Special Report with Bret Baier 9/2/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News September 2 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Good evening from Washington. I'm Jillian Turner in for Brett Baier. Tonight, you were listening to
00:04President Biden, who now is finally hitting the campaign trail in support of his vice president,
00:08Kamala Harris. Joining her right now in the Keystone State, Pennsylvania is going to be a key
00:14to a potential Harris-Wolfe victory come November. On this Labor Day, former President Trump,
00:19meanwhile, unleashing another tirade on his political rival, calling Harris a, quote,
00:24radical left Marxist who will destroy the country. Both sides now hardening into position as this
00:30race for the White House enters its final stretch. Plus, down ballot races moving to the top of
00:35voters' minds right around now as Election Day gets closer to the big issues, as well as a battle
00:40for control of Congress all on the ballot. First, we begin tonight with major developments in the
00:46war in Gaza. Six hostages, including a 23-year-old American, were shot and killed at close range by
00:53Hamas terrorists. A ceasefire negotiations are at the same time ongoing between Israel, Hamas,
00:59Qatar and the U.S. President Biden has condemned those brutal murders, but also dinging the
01:04Israeli side today, telling reporters that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing
01:10enough to secure that elusive deal. Let's bring a national correspondent, Jeff Paul. He is the
01:15latest reporting from Tel Aviv tonight. Hi, Jeff. Well, yeah, Jillian, a very tough day today here
01:22in Israel as this country begins to lay to rest the hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza this
01:28past weekend. But a lot of that overwhelming sense of sadness is now transforming into outrage as
01:34some Israelis believe more could have been done to prevent their deaths. Thousands packing the
01:40streets of Jerusalem saying a final goodbye to American-Israeli Hirsch Goldberg Poland. Kidnapped
01:46back on October 7th, the 23-year-old is one of six hostages recovered this weekend from Gaza
01:51after being killed in Hamas captivity. I will love you and I will miss you every single day
01:57for the rest of my life. His mother, Rachel, said her son was finally free.
02:02If there was something we could have done to save you and we didn't think of it, I beg your
02:06forgiveness. We tried so very hard, so deeply and desperately. The deaths are sparking strikes
02:12and protests. Tens of thousands rallied in Tel Aviv as the days drag on without a ceasefire
02:18and hostage deal. Frustration among many Israelis, as you can hear, is growing. They are calling on
02:23not only the Israeli government, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a deal
02:28and bring them all home now. But speaking tonight, Netanyahu was defiant. I apologize that we were
02:34not able to bring them back alive. We were close, but we were not successful. I repeat again,
02:39Israel will not act as if nothing has happened during this massacre. Hamas will pay a very heavy
02:44price. However, for the families of the 101 hostages who are still being held,
02:49time is running out. After 300 days, Amit Levy fears for his sister, Naama.
02:55At these moments, I'm scared. It could have been, it could have happened to her,
03:00just as much as it could have happened to them. And if she won't be released soon,
03:04as much of an amazing survivor and a hero she is, it could happen to her,
03:09it could happen to anyone any minute. Now, Hamas put out a statement tonight blaming
03:15Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the deaths of those six hostages. Hamas went on
03:21to accuse Prime Minister Netanyahu of obstructing any possible ceasefire and hostage deal and say
03:27any added Israeli military pressure will result in more hostages dying. Jillian.
03:32All right, Jeff Paul in Tel Aviv for us tonight. Thank you for staying up.
03:35Are you planning to present a final hostage deal for both sides this week?
03:42We're very close to that.
03:44What makes you think that this deal will be successful in a way that the other deals were not?
03:50Both sides of the panel.
03:51Mr. President, do you think it's time for Prime Minister Netanyahu
03:55to do more on this issue? Do you think he's doing enough?
04:00Well, that's President Biden earlier today putting the onus on Israel's prime minister
04:05to secure a ceasefire and hostage deal. Israel insists
04:09nothing is going to come between total and complete victory over Hamas and Gaza.
04:14I'm joined now by Orna Nutra. She's mother to 22 year old Israeli American hostage,
04:19Omer Nutra. He grew up in New York, later served in the IDF.
04:23Omer was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7th. He remains in captivity
04:28now. Orna joins us. Orna, thank you for taking time with us today on what I'm sure is an
04:34especially difficult week for you. I want to know how you're doing, how you're feeling,
04:40how you and your husband are holding up, and then also, of course,
04:43what your reaction is to the latest slaughter by Hamas.
