• 2 days ago
00:03:36Heavenly Father, we ask you to watch over this family,
00:03:40and we ask you to send your blessings, Lord,
00:03:42as you see fit to bestow.
00:03:44Yes, Lord.
00:03:45We ask that you bless little Lee
00:03:48as he prepares for his wrestling match,
00:03:51and Lord, bless Floyd as she works so hard for the family.
00:03:56We're just so thankful for the opportunities
00:03:59you give us to shape this community in your image...
00:04:03Yes, Lord.
00:04:04...and bring forth your kingdom...
00:04:11...your kingdom here on Earth.
00:04:16Sarah Beth, can you just let things like that go
00:04:20till we're done with the prayer?
00:04:22Yes. I'm sorry, Big Lee, Commissioner Fletcher.
00:04:25All right. Just finish up your work and go home.
00:04:28Yes, sir.
00:04:29I just need to finish little Lee's laundry.
00:04:31No, I need you gone now.
00:04:32Do you want me to help?
00:04:33I don't need you to do anything.
00:04:35Floyd, why don't you let her help?
00:04:37I don't need help.
00:04:39Sarah Beth, just take out the trash and go.
00:04:42Yes, sir.
00:04:43Put on a sweater, Sarah Beth.
00:04:48Would it be possible to pay me before I go?
00:04:56Thank you.
00:04:57Floyd, you know the election's coming up.
00:04:59You're going to be needed.
00:05:00I don't...
00:05:01You got a lot on your plate.
00:05:02I have to get to school.
00:05:03Son, don't interrupt me.
00:05:06Good day.
00:05:09All right, hey.
00:05:11I'm going to train hard today.
00:05:13Yes, sir.
00:05:14Go bust it.
00:05:15Yes, sir.
00:05:16All right. I want you on that mat first thing after school.
00:05:20Go on.
00:05:27Go on.
00:05:57Go on.
00:06:28Go on.
00:06:49Well, I like to tell people I'm a devout Christian
00:06:51because I'm kind of the only one in my group of friends
00:06:54that's, like, a for-real Christian.
00:06:56So whenever I meet someone, I just say it.
00:06:58Oh, that's so brave that you do that.
00:07:01Yeah, so brave.
00:07:02It must be hard for you to be constantly coming out as a Christian.
00:07:06The armor of God is heavy.
00:07:08So heavy.
00:07:11I'll see you at Christmas?
00:07:12I'll be there.
00:07:18They're nice, okay?
00:07:20Your mom plays tennis with them.
00:07:21My mom plays tennis with their moms.
00:07:22You're not funny.
00:07:26Dave Fletcher looks tragic.
00:07:28That's why he's hot.
00:07:29You should text him and get him out.
00:07:31Dude, he's not going to party with us.
00:07:34He has sad eyes.
00:07:42Do you want to go up to your room and read a book with him?
00:07:44Shut up.
00:07:45You want to read a book with him?
00:07:46Shut up.
00:07:49Dude, you are so lame.
00:07:51So lame.
00:07:52I'm never going to stop making fun of you.
00:07:53You shared a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird for like half an hour.
00:07:56And it's like the pinnacle of your fucking life.
00:07:58Okay, it was not.
00:08:00And he let me keep his copy of it.
00:08:02Okay, well that changes everything.
00:08:05Hey, don't be a bitch.
00:08:06Text him.
00:08:07No, I'm not going to text him, okay?
00:08:12No way, dude.
00:08:14Okay, no booze, no sex.
00:08:16Just wrestling, God and church shit.
00:08:18But he might say yes.
00:08:20No, he won't.
00:08:21Bigly pulled him completely out of First Christ after the Easter treat.
00:08:26Bigly flipped because Brent got a blowjob from Kayla on the dock.
00:08:34Wait, why didn't you invite me?
00:08:36I don't know.
00:08:37Listen, if you're so desperate to talk to him, sign up for the trash pickup or something.
00:08:42Ms. Kempton is shopping right there.
00:08:43Let's go, Ms. Tierney.
00:08:44At least like director to Ms. Miller's office.
00:08:47Thank you.
00:08:52Ms. Kempton?
00:08:53What's up?
00:08:54Hi, I was wondering if I could sign up for the trash pickup.
00:08:59Yeah, sure.
00:09:00We're always looking for more trash heads, going green, saving the environment.
00:09:07You know, we're all supposed to be dead by 2050.
00:09:09Has anyone else signed up?
00:09:10Oh, Lee Fletcher.
00:09:12You know, he's always the only one who shows up.
00:09:14I think his dad makes him do it.
00:09:16But now he'll have someone to talk trash with.
00:09:20But we can't all be winners, Kyle.
00:09:23Thanks, Ms. K.
00:09:50I heard we're all supposed to die by like 2050 or something, if we don't do anything.
00:09:57Dang, that's crazy.
00:10:01Do you know what I'm talking about?
00:10:06The environment.
00:10:07It's like, gonna be too hot to live.
00:10:12Does your dad make you do this?
00:10:22I don't know.
00:10:26Cool story.
00:10:27How about you?
00:10:29Why are you here?
00:10:31Because I care about the environment.
00:10:34Yeah, I can tell.
00:10:38Ms. Mansfield's class?
00:10:42Oh, no.
00:10:44I'm sorry.
00:10:45I'm sorry.
00:10:46I'm sorry.
00:10:47I'm sorry.
00:10:48I'm sorry.
00:10:49I'm sorry.
00:10:50I'm sorry.
00:10:51I'm sorry.
00:10:52I'm sorry.
00:10:53I'm sorry.
00:10:54I'm sorry.
00:10:57We had to share a book that one time in Ms. Mansfield's class.
00:11:10I'm Lee.
00:11:12Fletcher the Fourth.
00:11:16I'm Kyle Culper.
00:11:19I still have the book.
00:11:26So, you're friends with Bree?
00:11:31Yeah, I am.
00:11:34Bree's really funny.
00:11:36You guys know each other from church?
00:11:39Yeah, you came with her to that Christmas retreat once, up at the lake.
00:11:49Yeah, I wish she had invited me to the last one.
00:11:53I heard about Brent and Kayla.
00:11:57That's freaking weird.
00:11:58Brent looks like a foot.
00:12:01I heard he cried and then everyone had to pray for him.
00:12:06Yeah, my dad drove up and got me before all that.
00:12:10Was he mad?
00:12:13Not at me.
00:12:15We basically decided then to not go to First Christ anymore.
00:12:23We go to New Dawn now.
00:12:26That's like a huge deal.
00:12:31Yeah, it's kind of crazy.
00:12:34My daddy just, like, thinks I should be responsible for everyone all the time.
00:12:42I don't know.
00:12:45This is weird.
00:12:50Hey, fuck dick!
00:12:52Faggot party!
00:12:54What the fuck is this?
00:12:55What is Lee Fletcher doing with fuck dick?
