Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 10 What's My Line Pt 2

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 10 What's My Line Pt 2


00:00around just mucking up the looks. I need to bring in the big guns. The bounty hunters?
00:08Isn't that overkill? No, I think it's just enough kill. It's a society of deadly assassins. These
00:15assassins, why are they after me? I don't think you'd be in trouble. I'm gonna check upstairs.
00:25Good day, I'm Norman Pfister.
00:30East Sun Exposure. The sun will be coming in a few hours.
00:40The key to your cure, Dux, was... Right in front of us. The Altoid.
00:47Who are you? Who am I? Who the hell are you? I'm Kendra, the Vampire Slayer.
01:02Okay, one more time. You're the who? I'm the Slayer. Nice cover story, but here's a tip.
01:22You might want to try it on someone who's not the real Slayer. You can't stop me. Even if you
01:27kill me, another Slayer will be sent to take me place. Could you stop with the Slayer thing? I'm
01:32the damn Slayer. Nonsense. There is but one, and I am she. Okay, a scenario.
01:46You back off, I'll back off, but you promise not to go all wiggy
01:53until we can go to my Watcher and figure this out. Wiggy? You know, no kicko, no fido.
02:09I accept your scenario. So, you were sent here? Yes, by my Watcher. To do what, exactly?
02:22To do my duty. I'm here to kill vampires.
03:52your Watcher is Sam Zabuto, you say? Yes, sir. We've never met, but he's very well respected.
04:12What, so he's a real guy? He's a non-fictional? And you are called? I am the Vampire Slayer.
04:19We got that part, honey. He means your name. Oh, they call me Kendra. I have no last name, sir.
04:30Can you say stuck in the 80s? Mafia, please.
04:35There's obviously some misunderstanding here. Hey, identify yourself. Back off, pink ranger.
04:43This is my friend. Friend? Yeah, as in person you hang with? Amigo? I don't understand.
04:52You try. I'm tapped. Kendra, there are a few people, civilians if you like, who know Buffy's
05:01identity. Willow is one of them, and they also spend time together, socially. And you allow this,
05:10sir? Well... But the Slayer must work in secret for security? Of course,
05:19but with Buffy, however, some flexibility is required. Why? Hey, guys, what's going on?
05:29Apparently, there's been a really big mix-up. Yeah, it seems somehow that another Slayer has
05:35been sent to Sunnydale. Is that even possible? I mean, two Slayers at the same time? Not to my
05:43knowledge. The new Slayer is only called after the previous Slayer has died. Oh, good Lord.
05:54You were dead, Buffy. I was only gone for a minute. Clearly, it doesn't matter how long you
06:00were gone. You were physically dead, thus causing the activation of the next Slayer.
06:06She died? Just a little? She drowned, but she was revived. So there really are two of them?
06:14It seems so. This is completely unprecedented. I'm quite flummoxed.
06:20What's the flum? It's a mistake. She isn't supposed to be here. She goes home. Look,
06:25no offense. I really don't mean this personally, but I'm not dead, and frankly, having you around
06:30creeps me out just a little bit. I cannot just leave. I was sent here for a reason. Mr. Zabuto
06:37said all the signs indicate it's a very dark power that's about to rise in Sunnydale. And what's your
06:44great plan for fighting this dark power? You're just going to attack people randomly until you
06:48find a bad one? Of course not. Then why the hell did you attack me? I thought you were a vampire.
06:55Oh, a swing and a miss for the rookie. I had good reason to think you were.
07:01Did the Nazi a kissing a vampire? Buffy would never do that. Oh, except for
07:09sometimes you do that. But only with Angel, right? Yes, right.
07:17Look, you saw me with Angel, and he is a vampire, but he's good.
07:22Angel? You mean Angelus? I've read about him. He is a monster.
07:31No, no, no. He's good now. Really? He had a gypsy curse. He has a what?
07:39You know what? Just trust me on this one, okay? He's on the home team now.
07:43I cannot believe you. He looked to me just like another animal when I...
07:48When you what? What did you do to him? I... What did you do?
09:05Here you go, friend.
09:09He'll be as good as new in a day or so. Hey, hey, hey, hey. We had a deal, right?
09:13What's the matter, Willie? Don't you trust me? Oh, yeah. Like a brother.
09:23Talk, and I'll have your guts for darkness.
09:28Wild horse is good in drag. Oops. Sorry, friend.
09:35What are you going to do with him, anyway? I'm thinking maybe dinner and a movie.
