Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 4 Inca Mummy Girl

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 4 Inca Mummy Girl


00:00She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness.
00:05She is the Slayer.
00:09This is so unfair.
00:11I don't think it's that bad.
00:13It's the ubersuck. Mom could have at least warned me.
00:16Well, a lot of parents are doing it this year.
00:18It's part of this whole cultural exchange, Magilla.
00:21Exhibit the dance.
00:22There's the best costume for the dance.
00:25A complete stranger in my house for two weeks.
00:28I'm going to be insane.
00:30A danger to myself and others within three days, I swear.
00:33I think the exchange student program is cool.
00:36I do. It's a beautiful melding of two cultures.
00:39Have you ever done an exchange program?
00:42My dad tried to sell me to some Armenians once.
00:44Does that count?
00:50I can hire you, you know?
00:56Dinosaurs are distinguished by an erect posture.
01:00There's mine.
01:01Sven, isn't he lunchable?
01:04Mine's definitely the best.
01:06What are you looking at?
01:07Pictures of our exchange students.
01:08Look, 100% Swedish, 100% gorgeous, 100% staying at my house.
01:16So how's yours?
01:17Visually, I mean.
01:19I don't know.
01:22By guy-like, we are talking big, beefy, guy-like girls, right?
01:27I was just told, guy.
01:30You didn't look at him first.
01:31He could be doggly.
01:33You live on the edge.
01:36Hold on a sec.
01:38So this person who's living with you for two weeks is a man, with man parts.
01:44This is a terrible idea.
01:46What about the beautiful melding of two cultures?
01:49There's no melding, okay?
01:51He better keep his parts to himself.
01:54What's he doing?
01:56Oh, it's Rodney Munson.
01:57He's God's gift to the bell curve.
02:02What he lacks in smarts, he makes up in lack of smarts.
02:06You just don't like him because of that time he beat you up every day for five years?
02:11Yeah, I'm irrational that way.
02:14I better stop him before he gets in trouble.
02:16I got it.
02:18The non-violent approach is probably better here.
02:21The non-violent approach is probably better here.
02:27I wasn't gonna use violence.
02:29I don't always use violence.
02:33Do I?
02:35The important thing is you believe that.
02:40What are you...
02:42Willow, hi.
02:43That's probably not something they're supposed to be doing.
02:46You could get in trouble.
02:48Oh, no.
02:49And then might kick me out of school.
02:52Are we still on for our chem tutorial tomorrow?
02:55Yeah, I think I got almost all 14 natural elements memorized.
02:59There are 103.
03:03Welcome, students.
03:05We shall now proceed into the Incan burial chamber.
03:10The human sacrifice is about to begin.
03:16Typical museum trick.
03:18Promise human sacrifice.
03:19Deliver old pots and pans.
03:22500 years ago, the Incan people chose a beautiful teenage girl to become their princess.
03:30I hope this story ends with,
03:33and she lived happily ever after.
03:35No, I think it ends with,
03:37and she became a scary, discolored, shriveled mummy.
03:41The Incan people sacrificed their princess to the mountain god Sibankaya,
03:47an offering buried alive for eternity in this dark tomb.
03:52They could have at least wrapped her in those nice white bandages,
03:56like in the movies.
03:58The princess remained there,
04:00protected only by a cursed seal,
04:03placed there as a warning to any who would wake her.
04:10So, Buffy, when's Exchange-o boy making his appearance?
04:13His name's Impala.
04:15We have a bus station tomorrow night.
04:18The Sunnydale bus depot.
04:21What a better way to introduce someone to our country than with a stench of urine.
04:26Now, if you follow me this way, please.
05:17Oh, damn.
06:48can I go?
06:49I think not.
06:59How come?
07:00Because you are the chosen one.
07:03Just this once, I like to be the overlooked one.
07:06Yeah, well, I'm afraid that is not...
07:11You have responsibilities that other girls do not.
07:14Oh, I know this one.
07:15Slaying entails certain sacrifices, blah, blah, bitty, blah.
07:19I'm so stuffy, give me a scone.
07:22It's as if you know me.
07:25Your secret identity is going to be difficult enough to maintain
07:27while this exchange student is living with you.
07:31Not with her.
07:34In the same house as her.
07:36And am I the only one who's objective enough to make that distinction?
07:39So, then going to the dance like a normal person
07:46would be the best way to keep that secret.
