Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 2 Some Assembly Required

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 2 Some Assembly Required


00:00She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness.
00:05She is the Slayer.
00:17Come on, Stefan. Rise and shine.
00:19Some of us have a ton of trick homework waiting.
00:28Is this a bad time?
00:29Are you crazy? You don't just sneak up on people in a graveyard.
00:33You make noise when you walk. You stomp or yodel.
00:39I heard you were in the hunt.
00:40I'm supposed to be, but Lazybones here doesn't want to come out and play.
00:45When you first wake up, it's a little disorienting. He'll show.
00:50It's weird to think of you going through that.
00:52It's weird to go through.
00:55So, uh, you're here alone?
01:00Yeah. Why?
01:02I just thought you'd have somebody with you. Xander or someone.
01:07Or someone.
01:11Why? Are you jealous?
01:15Xander? Please. He's just a kid.
01:19Is it because I danced with him?
01:21Danced with is a pretty loose term. Mated with might be a little closer.
01:25Do you think you're being a little unfair?
01:28It was one little dance, which I only did to make you crazy, by the way.
01:33Behold my success.
01:34I am not jealous.
01:36You're not jealous. What, vampires don't get jealous?
01:39See? Whenever we fight, you always bring up the vampire thing.
01:42Well, I didn't come here to fight.
01:47Oh, right. I did.
01:56Where's my steak? I know I had a steak.
01:58It's his steak.
02:00What do you mean, he's just a kid?
02:26Does that mean I'm just a kid, too?
02:29Look, obviously I made a mistake coming here tonight.
02:34Oh, no, you don't.
02:36You can't just turn and walk away from me like that.
02:39It takes more than that to get rid of me.
02:50You okay?
02:54I'm fine.
02:58Gee, I wish people wouldn't leave open graves laying around like this.
03:02So, another vampire has risen tonight.
03:11I don't think so.
03:13Look at those tracks.
03:16Whoever was buried here didn't rise from this grave.
03:28She was dragged from it.
03:58I don't think so.
04:42What I'm proposing is, and I don't mean to appear indecorous,
04:47is a social engagement.
04:51A date, if you're amenable.
04:55You idiot!
04:57Oh, boy, I guess we never realized how much you liked that chair.
05:01I was just working on it.
05:03Your pick-up lines?
05:07In a manner of speaking, yes.
05:09Then if you wouldn't mind a little Jean and Roger,
05:12you might want to leave off the idiot part,
05:14being called an idiot tends to take people out of the dating mood.
05:18It actually kind of turns me on.
05:21I fear you.
05:24You also might want to avoid words like amenable and indecorous.
05:28Speak English, not whatever they speak in...
05:32Yeah. You just say, hey, I got a thing, you maybe have a thing,
05:36maybe we could have a thing.
05:38Thank you, Serena.
05:39I'm not finished.
05:41Then you say, how do you feel about Mexican?
05:43About Mexicans?
05:45Mexican. Food.
05:48You take her for food, for which you then pay.
05:50Oh, right.
05:53So this chairwoman, we are talking Miss Callender, right?
05:57What makes you think that?
05:59Simple deduction.
06:01Miss Callender is reasonably dolesome,
06:03especially for someone in your age bracket.
06:06She already knows that you're a school librarian,
06:08so you don't have to worry about how to break that embarrassing news to her.
06:11And she's the only woman we've actually ever seen speak to you.
06:15Added up, it all spells duh.
06:17Now is it time to have a talk about the facts of life?
06:21You know, I'm suddenly deciding this is none of your business.
06:24You know, because that whole Stork thing is a smokescreen.
06:30So, um, how did things go last night?
06:33Did Mr. Korshak show up on schedule?
06:36More or less. Angel and I took care of him.
06:42There's something else, though.
06:44We found an empty grave.
06:46Another vampire?
06:48No, this one was dug up and the body was taken out.
06:51Grave robbing? That's new. Interesting.
06:55I know you meant to say gross and disturbing.
06:58Yes, yes, of course. A terrible thing.
07:01Must put a stop to it. Damn it.
07:04So, why does someone want to dig up graves?
07:09Well, I'll collate some theories.