04:48It's been completely devastating getting the news from Israel.
04:53Over the course of the past 11 months, we've been fighting alongside some of these families,
05:00especially the family of Hirsch Goldberg-Polen, who is also an American citizen.
05:06And it's just heartbreaking. We've been doing so much. We've been doing our share
05:12to make sure the issue is not forgotten, to fight for our kids.
05:16And this shouldn't have happened. The writing was on the wall.
05:21We kept saying this is urgent, that this deal needs to be signed as soon as possible,
05:26that military activity is not enough. And here we are. Here we are. These are six
05:34people that shouldn't have died. At least three of them were supposed to come out
05:39in the first stage of this deal that's been discussed. And as Hirsch's mom said today,
05:45they felt in a visceral way that this was going to happen,
05:49that they're going to be reunited with their son. And we really believed it.
05:53And this is just heartbreaking.
05:56Well, I know that you and your husband, who I had the privilege of interviewing a couple of
06:01months ago, have done an incredible job of keeping Omer's name alive in the press, keeping attention
06:07on him here in the American administration, overseas in the Israeli administration.
06:12I know that your family was part of the group that met with the National Security Advisor,
06:16Jake Sullivan, earlier in the week. Did you hear a message of hope from him? What did he tell you?
06:25Well, we heard from him exactly what the president said today, that they're in the
06:31final stages of coming up with a deal, that they're hoping that Hamas and Israel will accept.
06:38To be honest, we have to keep hope, but we're skeptical. We're not seeing
06:45Hamas or Israel come to the table seriously enough or willing to sign the deal.
06:52And unfortunately, we completely identify with our brothers and sisters in Israel who are out
06:58in the streets, who don't feel that their own government is doing enough to release the hostages.
07:05And in Benjamin Netanyahu's statement about annihilating Hamas as a top priority,
07:11we're not hearing exactly how that is going to bring our loved ones home.
07:16Negotiating with terrorists is always a very intricate, very difficult,
07:21challenging process. I want to ask you before I let you go, if you have
07:26a message for Omer, for his captives, if anybody is indeed listening to us tonight.
07:32Well, if anyone of the captives and my son is listening to us, I will carry Rachel's torch
07:39and tell my son, Omer, that I love you, we all love you, we're fighting for you,
07:45and we're begging you to survive until we are able to finally bring you out.
07:51We are. That was beautifully said. We all certainly here are praying for his recovery
07:56and for him to stay strong as well. Thank you so much for taking time with us
07:59Thank you so much for taking time with us. Our thoughts and our prayers and our hearts are with you.
08:05Thank you so much.
08:12Well, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden right now co-headlining a campaign
08:16event in Pittsburgh. It's their first time sharing a speaking slot since Harris replaced
08:21him at the top of the ticket. Let's take a listen in. That's Kamala Harris.
08:29Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala! Kamala!
08:48I know her. I trust her. Not a joke. I trust her. Number two. The first decision I made
08:57to nominate his nominee in 2020 was selecting her as my vice president.
09:03And by the way, it was the single best decision I made as President of the United States of America.
09:17I was watching something sent to me when they asked Barack, they said Barack
09:21picked me as vice president because he knew I could be president. I know she'll be a good president.
09:27I know her. I've watched her when all the experts, foreign and domestic policy,
09:34would give us advice. Then we sit alone in a room and she has a backbone like a ramrod.
09:44And she has the moral compass of a saint. This woman knows what she's doing.
09:49Folks, I promise you, if you elect Kamala Harris as president,
09:54it'll be the best decision you will have ever made.
10:00Kamala, as much as I do, the unions are the spine of this economy. She'll be a historic
10:09pro-union president. So folks, we've got one more job to do together. Let me ask you,
10:15are you ready to fight? Are you ready to win? Are you ready to elect Kamala Harris our next
10:23President of the United States of America? And in the process, are you ready to make
10:38Donald Trump a loser again? I've never been more optimistic about America. We have to remember
10:46who we are. We're the United States of America. There's nothing, nothing, I mean this from the
10:50bottom of my heart, there's nothing beyond our capacity, nothing, when we do it together.
10:56And that means elect my friend, our great Vice President, President of the United States, Kamala
11:32All right, you've been listening to former President Trump, who just made remarks there
11:36in Pittsburgh at a campaign event with VP Kamala Harris. Let's listen in to her for just a moment.
