• last year
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.


00:00While surveying the site of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo,
00:21and their nomad, Mokey, find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirling pool of sand.
00:37And when the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics
00:43and artifacts from another civilization.
00:48Right there, at the far end of the cavern, a door with a strange inscription.
00:53All who enter these portals pass through time.
01:18This is the upper end of the Jordan River.
01:45What do you say we sit down here and rest while we enjoy the view?
01:52It flows through the length of Israel to the Dead Sea.
01:54Hey, you guys, if we're going to travel through Israel, I wish we could hitch a boat ride
01:59on this river instead of walking all the way.
02:01Hey, that's a good idea.
02:03There's some fishermen down there.
02:05I'll ask if one of them is sailing downriver and might take us.
02:09Let's skip the Dead Sea part, okay?
02:13My friends and I were wondering if you might be sailing downriver and could let us sail
02:17with you.
02:18No, young man, I'm not sailing downriver, but if you can use this old boat, you're welcome
02:22to it.
02:23I was going to chop it up for firewood.
02:25Hey, that's wonderful.
02:28Thank you, thank you.
02:29Come on, guys, we own a boat.
02:34That's great.
02:35Let's go.
02:41He gave you that piece of junk and you took it?
02:44Hey, you're the kid that wanted a boat ride.
02:47Yes, Moki, be thankful for the man's generosity.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:54Margo, why don't you stay with the boat while Moki and I go to the village and hunt for
02:58food for our trip?
02:59Moki, you go that way and I'll go this.
03:02We'll meet back here in an hour.
03:03You got it.
03:05I was only able to get some fruit and a loaf of bread.
03:16Well, that's better than nothing.
03:18Maybe Moki will be luckier.
03:19He's a real scrounger.
03:20Hey, easy there.
03:21Watch it.
03:22I need that here.
03:30Does this little heathen belong to you?
03:32Yes, he's with us.
03:34What's wrong?
03:35What did he do?
03:36He came into my inn, ate five fish dinners, drank three tankards of goat's milk and did
03:42not pay.
03:43He said he had a ship to catch and had no time to work off the bill.
03:47He said the ship's captain would see I was paid from cargo aboard the ship.
03:51Are you the captain of the ship?
03:54I guess so.
03:58Where's your ship?
04:01Oh, and where's your cargo?
04:07Well, I see I shall have a young servant to clean up my inn for quite a while.
04:12Or go to debtor's prison.
04:23Moki, sometimes you are a real Jonah.
04:33He's a Jonah?
04:36You can say that again.
04:38Well, this makes a difference.
04:41His relative is an important man.
04:44Come, we will ask him to settle the bill.
04:47Well, we're not going sailing.
04:49So let's go see who the innkeeper thinks Moki is related to.
04:54Moki, why did Derek call me a Jonah?
04:57I think it's an old saying sailors use to describe someone who brings bad luck on board a ship.
05:02Oh, I get it now.
05:20Samson, what is it?
05:25Ah, Micah, welcome.
05:28What brings you here and who are your friends?
05:31Oh, they're travelers.
05:33But this one owes me money for five fish dinners.
05:36And unless someone pays me for the food he ate, he shall go to debtor's prison.
05:41But he bears your name.
05:44Surely a prophet would not let his kin go to prison.
05:48What is your name, son?
05:51Moki, and this is Margo and Derek.
05:54His friends call him Jonah.
05:56And he owes me ten shekels.
05:59Ten shekels?
06:01You must have had a banquet.
06:05Here, Micah.
06:07And thank you for bringing my relative here.
06:11Young man, anyone who can talk Micah into giving them something for nothing deserves a reward.
06:18It will soon be nightfall.
06:20Why don't you all stay the night in my home?
06:23My housekeeper will prepare supper for you and food for your journey tomorrow.
06:28Oh, thank you.
06:30That's great. I could use a good night's sleep.
06:33Supper sounds wonderful.
06:35I'm not very hungry.
06:38Martha, these are my guests. Prepare some food and places for them to sleep.
06:42Yes, sir.
07:00Oh, that bed felt good.