07:12It would help if we knew who the body belonged to.
07:15Meredith Todd. Ring a bell?
07:18No. She died recently. She was our age.
07:23Drawing a blank.
07:25Why don't we ask Willow to fire this thing up
07:30and track Meredith down?
07:49Oh, look at those legs.
07:51No, thank you.
07:53Knock it off.
07:56Hey, Chris.
08:02Oh, I was just wondering what you were going to do this year.
08:08Because every year you win and I play second,
08:11so I just thought I'd see what I'm up against.
08:14The thing is, if Dr. Clark doesn't understand your experiment,
08:18he gives you higher marks,
08:20so it looks like he understands your experiment.
08:24Effects of subviolet light spectrum deprivation
08:28on the development of fruit flies?
08:31That should do the trick.
08:33Okay, I'm doing this under protest.
08:36It is not fair that they're making participation
08:39in this year's science fair mandatory.
08:41I don't think anyone should have to do anything educational in school
08:44if they don't want to.
08:46The tomato. Fruit or vegetable?
08:49I wanted to do something I could finish in a weekend, all right?
08:53Stop it. What are you doing?
08:56We are under fluorescent lights for God's sake.
08:58The camera loves you.
09:00I didn't think yearbook nerds came out of hibernation till spring.
09:04It's for my private collection.
09:06Eric, will you quit it?
09:08Coming through. Sorry.
09:11Sorry to interrupt, Willow, but it's the fat signal.
09:14Okay, sure. See you later, Chris.
09:17Thanks for the tip.
09:27Cordelia is so fine.
09:30You know, she'd be just perfect for us.
09:32Don't be an idiot. She's alive.
09:41This shouldn't take long.
09:43I'm probably the only girl in school
09:45who has the coroner's office bookmarked as a favorite place.
09:48Hi. Sorry to interrupt your little undead playgroup,
09:51but I need to ask Willow.
09:53She'll help me with my science fair project.
09:55It's a fruit.
09:57I would have asked Chris to help me,
09:59but then that would have brought back too many memories of Daryl.
10:02I found it.
10:05Meredith Todd died in a car accident last week.
10:08Of course, I have learned to deal with my pain.
10:11How is your neck?
10:13Fine, except for being broken.
10:15Hello? Can we deal with my pain, please?
10:18Yeah, there.
10:21It says that Meredith and two other girls in the car
10:24were killed instantly.
10:26They were all on the Fondren high pep squad
10:29on the way to a game.
10:31You know what this means?
10:33That Fondren might actually beat Sunnydale
10:35in the Crosstown body count competition this year.
10:37She wasn't killed by vampires.
10:39Somebody did dig up her corpse.
10:41Ew. Why is it that every conversation you people have
10:44has the word corpse in it?
10:46Okay, so we got a body snatcher. What does that mean?
10:49Here's what I've come up with.
10:51Demons who eat the flesh of the dead to absorb their souls.
10:54Or it could obviously be a voodoo practitioner.
10:58You mean making a zombie?
11:00Zombies, more likely.
11:03For most traditional purposes,
11:05a priest would require more than one.
11:07So we should see if the other girls in the accident are AWOL, too.
11:11Maybe we can figure out what this creep has in mind
11:13if we know whether or not he's dealing in volume.
11:15So we dig up some graves tonight?
11:17Oh, boy, a field trip.
11:19You gonna call Angel?
11:21I don't think so.
11:23Yeah, why bother him, huh?
11:25Angel and I have been, um...
11:27Never mind.
11:29As far as Angel's concerned, I'm taking the net off, okay?
11:32So we're set, then. Say, nine-ish?
11:35B.Y.O. shovel?
11:37And I'll pack some food.
11:39Who else likes those little powdered donuts?
11:45Darn, I have cheerleader practice tonight.
11:47Boy, I wish I knew you were gonna be digging up dead people sooner.
11:50I would have canceled.
11:52All right, but if you come across the army of zombies,
11:54can you pay just before they eat your flesh?
12:01Zombies don't eat the flesh of the living.
12:05Yeah, I knew that.
12:07But did you see the look on her face?
12:13I couldn't believe Angel.
12:16He was acting all jealous, and he wouldn't even admit it.
