshien stars, it's Mr. Motoki.
01:25There are many ways to throw a ball.
01:28First, how to hold the ball.
01:30There are many ways to hold the ball.
01:35You have to hold it firmly.
01:38When I was a kid,
01:40I was told to hold two, but I couldn't.
01:42I don't care if it's three.
01:43Kids who think the ball is big
01:46don't care if it's three.
01:48I think about where to hold it.
01:50If you look at the character for hiragana,
01:56if you hold it firmly,
01:58if you throw it from here,
02:01the ball will rotate beautifully
02:03and the ball will grow.
02:04I think you can throw a ball like that.
02:06After all, it's important to hold it like this.
02:08Is that what you mean, Mr. Shimizu?
02:08Well, that's right.
02:09It's not just a catch ball.
02:11Even if you protect it,
02:12you have to take a fly or a goro
02:13and throw it after that.
02:15At that time,
02:17it's important to catch the ball
02:19and hold it in this shape right away.
02:22That's why I practice from day to day.
02:25Sometimes I play catch ball with my dad.
02:27When you catch the ball,
02:28when you change the ball,
02:29I think it's important to practice
02:30so that you can hold it in this shape.
02:33I can catch it easily
02:34no matter what I do.
02:36You look like you're very proud of yourself now.
02:41It's quite difficult when I was in elementary school.
02:44Is it difficult to do this when you were in elementary school?
02:46That's why I try to hold it
02:50while watching TV or talking.
02:51I play with it at home.
02:53This is also part of my practice.
02:54I've heard a good thing about this.
02:55I'd like everyone to remember this
02:56and do it at home.
02:59And Mr. Itoi, who is said to be a master of defense.
03:01Do you have any other tips on how to throw well?
03:03After all, it's very important to hold it.
03:07Lower body.
03:08Lower body?
03:10The lower body is important.
03:11Step your feet firmly in the direction you want to throw.
03:15There's a line right here.
03:18Even with a catch ball,
03:19step your feet firmly in the direction you want to throw.
03:24Oh, it's a little off.
03:26It's off a lot now, isn't it?
03:28I've already stopped.
03:28It's off by one leg.
03:30Step your feet firmly in the direction you want to throw.
03:34If you don't check this,
03:37you'll have a hard time without knowing it.
03:40Your body will open up.
03:48I'd like to ask the pitchers if they have a ball.
03:52Here's what I'm going to teach you.
03:55Tips on improving control taught by Naniba's precision machine.
04:00Oh, that was a great reaction.
04:03I think there are a lot of people who are suffering from control.
04:06Well, there was a story about Nume.
04:09You have to be very careful about the rotation.
04:12So if you don't throw it firmly,
04:16you won't get a good rotation.
04:18First, you have to remember this.
04:22It's the same with baseball practice.
04:23There are other ways to do it.
04:27Is there a way to practice?
04:29Yes, there is.
04:29While sleeping a little.
04:31While sleeping?
04:32While sleeping?
04:33That's right.
04:34It hit my face.
04:36You did it, didn't you?
04:37It hit me.
04:38It hit your face.
04:39Now, Nomi, you're going to sleep.
04:41Yes, as Motoki said,
04:43you have to put your fingers on the seams.
04:47First, you throw it up.
04:50You have to be aware of the rotation.
04:53Oh, it's spinning.
04:56How do you rotate it?
04:57You can see it yourself, right?
04:58That's right.
04:58You can also feel the sensation from the elbow to the fingertips.
05:04If you don't release it in the same place,
05:08it won't come back to the same place.
05:11You have to keep the release point constant.
05:12It's high.
05:13That's right.
05:14Advice from a high-speed baseball player.
05:18Actually, when you throw it,
05:20the direction of the lower body is important,
05:23but the position of the glove on the left hand is also very important.
05:26The pitcher puts his arm out in the direction of the glove.
05:30If you do this,
05:32the body thrown in the course will go this way,
05:34and if you hit it there,
05:35it will go in that direction.
05:37So, put the glove in the direction of the throw.
05:40If you put your arm out there to determine the direction,
05:43the ball will naturally go in that direction.
05:45That's the secret to better control.
05:49Now, I'm going to ask Mr. Igarashi to teach us again.
05:52Here's what Mr. Igarashi will teach us.
05:57The fastest major league baseball player in Japan will teach us
05:59how to throw the ball quickly.
06:01That's it.
06:04You were fast when you were active.
06:07You can practice this at home, too.
06:10When you throw the ball,
06:11you're often told to raise your elbows.
