いたジャン!2024年8月27日 ▽衝撃の駅弁▽知念と山田が真剣勝負

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いたジャン!2024年8月27日 ▽衝撃の駅弁▽知念と山田が真剣勝負
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00I'm Itajan!
00:02I'm Itajan!
00:04I'm sure this noodle is delicious.
00:09It's delicious!
00:10This is the best lunch box I've ever had.
00:14This is the best TV show I've ever seen.
00:18A reporter who has been covering one thing for a long time announces the best scoop of his life.
00:25Wait a minute!
00:28In the second half of the program, we will start a self-study project.
00:31Itajan will be appearing in the drama series, Billion School.
00:37Let's go!
00:38Catch, catch, catch!
00:47All Japan Scoop Conference!
00:53The next reporter is this person.
00:55It's this person!
00:57It's the best station noodle that you should eat at the location.
01:05Who is this person?
01:07It's Mr. Mochizuki!
01:09He has eaten more than 5,000 station noodles so far.
01:12He is a station noodle lover who goes anywhere in Japan to eat for the sake of station noodles.
01:16He is Takafumi Mochizuki!
01:18What made you fascinated by station noodles?
01:21The characteristics of local food are all packed in one box.
01:28It's all handmade.
01:31I realized that he was making such an effort, so I couldn't stop.
01:36I see.
01:38By the way, what kind of station noodles do you like?
01:40What I liked when I was a kid was the beef tongue bento that pulled the string and warmed it up.
01:45That's delicious.
01:46I can't get enough of that.
01:49At that time, it was revolutionary to make it warm.
01:52The beef tongue bento couldn't be a station noodle until the string-pulling container was developed in 1987.
02:01By developing a container that pulls the string and warms it up with steam, it became a story that beef tongue is good.
02:09Is Kokoichi included in the station noodle?
02:12It's a little different.
02:14Especially, the station noodle shop in Shinisei has the ability to keep the smell of the next seat even if it has a strong smell.
02:27I see.
02:28There is consideration.
02:30In the case of station noodles, there is a curry called Arita Yaki Curry.
02:34By making it Yaki Curry, it doesn't smell so strong, but you can eat the umami well.
02:39There is such a technique.
02:41It's good for bento.
02:43For me, it's Kiyoken.
02:46You don't have to eat it.
02:48Why did you eat it?
02:50You like it, don't you?
02:51What I love about the beef tongue bento is the container.
02:55It's called Kyo-gi-no-Ori-zume.
02:58It's very lovely when it absorbs the moisture of the rice and is a little fluffy.
03:04Takagi, you'll like it more when you hear this.
03:06Let's talk about it later.
03:08What is it now?
03:09It's okay now.
03:10It's okay now.
03:12Mochizuki, who knows all about station noodles, will introduce you to the top three station noodles scattered all over the country.
03:19I want to know this.
03:20Here is the first one.
03:23No. 1 in the popularity vote in Tohoku.
03:25Norinori noodles at Kouriyama Station in Fukushima Prefecture.
03:28The special Okaka is carefully made with secret soba sauce.
03:32I can't get enough of this Okaka.
03:36Let me read it once.
03:39This soba sauce comes from station noodles.
03:41And the most impressive thing in the manufacturing process is the omelette that only two craftsmen make.
03:48Nine eggs are used to bake one omelette.
03:52The two craftsmen are all men.
03:54That's because there's a process of lifting a heavy omelette and rolling it back.
04:00Moreover, the omelette of Norinori noodles is large, so it's hard to bake and roll it four times.
04:07The baked omelette was so shiny that it was like a ruby.
04:12The omelette of Norinori noodles was filled with the soul of the craftsman.
04:16You might think it's just an omelette.
04:18But if you know the background, you'll enjoy it a lot.
04:22This omelette is totally different.
04:24I think I'll love it when I eat it.
04:27How is it?
04:28I just saw Norinori noodles.
04:30Do you want to eat it?
04:31I want to eat it.
04:32There are two more station noodles.
04:35You can eat only one of them.
04:39Do you give me the information first?
04:42It's a dirty way to do it.
04:44Here we go.
04:45Three first-come, first-served.
04:46Do you want to eat it?
04:48First-come, first-served.
04:50Two more.
04:53Are you all right?
04:55I want to eat omelette.
04:58It's too late.
05:00Norinori noodles.
05:02I'm so excited when I eat it.
05:05Here we go.
05:07It looks delicious.
05:11There is seaweed.