12:19Jealous of what?
12:21Of Xander.
12:23Because you did that sexy dance with him?
12:26Am I ever gonna let that down?
12:30Anyway, he was being totally irrational.
12:33Love makes you do the wacky.
12:36That's the truth.
12:38You know, this might go a lot faster if you fims actually picked up a shovel, too.
12:41Yeah, yeah.
12:43Sorry, but I'm an old-fashioned gal.
12:45I was raised to believe that men dig up the corpses and that women have the babies.
12:50So, speaking of the wacky,
12:53what was Cordelia's homework about painful memories?
12:56Who's Daryl?
12:57Daryl Lapps, Chris's older brother.
13:00He was a big football star.
13:02All-state two years ago.
13:04He was a running...
13:06He was a running...
13:09Someone who runs and catches.
13:11Was he a studly?
13:13Big time. All the girls were crazy for him.
13:16And he broke Cordy's heart?
13:18Must possibly proving its existence.
13:21He died.
13:23Rock climbing or something, he fell.
13:25Man, that's lousy.
13:27Poor Chris.
13:29Ever since then, Chris has been real quiet.
13:33Kind of in his own world.
13:36I heard their mother doesn't even leave the house anymore.
13:40I think we're there.
13:43By the way,
13:45are we hoping to find a body or no body?
13:49Call me an optimist, but I'm hoping to find a fortune in gold doubloons.
13:54Body would mean flesh-eating demon.
13:57No body would point towards the army of zombies thing.
14:00Take your pick, really.
14:02All right, then.
14:04Go on.
14:06You're closer.
14:08Pathetic much?
14:10Move over.
14:23Guys, if we don't get this down by tomorrow,
14:26no one's going to be led by our cheers.
14:31Okay. See you later.
15:11Come on.
15:21Alexander Harris, if this is some kind of joke...
15:40Come on.
16:04Cordelia, this is the last place I expected you to hang out?
16:09God, it's you. Why were you following me?
16:12I wasn't sure it was you at first.
16:15I'm looking for Buffy.
16:17Buffy? Well, she's a big shock.
16:20She's at the graveyard.
16:24She said she'd be home.
16:26Well, she lied. Isn't she a rascal?
16:28Well, you're in luck.
16:30You're just so happy that my night is free.
16:33All right, hold on. My skirt is hot.
16:52So both coffins are empty.
16:54That makes three girls signed up for the army of zombies.
16:57Is it an army if you just have three?
17:00Zombie drill team, then.
17:02You're back.
17:08Xander. Angel.
17:10I thought you were taking the night off.
17:12I was, but something came up.
17:15Cordelia told me the truth.
17:19That's got to be a first.
17:21As long as you're here, perhaps you could be of some help.
17:29We were investigating.
17:31Somebody's been digging up the bodies of dead girls.
17:34I know. We found some of them.
17:37You mean like two of the three?
17:39I mean like some of them.
17:41Like parts.
17:43It was horrible. Angel saved me from an arm.
17:46God, there were so many parts. They were everywhere.
17:49Why are these terrible things always happening to me?
17:54So much for our zombie theory.
17:56So much for all our theories.
17:58I don't get it.
18:01Why go to all the trouble to dig up three girls
18:04only to chop them up and throw them away?
18:06It doesn't make any sense,
18:08especially from a time-management standpoint.
18:10What I saw didn't add up to three whole girls.
18:14I think they kept some parts.
18:16Could this get yuckier?
18:18They probably kept the other parts to eat.
18:20Question answered.
18:22Why dispose of the remains five miles from the cemetery
18:26to a school of all places?
18:28Maybe because whoever did it had some business in the neighborhood.
18:31Like, say, classes.
18:35Ah. This was no hatchet job.
18:38Whoever made those incisions really knew what they were doing.
18:41Yes, really.
18:43What student here is going to be that well-versed in physiology?
18:46I can think of five or six guys in the science club.
18:49And me.
18:51So, Will, come clean.
18:53Promise to never do it again, and we'll call it a night.
18:57He joked.
18:59Willow, why don't you get these guys' locker numbers,
19:01and we can do some checking?
19:03No. I have to go home now.
