• last year
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.


00:00While surveying the site of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo,
00:22and their nomad friend, Mokey, find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirling pool of sand.
00:37And when the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics
00:44and artifacts from another civilization.
00:47And there, at the far end of the cavern, a door with a strange inscription.
00:53All who enter these portals pass through time.
01:16See? Nothing in my hands!
01:47What is that?
01:57Well, Margo, where do you think we are now?
02:00We're still in Galilee, and I believe this is Cana.
02:03Hey, look at what that guy is doing!
02:07Oh, look!
02:10Here, the fruit of a feathered friend. An egg!
02:14Saloom! Alaroom!
02:26Hey, that's what I want to be, a magician and do tricks like that!
02:31Well, all you need to know are the magic words.
02:34Yes, the magic words, that's it!
02:37What word do they know?
02:40Alaroom? Saloom?
02:43No, no, no.
02:44Alaroom? Saloom?
03:03Boy, did you see that? It's like a miracle, huh?
03:08No, son, that was only a trick.
03:11The traveling magician is very good, and he has perfected his tricks well.
03:15But a miracle is not a trick.
03:18It is a gift from God for the good of man and the glory of God.
03:23I am called Benjamin.
03:26You appear as travelers from a far place.
03:29Yes, we've been on the road for quite a while, and we still have a long way to go.
03:34And it will be a miracle if we ever get there.
03:37Mokey, hush!
03:39I'm Margo, and this is Derek and Mokey.
03:42Well, my young friends, you are traveling in the land of miracles,
03:47and among a people whom God has guided through our history.
03:50His obedient followers and prophets who listened to and obeyed God who blessed them with miracles.
03:56Noah, who talked with God, was instructed to build the ark
04:00so that he and his family would be saved from the great flood.
04:03It rained for 40 days and nights.
04:06As the water receded, the ark came to rest on top of a mountain.
04:10God set a rainbow in the sky as a sign that he would never again send a flood to destroy mankind.
04:18And Moses, leading our people out of Egypt and with God guiding the way,
04:22was told to raise his rod over the Red Sea and divide it.
04:26Moses obeyed, and a strong wind swept a wide path through the waters and dried the ground,
04:33and his people crossed over into freedom.
04:37The walls of Jericho barred the way of the Israelites.
04:41Joshua, their new leader, following God's battle plan,
04:44marched his army around the walls for seven days.
04:47Then, with a great shout, he brought down the walls and led the people into the promised land.
04:56The giant Goliath with the army of the Philistines
04:59faced the Israelites and the boy David, who obeyed God,
05:03and with but a sling and a stone slew the giant.
05:10And again Israel was saved.
05:15Daniel the prophet was thrown into the den of lions
05:19for refusing to obey the king's law that forbade anyone to pray to God.
05:24But through his faith and prayers, the lions became gentle as house cats,
05:29and Daniel was saved from the hungry beasts.
05:34And then one day, as foretold by the prophets, came Jesus,
05:39who in but three short years performed many miracles,
05:43and fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies,
05:46proving that he was the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God.
05:53Some of those prophets of long ago seem like old friends.
05:57Gee, Derek, it wasn't so long ago.
05:59It was just a couple of weeks ago that we saw Moses.
06:01A couple of weeks ago we were talking about Jesus
06:04and wishing we could have seen some of his miracles.
06:06Well, my young friends, you are looking at living proof of one of his miracles.
06:11What do you mean?
06:12I was born in the town of Nain, a few miles south of here.
06:16I lived with my widowed mother, her only child,
06:19when as a young man I became very ill, and I died.
06:30My body was prepared for burial.
06:33My grieving mother and friends followed.
06:38When the procession neared the gates of the city,
06:40Jesus approached with his disciples.
06:45Dear woman, do not weep.
06:49I say to you, young man, get up.
06:58What? Where am I?
07:07My son!
07:19Yes, Smokey, it's true.
07:25And you can do this trick like the magician?
07:28I've got the magic words.
07:30Each year I close my shop for a few days
07:33and walk the roads where Jesus walked
07:35and remember his marvelous works.
07:37Say, would you like to come with me?
07:39And I will show you where he performed some of his great miracles.
07:43I'd love that.
07:44Sure, sounds great.
07:45Come on, Smokey, we're moving out.
07:47No, no, wait, wait.
07:48I'm going to do the egg and dove trick.
07:51I remember the magic words.
07:53A la balloon, macaroon!
08:00I think I said the wrong magic words.
08:04Well, let's move out.
08:07I have prepared some provisions for the journey.
08:09Here, let me carry that for you.
08:15You see that house up ahead?
08:17It was here in Cana that Jesus' first miracle took place.
08:23A wedding was in progress.
08:34A wedding?
08:44According to the law of Moses and of Israel,
08:48may the Lord bless your union.