09:41I don't want to rush into anything. I've been hurt, you know.
09:54Do you have anything in raisin? I know you like raisin.
09:59Do you have anything in raisin? I know you wouldn't think so, but I'm both a winter and a summer.
10:09$9.99, tax included. You said that already. Do you have anything in the berry family?
10:19Are there more ladies in the house? Oh, no, they're not home. You know,
10:24nothing personal, but maybe you should look into selling dictionaries for some...
10:40Hey, what's up? Uh, he's a salesman, and he was just leaving, right?
10:45Uh, okay. Bye-bye. Thank you. Okay, Mary Kay, time to...
10:55Time to run.
10:58I might have something to cover the crack under the door.
11:13Uh, here. I can do worse.
11:19Cover me.
11:28Hey, no...
11:35No ashes. What? When a vampire combusts, he leaves ashes. Yeah, I know the drill.
11:43So I did not kill him. And I don't need to kill you. Whoa, there's a lot of tension in this room.
11:54Doesn't anyone just say hello where you come from? This one is dirty. I can feel it.
12:03That's really good for you, precepto girl, but we're not gonna get anything out of him if he's
12:07oh-so unconscious. Where's Angel? My buddy Angel? You think I'd let him fry? I saved him in the nick.
12:15He was about five minutes away from being a crispy twitter. Where'd he go? Uh, he said he was gonna
12:20stay on the ground. You know, recuperate. Are you telling me the truth? I swear on my mother's grave.
12:29Should something fatal happen to Agatha Bid... Then he is all right. You can return to your watch
12:35your four orders. I don't take orders. I do things my way. No wonder you died. Let's go.
12:44I have to ask. Has either of you girls considered modeling?
12:55I have a friend with the camera. Strictly high-class nude work. You know, art photographs, but naked.
13:05You don't have to answer right away.
13:14I was dreaming. Of what, pet? We were in Paris. You had a branding iron. I brought you something.
13:38And there were worms in my baguette.
13:44Messiah, my sweet. Hi, Angel. One and only. Now all we need is the full moon tonight
13:54and he will die and you will be fully restored. My black goddess.
14:03My ripe, wicked, plum. It's been forever.
14:32Until the moon.
14:34All right, you can play, but don't kill him. He mustn't die till the ritual.
14:47Bring him to me.
15:04You've been a very bad daddy.
15:24Kendra, I've conferred with your watcher, Mr. Zobuto, and we both agree that until this
15:30matter with Spike and Drusilla has been resolved, that you two should work together.
15:34Oh, that'll be a treat. So you believe that Spike is attempting to revive Drusilla to health?
15:43Yes, well, I think that's the dark power that your watcher would refer to. You see,
15:49Drusilla's not only evil, she's also quite mad, and if she's restored to her full health,
15:55then there's absolutely no telling what she might do. Then we will stop Spike.
16:00Oh, good plan. Let's go. Charge. Buffy. It's a little more complicated than that, John Wayne.
16:05Yes, I'm afraid it is. You see, Spike has also called out the order of Taraka to keep Buffy
16:10out of the way. The assassins? I read of them in the writings of Dreemius. Oh, really? We'd follow
16:17him. I believe it was six, sir. Um, how do you know all this? From my studies. So, obviously,
16:25you have a lot of free time. I study because it is required. The Slayer handbook insists on it.
16:31There's a Slayer handbook? What handbook? What handbook? How come I don't have a handbook?
16:36Is there a t-shirt, too? Because that would be cool. After meeting you, Buffy, I realized that
16:44the handbook would be of no use in your case. Well, what do you mean it would be of no use in
16:48my case? What's wrong with my case? Kendra, perhaps you'd like to show me the part in
16:54Dreemius six, uh, where it refers to the order of Taraka. I assume that we never get through that
17:00book. It's a bit stodgy. It was difficult. All those footnotes. Hello, and welcome to
17:07Planet Pocket. Oh, uh, Buffy, Principal Snyder was snooping around after you.
17:13Career fair. Best make an appearance, I think. Right. Buffy's a student here. Yes. Right,
17:22of course. And I imagine she's a cheerleader as well. Oh, no. Well,
17:27she had to give up her cheerleading. It was quite an amusing story, actually.
17:34Let's go and find the book, shall we?
17:39Get a load of this, she giles. Creepy.
17:46Giles wishes I was more of a book geek. Giles is enough of a book geek for the both of you.
17:52Yeah, but you see how they were vibing? Volume six. Buffy, no one could replace you.