11:42Thank you, Joe.
12:01Thank you, Joe.
12:09It is good to be in the House of Labor.
12:15And it is good to be back at IBEW Local 5.
12:19And can we please give it up again for our President Joe Biden.
12:32Now I don't have to tell the brothers and sisters of labor that you really get to know somebody when
12:37you're in the middle of a fight. When times are hard, when the forces are mighty, when people
12:45don't believe something can get done and they have a thousand excuses for why it can't get done.
12:52And I have spent more time with this extraordinary human being when the cameras were not in the room,
12:58when the stakes were high, when the heat was intense.
13:03And Joe Biden has always stood with the workers of America and labor unions of America. Always.
13:18I've been with him when he'll bring folks into the Oval Office.
13:23And you know how Joe can get sometimes. He doesn't spare words.
13:28It's good that sometimes the cameras are not in the room when he has those conversations.
13:35Because the thing about the Joe Biden I know, and I know you know, because he has been
13:40a friend of labor for so long, for his whole life.
13:45Joe Biden can be quite impatient. And that's a good thing for that kind of leader.
13:51He's quite impatient. And I say to all of the friends here, the press that's in the room,
13:59history will show what we here know. Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative
14:07presidents in the United States that we have ever written.
14:12All right. You have been listening to President Biden and VP Kamala Harris at a campaign event
14:18in Pittsburgh where they're addressing union workers, union representatives.
14:22We're going to take you back there as soon as any news breaks coming out of that presser.
14:26Meanwhile, former President Trump is turning up the heat today on his political rival with
14:30more social media attacks on the vice president. This is the race enters its most critical and
14:36final stage. Lucas Tomlinson has those details from Washington tonight. Hi, Lucas.
14:40Good evening, Jillian. In a wide ranging interview with Mark Levin,
14:44former President Donald Trump says he thinks God saved him from an assassin's bullet
14:49to help fix the country's problems. I'd like to think that God thinks that I'm going to
14:57straight down our country. Our country is so sick and it's so broken. Our country is just broken.
15:04Trump said after he was nearly killed at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th,
15:09he received many well wishes, with one notable exception.
15:13Did you get a call or a note? I'm just curious from Kamala Harris.
15:17No. OK, not that I know of. While speaking to Moms for Liberty in the nation's capital,
15:23the former president said he still thinks about the last election.
15:27I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election. I mean,
15:30I think we won that election by so much, by so much.
15:34Even some of Trump's biggest supporters are encouraging him to tighten up his message with
15:39voters. Focus on the issues, Mr. President. Every poll says it says the same thing.
15:44The American people trust you with what matters the most to them.
15:47The economy, inflation, border security and avoid comments like this.
15:52Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have
15:59every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up.
16:03Monday afternoon, the Harris campaign responded, saying,
16:06Well, Donald Trump is pushing his false history about the past.
16:10The American people are ready for a new way forward.
16:13On Fox News Sunday, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign defended the former president's pitch.
16:18Donald Trump is giving specific policy speeches. And again, you mentioned it in your last segment.
16:23No policy speeches on the Harris website. It's amazing to me that she has not been
16:27held accountable by most of the mainstream media for that.
16:31Donald Trump will sit down with our own Sean Hannity for a Fox News town hall in Harrisburg,
16:36Pennsylvania, on Wednesday night, beginning at 9 Eastern.
16:40All right, Lucas Tomlinson here in Washington for us. Thank you.
16:43U.S. stock markets were closed today in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
16:47We'll have a market read for you again tomorrow right here on Special Report.
16:51Coming up next, why a rookie wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers
16:55who was shot in the chest says he now considers himself a very, very lucky man.
17:02Welcome back. Breaking tonight, at least five people have been shot at a parade in New York
17:06City. Folks had gathered there to celebrate West Indian culture earlier today. The NYPD says one
17:13suspect fired directly into the crowd, but there is no longer an active shooter threat.
17:17According to officials, two of the victims are now in critical condition. The other
17:21three are expected to recover fully from their injuries.
17:26And this rookie wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers,
17:29Ricky Pearsall, is out of the hospital tonight, this after being shot in the chest
17:33during an attempted robbery on Saturday. His mother said he is, quote, extremely
17:39lucky to be alive following the incident. Seventeen year old suspect from Tracy,
17:44California, has been arrested.
