
  • last week


00:00I'm glad you're here.
00:04Nice to meet you, son of Narita Sanetomo.
00:09So this is...
00:13What's wrong?
00:15He's the one who helped me with my patent.
00:30I'm glad you're here.
00:32I'm glad you're here.
00:34I'm glad you're here.
00:36I'm glad you're here.
00:38I'm glad you're here.
00:40I'm glad you're here.
00:42I'm glad you're here.
00:44I'm glad you're here.
00:46I'm glad you're here.
00:48I'm glad you're here.
00:50I'm glad you're here.
00:52I'm glad you're here.
00:54I'm glad you're here.
00:56I'm glad you're here.
00:58I'm glad you're here.
01:00I'm glad you're here.
01:02I'm glad you're here.
01:04I'm glad you're here.
01:06I'm glad you're here.
01:08I'm glad you're here.
01:10I'm glad you're here.
01:12I'm glad you're here.
01:14I'm glad you're here.
01:16I'm glad you're here.
01:18I'm glad you're here.
01:20I'm glad you're here.
01:22I'm glad you're here.
01:24I'm glad you're here.
01:26Justice is not a madness.
01:29You gotta believe.
01:31Now, tear open the future.
01:34At the end of the darkness, the desire awakens.
01:37Plant the meat.
01:40Stand up.
01:41Yes or no?
01:43Burn it all up.
01:53I'll leave the inside to you.
01:57How about you?
01:59According to Shinozaki, there are no suspicious people around.
02:03I can contact the teacher at the signboard.
02:06Rika is with me, so it's safe over there.
02:10It's a mystery.
02:11There are two patent holders here.
02:15If you're quiet, you'll be interrogated.
02:17If you resist, you'll be tortured.
02:20You want information, don't you?
02:22I can tell you.
02:24But first, you have to tell me what's going on over there.
02:31I'll tell you.
02:32Be careful of what he does.
02:39I see.
02:40As expected of Sanetomo's son.
02:43He's blessed with friends, machines, and luck.
02:48But I see.
02:49Your father didn't tell you anything.
02:53What are you talking about?
02:55Don't you know?
02:57Your father is the owner of the most intelligent organization.
03:01I didn't tell him because I didn't have the confidence to go above him.
03:07But even so, blood can't fight.
03:10I can't believe you've come this far.
03:13Most of it seems to be thanks to a man named Sudo.
03:18That man was quite a scoundrel after all.
03:22Do you know Sudo?
03:24I'm the one who killed him.
03:32Give me all the information.
03:35I'll have to do a rough imitation.
03:38First of all, is our theory correct?
03:42It's almost correct.
03:44I'm glad I was able to guide you that far.
03:47What's the difference?
03:49It's a trivial matter.
03:51It's strange how you're asking for an answer, but it doesn't matter.
03:55The emperor is in Chiyoda.
03:57Are you sure?
03:58Yes, I'm sure.
04:00If you know the exact location, tell me.
04:03He's on the tower of the stupid emperor.
04:06He's a kid who looks like he's thinking.
04:09A kid?
04:10That's right.
04:11The emperor is a 12-year-old kid.
04:15The emperor is a kid?
04:17There are a lot of corpses around the emperor's tower.
04:24It's a special privilege for the emperor.
04:26He's a monster, a zombie.
04:28There are tens of thousands of them.
04:30You can't even get close to them.
04:32And because of the privileges and privileges,
04:34it's impossible to see the tower from the outside.
04:37I can barely see it with my eyes.
04:40I knew it.
04:41The emperor is in the defense room.
04:44No matter how much of a kid you are, the emperor is the emperor.
04:47There's no gap.
04:49There are 666 privileges in total.
04:51Most of them are under the control of the emperor.
04:55But there's a chance of winning.
04:57That's why I'm providing information.
05:00It's easier if you guys do it.
05:03And I'm going to inherit all the privileges of the emperor.
05:08He's going to inherit all the privileges of the emperor.
05:12The corpses and posts are gone, right?
05:14That's the right to inherit.
05:16Unlike the posts, a large number of corpses take two days.