18:01You'll always be Giles' favorite. I wonder. Of course you will. You're his slayer. The real
18:11slayer. No, I wonder if it would be so bad being replaced. You mean like letting Kendra take over?
18:22Maybe. I mean, maybe after this thing with Spike and the Assassins is over,
18:27I could say, Kendra, you slay, I'm going to Disneyland. But not forever, right?
18:34No. Disneyland would get boring after a few months. But I could do other stuff. Career day
18:40stuff. Maybe I could even have a normal life.
18:52Could you sit down or change your pattern or something? You're making me queasy.
18:56Because you're just sitting there. You should be thinking up a plan.
18:59I have a plan. We wait. Buffy saves us. How will she even know where to find us?
19:03Cordelia, this is Buffy's house. Odds are she'll find us.
19:07Well, what if she doesn't? What am I supposed to do? Just waste away down here with you?
19:12No, thank you. What are you doing?
19:14Going to see if he's gone. That's brilliant. What if he isn't?
19:17Oh, right. You think we should just slack here and hope that somebody else decides to be a hero?
19:22Sorry. Forgot I was stranded with the loser. And yet I never forgot that I'm stuck with the
19:27numb brain to let Mr. Mutant in the house in the first place. He looked normal.
19:32What, is he supposed to have an arrow with the word Assassin over his head?
19:35All it took was a prospect of a free makeover and you licked his hand like a big dumb dog.
19:40You know what? I'm going. I'd rather be worm food than look at your pathetic face.
19:47Then go. I'm not stopping you. I bet you wouldn't. I bet you'd let a
19:50girl go off to her doom all by herself. Not just any girl. You're special.
19:56I can't believe that I'm stuck spending what will probably be my last few moments on Earth here with
20:01you. I hope these are my last moments. Three more seconds with you and I'm gonna.
20:06I'm gonna what, coward? Moron.
20:11I hate you. I hate you.
20:25We so need to get out of here.
20:31It's gone.
21:02My god!
21:04Get him off of me!
21:06Get him off of me!
21:08Somebody get him off of me!
21:18Come here. Come here. Let's get out of here.
21:20Daniel, let's go!
21:24Let's go!
21:26So my tests say that I should look into law enforcement,
21:40duh, and environmental design. Environmental design? That's landscaping, right?
21:48I checked the shrub box. But landscaping was yesterday, so law enforcement it is.
21:56Well, don't look, okay? But no, don't look. That guy over there is totally checking you out.
22:03Oh, that's Oz. He's expressing computer nerd solidarity.
22:08Really? Then why is he on his way over here right now?
22:12Told you. Hey.
22:15Hey. Your hair is brown.
22:19Sometimes. So, uh, did you decide you're gonna be a corporate computer suit guy?
22:25Oh, uh, well, I think I'm gonna finish high school first.
22:31What about you?
22:33Not really a computer person, you know, or a work of any kind person.
22:38Then why'd they select you?
22:41Well, I sort of test well, you know, which is cool.
22:44Except then it leads to jobs.
22:46Well, don't you have some ambition? Oh, yeah. Yeah. E-flat diminished ninth. Huh?
22:52Well, the E-flat, it's doable, but it's that diminished ninth, you know, it's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
23:09All right, listen up and answer when I call your name. Buffy Summers?
23:22Oh, no!
23:27Get down! Look out!
24:16He's shot. Are you okay?
24:18Oh, yeah, I'm shot, you know.
24:22Wow, it's odd.
24:25And painful.
24:28She's gone.
24:32Was that a demonstration?
24:39She was definitely one of the Taraka gang Giles and way gun happy. This, um, Oz chap, he's all right?
24:46The paramedic said it was only a scrape. Thank goodness.
24:52Down, girl.
24:54Who sponsored career day today, the British Soccer Fan Association?
24:59We had a rather violent visit from the Order of Taraka.
25:04You want to talk Order of Taraka? We just met the king freak of the...
25:09Oh, forgive me, Xander Cordelia. This is Kendra. It's rather complicated, but she's also a Slayer.
25:17Hi, nice to meet you.
25:19A Slayer, huh?
25:22I knew this. I'm the only one. I'm the only one thing was just an attention getter.
25:28Just say hello, Xander.
25:32Welcome. So, you're a Slayer, huh? I like that, new woman.
25:40A hope.
25:43A thank you. I mean, sir, um, I will be of service.
25:51Great. Good.
25:53It's good to be a giver. Xander, um, this is, uh, assassin you encountered. What did he look like?