07:49Giles, come on, budge.
07:52No one likes a non-budger.
08:03Yay, I win.
08:05I was just going to introduce my shoulder to an ice pack.
08:09So, I guess we're dance-bound.
08:11Cool, I think I'd get my mom's car, so I'm wheel man.
08:15I thought you were taking Willow.
08:17Well, yeah, I'm going to take Willow,
08:18but I'm not going to take Willow in the sense of take me.
08:23See, with you, we're three and everybody's safe.
08:24Without you, we're two.
08:26Ah, and we enter date-ville.
08:28Romance, flowers.
08:32Oh, come on.
08:34In all the years you've known Willow, you've never thought about her lips?
08:37Buffy, I love Willow.
08:40And she's my best friend.
08:42Which makes her not the kind of girl who I think about her lips that much.
08:47She's the kind of girl that I'm best friends with.
08:52Hey, guys.
08:55We were just talking about happy things.
08:58Like the three of us going to the dance together.
09:05Not happy.
09:09No, Rodney's missing.
09:11Trouble with Mr. Munson again?
09:14His parents say he never came home last night.
09:17You know, I don't think I remember seeing Rodney on the bus back from the field trip.
09:21I didn't either.
09:22I hope he didn't get in trouble at the museum.
09:26Hey, maybe he awakened the mummy.
09:28Right, and it rose from its tomb.
09:32And attacked him.
09:38On the other hand, maybe Rodney just stepped out for a smoke.
09:42For 21 hours?
09:44It's addictive, you know.
09:46We'll deal with that when we've ruled out evil curses.
09:50One day I'm going to live in a town where evil curses are just generally ruled out without
09:55even saying.
09:56Where was the seal?
09:58It was right here.
10:01And it's broken.
10:03Does that mean the mummy's loose?
10:05Does that mean the mummy's loose?
10:08Comfy as ever.
10:10Look at this series of pictograms.
10:26Okay, I just saved us, right?
10:29Something did.
10:30Well, we'll fret about the details later.
10:32Let's just get out of here before he comes back.
10:36Giles, were the Incas very advanced?
10:42Yes, yes, very.
10:44Did they have orthodontists?
10:49Rodney looked like he had been dead for 500 years.
10:52How could that be?
10:54Maybe we should ask that crazy man with the big old knife.
10:58I don't think he seemed overly chatty.
11:00The way he bolted when he saw Rodney, I'd say he was as freaked as we were.
11:05My resources on this subject were extremely limited.
11:08I gathered that this particular mummy was from the
11:11Southern Kaya region of eastern Peru.
11:13It's very remote.
11:15If there's an answer, then it's locked.
11:17And it's you.
11:19It could take me weeks to translate these pictograms.
11:24Well, we'll start tonight.
11:25I'm Potter.
11:27I was going to suggest hunting.
11:29No, I'm late.
11:29I told my mom I'd pick him up.
11:31Buffy, where are your priorities?
11:33Tracking down a mummifying killer or making time for some Latin lover
11:37whose stock and trade is the breakage of hearts?
11:40I'm Potter's there alone.
11:42I don't know how good his English is.
11:44He's from South... South America.
11:47Hey, you know, maybe he could translate the seal.
11:49Oh, yeah, fall for the old,
11:52let me translate that ancient seal for you, come on.
11:55Do you know how many times I've used that?
11:59I'm Potter.
12:21I'm Potter.
12:4340 minutes late.
12:44Welcome to America.
12:46What if he left already?
12:48I'm Potter.
12:50I'm Potter Gutierrez.
12:55So do we have to speak Spanish when we see him?
12:57Because I don't know anything much besides Doritos and Chihuahua.
13:02Ampata, here.
13:20I am Ampata.
13:23Ay caramba, I can also say that.
13:28Dining room and this is kitchen.
13:42It's very good.
13:43Yeah, you got your stove, your fridge.
13:46It's fully functional.
13:48We're very into it.
13:49Would you like a drink?
13:52Let's see, we've got milk and older milk.
14:00So Ampata, you're a girl.
14:06Yes, for many years now.
14:09And not a boy, because we thought a boy was coming and here you are in a girl way.
14:15It's just one of those crazy mix-ups, Will.
14:19So have you ever been to America before?
14:22I've toured.
14:24Where did you go?
14:27I was taken to Atlanta, Boston, New York.
