phim Chuột yêu gạo tap 2

  • last month
phim Chuột yêu gạo
00:00I will try my best to never change my love for you
00:11No matter how far the road is, I will make it come true
00:17I will whisper in your ear, tell you that I love you
00:24You little rat, only know how to bite my rice bag
00:29I love you, love you, just like a mouse loves rice
00:36No matter how much rain, my memory will still be with you
00:43I miss you, miss you, no matter how much pain
00:50As long as I can make you happy, I want everything
00:56I love you, love you, just like a mouse loves rice
01:27I can't accept that we are just friends
01:32I know, but I don't accept your confession that you have a boyfriend
01:37Do you know that your boyfriend is the manager of this hotel?
01:44Tell me, what's your boyfriend's name?
01:51Meizhu, Quan Quan admitted that I'm her boyfriend
02:00Quan Quan, but I have decided to give you this ring
02:04I can't accept it
02:06This ring is for you, but you already have a boyfriend
02:11I want to keep you by my side, just for a little while
02:14So please keep it, consider it as our gift
02:20Xiao Ai, wait for me
02:24Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai
02:27Don't leave!
02:28Xiao Ai, she didn't tell you anything
02:30But it seems that she doesn't want to go
02:33No matter what, I have to give you this ring
02:35No matter what, I have to give her the ring
02:43I can't believe this, I already proposed to her
02:47我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 I'm willing to become the angel you love in the fairy tale
02:53张开双手 变成翅膀守护你 Spread my arms and become my wings to protect you
03:00你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 You have to believe, believe that we will be like in the fairy tale
03:18小艾,这么贵的东西,我不能接受小艾 Xiao'ai, such a precious thing, I can't accept it
03:24或许以后你会遇到一个你爱的女孩 Maybe you will meet a girl you love
03:27你可以把她当作礼物给她 You can give her as a gift to her
03:29不,爱一个人太痛苦了 No, loving someone is too painful
03:32我不想再尝试了 I don't want to try anymore
03:37我明白你的心情 But I understand your feelings
03:40但是我不想伤害你 But I don't want to hurt you
03:42但是你已经受伤了 But you have already been hurt
03:44抱歉,我们仍然是朋友 Sorry, we are still friends
03:49但是我们认识的目的不是为了约会 But it's not for fate that we want to get to know each other
03:55我们从小到大我们都是同学 We grew up together, we are all students
03:58也有缘,也有缘 It's fate, but...
04:01当我年轻的时候,我家人带我来的时候 It was when I was young, when my family moved in
04:05我第一次见到你时,我脫了两件衣服 It was the first time I met you, I took off my hat
04:08直到现在我还没有忘记 I still haven't forgotten
04:10从小到大从那一刻起,我已经喜欢上你 Since that time, I already like you
04:18我记得那天你帮我打电话 I remember that day you called me
04:22我们在一起玩得很开心 We played together very happily
04:27难道我们真的不能在一起吗? Can't we really be happy together like before?
04:40那都是小时候的事 That was when we were young
04:42现在我们都长大了 Now we are all grown up
04:44不能一直活在过去的回忆里 We can't live in the past
04:47也不能把男女之间的友情转化成爱情 We can't have a romantic relationship
04:49也不能把男女之间的友情转化成爱情 I want to change and become a lover
04:52但那种爱情很奇怪 But that love is weird
04:55当我们一辈子都在一起 When we live together
04:57也不能保持一辈子的感情 We can't have a romantic relationship
05:00但当我们一辈子都在一起 But when we look at each other
05:03就能感受到彼此的意义 We can feel each other's feelings
05:07这份爱情是没有理由的 This love has no reason
05:11当爱情来的时候是没有道理的 When love comes, there is no reason
05:20你跟那个丈母娘的女儿有感觉吗? Do you feel anything when you talk to her?