08:56Jesus' mother Mary was helping with the wedding.
08:59She had concern about the refreshments.
09:02The feast is not over, and there is no more wine.
09:05Dear woman, why do you involve me?
09:08My time has not yet come.
09:10Do whatever he tells you.
09:12Fill the water pots with water.
09:20Pour some out, and give it to the man in charge of the feast.
09:33At other weddings, the best wine is served first,
09:36but you have kept the best to last.
09:45Boy, I bet Jesus got invited to a lot of weddings.
09:48That was such a nice thing for him to do.
09:51There were two purposes for this miracle, Margo.
09:54First, he honored his mother's request.
09:57And second, more importantly,
09:59he increased his disciples' faith with his power.
10:03I still think I can do the disappearing egg and bird trick.
10:07Let me see.
10:09Baroom filigaroon.
10:11No, no, no.
10:13It's June moon pantaloon.
10:19Okay, I put it back already.
10:21I would have given you the bird.
10:29I'm sorry.
10:41This is Lake Geneseret.
10:43Let us rest for a bit.
10:45Here is some bread, fruit, and some hard-boiled eggs.
10:48I'm sure we could all eat.
10:50And there is a well for water to drink.
10:55Oh, looks good.
10:56Oh, thank you.
10:57Do we have enough?
10:58There is plenty.
10:59And we can resupply as we go along.
11:01I'll ask those fishermen who just came in what the catch of the day is.
11:05Maybe they can spare a few fish.
11:13Looks like Mokey struck out.
11:15They haven't caught anything all day.
11:18It was right here under the same situation that Jesus met Peter,
11:22his brother Andrew, James, and his brother John.
11:26Jesus was preaching to the crowd by the lake.
11:28The people were crowding in.
11:30As the boat stopped at the shore, Jesus stepped into the boat.
11:35Move out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
11:39Master, we have fished all night and caught nothing.
11:43But if you say so, we will try again.
11:59Come help!
12:05Come help!
12:08James, turn! Come help!
12:26Lord, forgive me.
12:29I'm a sinful man, not worthy of your presence.
12:33Peter, do not be afraid.
12:36Follow me and from now on you will be fishers of men.
12:42And Peter, Andrew, James and John became his disciples.
12:46Yes, they left all they had to follow Jesus.
12:50They left all those fish?
12:52That's right, Moki.
12:54I guess only they knew it was a miracle.
12:56And the people on the shore figured it was a miracle.
12:59I guess only they knew it was a miracle.
13:01And the people on the shore figured it was just fishermen's luck.
13:05Hey, guys, watch!
13:07I've got the magic words now, I know it!
13:10Through the lips and past the gums,
13:13look out to me, here it comes!
13:19There, I guess I can make an egg disappear.
13:25We are coming into Capernaum.
13:27See up ahead, the Roman garrison?
13:29Jesus performed a wonderful miracle there.
13:32Word of his great works and miracles had traveled throughout the land.
13:42And as he entered the city, the Roman centurion,
13:45a man who commanded 100 soldiers, came to Jesus.
13:50Excuse me, Rabbi, with respect I ask a favor.
13:54My servant, whom I love as a son, is ill and near death.
13:57If you will only just speak the word, my servant will be made well.
14:02Take me to him.
14:04Master, I am not worthy to have you enter my house.
14:07I have authority over 100 soldiers,
14:10and if I say to one, do this, I know he will obey.
14:14And if I say to another, go there, I know he will go.
14:18I do not have to see.
14:20I know it is enough that you say the word, and it will be done.
14:24I have not seen faith this great in all of Israel.
14:29Go home. Your faith has cured your servant.
14:34Sir, your servant is well.
14:36The fever is gone. He is healed.
14:51But the Romans are the bad guys.
14:55Why would he help the Romans? They treated the people so bad.
14:59Yes, and later they crucified him.
15:01Even though he helped the Jews and the Gentiles alike.
15:04That's true, Marco.
15:06And now many of those Gentiles have become true followers of Jesus.
15:10Great crowds followed him wherever he went,
15:13so they could hear his teachings and be healed.
15:16Jesus was tired and needed rest.
15:19And as the crowd started to leave...
15:21My friends, let us cross over to the other side of the lake,
15:26that we might rest for a time.
15:47Lord! Lord, wake up! We will sink!
15:51Don't you care if we die in the storm?
15:53Why are you afraid, Andrew? Don't you have any faith?
16:02Peace! Be still!
16:17What kind of man is he?
16:19That even the wind and sea obey him.
16:24Why, Jesus sure didn't have much time to rest, did he?
16:27He had a lot to do in a short time.
16:29And as he said, he was doing his father's business.
16:39This is Bethsaida.
16:42This is Bethsaida, a Gentile city.
16:59Oh, there's so many pretty sights here.