14:33New York?
14:34That's exciting.
14:36What was that like?
14:37I did not see so much.
14:40Your English is very bueno.
14:44I listened much.
14:45Well, that works out well because I talk much.
15:00Sorry about the teeniness of the room.
15:03My old one was much smaller.
15:06What's it like back home?
15:09Cramped and very dead.
15:13Well, you'll feel right at home in Sunnydale.
15:16Oh, no.
15:20But you have so much here.
15:24How about friends?
15:28There, it is just me.
15:36I've been there.
15:37But, hey, you'll meet lots of people tomorrow.
15:44You must teach me everything about your life.
15:48I want to fit in, Buffy, just like you, a normal life.
15:57One normal life coming up.
16:04Devin, I told you I'd be at the dance tonight, but I am not one of your little groupies.
16:10I won't be here.
16:12Devin, I told you I'd be at the dance tonight, but I am not one of your little groupies.
16:17I won't be all doe-eyed, looking up at you, standing at the edge of the stage.
16:22Got it.
16:24So I'll see you afterwards?
16:26Sure. What do you want to meet?
16:28I'll be standing at the edge of the stage.
16:31With that guy?
16:38This whole student exchange thing has been a horrible nightmare.
16:41They don't even speak American.
16:44So I'll see you later?
16:58Oz, man, what do you think?
17:00Of what?
17:02Cordelia, man.
17:04She's a wonderland tour.
17:07You've got to admit, the girl is hot.
17:10Yeah, she's a hot girl.
17:12Let me guess, not your type?
17:14What does a girl have to do to impress you?
17:17Well, it involves a feather boa and a theme to a summer place.
17:22I can't discuss it here.
17:23You're too picky, man.
17:25Do you know how many girls you could have?
17:26You lead guitar, Oz.
17:28It's currency.
17:31I'm not picky.
17:32You're just impressed by any pretty girl that can walk and talk.
17:37She doesn't have to talk.
17:41I worked really hard on my costume.
17:43It's pretty cool.
17:45Okay, but what about me?
17:48I gotta think.
17:50Well, it's a celebration of cultures.
17:52There are lots of dress-up alternatives.
17:54And a corresponding equal number of mocking alternatives, all aimed at me.
17:58Bavarians are cool.
18:00Okay, no shirts with ruffles, no hats with feathers, and definitely no lederhosen.
18:06They make my calves look fat.
18:09Why are you suddenly so worried about looking like an idiot?
18:13That came out wrong.
18:17Your first day of school.
18:20It is just more people than I have seen in a long time.
18:23Ah, don't worry.
18:25You will have no problems making friends.
18:26As a matter of fact, I know someone who's dying to meet you.
18:32How do you do?
18:34I was wondering if you could translate this.
18:39That was in no way awkward.
18:45Something wrong?
18:47No, it is...
18:51Why are you asking me?
18:52Well, it's an artifact from your region.
18:58It's from the tomb of an Incan mummy, actually.
19:03We were trying to translate it as a project for our...
19:09Our archaeology club.
19:12Very good.
19:13It is broken.
19:14Where are the other pieces?
19:16That's how we found.
19:19It is very old and valuable.
19:24You should hide it.
19:27Is there anything you recognize here?
19:29And this chap here with the knife, for instance.
19:36Well, I do not know exactly, but I think this represents...
19:44I believe the word is...
19:55The legend has it that he guards the mummy against those who would disturb her.
20:02Well, yes, well, that's a very good starting point for our club.
20:10Oh, and as club president, I have lots to do.
20:16Lots of stuff, dull stuff.
20:20Willow, maybe you could...
20:22Stay with Impata for the day.
20:24I'd love to.
20:27Yes, that will be fun.
20:35Right, I'll continue with the translation.
20:38Buffy, you research this bodyguard thing and Willow...
20:45Boy, they really like each other.
20:48And this is called a snack food.
20:55Snack food?
20:56Yeah, it's a delicious, spongy, golden cake stuffed with a delightful,
21:02creamy, white substance of goodness.
21:05And here's how you eat it.
21:11Oh, now I cannot try it.
21:19That's why you've been told.
21:28Here goes.
21:35Good, huh?
21:36And the exciting part is, is that they have no ingredients that a human can pronounce.
21:41So it doesn't leave you with that heavy food feeling in your stomach.
21:47You are strange.