05:25我现在不想说这些 I don't want to talk about this
05:27我只希望你能够快快乐乐的 I just want you to be happy like before
05:29就像从前一样 Just like before
05:32我以后再也不会爱任何女孩了 I won't love any girl anymore
05:34你别这么说吧! Don't say that!
05:37不,是真的 No, it's true
05:44爱情有时候就像一场大雨 Love is like a storm
05:46有时候就像一场大雨 Sometimes it's like a rain
05:48但有时候就像一颗球 But sometimes it's like a ball
05:50从球场上飞到一颗球从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
05:52这很难预料 It's hard to predict
05:56我相信有一天我会遇到一个我爱的女孩 I believe one day I will meet a girl I love
06:04爱情有时候就像一场大雨 Love is like a storm
06:06有时候就像一颗球 But sometimes it's like a rain
06:08但有时候就像一颗球 But sometimes it's like a ball
06:10从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:12从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:14从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:16从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:18从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:20从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:22从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:24从球场上飞到一颗球 From the ball to your feet
06:27One Year Later
06:36Lü Qiang, What's happening now?
06:38How's your heart?
06:40My heart... it's broken
06:42Hm? What?
06:44Wanna return to the doctors to have a double-check?
06:46I'll push it up
06:48Qiu Qiu, I don't think like Mu Ziyan
06:52He's her senior, you're her junior
06:54Why don't you open your eyes and look at me?
06:56Don't you dare to have any worse points than him because of your appearance?
07:00Are you taking the wrong medicine?
07:02Why do all the girls I like like the ocean?
07:05Hey, hey, who are you talking about?
07:08It's you!
07:09I have feelings for you more than anyone, but you've never looked at me!
07:13I have feelings for you more than anyone, but you've never looked at me!
07:23What are you doing?
07:24Look at you!
07:25Look at you for 3 seconds!
07:27You said I've never looked at you!
07:29What are you looking at me for?
07:30Why are you staring at me?
07:34Our village is holding a beauty pageant.
07:36There are beautiful girls everywhere.
07:37You should look at me.
07:39I really don't understand what you're going through.
07:42Why are you so depressed?
07:45To be precise, I'm not the only one who is sad.
07:49So who else?
07:51It's you!
07:52What does it have to do with me?
07:54Do you know?
07:55I saw Quan Quan and Meiyun at the restaurant.
07:57Meiyun is really bad.
07:58I don't know where she got the ring from.
08:00She proposed to Quan Quan.
08:02She proposed to Quan Quan?
08:03She proposed to Quan Quan.
08:04Don't you think she's selfish?
08:05Don't you think she's selfish?
08:06If she didn't give him the ring, she wouldn't sell it.
08:08Is Quan Quan angry?
08:09Quan Quan looks very anxious.
08:10Quan Quan looks very anxious.
08:11I feel like I'm running away.
08:12I feel like I'm running away.
08:14Tell me.
08:15Why is my heart beating so fast?
08:19Hurry up.
08:20What are you waiting for? Hurry up.
08:23Hurry up.
08:24If not, they will be moved.
08:25If not, they will be moved.
08:26If not, they will be moved.
08:27If not, they will be moved.
08:29Hurry up.
08:51Quan Quan.
08:52You have accepted the proposal, haven't you?
08:53Quan Quan.
08:54But he looks very sad.
08:55But he looks very sad.
08:56I feel sad too.
08:57I feel sad too.
09:00What are they practicing?
09:02Kailiang is working on the TV station.
09:04He wants to film beautiful women like the Queen and the advertisers.
09:06He wants to film beautiful women like the Queen and the advertisers.
09:07They are practicing in order.
09:08They are practicing in order.
09:09They are learning dancing too.
09:10They are learning dancing too.
09:12How is it?
09:14It is very interesting.
09:15How is it?
09:16Why are you so silly?
09:17What is so strange?
09:18Is it a true love story?
09:19Ask for it.
09:20What are you saying?
09:21If you don't get it, then what will you do?
09:23If you don't get it, then what will you do?
