Nicaragua, introduction of new Pitahaya varieties strengthens agricultural sector

  • last week
-New varieties promise to increase yields while ensuring superior quality
-Expansion of Pitahaya production opens up new export opportunities
-Pitahaya productions has potential to become a reference in the region


00:00And Nicaragua is taking a significant step towards strengthening its agricultural sector
00:04with the introduction of new varieties of pitaya, this fruit also known as dragon fruit.
00:10Let's see.
00:12Between 15 and 20 varieties of pitahaya are grown in Nicaragua.
00:20Recently, the government, through the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology, presented
00:26the new inter-red pitahaya variety that has been made available to producers.
00:35We have done a characterization work of 16 materials we had, in which this turned out
00:40to be one of the most outstanding materials.
00:43Among the main characteristics of this pitahaya that we are making known today, we can mention
00:48the size.
00:49It is a pitahaya that has an average of 550 grams, which makes it an export fruit that
00:56is, from the organoleptic point of view, a quite sweet variety.
01:00It has 12.6 grades brick, which makes it excellent for its consumption as fresh fruit, and also
01:08for its processing, either for jam, jelly or wine.
01:14In Nicaragua, improved varieties of pitahaya with specific characteristics to better adapt
01:20to Nicaraguan climatic conditions have begun to be implemented.
01:25These new varieties promise increased production, greater resistance to pests and diseases,
01:30as well as superior fruit quality.
01:37It is a very good variety.
01:39After all, it is a variety that we can export more easily because it is more productive
01:44and has a good color and it is different from the one we grow.
01:50With the new technologies that the government is giving to the producers, a significant
01:54improvement is achieved because all this is a more resistant variety.
02:02With these new technologies, we plan to add more to the varieties we have, to improve
02:06our crop and to be able to develop better as producers and achieve the export for our
02:11products and thus improve the quality of life of our families.
02:19The expansion of pitahaya production not only seeks to improve local supply and diversify
02:24the market, but also to open up new export opportunities, thus boosting the country's
02:30economy and generating employment in the rural sector.
02:38We currently have more than 400,000 kilograms exported to Asia, Europe, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
02:47and this is achieved in part because the producers have implemented different techniques
02:53in this crop and its production through technology transfer.
03:01Nicaragua is making progress in pitahaya production, with the potential to become a reference in
03:06the region and in international markets.
