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BRAND NEW! - Eat Your Veggies! - Season 3 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon


00:00Eat your veggies!
00:21Kongsuni, don't forget to eat your greens.
00:24They're delicious and good for your tummy.
00:42I could eat cutlets every day!
00:48These beautiful flowers have grown so much because of all of your hard work.
00:53Wow! It's so pretty!
00:56Why don't we see how they smell?
01:08Hey! Kongsuni just farted!
01:10Gas pants! Gas pants!
01:12Sammy, stop it!
01:14Kongsuni's a farty pants!
01:21Sam, that's enough. Friends should be nice to each other, isn't that right?
01:26Listen up. Passing gas is just a natural response of the human body.
01:33Sorry, Kongsuni.
01:35Oh, it's okay.
01:47Hey, Kongsuni! You look sad. What happened?
01:53Sammy teased me today because I farted at school.
01:57That's silly. Everyone's butt makes trumpet sounds.
02:01Yeah, I know.
02:04My tummy feels funny.
02:07I think that I have to fart again.
02:10I've heard it all. Don't you worry about me.
02:14Okay, here it comes.
02:18Hey, better out than in, right, Kongsuni?
02:30Seyo! Seyo, you okay? Seyo!
02:35Hey, you! Kongsuni, lay off the cutlet.
02:40Oh, oops.
02:48Oh, yeah! My turn!
02:54Hey, guys!
02:56Hi! What's up, Kongsuni?
02:59Can I get up on the swings, too?
03:02Oh, I don't know. I just got on.
03:07Give me ten seconds and you can take my place.
03:20Oh, no! Come on! Not again!
03:24Not another gas attack!
03:27Gas pant! Gas pant!
03:30Sammy, stop it!
03:32I should hold it in.
03:36But it's too... it's too hard!
03:40Wait, Eve, just a sec.
03:42I'll be back in just a minute, okay?
03:45But I'm almost finished.
03:48Just wait for me.
03:59That feels so much better.
04:02The swing!
04:10I missed my turn.
04:13You were gone so long and they were waiting.
04:16Let's go on the teeter-totter!
04:24This is so much fun!
04:27Let's go faster!
04:42More gas in the tank!
04:45Please not right now!
04:48Hey, Sammy, I... I think I got a...
04:52Whee! Isn't this awesome?
04:57I guess I can hold it just a little longer.
05:01Sammy, go faster!
05:04All right. Toadstool didn't warn ya.
05:08Ten... Nine...
05:17Is it me or is the elevator taking longer
05:20to come down here than it usually does?
05:26No, I don't think it is.
05:28Yeah, you're probably right.
05:34I don't think I can hold it any longer.
05:37I don't feel well.
05:40What do I do? Do I just go for it?
05:43And it went like this.
05:47No, I can hold it longer.
05:50The elevator will be here any minute now.
05:54Kongsuni! You're sweating!
05:57Kongsuni, why are you so fidgety all of a sudden?
06:01It's nothing.
06:07I hope she's all right.
06:14Hey, buddy! What's shaking?
06:17You okay? You don't look so good.
06:20Oh, no! I held my gas in for too long.
06:31It won't come out.
06:36And also...
06:41What's wrong?
06:44My tummy hurts. It hurts so much.
06:48Mommy! Mommy!
06:54She's got a lot of gas trapped in her tummy.
06:57Uh, gas?
06:59Kongsuni, have you been holding in your toots?
07:02How did you know that?
07:05Well, the reason that your tummy hurts
07:08is that the gas is trapped pounding away,
07:11pom-pom-pom, trying so hard to get out.
07:14Oh, I get it.
07:17How? How would this have happened?
07:20I think someone's been a picky eater recently.
07:24I'm not. I... Well, I mean...
07:32I wish she wasn't.
07:35But she is sometimes.
07:39Kongsuni, you need to listen.
07:42If you keep being a picky eater and holding in the gas,
07:45your tummy will keep on hurting, and that's not good for you.
07:49You need to eat your green vegetables
07:52so you can grow healthy and strong. Understand?
07:59Mmm, this food looks delicious.
08:26Look at you eating lots of broccoli.
08:29Good job. We didn't even have to ask you to take some this time.
08:34I want my tummy to feel happy and healthy all the time.
08:38So bring on the broccoli.
08:43And the cabbage, too.
08:46Great. Daddy will join you, too.
08:50Mommy needs her nutrients, too.
09:00I still think cutlets are my favorite food, though.
09:10Hey, Kongsuni, is your tummy feeling better now?
09:14Yup! It's all better now.
09:17It's because I started eating healthy.
09:20Guess what? I feel so good, and I'm getting big and strong.
09:25Oh, wow! You look like a superwoman!
09:29Yeah! Watch this.
09:33See? Powerful.
09:37That was awesome!
09:45Sorry. I had a little accident.
09:49You! That was a whopper of a butt trumpet!
09:53Everybody does it, Sayo. Including Kongsuni.
10:02I wanna feel good after every meal.
10:04Must eat my veggies. I can't be picky.
10:07Here are some of my favorite, but why do I feel so bad?
10:12Time to make some healthy choices. Someone help me, please!
10:19Eat the rainbow to help you grow. Let's eat a little bit of everything.
10:24Fill the bowl with nutritious food. We'll be stronger and healthier.
10:32One! Everybody grab a fork. Two! Eat a little bit of everything.
10:37Broccoli, onion, pepper, spinach, and carrots. You've got meat, fish, mushroom, cucumber, paprika, and so much more!
10:45I wanna feel good after every meal. So I eat my veggies. I won't be picky.
10:50Many a things I'd like to try, and they taste so good to me.
10:55Time to make some healthy choices. Someone help me, please!
11:02Eat the rainbow to help you grow. Let's eat a little bit of everything.
11:07Fill the bowl with nutritious food. We'll be stronger and healthier.
11:16Next time on Kongsuni and Friends!
11:18What? You're giving my clothes and shoes to Chloe? Wait, even Bunny?
11:24No! That's my favorite doll! Bunny's my best friend!
11:28I've been taking Bunny everywhere with me so Chloe can't take her, but I got distracted and I don't know where Bunny is!
11:35Bunny, where are you?
11:38Stay tuned for the next episode of Kongsuni and Friends. It's all mine!
11:49Kong, Kong, Kongsuni! Kong, Kong, Kong! Always singing Kong, Kong, Kong!
12:03Kong, Kong, Kongsuni! Kong, Kong, Kong! Come on and sing along with us! Yay!