19:05I have to take a bath and burn my clothes.
19:08You have to go? Aw, too bad.
19:10Keep in touch. Bye-bye.
19:12I don't want to go alone.
19:14I'm still fragile.
19:17Can you take me?
19:20Great. I'll drive.
19:35How about that?
19:37I was pegged him as a one-woman vampire.
20:00I'm going out, Mom.
20:10I'll be back later, okay?
20:38You understand, in my capacity as school official,
20:40this search is completely unauthorized,
20:42and I cannot condone it.
20:44Fine. Your butt's covered.
20:46Want to grab a locker?
20:49Yes, yes, of course.
20:51Okay, Eric.
20:53Let's see what's on your annoying little mind.
20:59Nothing in here but back issues of Scientific American.
21:03Ooh, I haven't read this one.
21:08Nothing remarkable here.
21:14Your friend Chris Epps' locker.
21:16Grey's anatomy, mortician's desk reference,
21:20Robichaud's guide to muscles and tendons.
21:24I think it's fair to say Chris is involved.
21:28He's in a corpse's alright, but we still don't know why.
21:31Yes, we do.
21:43I guess you say
21:47What can make me feel this way
21:52My girl
21:54Talking about my girl
21:58My girl
22:00How's my baby?
22:02She's not your baby.
22:04She's not gonna be anybody's baby if we don't finish her soon.
22:07I'm working on it.
22:09So am I, friend.
22:11So am I.
22:25Any sign of our suspects?
22:27Not yet.
22:29I don't get it.
22:31Why would anybody want to make a girl?
22:34You mean when there's so many premade ones just laying around?
22:37The things we do for love.
22:39Love has nothing to do with this.
22:41Maybe not, but I'll tell you this.
22:43People don't fall in love with what's right in front of them.
22:46People want to dream what they can't have.
22:49The more unattainable, the more attractive.
22:54And for Eric, the unattainable would include everyone.
22:58That's alive.
23:00Eric's sick enough to do something like this,
23:02but what about Chris?
23:04He seems like a human person.
23:06I don't know.
23:08The thing with his brother was really hard on him.
23:11And he talked about death a lot.
23:14Maybe he just wanted to get one up on it.
23:17But it's not doable.
23:19I mean, making someone from scrap is actually making them live.
23:24If it is, my science project's definitely coming in second this year.
23:29And speaking of love...
23:33We were talking about the reanimation of dead tissue.
23:36Deconstruct your segways.
23:41Oh, yes. Hello.
23:43Still no sign of our mad doctors?
23:47Oh, corpses, yes. Evil.
23:49Very good.
23:51Did you bring it? Tomorrow.
23:54Very good.
23:55Okay, Giles, just remember.
23:57I feel a thing, you feel a thing, but personalize it.
24:00Personalize it?
24:02She's a techno-pagan, right?
24:04God bless your laptop.
24:07Have fun.
24:09What? Oh, don't...
24:11Best of luck.
24:13Good morning, Rupert.
24:15Miss Callender.
24:17Oh, no, please, call me Jenny. Miss Callender's my father.
24:20Jenny, then.
24:22You know, Jenny...
24:24Would it appear indecorous...
24:27No, not indecorous.
24:36Rupert, look, I've got to get inside and set up the lab.
24:40What I'm proposing is...
24:42I've got to go. Sorry.
24:52Hey, listen, if it's important, why don't you just tell me at the game?
24:58Oh, your game, the football game?
25:01Yeah, you seem surprised.
25:03No, no, I...
25:05I just assumed that you spend your evenings...
25:08Downloading incantations and casting bones.
25:11I'm game, not even nuts.
25:14You're going, too, right?
25:16Oh, of course. Always, always do.
25:19So we should just go together.
25:21Look, I could pick you up after school,
25:23and we'll grab a bite to eat on the way if you like.
25:26How do you feel about Mexico?
25:28Good. Okay.
25:30And then whatever it is you want to tell me, you can just tell me then, okay?
25:35Tonight, then.
25:41That went well.
25:43I think.
25:49I still don't get how Chris could do it.
25:52I mean, arresting the cell deterioration is one thing, but...
25:56You know, I want to get ahead.