17:03Now, there's a couple of pretty sights.
17:06Not bad. Not bad at all.
17:14Hey, I can't see.
17:16Monkey, get your foot off my face.
17:19Uh, we tripped.
17:22You and your pretty sights.
17:24There was no way we could have made it.
17:27Uh, we tripped.
17:29You and your pretty sights.
17:31There was a man living in this city who could not see such pretty sights.
17:36He was blind.
17:39He had heard that Jesus was in the city and asked friends to take him to Jesus.
17:44Sir, our friend who is blind asked that we bring him to you,
17:48that you might restore his sight.
17:53Come with me.
18:03Can you see?
18:06I see men that look like trees walking.
18:20Now, I can see.
18:25Go home.
18:27Do not tell any of the townspeople what I have done for you.
18:37Why didn't Jesus want the man to tell anyone what he had done for him?
18:41Jesus knew the time of his ministry was getting short,
18:44and he needed time to be alone with his disciples to train them.
18:48So they could carry on his work after he'd gone.
18:50It would be pretty hard to keep a miracle like that a secret.
18:54It was true, Derek.
18:55He had attracted much attention in his travels,
18:58performing many miracles, and great crowds followed him.
19:01Jesus and his disciples left to find solitude in a wilderness area.
19:17But a large multitude, over 5,000, followed and found him.
19:22I shall ask them to leave.
19:25No. They are like sheep in need of a shepherd.
19:30As the hours lengthened toward evening,
19:33his disciples became concerned about the time.
19:38Master, we must send the people away,
19:40so they can buy food in the villages as they go home.
19:43We must feed them before sending them away.
19:46Philip, where will we find bread that all these people may eat?
19:51If we could buy 200 denarii worth of bread,
19:54we would still not have enough for each one to have a piece.
19:57Excuse me, sir. The master can have my food.
20:05Lord, this young lad offers his food to you.
20:08What food has he brought?
20:10Only five small barley loaves and two fishes.
20:15Thank you, my son.
20:17Bring some baskets to me.
20:42Now, my brothers, feed our friends.
21:12The people were so excited at this miracle,
21:14they wanted Jesus to become their king.
21:17How wonderful it would be to have a king
21:19who would feed them through his miracles.
21:21Hey, that's not a bad idea.
21:24I figured you would like that, Moki.
21:26But remember, he said his kingdom is not of this world,
21:29but is the kingdom of heaven.
21:38After sending the multitude to their homes,
21:40Jesus desired to go alone up into the mountain.
21:46While I go to the mountain to pray,
21:48row across to the other side,
21:50and I will come and meet you there later.
22:03Jesus stayed alone, praying for some hours.
22:10As he came down from the mountain to the shore,
22:13he saw the wind had made the boat unmanageable.
22:19And his disciples had been rowing for hours
22:22and making no progress.
22:26He decided to go to their aid.
22:42What is that?
22:44A ghost!
22:48Be of good cheer.
22:50Do not be afraid.
22:52It is I.
22:54Lord, if it is you,
22:56let me come to you on the water.
23:00Come, Peter.
23:18O Lord, save me!
23:24O man of little faith,
23:27why did you doubt?
23:35Surely you are the Son of God.
23:49The Sea of Galilee is so calm and beautiful.
23:52I can just picture Jesus walking there on it.
23:55There is nothing that Jesus couldn't do.
23:58Peter almost did it.
24:00Until he let doubt weaken his faith.
24:02That is right, Derek.
24:03There will always be those whose doubt destroys faith
24:06and keeps them from receiving great blessings
24:09that God wants to give his children.
24:11Well, my young friends,
24:12if we want to follow Jesus' footsteps,
24:14we best get moving.
24:15We have yet a long way to go.
24:18And more ways than one.
24:20You know, I was just thinking,
24:22what we're doing is what Jesus asked people to do,
24:26following his footsteps.
24:28So many wonderful miracles.
24:30Healing the sick, raising the dead,
24:32giving sight to the blind.
24:34And feeding all those thousands of hungry people
24:37with bread and fishes.
24:38His miracles were signs that he is the Christ,
24:41the Son of God,
24:42who takes away the sins of the world.
24:45And he is still feeding the multitudes of the world
24:49with his words and teachings.
24:51Blessed are the poor in spirit,
24:54for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
24:57Blessed are they that mourn,
24:59for they shall be comforted.
25:01Blessed are the meek,
25:03for they shall inherit the earth.
25:06Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst
25:09after righteousness,
25:11for they shall be filled.
25:13Blessed are they who show mercy to others,
25:16for mercy shall be shown to them.
25:20Blessed are they who have pure hearts,
25:23for they shall see God.
25:26Blessed are those who make peace among men,
25:30for they shall be called the children of God.
25:35Blessed are they who are persecuted
25:37for the sake of righteousness,
25:39for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
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