00:12:57We're just picking up trash, Bobby.
00:12:59Let's calm it down.
00:13:00Alright, bud?
00:13:01So Kyle can suck your dick?
00:13:04You jealous, Justin?
00:13:05You smell that?
00:13:06It smells like farts out here.
00:13:07Did you fart, fuck dick?
00:13:09No, Bobby, I didn't.
00:13:10I bet you did.
00:13:11You just can't feel it because your asshole is so loose from getting fucked by so many dicks.
00:13:15Fuck dick!
00:13:16I'm glad you're thinking about my asshole.
00:13:19Alright, just calm it down.
00:13:20What are you going to do about it, little boy?
00:13:22Are you going to get Big Daddy Lee to call the law on me after I beat your ass?
00:13:25Let's not find out.
00:13:27Beat his little ass, Justin!
00:13:31What the fuck?
00:13:32Fucking fags, you won't do shit.
00:13:44Yeah, protect your little boyfriend, bitch.
00:13:46Do something else, I swear.
00:13:49Come on, Justin!
00:13:53Open the fucking door, Bobby.
00:14:00Hey, I'm so sorry.
00:14:03Don't worry about it.
00:14:04Are you okay? Can I see that?
00:14:07You literally punched him.
00:14:11He's a butthead.
00:14:15Total butthead.
00:14:22Just FYI, I was ready if they both came at us.
00:14:26I have muscles, I take dance classes.
00:14:29I wasn't scared.
00:14:32You know they're going to make fun of you now.
00:14:34They already hate me, so...
00:14:37Only because they actually want to be you.
00:14:44Can you throw this away and hold on to my picker, please?
00:14:49Thank you.
00:15:28What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:15:31What's the matter, Lee? Are you okay, bud?
00:15:34Yeah, sorry.
00:15:37Tell your folks hello for me.
00:15:45Is he here?
00:15:47Three minutes.
00:15:48Yes, sir.
00:15:51Where is your shirt?
00:15:53Where is your shirt?
00:16:17Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.
00:16:21Do you know where that verse is found?
00:16:23Corinthians 14.
00:16:26Do you know where the verse is found?
00:16:31No, sir.
00:16:32Corinthians 14, verse 40.
00:16:37Where do we have to be tonight?
00:16:40Why in the world would you want us to be late to that, son?
00:16:44Some guys at school were just giving us a hard time
00:16:47while we were picking up trash at Granddad's Park.
00:16:51Who's we?
00:16:52Kyle Culper.
00:17:02What'd you do?
00:17:03I punched one.
00:17:07Don't hurt yourself.
00:17:11Be careful with that boy.
00:17:12I ain't gonna hurt him.
00:17:14Who was it that gave you the trouble, son?
00:17:16Bobby Garrett and Justin Farkel.
00:17:18What were you doing with Kyle Culper?
00:17:20Mrs. Grace, it's Floor.
00:17:21They were gonna beat him up.
00:17:22You show that boy kindness and he will twist it.
00:17:25Twist it.
00:17:55Picking up trash at the Technology Park.
00:17:57Oh, right.
00:17:58And for what?
00:18:03The environment and helping the people.
00:18:06You know.
00:18:08And Bui? Was he there too?
00:18:10Just me.
00:18:11Just you.
00:18:14Just you?
00:18:20Lee Fletcher was there.
00:18:23Lee Fletcher?
00:18:25Commissioner Fletcher's son?
00:18:29He's super cool.
00:18:32He punched someone in the face today.
00:18:34What do you mean?
00:18:36Did he beat you up?
00:18:38No, no.
00:18:43Two guys from school were calling me a fag.
00:18:49Marica, fag.
00:19:00Justin Farkel and Bobby Garrett.
00:19:08No, I'm calling Carla right now.
00:19:09It's not worth it.
00:19:10I'm so tired.
00:19:11Yeah, no.
00:19:20Oh my God.
00:19:52Do you like him?
00:19:58You need to be careful with him.
00:20:01I appreciate what he did for you today.
00:20:04But his dad, he's the county commissioner.
00:20:08And he's not going to do it again.
00:20:11I know.
00:20:13I know.
00:20:15I know.
00:20:16I know.
00:20:17He's the county commissioner.
00:20:18And they are very, very strict.
00:20:23He's okay.
00:20:24He's like totally sheltered.
00:20:25I don't want you going to that house.
00:20:29It's not because I don't trust you or Lee.
00:20:32I'm sure that he's fine.
00:20:35But I don't want to have to worry about Big Lee.
00:20:39You're my baby.
00:20:41And I don't want anything to happen to you.
00:20:43Look, you can't put your lips there.
00:20:46Okay, stop it.
00:20:47Let me.
00:20:48No, not so big.
00:20:51Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry.
00:20:55I'm going to get the food.
00:20:57We're in a struggle between holy and evil that dates back to creation.
00:21:06Now, as each of you journey on your own river, on your own personal flotations.
00:21:15Underneath the tranquil waters rears an ugly beast.
00:21:21Immoral, degraded, massacred.
00:21:27It bubbles up from devilish depths to invade your thoughts.
00:21:34To inhabit your feeble minds.
00:21:36Will you listen to it?
00:21:39The beast appears to all in the making of a sinner.
00:21:45The beast loses his vicious spirits to torment those that would stray from the Lord's hurt.
00:21:56In my youth, we didn't have fairness ordinances.
00:22:02Fair to who?
00:22:06Fair to who?
00:22:09Gender this, lesbian that.
00:22:14No, we didn't have all that.
00:22:17No, we had God's covenant.
00:22:21That's what we had.
00:22:26There is but one way to deliver yourself.
00:22:33You surrender to God.
00:22:38I beg you to contemplate your house in hell.
00:22:44You think about that.
00:22:47You surrender to God, but you live in hell.
00:22:51You will die a spiritual death.
00:22:54That's an awful way to go.
00:22:57Let us pray.
00:22:58Lord God and heavenly helper, we ask that you deliver us from evil and chasten our souls.
00:23:06Enshrine them in the protective sleeve of the Lord.
00:23:10Bring us back to that old time religion when justice was swift and your judgment was mighty.
00:23:20Alright, now you go home.
00:23:23And you get in your bed tonight.
00:23:27And you think about it.
00:23:30Being in hell.
00:23:56He's totally into me.
00:24:24Or he's so sheltered he doesn't even know what he's doing.
00:24:27Dude, you thought Justin Farkel was gay and he was screaming slurs at you yesterday.
00:24:31That's actually more evidence that he's gay.
00:24:33And I saw him smoking cigarettes by the public restrooms down by the river.
00:24:37What does that mean?
00:24:39That's where men meet up to have sex.
00:24:42Okay, sure.
00:24:44But I still don't see it with Lee.
00:24:47He remembered the book.
00:24:50No, for real.
00:24:51And like, why would he bring it up?