09:25Ask for what?
09:26Ask for proposal.
09:28Who will marry whom?
09:33Quan Quan. Give it to me.
09:36My mother is just pretending to be your mother.
09:37My mother is just pretending to be your mother.
09:38Don't believe it's true.
09:39Take what?
09:40The ring.
09:41What are you playing at?
09:43What ring?
09:44The ring belongs to her.
09:46You gave it to her.
09:47Of course it's hers.
09:48But you need to tell her clearly.
09:50You're not just pretending to be shy.
09:52Ask her again.
09:53If it's not true,
09:55what should we do?
09:55I propose to Junjun?
09:57You don't even kiss her.
09:59Don't shout.
10:00People are watching.
10:02You're shouting.
10:03You're talking nonsense.
10:04You've never kissed her.
10:05Kieu Kieu, what's going on?
10:07Phi Duong said if I don't marry you two,
10:09you two will get married and have kids.
10:12It's Phi Duong again.
10:13He's always doing stupid things.
10:15He's always talking nonsense.
10:16What's going on?
10:17That's right, Kieu Kieu.
10:18Why are you so superstitious?
10:20Why would I marry Phi Duong?
10:22Phi Duong just told me
10:23you gave the ring to Junjun to propose to her.
10:28Listen carefully.
10:29That ring was given to Junjun by Tieu Ngai.
10:31Junjun didn't accept it, so he gave it back to Junjun.
10:34Do you understand now?
10:38Okay, I'm sorry.
10:40I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
10:41It's just a rumor.
10:45I can't stand this Phi Duong.
10:47I have to find a way to get out of here.
10:52This is a big misunderstanding.
10:54Luckily, I gave the ring back to Tieu Ngai.
10:57Junjun, have you completed the mission
11:00to marry her?
11:05Very good.
11:06Don't let her go.
11:08What do you mean?
11:10Don't make a fake love movie.
11:13You know I love Phi Duong.
11:36Wow, what a beautiful rose.
11:43Is this for me?
11:47Of course it's for you.
11:48Of course it's for me.
12:06Let's go.
12:14I'll go.
12:15Wait a minute.
12:23I'm just kidding.
12:25How can you joke about such a thing?
12:27Okay, forget it.
12:29Just take it as I misunderstood.
12:30So now I have a chance to propose to Junjun?
12:34You are a woman.
12:36Can't I chase her away?
12:38Please, I'm begging you.
12:40Oh my god, begging and chasing.
12:42It's the same thing.
12:43There's one thing I want to tell you.
12:45Although you are my superior,
12:47we are good friends, right?
12:49I'm also honored to have a friend like you.
12:52So we have a chance to be fair and chase Junjun away.
12:55Maybe you have this style, right?
12:57Don't you like Kieu Kieu?
12:59Why did you change your mind?
13:01Kieu Kieu likes you, but you don't.
13:04He won't give up on me.
13:06We just have to be fair.
13:08Let's see who can chase Junjun away.
13:11Okay, you can rest assured.
13:13I won't take you as a superior to bully you.
13:16But you can't say no in front of Junjun.
13:19No problem.
13:21Truth is not afraid of fire, good is not afraid of anger.
14:04Oh my god, oh my god.
14:06Calm down, calm down.
14:08We're looking for the hotel manager, Mya.
14:10This is the hotel manager, Mya.
14:12He's in room 9, floor 4.
14:22Something happened to Mya?
14:28Is she pretty?
14:30Very pretty.
14:32She looks like a princess.
14:34Do you like her?
14:36Yes, I like her very much.
14:38Thank you for giving me such a beautiful dress.
14:40Maybe Mya doesn't mind going to the beauty pageant.
14:45Oh my god, oh my god.
14:47What happened?
14:49Do you want to go to the emergency room?
14:51This is more important than the emergency room.
14:53What happened? Tell me.
14:55I saw a group of soldiers coming to catch Mya.