26:00Maybe an electrical current combined with an adrenaline boost.
26:05For the love of God, can somebody scratch my nose?
26:09Well, it's official.
26:11Chris and Eric didn't come to school today.
26:13That's no coincidence.
26:15Maybe they finished their project.
26:17God, what if it worked?
26:19What if that poor girl is walking around?
26:21Poor girls, technically.
26:23What could she be thinking?
26:25What are they gonna do with her?
26:27I don't think we have to worry about that just yet.
26:30I spoke to a press person this morning about the remains.
26:35The police have finished sorting through them,
26:37and apparently they found three heads in the dumpster.
26:40They only had three girls.
26:43So they don't have the whole, uh, package?
26:46Heads must be no good.
26:50I found them attractive enough.
26:53Well, obviously I'm not as sick as Chris and Eric.
26:56Based on what the police have put together,
26:59I would say they're one step short of completing their masterpiece.
27:03One step?
27:12We're running out of time.
27:14If we wait too long,
27:16the onset of atrophy in the limbs will be irreversible.
27:19We can turn up the current.
27:21That'll buy us a day at least.
27:23We will lose the entire body if we don't attach a head soon.
27:27We have time.
27:29We don't!
27:31The crash with the girls was lucky.
27:34We can't just keep waiting around
27:36for another lucky accident to drop a head in our laps.
27:42You know what we have to do.
27:46Hell, it's just one lousy girl.
27:49I won't do it.
27:53I can't kill anyone.
28:02Understand, I...
28:04I can't do that.
28:07Please don't make me.
28:09But you gave me your word.
28:12You promised me, little brother...
28:16that I wouldn't be alone.
28:26The body is perfect.
28:28And if we harvest a head tonight, she'll be ready by sunrise.
28:32When you brought me back, you promised you'd take care of me.
28:36I need this, Chris.
28:39I need someone.
28:43Please don't ask me to do this.
28:46Don't ask me to take a life.
28:49I tried to tell him.
28:51If you take a life in order to make a life,
28:54the whole thing is a wash.
28:56No harm, no foul.
28:58Maybe you could... you could go out...
29:02Let people know.
29:04They can't see me.
29:06Chris, you've always been smarter than me.
29:11You were always the brains.
29:14You're the only one who can help me now.
29:19Third and long.
29:21Seconds to go.
29:23Where do you throw?
29:26Where do you throw?
29:29Number five.
29:33Daryl's gonna drive.
29:35Help me, brother.
29:46Show me.
29:57This one.
30:01A man of taste.
30:11My girl.
30:16Talking about...
30:19My girl.
30:22My girl.
30:24I checked the obits.
30:26Nothing that would make for a likely candidate.
30:29You seem kind of picky for guys with three heads to begin with.
30:36Yes, yes, yes, yes.
30:38It's the oral decay in the brain cells.
30:40After a couple days, they're useless.
30:42They're gonna need something really fresh.
30:45How fresh?
30:46As fresh as possible.
30:49Buffy, you don't think that they would...
30:51I think anyone who cuts dead girls into little pieces
30:54does not get the benefit of any doubt.
30:56I want to end this thing now.
30:57I second that.
30:58Fine. You guys go to Eric's.
31:00We can go to Chris's and meet up.
31:02I was supposed to be at the big game.
31:05Fine. Go ahead.
31:07Take care of this.
31:08Yes, but shouldn't I...
31:10Okay, then why don't we all meet there?
31:14Fine. Yes.
31:18Don't be too hard on Chris.
31:21I mean, he's not a vampire.
31:24No. He's just a ghoul.
31:28Hi. Um, I'm a friend of Chris's.
31:31I kind of need to talk to him.
31:33Do you know if he's home?
31:57So, is he home?
32:00Westbury game.
32:02November 17th, 95.
32:06Darryl rushed 185 yards that night.
32:09Four TDs.
32:11He was MVP, and he made All-City that season.
32:16Yeah, that was a great one.
32:18Um, but is Chris home?
32:20I don't know.
32:22Is today his school day?
32:24Oh, watch. Watch this move.
32:27Darryl takes a kickoff.