21:49Kiddos always tell me that right before they run away.
21:53I like it.
21:56I like you like it.
22:00Please don't learn from my English.
22:05Ha, or possible ha.
22:09Do you think this matches?
22:19I'm caring about mummies.
22:23Pada's only staying two weeks.
22:26Yeah, and then Xander can find someone else who's not made to obsess about.
22:32At least with you, I knew he didn't have a shot.
22:38Well, you know, I have a choice.
22:41I can spend my life waiting for Xander to go out with every other girl in the world
22:46until he notices me, or I can just get on with my life.
22:53Good for you.
22:56Well, I didn't choose yet.
22:58Good lord.
23:00Good work.
23:01My work?
23:04This is most illuminating.
23:06It seems Rodney's killer might be the mummy.
23:11Where does it say that?
23:12Well, here.
23:14It implies that the mummy is capable of feeding on the life force of a person
23:19and effectively freeze-drying them, you might say.
23:25So then we just have to stop the mummy,
23:27which leads to the question, how do we A, find, and B, stop the mummy?
23:31Well, the answer to that is somewhere still in here.
23:34Still in here?
23:36Or in the rest of the seal?
23:42Stole the seal!
23:44Where is it?
23:52It was you!
24:04Here you are.
24:07Why is this guy so into us?
24:09What's he want?
24:11He said, give me the seal.
24:13Apparently this is more popular than we realize.
24:16I just don't know what we should do with it.
24:19Destroy it.
24:22If you do not, someone could die.
24:25I'm afraid someone already has.
24:28You mean the man with the knife killed someone?
24:30Uh, no.
24:30Well, not exactly.
24:34You are not telling me everything.
24:39You're right, Impata.
24:41And it's time we do.
24:44We're not in archaeology club.
24:45We're in, uh...
24:52We're in the crime club.
24:54Which is kind of like the chess club, only with crime.
24:56And the chess club is a club of crime.
24:58Which is kind of like the chess club, only with crime.
25:00And, um...
25:02No chess.
25:04Please understand me.
25:07That seal nearly got us killed.
25:09It must be destroyed.
25:29Impata, listen to me.
25:31Nobody's gonna hurt you.
25:32I won't let them.
25:33Your investigation is dangerous.
25:36I do not want that.
25:37Just normal life.
25:48Is she okay?
25:51I'm trying to convince her that our lives aren't just danger and peril around here.
25:55You should take her to the dance.
25:57That's a good idea.
25:58We'll all go.
25:59No, I mean, just you.
26:02But you were psyched.
26:03In your costume.
26:05I'll see you there.
26:08You know what, Willow?
26:09You're my best friend.
26:16I know.
26:18I don't get it.
26:20Why would the bodyguard assist Jones for a broken piece of metal?
26:23Why would the bodyguard assist Jones for a broken piece of rock?
26:28Well, um, perhaps he needs to put it together with the other pieces.
26:34If he has them.
26:36I mean, we didn't find them.
26:37And if he didn't, they'd still be at the museum.
26:41So maybe we should go there and find them.
26:44Nods are he'll show up too, right?
26:46And hopefully we'll be ready.
26:49Hey, look at us.
26:50We came up with a plan.
26:51A good plan.
26:53All right, we'll meet there tonight after it closes.
26:56No, bad plan.
26:58I have other plans.
27:00Dance plans.
27:05Cancelled plans.
27:08Okay, I have something to tell you.
27:11And it's kind of a secret and it's, um, a little bit scary.
27:17I like you.
27:19A lot.
27:19And I want you to go with me to the dance.
27:25Why was that so scary?
27:27Well, because you never know if a girl is going to say yes or if
27:31she's going to laugh in your face and pull out your still beating heart and
27:35crush it into the ground with her heel.
27:38Then you are very courageous.
27:42Can I tell you a secret?
27:45I like you too.
27:48That's great.
27:49You're not a praying mantis, are you?
27:53Sorry, someone else.
27:57I will return to you.
27:59Where are you going?
28:01Where you cannot follow.
28:07Oh, wait outside.
28:19I beg you.
28:36Do not kill me.
28:37You are already dead.
28:40For 500 years.
28:44But it was not fair.
28:46I was innocent.
28:47The people you kill now, so that you may live.
28:52They are innocent.
29:00I am in love.
29:02You are the chosen one.
29:05You must die.
29:08You have no choice.