00:24:54Why would he remember?
00:24:56Maybe you smelled bad. I don't know.
00:24:58I never smelled bad. And he let me basically hold his hand.
00:25:01And he punched someone in the face for me.
00:25:04Okay, but he did that for himself too.
00:25:07Didn't he want to beat both of you up?
00:25:09Well, he could have literally beat me up with them if he wanted to.
00:25:12Okay, well it sounds like you have it all worked out.
00:25:15I'm just saying that we'll see.
00:25:18Okay, we'll see.
00:25:24Come on in here and sit down with me a minute.
00:25:27I want to talk with you.
00:25:35Yes, ma'am?
00:25:38You have something you want to speak to me about?
00:25:48No, what?
00:25:49No, ma'am.
00:25:59What's this?
00:26:02Why have you been hanging around Kyle Culper?
00:26:10I haven't.
00:26:12Do you know what that boy is?
00:26:14What do you mean?
00:26:16He flaunts it, Lee.
00:26:17He's a little flaunt Leroy.
00:26:20Mom, please just stop.
00:26:22Did you listen to Pastor Royer and what all he was talking about?
00:26:25Yes, mom.
00:26:27Beasts rearing up their heads. You know what that boy is.
00:26:30No, I don't.
00:26:32I have prayed, Lee.
00:26:34I have prayed and I have prayed for you ever since you was little.
00:26:40You used to watch me put on my makeup.
00:26:47You were so sweet.
00:26:50You'd sit on the toilet and you'd move your little hands back and forth like you was putting on blush.
00:26:58And then your daddy made me start locking the bathroom door whenever I was getting ready.
00:27:02And you would just cry and cry.
00:27:05It broke my heart.
00:27:11Lee! Davis Fletcher!
00:27:27I'm neither gay nor bisexual. I'm straight, heterosexual.
00:27:31I'm neither gay nor bisexual. I'm straight, heterosexual.
00:27:47I'm straight.
00:28:28Thank you.
00:28:40What did you do to your mother?
00:28:43I don't know.
00:28:47When she's like this, son, she's a liability.
00:28:54Don't do it again.
00:28:56Yes, sir.
00:29:17I'm sorry.
00:29:47I'm sorry.
00:30:10Don't run in the house.
00:31:13Hey, Lee.
00:31:16Lee, what are you looking at?
00:31:18Just studying.
00:31:25What's up?
00:31:27Oh, nothing. I'm just crammed for APRO.
00:31:40It's fine.
00:31:42So, what are you studying for?
00:31:45Independent Bible study.
00:31:49My dad.
00:31:55What the fuck, Lee?
00:31:57You don't have to scream like a little fucking girl.
00:31:59I'm so sorry.
00:32:04It's just my fucking toe.
00:32:12Hey, Lee. How's your hand?
00:32:14It's cool.
00:32:15Um, so I know you have the trash thing or wrestling after school, but...
00:32:19Wrestling match is tomorrow.
00:32:20Oh, nice.
00:32:21I'll see you later, man.
00:32:22I'll try to make it. Are you in it?
00:32:24Yeah. I'm on the varsity boys team.
00:32:26Oh, cool. Duh.
00:32:28Well, I was wondering if you're free after school,
00:32:30you can meet me at the auditorium before my practice.
00:32:33I can play you my song.
00:32:34Maybe we could grab a match after or something.
00:32:37Hey, I don't drink.
00:32:40What's matcha?
00:32:42It's green tea.
00:32:49Wait, what did you do?
00:32:52I was hanging out with Lee in the library,
00:32:54where he was acting totally weird, by the way.
00:32:57And I did the toe thing.
00:32:58And he freaked.
00:32:59Wait, you did the toe thing?
00:33:00What the fuck?
00:33:01Yeah, no, no, no, no.
00:33:02And also, I'm pretty sure that he was watching gay porn.
00:33:04I'm, like, mad at you.
00:33:06Well, don't be, because now you know.
00:33:08Yeah, I hope you're entertained.
00:33:11Are you serious?
00:33:14I did this for you.
00:33:19Oh my God, this jacket.
00:33:22I think it's going to work for the student showcase.
00:33:24It's so great.
00:33:26It's giving young Liberace.
00:33:28It's giving young Liberace.
00:33:30It's giving young Liberace.
00:33:31It's giving young Liberace.
00:33:32It's giving young Liberace.
00:33:34When you get home, Google Liberace.
00:33:37I really don't know anything you're saying.
00:33:39Okay, but for serious.
00:33:40Do you have a second?
00:33:42Yeah, what's up?
00:33:43So, I saw you talking to Lee Fletcher.
00:33:47Did everything go okay at the trash pickup?
00:33:50Yeah, just some guys that were being dicks, like always.
00:33:53What do you mean?
00:33:56Lee took care of it.
00:33:58Does it have anything to do with Justin Farquhar's broken nose?
00:34:04So, Lee was protecting you.
00:34:06Yes, but I definitely don't want to get him in trouble.
00:34:12Is something going on between you two?
00:34:14I won't say anything.
00:34:20I like him.
00:34:23Okay, okay.
00:34:26Well, you know, take it slow.
00:34:28These are sensitive issues and not everybody enjoys the support that you do from your mom, you know?
00:34:34Yeah, well, I know his parents are super religious.
00:34:37And that's okay.
00:34:38That's okay.
00:34:39I want you to be aware and be respectful of his journey as he figures things out.
00:34:45I'm not like a gay predator.
00:34:47Oh, honey, I know that.
00:34:49I'm not saying that.
00:34:52If there's anybody that someone would want on their side, it's you.
00:34:56Go play.
00:34:58Live your truth.
00:35:01Thanks, Mrs. K.
00:35:03Live your truth.
00:35:04Do you mean eat wheat thins and drink wine?
00:35:06Because that is what I'm going to go do.
00:35:08Hey, kill it.
00:35:26I love you.
00:35:27I love you.
00:35:55I love you.
00:36:26It's your big brother, Neil.
00:36:27If you remember me.
00:36:28I just wanted to leave this in case you needed to pick me up.
00:36:54Why didn't you guys pick me up.
00:36:55You're going to love this tape.
00:36:56I put a lot of stuff on here.
00:36:57There's Salt and Pepper.
00:36:59There's Vanessa Williams.
00:37:01So enjoy.
00:37:02Love you.
00:37:04Miss you.
00:37:05And hope we can talk-
00:37:06You're not supposed to be in your parent's bedroom.
00:37:08I was just looking for some time for school.
00:37:24Well, I want to thank you all for coming out tonight, and listen, Floyd and I are just
00:37:44so grateful for all the generous donations and lovely conversation, but I want to thank
00:37:51you all because you have positioned yourselves as stewards of Fletcher County and our traditional
00:38:00values, at a time when expressing your religious beliefs can bring forth vicious discrimination.