32:29He sheds one, two, three defenders,
32:32and he breaks into the open field for a 95-yard touchdown.
32:46He would have been 19 next week.
34:11Cordelia, are you coming?
34:13Yeah, I'll be right out.
34:25Oh, God.
34:27Chris, you scared me.
34:29What are you doing in here?
34:32Is something wrong?
34:41Joy, Lacey, where's Cordelia?
34:44Cordelia has a game to think about.
34:47She doesn't need losers like you.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:52What did you say?
35:02Are you okay?
35:04Oh, my God, Buffy.
35:06Don't worry. He's gone.
35:08I found my way down to the field when Chris came in,
35:11and all of a sudden someone jumped me.
35:13Shh. Relax. Take it easy.
35:15That's the fight song.
35:17Oh, my God, it's time for the cheerleader pyramid at midfield.
35:20I've got to go.
35:22Are you sure you're okay to go out there?
35:24I've gotten the apex.
35:37I know what you're trying to do,
35:40you and Eric.
35:43I know about the bodies from the cemetery,
35:47but you haven't hurt anyone yet.
35:56I know what it's like to lose someone that you're close to,
36:00but that's no excuse.
36:03What you're doing is wrong.
36:05I have to do this for him.
36:10He needs someone.
36:12Who, Eric?
36:14He needs industrial-strength therapy.
36:16He always looked out for me.
36:21Stood up for me.
36:25He's all alone.
36:29Everybody loved him,
36:31and now he's all alone.
36:33Who are you talking...
36:40Oh, my God.
36:42You promised me!
36:44You promised!
36:46I want Napa to be alive!
36:49It's not too late.
36:57Nothing's changed.
36:59We can still do this.
37:01You and me.
37:03Your brother is not the only one who can create life.
37:06What do you say?
37:16Let's go scare you up a date.
37:37He's not here.
37:39Where else could he be?
37:41But he would never go out.
37:54He's gonna pick up where you left off.
38:01Go, greenback, go!
38:03Go, team, go!
38:05Go, greenback, go!
38:07Go, team, go!
38:17I don't know what it is about football that does it for me.
38:20I mean, it lacks the grace of basketball,
38:24the poetry of baseball.
38:27At its best, it's unadorned aggression.
38:31Such a rugged contest.
38:34Rugged? American football.
38:37And that's funny because?
38:40No, I just think it's rather odd
38:43that a nation that prides itself on its virility
38:46should feel compelled to strap on 40 pounds of protective gear
38:49just in order to play rugby.
38:52Is this your normal strategy for a first date?
38:55Dissing my country's national pastime?
38:59Did you just say...
39:01a date?
39:03You noticed that, huh?
39:05Hi, Miss Callender.
39:07Hi, Giles. Hey, guys, what's up?
39:09Eric's just a bus. Nothing there.
39:11Yeah, nothing but a bunch of computer equipment
39:13and a pornography collection
39:15so prodigious it gave him the scare of me.
39:17Did Buffy get back yet?
39:19No. Uh, no.
39:21Perhaps you should circulate nearer the field.
39:24See what you can find.
39:29So what's the score?
39:37Let's go!
39:39Let's go!
39:47Let's go!
40:17Let's go!
40:19Let's go!
40:21Let's go!
40:23Let's go!
40:25Let's go!
40:55Let's go!
40:57Let's go!
40:59Let's go!
41:01Let's go!
41:03Let's go!
41:05Let's go!
41:07Let's go!
41:09Let's go!
41:11Let's go!
41:13Please, what's going on?
41:15Just take off the blindfold.
41:17I promise I won't scream.
41:19I promise.
41:21She's beautiful.
41:23It's bad luck for the groom
41:25to see the bride before the wedding.
41:27Please, just take off the blindfold.
41:29I promise I won't scream.
41:31I promise.
41:41You can scream all you want.
41:43We're in an abandoned building.
41:47Okay, that's enough.
41:53You were always good to me.
41:55Always noticed me.
41:57But I ignored you.
41:59I'm sorry.
42:01I'm glad I have a second chance
42:03to tell you that.
42:09I was thoughtless.
42:11I see that now.
42:13But I've changed.
42:15I've learned to appreciate
42:17how much it meant
42:19that you wanted to be with me.