05:13This is good, too.
05:15It's good to eat simple food.
05:18It looks delicious.
05:19The omelette is big.
05:21It's this big.
05:22It's big.
05:23It's handmade.
05:24Let's eat.
05:30It's delicious.
05:33He is kind.
05:34He is kind.
05:36It's amazing.
05:37How do you feel?
05:38It's handmade.
05:40He is kind.
05:42Even after a long time, he can make it soft.
05:47It's his skill.
05:48It's delicious.
05:49It smells good.
05:53It's delicious.
05:55It's delicious.
05:57It has a strong taste.
05:59The sweetness of the rice is amazing.
06:01The seaweed is good.
06:03It's amazing.
06:05I can't smell it because I'm sitting next to him.
06:10Can I eat it?
06:12You can eat it as it is.
06:15The second one is this.
06:17This is the best one in East Japan in 2017.
06:21This is the best one in Niigata Prefecture.
06:24This is the best way to serve it.
06:30The best feature of this is that there are four ingredients.
06:40There are eel, small fish, squid, and shrimp.
06:44Vinegar rice and konbu make it delicious.
06:49It's amazing.
06:50This is the best way to serve it.
06:53It's the best way to serve it.
06:58If you can't see what's inside, you can't choose what to eat.
07:02Everyone will be confused.
07:04That's why I hide it.
07:07I want to see what's hidden.
07:11That's what I'm aiming for.
07:12It's fun to play with that.
07:14I see.
07:15Who wants to eat EBI SENRYU CHIASHI?
07:18It's decided.
07:23This is amazing.
07:26This has an impact.
07:28Please turn it over.
07:30This is beautiful.
07:33This is an eel.
07:36This is amazing.
07:38Can I eat this first?
07:40There is a shrimp on top.
07:44Niigata Prefecture has a shrimp culture.
07:46This is delicious.
07:47This is the taste of a sushi restaurant.
07:51This is the taste of fish.
07:54This is very delicious.
07:56This is good for the skin.
08:00This goes well with kelp.
08:02This is good for the skin.
08:05Can I turn this over?
08:08I wanted to turn this over at my own time.
08:13There are only three left.
08:15This is amazing.
08:17This is an eel.
08:18If you turn this over, the color will be bright.
08:23EBI SENRYU CHIASHI is interesting.
08:26This is a soft squid.
08:29This is delicious.
08:30After eating this seafood, I want to eat eggs.
08:34I can't stop eating this.
08:37Let's move on to the next dish.
08:40This is a lunch box of MOTARO from MATSUSAKA station in MIE.
08:46This is a lunch box of MOTARO.
08:49This is a rice cake quiz.
08:52What are the characteristics of this lunch box?
08:54This is a hint.
08:56This is packed tightly.
08:59That's true, but that's not the case.
09:02Mr. YAMADA.
09:03If you open this, you can't eat it.
09:05That's not true.
09:07I will eat this.
09:09If you open this, can you hear a melody?
09:14That's right.
09:18Let's listen to this.
09:20Please open the lunch box of MOTARO.
09:22I will open it.
09:40Is this the right TV for the present?
09:44Is this the TV of FURUSATO?
09:47This looks delicious.
09:52This looks delicious.
09:54This is a lot of meat.
09:56This is delicious.
10:02This is delicious.
10:04This suits you.
10:06This contains only meat and rice.
10:09Is there no onion?
10:11This is made with confidence in the ability of meat.
10:15This is a local ingredient.
10:17This is a speciality of MATSUSAKA.
10:19This is a sukiyaki style.
10:21This is a sukiyaki style.
10:23This is not a beef bowl.
10:26It's new to have two MCs eat this.
10:29This is delicious.
10:32In August.
10:34YAMADA RYOSUKE became the teacher of KAGAMI REI.
10:39He grew up with his students.
10:41He was the president of the drama ARION SCHOOL.
10:48Excuse me.
10:50Nice to meet you.
10:53I'm ITA-CHAN.
10:55I'm ITA-CHAN.
10:57I'm nervous.
11:00This time, I brought a special gift for the drama team.
11:08Thank you very much.
11:10This is a special gift.
11:12This is a special gift for KAGAMI REI.
11:15KAGAMI REI has been looking for the best station noodles in Japan for 20 years.
11:18This is a special gift for KAGAMI REI.
11:21This is a special gift for KAGAMI REI.
11:24I'm curious about this.
11:27This is a shrimp topping.
11:30This looks like an omelet.