29:17Yes, I do.
29:37I have thought the dance.
29:40I will go with you.
29:47I do not have any lipstick.
30:00Oh, you can borrow one of mine.
30:01There should be some on the desk.
30:04What is that?
30:05The stations and the rest of your stuff.
30:07Oh, of course.
30:08I forgot all about it.
30:10I will unpack it later.
30:12No worries.
30:13I can do it.
30:14But you must get ready for the dance.
30:18I am not going.
30:20Why not?
30:21I have work to do.
30:23Crime club work.
30:24It is really nothing for you to worry about.
30:26Oh, I am not worried.
30:29Thanks to Xander.
30:31He seems very happy around you.
30:34I am happy too.
30:40This one?
30:41Oh, no.
30:42That classic.
30:43Oh, no.
30:43That classic.
30:44There should be a gold one in there somewhere.
30:49You were always thinking of others before yourself.
30:52You remind me of someone from very long ago.
30:55The Inca princess.
30:58Oh, a princess.
31:02They told her that she was the only one.
31:06That only she could defend her people from the netherworld.
31:09Out of all the girls in her generation,
31:13she was the only one.
31:17Do you know the story?
31:20It's fairly familiar.
31:26She was 16, like us.
31:29She was offered as a sacrifice and went to her death.
31:33Who knows what she had to give up to fulfill her duty to others.
31:39What chance at love?
31:43Who knows?
31:47Oh, I'll just unpack the rest of your stuff for you.
31:52No, I'm ready.
31:53Oh, that's Xander and Willow.
31:57I'll get it.
32:09I've come for the dance.
32:20Anna, what culture are you?
32:23I'm from the country of Leone.
32:26It's in Italy, pretended to be Montana.
32:30Were you from the country of white trash?
32:33New lineup.
32:34You and Willow are taking on Pada.
32:36Giles and I are hunting mummies.
32:39Where's you and Willow?
32:40She's not coming with us.
32:43Oh, on a date.
32:46Romance, lips.
32:53Hello, Xander.
32:54Oh, hi.
32:56I can translate American salivating boy talk.
32:59He says you're beautiful.
33:00Pass it.
33:02You're welcome.
33:05Um, Pada, don't you look wonderful?
33:09Oh, I wish you could talk my daughter into going with you.
33:13I tried, but she is very stubborn.
33:16Well, I'm glad someone else sees that.
33:20Well, good night then.
33:31Be careful.
33:32I will.
33:35Hey, you look good.
33:47Look at that.
33:49Two days in America and Aunt Pada already seems like she belongs here.
33:54She's really fitting in.
34:01How about that?
34:37Oh, near faux pas.
34:39I almost wore the same thing.
34:48Hey, where's Sven?
34:50Ugh, I keep trying to ditch him.
34:52He's like one of those dogs that you leave at the Grand Canyon on vacation.
34:56It follows you back across four states.
35:00See? My own speechless human boomerang.
35:04It's kind of cute.
35:06Maybe it's nice skipping all that small talk.
35:09Small talk.
35:10How about simple instruction?
35:14Get punchy.
35:19Fruit drinky.
35:23He can follow me.
35:36We've been falling apart.
35:43We'll be falling again.
35:50We've been falling apart.
36:07Maybe I should have worn something sexy.
36:20Wow, you guys look great.
36:23I love your costume. It's very authentic.
36:28Yeah, you look, um, snug.
36:33That's what I was going for.
36:38Where's Buffy?
36:45That cabin's your home.
36:48Yep, not at the dance, not with my friends, not with a life.
36:54What are you doing here?
36:56I thought we were going to meet at the museum to find the bodyguard.
36:58No, he's already been found.
37:00In the school restroom, mummified.
37:03Okay, I don't get it.
37:05Why would the mummy kill her own bodyguard?
37:07Well, I've cross-referenced and, uh, I've looked at the pictograms anew.
37:11He was a guard, all right.
37:13But it was his job to ensure that the mummy didn't awaken and escape.
37:17So, I'm part of translating it wrong.
37:22Hold on a sec.
37:24She was wiggy about the seal for minute one.
37:28Yes, I suppose she was.
37:32Her trunks.
37:34I beg your pardon?
37:36It's definitely all boys' clothes.
37:39Why would a girl pack these?
37:50How about this one?
37:52What kind of girl travels with a mummified corpse...
37:57and doesn't even pack a lipstick?
