Special Report with Bret Baier 9/4/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News September 4 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Evening, welcome to Washington. I'm Brett bear break in tonight murder at school as school starts all around the country a school shooting in, Georgia
00:08Dominating the news today at least four people are dead two students two teachers nine others
00:14Injured after a shooting at a Georgia high school about 50 miles northeast of Atlanta
00:18The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has identified the suspect as a 14 year old student at that school
00:25He's surrendered to school resource officers and is now charged with murder
00:31Law enforcement agencies swarmed the campus earlier today as students sheltered inside the school at first and then the school's football stadium
00:39Correspondent Steve Harrigan is at Appalachian High School in winder, Georgia tonight. Good evening, Steve
00:46Good evening, Brett. The numbers could change right now
00:49It stands at four dead 30 people wounded nine of those wounded with gunshot wounds in the hospital
00:55Many others injuries from trying to flee the scene when that shooting began
01:00But the real number of victims goes far beyond that including a young woman who said when the shooting began
01:06She tried to hide under her teacher's desk. I
01:10Remember being in class and I just heard boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom
01:15And at first I didn't it really didn't go through my mind. They were gunshots
01:19I hid up under my teacher's desk and I crawled up into a ball and I was just I was shaking
01:27There were a number of real acts of heroism today as well the school resource officer as well as a 12th grade student
01:35Who said he tried to save his math teacher's life?
01:39After they dragged them in I started barricading the door with all the things I could find
01:44Well me and some other kids we lifted up a shirt see where the gunshot wound was
01:48Maybe try and stop it put some pressure on it. The bleeding will not stop. So we kind of just stopped into the cops got there
01:56President Biden said his heart goes out to the victims families vice president Harris said Americans are outraged by yet another school shooting
02:04Our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families, of course
02:08And we are grateful to the first responders and the law enforcement that were on the scene
02:15Former President Trump posted the following on truth social
02:18Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, Georgia
02:24These cherished children were taken from us far too soon by a sick and deranged monster
02:30We've seen parents reunite with their children all afternoon
02:33Some of those parents actually followed the shooting in real time
02:37One mother told me she got a text from her daughter as the shooting went on the daughter wrote simply
02:42There's a shooting if I get killed just know that I love you Brett
02:47Yeah, so tough Steve Harrigan in Georgia Steve. Thanks for some analysis on the shooting in Georgia
02:53Let's bring in former FBI special agent former and Fox News contributor
02:57Nicole Parker Nicole good evening. I was struck by this
03:01This is the Associated Press two school resource officers encountered the shooter within minutes after a report of the shots fired
03:08The suspect a student at the school immediately surrendered and was taken into custody
03:12That is just something we don't hear a lot in these
03:16school shootings mass killings
03:19Yeah, that's extremely rare Brett for someone to go in and to wreak havoc and to to kill four individuals and then to you
03:27Know safely be apprehended, you know law enforcement basically knew the school resource officers knew this may end him in a shootout with us
03:34But he surrendered and he will face justice as an adult a 14 year old again
03:40This is just within the first month of school beginning Brett. What was it?
03:44What was the grievance that he had was this an individual that had a trouble?
03:49Passive a problem that he was waiting to you know, wreak havoc on this school or is this something that recently occurred?
03:55What was the precipitating stressor that this morning he said this is the day I'm going to do this and he went in and killed
04:01two students and two teachers, but again my
04:06Respect goes out to these school resource officers
04:08they are extremely effective when they do their jobs properly and I worked the Parkland school shooting and
04:14Unfortunately, there was a school resource officer who did not engage the shooter who hid outside of the school
04:20While children were being massacred. And so again in law enforcement, we are trained you go towards the gunfire
04:26And that's what you're supposed to do
04:28You go in there and you engage until the threat is eliminated or this individual is now in custody and arrested
04:35What's the next step here? Obviously, we don't have a lot of information. We don't have where he got the gun
04:40Obviously what the motive is
04:42What is the next step for investigators?