05:20Compared to that, the right to inherit is activated at any time.
05:25Even if you revive, you can inherit it if you die for a moment.
05:29That's the advantage of letting me live.
05:32I'm one of the insurances that make the emperor powerless.
05:38Which is better, me or the emperor?
05:43You don't have to say that.
05:45I'm not going to kill you now.
05:46More importantly, is that privilege the privilege of Sane?
05:50Narita Sane was a really good man.
05:54He was able to see far beyond the situation of the prison at that time.
05:59After the large-scale escape, the examiner was squeezed by a child.
06:03The emperor was born because the recovery ticket was withdrawn.
06:07Sane saw through it and secretly brought out the privilege of being a trump card.
06:14That privilege is...
06:16The privilege of exception.
06:23All you have to do is look at the face of the minor and declare that you are a Sinken.
06:28If you make a declaration, you will never be able to rebel against your parents.
06:33All the rights of the subject are reserved for the Sinken.
06:37Look at the face and say that you are a parent.
06:39That's all you have to do to win.
06:43Hey, if that's true, it's amazing.
06:46Real game.
06:48No, think about it.
06:50Even if it's a child, if the emperor meets him, he won't try to induce the opponent to lose.
06:55Nido is clearly trying to get me.
06:58If the emperor and I meet, he has a merit.
07:02Even if I lose to the emperor, there is no change in Nido's merit.
07:07Then if I win...
07:09The emperor will not be able to exercise his privilege.
07:12All I have to do is kill the emperor.
07:15If the majority is gone, it will be easier for Nido to move.
07:19His words are true.
07:21I came here to have a constructive discussion.
07:25I know 100% that you invited me to inform you.
07:29Give and take.
07:31Even if I refuse, that's the only way.
07:36You know how to defeat the emperor, right?
07:39For the time being, it's up to you to decide what to do after that.
07:44If I can manage the emperor without killing him, I won't have any privileges.
07:50I think it's a great deal just to have the possibility of merit.
07:57Yeah, let's talk about that.
08:00But you have to answer all our questions.
08:04That's good.
08:06Hurry up and finish it.
08:08You said that the dead have been recovered, right?
08:11Is that all?
08:13I don't know.
08:14Ask the emperor about that.
08:16What is the face of the emperor?
08:18I haven't seen it.
08:19Only the researchers who met know the details.
08:23I'm sure you've seen it.
08:25The idiots at the Uchō-ten held a show.
08:28I'm sure you've seen it.
08:31If you go to that kind of meeting, they'll know my face.
08:35If the kid doesn't like it, he'll be erased right away.
08:40I heard your goal is to exterminate humanity, not yourself.
08:44Is that true?
08:46It's true.
08:47That's my ideal.
08:50Well, do you still have something to say?
08:52I have one more thing to say.
09:00If you need anything, contact the terminal at the sign.
09:04Be sure to respond.
09:06You're looking at me from above.
09:08Well, I'll go with you.
09:12Are you sure, Sane?
09:14I gave it to you.
09:15It's a terminal made by Sōma in Gengeken.
09:18It's a remote-controlled super-small bomb.
09:21You can track it at the Gobo sign.
09:24If Mido breaks his promise, the whole terminal will explode.
09:28That's a big deal.
09:30I've killed a lot of people since the mass blood started.
09:34I've already decided to go to hell.
09:37I'll take on the dirty role.
09:44All right.
09:45Mido is safe.
09:46I'm away from the building.
09:47Tell Gobo.
09:51What's wrong?
09:57When did you...
10:00Thank you for welcoming me, Narita Saneatsu.
10:03Why are you here now?
10:05You don't have to worry.
10:08I haven't seen Mido since then.
10:13I was here a while ago.
10:15Is that so?
10:16Then it's a coincidence.
10:20I'm here to deliver an order.
10:22To Narita.
10:24An order?
10:25To deliver it?
10:26Where's my uncle?
10:27I told you before.
10:29He's dead.
10:32Let me explain.
10:36Well, that's it.
10:38I understand the situation.
10:40I trust you.
10:41That's our leader.
