Choosen By Fate Rejected BY Alpha Episode 2

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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
00:00I can't believe I'm in heat in the middle of school," Trinity whispered.
00:04Most college freshmen didn't have to deal with being in heat once a month, but most
00:07college freshmen weren't werewolves.
00:10Trinity had many perks of being a wolf.
00:12She was stronger and faster than most humans for a start, but her monthly cycles were when
00:16she was at peak fertility, desperate for a mate.
00:19Then her body grew incredibly hot and her mind raced with dirty thoughts.
00:23In the day before the Harvest Moon Festival, Trinity moaned,
00:26Ugh, it's a good thing I'm not going.
00:29Everyone would be able to smell it.
00:30They'd think I'm more pathetic than ever.
00:33After all, it was hard to be in heat when you still didn't have a mate.
00:36But Trinity was unlike any other wolf in the pack.
00:39Everyone else could shift into a wolf form, except for her.
00:43Having no wolf meant no one would ever mate with her.
00:45Trinity was destined to go through life mateless and, once a month, incredibly hot and frustrated.
00:52She sprayed some perfume onto her clothes in a desperate attempt to cover up the scent.
00:56Trinity stared at herself in the bathroom mirror.
00:59She pulled her long, wavy brown hair into a high ponytail and sighed over the features
01:03that made her unattractive to the other members of the pack.
01:07She was short for a wolf, only 5'5", and her skin was too pale.
01:12Well, better get to class, she grumbled.
01:15Trinity sat back down beside her friend Juniper.
01:18They were two of the only wolves in the mostly human classroom.
01:22Trin, are you in heat?
01:25Juniper whispered.
01:26I hate it.
01:27The cramps have started in everything.
01:29Well, what are you going to do at the Harvest Moon Festival?
01:33The one I'm not going to, you mean?
01:35They don't want wolf-less losers there.
01:38This one's different.
01:39The alpha's seeking his mate, you know, Juniper added.
01:43Trinity rolled her eyes.
01:44I doubt the alpha would ever look at me.
01:46You don't know that, Juniper said.
01:48Actually, I do.
01:50No man in this pack will take me as his mate, and you know it.
01:53They were silent when the professor hushed them.
01:55Trinity took notes, but she wanted to go to sleep.
01:58Being in heat made the cravings for love unbearable, but it was pointless.
02:02She was destined to never fall in love.
02:05After school finished for the day, Trinity hurried out to the parking lot.
02:09Her older cousin Carter was waiting for her in his Jeep and honked the horn impatiently.
02:14Trinity climbed in beside him, and they drove out of the lot at top speed.
02:19Slow down, Carter.
02:20We're not that late.
02:22Being late at all isn't good.
02:24Normally, Trinity's cousin was good-natured with her.
02:26They'd grown up together, close as brother and sister, but for some reason, today his
02:31eyes looked tense.
02:32His job was squared.
02:34A feeling of unease crept up Trinity's spine.
02:37What's wrong?
02:39Did something happen to Aunt Eve?
02:41Trinity's heart sped up.
02:42If Carter was practically her brother, Aunt Eve was the closest thing to a mother Trinity
02:46had ever known.
02:48Mom's fine, Carter said, but we got a guest for dinner tonight.
02:52He made a pained face.
02:54It's Grandfather.
02:55Mom just called to let me know.
02:57He wants to speak to you.
03:00Trinity's voice squeaked.
03:02I don't know, Carter replied.
03:05Trinity and Carter's grandfather had once been a Beta Wolf, the second highest-ranking
03:09pack member in all of Red Springs, Colorado.
03:12The Wittens had been some of the most respected wolves in the pack, but all that had changed
03:17when Trinity's mother ran away.
03:19The 15-year-old had returned home after a month pregnant.
03:22She'd refused to name Trinity's father, and everyone believed that meant the man was a
03:27Overnight, the Wittens became the laughingstock of the Red Springs pack.
03:32Trinity's grandfather never forgave her mother for humiliating the family.
03:36Soon after Trinity was born, her mother killed herself with shame, leaving Aunt Eve and Uncle
03:40Wesley to raise her.
03:42Her aunt and uncle loved her, but Trinity's grandfather ignored her.
03:46To him, she was the root of their family's downfall.
03:49So why does Grandfather want to speak to me so badly?
03:52This feels weird.
03:57When Trinity walked through the front door, she smelt the amazing honey-garlic pork chops
04:01Aunt Eve was making for dinner.
04:03She also caught the faint scent of her grandfather, and her appetite went away.
04:07Hi, Grandfather.
04:09To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?
04:12Trinity asked as she entered the living room.
04:14She hoped she didn't sound too sarcastic.
04:16You're the same as ever, Trinity.
04:19He sounded disappointed.
04:21Her grandfather was a tall, muscular man in his human form, with thick gray hair and a
04:26He looked at her with cold blue eyes and didn't stand up from the couch.
04:30I'm here to talk about tomorrow night.
04:33Tomorrow night?
04:35Trinity was confused.
04:37The Harvest Moon gathering, Grandfather spoke with annoyance.
04:40The annual meeting of the wolves.
04:42Right, that.
04:44I guess I don't think about the gathering that much, Trinity shrugged.
04:48I'm never invited, after all.
04:50That's no one's fault but your own.
04:52Grandfather sounded annoyed with her again, as usual.
04:55Right, it's definitely my fault, Trinity grimaced.
04:58After all, I don't have a wolf.