06:14But it's surprisingly difficult to raise your elbows.
06:17If you say, raise it, raise it,
06:19you'll be too conscious of your arms,
06:21so don't touch the ball too much when you're relaxed.
06:24You have to throw it down from a high place.
06:27If you use badminton to throw it down,
06:31you can do it well.
06:33I was in the badminton club when I was in junior high school.
06:35Oh, really?
06:35That's right.
06:36And when you raise your arms,
06:39it's like this.
06:40It's like a smash.
06:42It's important to start with a fast ball.
06:45You have to start here and smash.
06:47If you practice smashing,
06:49you can throw a good ball with a good angle from above.
06:52I see.
06:53Here's the next thing I'm going to teach you.
06:57This is how to get a good ball,
07:00taught by Tiger's defense master.
07:02Here it is.
07:05Do I have to get a good ball before I throw it?
07:07There are a lot of famous players,
07:11such as Genda and Kikuchi,
07:14who are the best defense players in Japan.
07:16To get close to them,
07:18there's a way to practice like this.
07:22What is it?
07:22First, you don't have to wear gloves.
07:25You don't wear gloves?
07:26You catch the ball with both hands.
07:28With both hands?
07:29That's right.
07:29If you try to catch it with both hands,
07:31the direction of your body will always go in front of the ball.
07:35If you use one hand, you can catch it sideways.
07:37If you use both hands, you have to face forward.
07:41Can I try it?
07:42Yes, let's try it.
07:43Are you ready?
07:44I'll try it.
07:45Like this.
07:48You have to catch it as if you're absorbing the momentum.
07:52Can I have a goro?
07:56Goro is also gentle.
07:59Can you explain it in words?
08:02In front of your body.
08:05I put the goro in my left hand.
08:06With my left hand...
08:07Hey, it's sideways!
08:11That's harsh.
08:13I don't need to go sideways now.
08:14I don't need to go sideways now.
08:15You don't need to go sideways now.
08:17You have to absorb the momentum gently.
08:21That's the most important thing.
08:23Now that you've absorbed the momentum,
08:26you have to throw the ball quickly.
08:28Do you have to practice that?
08:30In pitchers, they swing the ball and throw it.
08:34But Yashio doesn't have time to swing the ball after catching it.
08:38So when you catch the ball,
08:39you have to step sideways.
08:42Like this.
08:44It's like throwing the ball to the first baseman.
08:49If you're in my class, you can do it this fast.
08:53Mr. Nomizaki, you're a bit fast.
08:57I see.
08:58I don't want to sweat.
09:00Mr. Nomizaki, you're a bit fast.
09:02You're a fast pacer.
09:03He's like Sparta.
09:04After this, Sekimoto...
09:06If you're in my class,
09:09it's natural to be able to throw the ball to a certain extent.
09:12A perfect pitch.
09:15He's in 5th place.
09:16But he's been retired for 9 years.
09:18Due to the influence of the blank,
09:19he failed in the first pitch.
09:22I'm sorry.
09:23I cut it.
09:25I'm sorry.
09:26It's my fault.
09:28That's how it is.
09:30When I hit it in the first pitch,
09:32I expected it to go in,
09:34but I didn't expect it to go in suddenly.
09:37Now, let's move on to the attack.
09:43That was close.
09:54I want to hold the bat with my fingers.
09:57I want to hold the bat with the power of my fingers.
09:59After this,
10:00Uchikawa Seiyuichi, who represents Japan,
10:03and Shimizu Takahiko will hit.
10:06Katsuno Tenju.
10:071, 2, 3.
10:11He's been hit.
10:15Junk sports.
10:16A children's sports classroom full of top-class athletes.
10:19Next is the baseball attack edition.
10:22Here is what I will teach you first.
10:26The genius striking technique I teach after hitting 2,000 hits.
10:30Here it is.
10:31Mr. Uchikawa.
10:32Nice to meet you.
10:33This is good.
10:34First of all,
10:35I think the way you hold the bat is very important.
10:38I will teach you how I hold the bat.
10:41Here we go.
10:42First of all,
10:43I want to hold the bat with my fingers.
10:45I want to hold the bat with the power of my fingers.
10:48I hold the bat a little diagonally like this.
10:53You all think it's normal to hold it straight like this, right?
10:57It's normal.
10:58Normally, you hold it straight like this.
11:00The reason why I hold it diagonally like this is
11:03when I do batting,
11:05when I make an impact,
11:07I call it a head.
11:09I think it's better to have the heavier end of the bat come up as much as possible.