42:21We're ready.
42:23Ready? Ready for what?
42:25You're gonna feel a little pinch.
42:27Maybe some discomfort
42:29around the neck area.
42:31But don't worry.
42:33When you wake up,
42:35you'll have the body of a 17-year-old.
42:37In fact, you'll have the body
42:39of several.
42:45He was here, Chris.
42:47Where did he take her?
42:49To the rest of the body.
42:51To the lab. Where is that?
42:53I promised him that...
42:55Look, he'll kill Cordelia!
42:57You can't just give and take
42:59lives like that. It's not your job.
43:03He's in the old science lab.
43:07Everything's set up there.
43:11Now find Xander and Willow
43:13and tell them what's going on.
43:19Daryl, please.
43:21You don't have to do this.
43:23We have to,
43:25so we can be together.
43:27We'll be together anyway.
43:29I'll be with you, I promise.
43:31Is that right?
43:33You see anything you like?
43:39And when you're finished,
43:41you won't go out.
43:43You won't run away.
43:45But we can hide together.
43:55No, please!
44:01Buffy, help me!
44:03Daryl, listen.
44:05I know what you're doing, okay?
44:07Your brother sent me to stop you.
44:09He wouldn't do that. My brother loves me.
44:11Buffy, they're crazy.
44:13It's okay, Cordelia. I'm gonna get you out of here.
44:15I'm not done with her yet.
44:17I'm not finished.
44:31I won't live alone!
44:35We're getting out of here.
44:37You have to help me.
44:39Let go!
45:03Get Cordelia!
45:07Get me out of here!
45:15Get me out of here!
45:21Come on!
45:23Get me out of here!
45:25Get me out of here!
45:39Hurry up!
46:16She's mine!
46:24We'll be together always.
46:45The first time he woke up after...
46:47He said I shouldn't have brought him back.
46:49I was just trying to look out for him.
46:51Like he would have done for me.
46:53I saw the fire.
46:55I figured you'd be here.
46:57Is everyone okay?
47:01I'm glad you're all right.
47:03I'm glad you're all right.
47:05I'm glad you're all right.
47:07I'm glad you're all right.
47:09I'm glad you're all right.
47:11I'm glad you're all right.
47:13Is everyone okay?
47:17We're okay.
47:23I'm sorry about all this.
47:25It's okay.
47:27Although a good rule of thumb for a first date
47:29is don't do anything so exciting
47:31that it'll be hard to top on the second date.
47:33Believe it or not,
47:35since I moved here to live on top of the Hellmouth,
47:37the events of this evening actually qualify as a slow night.
47:43Did you just say
47:45second date?
47:47You noticed that, huh?
47:55Well, I guess that makes it official.
47:57Everybody's paired off.
47:59Vampires get dates.
48:01Hell, even the school librarian
48:03sees more action than me.
48:05You ever think that the world
48:07is a giant game of musical chairs
48:09and the music stopped and we're the only ones
48:11in the chair?
48:13All the time.
48:15Xander, I just wanted to thank you
48:17for saving my life.
48:19What you did in there
48:21was really brave and heroic,
48:23and I just wanted to tell you
48:25if there was anything I could ever do to...
48:27Do you mind? We're talking here.
48:29So where were we?
48:31Wondering why we never get dates.
48:33Yeah, so why do you think that is?
48:41God, the whole thing
48:43was so creepy.
48:45And at the same time,
48:47I mean,
48:49he did do it all for his brother.
48:51Sounds like he took it a little over the edge.
48:55Love makes you do the wacky.
48:59Crazy stuff.
49:01Oh, crazy like
49:03a 241-year-old
49:05being jealous of a high school junior?
49:07Are you fessing up?
49:11I thought about it.
49:13Maybe it bothers me a little.
49:15I don't love Xander.
49:17Yeah, but he's in your life.
49:19He gets to be there
49:21when I can't.
49:23Take your classes,
49:25eat your meals,
49:27hear jokes and complaints.
49:31He gets to see you in the sunlight.
49:37I don't look that good in direct light.
49:41It'll be morning soon.
49:43I should probably go.
49:49I could walk you home.