11:33This is a shrimp topping.
11:36This is an eel topping.
11:38This is amazing.
11:40This is rice topping.
11:42Is there more?
11:44This is a squid topping.
11:46This is a shrimp topping.
11:48This is amazing.
11:50This looks delicious.
11:52KAGAMI REI, have you ever eaten this?
11:54I ate this last time.
11:57This is very delicious.
11:59Do you want to eat this?
12:01This is a special gift for KAGAMI REI.
12:05Thank you very much.
12:07Wait a minute.
12:11what's up?
12:13what's up?
12:15what's up?
12:17Did you come all the way here?
12:19what's up?
12:21He has a pen.
12:23He is writing something.
12:25He is left-handed.
12:27He is strong.
12:29He is left-handed.
12:31He is strong.
12:33He is strong.
12:37Is this the correct answer?
12:39He doesn't talk much.
12:41It's been a long time since we last met.
12:43We are classmates.
12:45It's been 13 years since I graduated from high school.
12:47It's been 13 years since I graduated from high school.
12:49He is a little nervous.
12:51what's up?
12:54He is worried about the game.
12:59What's up?
13:01He has been called by his friends.
13:05He will play rock-paper-scissors while waiting for the manager.
13:07The loser will pay for the drink.
13:11He enjoys it.
13:13He always wins and pays for the drink.
13:17He always wins and pays for the drink.
13:21I'm worried that I'm going to have a heart attack because of the frame.
13:24No, no, no, no, no.
13:25But Chi is stingy.
13:27No, I'm not.
13:29No, I'm not.
13:30You're not?
13:31I've never seen you pay for my meal.
13:34Because you look like you want to treat me.
13:35What do you mean by that?
13:37I don't look like I want to treat you.
13:38You don't look like you want to treat me.
13:39You don't sound like you want to treat me.
13:40You're not stingy.
13:41It's just that...
13:43I like rock-paper-scissors.
13:45What's with that T-shirt?
13:49You've become a weirdo.
13:50I was surprised.
13:52So, this time, we're going to play rock-paper-scissors.
13:55If you win, we'll give you a present.
14:00You know what? This is a really stingy project.
14:02No, no, no, no.
14:03If that's the case...
14:04Wait a minute.
14:05I asked if you could give me a present.
14:07Here are the rules of rock-paper-scissors.
14:10The first match is a five-time match between Mirai Shida and Kechinen.
14:17If Shida wins three times in a row,
14:20he'll give all the participants a piece of shrimp.
14:25He's so kind.
14:26He won three times in a row.
14:27Three times?
14:28He's so kind.
14:29He won three out of five matches.
14:30Not two, but three?
14:32He's a woman.
14:34No, he's Yuzutte-san.
14:38He's Yuzutte-san.
14:42Now, it's time for the match.
14:45It's been a while since we last met.
14:49But I don't think we were that close.
14:53No, no, no.
14:54You didn't talk, did you?
14:56I don't remember talking.
14:59So today is a day to remember.
15:02Let's have a historic match.
15:06I'm serious from now on.
15:08Keep being serious.
15:10Now, I'd like to give the prize to the participants.
15:16Good luck.
15:19I'll win all of them.
15:22Let's get started.
15:24It's the first round of Kichinen Janken.
15:29I'm so nervous.
15:32Here we go.
15:33I'm nervous.
15:35No, no, no.
15:37You can't do that.
15:39Look at this confused face.
15:41Even I'm confused.
15:44The writer came up with the intro.
15:48So let's do it.
15:49Are you okay?
15:51This is going to be your stage.
15:53I'll adjust it little by little.
15:56Can you do it?
15:57Yes, I think I can.
15:58Let's do it.
15:59I'm an actress.
16:00The first round of Kichinen Janken.
16:03Here we go.
16:06Kichinen Janken.
16:12Kichinen-san got one.
16:18That's a weird pose.
16:19That's a winning pose.
16:21You still have four chances.
16:22I'm so nervous.
16:23It's okay.
16:24You still have a chance.
16:26You can do it.
16:28Here we go.
16:29The second round of Kichinen Janken.
16:31Here we go.
16:32Kichinen Janken.
16:37Kichinen-san won three times in a row.
16:42You're strong.
16:43What should I do?
16:46You just need to win three times in a row.
16:48I still have a chance.
16:49You still have a chance.
16:50I can do it.
16:51On the other hand, Kichinen-san.
16:52If you win the next time, you win.