11:14If you hold it straight and shake it normally,
11:17the head of the bat will go down.
11:21hold the bat diagonally,
11:24hold it,
11:26and hit it normally,
11:27the head will naturally stand up.
11:30That was the image.
11:32instead of moving the bat like this,
11:34from the moment you hold the bat,
11:36if you put the bat out here, it will look like this.
11:39I wanted to use it like that,
11:42so I held the bat diagonally.
11:44Here's another point.
11:48Know the center of the bat.
11:50Do you all know where the center of the bat is?
11:54There are people who don't know this.
11:55I think there are many people who don't know this.
11:57The center of the bat is where the bat and the ball hit.
12:01So, the center of the bat is where the bat and the ball hit.
12:04I'll show you where the center of the bat is.
12:06Please listen carefully.
12:09If you look outside the center of the bat,
12:12you'll hear the sound of the bat hitting the ball.
12:15If you hit the center of the bat,
12:17you'll hear a short sound.
12:19Please listen.
12:20Here we go.
12:22This is not the center of the bat.
12:24It's echoing.
12:25This is echoing.
12:27How about here?
12:30The sound doesn't echo here, does it?
12:32So, the center of the bat is where the sound doesn't echo.
12:36The most important thing in batting
12:39is how to hit the ball to the center of the bat.
12:42So, I think it's important to know
12:45where the center of the bat is when you're in position.
12:49So, first of all, when you're in position,
12:51if you keep in mind that the center of the bat is here,
12:56the center of the bat will only go to the ball.
13:00So, if you hit the center of the bat to the ball,
13:03I think you'll have a better chance of batting.
13:06That's what I want to tell everyone.
13:08Let's move on.
13:10Let's move on to Mr. Shimizu.
13:12Here are some tips on how to hit the ball well.
13:15Here it is.
13:16There are a lot of things.
13:18This is about timing.
13:20There are various factors.
13:22It says 1, 2, 3.
13:24What I mean is,
13:26when you practice batting,
13:29I want you to count the numbers.
13:31I want you to get the rhythm.
13:33What I mean is,
13:34when you're in position,
13:351, 2, 3.
13:37That's how you hit the ball.
13:38The batters who aren't in a good condition
13:42usually have a shorter time of 2.
13:45So, what happens is,
13:46when you're in position,
13:471, 2, 3.
13:49In this time of 2,
13:51which ball will come?
13:52What kind of ball will come?
13:53What kind of speed will come?
13:55What kind of change will come?
13:56Is it high or low?
13:58Is it inside or outside?
13:59The longer the time of 2,
14:01the more time you can tell.
14:04Since we're here,
14:06Mr. Egayasu, please go to the pitcher's position.
14:08Mr. Shimizu, are you ready?
14:091, 2, 3.
14:111, 2, 3.
14:12How do you do it?
14:15Without a runner.
14:16Without a runner.
14:17Normal motion.
14:18Yes, please.
14:19This is amazing.
14:20I'm learning a lot.
14:211, 2, 3.
14:26He's already hit.
14:27He's already hit.
14:28That's the rhythm.
14:29That's the rhythm.
14:30I know.
14:31That's the image.
14:32But the runner is good at timing.
14:34Everyone calls this a batting.
14:36The pitcher's batting is important.
14:37The batter's batting is important.
14:39When you think the batting is right,
14:42you're like, wow, I'm going to get hit.
14:44If you were to watch it live,
14:45who would it be?
14:46It might be Maki.
14:47It might be Maki.
14:48It might be Maru.
14:49It might be Maru.
14:50They might have already figured out the timing,
14:53so they start to say,
14:54oh, they're getting beaten.
14:56That's when they see that they're matched.
14:58It's the same with Kondo.
15:01It's the same with Kondo.
15:02I know, I know.
15:04Daisuke Motoki,
15:05who was a Giant's coach until last year,
15:08teaches a batting lesson for beginners.
15:09teaches a batting lesson for beginners.
15:11This is amazing.
15:12I've never seen anything like this.
15:14Like this,
15:15if the kids don't get hit,
15:17If you don't do that, you'll get irritated and the baseball game won't be fun.
15:22So first, you do this.
15:24Like this.
15:27Is it okay?
15:28Yes, yes, yes.
15:30If you hit the center, the ball will turn.
15:34For example, if you hit the ball that's stopped, it will hit.
15:41When you get used to it, you can shake it like this.
15:44When you do that, you can do what Shimizu-san taught you.
15:501, 2, 3.
15:541, 2, 3.
