• last year
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.


00:00While surveying the site of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo,
00:29and their nomad friend, Moki, find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirling pool of
00:45And when the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics
00:51and artifacts from another civilization.
00:55And there, at the far end of the cavern, a door with a strange inscription.
01:00All who enter these portals pass through time.
01:56Well, this is as far as I can take you.
01:59Oh, thanks for the lift.
02:01We're very grateful.
02:03We are.
02:04I see a caravan coming down the other road.
02:08They might take you with them, but be careful.
02:11When they get to Egypt, they might also try to sell you.
02:55Yes, I'll be right there.
02:57Having another one of your famous dreams, were you, Joseph?
03:02Well, uh, yes.
03:05Ah, and who bowed down to you this time, little brother?
03:08The king of the Nile?
03:09The queen of the night?
03:10It's funny how someone's always bowing down to you, of all people.
03:15But it's only in his dreams.
03:18Did someone bow to you again?
03:21Tell your father.
03:23It was the moon and eleven stars.
03:30And the sun.
03:34Even the sun?
03:36You know how I favor you, Joseph.
03:38Because you're the first son from my beautiful Rachel.
03:42You and your baby brother, Benjamin, are all I have left of her.
03:46But you worry me.
03:47He thinks he's our king.
03:49Shall all your brothers, even I, come and bow down to you?
03:54I think not.
03:56I'm sorry, father.
03:57I wasn't going to tell my dreams anymore.
04:01I don't know what they mean.
04:02Nor do I.
04:03But dreams are significant, and yours give me worry.
04:07I puzzle over them often.
04:10Yes, you worry me.
04:12But not enough to deny you a special present.
04:16A present?
04:17For me?
04:18We work.
04:19He gets presents.
04:26Come, try it on.
04:29First he thinks he's our king.
04:30Then our father dresses him like one.
04:33He probably got it for spying on us out in the fields and tackling to father.
04:39Well, do you like it?
04:41Like it?
04:42Why, it's the most wonderful coat I've ever seen.
04:45Brothers, look at this!
04:47We are.
04:48What's the occasion?
04:50A proud father needs no occasion to show love for a son.
04:55Well, I wouldn't wear that masterpiece when you ride across the plains to spy on us
05:00common shepherds tending our flocks.
05:04I don't spy.
05:05I just visit you and come back and tell father how everything's going.
05:09Don't be like that, my sons.
05:11The boy keeps me informed about the flock.
05:14That's all.
05:14Of course, I'll wear this coat on my next trip.
05:18All these colors will scare off any wild beasts I might meet.
05:23I thought the opposite.
05:25That all those colors might attract them.
05:28That's enough talk.
05:29It's time you poor common shepherds were on your way with the sheep.
05:34You've got a five-day ride ahead of you.
05:38I'll see you in about two weeks.
05:46Look at that!
05:47The dreamer comes.
05:48Two weeks to the day and you don't think he's a spy?
05:52If he believes I'm gonna bow down to him when I see him,
05:55it's his face that'll taste the dust.
05:58I'll not bow.
05:59Not now.
06:00Not ever.
06:01Your eyes spoil brat.
06:03Wearing that coat like a peacock.
06:05What comes of dreams if the dreamer dies?
06:09No, I won't lift my hand to kill a brother.
06:12But if the desert did it for us?
06:15Ah, the dry well.
06:17We could put him in the pit and let nature take its course.
06:30Now get out!
06:36Wait, what are you doing?
06:37Throw him in!
06:38Get the coat!
06:47You'll have time enough to dream down there.
06:50A lifetime.
06:50Shh, I'll come back later and get you out.
07:08Please hurry.
07:15A caravan of Midianites on their way to Egypt.
07:17Oh, I have an idea.
07:22Let's not let Joseph die in the well.
07:24Let's sell him.
07:25To them.
07:26To the merchants.
07:27Yes, that's a great idea.
07:28Yes, that's right.
07:30No matter how he deserves to rot down there,
07:32we should be compassionate.
07:34After all, he is our brother.
07:45He's all yours.
07:48Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?
07:51Did they just buy that guy?
07:54I'm afraid so, Mokey.
07:56We're back in around 1500 BC, and slavery was very common.
08:01Joseph, tonight, dream of me wearing your beautiful coat.
08:05I guarantee you, this dream will be true.
08:11Oh, look, that coat.
08:13All those colors.
08:14And they called him Joseph.
08:16Are you thinking what I am?
08:18That young man may be the Joseph.
08:21One of the most famous people in all biblical history.
08:24Oh, then I guess I'd better pay attention, huh?
08:30Joseph, those men waving your coat, the ones who sold you, who are they?
08:39Would you believe?
08:40They are my brothers.