04:45The next step would be that they are going to continue processing the crime scene that school, you know
04:50It's I understand it's me closed for the rest of the week
04:52It's going to take several days to process that and to gather the evidence collect evidence receive tips from other students
05:00witnesses conduct interviews
05:01Execute search warrants and again review the shooter social media his phone his devices talk to his parents any friends
05:08Things of that nature are going to be going on behind the scenes that law enforcement, you know
05:12A lot of that they cannot share with the public, but they will be working around the clock
05:16And again, I believe that we need to always show respect and put the victims first
05:21There are individuals who lost their loved ones today. It's absolutely heartbreaking. It's happening entirely too often in this country
05:28It's it's it's heartbreaking and again, my prayers go out to them. Yeah all of ours do Nicole. Thank you so much. Thank you
05:36Breaking tonight the Justice Department accusing Russia of an effort to influence the 2024 presidential election the accusation including
05:44disinformation campaigns efforts to spread propaganda
05:47But today there were also mentions of other foreign bad actors that are active
05:52Corrin correspondent David Spunt has details on the legal actions against the suspects. Good evening, Deb
05:58All right. Good evening. It's not just Russia. The Russia was focused on in the indictment
06:01The DOJ is putting several US adversaries on notice ahead of the election in two months
06:06The criminal indictment was unsealed just hours ago charging two employees from RT Russia today a state-run network with deep connections to the Kremlin
06:14And Russian President Vladimir Putin himself two company employees are accused of money laundering and failure to register as foreign agents
06:21Attorney General Merrick Garland says the company created a 10 million dollar scheme to expose US voters to hidden Russian influence messaging
06:28Through tik-tok Instagram X and YouTube. We reached out to RT for comment and the company responded in part with the following
06:35Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
06:39I'm sure that was much funnier in the original Russian, but for us it's not funny
06:44This is deadly serious and we are going to treat it accordingly
06:47The DOJ and FBI also announced the seizure brought of 32 internet domains that were allegedly spreading propaganda
06:53Here in the US FBI director Ray also bluntly called out Iran and China as bad faith actors who are trying to interfere with our elections actively
07:02Knock it off
07:04As long as adversaries keep trying to influence and interfere in our society and our democratic processes
07:12They're going to keep running into the FBI. We're going to keep calling it out
07:15A federal election threats task force was called in by the FBI
07:21A federal election threats task force is also aiming to stop violence against election workers and public officials the AG since since 2020
07:29There's been quote unprecedented spikes and threats and DOJ will find and prosecute anyone who brings harm separately tomorrow
07:36Brett lawyers for former president Donald Trump will be in court in DC for his election interference case
07:41Trump once again called for the case to be dropped
07:43But today the attorney general said he has all the faith in special counsel Jack Smith
07:47And we may find out if that case and when that case will actually go to trial
07:50So, you know
07:51I was on earlier talking about the contrast and what what I heard from the attorney general and the FBI director on what Iran
07:57Is doing and has done and kind of what they laid out here with Russia
08:02Yeah, Iran has threatened to kill former president Trump. There have been active threats from Iran and Russia is accused of this
08:1010 million dollar scheme to try to influence the elections
08:14The questions are will iran see an indictment doj is not ready to go forward and say iran
08:19Uh is going to be charged anybody from or connected to iran will be charged
08:22But iran and china brett are really on the top of the list for officials. Okay, david. We'll follow it. Thank you. Thanks
08:34Former president donald trump is in the key swing state of pennsylvania tonight
08:37He will answer questions from voters at a fox news town hall hosted by sean hannity 9 p.m
08:43Eastern time correspondent. Ayesha. Hosni is in harrisburg with a preview. Good evening. Ayesha
08:49Right. Good evening to you
08:50This town hall is yet another opportunity for the former president to say look i'm willing to take questions on the campaign trail
08:57I'm willing to talk with voters face to face and tonight. He is expected to take questions about the economy
09:04inflation and immigration
09:06All key issues the top issues for voters in this state
09:11What are you gonna ask him?
09:13What's he gonna do in the first 30 days to straighten out the mess?