17:51Voters top issues this election cycle are not just critical in the presidential race,
17:55but also down ballot, where voters could enact sweeping changes on everything from
17:59reproductive rights to immigration. Here's national correspondent William Lajeunesse.
18:05For me, it's Roe versus Wade.
18:08From abortion to crime and immigration, voter turnout for state ballot measures
18:13could help decide who controls Congress and the White House.
18:16Support for abortion crosses all political lines.
18:20Voters in 10 states will consider abortion related initiatives,
18:24most focused on guaranteeing that right until viability.
18:28This is a monumental achievement for our campaign.
18:31A measure in Missouri would repeal the state's ban on nearly all abortions.
18:35I think Missouri is going to defeat this measure.
18:40The issue is also on the ballot in the presidential battlegrounds of Arizona and Nevada.
18:45When this issue has been on the ballot, the voters voted in favor of freedoms.
18:50The latest Fox News polls show three quarters of voters back the abortion measures,
18:55providing a potential down ballot boost for Vice President Harris.
19:00Open borders equals more crime.
19:03Arizona voters will also consider a Republican led initiative, making it a state crime to cross
19:09the Mexican border illegally and allow state judges to order deportations.
19:15It could add conservative voters to the to the polls,
19:19not unlike the abortion one, adding more liberal voters.
19:24Let's make crime illegal again.
19:26In California, with several competitive House races, voters can undo so-called reform measures,
19:32reinstituting penalties for petty theft and making fentanyl possession a felony.
19:38Our intent is to hold those who prey on our communities accountable.
19:43Usually in presidential years, coattails flow down ballot.
19:46However, this year, with these hot button state issues, abortion, immigration and crime,
19:51we could see that trend reversed.
19:54All right.
19:54Thank you, William, in L.A. for us tonight.
19:56Coming up next, the Federal Aviation Administration now has given the green light to SpaceX once
20:01again, no longer standing in the way of its Falcon 9 rocket launch.
20:05This ahead of very two important missions.
20:08Well, a Supreme Court panel in Brazil is upheld a decision by one of its justices to block X,
20:13the social media platform famously owned by billionaire Elon Musk across the entire country.
20:18That panel says the decision was made in accordance with Brazilian law.
20:22X, they say, had refused to name a local legal representative in that battle.
20:28Musk says that the court's orders have been issued without any due process.
20:32And this federal regulator is now giving the go ahead to SpaceX to launch its Falcon 9
20:36rockets after they had been briefly grounded due to concerns over a failed booster landing.
20:42Correspondent Jonathan Sarey has those details from Atlanta tonight.
20:45And with the go Starlink, go DTC, go Falcon.
20:53SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket returned to service with back to back Starlink satellite launches
20:58early Saturday, just three days after the FAA temporarily grounded the fleet to investigate
21:03a first stage booster that tipped over while landing on a drone ship off the Florida coast.
21:08With Falcon 9 back in flight, a launch may be imminent for Polaris Dawn,
21:13a privately funded mission that will attempt the first commercial spacewalk.
21:17If we are to unlock this, this last great frontier and people are going to venture out in space,
21:21which, by the way, whatever risks associated with it, there is,
21:24it is worth it. We have no idea what it could do to really,
21:27you know, you know, again, change the trajectory of humankind.
21:31Point five meters on September 24, a Falcon 9 is scheduled to launch the next NASA mission to the
21:36International Space Station, which will return in February with Boeing Starliner astronauts,
21:41Sonny Williams and Butch Wilmore. On Saturday, Wilmore reported a strange
21:45pulsing noise inside the Starliner capsule. NASA determined it was coming from a community
21:51capsule. NASA determined it was coming from a communications link with the ISS,
21:56explaining in a social media post, the space station audio system is complex,
22:01allowing multiple spacecraft and modules to be interconnected.
22:04And it is common to experience noise and feedback.
22:08Retired astronaut Clayton Anderson recalls a similar incident from 2007.
22:12There was a night when I was awakened. We were flying over South America and I was hearing a
22:17bunch of Spanish speakers from the ground and it would turn out that we had the com system
22:23misconfigured. And Gillian, it is not strange noises,
22:28but thruster problems that prompted NASA officials to decide to bring those two Starliner astronauts
22:34back to Earth on a different spacecraft. As for Starliner, it's scheduled to undock
22:40autonomously on Friday evening and then return to Earth overnight, parachuting
22:46to a desert landing site in New Mexico. Gillian.