08:42Move on.
08:43No talking.
08:46If we're in a time and place where brothers sell brothers,
08:49and we're with the guys who bought him, I think we're in trouble.
08:53If you dig my digging.
08:55We dig.
08:56We'll split as soon as we can.
09:14The boy is gone.
09:15Where is he?
09:16What happened?
09:17We sold him to Midianites.
09:19Your shares over there.
09:23We'll splatter this rag with lamb's blood,
09:26and we'll tell father we found it out in the plains.
09:29He heard me warn Joseph of the wild animals around here.
09:46Oh, I've bounced so long, my rear end is up in my stomach.
09:51We'll pull off at the first turn.
09:53What happens to Joseph, Margo?
09:54He gets sold into slavery in Egypt.
09:57Oh, great.
09:59Believe it or not, it does turn out great, at first.
10:09He's sold to a kind nobleman named Potiphar,
10:13and after years and years of hard work,
10:15and being very, very smart,
10:17Joseph was put in charge of all his master's affairs.
10:20A reward for your loyalty and excellence, Joseph.
10:24I give you custody over all this, everything you see,
10:28my house, and all my affairs.
10:32You're generous, my lord Potiphar, and I'm most grateful.
10:39Hey, he's looking good.
10:41Yep, that's what Potiphar's wife thought, too.
10:49Yes, my lady, is there something I can do for you?
10:52Joseph, do you not find me desirable?
10:56Madam, please, I respect my master, your husband,
10:59even if you do not.
11:02Wait, Joseph, come back.
11:17What is it?
11:18What happened?
11:21That Hebrew you brought here has mocked us both.
11:25He tried to embrace me.
11:26I screamed.
11:28He ran, see?
11:29He left his garment.
11:32Seize him!
11:33Arrest Joseph!
11:35He'll be in my prison until the day he dies, my dearest.
11:39I promise you.
11:43Derek, hang a right.
11:44You got it.
11:48Oh, it was great that caravan picked us up.
11:51But Moki was right.
11:52They might have been planning to sell us,
11:54just the way Joseph's brother sold him to them.
11:57And the way they sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt.
12:00How do you know what happened to Joseph?
12:02Oh, I know his whole story, Moki, and it's fantastic.
12:05Oh, I wish we could jump ahead in time and see what happens.
12:09I wish we could get out of this sandstorm.
12:20Those are the symbols to the door to time.
12:23But, but how?
12:32Margo, where are we?
12:44And when are we?
12:46I've got a funny feeling I know.
12:51Excuse me?
12:53Oh, we are in Egypt, in the Pharaoh's capital city, aren't we?
12:58We're looking for a friend of ours, a Hebrew named Joseph.
13:01You know him?
13:02Everyone who's anyone knows Joseph.
13:04He runs the prison.
13:06He's a prisoner himself.
13:07A kid?
13:09About 17?
13:10No, a man about 30.
13:12Now go away or you will meet him in prison.
13:19We've jumped forward 13 years.
13:22No wonder my head is still spinning.
13:28Joseph, here are the King's butler and baker.
13:31They have angered him.
13:32You handle them.
13:42It's not comfortable, but you'll be able to sleep.
13:45I don't want to sleep.
13:47I might have that dream again.
13:49I don't know what it means and it's driving me crazy.
13:52Surely God knows the meaning of your dreams.
13:54Tell it to me.
13:56God may show me the meaning.
13:58I saw a grapevine with three branches.
14:03I squeezed the grapes into the King's cup.
14:11Then I served it to the King as I have done when I waited on him.
14:19The three branches on the vine are three days.
14:22In three days, you will be back in your job serving Pharaoh.
14:26When you are released, please tell him of me.
14:29I have done nothing to be in prison for.
14:31I too have had a dream.
14:32Would you hear it?
14:34Of course.
14:35There were three baskets on my head.
14:37Then the birds flew in and ate all the food in the baskets.
14:43What is the meaning?
14:46Your three baskets are also three days.
14:50Then I too will be freed?
14:53In three days, the King will hang you and the birds shall eat your flesh.
15:02Everything is ready for the Pharaoh's birthday celebration.
15:05What's holding us up?
15:07He has troubled strange dreams.
15:09And the wise men cannot tell him the meanings.
15:11No, I don't believe you.
15:13No, what dreams?
15:18Dreams for Hebrew Joseph.
15:23He understood everything that happened in my dream.
15:25And he was right about everything?
15:29Including the late baker and the birds and...
15:34Bring him to me at once.
15:46Why are all the shops closing?
15:48Where's everyone going?
15:49Yeah, what's happening?
15:51It's Pharaoh's birthday celebration and feast.
15:55Did you say feast?
15:58Hey, wasn't that...