10:44I stopped the order with Vincent's order.
10:48Everything is going well.
10:51I decided to give this envelope to Narita and entrust her with hope.
10:55This is the last chance to get through Teppei's justice.
10:59I want to see the progress of this justice.
11:03Instead, when justice doesn't work...
11:07This time, all of humanity will be killed.
11:11I'm looking forward to it, Narita.
11:14Narita, come here.
11:17I want to talk to you alone.
11:19I entrust you with these four simple orders.
11:22I'll tell you what's inside.
11:27Don't worry. I'll be right back.
11:39That's the order inside?
11:41That's right.
11:43I'll say it again.
11:44Vincent's order is to activate it only once.
11:48Don't miss the opportunity.
11:53See you.
12:00It's gone.
12:02I'm sure he split up the space around him.
12:06Bring Omi and Gobo.
12:09The plan is ready.
12:15Are you serious?
12:18Koutei is very defensive.
12:21He'll lose if he doesn't think that his plan is working.
12:26This is the only way to win today.
12:29It's hard to believe in Ilgaren,
12:32but I don't know if I'll win or lose.
12:35Koutei is inviting me, who is supposed to be his enemy.
12:39If I have to bury him, I have another way.
12:42I just want to meet him.
12:45I'll kill him if I'm satisfied.
12:48That's what Koutei wants to do to me.
12:51Of course, there's a risk.
12:53Koutei may die or lose because of Koushi and my friends.
12:58Koutei has a plan to neutralize such a situation.
13:03In other words, you can't force him?
13:07He has the privilege of blocking physical attacks.
13:10It's better to think that he's taking serious measures.
13:14There's no way to defeat him seriously.
13:17The four of us have the most important role.
13:20It's hard to ask you to do this,
13:23but I want you to risk your life and lend me your strength.
13:26Roger that.
13:27I got it.
13:29Five people.
13:33Did you hear that?
13:34It's disgusting, Saneatsu.
13:36You're risking your lives, but I'm not.
13:40What are you talking about, Saaya?
13:42You don't have to risk your life.
13:44It's not about whether it's necessary or not.
13:47We made a promise.
13:48We'll do our best together.
13:50We'll definitely defeat Koutei.
13:53No matter what the path is,
13:55I want to go with you and fight.
14:00I got it.
14:03Thank you, Saneatsu.
14:06I can keep my computer for the rest of the day.
14:09If there's another bloodbath tomorrow night,
14:12that's the worst case scenario.
14:15Tonight is the best time.
14:17I'll defeat Koutei tonight.
14:30They're here.
14:36What's that?
14:42It's about Mido.
14:44I'm sure he knew that Koutei was taking serious measures.
14:48He knew there was no other way to defeat Koutei than to kill him.
14:53So we're just cannonballs.
14:56No matter how hard we try, Mido will get his return ticket.
14:59Then let's just blow up the terminal.
15:03If Mido dies and the return ticket is recovered,
15:06Koutei will be able to invest in weapons and strategies.
15:09That's the only way.
15:11And I promised I wouldn't do that.
15:14You promised?
15:15With who?
15:19So you're the leader.
15:21I'm Narita Saneatsu.
15:23Nice to meet you.
15:27I have a report from Shinozaki.
15:29Koutei's tower has been confirmed.
15:31It's located in Hibiya Park.
15:33It's taller than the Skytree.
15:36There are tens of thousands of pirates in Hibiya Park.
15:42Tens of thousands? No way!
15:44Calm down.
15:45It's within our expectations.
15:48I'll explain the strategy.
15:50The four brave men will split up into two teams and lure the pirates.
15:55Make sure you have their phones in order to contact them.
15:59When the evacuation order is given, the mission is over.
16:02After the mission is over, you'll be free to go.
16:06That's all?
16:09Just be careful.
16:11But make sure you're safe.
16:14I'm worried.
16:16But I'm relieved.
16:18That's all.
16:19Saya, take the four of them to the break room.
16:22Got it.
16:23This way, everyone.
16:32I'd like to make a declaration before we go into action.
16:37I'm going to name our team as Sugini.