22:49All right, Jonathan Sarey in Atlanta for us tonight. Thank you so much.
22:53Well, coming up next, my colleague Brett Baer has a conversation with former Secretary of State
22:57Condoleezza Rice, including talking about what she thinks is the number one threat facing the U.S.
23:03today. First, beyond our borders tonight, take a look at this. The U.S. seizing an airplane
23:09belonging to corrupt Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. The aircraft was purchased
23:14through a straw company in violation of U.S. sanctions laws and exports controls. Maduro
23:19had used the aircraft to travel virtually around the world before it was remanded.
23:25And this a far right party in Germany had a stark success in two elections on Sunday,
23:29shaking the already divided German government and continuing a resurgence of anti-immigrant
23:34and populist politics seen across Western Europe. This is a live look at Rome. One of the big
23:41stories there tonight. Pope Francis is setting off now for his longest, his farthest and certainly
23:46his most challenging international trips. He's heading to Asia, where he'll visit four countries
23:52in under two weeks. The 88-year-old pope had to cancel his last foreign trip,
23:56which was scheduled back in November after he came down with a bad case of the flu.
24:01These are just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. We'll be right back.
24:05Welcome back tonight. My colleague Brett Baer sits down with former Secretary of State Condoleezza
24:13Rice. She served during 9-11 in the start of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. She tells
24:19him about the number one threat America faces today. Jillian, thank you. Tonight we are joined
24:25by former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice as a new
24:31essay in Foreign Affairs magazine. Secretary Rice, thanks for joining us. Pleasure to be with you,
24:36Brett, as always. I want to talk about your essay and I read through it. It's really interesting,
24:41but I want to just ask broadly, as you look at foreign affairs right now, it's a chaotic world.
24:48What do you think the biggest threat for the U.S. is right now? Well, there are multiple threats.
24:55I think one of the biggest things that's changed recently is that we have this
25:00great power conflict with China, with Russia, that's territorial. That brings militaries
25:06into play in ways that we haven't seen for a very long time. Obviously, the Middle East is
25:11always a source of tension and problem. And Iran's activity there, Iran's aggressiveness there.
25:19And of course, in the Asia-Pacific, there's always North Korea. Well, to your point,
25:24this essay, the perils of isolationism, I'll quote from it, the new four horsemen of the
25:30apocalypse, populism, nativism, isolationism and protectionism, tend to ride together.
25:37And they are challenging the political center. There can be no more platitudes about the
25:42advantages of globalization for all. There must be a real effort to give people meaningful
25:46education, skills and job training. The task is even more urgent since the technological
25:52progress will severely punish those who cannot keep up. What's the elevator pitch that you're
25:57trying to get across here? That it's not possible to again leave behind so many of our citizens
26:04while we talk about the the macro benefits of globalization. So many Americans are are no longer
26:10really a part of the American dream. And we have to fix that if we're going to be confident enough
26:16to to lead the world. And really, we are the only choice. Though we have this competition and
26:22sometimes conflict with China and Russia, you still think we should accept those kids from
26:28China and Russia to schools in the U.S. to establish this long term benefit. If we want to
26:35see ultimately change in Russia, change in China, we have to keep connection to those young people
26:42who expect a different life. We have to be certain that in our labs and universities and
26:47our research and universities that we are protecting against what has been a very aggressive
26:54and and quite consequential effort, particularly by China, to use the access to American universities
27:02to empower the People's Liberation Army. Let's not cut off these these people who will be for
27:09generations the leadership of China and Russia about China. You write that China has an insatiable
27:15ambition. The current period is not a Cold War redox. It is more dangerous. What do you mean by
27:21that? Well, China is not the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a military giant, but it was a
27:28technological and economic midget. When we confront China, we recognize that it's very integrated into
27:35the international system. Everybody's very interested right now in the race for AI. That's
27:40a race that democracies have to win. These technologies in the hands of authoritarians
27:46are much more dangerous than they will ever be in a democracy. So we need to gird ourselves what is
27:52going to be a long term struggle. You write that Vladimir Putin cannot lose this war and he's
27:57willing to sacrifice everything to stave off disaster. It is true that Vladimir Putin does
28:02not think he can lose this war. In a sense, he's already lost the war that he thought he was
28:07fighting. He planned to land his forces in Kiev, change the government and snuff out Ukrainian
28:14independence. That failed. Now we need to make