26:02Oh my god, I'm showering.
26:05Like that?
26:07You and bug people, Xander. Let's help with that. No, but this dude was completely different than praying mantis lady.
26:13He was a man of bugs, not a man who was a bug.
26:17The important thing is everybody's all right. Uh, still, it's quite apparent that we're under serious attack. Mr. Rock are definitely serious.
26:26Fortunately for me, so is Kendra.
26:28And, uh, I feel the worst is yet to come. I've, I've discovered the remaining keys to Drusilla's cure.
26:34The, uh, the ritual requires that the presence of her sire and it must take place in a church on the night of the new moon.
26:40The new moon? But that is tonight.
26:42Exactly, and I'm sure the assassins were here to kill Buffy before she could put a stop to things.
26:49They need Drusilla's sire. You mean the vamp that made her? Yes. Buffy, what is it?
27:00Angel, he's Drusilla's sire. Man, that guy got major neck in his day.
27:08Will this ritual kill him?
27:12Yes, I'm afraid it will.
27:16We need to find this church. We need to find where this ritual is going to take place. Agreed, and we must work quickly.
27:20We have five hours before sundown. Don't worry, Buffy. We'll save Angel. Angel, but our priority is to stop Drusilla.
27:28Angel's our friend.
27:30Except I don't like him.
27:33Except I don't like him.
27:35Look, you've got your priorities and I've got mine. Right now, they mesh.
27:41So, are you gonna help me or are you gonna get out of my way?
27:50I'm with you.
27:54Because I've had it.
27:57Spike is going down.
27:59You can attack me. You can send assassins after me. That's fine.
28:05But nobody messes with my boyfriend.
28:26My mommy ate lemons.
28:32She said she loved the way they made her mouth.
28:41Little man.
28:47Her favorite was custard. Brandy's pears.
28:55And pomegranates.
29:00They used to make her face and fingers all red.
29:12Little fingers, little hands.
29:18Do you?
29:20If I could.
29:22Bite your tongue.
29:24They used to eat cake and eggs.
29:29And honey.
29:32Until you came and ripped their throats out.
29:43There are 43 churches in Sunnydale. It seems a little excessive.
29:47It's the extra evil vibe from the Hellmouth. Makes people pray harder.
29:52Well, check and see if any of them are closed or abandoned.
29:55Yeah, yeah. We got monsters, we got demons, but no bug dude or police lady.
30:01Well, you should have better luck with this one.
30:03There's a whole section devoted to the Order of Chirag.
30:12And those two, they also know you are the Slayer?
30:18Did anyone explain to you what secret identity means?
30:24Must be in the handbook.
30:26Right after the chapter on personality removal.
30:28Be careful with that thing.
30:30Please. I'm an expert in all weapons.
30:36Is everything all right?
30:38Yeah, it's okay.
30:40Kendra killed the bad lamp.
30:44This trigger mechanism is different.
30:50Perhaps when this is over you can show me how to work it.
30:54This is over, I'm thinking.
30:56Pineapple pizza and teen video movie fest.
31:00Possibly something from the Ringworld oeuvre.
31:08Oh, here we go.
31:10I am the bug man.
31:18He can only be killed when he's in his disassembled state.
31:22That means when he's broken down into his little buggy parts.
31:26I know what it means.
31:28Dork head.
31:30Dork head?
31:32You slashed me with your words.
31:34Your life is very different than mine.
31:38You mean the part where I occasionally have one?
31:40Yeah, I guess it is.
31:42The things you do and have.
31:44I was taught.
31:46Distract from my calling.
31:52Even family.
31:54Even family?
31:56My parents.
31:58They sent me to my watcher when I was very young.
32:00How young?
32:02I don't remember them, actually.
32:04I've seen pictures.
32:06But that's how seriously the calling is taken by my people.
32:10My mother and father gave me to my watcher
32:12because they believed
32:14that they were being watched.
32:16Because they believed
32:18that they were doing the right thing for me
32:20and for the world.
32:26Please, don't feel sorry for meself.
32:28Why should you?
32:32I don't know.
32:36I guess it just sounds very lonely.
32:38Emotions are weakness, Buffy.
32:40You shouldn't entertain them.
32:42Kendra, my emotions give me power.
32:44They're total assets.
32:46Maybe. For you.
32:48But I prefer to keep an even mind.
32:54I guess that explains it.
32:56Explains what?
32:58Oh, well, when we were fighting.
33:00You're amazing.
33:02Your technique, it's flawless.