14:57Soldiers? Police?
14:59I don't know.
15:02I don't know where Mya is.
15:04I'm sure Mya did something terrible.
15:06What are you talking about?
15:08What happened? What did your dad do?
15:10Your dad went to meet the ghost at night.
15:12Meet the ghost?
15:14Please don't scare the kids.
15:16What if someone comes to catch you?
15:18Mya, let's go.
15:32Hurry up.
15:34I know.
15:36Dad, are you okay?
15:38I'm fine.
15:40The people outside are coming to catch you.
15:42No way.
15:44Who told you that?
15:46Phi Duong told me that you were in trouble.
15:48Someone came to catch you.
15:50Phi Duong, don't be fooled.
15:52I saw those people.
15:54They are my brothers.
15:56You are really good at guessing.
15:58Those people are security guards.
16:00They are the sponsors of our contest.
16:02This is a real memory.
16:04We have to plan how to advertise it
16:06in front of the press.
16:08Can you wait and see?
16:10No way.
16:12No wonder those people
16:14are so careful.
16:16Dad, let me wear it.
16:18No way.
16:20If you ruin it,
16:22Biden can't afford it.
16:24Dad, let me wear it.
16:26No way.
16:29I'm sorry.
16:31You are such a bad son.
16:33I know.
16:35Let us try it.
16:37Mya, you look so beautiful
16:39when you are smiling.
16:41Stop kidding.
16:43I can't wear it if something happens.
16:45I can't wear it if something happens.
16:47It turns out that you two are not qualified.
16:49It turns out that you two are not qualified.
16:51If it were someone else,
16:53he would bring the bag to the house.
16:55he would bring the bag to the house.
16:58Who is that?
17:12what are you going to do?
17:14You look so beautiful.
17:16You will know when you are in the room.
17:18You will know when you are in the room.
17:28It is so dark.
17:30It is so dark.
17:34Don't turn on the light.
17:36Come here.
17:38Come here.
17:40Close your eyes.
17:42Close your eyes.
17:57Don't open your eyes.
18:08It's done.
18:09Is it?
18:28Now you can slowly open your eyes.
18:49Oh my god!
18:51It's so beautiful!
18:53Why are there so many candles?
18:55Why are there so many candles?
18:58I decorated it for you.
19:00Do you like it?
19:09I know!
19:12Today is your birthday, isn't it?
19:22You made my wish come true.
19:32It's so beautiful.
19:45Is it beautiful?
19:47Very beautiful.
19:50You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
19:56Why are you looking at me like that?
19:59Usually, in such a romantic atmosphere,
20:01should a man look at the leading role like that?
20:08After that,
20:16turn on the music,
20:18and hug the leading role.
20:27You're welcome.
20:55You're welcome.
21:06By the way,
21:08it's so beautiful.
21:09You should take a picture like this.
21:14No problem.
21:17Today, I'm your exclusive photographer,
21:19and you're my exclusive model.
21:26Let's take a picture.
21:57do we look like robbers?
21:59What do you mean?
22:00We are like his secret guards, right?
22:04Because he is in love,
22:05he looks very pitiful.
22:07Or are we the target?
22:10Wait a minute.
22:11Are you stupid?
22:12Why are we the target?
22:14Don't you see that he always wants to be a nuisance to others?
22:19I see.
22:20Anyway, he doesn't want to leave.
22:21If we keep chasing him,
22:23he will give up.
22:24If we keep waiting,
22:25he will give up.
22:30It's good to be a little busy.
22:32At home, my mom will force me to get married.
22:34Force you to get married?
22:36Your mom is afraid that you can't find the right one,
22:38so she sets up a blind date for you.
22:40The whole process can turn into a movie,
22:42which is watched 101 times.
22:43101 blind dates?
22:45Have you chosen anyone?
22:47My mom is very careful.
22:48Maybe she is the one who will get married,
22:50not me.
22:52Next time I see your mom,
22:53I will definitely thank her.