00:38:09My opponent says the county should only exercise the authority expressly granted them by law.
00:38:16Says I've been abusing my office.
00:38:19He says what we need is a county commissioner accountable to a higher authority, the state.
00:38:27That may be how they do it up there in Connecticut, where he's from.
00:38:33Not how we do it down here in Fletcher County.
00:38:36The only higher authority we're accountable to is the Lord God Almighty.
00:38:43That's what my granddaddy believed.
00:38:45It's what my daddy believed.
00:38:47It's what I believe, and praise God, it's what our son believes.
00:38:53We must keep this place rooted in the values that have always been here.
00:39:07When Pastor Royer says amen, that usually means it's time to eat.
00:39:13And Floyd's got a whole mess of pies for y'all set up back in the kitchen.
00:39:16I want everybody to go back, enjoy yourselves, get some pies.
00:39:22Thank God.
00:39:23Bless you all.
00:39:24God bless you all.
00:39:30Hey, I...
00:39:32Go back.
00:39:53Alright, we still have to be really quiet.
00:39:57Can we be quiet?
00:40:02I have to ask you a question.
00:40:07Why didn't you meet me at the auditorium?
00:40:11I was taking care of something while you were in my parents' room.
00:40:18Will you come to the student showcase?
00:40:22Sure, yeah.
00:40:32I've been...
00:40:34I've been having reprobate thoughts.
00:40:40What do you mean?
00:40:43I've been...
00:40:45I've been having thoughts about you.
00:40:54I've been...
00:40:56I've been...
00:40:58I've been...
00:41:00I've been...
00:41:04I've been having thoughts about me.
00:41:22I think about...
00:41:26I think about what you might think about things.
00:41:32I think about your face.
00:41:36Your eyes and your lips.
00:41:40And what it might feel like to hold your hand.
00:41:44It's scary.
00:41:50You don't have to be scared of me.
00:41:54Look, I'm not scared of you.
00:41:57It's more how I feel when I'm around you.
00:42:02How do you feel when you're around me?
00:42:12I feel warm.
00:42:18Under my eyes and my cheeks get all red.
00:42:22And I can't look you in the eye or I'll blow up and pop like a balloon
00:42:26and rain confetti down on everything and everyone will see.
00:42:38How do you feel?
00:42:42Like you?
00:42:50Like when I was a freshman.
00:42:54Mrs. Mansfield's class.
00:42:58Hoping our elbows were up together.
00:43:04The loose skin on your elbow.
00:43:06It's called a weenis.
00:43:11That's sick.
00:43:16And I wanted our weenises to touch.
00:43:26I don't know why.
00:43:49I don't know why.
00:44:08It's okay. It's okay.
00:44:12What did I do?
00:44:13I'm so sorry.
00:44:15I'm so sorry.
00:44:16I'm so sorry.
00:44:20I'm so sorry.
00:44:24It's okay.
00:44:30Jesus Christ.
00:44:33You, out.
00:44:34Get out.
00:44:36Shut up.
00:44:37Mr. Fletcher, you're hurting me.
00:44:41Work out, you son of a...
00:44:45Got me a little thief.
00:44:46Caught him in the jewelry box.
00:44:49Let's go.
00:44:55Stay away from my boy, freak.
00:44:58My son ain't a freak.
00:44:59What's wrong with you?
00:45:05You're right.
00:45:06Your son's not a freak.
00:45:15All right, now.
00:45:16Good night.
00:45:17Thank you.
00:45:18Call me in the morning.
00:45:20Lee, we miss you at First Christian.
00:45:23Please come back any time.
00:45:24All right.
00:45:25Hey, you got some pie?
00:45:26Yes, sir, I did.
00:45:27Good, good.
00:45:29Thank you.
00:45:30Hey, get him some pie.
00:45:32You gotta take some with you.
00:45:33I know you want a piece of that chest.
00:45:39A word?
00:45:52Pastor Royer wants to talk to you, son.
00:46:15Do you have feelings for that boy?
00:46:28Do you have reprobate thoughts about the Culper boy?
00:46:38Sit up.
00:46:40Sit up.
00:46:45I believe we're dealing with a Ganymede.
00:46:51What is that?
00:46:54A Ganymede is an unrepentant homosexual.
00:46:58Man or a boy.
00:47:00Usually uncommonly beautiful.
00:47:03And they are so deeply entwined with demonic forces
00:47:07that their homosexuality begins to overtake and attract others
00:47:13with uncontrollable same-sex urges.
00:47:17Demonic disturbances.
00:47:19You'll read about it in the old texts of the Hellenites,
00:47:22and I believe that's what your son has encountered
00:47:25with that Culper boy.
00:47:26I told you, Lee.
00:47:29Pastor, can this kind of condition be passed down from a relative?
00:47:34Well, perhaps if there was an unrepentant homosexual in the family, yeah.
00:47:39That's not true.
00:47:46Who's in the pictures in the suitcase?
00:47:54What pictures is he talking about, Floyd?
00:47:58I don't know, Lee.
00:48:01Let me ask you.
00:48:03Can pictures of a homosexual nature bring this kind of thing into my house?
00:48:09Perhaps gay paraphernalia could have attracted the Culper child.
00:48:13Almost surely.
00:48:14He was my big brother.
00:48:16He was a pervert, Floyd.
00:48:17And I tried to fix him, Lee.
00:48:19You know I did.
00:48:20Don't you pin this on me.
00:48:22I fixed that park up real nice for you.
00:48:25After he went and did what he did there.
00:48:27And then you named it after your daddy.
00:48:32I guess I should have just filled the damn thing in, shouldn't I?
00:48:35Is that what I should have done?
00:48:37I asked you for one thing, Floyd.
00:48:40A son.
00:48:41And you can barely do that.
00:48:44Look at him sitting there.
00:48:46A shirt lifter.
00:48:47Just like your damn brother.
00:48:49Stop it, Lee.
00:48:50I'm sorry, Dad.
00:48:52Baby, listen to me.
00:48:54We can fix this, okay?
00:48:56It's not real.
00:48:57It's not.
00:48:59Nobody is going to find out.
00:49:00We can do it.
00:49:02Baby, I don't think I can bear it.
00:49:05Please tell me.
00:49:07Tell me you're not going to say nothing to nobody.
00:49:10I couldn't stand it.
00:49:12They used to say, oh, here comes poor Floyd Fletcher.
00:49:16Dead brother.
00:49:18Dead and gay.
00:49:19Did you hear?
00:49:20And now they're going to say, did you hear about her son?
00:49:23He's so handsome.
00:49:25He's dead and gay, too.
00:49:28You're not helping, hon.
00:49:30Am I going to die, Floyd?
00:49:33Am I going to die?
00:49:34No, baby.
00:49:35No, you are not.
00:49:36No, no.
00:49:37No, no, no.
00:49:39Could he?
00:49:41Could something like that kill him, Pastor?