07:04Hey, sleepyheads, rise and shine.
07:11Come on, Moki. Another day, another adventure.
07:22The master hopes you slept well.
07:24I have prepared your morning meal, and here is food to take with you on your journey.
07:29Please thank our host for us. Is he still sleeping?
07:32Oh, no. The prophet was up at dawn.
07:35He is in the garden where he is writing his great experiences for the sacred records of our people.
07:43Derek, how dumb can we be?
07:46Don't you see who our host is?
07:50He's the prophet Jonah.
07:52You mean the Bible prophet Jonah? The one who...
07:55Right. That's why when you called Moki a Jonah, the innkeeper thought Moki was his relative.
08:01I'm a Moki, not a Jonah.
08:07What he's writing is what got put into the Bible. You know, the Book of Jonah.
08:13He wrote a book? He's famous, huh?
08:16Real famous.
08:17Hey, maybe we are related.
08:20We can't tell him that we know his story, but wouldn't it be wonderful to hear it from him personally?
08:25Yeah, let's ask.
08:37Good morning. Are you on your way?
08:39Yeah, and thanks for your hospitality.
08:42And for the bed and breakfast, too.
08:44Your housekeeper told us that you're writing your great experiences for the sacred records.
08:49We'd love to hear them before we go. Would you tell us?
08:53Well, there are things in my story that I'm not too proud of, but I have learned much since then.
09:00Sit down, and I will tell you.
09:03Several years ago, as a young man,
09:08I was sleeping when God spoke to me.
09:12Jonah. Jonah.
09:17Arise, Jonah.
09:20Go to Nineveh, that great city. Preach to the people.
09:24Their wickedness has come up to me.
09:27Warn them to turn from their sins.
09:32As God spoke, I saw the wickedness of the city.
09:46Wickedness! Wickedness!
10:04I did not want to go to Nineveh.
10:09The Ninevites worship idols.
10:12They do not know the true God.
10:14They are enemies of Israel. They will not listen.
10:21I'll not go to Nineveh.
10:23I shall go to Joppa on the great sea,
10:25and take a ship in the opposite direction.
10:27And maybe I can get far enough away from God
10:30that He will not remind me to go preach to the wicked Ninevites.
11:09Who is the captain of this ship?
11:11I am.
11:12I would like to pay passage to Tarshish.
11:16Well, you are in luck.
11:18We are sailing to Tarshish within the hour,
11:20when the cargo is loaded.
11:22You may go aboard now.
11:30He looks as though he's running away from someone.
11:33Probably his wife.
11:38You see, my young friends,
11:40I was running away from God,
11:42and I thought by going deep into the hold of the ship
11:45and going to sleep, that I could hide from Him.
12:23Strike the sail!
12:36Man the oars! We must row out of this!
12:54The gods of the sea and wind are angry with us.
12:57Throw the cargo into the sea as a sacrifice to the gods!
13:01Let this stormlight cease!
13:20Get up!
13:22Call upon your God that He takes notice of us,
13:24that we do not drown!
13:30When evil has come upon us, there is causeless!
13:33Let us cast lots to see who it is!
13:40Who are you? To what people do you belong?
13:44What God do you worship?
13:46What have you done?
13:48I am called Jonah, a Hebrew.
13:50I worship the Lord God who made the sea and the land.
13:54I disobeyed God and was running away trying to hide from Him.
13:58What shall we do to recalm the sea?
14:00It is because of my sin that God has brought about this storm.
14:04Throw me into the sea and the storm will cease!
14:07No! We shall row out of this!
14:10Pull hard on the oars that we row out of this storm!
14:20Captain, it is no use!
14:23Do not punish us for this man's sins!
14:26We will do what he says if this will calm this terrible storm!
14:43The sea began to calm and I was tangled in seaweed
14:46and began to sink into the depths and was prepared to drown
14:50when a great fish, which God had created, came upon me and swallowed me.
15:08And you drowned?
15:10Well, almost, Moki, but not quite.
15:13You see, Moki, there was air in the whale's belly and Jonah could breathe.