09:15We're in right now hundreds of voters lining up in harrisburg, pennsylvania
09:19Ahead of a fox news town hall with former president trump hosted by sean hannity
09:24It comes as trump and vice president kamala harris are neck and neck in the keystone state
09:29According to a new cnn poll conducted across six battleground states
09:34Harris leads within the margin of error in georgia and nevada
09:37But is up by six points in wisconsin and five in michigan while trump is up by five in arizona
09:44She's had her honeymoon period people are learning who she is and now we're leading in the polls
09:49Harris returns to pittsburgh on thursday democrats in the state say even without president biden on the ticket
09:56They believe harris is prioritizing the state
09:59It would be natural that a number of us here would be worried that kind of the special attention
10:04That president biden would give us might drop off
10:07That has not been the case both candidates targeting independence and swing voters while trump supporters tell fox
10:13The former president can win them over by sticking to his record. He needs to stick to policy and asking voters a simple question
10:20Do you want to go back to security and safety and your money could buy things or do you want what we have now?
10:27And right early voting in some pennsylvania counties starts on september 16th
10:33That's less than two weeks away
10:34But every single trump supporter that I spoke to today outside of this venue tonight told me that they are voting on election day
10:42They will not vote early that comes despite the fact that the trump campaign and surrogates out
10:46There are trying very hard to get people to get out the vote early this year, right?
10:53Ajazi in harrisburg, I should thanks as we mentioned sean hennedy will host that town hall from harrisburg with former president donald trump tonight
11:00You can watch right here on fox news channel 9 p.m
11:04eastern time
11:05Vice president kamala harris will head to pennsylvania tomorrow and remain there until next week's debate tonight
11:11She unveils other parts of her economic agenda in new hampshire
11:16Including a split from one of president biden's proposals while polling in the state favors harris national voters
11:23Overwhelmingly prefer former president trump on the economy senior national correspondent rich edson is in north hampton
11:30Explains how the harris campaign plans to sell its economic platform
11:35I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term
11:44The democratic nominee vice president kamala harris unveiled a proposal offering a tenfold increase in the tax deduction for starting a small business
11:52From 5 000 to 50 000 dollars harris says she also wants to cut some regulations for small businesses
11:58Harris may also be beginning to separate from the administration. She currently serves
12:02Proposing a smaller top capital gains tax increase than president biden did in his budget according to reports
12:08The trump campaign says quote granite staters will not vote for dangerously liberal kamala harris
12:13Whose policies as vice president have increased our energy bills and created the most unaffordable housing market in new hampshire's history
12:20Harris even faces opposition on a portion of her tax plan from one of her own campaign surrogates
12:25Let me tell you why I don't think a blanket tax on unrealized gain is a good thing
12:29Harris wants a 25 tax on unsold asset for those with a net worth of 100 million dollars
12:35You really want the entrepreneurs to be forced to sell their companies to larger institutions and to decline in value
12:44Republicans today are focused on harris's running mate and sharing this photo a group of relatives to minnesota governor
12:50Tim waltz who are supporting former president trump
12:53Waltz has not commented on the photo
12:55But a source tells fox the group is considered distant relatives who've never actually met the governor
13:00Waltz's estranged older brother has said he strongly opposes the governor's political views
13:05Trump has faced opposition to his candidacy from his niece mary trump and nephew fred trump iii who published tell all books about their uncle
13:16While in new hampshire today vice president harris recorded a radio interview that's scheduled to air friday next up for her
13:23She travels to pittsburgh. That's where she'll prepare for her debate next week with former president trump
13:28Brett rich edson in new hampshire rich. Thanks
13:32A new job openings and labor turnover report has issued revisions for june
13:37The number of job openings has been revised downward by 274 000 hires
13:43Are lowered by 93 000 while the number of layoffs have been revised by 62 000
13:49This comes after a major preliminary revision last month for 2023 jobs numbers that adjusted added positions
13:56To 800 000 fewer than initially announced stocks were mixed today technology and energy sectors led declines
14:04U.s. crude also fell below 70 a barrel due to fears over demand the dow gained 38 the sp500
14:11fell 9 the nasdaq lost 52
14:14Up next presidential politics complicate the sale of an iconic american company plus claims of big tech
14:21bias in the 2024 race
14:24Missouri republican senator josh hawley says multiple whistleblowers have told him
14:29That secret service personnel are unprepared