00:49:45If he remains an unrepentant homosexual,
00:49:48God won't let him live long in sin.
00:49:51Years, maybe.
00:49:53But he won't overcome it with just repentance.
00:49:59I could work with him.
00:50:01Bring him by the church twice a week,
00:50:03starting tomorrow morning.
00:50:05But first, I need a firm commitment from Lee.
00:50:11Lee, do you want to be rid of this ganymede?
00:50:17What is it?
00:50:18What is it, Pastor?
00:50:19What will you do?
00:50:23All right.
00:50:24Bring him by tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
00:50:31Have you, um, have you ever had a full recovery?
00:50:38You're looking at one.
00:50:40It's okay.
00:50:41It's okay.
00:50:44It's okay.
00:50:45It's okay.
00:50:46He, uh, he does have wrestling tomorrow.
00:50:49Well, that shouldn't be a problem.
00:50:53Commissioner Fletcher!
00:50:55Excuse me.
00:50:59Commissioner Fletcher!
00:51:02I would like a word now!
00:51:04Please! Right now!
00:51:07You want to keep your voice down and step off of my porch, please?
00:51:10What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:51:12Throwing my son into the concrete like a dog.
00:51:14You keep your hands off my kid.
00:51:16Let me tell you something.
00:51:18You keep your ungodly child out of this home
00:51:21and away from my son.
00:51:24You know, Lee, I don't know about your gut,
00:51:26but my gut don't make mistakes.
00:51:30Stay the fuck away from us.
00:51:35I will pray for Lee.
00:51:50That face.
00:51:52Mrs. K?
00:51:53Kyle, come here. Come here.
00:51:54Look at this little fluff.
00:51:56Oh, cute.
00:51:57What happened?
00:51:59Justin Barkle?
00:52:01Commissioner Fletcher.
00:52:03Close the door.
00:52:08I went over to his place last night.
00:52:11He came out to me.
00:52:13He did?
00:52:16He freaked and his dad came upstairs.
00:52:18They saw us hugging.
00:52:19We weren't even doing anything.
00:52:21I mean, we were before, but...
00:52:22Kyle, don't tell me that.
00:52:26I haven't seen Lee at all today.
00:52:31I will call the office for you.
00:52:34I will call the office for you.
00:52:37Are you pressing charges?
00:52:39No, my mom.
00:52:40She went off on Big Lee.
00:52:41Your sweet mom.
00:52:44If you hear anything,
00:52:47will you please let me know?
00:52:50Yes, yes.
00:52:51But for now, Kyle,
00:52:53you need to keep your distance, okay?
00:53:14Little Lee, why don't you sit right here on the couch?
00:53:18There you go, right there on the end.
00:53:19That's good.
00:53:23the first thing
00:53:27I want to tell you...
00:53:34There's no such thing as a homosexual.
00:53:39That's a lie.
00:53:41Told to you by magazines and the internet.
00:53:45It's hip to be gay.
00:53:50Homosexual thoughts and feelings
00:53:52are lies
00:53:54put in your head
00:53:56by demons and gandhi means.
00:53:59Do you understand that?
00:54:01Yes, sir.
00:54:04I know.
00:54:08I come across one.
00:54:11A gandhi mead.
00:54:15I was 15.
00:54:20A combine crew used to come
00:54:24work our wheat farm.
00:54:27Lived up in this silver trailer.
00:54:29They'd park at the edge of the field.
00:54:31It's mid-July.
00:54:33And at night,
00:54:35the boy they called Jeremiah
00:54:40come to the back of our house
00:54:42and take his shirt off.
00:54:45Lay on the cool concrete slab
00:54:47under the awning behind our house.
00:54:52And I
00:54:55would feel
00:54:57called to
00:55:00look out the window at him.
00:55:04Until one night,
00:55:06it was a full moon.
00:55:09And the cicadas were singing loud.
00:55:13And I just
00:55:17it wasn't enough
00:55:20to look down at him from the window.
00:55:23I wanted to go out there.
00:55:28I felt pulled
00:55:33to go down.
00:55:35And I went to creep out my back door.
00:55:37The screen door opened.
00:55:38He jumps up.
00:55:39He says, I'm sorry.
00:55:40I'm like, oh no, it's no big deal.
00:55:41I'm just gonna go check the chicken coop.
00:55:43And he goes, I'll come with you.
00:55:44So I says, okay.
00:55:45So we go out there.
00:55:47There wasn't nothing to do.
00:55:50So we just
00:55:52sat and talked.
00:55:55Talked about combines.
00:55:59Talked about how tough our dads were on us.
00:56:02One thing or another,
00:56:07we start horsing around.
00:56:11I was rolling around on the ground.
00:56:14Feathers was flying.
00:56:18And then Jeremiah was on top of me.
00:56:24Laughing, blowing feathers in the air.
00:56:28He looked like
00:56:31lean slender wolf
00:56:33howling in the midnight.
00:56:40And then he put his lips on my mouth.
00:56:46And my body was electrified.
00:56:54I imagine you felt something similar
00:56:56with the Culper boy.
00:57:00Made you feel like
00:57:03you were the real you with him.
00:57:08Well, that's
00:57:11that's what a Ganymede wants you to feel.
00:57:15They justify it.
00:57:19Have you ever heard of electroconvulsive therapy?
00:57:23No, sir.
00:57:25Well, with prayer, diligence, and ECT,
00:57:28you can actually reboot your brain,
00:57:30clear it of all those thoughts.
00:57:32Kind of like resetting your computer.
00:57:37Young Lee,
00:57:39do you think that's something you'd like to try?
00:57:42Do you want to get rid of those thoughts?
00:57:46Yeah. Yes, sir.
00:57:47Would you like to begin today?
00:57:59Mouth guard open.
00:58:04All right.
00:58:05I'm going to flip this switch,
00:58:07and I'm going to start praying.
00:58:10I want you to think about that Culper boy.
00:58:16Close your eyes.
00:58:20All right.
00:58:21You won't even remember.
00:58:22Think. Just relax.
00:58:28All right.
00:58:36Young Lee, honey,
00:58:38sign in for Miss Shelby.
00:58:39You're holding the pen.
00:58:41Sorry, Miss Shelby.
00:58:45You okay?
00:58:47Yeah. Fine, Mom.
00:58:49All right.
00:58:50I'll see you at the match after school.
00:58:59Good morning, America's brightest.
00:59:01Please take your textbooks out to page 58,
00:59:05the section on points, lines, and planes.
00:59:09Now, this is a review, people,
00:59:10so it should sound familiar.
00:59:12If it's not, please raise your hands.
00:59:15God only knows why it wouldn't be,
00:59:17but it is what it is.
00:59:20A point is a line
00:59:22that has no length, width, or depth.
00:59:29A line is a collection of points
00:59:32in a straight path.
00:59:34Does that ring a bell?