16:54I'm happy.
16:56I can feel the joy of winning.
17:00I don't like it.
17:03Kichinen is training with his manager.
17:09Will Kichinen win?
17:14Let's see.
17:17Will Shida-san win?
17:20The third round of Kichinen Janken.
17:23Here we go.
17:25Here we go.
17:26Kichinen Janken.
17:31Kichinen-san won the third time in a row.
17:38You're strong.
17:42I'm sorry.
17:43It's a different feeling.
17:47I feel good.
17:48You're too strong.
17:49You're strong.
17:50I thought I could win.
17:52It's a shame.
17:54Rules are rules.
17:57From Itajan,
17:59Itajan won't be able to eat the lunch box.
18:04Mochizuki-san, this lunch box is really delicious.
18:08I want everyone to eat it.
18:10It's okay.
18:11I'll take it home.
18:12You won't eat it.
18:13You don't eat that much, do you?
18:15Kichinen-san, how about another chance?
18:17It's already decided.
18:19Isn't it a little tough?
18:21It was a match with Shida-san.
18:24What do you think of Kagami-sensei?
18:26He doesn't have the courage.
18:28He doesn't have the courage.
18:29What if he says it?
18:32I like rock-paper-scissors.
18:34Yamada Ryosuke is not good at rock-paper-scissors.
18:38I see.
18:39But I'm Kagami.
18:41Here we go.
18:44I'm the president of Kagami Group, which is leading Japan.
18:48I won't lose.
18:50Then it's Kichinen.
18:54Let's play rock-paper-scissors.
18:56I'll do it.
18:59This is the second round.
19:02Kichinen vs Kagami.
19:04It's a one-sided match.
19:07Here we go.
19:09Kagami-sensei, are you okay with the official rules?
19:12Once I see it, I can't remember it.
19:15Here we go.
19:17It's a one-sided match.
19:18Let's play rock-paper-scissors.
19:24Here we go.
19:28Kichinen vs Kagami.
19:30This is the third round.
19:32Kichinen vs Kagami.
19:34It's a one-sided match.
19:35Let's play rock-paper-scissors.
19:41Here we go.
19:45Rock, paper, scissors!
19:47It's Aiko!
19:52This is fun.
19:53It's a perfect match.
19:54It's good.
19:55I see.
19:56This feels good.
19:57Both of you chose Aiko.
19:59Are you ready?
20:04Let's begin.
20:07Here I go.
20:08Rock, paper, scissors!
20:14I thought I read it all.
20:17Now, Aiko twice in a row.
20:20As expected of the leader of the Kagami Group, Rei Kagami, who represents Japan.
20:25Aiko, who has been a member of the Kagami Group for about 20 years,
20:29has read all the moves of Kechinen.
20:32Will Rei Kagami win this match?
20:34Or will Kechinen win?
20:36Who will win?
20:38Who will win this match?
20:43Here I go.
20:44Kechi, Kechi, Kechinen, rock, paper, scissors!
20:52How did you decide?
20:54Kechinen, who has been a member of the Kagami Group for about 20 years, has read all the moves of Kechinen.
20:58Will Rei Kagami win this match?
21:01Or will Kechinen win?
21:03Who will win?
21:06Who will win this match?
21:10Here I go.
21:11Kechi, Kechi, Kechinen, rock, paper, scissors!
21:16I won!
21:17Kagami sensei!
21:19I got a picture of the Dragon Team!
21:24I told you!
21:25It's not Ryosuke Yamada, it's Rei Kagami.
21:30I'm strong when something's on the line.
21:34I did it!
21:36It's been a while since I've won a game of rock, paper, scissors.
21:39Well done!
21:42I'm so happy.
21:44How do you feel?
21:50I gave it all I had.
21:53You're so confident.
21:54You gave it all you had.
21:55I think I'll be able to sleep well tonight.
21:57How was it, Kagami sensei?
21:59I'll go to all the games and make it so popular that everyone in the world will play it.
22:05I see.
22:06That's it.
22:07I'll go.
22:08I'll go.
22:09I'll go to all the games and make it so popular that everyone in the world will play it.
22:15Kechinen, I'm fine.
22:17I'll definitely be there.
22:19I'll definitely be there.
22:21That's reassuring.
22:22Are you going to continue?
22:23Let's go.
22:24Let's go.
22:25Let's go.
22:26Let's go.
22:27Let's go.
22:28The three of us will do our best.
22:30I don't know why, but I feel like I'm weak.