22:57Because she helped me to keep you,
22:59so I didn't get married.
23:13Thank you for taking me home.
23:51I love you.
24:04You bastard!
24:18Wait, wait.
24:19Wait for what?
24:21The ring you gave me last time.
24:23Why is it like that?
24:26Don't you believe me?
24:50You take it.
24:51Take it.
24:56There is someone.
25:08Catch the robbers!
25:09Catch the robbers!
25:10Help me!
25:11Catch the robbers!
25:12Help me!
25:14Catch the robbers!
25:15Catch the robbers!
25:16Help me!
25:17Help me!
25:19Help me!
25:20Catch the robbers!
25:39Don't run!
25:41What's going on?
25:42Catch the robbers!
25:48Don't buy toilet there.
25:49This way.
26:00Don't run!
26:11Don't run!
26:13Catch them!
26:29Stand up!
26:30Get up!
26:31Are you going to run away?
26:32You two still want to run?
26:33What have you been stealing?
26:34Take out the knife.
26:35Don't take it out!
26:37Don't take it out!
26:38What's that?
26:40What's happening?
26:43What are you doing here?
26:44Oh my God!
26:45I'm dying to see you.
26:46You're so hungry.
26:56Mrs. Ta, you said they robbed you.
27:00Yes, it's me.
27:02Then please check again to see if you lost anything.
27:06I didn't lose anything.
27:09Mrs. Ta, don't worry.
27:11Go to the room and check again to see if you lost anything valuable.
27:15No, I didn't.
27:17Why didn't you lose anything?
27:20I know what she lost.
27:23Tell me, what did she lose?
27:25I can't tell you.
27:27If you don't believe me, just say it.
27:30She dropped a towel.
27:36Okay, okay.
27:38Stop talking nonsense.
27:44Mrs. Ta, you didn't lose anything.
27:47So we have nothing, right?
27:49Yes, we're not robbers.
27:51We need money.
27:53What nonsense is he talking about?
28:00You're the guide.
28:02You didn't lose anything, right?
28:04So can we go now?
28:06Mrs. Du, this is just a misunderstanding.
28:09Can you give me a lift to my room?
28:11No, I can't.
28:12This is just a misunderstanding.
28:14Can you give me a lift to my room?
28:16No, I can't.
28:18Mrs. Du, please don't make it hard for my guest.
28:21I'm not making it hard for him.
28:23I'm just doing my job.
28:25But what did you say?
28:27You said you found evidence to prove that she didn't lose anything.
28:30Maybe Mrs. Ta was so nervous that she thought it was a robbery.
28:33This is just a misunderstanding.
28:35Yes, the guide was right.
28:37When she said she found evidence to prove that she didn't lose anything,
28:39she didn't lose anything.
28:41She didn't lose anything.
28:44So can you give me a lift to my room now?
28:47No, I can't.
28:49Okay, I'll go get the guide.
28:53The guide is angry.
28:57I'm sorry.
28:59Are you the hotel manager?
29:01Yes, I am.
29:03I'm sorry to bother you.
29:05My ring is missing.
29:07Your ring is missing?
29:16Director, you came at the right time.
29:18What's the matter?
29:20Before the competition starts,
29:22I'd like to use this opportunity to lead everyone to vote for me.
29:25I told your uncle before.
29:27I have a beer party this afternoon.
29:29You can invite tourists to your tourist area.
29:31The more tourists you have, the more fun it will be.
29:36I'll try my best.
29:37Okay, okay.
29:39I'll bring some beautiful girls to your hotel.
29:41You can either support me
29:43or advertise the product for me.
29:45Let's go have breakfast.
29:47Do you want to go with me?
29:49No, thank you.
29:55Wow, this is so cool.
30:00How did you catch them?
30:02How did you catch them?
30:04That's the specialty.
30:05It's fast and slow.
30:07That's when I found out that these two idiots
30:09were running away.