15:17Yes, Derek, I could breathe, but it wasn't a whale.
15:21It was a great fish God created for this purpose.
15:25Nothing is impossible for God. He created everything.
15:30How did you get out?
15:32I'm coming to that, Moki.
15:35I was inside the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights.
15:50I prayed to God and I asked for His forgiveness and said,
15:54if I were delivered from the fish's belly, I would do as He commanded.
16:05Oh, Lord, my God, have mercy on me that I might be delivered from the depths
16:11and I vow that I will do what You have commanded of me.
16:40Jonah, arise.
16:44Go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach repentance to them as I told you before.
16:55Needless to say, I began walking the long journey to Nineveh.
17:26What do you think of this man?
17:29I give five shackles.
17:30I give ten.
17:53You people of Nineveh!
17:56I have been sent by the Lord God to warn you.
18:00Nineveh will be destroyed for your wickedness.
18:10I went throughout the city telling people that God was angry
18:14for they had sinned against Him and they must repent or be destroyed
18:19for God will not be mocked.
18:23I'm told he's called a prophet sent by God to warn us.
18:27But destroy Nineveh when we have walls 60 miles around and 100 feet high?
18:33And thick enough for three chariots to ride abreast on top of them.
18:37But he says his God could destroy Nineveh in a day, in an hour.
18:42Come, I think we should tell the king about this man and his predictions.
18:48His Majesty will see you.
18:50But be quick, as he is busy with the affairs of state.
18:59Well, what is it?
19:01Majesty, we felt you should know that there is a man going about the city
19:07preaching repentance.
19:09He's speaking of a prophet.
19:11We felt you should know that there is a man going about the city
19:15preaching repentance.
19:17He says we've sinned against his God.
19:20And because of this our great city will be destroyed within 40 days.
19:30Who is this man?
19:32Jonah is his name, Your Majesty.
19:34He's called a prophet.
19:36The Hebrew prophet Jonah?
19:38The Israelite King Jeroboam has believed this man's words.
19:44We must do as he says, lest his God destroy us for our sins.
19:50It is my decree that all in Nineveh shall put on sackcloth and ashes
19:55and fast for a period, neither eating or drinking
19:59and cease all wickedness and violence.
20:34I left the city to wait and see its destruction by fire and brimstone.
20:39Oh boy, I bet that was an awful sight.
20:42No, Moki, it didn't happen.
20:45I was angry with God.
20:47I had prophesied Nineveh's destruction.
20:50They were enemies of Israel and God spared them.
20:59As I sat above the city in my anger with the sun beating upon me
21:03and the hot wind of the desert blowing upon me,
21:06a vine of wild gourd sprang up, shading and cooling me.
21:13I was happy with this gift from God and felt that he was sorry
21:18and had done this to appease my anger.
21:36But in the night, worms came and ate the vine.
21:46Again the hot sun and desert wind beat upon me
21:50and again I was angry and even wished I could die.
21:54And then God spoke to me.
21:57Jonah, were you angry to see the gourd vine die?
22:02Yes, angry enough to die.
22:04You had pity for the vine that you neither planted or caused to grow,
22:08that it came up in a night and then perished in a night.
22:11And should I not spare Nineveh, that great city of 120,000 people,
22:18who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and much cattle?
22:25It was then I learned a great lesson.
22:28God loves all his children.
22:31Our enemies may not be his enemies,
22:34and when any of his children repent, he blesses them.
22:39Well, my friends, that is my story.
22:43Now, I guess you are continuing your journey?
22:46Yeah, I think we'll have to get moving.
22:49That's a wonderful story, Jonah.
22:53Yes, and a real lesson. Thanks for everything.
22:57Come on, guys, time to travel.
23:00Oh, and I don't mind being called Jonah.
23:10Hey, wait a minute.
23:16Jonah's little dog ate all our food.
23:20Samson, go home.
23:23Well, looks like we'll have to go hunt for food for our journey again.
23:27Hey, I know where we can get free fish dinners.
23:34Just kidding, Derek, just kidding.
23:36Come back here, you little scrounger.
23:43Boys will be boys.