15:58You can practice like this.
16:00Let's move on to the next topic.
16:02This is what we're going to learn.
16:05How to hit a homerun taught by the best pitcher in the world.
16:10You want to know how to hit a homerun, right?
16:13I'm looking forward to it.
16:14Speaking of the best pitcher in the world, it's Itoi-san.
16:18Please teach us how to hit a homerun.
16:21Is it okay?
16:23What should I do?
16:25Normally, you want to hit it hard, so you hit the center.
16:32But to hit a homerun, you need an angle.
16:36So you spin the ball a little bit.
16:42You want to spin the ball like this.
16:45The ball will fly.
16:47So, you look down a little bit.
16:49And you spin the ball.
16:51What kind of practice is effective?
16:54This is very effective.
16:58This is very effective.
17:00I was very conscious of it.
17:02Itoi-san, you spin the ball with toss batting.
17:06You spin the ball like a homerun.
17:10Where should I spin the ball, Itoi-san?
17:17I didn't say where to throw the ball.
17:21Here I go.
17:25Are you sure?
17:27What's that?
17:29Is he serious?
17:31Is he trying to use me?
17:34Itoi-san, you're so annoying.
17:36You have to hit the ball hard.
17:44Can he do it?
17:49He's good.
17:50He's good.
17:51He has a good sound.
17:53How to hit a homerun like Shunto.
17:57Is it my turn?
17:58Yes, please.
18:00Shimizu-san wants his students to remember this.
18:05The width of the lead.
18:06When you pass the ball, the width of the lead is important.
18:11First, you have to remember this.
18:13When you release the ball,
18:15you have to move your left foot behind the ball.
18:23For example, when the pitcher is in the set,
18:27if you move your left foot behind the ball,
18:29the pitcher can't return to the set.
18:31That's right.
18:32It's hard to return to the set.
18:34So, when you pass the ball, you have to move your left foot behind the ball.
18:37If you pass the ball from this side, you can return to the set.
18:40And during practice,
18:42you have to remember the width of the lead.
18:47My width of the lead was this.
18:50If I think I can pass the ball half-way,
18:54I move my left foot behind the ball.
18:56First, you have to know the width of the lead.
19:03Next, Hidenori-san.
19:05Let's ask him.
19:06Hidenori-san wants to see the pitcher's breathing.
19:11If you look closely, you can see that the pitcher is breathing and throwing the ball.
19:19Can you come out, Rui?
19:20I'm sorry, but can you show us the pitcher's position?
19:23Can you see the pitcher's breathing?
19:26I can see it after I enter the set.
19:28I enter the set.
19:32He's breathing.
19:33I enter the set.
19:35In Igarai's case,
19:37I can see the pitcher's breathing after he's done breathing twice.
19:41After he's done breathing twice,
19:43he can see the pitcher's position and throw the ball.
19:45He can see the pitcher's position and throw the ball.
19:471, 2,
19:51I'm breathing now.
19:54I see.
19:55I'll give you a hint.
19:57This is a common mistake that a pitcher makes when throwing the ball and pitching.
20:03I'll go.
20:04I saw the sign.
20:05I saw it.
20:10I'll go.
20:11I saw another sign.
20:20Can you see the difference?
20:22I can see the difference.
20:24If he was throwing the ball like this,
20:27he would have been drooling.
20:30He would have said,
20:31Thank you, thank you, thank you.
20:34That's how easy it is to understand.
20:36Shimizu-san, too?
20:37I can see it clearly now.
20:39I didn't understand it at all.
20:41Is there anyone who understood it?
20:43Oh, I got it.
20:45Come forward.
20:48Do you have a microphone?
20:51What was the difference?
20:53The width of his legs.
20:57The width of his legs was different.
20:59The reason why pitchers have narrow legs when pitching is
21:04because it's easy to make a turn.
21:06You have to turn around.
21:07If it's wide, you need to make a turn.
21:11If you don't turn around, it becomes a balk.
21:14If it's wide, it's hard to make a turn.
21:16If it's narrow, it's easy to make a turn,
21:18so it tends to be narrow naturally.
21:20But she...
21:22She's amazing.
21:23She's great.
21:24You should hire her as a one-of-a-kind coach.
21:27I like the uniform she's wearing.
21:30She's from the Motoki family.
21:33I love to see that kind of habit.
21:36As expected.
21:37You like habits.
21:40This is Motoki.
21:42I taught him this.
21:45I taught him this.
21:46I told him at that time.
21:48He's doing it right.
21:50He's a good boy.