05:00All werewolves shifted into their wolf form for the first time between the ages of 13
05:05and 18.
05:06Having a wolf form meant you were part of the pack, part of a tradition that spanned
05:10thousands of years.
05:12But Trinity was nearly 19, and she'd never shifted once.
05:15It had become clear to everyone that she didn't have a wolf form.
05:20As far as Grandfather saw it, that meant she was completely useless.
05:24If Trinity had possessed a wolf, he could have sold her in marriage to another family
05:28to gain some political points.
05:30But now that everyone knew Trinity was an utter failure, he turned his back on her.
05:34So why is he going on about the Harvest Moon gathering?
05:37Trinity felt uneasy.
05:39Normally, a girl without a wolf would not attend the gathering,
05:42Grandfather said.
05:43But tomorrow is a special night.
05:45Our alpha is looking for a mate.
05:47He's been searching for seven years.
05:50Trinity scoffed.
05:51Come on, Grandfather.
05:52You and I both know the alpha would never mate with a wolfless nobody like me.
05:57Of course, I know that.
05:58But every eligible wolf over the age of 18 will have to be there.
06:02My goal is to find a good match who will take you as you are.
06:06Then you can be off my hands for good.
06:09Trinity's stomach twisted in fear and a little bit of anger.
06:12If I'm not really a true werewolf, I thought I had some choice in my future.
06:16I'm going to college right now.
06:18I want to think about that and what I'm going to do with my future.
06:22I don't want to marry some guy who'll probably spend the rest of our lives
06:25looking down on me.
06:26Trinity's outburst clearly annoyed her grandfather.
06:29He uttered a low growl, and she fell silent at once.
06:32Don't get smart with me, girl.
06:34You're going to the gathering, and you'll look pretty and sweet, and
06:37above all, silent.
06:39You'll find a match and stop being my responsibility.
06:42You're almost 19.
06:44I've spent far too many years of my life being embarrassed by you.
06:47Do you understand me?
06:48He added.
06:49Trinity could hear the blood pounding in her ears.
06:52If only she had a wolf, she'd shift right now and snap at the old man.
06:57But Trinity was useless, like he said.
07:01She should have known this day was coming.
07:03Most of the pack hate me, Trinity said.
07:05They're always laughing at me.
07:07Which of them would want to mate with the shame of the Red Springs compound?
07:11You'd better hope you can find the wolf who does, grandfather replied.
07:15Now I've brought along a dress for the gathering.
07:17It's upstairs in your room.
07:19I want you looking your best tomorrow night.
07:21Am I understood?
07:23There could be no arguing with her grandfather.
07:25Trinity balled her hands into fists.
07:28Yes, she muttered.
07:30After grandfather had left, Trinity ignored Aunt Eve and
07:33Carter when they offered to talk about what had happened.
07:36She stormed up to her room and
07:37found her grandfather's dress hanging on the back of the door.
07:40Grandfather has good taste, I'll give him that, she thought glumly.
07:44The gown was floor length and made of midnight blue satin with a plunging neck
07:49line and thin straps crisscrossing the low back of the dress.
07:54It would show off Trinity's ample figure with a lush yet athletic curves.
07:59The color would also compliment her pale skin and dark eyes.
08:02With a sigh, she took the dress off the hanger and laid it on her bed.
08:06Hands on her hips, she glazed down at it.
08:09It was beautiful, but
08:10why couldn't her grandfather ever do something just because he loved her?
08:14Was that too much to ask for?
08:16At least I'll be the prettiest loser at the gathering, she muttered to herself.
08:20Trinity shook her head.
08:22I'm not even sure that Alpha himself will be amazed.
08:25High up in his office, Reese looked out the window and
08:27half listened as his assistant Noah briefed him on everything to do with the pack.
08:32As the Alpha,
08:33Reese had to keep up to date on everything that was a threat to his wolves.
08:37He listened as Noah droned on about the potential threats of rogue wolves in
08:40the area.
08:42Reese shut his eyes as his assistant reached the last and
08:45least pleasant topic on the agenda.
08:47Finally, every unmated female should be at the Harvest Moon gathering
08:51tomorrow night.
08:52Every one of them has been assigned a different group number, and
08:55you'll be able to mingle with one group at a time.
08:57It should be an easy night, Noah added.
09:00I won't need a night for this, Reese growled.
09:02I'll know in five seconds if my mate is in the crowd of giggling females.
09:07The elders think you should spend time getting to know the women, Noah replied.
09:10The elders have no idea how much I despise all this meddling.
09:14Reese wanted to push the damn desk over.
09:17He'd rather fight off a pack of rogue wolves all by himself or
09:20hunt down a warlock who kidnapped a human child.
09:24He would have preferred any painful, unpleasant task to making small talk with
09:28girls who only saw him as a ticket to power.
09:31It's just one night, Noah said with a sigh.
09:34We need a Luna, you know that's true.
09:37Indeed, until Reese had taken a Luna,
09:40his position as Alpha wasn't firmly cemented.
09:43For all the wolf's sake, he needed to find his mate.
09:47But when he thought of mating, he thought of the tragic circumstances that had led to
09:51his father's death seven years earlier, all because of a woman.
09:55A woman who had cared only for herself.
09:58That's what all women are like, Reese thought grimly as he stared out the window.
10:02I don't want a mate, but I have to take one.
10:05I have no choice, and neither will she.
10:08Don't let your excitement die.
10:10The full audio series is on the pocket.