16:41And we're going to disband at this moment.
16:45Huh? Disband?
16:47I want you to accept it.
16:49Is there anyone who won't accept it?
16:54I refuse.
16:57Got it.
16:59Is that necessary?
17:01And now, I'm going to create two new teams.
17:04Team Saneatsu and Team Yagihashi.
17:09Team Saneatsu consists of me, Ryutan, Saya, and Omi.
17:14The rest are Team Yagihashi.
17:17And now, we're going to start a joint operation.
17:20What's with all the fuss?
17:23Just shut up and do as I say.
17:26So, what's the joint operation?
17:29We're going to attack two locations in Shinagawa Power Plant and Ooi Power Plant.
17:33We're going to temporarily shut down the electricity and break into the emperor's tower.
17:38I'll explain the details of the operation and each of the people in charge.
17:43Gobo, Omi, make sure you check your phones.
17:49You're really going to do it?
17:52We're definitely going to succeed and defeat the emperor.
17:57Saneatsu is relying on me.
18:01I'm going to be useful.
18:03It's a one-on-one job.
18:05I'm fired up.
18:07Let's go, Gokihiko.
18:27The emperor's tower.
18:33They're gathering.
18:34Don't worry.
18:36I'm going to use my power to avoid the pirates.
18:44It's quiet.
18:46Mr. Shinozaki said there were tens of thousands of pirates in the city.
18:50It seems to have the ability to react when it gets close.
18:54Even though they have an army, they won't attack us.
18:57But even though they're serious about defense, the emperor is fine with that.
19:02The emperor is collecting corpses and burying them.
19:06What did he do before so many people died?
19:11Was he alone?
19:13I don't think so.
19:15I thought about it.
19:17There was a hint in Mido's words.
19:20It's the researchers of the concentration camp.
19:23As Mido read, the first mass exhumation was done only inside the concentration camp.
19:27The emperor hid himself by manipulating the bodies of the researchers into pirates.
19:33The emperor used the pirates as a pawn.
19:37The existence that should be called the initial pirates can be manipulated in a complicated way.
19:41Or rather, the minimum number of pirates that can be manipulated in a complicated way should be secured.
19:47They're maintaining the power plant.
19:50I see. I totally missed it.
19:53Someone has to manage the power plant.
19:56That's right. They're also in charge of the waterways and radio waves.
19:59There may be initial pirates near the emperor.
20:02They may be approaching.
20:04Well, I think there are a few people.
20:06A few people?
20:08Maintaining the lifeline is a complicated job.
20:11We have to put in a lot of initial pirates.
20:14The emperor himself has a different level of strength.
20:17I thought it was just a matter of taking care of the pieces.
20:21This is certainly a reliable person.
20:24And the pirates must have been excluded from the mass exhumation.
20:28The expectation of the mass exhumation has come close to another conviction.
20:33The mass exhumation can change the range.
20:36The first day of death was exactly that.
20:4023 hours 29 minutes.
20:43It's time.
20:46The emperor has set the computer recovery time to 23 hours 55 minutes.
20:51And the announcement of the mass exhumation is 58 minutes.
20:54There's a three-minute gap here.
20:57It's probably to check the recovery work and questions.
21:01We have no choice but to aim for that to make a long gap even for a second.
21:04Turn off the lights in 55 minutes and charge into the tower.
21:08It's time to start the operation.
21:1123 hours 30 minutes.
21:13Operation Yodo.
21:16Operation to attack the generator.
21:39I knew I didn't know.
21:42Is it a defeat in my head?
21:45Is the answer a loss at this time?
21:48A community of cowardice.
21:50Is it a mistake? Is it a lost impulse?
21:53Is it a desire to heal the wound?
21:55At that time, is it a lost loss?
21:58The majority that disappears.
22:00I remember you when you stopped.
22:07I hear your voice again and release it.
22:15I don't want you to forget the world.
22:20I don't want you to lose it for me.
22:26I can go anywhere.
22:29I wanted to believe.
22:31I'm waiting for the morning to come.
22:35I won't forget.
22:37Lonely game.