30:11I was the first one to report it.
30:13Then I used my magic
30:15to send a message.
30:17We have to fight back.
30:19We have to fight back.
30:21We have to scare them.
30:23We have to cry and call their parents.
30:25What are you doing?
30:27I'm writing a novel.
30:29Dad, the novel is very interesting.
30:31Don't read it.
30:32If you want to read it,
30:34I'm not against it.
30:36This is an excellent process.
30:38How can I not tell you?
30:40Uncle Phi Duong,
30:42I've only ever heard of a tiger catching a goat,
30:44but I've never heard of a tiger catching a wolf.
30:46Little girl,
30:48do you know the meaning of the word goat?
30:50What does it mean?
30:52It means a fat tiger.
30:54If we don't catch a wolf,
30:56will we be able to catch Uncle Phi Duong?
30:58That's enough, Phi Duong.
30:59I'm going to meet the director.
31:01I'm sure he's a robber.
31:03The director will praise me.
31:05When I meet him later,
31:07don't say anything about me.
31:09I'm sure the director is eager to meet you.
31:13The director is meeting Mr. Hung, right?
31:26I have to be 3 minutes ahead of you.
31:293 minutes.
31:44Where's David?
31:46David has something to do. He'll be here later.
31:49You don't dare to meet me, do you?
31:51Of course I don't dare to meet you.
31:53The robbery yesterday was done by me alone.
31:55Mr. Dung was there.
31:56That's why David doesn't dare to meet the director
31:59even if he has a gun.
32:01He's working with me.
32:03He's working with you.
32:05So it's really hard for you.
32:07It's not hard at all.
32:09It's just a little bit of work.
32:11A little bit of work?
32:13Will the director be able to do it?
32:15I don't really accept it.
32:17So I have to give you a compliment.
32:19What kind of compliment?
32:21It's just a little thing.
32:23A little thing?
32:24Now they're going to arrest us.
32:26Do you know that?
32:28Arrest us?
32:30Isn't our hotel under tax?
32:35I'm about to go crazy because of you.
32:37The murderers are arresting people.
32:39Now they want to sue us.
32:41Arresting and having evidence.
32:43Those who don't have evidence,
32:45how can they say they're robbers?
32:47I don't know.
32:49Yesterday, I saw Mei Yu chasing them.
32:51Then I followed them.
32:52Are you crazy?
32:54Oh my god, Mei Yu.
32:56Why are you so stupid?
32:58I'm going to find him right now.
33:00Don't make me angry.
33:06Mei Yu, why didn't you come in to save me?
33:09Didn't you just say you told me to wait for three minutes?
33:12I was fired.
33:14You didn't come in to save me.
33:16Didn't you say you were going to show your heroism?
33:20I just told you to wait for three minutes.
33:24Let's go.
33:29Bro, take care of yourself.
33:37What a pity.
33:39The hero turned into a dog.
33:41Miss, please have two cups of coffee.
33:43I know the soldier took the ring.
33:45So the ring is not lost.
33:46It can't be.
33:48The soldier took the ring.
33:50So he has to marry her.
33:52You're a good girl.
33:54You don't have to be a guide for everyone.
33:56Don't dream.
33:58I don't know what you're thinking.
34:00That's great.
34:02That's great.
34:04If that's the case, you don't have to worry anymore.
34:06Worry about what?
34:08What are you afraid of?
34:10Why did the guide steal my father?
34:12Don't worry.
34:13You have me.
34:15My father won't be robbed by the soldiers.
34:17You like the soldiers, don't you?
34:21Take a picture of Mickey and Minnie.
34:23Let me know who you and your father are supporting.
34:26Of course, it's you.
34:29Can you hear me?
34:31What did you say?
34:33You want to compete with the soldiers?
34:38I'm just an example.
34:41You make me angry.
34:43Don't tell me you're afraid of losing the ring.
34:45But you don't have a police officer.
34:47You don't look sad.
