
  • 2 days ago
00:00I'm a child of the world
00:04I'm a child of the world
00:16I'd give my life for a new spring
00:20I'd change the world
00:22I'm a lovely miracle
00:26I'm a dream of somebody
00:28Today I've become the truth
00:30Now it's my dream
00:32To make everybody's dreams come true
00:36I'll touch the sky
00:38I'll fly like a butterfly
00:40Yeah! Helicopter!
00:44Ah ha ha
00:46I'm a flying rover
00:52Believe it or not
00:54I'm a flying rover
01:22You called me?
01:24Go and sit over there
01:26But Papa, I want to go out and play
01:29I said go and sit over there
01:36Have you thought about your future?
01:38Are you going to keep playing like this?
01:40Have you thought about your future?
01:42I'm asking you.
01:43Nobita, I want an answer.
01:45Today you will have to decide your future.
01:49Who's there?
01:51He's my Papa.
01:52He can't do this to me.
01:53He has no right to do this.
01:55Calm down.
01:58Papa was just thinking about you.
02:00Did you understand, Nobita?
02:03This is not true.
02:05I'm going to be a bad boy.
02:07I'm leaving home.
02:09Far away.
02:14Nobita, don't be stupid.
02:16This won't help you.
02:18Shut up.
02:19Don't stop me.
02:24Oh, Nobita.
02:33Hey, Papa.
02:35How are you, Papa?
02:39Yes, I'm your son, Nobisuke.
02:43Yes, when I went to the future.
02:45Yes, I met you there.
02:47Oh, my child.
02:51This looks strange.
02:56How did you come here?
02:59I ran away from home.
03:01Ran away?
03:02I was very upset with Mama and Papa.
03:04They don't understand me at all.
03:06They always tell me to study.
03:07And they don't even let me play.
03:09I ran away from home to teach them a lesson.
03:11Are your parents like that?
03:14I think all parents are the same.
03:17What do you mean?
03:19You are my father.
03:21Do you remember?
03:22Oh, yes.
03:26No, I never said that.
03:29I'm a good father.
03:31I give my children a lot of pocket money.
03:33And not only that.
03:34I fulfill every wish of my children.
03:36Do you understand?
03:37Good father.
03:38Who gives pocket money.
03:42What we think is different from reality.
03:45Whatever it is.
03:46I'm your father.
03:47And that's why I tell you to go back to your future.
03:50Do you understand?
03:52What did you say?
03:53You have to listen to your father.
03:56You mean you will listen to your father from now on?
04:00What are you doing?
04:01What are you doing?
04:02I'm your father.
04:03Do you still think I should go from here?
04:06Did you see?
04:07I'm stronger than you even at such a young age.
04:10I think he's a better athlete than his father.
04:14So I can stay here now.
04:16What do you say, father?
04:18Do whatever you want.
04:20So now you're on the line.
04:23I'll stay here a little longer.
04:25Thank you for taking care of me, father.
04:30Don't worry.
04:31He'll get tired and go home.
04:33By the way, father.
04:34You told me that you worked very hard in school.
04:36And you were always the first.
04:38You had all the qualities of a perfect student.
04:40Am I right?
04:43I think I should start my studies.
04:47First of all, I'll finish my homework.
04:49Then what should I study after that?
04:51How would you know?
04:55And you also told me how you topped the class every year.
05:01I used to top everything.
05:06No, don't look at that.
05:07That's just my friend's.
05:10That means my father is very good at lying.
05:13I'm done studying.
05:15Where are you going?
05:19I have some important work to do.
05:21And this fool doesn't leave me alone.
05:27Why are you following me?
05:29I just wanted to meet your friends once.
05:32You don't have any problem, do you?
05:34Yes, of course.
05:39Hey, father.
05:40Now where do we have to go?
05:43Hi, Nubita.
05:44Oh, Shizuka.
05:48She's the one.
05:50Who's this, Nubita?
05:53He's my cousin.
05:54What? Your cousin?
05:56I'm seeing him for the first time.
05:58You're very beautiful.
06:02I can understand why you chose him, father.
06:05Actually, he wants to say that...
06:07I don't want to hear anything. Goodbye.
06:12Hey, keep your mouth shut.
06:15Now she'll be angry with us.
06:17But I was only telling the truth.
06:25Hey, Nubita.
06:27He's the last person I wanted to meet.
06:29I was looking for you.
06:31You're very lucky today.
06:33There's one less pair in my team.
06:35So you play with us today.
06:37But this time, play properly.
06:39Otherwise, understand?
06:42If you don't tell me, I'll turn you into a costume.
06:45How can you talk to my father like that?
06:47Who's this?
06:48Take this.
06:51Leave me.
06:52Why are you fighting?
06:54Don't ever do that again.
06:56Hey, I think you're very brave.
06:58That's right.
06:59You need a lot of courage to fight with Jian.
07:02I like you.
07:03Will you play baseball with us?
07:05Yes, of course.
07:06Okay, let's go.
07:09See you later, Nubita.
07:11I hope nothing happens to him.
07:13Don't worry, Mohan.