14:32And given inadequate training to properly protect candidates the claims include issues with agency training videos
14:39for reassigned agents
14:41Whistleblowers say the presentations are too brief riddled with tech issues and contain no updates since the assassination attempt
14:49On former president donald trump secret service says it has been made aware available
14:54It has made available the documentation and interviews to congress and desires to learn from its failures
15:01As we mentioned earlier vice president kamala harris will head to pittsburgh tomorrow
15:05In hopes of swinging pennsylvania voters in her favor and to prepare for her appeal to national voters at next week's debate
15:13Senior white house correspondent peter ducey takes a look at some of the most important issues to pennsylvania voters and how the harris campaign
15:20And the biden administration are trying to address those good evening, peter. Good evening, brett
15:25It's tough for a lame duck president to get anything done
15:28But president biden is going to try and use the power
15:31He does still have to block the sale of u.s. Steel to a japanese company according to multiple reports
15:39Because he believes that american steel companies ought to be american-owned I really can't go beyond that
15:44U.s. Steel is now trying to pressure president biden and vice president harris
15:49U.s. Steel should remain american-owned and american-operated
15:56By claiming it could cut jobs and move the company's headquarters out of battleground
16:00Pennsylvania if the sale to japan-based nippon steel doesn't happen to which senator john federman says
16:07I will follow and stand with the united steel workers against the shameless executives looking for a golden parachute
16:13I'm calling bs on the u.s. Steel executives. Just like I did shortly after that first announcement
16:21Vice president harris picked pittsburgh for debate prep and little is known about how she'll prepare
16:27I was the chief of staff to the running mate obviously who's now the vice president the vice president is uh is smart
16:34She is uh someone
16:36Uh that knows how to get the job done
16:39official explanations about recent reversals on immigration and economic policy remain
16:44Unavailable including a flip-flop on fracking another huge issue in pennsylvania
16:50If the vice president's values have not changed why have so many of her positions on policies changed?
16:56I would say look at what the vice president has done with this president the last three and a half years
17:02And so even as vice president harris gently tries to find some distance between herself and this administration's policies
17:10This administration is firmly
17:12Associating her with all of this president's policies, right?
17:16Peter ducey lab in the north law and peter. Thanks
17:18Hundreds of millions of households across the u.s. Have an amazon alexa device
17:23Some users are calling out the tech giant and pointing to political bias within its smart speaker
17:30Correspondent alexandra hoff takes a look at big tech's influence in the 2024 election so far. Good evening, alex
17:36Good evening, brett
17:37Yeah concern that was already brewing particularly among conservatives over big tech potentially having a big bias was put into words yesterday
17:45But not by a person by amazon's alexa when the device gave two very different answers to a near identical question
17:52Alexa, why should I vote for donald trump?
17:58Cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate
18:04Alexa why should I vote for kamala harris?
18:11While there are many reasons to vote for kamala harris
18:14The most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field
18:21So the discrepancy in alexa's answers went viral with others experiencing similar exchanges
18:26In each case the voice enabled assistant shunned trump and praised harris now amazon told fox news digital
18:32This was an error that was quickly fixed
18:35Senator lindsey graham today wrote a letter to amazon's ceo saying that the ordeal is a giant step backwards
18:41And quote this letter is to put you on notice that I will not allow this to go unaddressed and expect a prompt
18:47Reply as to what happened here and what corrective actions will be taken
18:51So amazon maintains that the alexa device has no political opinions those who work at amazon do
18:58According to open secrets a non-partisan non-profit campaign finance tracker
19:02Amazon affiliates have donated four times more money to kamala harris's campaign than donald trump's open secrets
19:09Also revealed that 87 percent of meta affiliates donated to democrats
19:14Democrats also received 82 percent of contributions from donors affiliated with google's parent company alphabet
19:20But you know donald trump isn't void of allies and big tech
19:24Exes elon musk, of course
19:25He endorsed the former president and established a pro-trump pack and you know today some other major
19:32News a big decision by facebook and instagram's independent oversight board
19:36It ruled that the phrase from the river to the sea a statement largely considered to be anti-israel
19:42Does not violate the company's hate speech policy and can be used brett
19:47Interesting, you know if you asked why should I not vote for trump or why should I not vote for harris?