33:04It's better than mine.
33:06I know.
33:08Still, I ought to have kicked your butt in the end.
33:10And you know why?
33:12No imagination.
33:14Really? You think so?
33:16Oh, I know so.
33:18You're good,
33:20but power alone isn't enough.
33:22A good fighter needs to know how to improvise
33:24to go with the flow.
33:26Seriously, don't get me wrong.
33:28You really do have potential.
33:32I could wipe the floor with you right now.
33:34That would be anger you're feeling.
33:38You feel it, right?
33:40How the anger gives you fire?
33:42Slayer needs that.
33:44Excuse me, ladies.
33:50Nice knife.
33:54I'm guessing dating isn't big
33:56with your watch, Rob.
33:58No, it's not.
34:00It's not?
34:02I'm guessing dating isn't big with your watch either.
34:04I am not permitted
34:06to speak with boys.
34:08Unless you're pummeling them.
34:10Wait a minute.
34:14That guy.
34:16The sleazoid you nearly dacked in the bar.
34:18You think he might help us?
34:20I think we might make him.
34:26Say, Uncle.
34:28Oh, that's right.
34:30You killed my uncle.
34:32I said then.
34:34Off to church.
34:36It makes pretty color.
34:38I'll see him die soon enough.
34:40I've never been much for the pre-show.
34:42Too bad.
34:46That's what your sister likes best,
34:48as I recall.
34:50What's that supposed to mean?
34:52Ask her.
34:54She knows what I mean.
35:04Bad dog.
35:06You should let me talk to him, Drew.
35:08Sounds like your boy
35:10could use some pointers.
35:12She likes to be teased.
35:14Keep your hole shut.
35:18Take care of her, Spike.
35:20The way she touched me just now,
35:22I can tell when she's not satisfied.
35:24I said shut up!
35:26Or maybe you two
35:28just don't have the fire we have.
35:30That's enough.
35:34Spike, no!
35:48You almost got me.
35:50Aren't you a
35:54sort of sap these days?
35:58Well, the lions are onto you, baby.
36:00If I kill you now,
36:02you go quick,
36:04and Drew hasn't got a chance.
36:06And if Drew dies,
36:10your little Rebecca of Sunny Hell Farm
36:12and all her mates
36:14are spared her coming-out party.
36:19The moon is rising.
36:21It's time.
36:23Too bad, Angelus.
36:25Looks like you go
36:27the hard way
36:29along with the rest of this
36:31miserable tale.
36:41Honest, I don't know where Angel is.
36:43What about this ritual?
36:45What have you heard?
36:47Nothing. It's all hush-hush.
36:49Just hit him, Buffy.
36:51She likes to hit.
36:55You know,
36:57maybe I did hear something
36:59about this ritual.
37:03It's coming back to me.
37:05But, uh,
37:07I'd have to take you there.
37:09Let's go.
37:11First, we must return to the Watcher.
37:13Excuse me?
37:15What we're under trial is this whole thing could go down.
37:17But it is procedure.
37:19It's brainless, you mean.
37:21If we don't go now, Angel could die.
37:23Is that all you're worried about?
37:25Your boyfriend?
37:27No, it's not all,
37:29but it's enough.
37:31It's as I feared.
37:33He clothes your judgment.
37:35We can't stop
37:37this ritual alone.
37:39Are you listening to me? He could die.
37:41He's a vampire.
37:43He should die.
37:45Why am I the only person
37:47who sees it?
37:53Are you that big a fool?
37:59Good riddance done.
38:07Here you go.
38:09Your friend, Willie, don't come through with a pinch.
38:15Here you go.
38:17I wanted to say your friend, Willie, don't come through with a pinch.
38:19Don't come through with a pinch.
38:41I name thee
38:43bringer of war,
38:49grand insanity.
38:57master of decay,
38:59bring your black medicine.
39:01Black medicine.
39:07your most impious,
39:09murderous child.
39:11Murderous child.
39:13From the
39:15blood of the sire,
39:17she is risen.
39:19From the blood of the sire,
39:21she shall rise
39:35Fine, then.
39:37We'll just let them come to a simmering boil
39:39and remove to a low flame.
39:43Hey there, pal.
39:45I got your slayer.
39:47Are you
39:49tripping? Did you bring her here
39:51now? You said you wanted her.
39:53In the crown,
39:55pinhead, I wanted her dead.
39:57And that's not what I heard. Word was,
39:59there was a bounty on her dead or alive.
40:01You heard wrong, Willie.