34:49You don't regret it.
34:51You're so personal.
34:53That's because he has a rich mother.
34:55I'm hungry. Don't talk about the ring.
34:57I don't regret losing the building.
34:59How can a building be robbed?
35:02I thought
35:04there was someone in the hotel who lost the ring.
35:06You often write novels on the Internet.
35:08Can you tell me how
35:10to catch those thieves?
35:13I don't know.
35:22Hello, sir. I'm No. 15.
35:24Can I take a picture with you?
35:26How much do you want to drink?
35:28The whole bottle is empty.
35:32Do you have a ticket?
35:36Thank you for your help.
35:38Thank you both
35:40for not giving up.
35:41My client didn't give up.
35:43He didn't give up. We didn't give up.
35:46If we don't give up,
35:48let's go somewhere else to drink beer.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:12The hotel was in a hurry.
36:14I was busy with the contest.
36:16I didn't know anything about this.
36:21I'm just a tourist.
36:23When I don't have a client,
36:25I can't catch them.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:35Forget it.
36:38You're a police officer.
36:39What about the diamonds?
36:41I said I wanted to call the police.
36:43He said he didn't need them.
36:45But there's no evidence to arrest him.
36:47And he doesn't care about the diamonds.
36:50What do you want me to do?
36:52What do you want me to do?
36:54We have to find the right diamonds.
36:56And he threw the diamonds into the house.
36:59Are those places for the diamonds?
37:02It's a place to hide the diamonds.
37:04I know it's not fun to hide the diamonds.
37:06I knew it before I got the ring.
37:07I gave it back to her when I met her mother.
37:10But nothing happened.
37:12I can't.
37:14My mother will misunderstand.
37:16I agreed to marry her son.
37:19I'm worried about your husband.
37:24Do you remember?
37:26We prayed at the waterfall.
37:28I asked you.
37:30What did you pray for?
37:32I hope one day
37:34you will accept the ring.
37:38I really want to have a day like this.
37:53That's it.
38:00This is the U.S. newspaper.
38:02And this is the passport.
38:04Let's see if there's any mistake.
38:05If there's no mistake, sign here.
38:07Put it in the safe.
38:09Mimi is afraid of losing it.
38:15Did you just find the newspaper?
38:17There are still a lot at home.
38:19And the luggage is too heavy, so I can't take it all.
38:21If you don't take it all,
38:23I'll have to hire 10 more security guards.
38:25So keep it 24 by 24.
38:27Mimi studies at the newspaper family.
38:29So she especially likes it.
38:31Newspaper family?
38:33My father said
38:35he could hire 10 more security guards for me.
38:39Why are you doing this for her?
38:41She's telling the truth.
38:44Do you...
38:46Do you like me?
38:56She's asking you.
39:02Yes, I like you.
39:04Yes, I like you.
39:12She's fine.
39:14What's wrong with her?
39:16Mimi's eyes are broken.
39:18So it's time to go to the emergency room.
39:20It's much better now.
39:22I'm so scared.
39:24If someone saves her,
39:26it's like hugging a bomb.
39:28Oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:32Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:34Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:36Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:38Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:40I'm fine.
39:42I'm happy to meet someone I like.
39:44But I like you
39:46for no reason.
39:48Okay, stop talking.
39:50Let me check.
40:07Mimi, don't worry.
40:09I'll keep it for you.
40:18The science competition is very tiring.
40:21I have to help her keep the newspaper.
40:23Oh, girls like to be beautiful.
40:25Please help her.
40:27It's strange.
40:28Maybe it's because Mr. Trieu is too old-fashioned.
40:43Oh, no.
40:44The contestant's passport is gone.
40:46The passport is gone.
40:47The contestant's passport is gone.
40:50This is bad.
40:52I didn't catch the thief in the diamond ring.
40:54Now the contestant's passport has been stolen.
40:56Tell me.
40:57How did the contestant's passport get here?
40:59Why did this happen?
41:01I don't know.