16:00Joseph, yes.
16:02Whoa, he grew up so fast.
16:05I have heard you can tell the meaning of dreams.
16:09If so, you are wiser than my wise men.
16:14The wisdom does not belong to me, but to the God I serve.
16:18He will help me know the meaning of dreams.
16:21And I will be free.
16:24But to the God I serve, He will help me know the meaning of your dreams.
16:28I was standing by the Nile and seven fat cattle came up out of the river and fed on the meadow.
16:36Then seven lean and hungry cattle came up from the river and ate the fat cattle.
16:43Then I dreamed of a stock with seven full and good ears of corn.
16:55Then seven withered and thin ears of corn sprang out of the stock and the thin ears ate the good ones.
17:03Then I awoke.
17:08Both dreams have the same meaning.
17:10God wants you to know what is going to happen.
17:14The seven fat cows and the seven good ears of corn are the next seven years.
17:19God is telling you there will be seven years of plenty.
17:22The seven lean cows and the seven thin ears of corn are the seven years of famine
17:28that will follow the seven years of plenty.
17:30God has given you these dreams as a warning for you to prepare for the famine.
17:35You should appoint a wise man to look after the food supply during the plentiful years
17:40so there will be enough food for all during the famine.
17:44A wise man, you say?
17:47I see only one wise man in my entire kingdom and you are that man.
17:53Surely the spirit of God is in you.
17:58This is Joseph.
18:03He is my right hand.
18:05His word you will obey.
18:08In this whole land only I am greater than he.
18:12Wow, I wonder what his brothers would say if they saw this
18:16or what he would do to his brothers now.
18:18Now you're getting to the heart of the whole story of Joseph Mokey.
18:22Now let my birthday celebration begin.
18:30I believe that people should meet your new right hand personally.
18:34If you will excuse me, sire.
18:36You are a wise man indeed, Joseph.
18:47Uh, hi, Joseph.
18:48Long time no see.
18:50But I remember you.
18:51The travelers with the caravan.
18:54That's us.
18:55On this day of miracles, perhaps this is the most miraculous.
18:59You haven't grown a day older.
19:01And look at me.
19:02Uh, well, we work out a lot.
19:05You ought to try it.
19:06Oh, yes, in this Egyptian air and, um, the Nile.
19:10The Nile is great for the skin.
19:13Can't you tell?
19:14I'm much taller.
19:17You three interest me, truly.
19:20Stay, be my guests.
19:27There's enough corn here for the whole world.
19:31What a smart idea of yours to store the grain.
19:34It was not my idea, Margo.
19:37It was God's plan to save a people.
19:40Enjoy this moment, for this is the last of our bounteous harvest.
19:44Now, the terrible famine begins.
20:06Praise be to Pharaoh and to Joseph.
20:10We'd be starving like those in Canaan if it weren't for his foresight.
20:17What a place.
20:18It should be.
20:19He's the second most important man in Egypt.
20:21But will he sell us the grain?
20:23He should.
20:23We've brought enough money.
20:26He comes.
20:27Quickly, show him respect.
20:29Bow down.
20:30Bow down.
20:32Well, what is it?
20:33Who are you?
20:36Ten brothers from Canaan bowing to you, great majesty.
20:39Out of respect.
20:51My brothers.
20:54What is it?
20:55What's wrong?
20:55Are you all right, majesty?
20:57Oh, Lord.
20:58I ask your guidance.
20:59What's wrong?
21:00What did we do?
21:01What's going on?
21:01I don't understand.
21:03You are spies.
21:06You plan to bring an army against our stricken country.
21:09No, master.
21:10We are not spies.
21:12We are brothers come to buy food for ourselves and our families.
21:17Are you all here or is there another?
21:20And is your father alive?
21:22Yes, our father lives.
21:27And yes, again, there is another brother, our youngest, who remains with him.
21:32Take that one and bind him.
21:35Why me?
21:36You'd rather sacrifice one of your other brothers.
21:42How brotherly.
21:44This one goes to prison.
21:48The rest may go back with all of your sacks full of grain.
21:52But then you must return bringing with you your youngest brother.
21:56Or I'll know you are spies and I'll put that man to death.
22:00You don't wish to lose a brother, do you?
22:06No, no.
22:07You can't take Benjamin, not my youngest.
22:10But if we don't, he'll kill Simeon.
22:13Simeon's as good as dead now.
22:18All the money we paid for the grain is packed inside with it.
22:22But how?
22:23Oh, great God.
22:24He'll think we took the grain and stole back our money.
22:27You're right.
22:28It's a disaster.
22:29Simeon's dead.
22:30No, wait.
22:32If we return with the money and Benjamin, just as he said,
22:35we'll prove we didn't steal it and we're not spies.