00:59:37Lines go back and forth,
00:59:40and both directions are to infinity.
00:59:43Therefore, we put arrows on either side.
00:59:48Y'all following me?
01:00:17Mr. Fletcher!
01:00:23A point is named with a capital letter.
01:00:29I'm sorry.
01:00:32Hey, Lee, are you okay?
01:00:33I'm fine.
01:00:35And I need you to stay away from me.
01:00:39Wait. What?
01:00:44I know what you are.
01:00:46What does that mean?
01:00:48What did your parents tell you?
01:00:57Leave the lecture, my office, now!
01:01:01Are you okay?
01:01:07You don't look so great today, buddy.
01:01:10Why were you sick this morning?
01:01:12Doctor's appointment.
01:01:15And this had just nothing to do with last night?
01:01:18What did he tell you?
01:01:21He came over and that your dad got mad.
01:01:24Yeah, and he just came here and told you
01:01:27like he tells everyone his business and flaunts it.
01:01:30Flaunts what?
01:01:32Am I dismissed?
01:01:33Lee, anything you tell me does not leave this office.
01:01:40There's no such thing as a homosexual.
01:01:45What do you mean?
01:01:47Do you go to church, Mrs. Kimpton?
01:01:49Yes, I do.
01:01:51Then you should get it.
01:01:56Look, Lee, I have upset you.
01:01:58And I am very sorry.
01:02:00And we are just going to leave this as it is for a bit.
01:02:03But I need you to promise me
01:02:06that you are not going to hurt anyone else or yourself.
01:02:16Can I go?
01:02:43Let's take him, Lee.
01:02:45Pin him, Lee!
01:02:47You got this, boy.
01:02:48Ew, look at him.
01:02:50He's a psycho.
01:02:52You got him, son!
01:02:54Dude, why did you even come here?
01:02:56To bitch about Mr. Fletcher and his pickle?
01:03:00I promised him I would.
01:03:02Little Lee?
01:03:04His dad threw you out onto the driveway last night.
01:03:07That was his dad, not him.
01:03:09We were kissing before that happened.
01:03:11He fucking threw you across the hallway.
01:03:13How many signs do you need, Kyle? Let it go.
01:03:15That's not him.
01:03:18That's not him.
01:03:28Get him.
01:03:48Take it, son.
01:04:59Hey, man.
01:05:00What's wrong, son?
01:05:03Thanks, Dad.
01:05:05It's bad.
01:05:06No, no, not here.
01:05:07Not here.
01:05:08Not now.
01:05:10Be a man.
01:05:11Be a man.
01:05:12You're Fletcher.
01:05:13Lee, are you okay?
01:05:14He's all right.
01:05:15I'm talking to Lee. Are you okay?
01:05:17We know what you are.
01:05:19This family is protected by God.
01:05:24Is he okay?
01:05:47Oh, God.
01:06:18This is you.
01:06:25The boy is losing his mind, Floyd,
01:06:28because of the sick crap that you passed down to him.
01:06:32You sat there and you promised me.
01:06:34It's not passed down, Lee.
01:06:36It's a choice.
01:06:38It's a choice.
01:06:39We had a divorce.
01:06:41We had a divorce.
01:06:43We had a divorce.
01:06:45It's a choice.
01:06:46We had a deformed child.
01:06:48Stop saying that.
01:06:50We had a deformed child, Floyd.
01:06:52Please don't say that, Lee.
01:06:54He is not deformed.
01:06:56He's confused.
01:06:58And he's got demons.
01:07:00That boy getting his insides all torn up.
01:07:03What he's gonna do, he's gonna end up at the bottom of a pond
01:07:06with a damn cinder block tied to his waist,
01:07:08just like Neil did.
01:07:10Not if you let me work on him.
01:07:13You did not give me no chance with Neil.
01:07:15Please let me work on him.
01:07:18I have done everything, everything for you, Lee.
01:07:23We'll see how that turned out.
01:07:25He is my son.
01:07:26He is my son.
01:07:28You let me.
01:07:29He is everything.
01:07:30He is everything that I've got, okay?
01:07:32The son of the boy in there.
01:07:34Everything I worked for my family comes down to him.
01:07:38This county, everything we built.
01:07:41Please don't give up on our son, Lee.
01:07:43Please don't.
01:07:44He can be better.
01:07:45We can stop this.
01:07:47We can.
01:07:48We can stop it.
01:07:50You do it.
01:07:51Do it.
01:07:52You fix him.
01:07:54You fix him.
01:07:55I will.
01:07:56Fix him.
01:07:57Okay, I swear I will.
01:07:58Be a mother to him.
01:08:00You do what mothers do.
01:08:01Fix him.
01:08:02I will.
01:08:03I swear, Lee, I will.
01:08:49Oh oh oh oh.
01:08:54Oh oh oh no oh.
01:09:00Let's watch this un
01:09:05Okay, Bergara girl.
01:09:11How are you living life just like normal?
01:09:18What do you mean?
01:09:21I don't know what to say.
01:09:24I guess.
01:09:28I'm sorry.
01:09:32For what?
01:09:39I don't know. I don't know.
01:09:41You don't know why you're apologizing?
01:09:47I think I should go.
01:10:09I don't know why you're apologizing.
01:10:39I don't know why you're apologizing.
01:11:09I don't know why you're apologizing.
01:11:35I don't know why you're apologizing.
01:12:04No way, dude.
01:12:12Let's do this then.
01:12:20Are you still mad?
01:12:22That was just some bullshit.
01:12:23I'm cool.
01:12:24Are you cool?
01:12:29Dude, what the fuck?
01:12:33This place is fucking crazy, bro.
01:12:46I'm sorry.
01:13:12I'm sorry.
01:13:24How are we feeling after your last treatment?
01:13:28How are your reprobate thoughts?
01:13:32Still present.
01:13:34They will subside with time and prayer.
01:13:38People underestimate how much God will grant if you just ask.
01:13:43I pray a lot.
01:13:44Oh, well, what do you pray about?
01:13:50Let me hear your prayer, Lee.
01:13:54Dear Lord, I'm neither gay nor bisexual.
01:13:58I'm straight and heterosexual.
01:14:00I'm neither gay nor bisexual.
01:14:02I'm straight and heterosexual.
01:14:03I'm neither gay nor bisexual.
01:14:08That's not a prayer.
01:14:09That's a wish.
01:14:11Repeat after me.
01:14:13Lord, I know this is my burden to bear and my cross to carry.
01:14:20Dear Lord, I know this is my burden to bear and my cross to carry.
01:14:23Forgive me for the thoughts I let myself be party to.
01:14:28Forgive me of the thoughts I let myself be party to.
01:14:30I hope I'm worthy of your love.
01:14:32I hope to be worthy of your love.
01:14:34Lord, will you make me clean and pure?
01:14:36Will you make me clean and pure?
01:14:37I'm not a homosexual.