41:03I really thought I could be careful
41:05and put it in the safe.
41:07But in the end, it was stolen.
41:09But in the end, it was stolen.
41:10Hey, think about it.
41:12Does anyone know what's in the safe?
41:13Besides Khai Le,
41:16there's also Kieu Kieu,
41:18Mei Ni,
41:20and Phi Duong.
41:23And Phi Chiao.
41:24Besides them, is there anyone else?
41:28Do they know the password to the safe?
41:32Then it can't be that they took it.
41:36Then who is it?
41:46I'll be right back.
41:49Who's looking for you?
41:51Khai Le.
41:54Khai Le.
42:04Mei Ni, it's you.
42:06Do you know how worried I was?
42:08Tell me.
42:09I didn't do anything.
42:10Don't talk back.
42:11How dare you answer me?
42:12You're so noisy.
42:13Tell me who gave it to you.
42:15Khai Le gave it to me.
42:18If it wasn't for him,
42:19I would have let Tung Yi take it.
42:21I thought it was stolen.
42:25It's you.
42:26That's right.
42:27Mei Ni told me
42:28that she wanted to be an actress,
42:29but you didn't agree.
42:32Mei Ni is still too young
42:33to learn the rules.
42:35I followed the rules.
42:36I didn't say she couldn't take the exam.
42:39Maybe the rules are wrong.
42:42But this is a technical problem.
42:43The rules can be changed.
42:45People can understand why their daughters can't.
42:48I think this is very creative and advertising.
42:51Mei Ni is very creative.
42:53She's creative.
42:54Look at her.
42:55She wants to wear an adult's clothes.
42:57I don't know where this dress comes from.
42:59What's wrong with this dress?
43:01Look at her dress.
43:02It's familiar.
43:04You mean
43:05I don't know how to dress?
43:07I don't mean that.
43:08I mean this dress.
43:09I'm the owner of this dress.
43:23This is a very important skill.
43:24It's called
43:26Ladies, take a picture.
43:30I can't believe it.
43:31It's also called heart-to-heart.
43:33I can't believe it.
43:34It's also called heart-to-heart.
44:02I heard that you're the one who's still in Kim Cuong, right?
44:09My name is Tieu Ngai.
44:12My name is Ha Thu Le.
44:14People call me Thu Thu.
44:20Love is sometimes like a wind,
44:22sometimes like a rain,
44:24sometimes like a bubble.
44:26If you don't take the cake and roll it on your feet,
44:28will it be enough?
44:30I believe that one day,
44:32I will meet the girl I love.
44:52It's been a long time since I had a coffee like this.
44:58I want to do something.
44:59I want to be advertised
45:01as a beauty queen.
45:03Can you help me with this?
45:06No problem.
45:07When I have a plan,
45:08I will let you know.
45:15I have one more thing to ask you.
45:19How do you feel about My My?
45:21Not bad.
45:22Not bad.
45:25I heard that
45:26your son is very fond of you.
45:28What do you mean?
45:29What do you mean?
45:31I also heard you say to My My that
45:33you like her very much.
45:37I also told her at that time.
45:38I said so without any intention.
45:41I know your personality.
45:43You are not the kind of person to say such things.
45:48There is nothing to be afraid of.
45:50Duong told me already.
45:52He wants me to arrange for the two of you to go out for dinner
45:55to get to know each other better.
45:58But I didn't do anything wrong to Trieu Tong.
46:01It's the right time.
46:02This is a chance for the two of you
46:03to overcome your misunderstanding.
46:06That will only make it worse.
46:08What's wrong with you?
46:09It's just a meal.
46:10Why do you keep denying it?
46:13You shouldn't eat on your own.
46:14Otherwise, you will have an aftereffect.
46:16I'm not hungry.
46:17I don't eat on my own.
46:18You just help me to have a meal
46:20and establish a good relationship with Trieu Tong.
46:22Can't I?
46:26You can't.