38:28Do you, um...
38:31Would you like to, uh...
38:34You know.
38:36I'd love to dance.
39:22That girl.
39:24Where's she?
39:28She's an exchange student.
39:30I think she's from South America.
39:33No, not her.
39:35The Eskimo.
39:51Come on. Can't you put your foot down?
39:53It is.
39:55One of these days, you're gonna have to get a grown-up car.
40:25I've never known pain
40:33I've never known pain
40:39I've never known pain
40:55I've never known pain
41:01Okay, at least I can rule out something I said.
41:18I should have guessed.
41:20Remember, Ampada wanted us to hide the seal.
41:22And then she wanted us to destroy it, because...
41:25Oh, wait.
41:30Of waiting?
41:32Well, we already know that the seal was used to contain the mummy.
41:36If breaking it freed her...
41:39Reassembling it will trap her.
41:41I'll go to the museum. I'll drop you off.
41:44I'll try and piece together the fragments there.
41:47Okay, I'll still get Xander...
41:49Before he gets smoochy with Mummy Dearest.
41:56Have you seen Ampada?
41:58What was that?
42:00I shrugged.
42:02Next time, you should probably say shrug.
42:10I thought this exchange student thing would be a great deal.
42:13But look what I got stuck with.
42:15Momento. Punchy fruity drinky.
42:18Did you deliver from this country?
42:37Your hands feel kind of...
42:45Aren't you with Xander?
42:50Does it look like I'm with Xander?
43:03That's my cue to leave.
43:15There you are.
43:17Why'd you run away?
43:24I do not deserve you.
43:30You think that you don't deserve me?
43:36Man, I love you!
43:39Are those tears of joy?
43:49I am very happy.
43:54And very sad.
43:58Then talk to me.
44:00Let me know what's wrong.
44:03Then talk to me.
44:05Let me know what's wrong.
44:16Hey, I know why you can't tell me.
44:19It's a secret, right?
44:21And if you told me, you'd have to kill me.
44:26Oh, that was a bad joke.
44:30The delivery was off, too. I'm sorry.
44:33I, uh...
44:42I'm sorry.
45:00I'm sorry.
45:31No, I can't.
45:42Xander, I'm so sorry.
45:47Cosmology unites the bird head with its paler twin.
45:52It's paler twin.
45:59Oh, yeah.
46:01It's paler twin.
46:08The seal.
46:15Where's Xander?
46:17He's looking for Empada.
46:19Empada's the mummy.
46:21Oh, good.
46:24Xander, where'd they go?
46:26Backstage, I think.
46:28Hey, I...
46:33Where's that girl?
46:36Are you okay?
46:39I think so.
46:41Boy, that was some kiss.
46:43Where's Empada?
46:45She said something about the seal.
46:47The seal.
46:49The seal. Giles.
46:51What's going on?
46:53He doesn't know.
46:55Tell him on the way.
47:15Uh, that's it.
47:18It's for more peace.
47:28I'll say one thing for you, Incan mummies.
47:31You don't kiss and tell.
47:39Looks like you've been keeping secrets from me.
47:46You're not a normal girl.
47:48And you are?
48:16This won't hurt.
48:18Let her go.
48:23If you're gonna kiss anybody,
48:26it should be me.
48:28Xander, we can be together.
48:32Just let me have this one.
48:34That's never gonna happen.
48:36I must do it.
48:38I must do it now.
48:40Or it is the end for me and for us.
48:46You want life?
48:48You're gonna have to take mine.
48:53Can you do that?
49:26I love you.
49:57I love you.
50:09I'm really the fun-talking guy today, huh?
50:14That's okay.
50:16You don't have to talk.
50:18I just... present company excluded.
50:21I have the worst taste in women
50:23than anyone in the world ever.
50:26Ampada wasn't evil.
50:28At least not to begin with.
50:30And I do think she cared about you.
50:33Yeah, but I think that whole sucking the life out of people thing
50:37would have been a strain on the relationship.
50:40She was gypped.
50:42She was just a girl,
50:44and she had her life taken away from her.
50:47I remember how I felt
50:49when I heard the prophecy that I was gonna die.
50:53I wasn't exactly obsessed with doing the right thing.
50:57Yeah, but you did.
50:59You gave up your life.
51:03I had you to bring me back.
51:22I love you.
51:52Grr! Arrgh!