01:14:39I'm not a homosexual.
01:14:41Kyle Colper is a Ganymede.
01:14:43Kyle Colper is a Ganymede.
01:14:45All right.
01:14:47There we go.
01:14:56Now, you will be free, Lee.
01:15:01One day, you'll be playing golf and smoking a cigar at the country club,
01:15:06and you're going to have a hot little girl right beside you.
01:15:10And you're going to thank me.
01:15:12And you'll do it in person, because I'll be right there, too.
01:15:18All right.
01:15:22Close your eyes.
01:15:24Lord, grant this boy grace.
01:15:54What happened to you?
01:16:13Don't worry about it, fuckdick.
01:16:14Yeah, you can take off your straight boy suit now.
01:16:17Do you want me to beat your ass?
01:16:19Yeah, no, I'm not scared anymore.
01:16:21You can beat my ass right here if you wanted to.
01:16:23Did Lee do this to you?
01:16:25He's fucking nuts.
01:16:27Stay away from him.
01:16:28And fuck, stay away from me, too, fuckdick.
01:16:30Everyone's going to think I'm fucking gay.
01:16:33Aren't you, though?
01:16:35Not everyone's so fucking loud like you.
01:16:42If you can handle not running your mouth to everyone in the world,
01:16:45you should holler at me.
01:16:52I can date closet cases.
01:16:55I'm not interested in dating.
01:17:37I told you to get rid of that stuff.
01:17:40I don't want that shit in the house.
01:17:46You know I'm serious.
01:17:49Yes, Lee.
01:17:51I'm sorry.
01:17:56I'm going to be in the garage.
01:18:13I'm going to be in the garage.
01:18:41Oh, God.
01:18:44Please help us.
01:18:47Help us.
01:18:48Oh, God, please speak to me.
01:19:03What is this?
01:19:04I don't know.
01:19:05You're the one going crazy, girl.
01:19:07You shouldn't be here.
01:19:09But you told me the last time you saw me alive.
01:19:12That was the hardest moment of my life.
01:19:15What was I supposed to do, Neil?
01:19:17Lee said you couldn't stay.
01:19:19He's my husband.
01:19:20I had nowhere to go.
01:19:21I'm your brother.
01:19:23All you had to do was change, Neil.
01:19:26That is all you had to do.
01:19:28Lee would have been okay with it, but you just wouldn't.
01:19:32Oh, I see.
01:19:33So you think your boy can change.
01:19:36Yes, my boy is a miracle.
01:19:39He will change.
01:19:41You always want someone else to change.
01:19:43What am I supposed to change?
01:19:45I am holding this family together.
01:19:47You're holding the bag, Floyd.
01:19:49Oh, go back to hell, Neil.
01:19:51I'm at peace, honey.
01:19:53You're the one in hell.
01:19:56Stop it.
01:20:01Stop it.
01:20:03You're in hell, girl.
01:20:05Oh, dear Lord.
01:20:07Please give me the strength to save my family.
01:20:11Let my body be a vessel.
01:20:13Please let me do your work.
01:20:15Oh, Lord, please.
01:20:17Please do.
01:21:20I shouldn't overthink.
01:21:25It's a warm day, a little hot.
01:21:29Can't get out the house, up in the lot.
01:21:33A little change ruins my brain, and I wish it were not.
01:21:44What the fuck is wrong with you?
01:22:10What the fuck is wrong with you?
01:22:12He's gonna drive you to hell!
01:22:14We need to show that we're kindness and deep willed mistress.
01:22:18All of you now!
01:22:20What are you doing?
01:22:22Kill him.
01:22:24Kill him.
01:22:26Kill him!
01:22:28Kill him!
01:22:44I got rid of him.
01:22:46We will never have to think that.
01:22:50What are you...
01:22:54The Lord said team on the earth and multiply in it.
01:23:18What was that?
01:23:20Everyone knows where you are.
01:23:23They were loving it in there.
01:23:25Till you make them stop with whatever you're doing.
01:23:28The way you act.
01:23:29How do you even get away with it?
01:23:31I'm not getting away with anything.
01:23:32I'm just being myself.
01:23:37I'm sorry.
01:23:40I feel like I'm going insane.
01:23:43Look, I can't be talking to you or it's gonna come back.
01:23:47You're not supposed to talk to me yet you're always talking to me.
01:24:05You're gay.
01:24:06It doesn't have to be this big bad thing.
01:24:10You will survive.
01:24:12There's no way.
01:24:13I used to feel that way until I told my mom.
01:24:15You're not Lee Fletcher.
01:24:16Lee Fletchers can be gay too.
01:24:21Just stay away from me.
01:24:25Or what?
01:24:28I don't want to hurt you.
01:24:30Hurt me like you did Justin.
01:24:32I'm not the same as you.
01:24:34You're doing this to me.
01:24:35I'm making you have feelings for me?
01:24:37No, you're a Ganymede.
01:24:39What the hell is a Ganymede?
01:24:41An unrepentant homosexual.
01:24:48True facts.
01:24:52So what?
01:24:55What are you doing?
01:25:05Oh Lord.
01:25:07Use my hands.
01:25:09Lead me to the answer Lord.
01:25:40Hey, Lee.
01:25:50Hey baby, I'm trying to find you.
01:25:52Are you still here?
01:26:02You did so good today.
01:26:04It was amazing.
01:26:06It was amazing.
01:26:10Pero call me back, okay?
01:26:12I'm going to go to the house.
01:26:14Call me back.
01:26:18Give me the strength to protect my child, Lord.
01:26:37Lee, what are you doing?
01:26:39What the fuck?
01:26:44Lee, stop that.
01:27:00Where is he?
01:28:03Hey, hey, hey.
01:28:05Hey, hey, hey.
01:28:07It's me, hey.
01:28:08Lee, look at me.
01:28:23Mom, I need help.
01:28:24Where are you baby?
01:28:25Where are you?
01:28:26Tell me where you know.
01:28:27Yeah, I'm in New Dawn.
01:28:28New Dawn, New Dawn, New Dawn.
01:28:29New Dawn.
01:28:31Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee.
01:29:03Please help her.
01:29:11Why you boys doing each other?
01:29:13Look, you think you are so damn slick don't you?
01:29:19You whole little flower ruin!
01:29:24You, you look at what you've done to this holy cow!
01:29:31Keep your fucking hands off of him!
01:29:49Go, go, go.
01:29:50Go, hey.
01:29:51Hey, hey, hey.
01:29:52Hey, hey, hey.
01:29:53You're OK.
01:30:02Are you ok?
01:30:03I'm so sorry!
01:30:04I'm so sorry!
01:30:07I can't get up here.
01:30:12Oh, oh.
01:30:15I mean, I can't get up.
01:30:25Are you okay?
01:30:26Where am I?
01:30:28Yeah, Mom.
01:30:29Oh, you're bleeding.