40:05Yeah, it bugs me, too,
40:07seeing him like that.
40:09Another five minutes, though,
40:11and Angel will be dead, so
40:13I fall bare.
40:15Don't feel too bad for Angel, though.
40:17It's got something you don't have.
40:19What's that?
40:21Five minutes. Patrice.
40:33Who the hell is this?
40:35It's your lucky day, Spike.
40:37Two slayers.
40:39No waiting.
41:13Hey, Lava Boy.
41:17Yeah, that's right. I'm talking to you,
41:19you big cootie.
41:33my little pretties.
42:15I'd rather be fighting you, anyway.
42:23Die! Die!
42:25Die! Die!
42:47Where are you going?
42:51Now, there's a way in which this isn't my fault.
42:53We've been tricked.
42:55They were duplicitous.
42:57Then I'll only kill you just this once.
43:09Hold him steady!
43:25That's my favorite shirt!
43:27Only shirts!
43:47Sorry, baby.
43:49Gotta go.
43:51I hope that was enough.
44:07I'm good.
44:41Let's get to March.
44:45Come on.
45:19Oh, hey.
45:21Animal cracker?
45:23No, thank you.
45:25How's your arm?
45:27Suddenly painless.
45:29You can still play the guitar okay?
45:31Well, not well,
45:33but not worse.
45:35You know,
45:37I never really thanked you.
45:39Oh, no, please don't.
45:41I don't do thanks.
45:43I get all red after bail.
45:45It's not pretty.
45:47Well, then, forget that thing.
45:49Especially with the part
45:51where I kind of owe you my life.
45:53Oh, look.
45:57And he has a little hat.
45:59And little pants.
46:01Yeah, I see.
46:03The monkey's the only cookie animal
46:05that gets to wear clothes.
46:07You know that?
46:09You have the sweetest smile
46:11I've ever seen.
46:13So I'm wondering,
46:15do the other cookie animals
46:17have the hippo going,
46:19hey man, where are my pants?
46:21I have my hippo dignity.
46:23And you know, the monkey's just,
46:25I mock you with my monkey pants.
46:27And then there's a big coo in the zoo.
46:29The monkey is French?
46:31All monkeys are French.
46:33You didn't know that?
46:43We need to talk.
46:49Here's the deal.
46:51We don't have to run
46:53every time we see each other in the hall.
46:59Why shouldn't we run?
47:01What happened?
47:03There's a total explanation for it.
47:05You're a pervert?
47:11No, no, no.
47:13I seem to recall I was to jump be my friend.
47:15You've probably been planning this for months.
47:19I hired a Latvian bug man to kill Buffy
47:21so I could kiss you.
47:23I hate to burst your bubble,
47:25but you don't inspire me to spring for a dinner
47:27over at Bucky's fondue hut.
47:29Fine. Whatever.
47:31You know, the point is,
47:33don't try it again.
47:35I didn't try it.
47:37Forget about the bugs, okay?
47:39The memory of your lips on mine
47:41makes my blood run cold.
47:43I don't care. Breathe a word of this.
47:45Like I want anyone to know.
47:47Then it's a race.
47:49Never happened.
48:05Thank you for the shirt.
48:07It was very generous of you.
48:09Hey, it looks better on...
48:11Well, me, but no worries.
48:13Now, when you get to the airport...
48:15I get on the plane with me ticket.
48:17It is in a seat,
48:19not the cargo hold.
48:21Very good.
48:23That is not
48:25traveling undercover.
48:27Exactly. Relax.
48:29You earned it.
48:31You sit in your seat, you eat your peanuts,
48:33you watch the movie.
48:35Well, unless it's about a dog or Chevy Chase.
48:37I'll remember.
48:41I, um...
48:43I just
48:45wanted to thank you
48:47for helping me save Angel.
48:49I'm not telling my watcher about that.
48:51It is too strange
48:53that a slayer loves a vampire.
48:55Tell me about it.
48:57Still, he is pretty cute.
49:01maybe they won't fire me for dating him.
49:05You always do that.
49:07Do what?
49:09You're saying like it's a job.
49:11It's not.
49:13It's who you are.
49:17Did you get that from your handbook?
49:19From you.
49:23I guess it's
49:25something I really can't fight.
49:27I'm a freak.
49:29Not the only freak.
49:33Not anymore.
49:36I don't hug.
49:38Right. No.
49:40Good. Hate hugs.
50:06Don't worry, dear heart.
50:12I'll see that you get strong again.
50:19Like me.