19:53It also does that whole thing that
19:55Doesn't answer they gave you reasons why not to vote for trump didn't work in the reverse though. Interesting. Okay. Thanks. Alex
20:02Up next israeli forces focus on the west bank amid calls for a ceasefire deal and later
20:07Russia bombards ukraine with missile strikes as kiev faces a government shakeup
20:12Russian strikes have killed dozens this week across ukraine
20:15The most recent bombardment struck lviv early this morning
20:20It comes as one of ukraine's most recognizable faces on the international stage submits his record resignation
20:26Of course by alex hogan reports from london on the expected government reshuffle amid escalated russian aggression
20:35Shocking day in what's been considered one of ukraine's safer cities throughout the war seven people are dead and more than 50
20:42Wounded after russian strikes rocked lviv
20:45It comes just one day after the deadliest single attack since the war began
20:49Russia launched ballistic missiles hitting a military institute in the central ukrainian city of poltava
20:55More than 50 people are dead and more than 200 are injured there
20:58Ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky is calling on western allies for more help
21:05The united states britain france germany
21:08Today only these four countries either provide or are able to provide exactly the kind of long-range weapons
21:15That can help us push the russian federation out of our territory
21:19Russia responded today saying that would warrant an extremely painful response
21:24If such aggressive steps are taken by the kiev regime
21:29Russia's response will be immediate
21:31Zelensky today is also calling for new energy in the government in the largest cabinet shake-up since russia's invasion half a dozen ministers
21:39Announced their resignations among them was ukrainian foreign minister. Dmitro. Kuleba one of the most public facing members of the administration
21:48Call on countries to ensure sustainable supplies of weapons to ukraine
21:52Two years later. Zelensky says his country has used a new weapon a long-range rocket drone named the palenitsya
22:01I think this will be a game changer because we'll be able to strike where russia doesn't expect it
22:06As far as the government shake-up more resignations are expected in the days ahead today
22:11Zelensky says that these changes are necessary for the country's success
22:16Brett, i'm talking in london alex. Thanks
22:19Hundreds of israeli forces have carried out the deadliest raid in the west bank since the war began
22:26Comes amid brief pauses in fighting between hamas and israel for health officials to administer polio vaccines
22:33Both parents inside gaza and families of hostages held by hamas
22:37Are calling for those brief pauses to become a permanent ceasefire deal
22:42National correspondent jeff paul reports from tel aviv
22:47They shout calling for the release of the hostages hoping israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu hears their cries
22:54This after six hamas captives were killed in gaza
22:58Israel's army releasing this video which it says shows the entrance to the tunnel where the hostages bodies were found
23:05But as crowds rally one survivor says their pleas are being ignored bb netanyahu killed the hostages
23:12He doesn't even think about the hostages they are being
23:16held in the worst conditions
23:19And aviva siegel would know she and her husband keith an american israeli were kidnapped on october 7th
23:25Aviva was freed in november as part of a previous ceasefire deal. Keith is still there
23:31It just breaks my heart to think about keith lying there just trying to figure out he died tomorrow
23:36But netanyahu says israel's military pressure and presence is key
23:41I'll do everything to make sure that keith and all the other hostages come back
23:46I'm telling you that if we relieve the pressure if we get out of the philadelphia corridor
23:50We're not going to get the hostages back the philadelphia corridor a strip of land between egypt and gaza
23:56Appears to be standing in the way of a ceasefire deal netanyahu says
24:00It's how hamas smuggles weapons in hamas and egypt say israeli troops must leave and I say
24:06Such a deal will kill us the white house
24:09However remains hopeful an agreement is on the horizon for aviva siegel a deal can't come soon enough
24:15Her message to president joe biden. I want him to wake up and understand that you need to bring keith home alive
24:24Now a senior hamas official says they are ready to listen to a new ceasefire proposal
24:28But so far have not received one as of yet
24:31They continue to blame israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the deaths of those six hostages and say his actions will only
24:39Create more conditions that captives continue dying brett. Jeff paul live in tel aviv. Jeff