01:30:30What happened here?
01:30:31I don't really know.
01:30:32I need you to hold this.
01:30:34Is he okay?
01:30:37Can I see?
01:30:38It's okay.
01:30:39I know.
01:30:40They're going to come check on you.
01:30:42It's okay.
01:30:43It's okay.
01:30:44It's okay.
01:30:45It's okay.
01:30:46It's okay.
01:30:47It's okay.
01:30:48It's okay.
01:30:49It's okay.
01:30:50It's okay.
01:30:51It's okay.
01:30:52It's okay.
01:30:53It's okay.
01:30:54It's okay.
01:30:55It's okay.
01:30:56It's okay.
01:30:57It's okay.
01:30:58It's okay.
01:30:59It's okay.
01:31:00It's okay.
01:31:01It's okay.
01:31:02It's okay.
01:31:03It's okay.
01:31:04It's okay.
01:31:05It's okay.
01:31:06It's okay.
01:31:07It's okay.
01:31:08It's okay.
01:31:09It's okay.
01:31:10It's okay.
01:31:11It's okay.
01:31:12It's okay.
01:31:13It's okay.
01:31:14It's okay.
01:31:15It's okay.
01:31:16It's okay.
01:31:17It's okay.
01:31:18It's okay.
01:31:19It's okay.
01:31:20It's okay.
01:31:21It's okay.
01:31:22It's okay.
01:31:23It's okay.
01:31:24It's okay.
01:31:25It's okay.
01:31:26It's okay.
01:31:27It's okay.
01:31:28It's okay.
01:31:29It's okay.
01:31:30I'm okay.
01:31:31I'm okay.
01:31:32Mommy, can I ride with him?
01:31:33You're so cute.
01:31:34Okay, go.
01:31:35I'll meet you at the hospital.
01:31:59Thank you for helping Lee, and I'm really sorry.
01:32:09I wasn't in my right mind.
01:32:10I hope you can forgive me.
01:32:11Am I dead?
01:32:38I'm sorry.
01:32:39You have nothing to be sorry for, except interrupting my applause.
01:32:40I'm sorry.
01:32:41I mean it.
01:32:42It's okay.
01:32:43I mean it.
01:32:44I'm sorry.
01:32:45I'm sorry.
01:32:46I'm sorry.
01:32:47I'm sorry.
01:32:48I'm sorry.
01:32:49I'm sorry.
01:32:50I'm sorry.
01:32:51I'm sorry.
01:32:52I'm sorry.
01:32:53I'm sorry.
01:32:54I'm sorry.
01:32:55I'm sorry.
01:32:56I'm sorry.
01:32:57I'm sorry.
01:32:58I'm sorry.
01:32:59I'm sorry.
01:33:00I'm sorry.
01:33:01I'm sorry.
01:33:02I'm sorry.
01:33:03I'm sorry.
01:33:04I'm sorry.
01:33:05I'm sorry.
01:33:06I'm sorry.
01:33:07I'm sorry.
01:33:08I'm sorry.
01:33:09I'm sorry.
01:33:10I'm sorry.
01:33:11I'm sorry.
01:33:12I'm sorry.
01:33:13I'm sorry.
01:33:14I'm sorry.
01:33:15I'm sorry.
01:33:16I'm sorry.
01:33:17I'm sorry.
01:33:18I'm sorry.
01:33:19I'm sorry.
01:33:20I'm sorry.
01:33:21I'm sorry.
01:33:22I'm sorry.
01:33:23I'm sorry.
01:33:24I'm sorry.
01:33:25I'm sorry.
01:33:26I'm sorry.
01:33:27I'm sorry.
01:33:28I'm sorry.
01:33:29I'm sorry.
01:33:30I'm sorry.
01:33:31I'm sorry.
01:33:32I'm sorry.
01:33:33I'm sorry.
01:33:34I'm sorry.
01:33:35I'm sorry.
01:33:36I'm sorry.
01:33:37I'm sorry.
01:33:38I'm sorry.
01:33:39I'm sorry.
01:33:40I'm sorry.
01:33:41I'm sorry.
01:33:42I'm sorry.
01:33:43I'm sorry.
01:33:44I'm sorry.
01:33:45I'm sorry.
01:33:46I'm sorry.
01:33:47I'm sorry.
01:33:48I'm sorry.
01:33:49I'm sorry.
01:33:50I'm sorry.
01:33:51I'm sorry.
01:33:52I'm sorry.
01:33:53I'm sorry.
01:33:54I'm sorry.
01:33:55I'm sorry.
01:33:56I'm sorry.
01:33:57I'm sorry.
01:33:58I'm sorry.
01:33:59I'm sorry.
01:34:00I'm sorry.
01:34:01I'm sorry.
01:34:02I'm sorry.
01:34:03I'm sorry.
01:34:05I'm sorry.
01:34:08I'm sorry.
01:34:11I'm sorry.
01:34:20You're the best girl in the world.
01:34:22Look at you.
01:34:23Who's a good girl?
01:34:34I wanna kiss you.
01:34:35I wanna kiss you.
01:34:37I wanna kiss you.
01:34:38I'm gonna go get some more cheese.
01:34:40I know, I know.
01:35:02You want grilled cheese?
01:35:04Oh, hi!
01:35:06Do you want a grilled cheese?
01:35:08Yes, please.
01:35:10So how was your day?
01:35:12It was good.
01:35:14Good for you.
01:35:16No, good for you.
01:35:36I love you.
01:35:38I love you.
01:35:40I love you.
01:35:42I love you.
01:35:44I love you.
01:35:46I love you.
01:35:48I love you.
01:35:50I love you.
01:35:52I love you.
01:35:54I love you.
01:35:56I love you.
01:35:58I love you.
01:36:00I love you.
01:36:02I love you.
01:36:04I love you.
01:36:06I love you.
01:36:08I love you.
01:36:10I love you.
01:36:12I love you.
01:36:14I love you.
01:36:16I love you.
01:36:18I love you.
01:36:20I love you.
01:36:22I love you.
01:36:24I love you.
01:36:26I love you.
01:36:28I love you.
01:36:30I love you.
01:36:32I love you.
01:36:34I love you.
01:36:36I love you.
01:36:38I love you.
01:36:40I love you.
01:36:42I love you.
01:36:44I love you.
01:36:46I love you.
01:36:48I love you.
01:36:50I love you.
01:36:52I love you.
01:36:54I love you.
01:36:56I love you.
01:36:58I love you.
01:37:00I love you.
01:37:02I love you.
01:37:04I love you.
01:37:06I love you.
01:37:08I love you.
01:37:10I love you.
01:37:12I love you.
01:37:14I love you.
01:37:16I love you.
01:37:18I love you.
01:37:20I love you.
01:37:22I love you.
01:37:24I love you.
01:37:26I love you.
01:37:28I love you.
01:37:30I love you.