22:39Why did you tell him you had a younger brother?
22:42We told the truth.
22:43We didn't know what he'd say.
22:45Father, this grain won't last long.
22:47We'll have to go back for more anyway.
22:49And we can't go back without Benjamin.
22:51He might not only kill Simeon.
22:53I've already lost Joseph.
22:56Benjamin alone is left of Rachel's children.
22:59I must go, father.
23:01I must.
23:02These are my brothers.
23:06Yes, you must.
23:09God has willed it.
23:12Here, let me fill this for you.
23:14The grain comes out pretty fast.
23:17Okay, Margo, open the gate.
23:22Here, kid, just watch me.
23:25Okay, Margo, let her rip.
23:28The men from Canaan are returning.
23:37Oops, sorry, Mokey.
23:41Oh, oh, that's okay.
23:42Just pour some milk and sugar on this cereal
23:45and I'll eat my way out.
23:47Yes, yes, yes.
23:51My lord, the Hebrews have returned
23:53and there are 10 of them.
23:55Then release the hostage
23:57and tell them they are to have dinner with me.
24:07Simeon, a free man.
24:09You look fine.
24:10Reuben, Levi, Judah, all together again.
24:16They don't know who Joseph is yet, do they?
24:18No, I wonder what he'll do when he sees Benjamin.
24:22You are the youngest?
24:24Yes, sir, my name is Benjamin.
24:42Benjamin, my one true whole brother,
24:46my mother's other son.
24:50Benjamin, what did you say to him?
24:52Did you do anything?
24:53No, I...
24:56Well then, eat brothers, drink.
24:58You get your grain and your other brother back.
25:01It's a good day for you.
25:07This is strange, do you see?
25:09We're seated according to our age.
25:12Look, how can this man know our ages?
25:17If they only knew.
25:19What else does he have in mind?
25:22I know what I've got in mind.
25:27The Hebrews are preparing to leave.
25:29Yes, master.
25:31Secretly put their money back as before
25:33and hide my silver cup in the young boy's sack,
25:36the one they call Benjamin.
25:38So, you there, wait, stop.
25:59My master's silver cup is gone.
26:01You will be searched.
26:03Search us, see for yourself.
26:05If the cup is found,
26:06let that one die in whose sack it is discovered
26:09and the rest of us will be your servants.
26:11If I find the cup,
26:13the one in whose sack it is found
26:15will be taken to be my master's servant.
26:40So, you have returned evil for good.
26:44God is surely punishing us for our sins.
26:46We are all your servants.
26:54I don't want you.
26:55This one will be enough, the one who took the cup.
26:58The rest of you, return home.
27:00Take him and you kill his father, our father.
27:05Please, sir, hear me a moment.
27:08Everything you've asked of us, we've done,
27:11even to hurting an old, feeble, loving man.
27:14He begged us not to bring Benjamin here.
27:16He lost the only other son this boy's mother had.
27:19Take me, sir.
27:21I will be your slave,
27:22but please don't kill our father by taking that boy.
27:26I offer the same.
27:27I will be your slave.
27:28And I as well.
27:29So will we all.
27:30Yes, put me back in prison if you like,
27:34but spare our brother so that his father may live.
27:37You will all do this for a father and a brother?
27:41We will.
27:45I am your brother.
27:48I am Joseph.
27:58I am the same Joseph you sold into Egypt.
28:01No, no, don't be afraid.
28:03Don't blame yourself.
28:05I forgive you.
28:08You meant to do evil, but God has turned it into good.
28:12Everything that has happened in our family
28:14was the will of God.
28:16He sent me here to save a nation and to save you
28:20and all the families that will spring from you
28:23who will become still another nation.
28:25This terrible famine will last five more years.
28:29You must bring our father, all your families,
28:33as ruler under Pharaoh.
28:35I will take care of you.
28:37I love you, my brothers.
28:41He told them.
28:42He told them.
28:44And he forgave them.
28:45They're a family again.
28:47Now I know what is meant by brotherly love.
28:55There they are.
28:56All Joseph's brothers and their families.
28:59And look who's leading them.
29:01Jacob, their father.
29:03And there's Joseph.
29:05Moving fast.
29:06And why not?
29:07It's been a long time since he's seen his father.
29:10That's right.
29:10I forgot.
29:11Wow, what a big family.
29:14Oh, they're only the beginning, Moki.
29:17Joseph and his brothers began what's known today
29:19as the 12 tribes of Israel.
29:22And their numbers grew into the millions.
29:24So all those bad things that happened to Joseph.
29:28Everything that happened was the will of God.
29:31He sent Joseph to Egypt to save a nation
29:33and then to save his family
29:36and all the families that will spring from them
29:39and who will become still another nation.