07:15I get worried when he comes.
07:17You're right.
07:19We shouldn't let him do that.
07:21We have to talk to his parents.
07:32We were surprised where he went.
07:34Was he with you?
07:36We're very worried about him.
07:38I think you're very strict with him.
07:42Do you think so?
07:43I don't like scolding either.
07:46But you can't do anything, right?
07:49He's selfish.
07:50And he doesn't like to study either.
07:52I was lazy too.
07:55You know what I want to say.
07:58I had a bad day because of my laziness.
08:00Papa was right.
08:01I love Nobisuke a lot.
08:03After all, he's a part of my heart.
08:05I don't want him to make the same mistakes I made.
08:08Isn't it right for a father to feel that way?
08:11You're right.
08:13I agree.
08:15That's why...
08:16Whenever he hurts me, I'll kill him.
08:19How long will I worry about him?
08:21You tell me.
08:22I felt bad when my father scolded me.
08:33Everyone makes mistakes in their childhood.
08:35It's up to the parents to correct them.
08:40I want to give my child a bright future at any cost.
08:44No matter what.
08:49Shall we go home?
08:55I think it's not easy to raise children.
09:00Hey, it's good to see you again.
09:04When did you come?
09:05You have to praise me.
09:07We won the baseball match today.
09:09And your Jiyan and Sunil were very happy with me.
09:12Oh, really?
09:13That's great.
09:14I wish you had seen me play.
09:22I'm very hungry.
09:24Papa, what are we going to eat for dinner today?
09:27What are we going to eat for dinner today?
09:30Are you kidding me?
09:36Where are you going?
09:37Doraemon! Doraemon!
09:40You didn't do the right thing.
09:42You left me alone.
09:46I'm tired.
09:47Papa, why don't we go to a five-star hotel and eat?
09:50What did you say?
09:55Nobita, look, I'm here.
09:56Doraemon, where were you?
09:57How can you leave me alone at this time?
10:02Hey, Papa!
10:04Nobita, he's Nobisuke's son.
10:08That means my grandson...
10:10That's right, Grandpa.
10:11How did he become your grandpa?
10:13Wait, I'll explain.
10:17When I told him that Nobisuke ran away from home,
10:20he insisted on coming here.
10:22And that's why I brought him here.
10:24Papa, you know you can't come to Grandpa.
10:28What? Why?
10:29Because you yell at me too.
10:31You keep scolding me for my studies.
10:34I'm tired of it.
10:36What's all this?
10:37I can't believe it.
10:38You never listen to what I have to say.
10:41I feel like I'm going to run away.
10:46I'm glad everything went well.
10:48Doraemon, I think all parents are the same.
10:52Isn't it?
10:53There's no doubt about it.
10:54Nobita, you didn't do your homework.
10:56No, I was about to start.
10:58You won't get dinner tonight.
11:00I'll see what you're up to.
11:01No, please let me rest.
11:24Nobita, wake up.
11:26Nobita, it's morning. Wake up.
11:28At least let me sleep on Sunday.
11:33But you have to see this.
11:34Come on, hurry up.
11:42Good morning, Doraemon.
11:43You have a strange way of waking people up.
12:08Oh, Nobita and Doraemon, good morning.
12:10Good morning.
12:16What are you doing?
12:19Don't go inside.
12:21Why are you stopping me from going inside, Papa?
12:24Look, Mama has a cold.
12:26She's on the bed.
12:27What? I have a cold?
12:29Here, have some soup.
12:31Look, don't come inside the room or you'll catch a cold too.
12:34Got it?
12:35I'm fine.
12:37Nobita, Papa is right.
12:40Listen, I ruined your holiday.
12:43Don't worry.
12:44I made some rice soup for you.
12:46Eat it and get some rest.
12:49Get up.
12:58This is delicious.
12:59Are you telling the truth?
13:05Don't worry, it's just a cold.
13:07Don't worry?
13:08They say a cold can turn into any disease.
13:12You're right.
13:13If you don't cure the cold, it turns into pneumonia.
13:16Which is not good.
13:17To get rid of the cold, use this.
13:20The cold bag.
13:22Cold bag?
13:24Just breathe in this bag and your cold will be cured.
13:34Yes, it's cured.
13:35That's impossible.
13:38It's really cured.
13:40See, I told you it's easy.
13:44It's really good.
13:46Thank you, Doraemon.
13:48Thank you very much.
13:49You don't have to thank me.
13:52But it's not good.
13:53Your mother never gets a chance to rest.
13:56At least you should have rested today.
13:58It's okay.
14:00I'm fine now and I'm feeling good.
14:11What's the matter, Doraemon?
14:14She's fine now.
14:16But mom needs rest.
14:18What do you mean?
14:20Didn't you hear what dad said?
14:22Until mom gets sick, she doesn't rest.
14:25She's always busy at home.
14:28Isn't that right?
14:29If that's the case, why don't we collect a lot of colds in this cold bag?
14:34So that mom gets better in three or four days.
14:36Oh yes.
14:38Sometimes your brain also starts working very fast.