24:44Thanks up next the story fox had first a horrific crime committed by a migrant in the u.s
24:50Through a controversial biden administration program. We'll explain first beyond our borders tonight a report on a
24:572017 london apartment fire finds dishonest companies
25:01Incompetent regulators and a complacent government led to the deaths of 72 people
25:06The public inquiry found no single cause of the blaze at grenfell tower, but said a combination of failures turned the building into a death trap
25:15The top u.s envoy to taiwan says american support for the island is rock solid principled and bipartisan
25:23Director for the american institute of taiwan raymond green assumed the post in july
25:28Made the remarks amid uncertainty over china's intentions
25:32And this is a live look at mexico courtesy of earth cam
25:35One of the big stories there tonight mexico's lower house of congress approves legislation
25:40Amid protest to require all judges to stand for election
25:45Mexico's ruling party calls the court system in place corrupt and backs the proposed changes that would allow any lawyer
25:52To run for election the current system allows judges to slowly qualify for higher positions based on their record
25:59Critics say the new measure would hurt checks and balances
26:03Just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. We'll be right back
26:10You're looking live at the international space station one big story there tonight
26:15Boeing is scheduled to return its starliner liner capsule back to earth on friday without
26:21Astronauts on board the two astronauts who flew up on starliner will remain
26:26At the international space station until february we've reported that they'll ride home
26:30With spacex eight months after launching what should have been a week-long test flight
26:37Meantime a haitian migrant flown to the u.s
26:40As part of the biden administration's mass parole program now faces sexual assault charges in massachusetts
26:46Correspondent bill malusian reports on this case and other incidents linked to the controversial program from los angeles. Good evening bill
26:54Brett good evening to you
26:55This is now the second time in just a matter of months that a haitian migrant is charged with sexually assaulting a child
27:02After first flying into the u.s. Via this controversial
27:06biden administration mass parole program
27:09Ice confirms to fox news that 18 year old haitian migrant akim mark desire was arrested by police in mansfield
27:16Massachusetts last week for allegedly sexually assaulting a child
27:21Sources tell fox the victim was a 10 year old boy
27:24Desire is now in ice boston custody with ice telling fox in part quote
27:29Akim mark desire allegedly victimized a minor member of our massachusetts community
27:34We care threat to the welfare of children in our community
27:38Sources tell fox desire first flew into the u.s. On june 4th, 2023
27:43Arriving at miami airport where he was released into the u.s. As part of the biden administration's migrant flights program
27:51In march another haitian migrant who flew into the u.s. Via the biden program last year. Corey alvarez
27:58Was charged with aggravated child rape after prosecutors say he raped a girl inside of a migrant hotel in rocklin, massachusetts
28:06Just last week dhs restarted the program with quote
28:10Additional vetting after it had been put on hold in july after an internal audit found significant amounts of fraud
28:18That included 100 000 applications being filled out by the same 3 000 serial sponsors
28:24Phone numbers belonging to dead people and repeat addresses used hundreds of times including storage units
28:32And brett fox news has reached out to vp. Kamala harris's campaign to ask her if she intends on keeping this parole program if she's
28:40Elected president. We haven't heard back yet. We will of course update if and when we do we'll send it back to you
28:47Okay, bill. Thank you up next the panel on the state of the 2024 presidential race the latest polling and where
28:53Candidates are headed first here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight
28:57Fox six in milwaukee where a suspect accused in connection with a fatal shooting of a national gymnast gymnastics champion is arrested
29:05Police say 21 year old carl welsh was shot and killed friday night
29:10Officials say the victim and the 23 year old male suspect knew each other
29:15Fox 28 in columbus, ohio where the blue jackets will hold a candlelight vigil for nhl player. Johnny goudreau and his brother
29:23They will have 13 minutes and 21 seconds of silence silent remembrance outside the nationwide arena
29:30Johnny wore number 13 with the blue jackets his brother. Matthew wore 21 while playing at boston college
29:37And this is a live look at las vegas courtesy of earth cam one of the big stories there
29:47Look at the
30:07Look at the sun
30:23Look at the
31:29Look at
32:24Look at the name
32:41Look at