14:43Where should we start?
14:45There are people everywhere who have a cold.
15:00If you look closely, most people don't have a cold.
15:06Excuse me.
15:07Listen, please.
15:09What's the matter?
15:11Do you have a cold?
15:14Don't be shy.
15:15I know you have a cold.
15:17We'll cure it for you.
15:21Don't shout.
15:24It's difficult to find people who have a cold.
15:29I'll go.
15:32It's difficult to find people who have a cold.
15:35Hey, Shizuka.
15:37Oh, hi, Doraemon and Nobita.
15:39What's going on?
15:40Shizuka, do you have a cold?
15:42No, I don't have a cold this time.
15:47Do we have a cold or not?
15:48Are you kidding us?
15:52Look at my body.
15:54Macho man.
15:56He doesn't have a cold.
16:00Do you have a cold?
16:01Do I have a cold?
16:03Look, I don't have a cold.
16:05Then why are you wearing a mask?
16:08Look at this.
16:09I lost a tooth in a fight.
16:13Is this really a hospital?
16:15Yes, it's a hospital.
16:17You can't fool me.
16:19There's no sign here.
16:20I'm going.
16:22Nobita, he's gone.
16:23Take him back.
16:32Thank you for waiting.
16:34Are you a doctor?
16:35Look, I can't stop coughing.
16:46He's Dr. Nobi.
16:47He's a very famous specialist.
16:49It's a pleasure to meet you.
16:55You have a cold.
16:57I don't have a cold.
16:59You have a cold.
17:01Don't talk nonsense.
17:02I know I have a cold.
17:04I'm going.
17:05Don't talk nonsense.
17:06I'll get you admitted.
17:08Don't go.
17:09Please listen to me.
17:10Breathe in this bag.
17:12Look, that's enough.
17:14He left in anger.
17:16If he had trusted us,
17:18his cold would have been completely cured.
17:20Is anyone there?
17:24I saw this board outside.
17:26That's why I came inside.
17:28Please come inside.
17:32You have a mask.
17:34No, I just have a cold.
17:37But your cheeks are so fat.
17:40He's been like this since childhood.
17:45I know what you're trying to say.
17:47I also couldn't believe that his cheeks were like this.
17:51Look, listen to me.
17:54Please come inside.
17:56I'll check you.
17:57Take off your clothes.
18:00Listen to me first.
18:01What are you doing?
18:02Come on, take off your clothes.
18:07Nobita, Doraemon.
18:08What's all this noise?
18:11And what are you doing here in this condition?
18:13Tell me.
18:16I'm sorry.
18:17I don't know what to say.
18:19These kids are very naughty.
18:21I'm sorry.
18:22What do I tell you?
18:23I just came here to ask.
18:25Will you tell me what's going on here?
18:28No, not now.
18:29Oh, I see.
18:30So, you two won't get dinner today.
18:37It's your fault, Doraemon.
18:39What do we do?
18:40This is not good.
18:41We won't get dinner.
18:42Do we have to stay hungry?
18:46Hey, Nobita, Doraemon.
18:48Hey, Nobita, Doraemon.
18:54Look, I have a cold because of Jian.
18:57It's not good that only I have a cold.
19:00I'll give it to all of you.
19:01All of you will have to get sick.
19:03See how I spread my cold.
19:06And I have a cold.
19:08So, do you want us to cure it?
19:10Shizuka, has Jian given you a cold too?
19:13Tell me.
19:15Oh, no.
19:16When I slept last night, I caught a cold.
19:19Oh, when you were sleeping?
19:23Can you cure my cold?
19:26Listen to me and breathe in this bag.
19:35It's cured.
19:37Mine too.
19:38I'm cured.
19:39I'll get my cold cured too.
19:43Cure me.
19:44I have my final exams tomorrow.
19:46Cure me.
19:48I'm cured.
19:50I'm cured.
19:52He's getting bigger.
19:54He'll get even bigger.
19:56Nobita, someone has come to meet you.
19:58Who could it be?
20:02They're the same people.
20:03I'm telling the truth.
20:06Look over there.
20:13Nobita, what's going on?
20:15What's going on, Nobita?
20:17Tell us.
20:19I'll tell you after I cure my cold.
20:30May God bless them.
20:34Are you ready to tell us?
20:37I want to do something good for my mom.
20:40Something good for your mom?
20:43The windbag cured my mom's cold.
20:46So, I thought...
20:48If my mom gets a cold again, she'll be able to rest.
20:52What did you say?
20:53That's why we were collecting germs.
20:56Oh, no.
20:57Nobita, I have a cold too.
21:00Cure me too.
21:03I can't do it.
21:05The bag is too big.
21:07So, you're not going to help your sick friend?
21:10Sian, it's going to burst.
21:23You're not trying to cure me, are you?
21:33Why is this happening to me?
21:37I don't know.
22:07Doraemon is a very nice guy.
22:12Doraemon, Doraemon, Doraemon
22:16Doraemon is a very nice guy.
22:21Doraemon, Doraemon, Doraemon
22:25Doraemon, Doraemon, Doraemon